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ABSTRACT Social control of egg-laying rate in queens of the fire ant (Solenopsis invicta Buren) was studied by experimental manipulation of the number of larvae, pupae and workers in colonies, and the age and size of larvae and workers. Workers and pupae do not stimulate oviposition by queens. The number of fourth instar larvae, on the other hand, bears a positive log-log relationship to the queen's egg-laying rate. Such larvae are needed both to stimulate and maintain oviposition. Their withdrawal results, within 48 h, in a decline in queen oviposition almost to zero. Their addition to broodless nests results in peak laying in about 4 days. Larvae in the first three stadia and early in the fourth stadium have a much lower effect upon queen fecundity. Sexual larvae are only c. 5% as stimulating on a weight basis, but equivalent on an individual basis. Several associated measures are positively correlated to egg-laying rate: weight of the queen, the number of her vitellogenic follicles per ovariole, total vitellogenic follicles, the time she spends feeding and (usually) the number of workers in the retinue that cares for her. The egg volume is negatively correlated with laying rate, so that queens lay more eggs for the same expenditure of material as laying rate increases. As body size of workers increases, they become less effective in transmitting the larval stimulation to the queen, but worker age has no effect on this ability. For a given number of larvae, queens in small, naturally growing colonies lay fewer, larger eggs than do queens in experimental colonies, but their fecundity increases more rapidly in relation to number of larvae. When larvae are fed vital-dyed food in one experimental colony, and then transferred to an undyed colony, the dye is rapidly transferred to worker crops, and into the queen's eggs, indicating bulk movement of material from larvae to workers to the queen and eggs. Large larvae are more effective at this than small larvae. Fourth instar larvae may be a digestive and metabolic caste that processes protein for egg production by the queen. If that is the case, the queen and fourth instar larvae are linked in a positive feedback loop. Either the logarithmic relation of fecundity to larval numbers or physical limits of the queen may set the maximum egg-laying rate, and thus determine maximum colony size. The data do not allow a clear choice between these alternatives.  相似文献   

Brown WD  Liautard C  Keller L 《Oecologia》2003,134(1):12-17
Formica exsecta has become an important model system for studying intraspecific variation in sex ratios. Patterns of sex allocation in polygynous (multiple queen per nest) populations of F. exsecta are generally consistent with the queen-replenishment hypothesis. This hypothesis states that colonies produce gynes (reproductive females) in order to increase queen number and enhance colony survival and/or productivity when the number of resident queens is low. However, the small proportion of colonies that raise gynes produce more than necessary for simple queen replenishment. It has been hypothesized that excess production of gynes may occur to reduce the frequency of accepting foreign unrelated gynes into the colony when workers cannot distinguish nestmate from non-nestmate queens. This explanation for excess gynes requires weak or no aggression between non-nestmates and is expected to lead to the selective execution of new queens by colonies that do not invest in the production of gynes. Experimental studies where gynes were introduced into natal and foreign colonies indeed suggested that polygynous populations of F. exsecta have a poor nestmate recognition system. Although gynes were significantly more likely to be accepted in their parental colony compared to another foreign female-producing colony, the difference was small. Moreover, encounters between workers from different colonies within the population showed very little aggression and were no more aggressive than encounters between nestmates, again suggesting a weak capacity for nestmate recognition. Our experiment also showed that colonies that produced only males executed most of the gynes that were experimentally introduced into the colony, whereas female-producing colonies accepted most gynes. This is consistent with ants using a simple rule of thumb to decrease parasitism by unrelated queens, whereby colonies selectively destroy gynes whenever gynes are not produced in the colonies.  相似文献   

Queen-worker conflicts in social insect societies have received much attention in the past decade. In many species workers modify the colony sex ratio to their own advantage or produce their own male offspring. In some other species, however, queens seem to be able to prevent workers from making selfish reproductive decisions. So far, little effort has been made to find out how queens may keep control over sex ratio and male parentage. In this study we use a Lasius niger population under apparent queen control to show that sexual deception cannot explain queen dominance in this population. The sexual deception hypothesis postulates that queens should prevent workers from discriminating against males by disguising male brood as females. Contrary to the predictions of this hypothesis, we found that workers are able to distinguish male and female larvae early in their development: in early spring workers generally placed only either female or male larvae in the uppermost chambers of the nest, although both types of larvae must have been present. At this time males were only at 11% of their final dry weight, a developmental stage at which (according to two models) workers would still have benefited from replacing queen-produced males by females or worker-produced males. This study thus demonstrates that sexual deception cannot account for the apparent queen control over colony sex ratio and male parentage in L. niger.  相似文献   

Long-term memory of individual identity in ant queens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Remembering individual identities is part of our own everyday social life. Surprisingly, this ability has recently been shown in two social insects. While paper wasps recognize each other individually through their facial markings, the ant, Pachycondyla villosa, uses chemical cues. In both species, individual recognition is adaptive since it facilitates the maintenance of stable dominance hierarchies among individuals, and thus reduces the cost of conflict within these small societies. Here, we investigated individual recognition in Pachycondyla ants by quantifying the level of aggression between pairs of familiar or unfamiliar queens over time. We show that unrelated founding queens of P. villosa and Pachycondyla inversa store information on the individual identity of other queens and can retrieve it from memory after 24h of separation. Thus, we have documented for the first time that long-term memory of individual identity is present and functional in ants. This novel finding represents an advance in our understanding of the mechanism determining the evolution of cooperation among unrelated individuals.  相似文献   

In polygyne ants (multiple queens per colony) factors that affect the distribution and survival of queens may play a key role in shaping the population-wide mating system and colony kin structure. The aim of this paper was to study the breeding system in two populations of different age in the facultatively polygyne ant Formica fusca. Both the observed numbers of queens, and the relatedness patterns among queens, workers and colony fathers were compared in two adjacent populations (ages 17 years and > 100 years) in Southern Finland. The results showed that both the mating system and colony kin structure differed between the study populations. In the old population the relatedness among workers, queens and colony fathers was high. The queens were also related to their mates, resulting in significant inbreeding in workers, but not in queens. Finally, the number of queens per colony fluctuated between years, suggesting queen turnover, and nest-mate queens shared their reproduction unequally (reproductive skew). In the younger population relatedness among queens and workers was lower than in the old population, and the colony fathers were unrelated. Furthermore, inbreeding was absent, and no conclusive evidence was found for reproductive skew among nest-mate queens. Finally, the number of queens per colony appeared more stable between years, although queen turnover occurred also in this population. The observed differences in dispersal and mating behaviour are discussed in the light of a potential connection between population age and habitat saturation.  相似文献   

Summary Queen ants start new colonies either unassisted by workers (independent founding), assisted by workers from their natal nest (dependent founding), or assisted by the workers of other species (dependent, socially parasitic). The monogyne form of the fire ant,Solenopsis invicta, founds independently in summer, but in the fall it also produces a few sexuals some of which overwinter, then fly and mate in early spring. These overwintered queens lack the nutritional reserves and behaviors for independent colony founding. Rather, they seek out unrelated, mature, orphaned colonies, enter them and exploit the worker force to found their own colony through intraspecific social parasitism. Success in entering orphaned colonies is higher when these lack overwintered female alates of their own. When such alates are present, orphaning causes some to dealate and become uninseminated replacement queens, usually preventing entry of unrelated, inseminated replacement queens. Such colonies produce large, all-male broods. Successful entry of a parasitic queen robs the host colony of this last chance at reproductive success. Only overwintered sexuals take part in this mode of founding.  相似文献   

The distribution of food between members of a Myrmica rubra L. Society was investigated by varying the ratios of queens, workers and medium-sized larvae. Observations revealed patterns in colony behaviour which could be of importance in a polygyne system.
Queens had little effect upon the rate of food transmission, but the worker/larva ratio was of significance. Many workers effectively fed all larvae present in a colony, but a small number of workers fed only a few. If larvae and/or queens were in abundance, the workers were partly deprived of access to them. Competition between the queens and larvae for food and worker attention occurred when their numbers were high. In this situation, queens fed themselves while the workers cared for the larvae. The significance of overcrowding, not only upon the administration of food, but upon the queen effect acting on the workers to stimulate or inhibit worker egg-laying and brood-rearing, is discussed.  相似文献   

Cooperation among unrelated individuals: the ant foundress case   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ant foundress associations are an example of cooperation among non-kin. Across a dozen genera, queens able to found a colony alone often join unrelated queens, thereby enhancing worker production and colony survivorship. The benefits of joining other queens vary with group size and ecological conditions. However, after the first workers mature, the queens fight until only one survives. The presence of cofoundresses, and their relative fighting ability, also affects the extent of cooperative investment before worker emergence. This reveals previously overlooked early conflicts among queens, which reduce the mutualistic benefits of cooperation.  相似文献   

Abstract. The influence of weight and colony origin of the queen of Solenopsis geminata (F.) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) on worker attraction is studied under laboratory conditions. In the first experiment, worker response to individual queens of different weight from the same colony is evaluated. Heavier queens are more attractive than smaller queens to their own workers. In subsequent experiments, the colony origin effect is investigated and worker response to a pair of queens of the same weight from the same or different colonies is compared. When queens are from the same colony, workers do not show a significant preference between queens. However, when queens are from a different colony, workers are significantly more attracted to their own queen than to the foreign queen. Finally, the response of workers to queens of different weight from the same or different colonies is investigated. In both cases, workers are significantly more attracted to a heavier queen than a lighter queen, even if the lighter queen is their own queen. A putative pheromonal component (E)‐6‐(1‐pentenyl)‐2H‐2‐pyranone, is not positively correlated with queen weight.  相似文献   

Summary: Genetic theory predicts that workers in monogynous ant colonies with singly-mated queens should capitalize on higher relatedness with sisters than with brothers by altering the sex investment ratio of a colony in favor of females. Sex investment ratios, however, may also be influenced by the amount of resources available to colonies, in part because more mating opportunities might be obtained by investing scarce resources in males, which are much smaller than queens. Female larvae that reach a critical size by a particular point in development become queens while underfed larvae develop into workers, so workers could potentially influence the sex investment ratio of a colony by selectively feeding female larvae. In a previous experiment on the ant, Aphaenogaster rudis, colonies increased female sex investment after their diet was supplemented with elaiosomes, a lipid-rich food gained from a seed dispersal mutualism. In order to investigate the mechanisms producing this shift, we radio-labeled Sanguinaria canadensis elaiosomes with fatty acids and compared uptake among castes within a colony. The experiment was performed in both the laboratory and field. Lab colonies produced female-biased sex investment ratios, while field colonies mainly invested in males. We hypothesize that this discrepancy is related to differing levels of background food availability in the lab and field. The results of the elaiosome distribution experiment do not support a hypothesis that elaiosomes play a qualitative role in queen determination, because all individuals in a colony receive this nutrient. There is, however, support for the hypothesis that elaiosomes have a quantitative effect on larval development because larvae that accumulated more radio-label from elaiosomes tended to develop into gynes (virgin queens), while other female larvae developed into workers.  相似文献   

To date very few studies have addressed the effects of inbreeding in social Hymenoptera, perhaps because the costs of inbreeding are generally considered marginal owing to male haploidy whereby recessive deleterious alleles are strongly exposed to selection in males. Here, we present one of the first studies on the effects of queen and worker homozygosity on colony performance. In a wild population of the ant Formica exsecta, the relative investment of single‐queen colonies in sexual production decreased with increased worker homozygosity. This may either stem from increased homozygosity decreasing the likelihood of diploid brood to develop into queens or a lower efficiency of more homozygous workers at feeding larvae and thus a lower proportion of the female brood developing into queens. There was also a significant negative association between colony age and the level of queen but not worker homozygosity. This association may stem from inbreeding affecting queen lifespan and/or their fecundity, and thus colony survival. However, there was no association between queen homozygosity and colony size, suggesting that inbreeding affects colony survival as a result of inbred queens having a shorter lifespan rather than a lower fecundity. Finally, there was no significant association between either worker or queen homozygosity and the probability of successful colony founding, colony size and colony productivity, the three other traits studied. Overall, these results indicate that inbreeding depression may have important effects on colony fitness by affecting both the parental (queen) and offspring (worker) generations cohabiting within an ant colony.  相似文献   

Social insects provide ideal systems for investigating how kinship and ecological factors affect cooperation and conflict. In many ant species, unrelated queens cooperate to initiate new colonies. However, fights between queens break out after the eclosion of the first workers, leading to the death of all but one queen. Queens within associations potentially face a trade-off. On one hand, a queen should restrain her investment in brood production and care if this helps her to maintain fighting ability. On the other hand, a queen may benefit by increasing her contribution to brood production if having more daughter workers than her cofoundresses enhances her chances of taking over the colony. Increased investment is also beneficial because a large brood enhances colony survival. Using microsatellites, we determined the maternity of workers (adults and larvae) at the time of queen execution in the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta. Differential mass loss by initially equal nestmates affected survival, with the queen losing less body mass being more likely to survive. Surprisingly, the queen which lost less body mass, that is the one which provided the lowest energy investment, was the one which achieved higher maternity. A control experiment indicated that interactions among queens are responsible for this differential partitioning of reproductive and investment tasks between nestmates. The finding that the queen most likely to win the fights is the one with above-average maternity may explain why workers apparently do not attempt to influence the outcome of fights.  相似文献   

In ants, mating and colony founding are critical steps in the life of ant queens. Outside of their nests, young queens are exposed to intense predation. Therefore, they are expected to have evolved behavior to accurately and quickly locate a nesting place. However, data on the early life history of female reproductives are still lacking. Leptothorax gredleri is a suitable model organism to study the behavior of young queens. Reproductives can be reared under artificial conditions and readily mate in the laboratory. After mating, L. gredleri queens have the options to found solitarily, seek adoption into another colony, or return into their natal nest. In this study, we investigated the decision-making processes of female sexuals before and after mating. In particular, we tested whether female sexuals use chemical cues to find their way back to the nest, studied if they prefer their own nest over other nesting sites and followed the adoption dynamics of mated queens over 8 weeks (plus hibernation and spring). We showed that female sexuals and freshly mated queens spent more time on substrate previously used by workers from their own colony and from another colony than on a blank substrate. This discriminatory capability of queens appears to be lost in old, reproductive queens. Nest choice experiments showed that female sexuals and freshly mated queens can distinguish their own nest while old mated queens’ do not. When reintroduced in their maternal colony, young queens were readily adopted, but a few weeks later aggression against young queens led to their emigration from the maternal nest and eventually also death.  相似文献   

Reproduction in species of eusocial insects is monopolized by one or a few individuals, while the remaining colony tasks are performed by the worker caste. This reproductive division of labor is exemplified by honey bees (Apis mellifera L.), in which a single, polyandrous queen is the sole colony member that lays fertilized eggs. Previous work has revealed that the developmental fate of honey bee queens is highly plastic, with queens raised from younger worker larvae exhibiting higher measures in several aspects of reproductive potential compared to queens raised from older worker larvae. Here, we investigated the effects of queen reproductive potential (“quality”) on the growth and winter survival of newly established honey bee colonies. We did so by comparing the growth of colonies headed by “high-quality” queens (i.e., those raised from young worker larvae, which are more queen-like morphologically) to those headed by “low-quality” queens (i.e., those raised from older worker larvae, which are more worker-like morphologically). We confirmed that queens reared from young worker larvae were significantly larger in size than queens reared from old worker larvae. We also found a significant positive effect of queen grafting age on a colony’s production of worker comb, drone comb, and stored food (honey and pollen), although we did not find a statistically significant difference in the production of worker and drone brood, worker population, and colony weight. Our results provide evidence that in honey bees, queen developmental plasticity influences several important measures of colony fitness. Thus, the present study supports the idea that a honey bee colony can be viewed (at least in part) as the expanded phenotype of its queen, and thus selection acting predominantly at the colony level can be congruent with that at the individual level.  相似文献   

Multiple mating by queens (polyandry) and the occurrence of multiple queens in the same colony (polygyny) alter patterns of relatedness within societies of eusocial insects. This is predicted to influence kin-selected conflicts over reproduction. We investigated the mating system of a facultatively polygynous UK population of the ant Leptothorax acervorum using up to six microsatellite loci. We estimated mating frequency by genotyping 79 dealate (colony) queens and the contents of their sperm receptacles and by detailed genetic analysis of 11 monogynous (single-queen) and nine polygynous colonies. Results indicated that 95% of queens were singly mated and 5% of queens were doubly mated. The corrected population mean mating frequency was 1.06. Parentage analysis of adults and brood in 17 colonies (10 monogynous, 7 polygynous) showed that female offspring attributable to each of 31 queens were full sisters, confirming that queens typically mate once. Inbreeding coefficients, queen-mate relatedness of zero and the low incidence of diploid males provided evidence that L. acervorum sexuals mate entirely or almost entirely at random. Males mated to queens in the same polygynous colony were not related to one another. Our data also confirmed that polygynous colonies contain queens that are related on average and that their workers had a mixed maternity. We conclude that the mating system of L. acervorum involves queens that mate near nests with unrelated males and then seek readoption by those nests, and queens that mate in mating aggregations away from nests, also with unrelated males.  相似文献   

Summary The behaviour ofCataglyphis cursor workers towards queens at 15 days, one month or two months after worker emergence was tested. Workers reared entirely with their own maternal queen were tested with this queen or with an unfamiliar alien queen. Workers transferred within 48 h of emerging to a new definitive nest with an alien queen were tested with this queen or with the original maternal queen. The degree of attraction to each of these queens and the workers' behavioural repertoire were measured and analysed. The results showed the following: 1) The attractiveness of queens and the workers' queen recognition behaviour were linked. 2) Although unfamiliar alien queens hardly attract workers, familiar alien queens were as attractive as maternal queens, and induced the same strongly marked and unique worker response, indicating that workers learn queen attractant cues in the days immediately after emergence. 3) Agonistic reactions were observed, but workers continued to be attracted to their maternal queen even after developing an attraction response to an alien queen with which they had been reared. These results agree with the proposal that queens produce two kinds of pheromones, those that attract workers and those that mediate recognition of queens by workers. These results show the ability of workers to discriminate between queens. Workers are attracted to any queen, but recognize as nestmates only maternal or alien queens with which they have been maintained. 4) The differential in worker attraction and recognition from 15 days to 2 months and its modifications by post-imaginal experience illustrate worker behavioural ontogeny, which is a basis of social discrimination.  相似文献   

Kin selection theory predicts potential conflict between queen and workers over male parentage in hymenopteran societies headed by one, singly mated queen, because each party is more closely related to its own male offspring. In ‘late-switching’ colonies of the bumblebee Bombus terrestris, i.e. colonies whose queens lay haploid eggs relatively late in the colony cycle, workers start to lay male eggs shortly after the queen lays the female eggs that will develop into new queens. It has been hypothesized that this occurs because workers recognize, via a signal given by the queen instructing female larvae to commence development as queens, that egg laying is now in their kin-selected interest. This hypothesis assumes that aggressive behaviour in egg-laying workers does not substantially reduce the production of new queens, which would decrease the workers' fitness payoff from producing males. We tested the hypothesis that reproductive activity inB. terrestris workers does not reduce the production of new queens. We used microsatellite genotyping to sex eggs and hence to select eight size-matched pairs of ‘late-switching’ colonies from a set of commercial colonies. From one colony of each pair we removed every egg-laying or aggressive worker observed. From the other colony, we simultaneously removed a nonegg-laying, nonaggressive worker. Removed workers were replaced with young workers from separate colonies at equal frequencies within the pair. There was no significant difference in queen productivity between colonies with reduced or normal levels of egg-laying or aggressive workers. Therefore, as predicted, reproductive B. terrestris workers did not significantly reduce the production of new queens.  相似文献   

Nepotism is an important potential conflict in animal societies.However, clear evidence of nepotism in the rearing of queensin social insects is limited and controversial. In the honeybee, Apis mellifera, multiple mating by queens leads to thepresence of many patrilines within each colony. When the coloniesreproduce through swarming, workers rear a number of new queens,only a few of which will ultimately head a colony. Workers canpotentially increase their inclusive fitness by nepotisticallyfavoring full-sister over half-sister queens during the queenrearing and elimination process. Most studies have focused oninteractions between workers and immature queens (eggs and larvae)or adult queens who have exited their queen cells. However,adult queens often remain in their queen cells for up to 1 weekafter emerging from their pupa. In this situation, workers preventthe queens from emerging, feed them, and protect them from otheremerged queens. This stage in queen rearing is therefore onein which nepotism could occur. The current study is the firstto investigate the kinship between workers and adult queenswho have not emerged from their queen cells. We observed thefull suite of behaviors expected during this phase of colonyreproduction. Although there was no evidence for nepotism inthe worker–queen interactions, there was a nonrandom distributionacross patrilines of the workers interacting with the queencells. In addition, in one colony we found differential treatmentof fostered (nonkin)-queen cells.  相似文献   

Sex-ratio studies have played a prominent role in tests of kin selection theory in the eusocial Hymenoptera. The winner in sex-ratio conflict between queens and workers must control the ratio through proximate mechanisms. To determine how a colony adjusts its sex ratio, the mechanism of sex-ratio determination was analyzed in the field in colonies of the ant Camponotus (Colobopsis) nipponicus. A path model including five colony characteristics showed that the resource availability of the colony (quantified as the amount of stored fat in the bodies of the workers) has a large positive effect on the proportion of new queens in the female larvae, but has little effect on male production. The results indicated that a colony adjusts the sex ratio by altering the proportion of new queens obtained from a diploid brood in response to resource availability rather than by eliminating male larvae.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1988,36(3):914-925
Normal queens in a colony of Myrmica rubra L. were not necessarily more attractive to the workers than strange ones grafted into the colony. Workers chose the best queens using those they already had as a standard. After winter dormancy, workers in colonies with queens were less tolerant for queen variety. One week at 20°C was enough to cause them to reject still-dormant queens, even those of their own colony, though they accepted alien queens. However, after 2–3 weeks culture queens were acceptable only if they belonged to the same colony as the natural ones or to the same colony as those queens that had been artificially implanted. To re-open the group, it was essential to remove all the resident queens; then after 2 days the workers took any queen offered, rather than remain queenless, but when offered a choice between one of their originals and an unfamiliar one, they still took the former. Three queenless weeks were required before they lost their preference for an ex-nestmate. Queens from a single colony, isolated in separate groups of workers, remained acceptable to the workers with them indefinitely, but when these queens were transferred to identical collateral groups of workers, they were rejected even after only 2 weeks' separation. Some groups of workers were less tolerant than others and some queens were more attractive than others, but their compatibility diminished with time if they lived in isolation. A group with an attractive queen was more likely to resist other queens.  相似文献   

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