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Coral reefs are one of the most diverse systems on the planet; yet, only a small fraction of coral reef species have attracted scientific study. Here, we document strong deleterious effects of an often overlooked species—the vermetid gastropod, Dendropoma maximum—on growth and survival of reef-building corals. Our surveys of vermetids on Moorea (French Polynesia) revealed a negative correlation between the density of vermetids and the per cent cover of live coral. Furthermore, the incidence of flattened coral growth forms was associated with the presence of vermetids. We transplanted and followed the fates of focal colonies of four species of corals on natural reefs where we also manipulated presence/absence of vermetids. Vermetids reduced skeletal growth of focal corals by up to 81 per cent and survival by up to 52 per cent. Susceptibility to vermetids varied among coral species, suggesting that vermetids could shift coral community composition. Our work highlights the potential importance of a poorly studied gastropod to coral dynamics.  相似文献   

The structure and maturation of the male gonad of the Mediterranean vermetid gastropod Dendropoma petraeum are described. Histological sections of the gonads were made throughout development and gonad activity was monitored at regular monthly intervals. During the autumn months the gonad is very small and is surrounded by a large quantity of connective tissue; it becomes more voluminous from December to August, with the highest growth peak in springtime. The stages of spermatogenesis were also observed and described.  相似文献   

Dendropoma maximum is a vermetid gastropod (a sessile tube-forming snail) commonly associated with living corals throughout shallow-water reefs of the Indo-Pacific. Recent work suggests that, once established, this species can adversely affect growth and survival of corals. Here, we test the hypotheses that disturbances to live coral substrates (e.g., creation of bare patches) facilitate successful larval settlement and subsequent population growth of D. maximum, and conversely, that live coral inhibits D. maximum settlement. In the shallow lagoon of Moorea, French Polynesia, we selected patch reefs where D. maximum was either present or absent (to evaluate potential effects of resident adult conspecifics on recruitment) and established focal quadrats on each reef. In each quadrat, we either experimentally removed 50 % of live coral cover or left the quadrat with 100 % live coral cover. In addition, we deployed units of bare substrate (coral rubble) to each reef. We conducted a census of deployed substrates and quadrats after 6 months and found that D. maximum settled irrespective of resident vermetid populations, and only onto nonliving surfaces (i.e., cleared patches in quadrats, coral rubble, and marine epoxy). In laboratory experiments, we exposed larvae of D. maximum to live coral and found species-specific effects on survival of D. maximum larvae. Porites lobata and Pocillopora sp. killed larvae of D. maximum, Porites rus caused weaker mortality, and Millepora sp. had no effect on larval survival. Collectively, these results suggest that D. maximum requires disturbances that create bare patches to successfully settle onto reefs, and that a high cover of living corals contributes resilience to reefs by limiting settlement opportunities of a species known to reduce coral growth and survival.  相似文献   

D. corallinacewn forms sheet-like colonies at Mean Low Water (MLW) on exposed rocky shores: S. natalensis forms loose aggregations under stones below MLW in more sheltered situations. Both species released young from July— December. D. corallinaceun has single embryos in capsules brooded free in the mantle cavity; S. natalensis has 20–40 embryos per capsule, the latter being attached to the roof of the shell and hanging through a dorsal slit in the mantle. The morphology of the crawling young is similar in both species, resembling adult errant prosobranchs. D. corallinaceum has a stouter, more streamlined protoconch than S. natalensis correlated with the more turbulent water of its habitat. The crawling young secrete a sticky mucous trail for adhesion to the substratum. They are strongly photopositive until settlement. D. corallinaceum can settle within 24 hours but may delay settlement to 4–5 days if suitable substrata are absent. Metamorphosis is complete 2 days after settlement. D. corallinaceum prefer to settle on Lithothamnion which is easily eroded by the radula to provide a groove for rapid, firm attachments to the substratum. Both species feed from mucous nets, S. natalensis having a slower feeding rhythm commensurate with its larger size. Contiguous pairs of S. natalensis have synchronised feeding rhythms, probably to reduce mutual net robbing. Particles are also filtered out of suspension; many particles are rejected in the pseudofaeces but some are ingested. D. corallinaceum and S. natalensis have many similar ecologically equivalent species throughout the warm temperate and tropical seas of the world.  相似文献   

Abstract. We report on a study of reproduction and development in the Mediterranean vermetid gastropod Vermetus triquetrus from the SE coast of Spain. It is a gonochoristic species. The egg capsules are attached to the inside of the shell, and females brood up to 22 capsules simultaneously (more often 4–10). The capsules hold 10–61 eggs or embryos; the uncleaved eggs are yolk-rich, with a mean diameter of 377.3 μm. A distinct polar lobe occurs during the first cleavage, and blastomere D has discernible qualities after the 4-cell stage. The formation of the mesentoblast 4d occurs at the transition from the 24-cell stage to the 25-cell stage. Gastrulation begins after the 36-cell stage. Internal yolk is the major source of nutrition for the encapsulated embryos, but some nurse eggs (∼ 12%) and some sibling larvae are also ingested by the developing embryos. Hatching occurs during the swimming/crawling pediveliger stage, and metamorphosis is completed outside the capsules soon after hatching. Hence, larval development in Vermetus triquetrus is lecithotrophic intracapsular, with a short free-swimming/crawling phase.  相似文献   

The reef building vermetid gastropod Dendropoma petraeum inhabits the warmest waters of the Mediterranean Sea and is considered a threatened marine species. The aim of this study was to characterize its genetic structure throughout its whole distribution range using mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data. Because of its sessile adult lifestyle and lack of a pelagic larval stage, we expected a markedly subdivided population structure with limited levels of gene flow. Fragments of the mitochondrial genes cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and 16S rRNA (16S), were sequenced, along with the nuclear ribosomal cluster (internal transcribed spacer; ITS) in specimens from 18 localities. Our analyses identified four highly distinct phylogroups separated by a mean divergence of > 14% according to the COI sequence data or > 9% according to 16S, but differing only slightly in morphology. The nuclear data (ITS) indicated a lower substitution rate (divergence among groups of around 1%). These large genetic distances among the four lineages clearly point to the existence of a cryptic species complex within D. petraeum comprising at least four species. Differences in the characteristics of intracapsular larval development and protoconch were also detected among these lineages. The allopatric distribution of these cryptic species supports a predominantly vicariant-based cladogenetic pattern for the genus Dendropoma in the Mediterranean.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 96 , 898–912.  相似文献   

Summary 1. InM. muscosa shell growth slows or stops during the winter months.2.M. muscosa in Santa Monica Bay are herbivorous and eat red and green algae as their main foods.3.M. muscosa exhibit two distinct spawning periods which occur mainly during winter and early spring.
Über Wachstum, Ernährung und Reproduktion bei dem ChitonenMopalia muscosa der Santa Monica Bucht
Kurzfassung An Hand von Untersuchungen in der freien Natur und im Laboratorium werden neue Informationen vorgelegt über wichtige ökologische Parameter vonM. muscosa. Bei dieser Art kommt das Schalenwachstum während des Winters fast oder gänzlich zum Erliegen. Die Art ist herbivor und lebt vor allem von Rot- und Grünalgen. Beim Fortpflanzungsgeschehen können zwei Laichperioden unterschieden werden, von denen eine vor allem in den Winter fällt, die andere in den Vorfrühling.

This study is supported by National Science Foundation Grant G9561; it is dedicated to ProfessorA. Bückmann on his 65th birthday, January 17, 1965.  相似文献   

Synopsis The fish community of a small (2.7 ha) Ontario beaver pond was analyzed relative to predictions based on its small size, shallow depth, brief existence and isolation from more permanent water bodies. The predictions were: (1) species richness will be lower than that of more permanent water bodies in the area, (2) fish will be mainly of small body size, (3) species will be randomly distributed across habitats, and (4) there will be a high degree of diet overlap between species and age classes. The first and second predictions were supported. The pond consisted of 10 resident species in 1985, and at least seven in 1988. Species richness was below the average of 13.2 found in four lakes in the vicinity, but greater than the 3.1 predicted by a species-area curve for non-acidified lakes in Ontario. All species except pumpkinseed, yellow perch and brown bullheads were small-bodied with short life spans and high population turnover rates, and few fish above 100 mm were present. Predictions 3 and 4 were not supported. Habitat occupation was nonrandom, and high diet separation occurred, particularly in August when food limitation was evident. While beaver ponds lack the range of habitats and the diversity of species of lake environments, low prey density and high fish density nevertheless appear to foster resource partitioning.  相似文献   

The Neritimorpha is an ancient clade of gastropods that may have acquired larval planktotrophy independently of the evolution of this developmental mode in other gastropods (caenogastropods and heterobranchs). Neritimorphs are therefore centrally important to questions about larval evolution within the Gastropoda, but there is very little information about developmental morphology through metamorphosis for this group. We used immunolabeling (antibodies binding to acetylated α-tubulin and serotonin) and serial ultrathin sections for transmission electron microscopy to characterize the apical sensory organ in planktotrophic larvae of a marine neritimorph. The apical sensory organ of gastropod larvae is a highly conserved multicellular sensory structure that includes an apical ganglion and often an associated ciliary structure. Surprisingly, the apical ganglion of Nerita melanotragus (Smith, 1884) does not have typical ampullary neurons, a type of sensory neuron consisting of a cilia filled inpocketing that has been described in all other major gastropod groups. N. melanotragus has cilia-filled pockets embedded within the apical ganglion, but these so-called “sensory cups” are cassettes of multiple cells: one supporting cell and up to three multiciliated sensory cells. We suggest that an internalized pocket that is filled with cilia and open to the exterior via a narrow pore may be essential architectural features for whatever sensory cues are detected by ampullary neurons and sensory cups; however, morphogenesis of these features at the cellular level has undergone evolutionary change. We also note a correlation between the number of sensory elements consisting of cilia-filled pockets within the larval apical sensory organ of gastropods and morphological complexity of the velum or length of the trochal ciliary bands.  相似文献   

On a formula for the distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
BARNDORFF-NIELSEN  O. 《Biometrika》1983,70(2):343-365

On the scaling patterns of species spatial distribution and association   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding how species distribution (occupancy and spatial autocorrelation) and association (that is, multi-species co-distribution) change across scales is fundamental to unlocking the pattern formation in population ecology and macroecology. Based on the Bayesian rule and join-count statistics, I present here a mathematical model that can demonstrate the effect of spatial scale on the observation of species distribution and association. Results showed that the intensity of spatial autocorrelation and species association declines when the grain in the spatial analysis increases, although the category of species distribution (aggregated or segregated) and association (positive or negative) remains the same. Random distribution and species independence were proved to be scale-free. Regardless of the possible patterns of species distribution and association, species tend to be randomly distributed and independent from each other when scaling-up (an increasing grain), reflecting a percolation process. This model, thus, grasps the statistical essence of species scaling pattern and presents a step forward for unveiling mechanisms behind species distributional and macroecological patterns.  相似文献   

The territorial organization of the colonies of N. princeps (Desneux) (Isoptera: Temitidae) was studied by four methods: maps of nest systems, tests of aggressiveness, comparison of soldier diterpene patterns, and determination of the reproductive status of the nests. The diterpene patterns are rather variable among sympatric colonies, and allow the tracing of soldiers from their respective colonies throughout their foraging range. Soldiers from neighbouring nests display in some instances closely resembling diterpene patterns, suggesting close genetic relatedness and polycalic colonies, i.e. composed of several linked nests spread over large territories. Most likely, N, princeps colonies reproduce by budding. The number and type of reproductives found in the nests are consistent with this hypothesis. Tests of aggressiveness supported the above conclusions, but absence of aggression did not always indicate that the termites belonged to the same colony.  相似文献   

Holohalaelurus regani was caught in 38% of the 3314 bottom trawls conducted during routine demersal surveys o. the South African west and south coasts from 1986 to 1999. An index of biomass for H. regani has increased on the west coast, from 1606 t in 1986–1993 to 3012 t in 1994–1999, despite c. 130 t being taken annually as by–catch in the demersal fishery. On the south coast, there has also been an increase over the same period, from 793 to 1350 t. Females and juveniles were generally found in shallower water (<300 m) than males, suggesting an inshore nursery area. Male H. regani become mature at 450–500 mm LT, whereas females become mature at 400–450 mm LT. There is reproductive activity throughout the year and fecundity appears to be high. This species is a generalist feeder, with the diet comprising teleosts, crustaceans and cephalopods. H. regani also scavenges offal opportunistically. Its high fecundity, the relative protection of females and juveniles in shallow water that is rarely trawled, its opportunistic diet and its robust nature that may allow it to survive after it has been discarded, have enabled H. regani to increase in numbers, despite indirect fishing pressure.  相似文献   

Faunal analysis of an oxygen‐depleted marine Lower Carboniferous succession (Late Mississippian Ruddle Shale) suggests how some cephalopod taxa laid their eggs during the Late Palaeozoic. At the Ruddle Shale collecting site in Arkansas, USA, the facies and overall fauna suggest severe oxygen depletion at the sediment/water interface. The Ammonoidea, with their small egg size, were probably laid in suspended gelatinous egg‐filled masses in the water column above the bottom or by attachment of the egg masses to floating debris. The ammonitella embryos developed within the suspended or attached egg mass; hatched individuals became part of the free‐swimming plankton biota. Based on shell morphology the Bactritoidea probably followed the same reproductive pattern. Coiled nautiloids (the Nautilida) and most orthoconic nautiloids (mostly the Pseudorthocerida) probably did not lay their eggs in the mid water column or as floatant attachments. This conclusion is based on the fact that, with one exception, all shells recovered of these two nautiloid orders are well past hatching. Gastropods in the Ruddle Shale are very small and cannot be visually detected in the field. However, microgastropods are abundant in washed residues. Most specimens are much smaller than 1 mm. The largest caenogastropod specimen is 1.3 mm high. These caenogastropods represent isolated larval shells and a successful metamorphosis was impossible because of oxygen depletion on the bottom. Allegations that a size of more than 1 mm is too large for pelagic larvae are refuted by examples of planktotrophic larval shells of modern gastropods (more than 1 mm high) and Triassic caenogastropods (up to 2 mm high) from the Cassian Formation (Northern Italy, South Alps). Repository information is given for the type‐material of the gastropod species Nuetzelina striata  Bandel, 2002 and Anozyga arkansasensis  Bandel, 2002 which were both erected based on specimens from the Ruddle Shale that were illustrated by Nützel & Mapes in 2001.  相似文献   

Aim Phylogenetically related species share attributes that lead to common responses to environmental conditions, but which could also produce the exclusion of species by its relatives. These processes could generate the patterns of phylogenetic attraction or repulsion in local communities, where related species would tend to coexist more or less than expected by chance. This paper aims to (1) analyse the phylogenetic structure of a benthic gastropod assemblage in the south‐western Atlantic Ocean (SAO); (2) explore the linkages between phylogenetic structure and spatial distribution patterns; (3) compare outcomes driven by the analysis of presence‐only data and predictive species distribution models; and (4) explore which aspects of the gained knowledge can be useful to the design of sound conservation and/or management actions. Location Uruguayan shelf and slope in the SAO. Methods Spatial patterns in taxonomical relatedness were assessed using (1) raw presence/absence data (i.e. realized niche approach) and (2) reconstruction of the potential composition of the assemblage from niche modelling (i.e. fundamental niche approach). Null models were used to test hypotheses on assemblage structure. Results Significant departures from the null hypothesis that all species were drawn from the same assemblage were observed irrespectively of the approach, indicating the existence of non‐random structures. However, a high proportion of local communities can be thought as random subsets of the regional species pool. This lack of a strong signal of a taxonomic effect could be related to the absence of a linkage between taxonomic distances and ecological similarities. Main conclusions Our results suggest a random assembly of local communities from the regional species pool and/or niche filtering independent of phylogeny as main determinants of local community composition. We also suggest that local assemblages displaying significantly higher (or lower) than expected taxonomic relatedness should be taken into consideration for designing spatially explicit conservation measures.  相似文献   

Knocked down and out: PACAP in development, reproduction and feeding   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sherwood NM  Adams BA  Isaac ER  Wu S  Fradinger EA 《Peptides》2007,28(9):1680-1687
One approach to understanding the role of PACAP in vivo is to knockdown the translation of PACAP mRNA to protein or to knock out the PACAP gene by targeted disruption. In this paper, we review the effect of PACAP knockdown with morpholinos on early brain development in zebrafish. Also reviewed is the role of PACAP at several stages of reproduction as assessed in mice with a disrupted PACAP gene. New data are presented to analyze PACAP's action in energy homeostasis (body mass, food intake, endocrine parameters) using female PACAP-null mice. The evidence suggests PACAP is important for brain development in zebrafish and is required for normal reproduction, but not for body mass or food intake in mice maintained near thermoneutrality.  相似文献   

The influence of the food content and the particle size of the substratum on the distribution and relative abundance of Metapenaeus macleayi (Haswell) has been investigated by periodic trawl sampling for prawns and laboratory studies of their food, feeding, and burrowing behaviour.M. macleayi are opportunistic omnivores; they pick up material from the bottom with their chelipeds and convey it to the mouthparts where edible matter is sorted and ingested. They burrow into the sediment with their pereopods and pleopods, and are usually totally buried beneath the surface. A respiratory water current enters a tube formed by the antennal scales and the antennules, flows over the gills and then out of the carapace; this current is regularly reversed with increased strength, presumably to carry away de-oxygenated water. The results of experiments on substratum preference with adequately nourished juveniles suggest that the particle size of the sediment is more important than the food in the substratum in determining the distribution; the apparent preference of juveniles for a fine sandy substratum both in the laboratory and in the natural habitat may be attributed to the minimum threshold velocity of the sand particles.Adults are most abundant in turbid coastal waters arising from estuarine discharge and here the size of the sediment particles appears to be less important than the food content of the substratum in determining the distribution. The mangrove and reed swamps in the Hunter region play an important rôle in the food requirements of juvenile and adult prawns.  相似文献   

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