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Nitrogen uptake by net- (15–200 µm), nano- (1–15µm) and picoplankton (<1 µm) was measured overseasonal cycles at two stations with different patterns of biologicaland chemical cycles in the Morlaix Bay (western English Channel).Though assimilable dissolved N nutrient pool at both stationswas nitrate-dominated, characteristics of biomass and N uptakeby netplankton differed from conventional patterns in two respects.In the first, biomass (26–30%) and N uptake (36–43%)were less important than those of nanoplankton. In the second,the netplankton did not show any marked preference for nitrateover ammonium (nitrate to ammonium uptake ratios of 0.98 and1.08). In contrast, nanoplankton had a preference for ammoniumover nitrate (ammonium to nitrate uptake ratios of 2 and 1.2).N uptake by picoplankton was only 8% of total N uptake at bothstations and was supported mainly by regenerated N (66% ammoniumand 17% urea), with nitrate uptake detectable in only one instanceand nitrite uptake in none. Substrate-dependent uptake of ammoniumin all fractions and a higher ammonium uptake in the nanoplanktonfraction in summer at both stations when ambient ammonium concentrationswere high indicated that while nitrate may satisfy a part ofN requirements, availability of ammonium and its flux throughnanoplankton determine the magnitude of total N uptake in thesewaters. Most of the N uptake in picoplankton appears to be autotrophic,suggesting that a substantial part of heterotrophic uptake,if any, could be localized in the fractions >1 µm,and mediated by free-living and particle-bound bacteria.  相似文献   

Seasonal investigations of size-fractionated biomass and productionwere carried out from February 1992 to May 1993 in JiaozhouBay, China. Microplankton assemblages were separated into threefractions: pico- (0.7–2 µm), nano- (2–20 µm)and netplankton (20–200 µm). The biomass was measuredas chlorophyll a (Chi a), paniculate organic carbon (POC) andparticipate organic nitrogen (PON). The production was determinedby 14C and 15N tracer techniques. The seasonal patterns in biomass,though variable, were characterized by higher values in springand lower values in autumn and summer (for Chi a only). Theseasonal patterns in production, on the other hand, were moreclear with higher values occurring in summer and spring, andlower values occurring in autumn and winter. Averaged over thewhole study period, the respective proportions of total biomassaccounted for by net-, nano- and picoplankton were 26, 45 and29% for Chi a, 32, 33 and 35% for POC, and 26, 32 and 42% forPON. The contributions to total primary production by net-,nano- and picoplankton were 31, 35 and 34%, respectively. Therespective proportions of total NH4+–N uptake accountedfor by net-, nano- and picoplankton were 28, 33 and 39% in thedaytime, and 10, 29 and 61% at night. The respective contributionsto total NO3-N uptake by net-, nano- and picoplanktonwere 37, 40 and 23% in the daytime, and 13, 23 and 64% at night.Some comprehensive ratios, including C/N biomass ratio, Chla/C ratio, C uptake/Chl a ratio, C:N uptake ratio and the f-ratio,were also calculated size separately, and their biological andecological meanings are discussed.  相似文献   

Size-fractionated chlorophyll a biomass and picophytoplanktoncell number distributions were investigated along a longitudinalaxis of Southampton Water estuary during autumn. Chlorophylla concentration in the >5µm and the 1–5 µmsize fractions was highest midway down the estuary, and decreasedboth in the landward and seaward directions. In contrast, chlorophylla biomass in the 0.2–1 µm size fraction showed nodecline towards the seaward end of the estuary. In agreementwith this observation, phycoerythrin-containing picocyanobacteriacell concentration showed a positive exponential-like relationshipwith salinity and eukaryotic picophytoplankton were also highestat high salinities. Expressed as a percentage of total, chlorophylla standing stock in both the 1–5 µ.m (4.4–28.7%)and the 0.2–1 µm size fractions (1.7–8.6%)was inversely correlated with total chlorophyll a concentration.Both these two fractions made a greater input to the total phaeopigmentconcentration than to the total pool of active chlorophyll a.  相似文献   

An investigation of the diurnal variation in productivity andcontribution to production of populations of autotrophic picoplankton(0.2–2.0 µm), nanoplankton (>2 <20 µm)and microplankton (>20 µm) was carried out at monthlyintervals, from May to October 1989, in Llyn Padarn a mesotrophicupland lake in North Wales. Maximum rates and contributionsto production of the lake by autotrophic picoplankton occurredduring mid-late summer, with the highest average daily contributionfrom picoplankton (64%) recorded in September at 4 m depth.Diurnal variation in contributions from picoplankton was pronounced,with greatest input, recorded at the end of the day, duringthe period of picoplankton dominance in mid-late summer. Maximumcontribution from picoplantkon (86% of total, 9.2 mg C m–3h–1) was recorded in September. Nanoplankton primary productionwas of greatest significance in June and July, although levelswere lower than for picoplankton in subsequent months. Contributionsvia nanoplankton increased with depth in the lake at this time,reaching a maximum of 78% of the total at the end of the dayat 9 m depth in early July. At this time, diurnal variationin contributions via nanoplankton was considerable, with maximumphotosynthesis generally at the end of the photoperiod at depthsof 4 and 9 m. Microplankton made the greatest impact on primaryproduction during the mixed water conditions of spring and autumn,and at these times did variation in production was less thanthose of both pico and nanoplankton during summer thermal stratification.Photosynthetic capacity was lower for picoplankton than fornanoplankton and microplankton; the highest values were 5, 33and 51 mg C (mg chl a)–1) h–1) for pico-, nano-and microplankton, respectively. The photosynthetic efficiencyof all three size categories of phytoplankton increased withdepth. Maximum values were similar for all phytoplankton groups,between 75 and 131 mg C (mg chl a)–1) E–1) m2 butmean levels of photosynthetic efficiency for the 6 months werelower for picoplankton than for nano- or microplankton. Ratesof carbon fixation per cell for picoplankton spanned three ordersof magnitude, varied considerably diurnally and reached maximumvalues of 484 fg C(cell)–1) h–1) in the afternoonin near-surface waters in the early stages of exponential populationgrowth in July. During the population maximum of picoplanktonin August and September, maximum daily values of carbon fixationper cell, assimilation number and photosynthetic efficiencywere all recorded at the end of the day. The seasonal and diurnalpatterns of production of the three size categories of planktonicalgae in Llyn Padarn were distinct. During spring, microplankton(mainly diatoms) were the dominant primary producers. As thermalstratification developed, nanoplankton were the major contributorsto phytoplanktonic production, particularly in the deeper regionsof the euphotic zone. Picoplankton made the greatest contributionto production in August and September, exhibiting maximum inputtowards the end of the light cycle. Diatoms became the majorphotosynthetic plankton in the mixed water conditions prevalentin Uyn Padarn in October.  相似文献   

We investigated the size-dependent temperature response of naturalphytoplankton communities from a lake and a river in the Canadiansubarctic. Photosynthesis by total, <2 m and >2 µmsize fractions was determined at 11 irradiances (1–109%of ambient solar radiation) and five temperatures (5–25C)in outdoor solar incubators. Temperature had no effect on photosynthesisat low irradiance, but strongly regulated the photosyntheticresponse at saturating and inhibiting irradiances. For the riverphytoplankton, low temperatures lowered EK values (onset oflight saturation) and shifted photosynthesis in the water columnfrom light dependence to temperature depend ence. A photosynthesis-temperature-irradiance(P-T-E) model was developed to describe the varied temperatureresponse of photosynthesis across the full range of limiting,saturating and inhibiting irra diances. The P-T-E model explained74–95% of the variation in photosynthesis for all sizefractions (total community, >2 µ fraction and <2µm fraction). Picoplankton (<2 µm) had greaterphotosyn thetic rates (Pmax) at all temperatures than did thetotaland >2 µm communities. The picoplankton fraction wasalso more responsive to increasing temperature than larger cells,implying a greater sensitivity to diurnal or longer term changesin lake water temperature.  相似文献   

An investigation of the diurnal variation in contributions toproduction of the autotrophic and heterotrophic components ofthe picoplankton community was carried out during August andSeptember in Llyn Padarn, a mesotrophic upland lake in NorthWales. The picoplankton was separated using 1 µm pore-sizedfilters into the smaller cell sized fraction (<1 µm),the majority of the bacteria and the larger cell sized picoalgae(<3>1 µm), together with some bacteria. The distributionof bacterial heterotrophic activity between these two fractionsof picoplankton was assessed by uptake of [14C]glucose and differentialfiltration. Thus, the absolute autotrophic production by picoalgaeand the heterotrophic contribution by bacteria to picoplanktoncommunity production via uptake of extracellular organic carbon(EOC) were determined. Rates of picoplankton community productionexhibited diurnal variation with maximum rates of 19.1 mg Cm–3 h–1 recorded at 18.00 h at 4 m depth in September.The bacterial contribution to picoplankton community productionincreased markedly between 15.00 and 18.00 h. Rates of absoluteautotrophic production varied less over 24 h than rates of accumulationin bacteria of 14C-labelled EOC released from the entire phytoplanktoncommunity. Bacteria contributed up to 86–98% of the neworganic carbon within the picoplankton community at the endof the day. The maximum rate of absolute autotrophic productionin the picoplankton was 1.6 mg C m–3 h–1 at 18.00h at 1 m in August, and the maximum rate of bacterial accumulationof new organic carbon was 18.5 mg C m–3 h–1 at 18.00h in September at 4 m depth. The diurnal pattern of picoplanktoncommunity production involved increasing rates during the daywith a maximum at 18.00 h. Autotrophic processes were dominantin the first 3–6 h of the light cycle and heterotrophicuptake of 14C-labelled EOC was the major component from 15.00h onwards. Bacterial uptake of newly released EOC by phytoplanktonwas rapid, comprised the majority of picoplankton production,particularly later in the day, and contributed a maximum of60% of the total pariculate primary production in plankton between15.00 and 18.00 h at 4 m in September with a mean contributionof between 6 and 26% over 24 h in these investigations. Theimportance of autotrophic processes in picoplankton communityproduction has been overestimated in previous investigations.Bacteria play a major role in transferring newly produced EOCrapidly from phytoplankton to the picoplankton community. Atthe end of the day, the majority of newly produced organic carbonis in bacterial cells and this production is significant inthe dynamics of carbon production within the entire planktoniccommunity.  相似文献   

The temporal variability of size-fractioned autotrophic biomassat three depth levels (1, 8 and 25 m) was studied during thewinter-spring transition at two oceanographic stations in ConcepciónBay. Size spectra were obtained on eight occasions by two differentmethods: (i) determining the biomass of seven autotrophic sizefractions by in vivo fluorescence; and (ii) measuring the filamentlength of chain-forming diatoms through direct microscopy. Aclear vertical gradient of biomass was found in all profiles,with maximum values in the surface layer (1 and 8 m levels).Values of chlorophyll were on average 6.2 (range 1.08–25.67)times higher at 1 m than at 25 m, and 7.4 (range 1.15–26.83)times more at 8 m than at 25 m. On a temporal basis, total biomassincreased from low average values in winter (2.5 mg chl-a m–3)to high values in late spring (11.6 mg chl-a m–3). Duringthe whole sampling period (June 8-November 19), the nano- andnet-plankton (1.8–40 µm and 40–335 µmsize fractions respectively) were more abundant near the surface(1 and 8 m depth) than close to the bottom (25 m depth); however,the picoplankton fraction (<1.8 (µm) showed an inverserelationship, with a slight trend to increase near the bottomtoward spring. The highest absolute biomass was concentratedin the net-plankton fraction during the whole period and therelative importance of the picoplankton decreased from winter(6.50 and 15.5% for shallow and bottom levels) to spring (1.5and 10.3% for shallow and bottom levels). This relative effectis caused by the higher absolute values of biomass observedin the net-plankton fraction toward spring. These changing patternsshould have an impact in the size-composition and abundanceof higher trophic levels, mainly through grazing, in particularby modifying food availability to microfJagellates, ciliatesand filter-feeding zooplankton.  相似文献   

The chlorophyll a content of nicroparticles which passed throughglass fiber filters Whatman type GF/F but were retained on 0.2µm Nuclepore membranes was analyzed on a weekly basisover the course of 1 year in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii. Depth profileswere also obtained at four oceanic stations off the islandsof Maui and Molokai, Hawaii. Experimental evidence indicatedthat these microparticles were photosynthetically active. Theproportion of microparticulate chlorophyll a could be up to35% of picoplankton chlorophyll a (2.0–0.2 µm sizerange) retained on a single pass through a 0.2 p.m Nucleporefilter. The filtrate from both GFIF and 0.2µm Nucleporefilters was found to contain chlorophyll a which could be retainedon a subsequent pass through either 0.2 µm Nuclepore orGF/F filters. Only serial filtration can ensure that essentiallyall picoplankton have been filtered from the water when eitherof these types of filters is used.  相似文献   

We determined the productivity (µg C µg–1Chi a h–1) of size-fractionated phytoplankton in the northernNorth Pacific and the Bering Sea in summer and winter. Picoplankton(<2 µm) were more productive than larger sized phytoplankton(2–10 and 10–200 µm) in the subtropical region,where the in situ temperature was >10°C; whereas picoplanktonin the subarctic region were similar in productivity or lessproductive than larger sized plankton, where the in situ temperaturewas <10°C. The result from the subtropical region inthis study agrees with previous results from tropical and subtropical waters, which indicate that phytoplankton productivitytends to decrease with increasing cell size. The result fromthe subarctic region, however, differs from previous results.We observed a positive linear regression for in situ temperatureand picoplankton productivity, but this trend was not seen inthe larger sized phytoplankton. The results show that the productivityof picoplankton is markedly influenced by in situ temperaturecompared with that of larger sized plankton. Low tem peratureappears to account largely for the observation that the productivityof picoplankton is not significantly higher than that of largersized phytoplankton in the subarctic region.  相似文献   

Autotrophic picoplankton were highly abundant during the thermalstratification period in late July in the pelagic area (waterdepth 500–1300 m) of southern Lake Baikal; maximum numberswere 2 x 106 cells ml–1 in the euphotic zone ({small tilde}15m). Unicellular cyanobacteria generally dominated the picoplanktoncommunity, although unidentified picoplankton that fluorescedred under blue excitation were also abundant (maximum numbers4 x 105 cells ml–1) and contributed up to {small tilde}40%of the total autotrophic picoplankton on occasions. Carbon andnitrogen biomasses of autotrophic picoplankton estimated byconversion from biovolumes were 14–84 µg C l–1and 3.6–21 µg N l–1. These were comparableto or exceeded the biomass of heterotrophic bacteria. Autotropicpicoplankton and bacteria accounted for as much as 33% of paniculateorganic carbon and 81% of nitrogen in the euphotic zone. Measurementsof the photosynthetic uptake of [l4C]bicarbonate and the growthof picoplankton in diluted or size-fractionated waters revealedthat 80% of total primary production was due to picoplankton,and that much of this production was consumed by grazers inthe <20 µ.m cell-size category. These results suggestthat picoplankton-protozoan trophic coupling is important inthe pelagic food web and biogeochemical cycling of Lake Baikalduring summer.  相似文献   

Autotrophic picoplankton populations in Lake Kinneret are composedof picocyanobacteria and picoeukaryotes. Overall, the ratesof photosynthetic carbon fixed by autotrophic picoplankton duringthis study were low (0.01–1.5 mg Cm–3 h–1).The highest chlorophyll photosynthetic activity of the <3µm cell-size fraction was found in spring, when picoeukaryotespredominated and in addition small nanoplankton passed throughthe filters. The maximum cell-specific photosynthetic rate ofcarbon fixation by picocyanobacteria and picoeukaryotes was2.5 and 63 fg C cell–1 h–1, respectively. The highestspecific carbon fixation rate of autotrophic picoplankton was11 µg C µg–1 Chl h–1 The proportionalcontribution of autotrophic picoplankton to total photosynthesisusually increased with depth. Picocyanobacteria collected fromthe dark, anaerobic hypolimnion were viable and capable of activephotosynthesis when incubated at water depths within the euphoticzone. Maximum rates of photosynthesis (Pmax) for picocyanobacteriaranged from 5.4 to 31.4 fg C cell–1 h–1 with thehighest values in hypolimnetic samples exposed to irradiance.Photosynthetic efficiency (  相似文献   

Grazing by microzooplankton on autotrophic and heterotrophicpicoplankton as well as >0.7 µm phytoplankton (as measuredby chlorophyll a) was quantified during July, August, October,January and April in the surface layer of Logy Bay, Newfoundland(47°38'14'N, 52°39'36'W). Rates of growth and grazingmortality of bacteria, Synechococcus and >0.7 µm phytoplanktonwere measured using the sea water dilution technique. Microzooplanktoningested 83–184, 96–366 and 64–118% of bacterial,Synechococcus and >0.7 µm phytoplankton daily potentialproduction, respectively and 34–111, 25–30 and 16–131%of bacterial, Synechococcus and >0.7 µm phytoplanktonstanding stocks, respectively. The trends in prey net growthrates followed the seasonal cycles of prey biomass, suggestingthat microzooplankton are important grazers in Newfoundlandcoastal waters. Ingestion was lowest during January and October(~2 µg C l–1 day–1) and highest in August(~20 µg C l–1 day–1). Aside from April when>0.7 µm phytoplankton represented the majority (~80%)of carbon ingested, bacterioplankton and <1 µm phytoplanktonrepresented most of the carbon ingested (~40–100%). Althoughmicrozooplankton have here-to-fore been unrecognized as an importantgrazer population in Newfoundland coastal waters, these resultssuggest that they play an important role in carbon flow withinthe pelagic food web, even at low temperatures in Logy Bay.  相似文献   

Environmental control of zooplankton biomass size structure(53–100, 100–202, 202–500 and >500 µm)was investigated in the three limnetic strata of 25 southernQuébec Shield lakes, Canada. Among-lake differences werethe greatest source of variation of zooplankton biomass, whereasthe strong lake–by–stratum interaction observedindicated that the vertical variations of zooplankton biomassand its size fractions were not constant from lake to lake.The analysis of spatial and local factors based on thermal stratais consistent with conceptual models of predation and nutrientcontrol on the biomass and size structure of the zooplankton.Productivity of the aquatic systems, which was driven by lakedepth, flushing rate and total phosphorus concentration, wasthe primary factor influencing total zooplankton biomass andsize structure at among-lake scale in epilimnetic waters. Theeffects of the planktivorous fish on the large zooplankton biomass(>500 µm) was more clearly perceived when the effectof lake depth was removed by partial redundancy analysis. Thisstudy showed that although bottom-up and top-down forces arecomplementary in structuring of zooplankton communities, theycan also act differently on the community attributes (e.g. biomassand size structure). Among-lake zooplankton biomass is predictablefrom lake trophy, but the size structure and vertical distributionof zooplankton communities appear to be controlled by lake stratificationand by inference to interactions with size selective predationby fish. In metalimnetic waters, the 53–100 and 100–202µm zooplankton biomass fractions were primarily dependenton abiotic factors, while the 202–500 and >500 µmfractions were related to planktivory and picophytoplanktonconcentrations. The well-oxygenated and cold hypolimnetic watersof some lakes offered a refuge from surface turbulence and planktivoryto large zooplankton size fractions (202–500 and >500µm).  相似文献   

A biweekly sampling program from two stations at the easternLevant Basin was carried out during a 1-year period (1983).The first station (neritic) was located 2 km offshore over theIsraeli continental shelf, while the second (pelagic) was located10 km offshore slightly beyond the continental shelf. It wasfound that during summer the relatively close pelagic watershad chlorophyll a concentrations comparable with the most oligotrophicdeep sea regions of the world's oceans. During winter and spring,profound fluctuations were observed in both phytoplankton standingcrop and primary productivity at the neritic station. This wasin response to weather phenomena, such as heavy rains or storms,which did not affect the pelagic Station to such an extent.The picoplanklon size fraction (<3 µm) dominated atthe neritic station during summer and fall, while the nanoplanktonfraction (3–20 µm) dominated during spring. At thepelagic station the picoplankton fraction dominated almost allyear round, but it is suspected that some portion of it wasphotosynthetically inactive.  相似文献   

The dynamics of phytoplankton size structure were investigatedin the freshwater, transitional and estuarine zones of the YorkRiver over an annual cycle. The contribution of large cells(microplankton, >20 µm) to total concentrations ofchlorophyll a increased downstream during winter, whereas thatof small cells (nanoplankton, 3–20 µm; picoplankton,<3 µm) increased downstream during summer. In the freshwaterregion, the contribution of micro phytoplankton to total concentrationsof chlorophyll a was significant during warm seasons (springand summer) but not during colder seasons (winter), whereasthe contribution of small-sized cells (especially picoplankton)increased during cold seasons. Temperature, light and high flushingrate appear to control phytoplankton community structure inthe freshwater region. In the transitional region, nano-sizedcells dominated the phytoplankton population throughout allseasons except during the spring bloom (April) when the chlorophylla concentration of micro phytoplankton increased. Size structurein the transitional region is most likely regulated by lightavailability. In the mesohaline region, nano- and pico-sizedcells dominated the phytoplankton population during the summerbloom, whereas micro-sized cells dominated during the winterbloom. Factors controlling phytoplankton community size structurein the mesohaline zone may be riverine nitrogen input, temperatureand/or advective transport from up-river. Based on these results,the spatial and seasonal variations in size structure of phytoplanktonobserved on the estuarine scale may be determined both by thedifferent preferences for nutrients and by different light requirementsof micro-, nano- and picoplankton. The results suggest thatanalyses of phytoplankton size structure are necessary to betterunderstand controls on phytoplankton dynamics and to bettermanage water quality in river-dominated, estuarine systems.  相似文献   

Ammonium regeneration by micro- (35–153 µm) andmacrozooplankton (> 153 µm) was determined in the Gulfof Maine by measuring the activity of the excretory enzyme glutamatedehydrogenase (GDH) in various size fractions. GDH maxima weregenerally observed to correspond to the depth of the chlorophyllmaximum as previously reported in the Gulf of Mexico and inthe vicinity of the Nantucket Shoals. GDH activity of the microzooplanktonwas considerably lower than the macrazooplankton, suggestingthe microzooplankton made only a minor contribution (1–11%) to the total ammonium regenerated. These results were confirmedby biomass estimates made from counts of individual species.Ammonium excretion by both zooplankton fractions was estimatedto supply 5–31 % of the nitrogen requirements for primaryproduction, with an estimated 59–63% supplied by the verticaltransport of nitrate (new nitrogen) into the euphoric zone.  相似文献   

During the ANTARES 3 cruise in the Indian sector of the SouthernOcean in October–November 1995, the surface waters ofKerguelen Islands plume, and the surface and deeper waters (30–60m) along a transect on 62°E from 48°36'S to the iceedge (58°50'S), were sampled. The phytoplankton communitywas size-fractionated (2 µm) and cell numbers, chlorophyllbiomass and carbon assimilation, through Rubisco and ß-carboxylaseactivities, were characterized. The highest contribution of<2 µm cells to total biomass and total Rubisco activitywas reported in the waters of the Permanent Open Ocean Zone(POOZ) located between 52°S and 55°S along 62°E.In this zone, the picophytoplankton contributed from 26 to 50%of the total chlorophyll (a + b + c) with an average of 0.09± 0.02 µg Chl l–1 for <2 µm cells.Picophytoplankton also contributed 36 to 64% of the total Rubiscoactivity, with an average of 0.80 ± 0.30 mg C mg Chla–1 h–1 for <2 µm cells. The picophytoplanktoncells had a higher ß-carboxylase activity than largercells >2 µm. The mixotrophic capacity of these smallcells is proposed. From sampling stations of the Kerguelen plume,a relationship was observed between the Rubisco activity perpicophytoplankton cell and apparent cell size, which variedwith the sampled water masses. Moreover, a depth-dependent photoperiodicityof Rubisco activity per cell for <2 µm phytoplanktonwas observed during the day/night cycle in the POOZ. In thenear ice zone, a physiological change in picophytoplankton cellsfavouring phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) activitywas reported. A species succession, or an adaptation to unfavourableenvironmental conditions such as low temperature and/or availableirradiance levels, may have provoked this change. The high contributionof picophytoplankton to the total biomass, and its high CO2fixation capacity via autotrophy and mixotrophy, emphasize thestrong regeneration of organic materials in the euphotic layerin the Southern Ocean.  相似文献   

Seventeen size-fractionation experiments were carried out duringthe summer of 1979 to compare biomass and productivity in the< 10, <8 and <5 µm size fractions with that ofthe total phytoplankton community in surface waters of NarragansettBay. Flagellates and non-motile ultra-plankton passing 8 µmpolycarbonate filters dominated early summer phytoplankton populations,while diatoms and dinoflagellates retained by 10 µm nylonnetting dominated during the late summer. A significant numberof small diatoms and dinoflagellates were found in the 10–8µm size fraction. The > 10 µm size fraction accountedfor 50% of the chlorophyll a standing crop and 38% of surfaceproduction. The <8 µm fraction accounted for 39 and18% of the surface biomass and production. Production by the< 8 µm fraction exceeded half of the total communityproduction only during a mid-summer bloom of microflagellates.Mean assimilation numbers and calculated carbon doubling ratesin the <8 µm (2.8 g C g Chl a–1 h–1; 0.9day–1)and<5 µm(1.7 g C g Chl a–1h–1; 0.5day–1)size fractions were consistently lower than those of the totalpopulation (4.8 g C g Chl a–1 h–1; 1.3 day–1)and the <10 µm size fraction (5.8 g C g Chl a–1h–1; 1.4 day –1). The results indicate that smalldiatoms and dinoflagellates in fractionated phytoplankton populationscan influence productivity out of proportion to their numbersor biomass. 1Present address: Australian Institute of Marine Science, P.M.B.No. 3, Townsville M.S.O., Qld. 4810, Australia.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll (Chl) a was measured every 10 m from 0 to 150 min the Transition Domain (TD), located between 37 and 45°N,and from 160°E to 160°W, in May and June (Leg 1) andin June and July (Leg 2), 1993–96. Total Chl a standingstocks integrated from 0 to 150 m were mostly within the rangeof 20 and 50 mg m–2. High standing stocks (>50 mg m–2)were generally observed westof 180°, with the exceptionof the sporadic high values at the easternmost station. Thetotal Chl a standing stock tended to be higher in the westernTD (160°E–172°30'E) than in the central (175°E–175°W)and eastern (170°W–160°W) TD on Leg 1, but thesame result was not observed on Leg 2. It was likely that largephytoplankton (2–10 and >10 µm fractions) contributedto the high total Chl a standing stock. We suggest that thehigh total Chl a standing stock on Leg 1, in late spring andearly summer, reflects the contribution of the spring bloomin the subarctic region of the northwestern Pacific Ocean. Thedistribution of total Chl a standing stock on Leg 2 was scarcelyaffected by the spring phytoplankton bloom, suggesting thattotal Chl a standing stock is basically nearly uniform in theTD in spring and summer. Moreover, year-to-year variation inthe total Chl a standing stock was observed in the western TDon Leg 1, suggesting that phytoplankton productivity and/orthe timing of the main period of the bloom exhibits interannualvariations.  相似文献   

Zooplankton abundance, biomass (biovolume) and taxonomic compositionwere studied within an annual cycle (August 1995–October1996) in the Bay of Blanes (northwest Mediterranean). Weeklyzooplankton sampling included oblique tows made with a 200 µmJuday–Bogorov net, and vertical tows made with a 53 µmnet, to adequately sample both mesoplankton and the smallerzooplankton fractions. Total zooplankton abundance showed highvariability, lacking any clear seasonal pattern. However, thedifferent species within the zooplankton community displayeda clear succession throughout the year. In general, cyclopoidcopepods (Oithona spp.) and cladocerans (Peniliaavirostris)dominated the summer and autumn communities, whereas in winterand spring, calanoid copepods (Clausocalanus spp., Paracalanussp. and Centropages typicus) were predominant. The zooplanktonannual cycle in the Bay of Blanes does not resemble those ofother Mediterraneanlittoral areas, probably due to the inherentparticularity and variability associated with open coastal environments.On average, the abundance of organisms estimated with a traditional200 µm Juday–Bogorov net was 8.1 times lower thanthe values obtained with a 53 µm net. Even if only organisms>200 µm collected in the 53 µm tows were considered,the total abundance within the 53 µm net was still 4.4times higher than the estimates from the Juday–Bogorovnet. These results suggest the need for accurate samplings ofthe entire zooplankton assemblage when characterizing the structureand dynamics of zooplanktonic communities.  相似文献   

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