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The genera Agrobacterium, Allorhizobium, and Rhizobium belong to the family Rhizobiaceae. However, the placement of a phytopathogenic group of bacteria, the genus Agrobacterium, among the nitrogen-fixing bacteria and the unclear position of Rhizobium galegae have caused controversy in previous taxonomic studies. To resolve uncertainties in the taxonomy and nomenclature within this family, the phylogenetic relationships of generic members of Rhizobiaceae were studied, but with particular emphasis on the taxa included in Agrobacterium and the “R. galegae complex” (R. galegae and related taxa), using multilocus sequence analysis (MLSA) of six protein-coding housekeeping genes among 114 rhizobial and agrobacterial taxa. The results showed that R. galegae, R. vignae, R. huautlense, and R. alkalisoli formed a separate clade that clearly represented a new genus, for which the name Neorhizobium is proposed. Agrobacterium was shown to represent a separate cluster of mainly pathogenic taxa of the family Rhizobiaceae. A. vitis grouped with Allorhizobium, distinct from Agrobacterium, and should be reclassified as Allorhizobium vitis, whereas Rhizobium rhizogenes was considered to be the proper name for former Agrobacterium rhizogenes. This phylogenetic study further indicated that the taxonomic status of several taxa could be resolved by the creation of more novel genera.  相似文献   

The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) of the rat (RT1 complex) encodes two sets of class II molecules referred to as RT1.B and RT1.D. The RT1. B gene was isolated for a Sprague-Dawley (RT1b) rat genomic library using a rat RT1.B chain cDNA as a hybridization probe. The coding and the majority of the intron DNA sequence was determined. The structure of the RT1. B gene is equivalent to that of H-2 and HLA chain genes. Comparison of the nucleotide and predicted amino acid sequences of the RT1.B gene with those of the H-2 and HLA genes revealed a high degree of overall sequence conservation. However, two regions of the first external domain (l), residues 19–23 and 45–78, exhibit marked sequence variation. Two blocks of conserved nucleotide sequence were identified in the 5 promoter region of the RT1. B gene that have been described in all MHC class II genes sequenced to date. These conserved sequences may be involved in the coordinate regulation of expression of class II genes. The cloned RT1.B gene was efficiently transcribed when transfected to mouse L cells.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial Ca2+ has been considered a trigger for the release of cytochrome c, which is a critical and early event in the induction of cell apoptosis, although the molecular mechanism underlying this effect is still not fully understood. Here we investigate the interaction between cytochrome c and cardiolipin and the effect of Ca2+ on this interaction using electrochemical methods. Experimental results revealed that modification of cardiolipin onto the surface of a pyrolytic graphite electrode could lead to a rapid direct electron transfer of cytochrome c through the electrostatic interaction between the protein and the cardiolipin. Addition of Ca2+ to the test solution containing cytochrome c could cause the decrease of the redox peaks of the protein, and the peaks could be recovered when Ca2+ was chelated by ethylenediaminetetraacetate. The cardiolipin–cytochrome c interaction and the Ca2+ effect were also investigated with the variation of the charges of lipids, buffer solutions, reaction time, and valencies of cations for comparison.  相似文献   

Pilosocereus robinii is a rare species which is experiencing sudden population collapse. Identifying and developing effective conservation and management strategies to halt the forestall extinction of this species is crucial. The present study was conducted to assess the best conditions for in vitro propagation of this plant in regard to its morphogenic, genetic as well as the chemical potentials. A successful in vitro propagation system of P. robinii has been developed. MS hormone-free medium induced the best root morphogenic potential. The plants were acclimatized in the greenhouse at 100% survival rate. Besides, the somaclonal variations between the in vitro raised plants were analyzed using PCR-ISSR markers and SDS–PAGE protein, where the regenerated explants on MS medium supplemented with TDZ were the highest in inducing new specific marker bands. Sh6 ISSR primer showed the highest polymorphism value, 81.8% with 33 total amplified fragments, while Sh3 ISSR primer showed the lowest value with polymorphic percentage of 14.3%. Furthermore, SDS–PAGE protein analysis showed no variation in protein pattern of the studied treatments. On the other side, HPLC analysis of the in vitro plantlets extracts has shown that 2iP based treatments were the highest in organic acids accumulation, while the phenolic constituents' accumulation was found to reach its peak in the BA based treatments.  相似文献   

For our study of the Chenopodium album aggregate, we selected those species of Euroasiatic origin that represent the diploid–polyploid complex in Central Europe: C. album (6x), C. ficifolium (2x), C. opulifolium (6x), C. striatiforme (4x), C. strictum (4x) and C. suecicum (2x). We especially focused on (a) the origin of polyploid species and (b) the frequency of hybridization between species with different ploidy levels. We did not find any direct evidence of the existence of hybrids between two species with different ploidy levels within the C. album group. The sample/standard ratio of tetraploid and hexaploid species does not equal multiples of that of diploid species, which suggests that (i) tetraploids are not diploid autopolyploids and that (ii) hexaploids have not evolved from diploid species alone. Moreover, we have not found any hybrid plant either in the field or even in the offspring resulting from our experimental crosses. In view of these results, we adhere to the opinion that Chenopodium species do not hybridize freely across ploidy levels. Our analysis of DNA amounts, however, suggests that C. album is an allopolyploid that has arisen by hybridization between a diploid and a tetraploid species the identity of which is unknown.  相似文献   

Complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genomes from 43 bison and bison-cattle hybrids were sequenced and compared with other bovids. Selected animals reflect the historical range and current taxonomic structure of bison. This study identified regions of potential nuclear–mitochondrial incompatibilities in hybrids, provided a complete mtDNA phylogenetic tree for this species, and uncovered evidence of bison population substructure. Seventeen bison haplotypes defined by 66 polymorphic sites were discovered, whereas 728 fixed differences and 86 non-synonymous mutations were identified between bison and bison–cattle hybrid sequences. The potential roles of the mtDNA genome in the function of hybrid animals and bison taxonomy are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated the bioaccumulation and acute toxicity (48 h or 96 h) of Ni in four freshwater invertebrate species in two waters with hardness of 40 (soft water) and 140 mg L− 1 as CaCO3 (hard water). Sensitivity order (most to least) was Lymnaea stagnalis > Daphnia pulex > Lumbriculus variegatus > Chironomus riparius. In all cases water hardness was protective against acute Ni toxicity with LC50 values 3–3.5 × higher in the hard water vs. soft water. In addition, higher water hardness significantly reduced Ni bioaccumulation in these organisms suggesting that competition by Ca and Mg for uptake at the biotic ligand may contribute to higher metal resistance. CBR50 values (Critical Body Residues) were less dependent on water chemistry (i.e. more consistent) than LC50 values within and across species by ~ 2 fold. These data support one of the main advantages of the Tissue Residue Approach (TRA) where tissue concentrations are generally less variable than exposure concentrations with respect to toxicity. Whole body Ni bioaccumulation followed Michaelis–Menten kinetics in all organisms, with greater hardness tending to decrease Bmax with no consistent effect on Kd. Across species, acute Ni LC50 values tended to increase with both Kd and Bmax values — i.e. more sensitive species exhibited higher binding affinity and lower binding capacity for Ni, but there was no correlation with body size. With respect to biotic ligand modeling, log KNiBL values derived from Ni bioaccumulation correlated well with log KNiBL values derived from toxicity testing. Both whole body Na and Mg levels were disturbed, suggesting that disruption of ionoregulatory homeostasis is a mechanism of acute Ni toxicity. In L. stagnalis, Na depletion was a more sensitive endpoint than mortality, however, the opposite was true for the other organisms. This is the first study to show the relationship between Na and Ni.  相似文献   

To reconstruct phylogeny and verify the monophyly of major subgroups, a total of 52 species representing almost all species of Salsoleae s.l. in China were sampled, with analysis based on three molecular markers (nrDNA ITS, cpDNA psbB–psbH and rbcL), using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian inference methods. Our molecular evidence provides strong support for the following: (1) Camphorosmeae is nested within Salsoleae s.l. instead of the previously suggested sister relationship. (2) Tribe Salsoleae s.l. is monophyletic and is composed of three monophyletic subunits, Caroxyloneae, the Kali clade, and Salsoleae s.str. (3) Climacoptera is separated from Salsola s.l. It does not form a monophyletic group but is split into two monophyletic parts, Climacoptera I and Climacoptera II. (4) Halogeton is clearly polyphyletic, as are Anabasis and the genus Salsola s.l. (5) Caroxylon, Haloxylon, Kali, and Petrosimonia are well-supported monophyletic genera. Additional evidence is needed regarding the monophyly of Halimocnemis, which remains unclear.  相似文献   

Using mitochondrial DNA sequencing and allozyme electrophoresis, we examined 18 populations of the LiuaPseudohynobius complex, endemic to China. Based on their phylogenetic affiliation and exhibited fixed allelic differences, the complex comprises at least six species, two of which are previously unknown cryptic species. The complex is clearly divided into two groups, genus Liua including Liua shihi and Liua tsinpaensis, and genus Pseudohynobius including Pseudohynobius flavomaculatus, Pseudohynobius shuichengensis and the two new species. The previously often used genus name Ranodon is inappropriate, because the type species of the genus, Ranodon sibricus, is distantly related to this complex. The species diversity among Chinese hynobiid salamanders are far from being recognized and further effort should be directed at extensive field collection in central and western China.  相似文献   

The affinity of quinacrine for native DNA has been determined from fluorescence measurements and equilibrium dialysis in Tris-HC10.05 m, NaCl0.1 m, EDTA 10?3m, pH 7.5. When considering M. lysodeiktikus, E. coli calf thymus and C. perfringens the affinities of DNA for quaniactive have been found to change by a factor of two and the fluorescence intensities to change by a factor of 25. The varying affinities and fluoroescence intensities of bound quinacrine are attributed to heterogeneous binding. For all DNAs we have assumed that there exist three classes of intercalation sites: I, A·T-A·T; 2, G·C-G·C; and 3, A·T-G·C, assuming that base pair ordering is less relevant than base composition of sites. By fitting the affinities of native DNAs with this model it was found that quinacrine binds to site 2 three times more strongly than it does to site 1. When flucrescence intensity is studied, triplets of A·T pairs appear to be responsible for the high quantum yield of A·T rich DNA whereas the quenching properties of a G·C base pair adjacent to an intercalated quinacrine are well known.  相似文献   

The primary structure of adult marmoset hemoglobin has been determined. The - and -chains of HbA were separated on a CM23 column in 8 M urea using a sodium phosphate gradient. Tryptic digests of the - and -chains were fractionated on a Dowex 50W-X2 column using a pH and pyridine acetate gradient. Large peptide fragments were obtained by the cyanogen bromide cleavage of the - and -chains, as well as by tryptic digestion of the maleylated - and -chains. The sequence was derived from the amino acid compositions and sequences of the individual tryptic peptide, automated sequence determination of intact - and -chains, as well as automated sequence determination of cyanogen bromide fragments and tryptic maleylated peptides derived from the - and -chains. The complete structure of marmoset adult hemoglobin is closely homologous to that of other primate hemoglobins. The sequence of the marmoset -chain differs from the -chain of human HbA at positions 8, 19, 23, 68, and 116. The -chain from marmoset HbA differs from the -chain of human HbA at positions 5, 13, 21, 50, 87, and 125.This work was supported in part by funds from a Physicians' Medical Education and Research Foundation Grant of the University of Tennessee Memorial Research Hospital and by NIH General Research Support Grant FR-5541 to the institution.  相似文献   

Carex nigra plants forming elevated dense tussocks are often named C. nigra subsp. juncella, as opposed to rhizomatous C. nigra subsp. nigra. It is uncertain, however, whether the cespitose growth form is a hereditary trait useful for definition of the distinct taxon or a site modification of little taxonomic value. We used vegetation analyses (phytosociological relevés) to reveal main patterns in ecological demands of the cespitose C. nigra plants in the Czech Republic, and three cultivation experiments to assess changes in clonal growth of C. nigra under various environmental conditions. In the field the cespitose C. nigra plants were typically found in abandoned wet meadows near open water, whereas the rhizomatous morphotypes frequently occurred also in regularly mown wet meadows and in peat bogs. The cespitose growth form disappeared in the cultivations, and the rhizome system responded plastically to immediate environmental stimuli. Number of rhizome branches and mean rhizome length decreased after defoliation of aboveground parts and denudation of belowground parts, whereas increased due to inundation. In the population from a cold site in high altitude (Modrava, Šumava Mts.), however, the originally cespitose plants repeatedly produced shorter and less numerous rhizome branches than the rhizomatous plants cultivated in the same conditions. This suggests ecotypic (genetic) differentiation in some populations of C. nigra, driven by environmental selection for more compact growth form in climatically severe sites. The cespitose C. nigra plants thus arise polytopically, by different mechanisms. The growth form itself therefore cannot serve as the character reliably delimiting C. nigra subsp. juncella as the distinct taxon.  相似文献   

As in the tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta, the synthetic juvenile hormone analogue ETB (ethyl 4-[2-(tert-buthylcarbonyloxy)butoxy]benzoate) showed both juvenile hormone-like and anti-juvenile hormone activities in the silkworm, Bombyx mori. When ETB was topically applied to allatectomized 4th-instar larvae, the compound counteracted the effects of allatectomy, such as induction of precocious metamorphosis and black pigmentation in the larval markings. Therefore, ETB had juvenile hormone activity, but it could neither induce brown pigmentation in the markings nor induce an extra-larval moult as can juvenile hormone.When intact 3rd-instar larvae were treated with the compound, the majority underwent precocious metamorphosis in the 4th-instar, and later formed fertile miniature adults. Some moulted into larval-pupal intermediates or 5th-instar larvae with darkened larval markings and/or with abnormality of specific regions of the silk-gland. The optimal dose for such anti-juvenile effects was about 1–10 μg/larva, and higher doses showed less activity. Such anti-juvenile hormone effects of ETB were counteracted by administration of the juvenile hormone analogue, methoprene, before a certain critical time in the 4th-instar. The corpora allata of treated larvae appeared cytologically normal, and the corpora allata from ETB-induced miniature moths secreted juvenile hormone when implanted into allatectomized 4th-instar larvae.  相似文献   

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