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The potassium channel KcsA from Streptomyces lividans has been reconstituted into bilayers of phosphatidylcholines and fluorescence spectroscopy has been used to characterize the response of KcsA to changes in bilayer thickness. The Trp residues in KcsA form two bands, one on each side of the membrane. Trp fluorescence emission spectra and the proportion of the Trp fluorescence intensity quenchable by I(-) hardly vary in the lipid chain length range C10 to C24, suggesting efficient hydrophobic matching between KcsA and the lipid bilayer over this range. Measurements of fluorescence quenching for KcsA reconstituted into mixtures of brominated and nonbrominated phospholipids have been analyzed to give binding constants of lipids for KcsA, relative to that for dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (di(C18:1)PC). Relative lipid binding constants increase by only a factor of three with increasing chain length from C10 to C22 with a decrease from C22 to C24. Strongest binding to di(C22:1)PC corresponds to a state in which the side chains of the lipid-exposed Trp residues are likely to be located within the hydrocarbon core of the lipid bilayer. It is suggested that matching of KcsA to thinner bilayers than di(C24:1)PC is achieved by tilting of the transmembrane alpha-helices in KcsA. Measurements of fluorescence quenching of KcsA in bilayers of brominated phospholipids as a function of phospholipid chain length suggest that in the chain length range C14 to C18 the Trp residues move further away from the center of the lipid bilayer with increasing chain length, which can be partly explained by a decrease in helix tilt angle with increasing bilayer thickness. In the chain length range C18 to C24 it is suggested that the Trp residues become more buried within the hydrocarbon core of the bilayer.  相似文献   

Furini S  Beckstein O  Domene C 《Proteins》2009,74(2):437-448
Previous studies have reported that the KcsA potassium channel has an osmotic permeability coefficient of 4.8 x 10(-12) cm3/s, giving it a significantly higher osmotic permeability coefficient than that of some membrane channels specialized in water transport. This high osmotic permeability is proposed to occur when the channel is depleted of potassium ions, the presence of which slow down the water permeation process. The atomic structure of the potassium-depleted KcsA channel and the mechanisms of water permeation have not been well characterized so far. Here, all-atom molecular dynamics simulations, in conjunction with an umbrella sampling strategy and a nonequilibrium approach to simulate pressure gradients are employed to illustrate the permeation of water in the absence of ions through the KcsA K+ channel. Equilibrium molecular dynamics simulations (95 ns combined total length) identified a possible structure of the potassium-depleted KcsA channel, and umbrella sampling calculations (160 ns combined total length) revealed that this structure is not permeable by water molecules moving along the channel axis. The simulation of a pressure gradient across the channel (30 ns combined total length) identified an alternative permeation pathway with a computed osmotic permeability of approximately (2.7 +/- 0.9) x 10(-13) cm3/s. Water fluxes along this pathway did not proceed through collective water motions or transitions to vapor state. All of the major results of this study were robust against variations in a wide set of simulation parameters (force field, water model, membrane model, and channel conformation).  相似文献   

The ability of an ion channel to open in response to a defined stimulus is central to its function. In ligand-gated channels, pore opening is conferred through transduction of a conformational change in a gating domain to the helices of the pore. Here, we present the construction of a designed cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) channel, named KcsA-CNG, by addition of a prokaryotic cyclic nucleotide-binding domain to a KcsA-derived K+ channel. This channel is functional in lipid bilayers at physiological pH and has the combined properties of both of its parent-derived components. It conducts K+ and is blocked by the K+ channel inhibitors Na+ and agitoxin-2. Channel open times are increased by about two orders of magnitude compared to wild-type KcsA. The average number of open channels increases by approximately 50% upon addition of cAMP. Although the absolute open probabilities are somewhat variable from one channel to the next, the property of cyclic nucleotide sensitivity is very reproducible. An apparent Kd value of approximately 90 nM was estimated. The successful construction of a cyclic nucleotide-gated KcsA K+ channel suggests that it should be possible to produce channels that will respond to novel ligands.  相似文献   

Fluorescence quenching methods have been used to study interactions of anionic phospholipids with the potassium channel KcsA from Streptomyces lividans. Quenching of the Trp fluorescence of KcsA reconstituted into mixtures of dioleoylphosphatidylcholine (DOPC) and an anionic phospholipid with dibromostearoyl chains is more marked at low mole fractions of the brominated anionic phospholipid than is quenching in mixtures of dibromostearoylphosphatidylcholine and nonbrominated anionic lipid. The quenching data are consistent with two classes of binding site for lipid on KcsA, one set corresponding to annular binding sites around KcsA to which DOPC and two-chain anionic phospholipids bind with similar affinities, the other set (non-annular sites) corresponding to sites at which anionic phospholipids can bind but from which DOPC is either excluded or binds with very low affinity. The binding constant for tetraoleoylcardiolipin at the annular sites is significantly less than that for DOPC, being comparable to that for dioleoylphosphatidylethanolamine. Tetraoleoylcardiolipin binds with highest affinity to the non-annular sites, the affinity for dioleoylphosphatidylglycerol being the lowest. The affinity for dioleoylphosphatidylserine decreases at high ionic strength, suggesting that electrostatic interactions between the anionic phospholipid headgroup and positively charged residues on KcsA are important for binding at the non-annular site. The effect of ionic strength on the binding of phosphatidic acid is less marked than on phosphatidylserine. The value of the binding constant for the non-annular site depends on the extent of Trp fluorescence quenching following from binding at the non-annular site. It is suggested that the non-annular site to which binding is detected in the fluorescence quenching experiments corresponds to the binding site for phosphatidylglycerol detected at monomer-monomer interfaces in x-ray diffraction studies.  相似文献   

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of an atomic model of the KcsA K(+) channel embedded in an explicit dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) phospholipid bilayer solvated by a 150 mM KCl aqueous salt solution are performed and analyzed. The model includes the KcsA K(+) channel, based on the recent crystallographic structure of, Science. 280:69-77), 112 DPPC, K(+) and Cl(-) ions, as well as over 6500 water molecules for a total of more than 40,000 atoms. Three K(+) ions are explicitly included in the pore. Two are positioned in the selectivity filter on the extracellular side and one in the large water-filled cavity. Different starting configurations of the ions and water molecules in the selectivity filter are considered, and MD trajectories are generated for more than 4 ns. The conformation of KcsA is very stable in all of the trajectories, with a global backbone root mean square (RMS) deviation of less than 1.9 A with respect to the crystallographic structure. The RMS atomic fluctuations of the residues surrounding the selectivity filter on the extracellular side of the channel are significantly lower than those on the intracellular side. The motion of the residues with aromatic side chains surrounding the selectivity filter (Trp(67), Trp(68), Tyr(78), and Tyr(82)) is anisotropic with the smallest RMS fluctuations in the direction parallel to the membrane plane. A concerted dynamic transition of the three K(+) ions in the pore is observed, during which the K(+) ion located initially in the cavity moves into the narrow part of the selectivity filter, while the other two K(+) ions move toward the extracellular side. A single water molecule is stabilized between each pair of ions during the transition, suggesting that each K(+) cation translocating through the narrow pore is accompanied by exactly one water molecule, in accord with streaming potential measurements (, Biophys. J. 55:367-371). The displacement of the ions is coupled with the structural fluctuations of Val(76) and Gly(77), in the selectivity filter, as well as the side chains of Glu(71), Asp(80), and Arg(89), near the extracellular side. Thus the mechanical response of the channel structure at distances as large as 10-20 A from the ions in the selectivity filter appears to play an important role in the concerted transition.  相似文献   

K(+) channels play essential roles in regulating membrane excitability of many diverse cell types by selectively conducting K(+) ions through their pores. Many diverse molecules can plug the pore and modulate the K(+) current. Quaternary ammonium (QA) ions are a class of pore blockers that have been used for decades by biophysicists to probe the pore, leading to important insights into the structure-function relation of K(+) channels. However, many key aspects of the QA-blocking mechanisms remain unclear to date, and understanding these questions requires high resolution structural information. Here, we address the question of whether intracellular QA blockade causes conformational changes of the K(+) channel selectivity filter. We have solved the structures of the KcsA K(+) channel in complex with tetrabutylammonium (TBA) and tetrabutylantimony (TBSb) under various ionic conditions. Our results demonstrate that binding of TBA or TBSb causes no significant change in the KcsA structure at high concentrations of permeant ions. We did observe the expected conformational change of the filter at low concentration of K(+), but this change appears to be independent of TBA or TBSb blockade.  相似文献   

The E71 residue is buried near the selectivity filter in the KcsA K+ channel and forms a carboxyl-carboxylate bridge with D80. We have investigated the importance of E71 by examining neutralization mutants at this position using biochemical and electrophysiological methods. E71 mutations differentially destabilize the detergent-solubilized tetramer; among them, the E71V neutralization mutant has a relatively subtle effect. The E71V channel displays electrical activity when reconstituted into planar lipid bilayers. In single channel recordings, the mutant retains K+/Na+ selectivity, and its conductance in the outward direction is unaltered. Some conduction properties are changed: inward conductance is increased. Our results show that that the E71 side chain is not a primary determinant of ion selectivity or conduction in the wild-type channel, either directly or through the E71:D80 carboxyl-carboxylate bridge.  相似文献   

The interaction of dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, dipalmitoylphosphatidic acid and dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine with some DNA substructures such as cytidine, uridine, adenosine 5'di- and triphosphate, guanosine 5'mono- and diphosphate, cytidine 5'mono- and triphosphate, uridine 5'mono- and triphosphate and inosine 5'monophosphate was studied with differential scanning calorimetry. The dependence of pretransition and main transition temperatures and the enthalpy of main transition on the molecular characteristics of the interacting molecular species was calculated by stepwise regression analysis. Nucleosides and nucleotides increased the main transition temperature and peak half width of phospholipids and they decreased the enthalpy of main transition proving the existence of interaction between phospholipids and DNA substructures. Calculation proved that the interaction is mainly of hydrophilic character but the involvement of hydrophobic forces or steric conditions cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   

Valiyaveetil FI  Zhou Y  MacKinnon R 《Biochemistry》2002,41(35):10771-10777
Lipid molecules surround an ion channel in its native environment of cellular membranes. The importance of the lipid bilayer and the role of lipid protein interactions in ion channel structure and function are not well understood. Here we demonstrate that the bacterial potassium channel KcsA binds a negatively charged lipid molecule. We have defined the potential binding site of the lipid molecule on KcsA by X-ray crystallographic analysis of a complex of KcsA with a monoclonal antibody Fab fragment. We also demonstrate that lipids are required for the in vitro refolding of the KcsA tetramer from the unfolded monomeric state. The correct refolding of the KcsA tetramer requires lipids, but it is not dependent on negatively charged lipids as refolding takes place in the absence of such lipids. We confirm that the presence of negatively charged lipids is required for ion conduction through the KcsA potassium channel, suggesting that the lipid bound to KcsA is important for ion channel function.  相似文献   

Local anesthetics and related drugs block ionic currents of Na+, K+ and Ca2+ conducted across the cell membrane by voltage-dependent ion channels. Many of these drugs bind in the permeation pathway, occlude the pore and stop ion movement. However channel-blocking drugs have also been associated with decreased membrane stability of certain tetrameric K+ channels, similar to the destabilization of channel function observed at low extracellular K+ concentration. Such drug-dependent stability may result from electrostatic repulsion of K+ from the selectivity filter by a cationic drug molecule bound in the central cavity of the channel. In this study we used the pore domain of the KcsA K+ channel protein to test this hypothesis experimentally with a biochemical assay of tetramer stability and theoretically by computational simulation of local anesthetic docking to the central cavity. We find that two common local anesthetics, lidocaine and tetracaine, promote thermal dissociation of the KcsA tetramer in a K+-dependent fashion. Docking simulations of these drugs with open, open-inactivated and closed crystal structures of KcsA yield many energetically favorable drug-channel complexes characterized by nonbonded attraction to pore-lining residues and electrostatic repulsion of K+. The results suggest that binding of cationic drugs to the inner cavity can reduce tetramer stability of K+ channels.  相似文献   

Potassium channels fluctuate between closed and open states. The detailed mechanism of the conformational changes opening the intracellular pore in the K+ channel from Streptomyces lividans (KcsA) is unknown. Applying Monte Carlo normal mode following, we find that gating involves rotation and unwinding of the TM2 bundle, lateral movement of the TM2 helices away from the channel axis, and disappearance of the TM2 bundle. The open-state conformation of KcsA exhibits a very wide inner vestibule, with a radius approximately 5-7 A and inner helices bent at the A98-G99 hinge. Computed conformational changes demonstrate that spin labeling and X-ray experiments illuminate different stages in gating: transition begins with clockwise rotation of the TM2 helices ending at a final state with the TM2 bend hinged near residues A98-G99. The concordance between the computational and experimental results provides atomic-level insights into the structural rearrangements of the channel's inner pore.  相似文献   

Crystallographic studies of K(+) channels in the closed (KcsA) and open (MthK) states suggest that Gly(99) (KcsA numbering) in the inner helices serves as a gating hinge during channel activation. However, some P-loop channels have larger residues in the corresponding position. The comparison of x-ray structures of KcsA and MthK shows that channel activation alters backbone torsions and helical H-bonds in residues 95-105. Importantly, the changes in Gly(99) are not the largest ones. This raises questions about the mechanism of conformational changes upon channel gating. In this work, we have built a model of the open KcsA using MthK as a template and simulated opening and closing of KcsA by constraining C-ends of the inner helices at a gradually changing distance from the pore axis without restraining mobility of the helices along the axis. At each imposed distance, the energy was Monte Carlo-minimized. The channel-opening and channel-closing trajectories arrived to the structures in which the backbone geometry was close to that seen in MthK and KcsA, respectively. In the channel-opening trajectory, the constraints-induced lateral forces caused kinks at midpoints of the inner helices between Val(97) and Gly(104) but did not destroy interdomain contacts, the pore helices, and the selectivity filter. The simulated activation of the Gly(99)Ala mutant yielded essentially similar results. Analysis of interresidue energies shows that the N-terminal parts of the inner helices form strong attractive contacts with the pore helices and the outer helices. The lateral forces induce kinks at the position where the helix-breaking torque is maximal and the intersegment contacts vanish. This mechanism may be conserved in different P-loop channels.  相似文献   

The properties of the KcsA channel were investigated using a combination of tryptophan scanning of the two transmembrane helices followed by random mutagenesis at targeted residues. The tryptophan mutants were subjected to two screens: oligomeric stability and ability to complement the K+ uptake deficiency of the TK2420 Escherichia coli strain. Oligomeric stability is affected primarily by mutations at sites that border on and interact with the selectivity filter, while the complementation assays identified residues at the crossing point of the inner helices. Sites identified by the complementation assay in the tryptophan screen were subjected to random mutagenesis and selection by complementation. We have found two mutants, A108S and A108T, which have dramatically increased open probability while retaining the basic property of oligomeric stability.  相似文献   

M Drees  K Beyer 《Biochemistry》1988,27(23):8584-8591
The interaction of spin-labeled phospholipids with the detergent-solubilized ADP/ATP carrier protein from the inner mitochondrial membrane has been investigated by electron spin resonance spectroscopy. The equilibrium binding of cardiolipin and phosphatidic acid was studied by titration of the protein with spin-labeled phospholipid analogues using a spectral subtraction protocol for the evaluation of the mobile and immobilized lipid portions. This analysis revealed the immobilization of two molecules of spin-labeled cardiolipin per protein dimer. Phosphatidic acid has a similar affinity for the protein surface as cardiolipin. The lipid-protein interaction was less pronounced with the neutral phospholipids and with phosphatidylglycerol. The importance of the electrostatic contribution to the phospholipid-protein interaction shows up with a strong dependence of the lipid binding on salt concentration. Cleavage by phospholipase A2 and spin reduction by ascorbate of the spin-labeled acidic phospholipids in contact with the protein surface suggest that these lipids are located on the outer perimeter of the protein. At reduced detergent concentration, the protein aggregated upon addition of small amounts of cardiolipin but remained solubilized when more cardiolipin was added. This result is discussed with respect to the aggregation state of the protein in the mitochondrial membrane. It is also tentatively concluded that binding of spin-labeled cardiolipin does not displace the tightly bound cardiolipin of mitochondrial origin, which was detected previously by 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Guidoni L  Torre V  Carloni P 《FEBS letters》2000,477(1-2):37-42
Molecular dynamics simulations and electrostatic modeling are used to investigate structural and dynamical properties of the potassium ions and of water molecules inside the KcsA channel immersed in a membrane-mimetic environment. Two potassium ions, initially located in the selectivity filter binding sites, maintain their position during 2 ns of dynamics. A third potassium ion is very mobile in the water-filled cavity. The protein appears engineered so as to polarize water molecules inside the channel cavity. The resulting water induced dipole and the positively charged potassium ion within the cavity are the key ingredients for stabilizing the two K(+) ions in the binding sites. These two ions experience single file movements upon removal of the potassium in the cavity, confirming the role of the latter in ion transport through the channel.  相似文献   

Membrane inlet mass spectrometry has been used for the characterization of halogenated organic compounds produced by the fungus Bjerkandera adusta. Using this technique we obtained electron impact-, chemical ionization-, electron capture negative chemical ionization-mass spectra and tandem mass spectra directly from the growth medium. Through this direct analysis of the samples we identified novel bioconversion products and confirmed recently published data on the production of both chlorinated and brominated methoxybenzaldehyde metabolites. Growth profiles of the culture grown on a defined medium showed that the production of secondary metabolites starts after approximately 6 days and reaches maximal concentrations of 25-250 muM after 15-20 days. Although delayed, the production of secondary metabolites paralleled a depletion of glucose from the medium and stopped shortly after all glucose had been consumed. Experiments in which fluoro- and bromo-labeled 4-methoxybenzaldehydes were added to the medium at day 8 showed biotransformation of these compounds into chloro-3-fluoro-4-methoxy-benzaldehyde and chloro-3-bromo-4-methoxybenzaldehyde, respectively. No dichlorinated products were observed, suggesting that halogenation takes place only at the meta position on the 4-methoxybenzaldehydes. These experiments are the first to bring direct evidence of a halogenation mechanism, where the enzymatic attack takes place directly on the 4-methoxybenzaldehyde intermediates. (c) John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The effect of low concentrations of nonionic detergents with different critical micelle concentrations such as Triton X-100, Brij 35 and octylglucoside on rabbit liver microsomes is studied by means of 31P-NMR, 1H-NMR, dynamic light scattering and functional investigations. Hexane phosphonic acid diethyl ester was used as a phosphorus membrane probe molecule to monitor the interaction of detergent molecules with microsomal phospholipids by 31P-NMR. This method is more sensitive than 31P-NMR of phospholipids alone and permitted the estimation of the maximum number of detergent molecules which can be incorporated in microsomes without the formation of mixed micelles outside the membrane. These membrane saturation concentrations were determined to be 0.07 (Brij 35), 0.1 (Triton X-100) and 0.4 (octylglucoside) (molar ratio of detergent/total phospholipids). Above these detergent concentrations, mixed micelles consisting of detergent and membrane constituents are formed, coexisting with the microsomes up to the membrane solubilization concentration. The results indicate a dependence of the membrane saturation concentration on the critical micelle concentration of the detergent and a preferential removal of phosphatidylcholine over phosphatidylethanolamine from the microsomes by all detergents studied.  相似文献   

Sequence similarity among and electrophysiological studies of known potassium channels, along with the three-dimensional structure of the Streptomyces lividans K(+) channel (KcsA), support the tenet that voltage-gated K(+) channels (Kv channels) consist of two distinct modules: the "voltage sensor" module comprising the N-terminal portion of the channel up to and including the S4 transmembrane segment and the "pore" module encompassing the C-terminal portion from the S5 transmembrane segment onward. To substantiate this modular design, we investigated whether the pore module of Kv channels may be replaced with the pore module of the prokaryotic KcsA channel. Biochemical and immunocytochemical studies showed that chimeric channels were expressed on the cell surface of Xenopus oocytes, demonstrating that they were properly synthesized, glycosylated, folded, assembled, and delivered to the plasma membrane. Unexpectedly, surface-expressed homomeric chimeras did not exhibit detectable voltage-dependent channel activity upon both hyperpolarization and depolarization regardless of the expression system used. Chimeras were, however, strongly dominant-negative when coexpressed with wild-type Kv channels, as evidenced by the complete suppression of wild-type channel activity. Notably, the dominant-negative phenotype correlated well with the formation of stable, glycosylated, nonfunctional, heteromeric channels. Collectively, these findings imply a structural compatibility between the prokaryotic pore module and the eukaryotic voltage sensor domain that leads to the biogenesis of non-responsive channels. Our results lend support to the notion that voltage-dependent channel gating depends on the precise coupling between both protein domains, probably through a localized interaction surface.  相似文献   

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