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Summary Geological, papaeontological and microfacies studies in the Lower Cambrian carbonate complex of the G?rlitz Synclinorium (eastern Germany/Saxony/Lusatian region) provide new data for the fossil content, depositional history and palaeogeography. The Lower Cambrian of the G?rlitz Synclinorium belongs to the facies zones 5, 7 and 8 ofWilson (1975)-platform rim with connections to the open ocean and to the restricted platform areas. An extraordinarily rich fauna was found with elements which are in some cases new for Europe (Rhombocorniculum cancellatum Cobbold,Fordilla sibirica Krasilova, Calodiscus lobatus Hall,Archaeooides granulatus Qian,Archiasterella pentactina Sdzuy,Allonia sp.,Obliquatheca aldanica Sysoiev,Conotheca circumflexa Missarzhevsky,Microcornus elongatus Missarzhevsky,Lenalituus sp.,Pelagiella cf.lorenzi Kobayashi,Beshtashella sp.,Comluella sp.,Cambroclavithidae gen. et sp. indet., Helcionellidae gen. et sp., indet. Eocrinoidea gen. et sp. indet.) This fauna indicates Lower Cambrian (higher Atdabanian/Botomian) age and reveals palaeobiogeographical connections to the Siberian Platform, to the Mediterranean area and to China. A somewhat new stratigraphical subdivision of the Lower Cambrian sequence (Zwetau Formation) is described. New units are established within the Ludwigsdorf Member (the carbonatic lower part of the sequence), the ‘Lower Ludwigsdorf Member’ (massive dolostone) and the ‘Upper Ludwigsdorf Member’ (bedeed limestones and their equivalents). The subsequentLusatiops Member is subdivided intoSerrodiscus Bed (claystones) andLusatiops Bed (siltstones).  相似文献   

Humesiella corallicola n.g., n.sp., a lichomolgid copepod associated with the hard coral Hypnophora sp. is described from the South East Coast of India. Genus Humesiella nov. is close to Lichomolgus Thorell, Nasomolgus Sewell, Lichomolgides Gotto and Epimolgus Bocquet & Stock, in possessing a two-segmented fourth endopod with 2 terminal spines. However, it differs from all the known lichomolgid genera in having a massive appendage-like posterior basal lobe on the second maxilla.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Das Bestäubungsspektrum der tschechoslowakischen Monocotyledonen enthält 33% entomogame, 59% anemogame und 1% hydrogame Gattungen; außerdem werden 3 Übergangstypen (2%), und zwarAlisma L.,Potamogeton L. undRuppia L., sowie 7 zweifelhafte Fälle (5%), und zwarTriglochin L.,Ruscus L.,Limodorum Boehm.,Liparis Rich.,Corallorhiza Hall.,Spirodela Schleiden undLemna L., angegeben. Der einzige bekannte Windblütler unter den tschechoslowakischen Liliaceen istParis L. Der verhältnismäßig hohe Anteil anemogamer Sippen (59%) ist vor allem durch Poaceen und Cyperaceen bedingt. Ferner wurde das Verhältnis von entomogamen Gattungen mit Nektarblumen (65%), Pollenblumen (2%) und Täuschblumen (14%) festgestellt; in diesem Zusammenhang zweifelhafte Fälle sind:Narthecium Huds.,Maianthemum Weber,Epipogium R.Br.,Coeloglossum Hartm.,Herminium R.Br.,Anacamptis Rich.,Himantoglossum Spreng.,Achroanthes Raf. (Malaxis Sol.),Hammarbya O.Ktze. undCephalanthera Rich. (19%). Als Gattungen mit (völligen oder teilweisen) Täuschblumen werden angeführt:Orchis L.,Cypripedium L.,Ophrys L.,Stratiotes L.,Veratrum L.,Arum L. undCalla L. Der annähernde Bestäubungsanteil (Bestäubungswert) einzelner Insektengruppen erwies sich, wie folgt:Hymenoptera 35%,Diptera 27%,Lepidoptera 19%,Coleoptera 18% und übrige Insekten 1%. Der verhältnismäßig hohe Anteil von Coleopteren ist mit Vorbehalt zu werten, da manche Käferarten beim Blumenbesuch oft keine Bestäubung bewirken.  相似文献   

Veronica davisii M. A.Fischer, sp. n., limited to the mountains of Kurdistan (S. E. Turkey and N. Iraq), is related to the Turkish-CaucasianV. gentianoides Vahl.V. montbretii M. A.Fischer, sp. n., a local endemic of Erzincan prov. (E. Anatolia), shows affinities to the CaucasianV. liwanensis C. Koch and to the Turkish endemicV. oltensis Woron. & Schelk. from Erzurum province.  相似文献   

The species of flies breeding in bovine manure, their parasites and predators as well as other associated arthropods in 3 localities in and near Bangalore are recoreded. The flies areMusca domestica L.,Musca pattoni Austen,Stomoxys calcitrans L.,Physiphora aenea F.,Physiphora demandata F.,Sargus metallinus F.,Sepsis thoracica R.-D.,Sepsis nitens Wiedemann,Sphaerocera scabricula Hal, andLeptocera (Coproica) hirtula Rondani. Four species of hymenopterous pupal parasites of these flies have been obtained:Spalangia cameroni Perkins from pupae ofM. domestica, M. pattoni, S. calcitrans, P. aenea andP. demandata; Spalangia endius Walker from pupae ofM. domestica, M. pattoni andS. calcitrans; Spalangia nigroaenea Curtis from pupae ofM. domestica andS. calcitrans; andDirhinus trichiophthalmus Masi from pupae ofSargus metallinus F. Percentage parasitism of fly puparia in field samples was noted. Four species ofHister andAleochara puberula Klug feeding on various immature stages ofM. domestica, 2 species of scarabaeid beetles, 2 species of ants and a pseudoscorpion were also found in the manure. The importance of biotic regulatory factors in the control of flies is discussed.
Résumé Dans 3 localités de Bangalore ou proches de cette ville, on a inventorié les espèces de mouches vivant dans le fumier de vache, leurs parasites et prédateurs ainsi que d'autres arthropodes associés. Les mouches récoltées sont:Musca domestica L.,Musca pattoni Austen,Stomoxys calcitrans L.,Physiphora aenea F.,Physiphora demandata F.,Sargus metallinus F.,Sepsis thoracica R-D.,Sepsis nitens Wiedemann,Sphaerocera scabricula Hal. etLeptocera (Coproica) hirtula Rondani. Quatre espèces d'hyménoptères parasites des pupes ont été obtenues de ces mouches:Spalangia cameroni Perkins deM. domestica, M. pattoni, S. calcitrans, P. aenea etP. demandata: Spalangia endius Walker deM. domestica, M. pattoni etS. calcitrans, P. aenea etP. demandata; Spalangia endius Walker trans; etDirhinus trichiophthalmus Masi deSargus metallinus F. On a noté le taux de parasitisme des nymphes dans les conditions naturelles. Quatre espèces deHister etAleochara puberula Klug s'attaquant aux divers stades non imaginaux deM. domestica, 2 espèces de scarabeides, 2 espèces de fourmis et un pseudoscorpion ont été également trouvés dans le fumier. L'importance de ces facteurs biotiques dans la régulation des populations de mouches est discutée.

Paper presented at the seminar on utilization of farm wastes for rural industrial growth, National Dairy Research Institute, Bangalore, 31 st December, 1975.

This paper is published with the permission of the Director-General, Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes five foliicolous fungi imperfecti from Jabalpur in India. It includesPhyllosticta hasijai Agarwal on leaves ofAcacia melanoxylon R. Br. andCercospora anisochilicola Agarwal onAnisochilus eriocephalus, two new species,C. jasminicola Mueller &Chupp onJasminum sp. andC. achyranthina Thirum. &Chupp onAchyranthes aspera L., two new records for the state, andPestalotiopsis glandicola (Cast.)Steyaert onCassia tora L., a new addition to the fungus flora of India.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Für drei Arten der Boraginaceen werden neue Chromosomenzahlen mitgeteilt:Lithodora rosmarinifolia (Ten.)Johnston 2n=26,Moltkea doerfleri Wettstein n=48,Nonnea pulla (L.) DC., n=10, 2n=20. FürAnchusa officinalis L. wird die Chromosomenzahl 2n=16 und n=8 bestätigt.
Summary There are reported the chromosome-numbers of three species of the Boraginaceae:Lithodora rosmarinifolia (Ten.)Johnston 2n=26,Moltkea doerfleri Wettstein n=48,Nonnea pulla (L.) DC., n=10, 2n=20. The chromosome-number ofAnchusa officinalis L., 2n=16, n=8 could be verified.

Opercular characters are of major importance to understanding the living and fossil groups in the vetigastropod superfamily TurbinoideaRafinesque. Here we evaluate current knowledge of fossil turbinoid opercula in the light of a newly discovered Recent colloniid with an unfamiliar opercular morphology. The operculum ofLiotipoma n. gen. has a multispiral and conical inner surface; the outer surface is rugose with a central pit. Similar opercula are known from the Late CretaceousSohlipoma n. gen. and the Early CretaceousPetropoma Gabb. These genera are assigned to the here redefined colloniid subfamily PetropomatinaeCox inKnight et al., which was based originally onGabb’s misinterpretation of the inner and outer sides of the operculum ofPetropoma peruana Gabb. In contrast, opercula of most living members of Colloniinae s.S., have a flat inner side with a multispiral pattern that becomes paucispiral. In addition, opercula typical for living Turbinidae are here traced to the Late Cretaceous. The new genusLiotipoma has lamellar sculpture like that of Liotiidae H. & A.Adams, showing that such sculpture is not restricted to the Liotiidae. We also reject previous allocations of the Permian DichostasiinaeYochelson and Jurassic Cross-ostomatinaeCox inKnight et al. to Liotiidae, and find an undisputed earliest known Jurassic occurrence for the Liotiidae. The recent suggestion that the change from corneous to calcareous opercula among turbinids occurred concurrently with a change in pattern from multispiral to paucispiral is not supported by our data.  相似文献   

H. Hoehn  W. Engel 《Human genetics》1969,8(2):105-110
Summary Measurement studies were carried out on the B-group chromosomes in three patients with suspected cri-du-chat syndrome, four karyotypically confirmed cases of the syndrome and three normal subjects. None of the propositi showed a detectable short-arm deletion. Within the four cases with obvious short arm deletion the amount of the deletion varies to a high degree. In addition to the technique of chromosome measurement proposed by other authors (e.g. Warburton et al., 1967, 1969; Miller et al., 1969), we present another method easely to apply for screening purposes in cases in which a deletion is not readily detectable, blind studies were unsuccessful, or when the amount of the deletion ought to be demonstrated.
Zusammenfassung Messungen der B-Chromosomen wurden in Metaphasen verschiedener Probanden durchgeführt: 1. drei Patienten mit Verdacht auf Cri du Chat-Syndrom ohne sichtbare Defizienz am kurzen Arm von Chromosom 5; 2. vier Patienten mit deutlich erkennbarer Defizienz; 3. drei gesunde Vergleichspersonen mit unauffälligem Karyotyp. Eine Deletion war in keinem der Verdachtsfälle nachweisbar. In der Gruppe mit Defizienz zeigte sich eine erhebliche Variation im Ausmaß des deletierten Segments. In Ergänzung zu Methoden der Chromosomenmessung anderer Autoren (vgl. Warburton et al., 1967, 1969; Miller et al., 1969) wird eine weitere einfache Methode angewendet, die unter geringem Aufwand in Zweifelsfällen Aufschluß über das Vorhandensein und Ausmaß einer Deletion am kurzen Arm eines B-Chromosoms geben kann.

Urediniospores ofCronartium ribicola J. C. Fisch. exRabenh. were observed within the petiole ofRibes petiolare L. These spores occurred internal to xylem tissues within the region of undifferentiated parenchyma cells (pith). Fungal tissues were sparse and fully differentiated sori were absent.Research Plant Pathologist and Biological Laboratory Technician, USDA Forest Serv., Intermountain Forest and Range Exp. Sta., Ogden, Utah, stationed in Moscow, Idaho83843, at Forestry Sciences Laboratory, maintained in cooperation with the University of Idaho.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridizations were made between species of theE. semicostatus group, viz.,E. semicostatus (Nees exSteud.)Meld.,E. validus (Meld.)B. Salomon,E. abolinii (Drob.)Tzvel., andE. fedtschenkoi Tzvel., and species of theE. tibeticus group, viz.,E. pendulinus (Nevski)Tzvel.,E. tibeticus (Meld.)Singh,E. shandongensis B. Salomon, andE. gmelinii (Ledeb.)Tzvel., as well as among species within theE. tibeticus group. All species are tetraploid (2n = 4x = 28) and possess SY genomes. Meiotic pairing data from 24 hybrids involving 17 interspecific combinations are presented. The average number of chiasmata per cell ranged from 17.91 to 26.20 in hybrids within theE. tibeticus group, compared with 7.26 to 22.04 in hybrids between the two species groups. Despite the extensive collection of cytological data, there was no definite evidence for confirming or disproving the separate existence of the two groups.  相似文献   

Smriga M  Torii K 《Amino acids》2003,24(4):435-437
Summary.  We studied the effects of l-lysine on wrap-restraint stress-induced changes in ureagenesis. An exposure to wrap-restraint stress did not affect the plasma concentration of l-lysine, but did decrease plasma urea and arginine. Oral l-lysine (1 g/kg) blocked the effect of stress on ureagenesis, and enhanced the effect of stress on l-arginine. No influence of l-lysine were found in controls. The results imply a stress-specific, ureagenesis-stimulating effect of l-lysine, and suggest an increased requirement for l-arginine during the above conditions. Received December 9, 2002 Accepted January 21, 2003 Published online April 3, 2003 Acknowledgement Authors thank Dr. M. Miura (Ajinomoto Co.) for his help with amino acid analysis and Dr. T. Kimura (Ajinomoto Co.) for discussions on amino acid metabolism. Authors' address: Dr. M. Smriga, Ajinomoto Co. Inc., Institute of Life Sciences, 1-1 Suzuki-cho, 210-8681 Kawasaki, Japan, Fax +81-44-210-5893, E-mail: miroslav_smriga@ajinomoto.com Abbreviations: Arg, l-arginine; Orn, l-ornithine; Lys, l-lysine; p.o., oral; WRS, wrap-restraint stress  相似文献   

Summary A new species from Egypt (Sinai) and Arabia is described asStipagrostis multinerva H.Scholz. Stipagrostis arabiaefelicis Bor 1967 is a synonym ofSt. drarii (V.Täckholm)de Winter 1963 (Aristida drarii V.Täckholm 1941). The taxonomic status ofStipagrostis foexiana (Maire etWilczek)de Winter (Aristida obtusa subsp.pubescens Andreánszky) in North and South Africa is discussed. Furthermore some new data on taxonomy and distribution of the following species are recorded:Stipagrostis acutiflora subsp.algeriensis (Henrard) comb, nov. et stat. nov.,St. ciliata (Desf.)de Winter,St. lanata (Forsk.)de Winter,St. libyca (H.Scholz) comb, nov.,St. papposa (Trin. etRupr.)de Winter,St. raddiana (Savi)de Winter,St. shawii (H.Soholz) comb, nov., andSt. sokotrana (Vierhapper)de Winter.   相似文献   

Sinorhizobium sp., which can convert d-fructose into d-psicose, was isolated from soil. The optimal pH, temperature, and cell concentration for d-psicose production with the isolated strain were 8.5, 40°C, and 60 mg/ml, respectively. The toluene-treated cells showed 2.5- and 4.8-fold increases in the d-psicose concentration and productivity compared with untreated washed cells. Under the optimal conditions, the toluene-treated cells produced 37 g d-psicose/l from 70% (w/v) (3.9 M) d-fructose after 15 h.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird der Versuch unternommen, frisch aus Erdboden isolierte und einige Jahre in Kultur gehaltene Stämme der Gattung Streptomyces Waksm. u. Henrici nach der Klassifikation von Waksman u. Henrici in Bergeys Manual zu identifizieren. Es handelt sich dabei ausschließlich un solche Stämme, aus denen Brockmann u. Mitarbeiter Farbstoffe und Antibiotica isolieren konnten. Dabei erwies es sich als tunlich, auf Grund der chemischen Erkenntnisse und der physiologischen Reaktionsweisen als neue Arten aufzustellen: Streptomyces chrysomallus n.sp., Str. purpurascens n.sp., Str.felleus n.sp, Str.resistomycificus n.sp., Str.xanthophaeus n.sp., Str.limosus n.sp. und Str. collinus n.sp. Zur Systematik der Actinomyceten werden allgemeine Bemerkungen und Vorschläge zu deskriptiven Terminologie gemacht.Besonderen Dank schulden wir Frl. Ingrid Olfermann und Frl. Helga Schaper für ihre wertvolle Mitarbeit.—Der Forschungsgemeinschaft der Deutschen Wissenschaft sei für ihre großzügige Unterstützung an dieser Stelle ganz besonders gedankt.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungIII. Mitteilung: Franke, W., G. Jilge u. G. Eichhorn: Arch. Mikrobiol. 39, 95 (1961).Herrn Prof. Hans von Euler, Stockholm, zum 90. Geburtstage gewidmet.  相似文献   

Detached leaves of Parthenocissus quinquefolia L., Vitaceae convert d-glucose to l-ascorbic acid with conservation of the carbon chain sequence and with retention of the hydroxymethyl group at carbon 6. l-Ascorbic acid is cleaved between carbons 4 and 5. The C4 fragment is converted to l-tartaric acid. The C2 fragment, possibly glycolaldehyde, recycles into products of hexose phosphate metabolism. During the metabolic period a relatively high portion of carbon-1 of l-ascorbic acid, as compared with carbon-4, was released as CO2. These studies demonstrate the usefulness of Virginia Creeper for yeararound research on ascorbic-acid metabolism and tartaric-acid biosynthesis in Vitaceae-type plants.Abbreviation AA l-Ascorbic Acid  相似文献   

Sclerorhachis rechingeri Iranshahr, sp. n., from N. Khorasan is closely related to the Afghanistan speciesS. caulescens (Aitch. & Hemsl.)Rech. f. andS. polysphaera Rech. f. It differs from both in the thicker and woolly collar and the much larger capitulum.Vorarbeiten zuK. H. Rechinger, Flora Iranica, Nr. 21.  相似文献   

C. Laumond  P. Carle 《BioControl》1971,16(1):51-66
Résumé Le parasitisme par Nématodes a été étudié chez le ScolyteBlastophagus destruens, ravageur des Pins dans le Sud-Est de la France. Des espèces déjà connues de Nématodes associés à cet Insecte ont été trouvées:Panagrolaimus tigrodon Fuchs, 1930;Macrolaimus canadensis Sanwal, 1960;Mikoletzkya sp etBursaphelenchus sp. Une espèce nouvelle est décrite:Ruidosaphelenchus janasii. Les stades larvaires deParasitaphelencus papillatus Fuchs, 1937 etParasitorhabditis piniperdae (Fuchs, 1937)Rühm, 1954, vivent dans la cavité générale de l'h?te. La variation des taux d'infection et l'action sur l'insecte h?te de ces deux Nématodes parasites sont discutées.
Summary The nematodesRuidosaphelenchus janasii n.g., n. sp.,Panagrolaimus tigrodon Fuchs, 1930,Macrolaimus canadensis Sanwal, 1960,Mikolezkya sp. andBursaphelenchus sp., were found associated withBlastophagus destruens (Col. Scolytidae), a pest of Pine in the South-East of France.Ruidosaphelenchus janasii n.g., n.sp. is described and illustrated. Larval stages ofParasitaphelenchus papillatus Fuchs, 1937 andParasitorhabditis piniperdae (Fuchs, 1937)Rühm, 1954, occur in the body cavity of the insect host. Variation of infection rates and parasitic effect of the nematodes on the host are discussed.

V. P. Sahni 《Mycopathologia》1968,36(3-4):267-288
Summary In this paper the author has described seventeen new Deuteromycetes from Jabalpur (M.P.) India. These are: Phyllosticta careyae Sahni onCareya arborea Roxb.,Phyllosticta anogeissi Sahni onAnogeissus latifolia Wall.,Phomopsis dalbergiae Sahni onDalbergia sissoo Roxb.,Phomopsis yuccae Sahni onYucca aloifolia L.,Phomopsis dracaenae Sahni onDracaena brachystachys Hook.,Phomopsis buteae Sahni onButea monosperma (Lam.)Kunze,Cytospora grevilleae Sahni onGrevillea robusta A. Cunn.,Coniothyrium sarcinellae Sahni onSarcinella palawanensis (Syd.)Sahni parasitising leaves ofCalastrus paniculatus Willd.,Coniothyrium dioscoreae Sahni on fruits ofDioscorea sp.,Amerodiscosiella indica Sahni onIxora parviflora Vahl.,Ascochyta nyctanthis Sahni onNyctanthes arbor-tristis L.,Pseudodiplodia buteae Sahni onButea monosperma (Lam.)Kunze,Pseudodiplodia oreodoxae Sahni onOreodoxa oleracea Mart.,Phaeoseptoria bougainvilleae Sahni onBougainvillea glabra Choisy,Hainesia jabalpurensis Sahni onWoodfordia fruticosa (L.)Kurz.,Colletotrichum arjunae Sahni onTerminalia arjuna W. & A., andColletotrichum terminaliae Sahni onTerminalia bellirica (Gaertn.)Roxb.  相似文献   

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