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人类基因组的物理图谱与大规模DNA测序   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
于军YU  Jun 《遗传》1998,20(6):41-47
1历史的回顾物理图谱的制作是与分子克隆技术分不开的。限制性内切酶的发现,导致了第一个物理图谱的完成(SV40;Danna与Nathans,1971)。新克隆技术,尤其是YAC(YeastArtificialChromosome)和BAC(Bacter...  相似文献   

当参考基因组已知时,一项新的、基于杂交的技术在基因组测序中显示了其优越性。  相似文献   

菌落PCR在大规模基因组测序中的应用   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
一种利用菌落直接PCR扩增DNA并用于测序的实验方法.通过对引物的设计和菌液浓度控制,使PCR反应后的内容物对测序干扰减到最小.与传统的测序过程比较,它省去了抽提模板DNA一步,节省了大量时间和实验成本.另外此方法可对BAC亚克隆库构建时由连接转化过程中导致的假阳性起筛选和鉴定作用.采用该法成功测定了籼稻(Oryza sativa indica)广陆矮4号的L3173号BAC DNA全长序列(约100 kb),GenBank登录号:AL512542.  相似文献   

猪繁殖与呼吸综合征自1987年首次在美国发现以来,几年之内便席卷了北美洲和欧洲大陆,后蔓延至许多亚太国家和地区 .我国1995年首次暴发此病,该病在我国普遍存在,给我国养猪业的健康发展造成巨大障碍.目前国内外尚无理想防疫疫苗.当前用于预防的猪繁殖与呼吸综合征的主要疫苗是弱毒苗和灭活疫苗.灭活疫苗免疫效果差,弱毒苗能提供较好的免疫保护,但毒力返强的几率相当高,这一点已在几年前丹麦等国因广泛使用弱毒苗而导致该病大暴发中得以证实.  相似文献   

全基因组序列测定为揭示植物重要性状形成的分子和遗传机制提供了强大工具,基因组学研究正开始指引着农作物新品种培育向定向化和精确化转变.在新一代测序技术的带动下,植物全基因组测序的热潮已经到来.对迄今开展的高等植物基因组测序工作进行简要回顾,并对未来的研究热点进行展望.  相似文献   

水稻基因组测序的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨宇  陈瑞阳 《遗传》2001,23(6):580-582
水稻是最重要的粮食作物之一,世界上大约有一半的人口以水稻为主要粮食。作为基因组研究的模式植物,水稻基因组的测序工作已在世界范围内展开。此项研究工作不仅能破译水稻全基因组序列,还将有助于了解其他禾本科植物的基因组信息。本对水稻基因组测序工作进展作一综述。  相似文献   

复杂基因组测序技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
复杂基因组指的是无法使用常规测序和组装手段直接解析的一类基因组,通常指包含高比例重复序列、高杂合度、极端GC含量、存在难消除异源DNA污染的基因组。为了解决复杂基因组的测序和组装问题,需要分别从基因组测序实验方法、测序技术平台、组装算法与策略3个方面进行深入研究。本文详细介绍了复杂基因组测序组装相关的现有技术与方法,并结合复杂基因组经典实例介绍了复杂基因组测序的技术解决途径和发展历程,可为制订合适的复杂基因组测序策略提供参考。  相似文献   

利用Illumina HiSeqTM 2500测序平台, 对通过高温胁迫实验筛选得到的20尾耐高温和20尾不耐高温的大黄鱼(Larimichthys crocea)进行了简化基因组测序(SLAF-seq), 每个样本的平均测序深度达到10.26×, 共获得419211个高质量的群体单核苷酸多态性(SNP)位点 。利用TASSEL软件的混合线性模型(MLM)进行全基因组关联分析(GWAS), 共筛选到38个与大黄鱼耐高温性状显著相关的SNP位点(P<2.39E–08)。利用BLAST程序定位每个SNP位点在大黄鱼基因组中的位置, 并分析其周围的功能基因。结果在38个SNPs附近共找到26个已知的功能基因, 这些基因主要与细胞转录、代谢、免疫等功能相关。研究结果可为下一步大黄鱼耐高温分子机制解析及耐高温品种的选育提供参考。  相似文献   

杂交测序——DNA测序新策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杂交测序──DNA测序新策略陈尚武,马涧泉(中山医科大学生化教研室,广州510089)关键词DNA,测序,杂交人类基因组计划要求改进DNA测序方法,促进了测序技术的发展,一种全新的测序方法──杂交测序(sequencingbyhybridizatio...  相似文献   

Sequencing by hybridization is a method for reconstructing a DNA sequence based on its k-mer content. This content, called the spectrum of the sequence, can be obtained from hybridization with a universal DNA chip. However, even with a sequencing chip containing all 4(9) 9-mers and assuming no hybridization errors, only about 400-bases-long sequences can be reconstructed unambiguously. Drmanac et al. (1989) suggested sequencing long DNA targets by obtaining spectra of many short overlapping fragments of the target, inferring their relative positions along the target, and then computing spectra of subfragments that are short enough to be uniquely recoverable. Drmanac et al. do not treat the realistic case of errors in the hybridization process. In this paper, we study the effect of such errors. We show that the probability of ambiguous reconstruction in the presence of (false negative) errors is close to the probability in the errorless case. More precisely, the ratio between these probabilities is 1 + O(p = (1 - p)(4). 1 = d) where d is the average length of subfragments, and p is the probability of a false negative. We also obtain lower and upper bounds for the probability of unambiguous reconstruction based on an errorless spectrum. For realistic chip sizes, these bounds are tighter than those given by Arratia et al. (1996). Finally, we report results on simulations with real DNA sequences, showing that even in the presence of 50% false negative errors, a target of cosmid length can be recovered with less than 0.1% miscalled bases.  相似文献   

Primer design for large scale sequencing.   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
We have developed PRIDE, a primer design program that automatically designs primers in single contigs or whole sequencing projects to extend the already known sequence and to double strand single-stranded regions. The program is fully integrated into the Staden package (GAP4) and accessible with a graphical user interface. PRIDE uses a fuzzy logic-based system to calculate primer qualities. The computational performance of PRIDE is enhanced by using suffix trees to store the huge amount of data being produced. A test set of 110 sequencing primers and 11 PCR primer pairs has been designed on genomic templates, cDNAs and sequences containing repetitive elements to analyze PRIDE's success rate. The high performance of PRIDE, combined with its minimal requirement of user interaction and its fast algorithm, make this program useful for the large scale design of primers, especially in large sequencing projects.  相似文献   

We describe a high-throughput cDNA sequencing pipeline (http://www.hgsc.bcm.tmc.edu/projects/cdna) built in response to the emerging need for rapid sequencing of large cDNA collections. Using this strategy cDNA inserts are purified and joined through concatenation into large molecules. These 'pseudo-BACs' are subjected to random shotgun sequencing whereby the majority of cDNA inserts in the pool are sequenced. Using this concatenation cDNA sequencing platform, we have contributed more than 13000 full-length cDNA sequences from human and mouse to the Mammalian Gene Collection (MGC).  相似文献   

Methods for cDNA cloning and sequencing tobacco mosaic virus RNA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
P Goelet  J Karn 《Gene》1984,29(3):331-342

Many bacteria display substantial intra-specific genomic diversity that produces significant phenotypic variation between strains of the same species. Understanding the genetic basis of these strain-specific phenotypes is especially important for industrial microorganisms where these characters match individual strains to specific industrial processes. Oenococcus oeni, a bacterium used during winemaking, is one such industrial species where large numbers of strains show significant differences in commercially important industrial phenotypes. To ascertain the basis of these phenotypic differences, the genomic content of ten wine strains of O. oeni were mapped by array-based comparative genome hybridization (aCGH). These strains comprised a genomically diverse group in which large sections of the reference genome were often absent from individual strains. To place the aCGH results in context, whole genome sequence was obtained for one of these strains and compared with two previously sequenced, unrelated strains. While the three strains shared a core group of conserved ORFs, up to 10% of the coding potential of any one strain was specific to that isolate. The genome of O. oeni is therefore likely to be much larger than that present in any single strain and it is these strain-specific regions that are likely to be responsible for differences in industrial phenotypes.  相似文献   



Genome sequences, now available for most pathogens, hold promise for the rational design of new therapies. However, biological resources for genome-scale identification of gene function (notably genes involved in pathogenesis) and/or genes essential for cell viability, which are necessary to achieve this goal, are often sorely lacking. This holds true for Neisseria meningitidis, one of the most feared human bacterial pathogens that causes meningitis and septicemia.


By determining and manually annotating the complete genome sequence of a serogroup C clinical isolate of N. meningitidis (strain 8013) and assembling a library of defined mutants in up to 60% of its non-essential genes, we have created NeMeSys, a biological resource for Neisseria meningitidis systematic functional analysis. To further enhance the versatility of this toolbox, we have manually (re)annotated eight publicly available Neisseria genome sequences and stored all these data in a publicly accessible online database. The potential of NeMeSys for narrowing the gap between sequence and function is illustrated in several ways, notably by performing a functional genomics analysis of the biogenesis of type IV pili, one of the most widespread virulence factors in bacteria, and by identifying through comparative genomics a complete biochemical pathway (for sulfur metabolism) that may potentially be important for nasopharyngeal colonization.


By improving our capacity to understand gene function in an important human pathogen, NeMeSys is expected to contribute to the ongoing efforts aimed at understanding a prokaryotic cell comprehensively and eventually to the design of new therapies.  相似文献   

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