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Sponges (Porifera) are aquatic, sessile filter feeders. As such they are permanently exposed to bacteria in the seawater. Molecular data recovered from sponges by PCR shows a high diversity in bacterial DNA. Hence, sponges are considered to live in close association with a diverse and abundant bacterial community. To recover the spatial distribution of bacteria in sponges we retrieved histological sections of Aplysina aerophoba fixed in situ. By combining signals from fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy we revealed a detailed histological picture of the spatial organization of the sponge microbial association within the sponges. Our histological results confirm a high abundance of cyanobacteria inside A. aerophoba while other living bacteria are almost absent. This detailed insight into sponge microbiology could only be achieved by the combination of careful sample preparation and different microscopical and histological methods. It also shows the need to confirm molecular datasets in situ and with a high spatial resolution.  相似文献   

To clarify the relationship between two genera, Draba and the narrow genus Coelonema, endemic to the QilianMountains of the northeastern Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, phylogenetic analyses were conducted using nuclear ribosomal DNA ITS, and the chloroplast DNA trnL, from Coelonema draboides and 30 species of Draba representing eight sections, including 25 species of Chinese Draba, seven of which were endemic to the study region. The results unambiguously support several previously published proposals to unite Coelonema with Draba and accommodate C. draboides in the latter genus on the basis of morphological re-examination. Our molecular data presented here also provide evidence that these two genera should be combined as a monophyletic group with high support. In addition, it is estimated that Draba may have originated about 1.36–2.71 Mya, with C. draboides diverging from Draba about 0.15–0.31 Mya, based on the molecular calibration of ITS datasets. The assumed speciation and rapid expansion of these two genera is likely to have occurred in the eastern edge of the QilianMountains area according to molecular phylogeny and estimated divergence times, which correspond well with the known geological and paleobotanical histories of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   

We isolated 33 nodule bacteria from the legume Alhagi sparsifolia growing in the desert of northwest China. They fell into three groups by restriction analysis of their rrs (small subunit ribosomal RNA) genes, and these, together with dnaK and dnaJ genes, were sequenced from representative isolates to assess their taxonomic position by phylogenetic analysis. The bacteria in each group belonged to different lineages that might represent three different new Mesorhizobium species, two of which form a novel clade very distinct from other species in the genus. Most A. sparsifolia symbionts harboured closely related nodA and nodC genes forming new lineages. The presence of these closely related symbiosis genes in various genomic backgrounds and the incongruence observed between the different gene phylogenies indicate a history of horizontal gene transfer of symbiosis genes between the A. sparsifolia symbionts.  相似文献   

Heterosigma akashiwo (Hada) is a fragile, fish-killing alga. Efforts to understand and prevent blooms due to this harmful species to mitigate the impact on aquaculture require the development of methods for rapid and precise identification and quantification, so that adequate warning of a harmful algal bloom may be given. Here, we report the development and application of rRNA and rDNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes for fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to aid in the detection and enumeration of H. akashiwo. The designed probes were species specific, showing no cross-reactivity with four common HAB causative species: Prorocentrum micans Ehrenberg, P. minimum (Pavillard) Schiller, Alexandrium tarmarense (Lebour) Balech, and Skeletonema costatum (Greville) Cleve, or with four other microalgae, including Gymnodinium sp. Stein, Platy-monas cordiformis (Karter) Korsch, Skeletonema sp.1 Greville and Skeletonema sp.2. The rRNA-targeted probe hybridized to cytoplasmic rRNA, showing strong green fluorescence throughout the whole cell, while cells labeled by rDNA-targeted probe exhibited exclusively fluorescent nucleus. The detection protocols were optimized and could be completed within an hour. For rRNA and rDNA probes, about a corresponding 80% and 70% of targeted cells could be identified and quantified during the whole growth circle, despite the inapparent variability in the average probe reactivity. The established FISH was proved promising for specific, rapid, precise, and quantitative detection of H. akashiwo.  相似文献   

Several bacterial isolates were recovered from surface-sterilized root nodules of Arachis hypogaea L. (peanut) plants growing in soils from Córdoba, Argentina. The 16S rDNA sequences of seven fast-growing strains were obtained and the phylogenetic analysis showed that these isolates belonged to the Phylum Proteobacteria, Class Gammaproteobacteria, and included Pseudomonas spp., Enterobacter spp., and Klebsiella spp. After storage, these strains became unable to induce nodule formation in Arachis hypogaea L. plants, but they enhanced plant yield. When the isolates were co-inoculated with an infective Bradyrhizobium strain, they were even found colonizing pre-formed nodules. Analysis of symbiotic genes showed that the nifH gene was only detected for the Klebsiella-like isolates and the nodC gene could not be amplified by PCR or be detected by Southern blotting in any of the isolates. The results obtained support the idea that these isolates are opportunistic bacteria able to colonize nodules induced by rhizobia.  相似文献   

Although there are several studies describing bacteria associated with marine fish, the bacterial composition associated with seahorses has not been extensively investigated since these studies have been restricted to the identification of bacterial pathogens. In this study, the phylogenetic affiliation of seahorse-associated bacteria was assessed by 16S rRNA gene sequencing of cloned DNA fragments. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was used to confirm the presence of the predominant groups indicated by 16S rRNA analysis. Both methods revealed that Vibrionaceae was the dominant population in Artemia sp. (live prey) and intestinal content of the seahorses, while Rhodobacteraceae was dominant in water samples from the aquaculture system and cutaneous mucus of the seahorses. To our knowledge, this is the first time that bacterial communities associated with healthy seahorses in captivity have been described.  相似文献   

Few reports on in situ mRNA detection in bacteria have been published, even though a major aim in environmental microbiology is to link function/activity to the identity of the organisms. This study reports a reliable approach for the in situ detection of nifH mRNA using fluorescence hybridization based on a previously described protocol for pmoA. nifH codes for a dinitrogenase reductase, a key enzyme in dinitrogen fixation. nifH mRNA was hybridized with a digoxigenin-labelled polynucleotide probe. The hybrid was detected with an anti-DIG-antibody labelled with horseradish peroxidase. Subsequently, the signal was amplified by catalyzed reporter deposition (CARD) with fluorochrome-labelled tyramides. Furthermore, the imaged organisms were identified using standard fluorescence in situ hybridization of rRNA. Thus, the approach enabled us specifically to link in situ the information from the dinitrogen fixation activity of an organism to its identity. Unexpectedly, the signals derived from nifH mRNA hybridization showed a distinct uneven pattern within the cells. This indicated that the method used could even give insights about the localization of the detected mRNA within the cell, which is a potential use of mRNA fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) that has not been reported up to now for bacterial cells.  相似文献   

By using genome in situ hybridization (GISH) on root somatic chromosomes of allotetraploid derived from the cross Gossypium arboreum × G. bickii with genomic DNA (gDNA) of G. bickii as a probe, two sets of chromosomes, consisting of 26 chromosomes each, were easily distinguished from each other by their distinctive hybridization signals. GISH analysis directly proved that the hybrid GarboreumxG. bickii is an allotetraploid amphiploid. The karyotype formula of the species was 2n = 4x = 52 = 46m (4sat) + 6sm (4sat). We identified four pairs of satellites with two pairs in each sub-genome. FISH analysis using 45S rDNA as a probe showed that the cross G. arboreumxG. bickii contained 14 NORs. At least five pairs of chromosomes in the G sub-genome showed double hybridization (red and blue) in their long arms, which indicates that chromatin introgression from the A sub-genome had occurred.  相似文献   

采用基因组原位杂交(Genomic in situ hybridization,GISH)方法研究了牛筋草(Eleusine indica)AA基因组在穇子(E.coracana)染色体上的分布,并探讨了AA、BB基因组的同源关系。用超声波破碎法进行预剪切,以缺口平移法标记的牛筋草总DNA为探针,BB基因组的E.floccifolia(Forssk.)Spreng.总DNA为封阻,与AABB基因组穇子的中期染色体进行杂交。结果表明,牛筋草AA基因组分布在穇子的18条染色体上。不加封阻或加过量封阻均不能鉴别AA基因组,说明AA和BB基因组间的分化程度不大,双方共享的重复序列较多。牛筋草与E.floccifolia总DNA分别用超声波破碎2 min和3 min后,可得到峰值为300-750 bp的DNA片段,这说明不同物种的超声波破碎时间需要调整,以获得合适长度的探针。  相似文献   

Strain HIMB55 is a phylogenetically unique member of the OM60/NOR5 clade of the Gammaproteobacteria isolated from coastal seawater of Kaneohe Bay on the northeastern shore of Oahu, Hawaii, by extinction culturing in seawater-based oligotrophic medium. Here we present the genome sequence of strain HIMB55, including genes for bacteriochlorophyll-based phototrophy.  相似文献   

The soybean looper (Pseudoplusia includens Walker, 1857) has become a major pest of soybean crops in Brazil. In order to determine the genetic diversity and phylogeny of variants of Pseudoplusia includens single nucleopolyhedrovirus (PsinSNPV-IA to -IG), partial sequences of the genes lef-8, lef-9, pif-2, phr and polh were obtained following degenerate PCR and phylogenetic trees constructed using maximum parsimony and Bayesian methods. The aligned sequences showed polymorphisms among the isolates, where the pif-2 gene was by far the most variable and is predicted to be under positive selection. Furthermore, some of the pif-2 DNA sequence mutations are predicted to result in significant amino acid substitutions, possibly leading to changes in oral infectivity of this baculovirus. Cladistic analysis revealed two closely related monophyletic groups, one containing PsinNPV isolates IB, IC and ID and another containing isolates IA, IE, IF and IG. The phylogeny of PsinSNPV in relation to 56 other baculoviruses was also determined from the concatenated partial LEF-8, LEF-9, PIF-2 and POLH/GRAN deduced amino acid sequences, using maximum-parsimony and Bayesian methods. This analysis clearly places PsinSNPV with the Group II Alphabaculovirus, where PsinSNPV is most closely related to Chrysodeixis chalcites NPV and Trichoplusia ni SNPV.  相似文献   

为了解水稻(Oryza sativa)响应重金属污染及对重金属积累的机制,利用生物信息学手段对水稻金属耐受蛋白(metal tolerance protein, MTP) OsMTP2的结构特征进行预测,并分析OsMTP2基因的表达特征。结果表明,该蛋白由415个氨基酸组成,具有很强的疏水性。mRNA原位杂交结果表明,OsMTP2在叶片输导组织中有较强的表达,但在根、花药中没有检测到明显的杂交信号。这说明水稻金属耐受蛋白基因OsMTP2主要在输导组织中表达,并在金属离子运输中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

The genus Sappinia with the single species Sappinia pedata was established for an amoeba with two nuclei and pedicellate “cysts” by Dangeard in 1896. In 1912, Alexeieff transferred an also double nucleated, but apparently sexually reproducing amoeba to this genus as Sappinia diploidea, that had been described as Amoeba diploidea by Hartmann and Nägler in 1908. As the original isolates were lost, Michel and colleagues established a neotype for S. diploidea in 2006 and Brown and colleagues established a neotype for S. pedata in 2007. Molecular analyses have corroborated the differentiation between S. pedata and S. diploidea, however, the genus splits into more than two well separated clusters. Altogether, the genus Sappinia is now classified as a member of the Thecamoebidae and, moreover, as potentially pathogenic. In 2001, Gelman and colleagues reported a case of severe encephalitis in a non-immunocompromised young man caused by Sappinia.  相似文献   

The genus Alternaria includes numerous phytopathogenic species, many of which are economically relevant. Traditionally, identification has been based on morphology, but is often hampered by the tendency of some strains to become sterile in culture and by the existence of species-complexes of morphologically similar taxa. This study aimed to assess if strains of four closely-related plant pathogens, i.e., accurately Alternaria dauci (ten strains), Alternaria porri (six), Alternaria solani (ten), and Alternaria tomatophila (ten) could be identified using multilocus phylogenetic analysis and Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionisation Time of Flight (MALDI-TOF) profiling of proteins. Phylogenetic analyses were performed on three loci, i.e., the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of rRNA, and the glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gpd) and Alternaria major antigen (Alt a 1) genes. Phylogenetic trees based on ITS sequences did not differentiate strains of A. solani, A. tomatophila, and A. porri, but these three species formed a clade separate from strains of A. dauci. The resolution improved in trees based on gpd and Alt a 1, which distinguished strains of the four species as separate clades. However, none provided significant bootstrap support for all four species, which could only be achieved when results for the three loci were combined. MALDI-TOF-based dendrograms showed three major clusters. The first comprised all A. dauci strains, the second included five strains of A. porri and one of A. solani, and the third included all strains of A. tomatophila, as well as all but one strain of A. solani, and one strain of A. porri. Thus, this study shows the usefulness of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry as a promising tool for identification of these four species of Alternaria which are closely-related plant pathogens.  相似文献   

Jang Y  Oh HM  Kang I  Lee K  Yang SJ  Cho JC 《Journal of bacteriology》2011,193(13):3415-3416
Strain IMCC3088, cultivated from the Yellow Sea, is a novel isolate belonging to the OM60/NOR5 clade and is closely related to clone OM241, Congregibacter litoralis, and strain HTCC2080. Here, the genome sequence of strain IMCC3088 is presented, showing the absence of photosynthetic gene clusters and the presence of proteorhodopsin.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity and phylogeographical patterns of Trypanosoma species that infect Brazilian bats were evaluated by examining 1043 bats from 63 species of seven families captured in Amazonia, the Pantanal, Cerrado and the Atlantic Forest biomes of Brazil. The prevalence of trypanosome-infected bats, as estimated by haemoculture, was 12.9%, resulting in 77 cultures of isolates, most morphologically identified as Trypanosoma cf. cruzi, classified by barcoding using partial sequences from ssrRNA gene into the subgenus Schizotrypanum and identified as T. cruzi (15), T. cruzi marinkellei (37) or T. cf. dionisii (25). Phylogenetic analyses using nuclear ssrRNA, glycosomal glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gGAPDH) and mitochondrial cytochrome b (Cyt b) gene sequences generated three clades, which clustered together forming the subgenus Schizotrypanum. In addition to vector association, bat trypanosomes were related by the evolutionary history, ecology and phylogeography of the bats. Trypanosoma cf. dionisii trypanosomes (32.4%) infected 12 species from four bat families captured in all biomes, from North to South Brazil, and clustered with T. dionisii from Europe despite being separated by some genetic distance. Trypanosoma cruzi marinkellei (49.3%) was restricted to phyllostomid bats from Amazonia to the Pantanal (North to Central). Trypanosoma cruzi (18.2%) was found mainly in vespertilionid and phyllostomid bats from the Pantanal/Cerrado and the Atlantic Forest (Central to Southeast), with a few isolates from Amazonia.  相似文献   

Aspergillus flavus is the second most common cause of aspergillosis infection in immunocompromised patients and is responsible for the production of aflatoxins. Little is known about the population structure of A. flavus, although recent molecular and phenotypic data seem to demonstrate that different genetic lineages exist within this species. The aim of this study was to carry out a morphological, physiological, and molecular analysis of a set of clinical and environmental isolates to determine whether this variability is due to species divergence or intraspecific diversity, and to assess whether the clinical isolates form a separate group. The amdS and omtA genes were more phylogenetically informative than the other tested genes and their combined analysis inferred three main clades, with no clear distinction between clinical and environmental isolates. No important morphological and physiological differences were found between the members of the different clades, with the exception of the assimilation of d-glucosamine, which differentiates the members of the clade II from the others.  相似文献   

Hispaniola Island was the first stopover in the travels of Columbus between America and Spain, and played a crucial role in the exchange of Phaseolus vulgaris seeds and their endosymbionts. The analysis of recA and atpD genes from strains nodulating this legume in coastal and inner regions of Hispaniola Island showed that they were almost identical to those of the American strains CIAT 652, Ch24-10 and CNPAF512, which were initially named as Rhizobium etli and have been recently reclassified into Rhizobium phaseoli after the analysis of their genomes. Therefore, the species R. phaseoli is more abundant in America than previously thought, and since the proposal of the American origin of R. etli was based on the analysis of several strains that are currently known to be R. phaseoli, it can be concluded that both species have an American origin coevolving with their host in its distribution centres. The analysis of the symbiovar phaseoli nodC gene alleles carried by different species isolated in American and European countries suggested a Mesoamerican origin of the α allele and an Andean origin of the γ allele, which is supported by the dominance of this latter allele in Europe where mostly Andean cultivars of common beans have been traditionally cultivated.  相似文献   

The present generic concept of Phoma is broadly defined, with nine sections being recognised based on morphological characters. Teleomorph states of Phoma have been described in the genera Didymella, Leptosphaeria, Pleospora and Mycosphaerella, indicating that Phoma anamorphs represent a polyphyletic group. In an attempt to delineate generic boundaries, representative strains of the various Phoma sections and allied coelomycetous genera were included for study. Sequence data of the 18S nrDNA (SSU) and the 28S nrDNA (LSU) regions of 18 Phoma strains included were compared with those of representative strains of 39 allied anamorph genera, including Ascochyta, Coniothyrium, Deuterophoma, Microsphaeropsis, Pleurophoma, Pyrenochaeta, and 11 teleomorph genera. The type species of the Phoma sections Phoma, Phyllostictoides, Sclerophomella, Macrospora and Peyronellaea grouped in a subclade in the Pleosporales with the type species of Ascochyta and Microsphaeropsis. The new family Didymellaceae is proposed to accommodate these Phoma sections and related anamorph genera. The present study demonstrated that Phoma radicina, the type species of Phoma sect. Paraphoma and Phoma heteromorphospora, the type species of Phoma sect. Heterospora can be assigned to the Phaeosphaeriaceae and Leptosphaeriaceae respectively.  相似文献   

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