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Strains of Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides have been divided into small colony (SC) and large colony (LC) types (Cottew & Yeats, 1978). The protein patterns of representative strains of these two types and of M. mycoides subsp. capri were compared by a high resolution, two-dimensional gel electrophoretic method. The results suggest that the LC strains are more closely related to M. mycoides subsp. capri than to the SC strains of M. mycoides subsp. mycoides.  相似文献   

A cell-free system was used to characterize the phosphorylation of Mycoplasma pneumoniae proteins HMW1 and HMW2, which are involved in the adherence of this organism to human tracheal epithelium during infection. The pH and cation requirements for phosphorylation of HMW1 and HMW2 were determined, and the effects of glycolytic intermediates, cyclic AMP, and eukaryotic kinase-phosphatase inhibitors and stimulators on this process were examined. Phosphoamino acid analysis identified serine as the major phosphate acceptor for both HMW1 and HMW2 in this system.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas oxalaticus utilized sodium acetate or fructose, in addition to sodium formate known to be assimilated via the reductive pentose phosphate pathway. The generation time during growth on fructose (2 h, 10 min) was considerably shorter than observed for other pseudomonads, which sequentially utilize a phosphoenolpyruvate-dependent phosphotransferase system and 1-phosphofructoninase during growth on fructose. In contrast, extracts prepared from fructose-grownP. oxalaticus contaned enzyme activities indicative of the Entner-Doudoroff pathway, while 1-phosphofructokinase was not found. Our studies indicate thatP. oxalaticus may be useful as a model organism for studies of CO2 fixation.  相似文献   

Highly homogeneous populations of human pachytene spetmatocytes and round spermatids have been obtained from normal adult testis using unit gravity (STA-PUT) sedimentation. Contaminating Leydig cells have been removed by density centrifugation in discontinuous Percoll gradients to yield resultant germ cell purities of 90–95% for pachytene spermatocytes and 89–96% for round spermatids. The total cellular polypeptide composition of separated human germ cells has been analyzed by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to compare 1) human and mouse pachytene spermatocytes (species specificity), 2) samples of human spermatocytes obtained from different individuals (allo specificity), and 3) pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids from the same patients (stage specificity). Mouse and human germ cells have been found to exhibit extensive homology, but identified marker proteins limited to human spermatocytes include a group of polypeptides at p45/5.9 as well as a protein at p67/5.2. Proteins unique to mouse germ cells include component p65/5.5. Comparisons between different preparations of human pachytene spermatocytes have revealed about 90% electrophoretic homology, but some striking allotypic variations have been noted including the proteins at p45/5.9. Finally, presumptive stage-specific spermatogenic cell markers have been identified including the p45/5.9 polypeptides that are present only in human spermatocytes. Although the physiological roles of particular marker proteins have not yet been determined, the present findings indicate that purified spermatogenic cell populations may be analyzed biochemically to identify constituents important in the regulation of sperm development in man.  相似文献   

Comparative electrophoresis and numerical taxonomy of some Candida species   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

The proteins of 14 strains of Mycoplasma hominis were compared by SDS-PAGE in gradient gels, by two-dimensional (2D) gel electrophoresis of extracts of 35S-labelled cells and by immunoblot analysis of cell proteins. The strains examined included the M. hominis type strain PG21 and 13 others isolated variously from genital tract, mouth, blood, upper urinary tract and a wound. These 14 strains shared 76-99% of proteins in SDS-gradient gel analysis and 41-72% in the 2D gels. As expected, the immunoblot analysis likewise revealed the existence of an extensive common protein pattern in M. hominis, in addition to a number of antigens shared only by some strains.  相似文献   

Summary Conservation of polypeptide fold and mode of ligand binding is frequently found within proteins of related function. Examples illustrating this phenomenon are taken from NAD linked enzymes, nucleotide binding proteins, polysaccharide binding proteins, heme binding proteins and enzymes with essential Fe-S complexes or zinc atoms.  相似文献   

Separation of externally exposed plasma membrane proteins of mammalian cells has been achieved by a new two-dimensional gel electrophoresis system. The proteins were separated in the first dimension on cylindrical polyacrylamide gels containing 0.1% sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and in the second dimension on polyacrylamide slab gels containing 9 M urea, 0.1% SDS, and 0.1% Triton CF10. Using this method we have obtained reproducible high-resolution patterns of cell surface proteins of differentiated rat neuro-tumor cells in culture and of normal rat retinal cells. Different cell types show characteristic cell surface proteins in addition to ubiquitous ones. The number of common surface proteins between two cell types account for approximately half of the total surface proteins. By immunoprecipitation we have also found that rabbit anti-serum against a rat neuronal cell line can recognize most of these external proteins. Since the separation in the first dimension is done in the presence of SDS and the second dimension in the presence of SDS, a non-ionic detergent, and urea, the technique is particularly suitable for proteins that are of poor solubility. In addition to size, net charge and hydrophobicity appear to be important factors in the separation. Virtually all of the proteins that run in the first dimension can be recovered and further separated in the second.  相似文献   

Many naturally occurring proteins which are used therapeutically have been cloned and expressed in large quantities in bacterial, yeast or mammalian systems. Purification of these proteins by column chromatography generates high purity products with low levels of host protein contaminants. However, isoforms of the desired protein may be present at variable concentrations. Analysis of these variant forms has been enhanced by the utilisation of capillary electrophoresis (CE), a highly efficient, widely applicable technique which is increasingly used in the field of biotechnology. The role of CE in the analysis of recombinant proteins is reviewed with respect to microcharacterisation, comparison of natural and recombinant proteins, separation of mutant or variant forms and analysis of glycoforms. Examples of these applications are described and illustrated with analysis of recombinant human albumin. The rapid development of CE, further enhancing its versatility, and its use with complementary analytical techniques is also discussed.  相似文献   

We have developed a procedure for two-dimensional separation of small-molecular-weight (9000–30,000), acidic (pI 4–6) proteins that allows the use of strips cut from horizontal isoelectric-focusing slab gels for the first dimension, and discontinuous gels containing sodium dodecyl sulfate and high concentrations of urea in the second dimension. This technique facilitates the screening of large numbers of samples and the evaluation of electrofocusing artifacts. We emphasize measures to prevent major problems encountered in the use of this technique, particularly those caused by diffusion and aggregation. We also describe an extension of the method which allows the two-dimensional comparison of many samples in a selected narrow pH zone of interest.  相似文献   

SDS electrophoresis of fluorescamine-labeled proteins   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Summary A recently developed polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis technique for tuber proteins is used to help elucidate the evolution and taxonomy of some cultivated potatoes. The results substantiate the theory that Group Tuberosum evolved from Group Andigena, that Group Andigena evolved from a cultivated diploid × wild diploid hybrid, and that Group Phureja evolved from Group Stenotomum. Furthermore, the results suggest these groups are closely enough related to merit classification within a single species.Scientific Journal Series Article 10,172 of the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   

ObjectiveWe investigated effects of salazosulfapyridine (SASP) on the protein profile of cell surface (CS)-proteins of SW982, a human synovial sarcoma cell line, using biotinylation of CS-proteins and 2-dimensional fluorescence difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE).MethodsSW982 cells were treated with SASP and its metabolites, sulfapyridine (SP) and 5-aminosalicylic acid (5ASA). Then the cells were treated with a membrane-impermeable biotinylating reagent. Biotinylated CS-proteins were isolated using NeutrAvidin-bound beads. CS-proteins affected by the drugs were detected by 2D-DIGE and subjected to mass spectrometry.ResultsBy the 2D-DIGE analysis, in total 576 spots were detected, 29 out of which showed more than ±1.5-fold different intensity in the SASP-, SP-, and 5ASA-treated cells, compared to non-treated cells (p < 0.05). Interestingly, 7 out of the 29 spots changed their intensity only by SASP and 17 spots changed their intensity only by SP. We identified 9 protein from 15 out of the 29 spots, most of which were evidenced to exist on the cell surface by flow cytometry.ConclusionWe found novel effects of SASP and its metabolites on SW982 cells by the combination of biotinylation of cell surface proteins and 2D-DIGE analysis. These data would help understanding of anti-rheumatic actions of SASP. Furthermore, the combination would be a useful method for the analysis of CS-proteins in various conditions.  相似文献   

The Mycoplasma pneumoniae FH strain routinely used in our laboratory for over 25 years as antigen in serological tests, 2 reference M. pneumoniae strains from ATCC (29342 and M129) and 3 isolates of M. pneumoniae obtained in 1995 from pneumonia patients were compared by SDS-PAGE, complement fixation test (CFT) and by Western-immunoblotting against human and rabbit serum samples with high level of mycoplasmal antibodies. On SDS-PAGE all M. pneumoniae strains showed the same number of 23 polypeptides on the gel with identical molecular weights. The same strains on immunoblotting against human and rabbit serum samples showed six bands: 170, 89, 75, 55, 38 and 33 kDa with the strongest antibody staining in 170-(P1 protein) and 89-kDa bands. Because of its known antigenic relationships Mycoplasma genitalium was used for comparison. The pattern of M. genitalium proteins on SDS-PAGE was similar to pattern of M. pneumoniae but distinguishable. On immunoblotting six proteins of M. genitalium (135, 127, 110, 95, 75 and 45 kDa) reacted with human and rabbits immunoglobulins for M. pneumoniae antigens. Furthermore in complement fixation test both antigens, prepared from M. pneumoniae and M. genitalium, reacted as well with human and rabbit immunoglobulins for M. pneumoniae and with rabbit immunoglobulins for M. genitalium. These cross-reactions observed in serological techniques could give false positive results in routine diagnosis of M. pneumoniae infections. In such situations showing on immunoblott of presence in tested serum sample of antibodies to 170- and 89 kDa proteins could confirm M. pneumoniae infection.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic patterns of membrane proteins of Mycoplasma   总被引:28,自引:10,他引:18  
Cell membranes of Mycoplasma were isolated either by osmotic lysis or by ultrasonic disruption of the organisms. The membranes were dissolved in phenol-acetic acid-water (2:1:0.5, w/v/v), and membrane proteins were separated electrophoretically in polyacrylamide gels containing 5 m urea and 35% (v/v) acetic acid. The electrophoretic patterns of membrane proteins were highly specific for the different Mycoplasma strains examined. The use of this method to prove the identity or dissimilarity of Mycoplasma strains is suggested.  相似文献   

This article describes a model for forced-flow electrophoresis (FFE), considering the desired species fraction removal, other fraction removals, and outlet concentrations of all species in the system. The model predicts the necessary inlet flow rate of the retentate chamber and the rate of filtration and the voltage gradient and also provides an appropriate heat balance permitting consideration of possible heat denaturation of the species. The equipment consists of two membranes and a filter, the electric field being imposed by means of external electrodes, and two fractions are obtainable. The main discriminating factor is not the pore sizes of the filter but the relative solute ionization, which depends on the pH and the ionic strength of the buffer solution. Serum proteins (albumin, gamma-globulin) and bacteriophages (M13, MS2, phiX174) have been used to characterize the separation process.  相似文献   

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