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Fertilization competency results from hormone-induced remodeling of oocytes into eggs. The signaling pathways that effect this change exemplify bistability, where brief hormone exposure irrevocably switches cell fate. In Xenopus, changes in Ca(2+) signaling epitomize such remodeling: The reversible Ca(2+) signaling phenotype of oocytes rapidly adapts to support irreversible propagation of the fertilization Ca(2+) wave. Here, we simultaneously resolved IP(3) receptor (IP(3)R) activity with endoplasmic reticulum (ER) structure to optically dissect the functional architecture of the Ca(2+) release apparatus underpinning this reorganization. We show that changes in Ca(2+) signaling correlate with IP(3)R redistribution from specialized ER substructures called annulate lamellae (AL), where Ca(2+) release activity is attenuated, into IP(3)R-replete patches in the cortical ER of eggs that support the fertilization Ca(2+) wave. These data show: first, that IP(3)R sensitivity is regulated with high spatial acuity even between contiguous ER regions; and second, that drastic reorganization of Ca(2+) signaling dynamics can be driven by subcellular redistribution in the absence of changes in channel number or molecular or familial Ca(2+) channel diversity. Finally, these results define a novel role for AL in Ca(2+) signaling. Because AL are prevalent in other scenarios of rapid cell division, further studies of their impact on Ca(2+) signaling are warranted.  相似文献   

Yeast glycolytic mRNAs are differentially regulated.   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文

Cell adhesion to extracellular matrix requires stimulation of an eicosanoid signaling pathway through the metabolism of arachidonate by 5-lipoxygenase to leukotrienes and cyclooxygenase-1/2 to prostaglandins, as well as activation of the small GTPase signaling pathway involving Cdc42 and Rho. These signaling pathways direct remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton during the adhesion process, specifically the polymerization of actin during cell spreading and the bundling of actin filaments when cells migrate. However, few studies linking these signaling pathways have been described in the literature. We have previously shown that HeLa cell adhesion to collagen requires oxidation of arachidonic acid (AA) by lipoxygenase for actin polymerization and cell spreading, and cyclooxygenase for bundling actin filaments during cell migration. We demonstrate that small GTPase activity is required for HeLa cell spreading upon gelatin, and that Cdc42 is activated while Rho is downregulated during the spreading process. Using constitutively active and dominant negative expression studies, we show that Cdc42 is required for HeLa cell spreading and migration, while activated RhoA is antagonistic towards spreading. Constitutively active RhoA promotes cell migration and increases the degree of actin bundling in HeLa cells. Further, we demonstrate that activation of either the AA oxidation pathway or the small GTPase pathway cannot rescue inhibition of spreading when the alternate pathway is blocked. Our results suggest (1) both the eicosanoid signaling pathway and small GTPase activation are required during HeLa cell adhesion, and (2) these signaling pathways converge to properly direct remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton during HeLa cell spreading and migration upon collagen.  相似文献   

Studies of T lymphocyte activation with mitogenic lectins during spaceflight have shown a dramatic inhibition of activation as measured by DNA synthesis at 72 h, but the mechanism of this inhibition is unknown. We have investigated the progression of cellular events during the first 24 h of activation using both spaceflight microgravity culture and a ground-based model system that relies on the low shear culture environment of a rotating clinostat (clinorotation). Stimulation of human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) with soluble anti-CD3 (Leu4) in clinorotation and in microgravity culture shows a dramatic reduction in surface expression of the receptor for IL-2 (CD25) and CD69. An absence of bulk RNA synthesis in clinorotation indicates that stimulation with soluble Leu4 does not induce transition of T cells from G0 to the G1 stage of the cell cycle. However, internalization of the TCR by T cells and normal levels of IL-1 synthesis by monocytes indicate that intercellular interactions that are required for activation occur during clinorotation. Complementation of TCR-mediated signaling by phorbol ester restores the ability of PBMCs to express CD25 in clinorotation, indicating that a PKC-associated pathway may be compromised under these conditions. Bypassing the TCR by direct activation of intracellular pathways with a combination of phorbol ester and calcium ionophore in clinorotation resulted in full expression of CD25; however, only partial expression of CD25 occurred in microgravity culture. Though stimulation of purified T cells with Bead-Leu4 in microgravity culture resulted in the engagement and internalization of the TCR, the cells still failed to express CD25. When T cells were stimulated with Bead-Leu4 in microgravity culture, they were able to partially express CD69, a receptor that is constitutively stored in intracellular pools and can be expressed in the absence of new gene expression. Our results suggest that the inhibition of T cell proliferative response in microgravity culture is a result of alterations in signaling events within the first few hours of activation, which are required for the expression of important regulatory molecules.  相似文献   

The flatworm stem cell system is exceptional within the animal kingdom, as totipotent stem cells (neoblasts) are the only dividing cells within the organism. In contrast to most organisms, piwi-like gene expression in flatworms is extended from germ cells to somatic stem cells. We describe the isolation and characterization of the piwi homologue macpiwi in the flatworm Macrostomum lignano. We use in situ hybridization, antibody staining and RNA interference to study macpiwi expression and function in adults, during postembryonic development, regeneration and upon starvation. We found novelties regarding piwi function and observed differences to current piwi functions in flatworms. First, macpiwi was essential for the maintenance of somatic stem cells in adult animals. A knock-down of macpiwi led to a complete elimination of stem cells and death of the animals. Second, the regulation of stem cells was different in adults and regenerates compared to postembryonic development. Third, sexual reproduction of M. lignano allowed to follow germline formation during postembryonic development, regeneration, and starvation. Fourth, piwi expression in hatchlings further supports an embryonic formation of the germline in M. lignano. Our findings address new questions in flatworm stem cell research and provide a basis for comparison with higher organisms.  相似文献   

Grapevine sexual reproduction involves a seasonal separation between inflorescence primordia (flowering induction) and flower development. We hypothesized that a repression mechanism implicating epigenetic changes could play a role in the seasonal separation of these two developmental processes in grapevine. Therefore, the expression of five grapevine genes with homology to the Arabidopsis epigenetic repressor genes FERTILIZATION INDEPENDENT ENDOSPERM (FIE), EMBRYONIC FLOWER 2 (EMF2), CURLY LEAF (CLF), MULTICOPY SUPPRESSOR OF IRA 1 (MSI1) and SWINGER (SWN) was analyzed during the development of buds and vegetative and reproductive organs. During bud development, the putative grapevine epigenetic repressor genes VvCLF, VvEMF2, VvMSI1, VvSWN and VvFIE are mainly expressed in latent buds at the flowering induction period, but also detected during bud burst and inflorescence/flower development. The overlapping expression patterns of grapevine PcG-like genes in buds suggest that chromatin remodeling mechanisms could be operating during grapevine bud development for controlling processes such as seasonal flowering, dormancy and bud burst. Furthermore, the expression of grapevine PcG-like genes was also detected in fruits and vegetative organs, suggesting that epigenetic changes could be at the basis of the regulation of various proliferation–differentiation cell transitions that occur during grapevine development.  相似文献   

The level of protein synthetic activity varies greatly in plants during development or following many environmental stresses. In order to determine whether these global changes in protein synthesis involve changes in the expression of the translational machinery itself, the expression patterns of the initiation factors (eIFs) during cereal seed development, germination, and in leaves following a heat shock were investigated. The expression patterns of initiation factors during seed development fell into four classes: those whose levels were high during early to mid-development but decreased during late seed development (eIF4 A, eIFiso4E, eIFiso4G, and most eIF3 subunits); those whose levels increased from early to mid-development followed by a decrease during late seed development (eIF4B, eIF4E, eIF2α, eIF2β, and PABP); those whose levels steadily increased throughout seed development (eIF4G); and those whose levels remained constant (the p34 subunit of eIF3). In contrast to these observations, the expression patterns of the factors appeared to be coordinately regulated during early germination although differences were observed at later stages. Following a heat shock, the changes in initiation factor expression in wheat leaves fell into two classes, those whose level increased (eIF4G, eIFiso4G, eIF3, and PABP) and those whose level remained unchanged (eIF4 A, eIF4B, eIF4E, eIFiso4E). These observations reveal the complexity of the expression patterns of the initiation factors during seed development, germination, and following thermal stress and may have mechanistic importance for the selective translation of certain mRNAs under these conditions.  相似文献   

Peroxiredoxin I (Prx I) and peroxiredoxin II (Prx II) are found in abundance in the cytoplasm of cells and catalyze the reduction of hydrogen peroxide with the use of electrons provided by thioredoxin. Here we examined Prx I and Prx II expression in rat lung during perinatal development and in response to hyperoxia. Prx I protein increased during late gestation and after birth fell to adult levels; conversely, Prx I mRNA increased after birth. Prx II protein concentration was unchanged in the perinatal period, but Prx II mRNA increased after birth. In response to hyperoxia begun on postnatal day 4, there was no change in Prx II expression; however, Prx I mRNA, protein, and enzymatic activity increased significantly. These data show that 1) Prx I and Prx II are developmentally regulated at the level of translational efficiency and 2) Prx I, but not Prx II, is inducible and is upregulated during the late-gestational preparation for the oxidative stress experienced by the lung at birth and during exposure to hyperoxia in the neonatal period.  相似文献   

Previous light microscopic immunocytochemical studies using two monoclonal antibodies that recognise alpha-tubulin (YOL/34 and YL1/2) but differ in their isotypic specificity have shown that the unmyelinated parallel fiber axons in the cerebellar cortex are labeled with only one of the antibodies (YOL/34). We now show that at 10 d postnatally the parallel fibers are labeled with both antibodies, and that during development YL1/2 (but not YOL/34) immunoreactivity disappears progressively from parallel fibers in the lower regions of the molecular layer upwards towards the external germinal layer. By approximately 28 d postnatally, the differential staining pattern of parallel fibers by the antibodies is established throughout the molecular layer. The time course, light microscopic, and ultrastructural staining distribution corresponds to a progressive change in alpha-tubulin immunoreactivity as the parallel fibers form synaptic contacts. This modification of alpha-tubulin (which was not observed in Purkinje cell dendrites or Bergmann glia) may be related to the formation of a basic isotype of alpha-tubulin within parallel fiber axons at maturation.  相似文献   

Detoxification of hydrogen peroxide is a fundamental aspect of the cellular antioxidant responses in which catalases play a major role. Two differentially regulated catalase genes, catA and catB, have been studied in Aspergillus nidulans. Here we have characterized a third catalase gene, designated catC, which predicts a 475-amino-acid polypeptide containing a peroxisome-targeting signal. With a molecular mass of 54 kDa, CatC shows high similarity to other small-subunit monofunctional catalases and is most closely related to catalases from other fungi, Archaea, and animals. In contrast, the CatA (approximately 84 kDa) and CatB (approximately 79 kDa) enzymes belong to a family of large-subunit catalases, constituting a unique fungal and bacterial group. The catC gene displayed a relatively constant pattern of expression, not being induced by oxidative or other types of stress. Targeted disruption of catC eliminated a constitutive catalase activity not detected previously in zymogram gels. However, a catalase activity detected in catA catB mutant strains during late stationary phase was still present in catC and catABC null mutants, thus demonstrating the presence of a fourth catalase, here named catalase D (CatD). Neither catC nor catABC triple mutants showed any developmental defect, and both mutants grew as well as wild-type strains in H(2)O(2)-generating substrates, such as fatty acids, and/or purines as the sole carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively. CatD activity was induced during late stationary phase by glucose starvation, high temperature, and, to a lesser extent, H(2)O(2) treatment. The existence of at least four differentially regulated catalases indicates a large and regulated capability for H(2)O(2) detoxification in filamentous fungi.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis rbcS genes are differentially regulated by light.   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Individual members of the Arabidopsis thaliana ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase small subunit (rbcS) gene family are differentially regulated by light of different qualities. In 10-d-old etiolated seedlings, the expression of only three of the four genes is under inductive phytochrome control. rbcS mRNA levels reach a maximum (3- to 5-fold higher than the dark level) about 6 h after a red light pulse, but the rate of decay differs among the genes. Moreover, rbcS 2B requires a higher fluence for induction. At early stages of development, rbcS 1A, 2B, and 3B are highly expressed in the dark and cannot be further induced by red light, indicating a developmental component in the overall regulatory mechanism. Continuous light experiments indicate that high-irradiance responses may play a role in the induction of at least three of the four rbcS genes. Under conditions of phytochrome saturation, rbcS 1A is insensitive to blue light pulses, whereas among the three B locus genes, at least rbcS 3B appears to respond to a blue-light photoreceptor. These results add to the data suggesting that individual members of rbcS gene families in higher plants may be subject to a variety of differing regulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

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