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Meprin A and B are highly regulated, secreted, and cell-surface metalloendopeptidases that are abundantly expressed in the kidney and intestine. Meprin oligomers consist of evolutionarily related alpha and/or beta subunits. The work herein was carried out to identify bioactive peptides and proteins that are susceptible to hydrolysis by mouse meprins and kinetically characterize the hydrolysis. Gastrin-releasing peptide fragment 14-27 and gastrin 17, regulatory molecules of the gastrointestinal tract, were found to be the best peptide substrates for meprin A and B, respectively. Peptide libraries and a variety of naturally occurring peptides revealed that the meprin beta subunit has a clear preference for acidic amino acids in the P1 and P1' sites of substrates. The meprin alpha subunit selected for small (e.g. serine, alanine) or hydrophobic (e.g. phenylalanine) residues in the P1 and P1' sites, and proline was the most preferred amino acid at the P2' position. Thus, although the meprin alpha and beta subunits share 55% amino acid identity within the protease domain and are normally localized at the same tissue cell surfaces, they have very different substrate and peptide bond specificities indicating different functions. Homology models of the mouse meprin alpha and beta protease domains, based on the astacin crystal structure, revealed active site differences that can account for the marked differences in substrate specificity of the two subunits.  相似文献   

Controlling the substrate specificity of enzymes is a major challenge for protein engineers. Here we explore the effects of residue-specific incorporation of ortho-, meta- and para-fluorophenylalanine (oFF, mFF, pFF) on the selectivity of human histone acetyltransferase (HAT) protein, p300/CBP associated factor (PCAF). Varying the position of the fluorine group in the phenylalanine ring confers different effects on the ability of PCAF to acetylate target histone H3 as well as non-histone p53. Surprisingly, pFF-PCAF exhibits an increase in activity for non-histone p53, while mFF-PCAF is selective for histone H3. These results suggest that global incorporation of unnatural amino acids may be used to re-engineer protein specificity.  相似文献   

The three-component naphthalene dioxygenase (NDO) enzyme system carries out the first step in the aerobic degradation of naphthalene by Pseudomonas sp. strain NCIB 9816-4. The three-dimensional structure of NDO revealed that several of the amino acids at the active site of the oxygenase are hydrophobic, which is consistent with the enzyme's preference for aromatic hydrocarbon substrates. Although NDO catalyzes cis-dihydroxylation of a wide range of substrates, it is highly regio- and enantioselective. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to determine the contributions of several active-site residues to these aspects of catalysis. Amino acid substitutions at Asn-201, Phe-202, Val-260, Trp-316, Thr-351, Trp-358, and Met-366 had little or no effect on product formation with naphthalene or biphenyl as substrates and had slight but significant effects on product formation from phenanthrene. Amino acid substitutions at Phe-352 resulted in the formation of cis-naphthalene dihydrodiol with altered stereochemistry [92 to 96% (+)-1R,2S], compared to the enantiomerically pure [>99% (+)-1R,2S] product formed by the wild-type enzyme. Substitutions at position 352 changed the site of oxidation of biphenyl and phenanthrene. Substitution of alanine for Asp-362, a ligand to the active-site iron, resulted in a completely inactive enzyme.  相似文献   

Structural origin of substrate-enzyme recognition remains incompletely understood. In the model enzyme system of serine protease, canonical anti-parallel beta-structure substrate-enzyme complex is the predominant hypothesis for the substrate-enzyme interaction at the atomic level. We used factor Xa (fXa), a key serine protease of the coagulation system, as a model enzyme to test the canonical conformation hypothesis. More than 160 fXa-cleavable substrate phage variants were experimentally selected from three designed substrate phage display libraries. These substrate phage variants were sequenced and their specificities to the model enzyme were quantified with quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for substrate phage-enzyme reaction kinetics. At least three substrate-enzyme recognition modes emerged from the experimental data as necessary to account for the sequence-dependent specificity of the model enzyme. Computational molecular models were constructed, with both energetics and pharmacophore criteria, for the substrate-enzyme complexes of several of the representative substrate peptide sequences. In contrast to the canonical conformation hypothesis, the binding modes of the substrates to the model enzyme varied according to the substrate peptide sequence, indicating that an ensemble of binding modes underlay the observed specificity of the model serine protease.  相似文献   

Xanthine oxidase (oxidoreductase; XOR) and aldehyde oxidase (AO) are similar in protein structure and prosthetic group composition, but differ in substrate preference. Here we show that mutation of two amino acid residues in the active site of human XOR for purine substrates results in conversion of the substrate preference to AO type. Human XOR and its Glu803-to-valine (E803V) and Arg881-to-methionine (R881M) mutants were expressed in an Escherichia coli system. The E803V mutation almost completely abrogated the activity towards hypoxanthine as a substrate, but very weak activity towards xanthine remained. On the other hand, the R881M mutant lacked activity towards xanthine, but retained slight activity towards hypoxanthine. Both mutants, however, exhibited significant aldehyde oxidase activity. The crystal structure of E803V mutant of human XOR was determined at 2.6 A resolution. The overall molybdopterin domain structure of this mutant closely resembles that of bovine milk XOR; amino acid residues in the active centre pocket are situated at very similar positions and in similar orientations, except that Glu803 was replaced by valine, indicating that the decrease in activity towards purine substrate is not due to large conformational change in the mutant enzyme. Unlike wild-type XOR, the mutants were not subject to time-dependent inhibition by allopurinol.  相似文献   

Plant sucrose transporters (SUTs) are H(+)-coupled uptake transporters. Type I and II (SUTs) are phylogenetically related but have different substrate specificities. Type I SUTs transport sucrose, maltose, and a wide range of natural and synthetic α- and β-glucosides. Type II SUTs are more selective for sucrose and maltose. Here, we investigated the structural basis for this difference in substrate specificity. We used a novel gene shuffling method called synthetic template shuffling to introduce 62 differentially conserved amino acid residues from type I SUTs into OsSUT1, a type II SUT from rice. The OsSUT1 variants were tested for their ability to transport the fluorescent coumarin β-glucoside esculin when expressed in yeast. Fluorescent yeast cells were selected using fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). Substitution of five amino acids present in type I SUTs in OsSUT1 was found to be sufficient to confer esculin uptake activity. The changes clustered in two areas of the OsSUT1 protein: in the first loop and the top of TMS2 (T80L and A86K) and in TMS5 (S220A, S221A, and T224Y). The substrate specificity of this OsSUT1 variant was almost identical to that of type I SUTs. Corresponding changes in the sugarcane type II transporter ShSUT1 also changed substrate specificity, indicating that these residues contribute to substrate specificity in type II SUTs in general.  相似文献   

The aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases covalently link transfer RNAs to their cognate amino acids. Some of the tRNA synthetases have evolved editing mechanisms to ensure fidelity in this first step of protein synthesis. The amino acid editing site for leucyl- (LeuRS) and isoleucyl- (IleRS) tRNA synthetases reside within homologous CP1 domains. In each case, a threonine-rich peptide and a second conserved GTG region that are separated by about 100 amino acids comprise parts of the hydrolytic editing site. While a number of sites are conserved between these two enzymes and likely confer a commonality to the mechanisms, some positions are idiosyncratic to LeuRS or IleRS. Herein, we provide evidence that a conserved arginine and threonine at respective sites in LeuRS and IleRS diverged to confer amino acid substrate recognition. This site complements other sites in the amino acid binding pocket of the editing active site of Escherichia coli LeuRS, including Thr252 and Val338, which collectively fine-tune amino acid specificity to confer fidelity.  相似文献   

Methionine sulfoxide reductases (Msrs) are ubiquitous enzymes that catalyze the thioredoxin-dependent reduction of methionine sulfoxide (MetSO) back to methionine. In vivo, Msrs are essential in protecting cells against oxidative damages on proteins and in the virulence of some bacteria. There exists two structurally unrelated classes of Msrs. MsrAs are stereo-specific toward the S epimer on the sulfur of the sulfoxide, whereas MsrBs are specific toward the R isomer. Both classes of Msrs display a similar catalytic mechanism of sulfoxide reduction by thiols via the sulfenic acid chemistry and a better affinity for protein-bound MetSO than for free MetSO. Recently, the role of the amino acids implicated in the catalysis of the reductase step of Neisseria meningitidis MsrA was determined. In the present study, the invariant amino acids potentially involved in substrate binding, i.e. Phe-52, Trp-53, Asp-129, His-186, Tyr-189, and Tyr-197, were substituted. The catalytic parameters under steady-state conditions and of the reductase step of the mutated MsrAs were determined and compared with those of the wild type. Altogether, the results support the presence of at least two binding subsites. The first one, whose contribution is major in the efficiency of the reductase step and in which the epsilon-methyl group of MetSO binds, is the hydrophobic pocket formed by Phe-52 and Trp-53, the position of the indole ring being stabilized by interactions with His-186 and Tyr-189. The second subsite composed of Asp-129 and Tyr-197 contributes to the binding of the main chain of the substrate but to a lesser extent.  相似文献   

The peripheral anionic site (PAS) of human butyrylcholinesterase is involved in the mechanism of substrate activation by positively charged substrates and ligands. Two substrate binding loci, D70 in the PAS and W82 in the active site, are connected by the Omega loop. To determine whether the Omega loop plays a role in the signal transduction between the PAS and the active site, residues involved in stabilization of the loop, N83, K339 and W430, were mutated. Mutations N83A and N83Q caused loss of substrate activation, suggesting that N83 which interacts with the D70 backbone may be an element of the transducing system. The K339M and W430A mutant enzymes retained substrate activation. Residues W82, E197, and A328 in the active site gorge have been reported to be involved in substrate activation. At butyrylthiocholine concentrations greater then 2 mM, W82A showed apparent substrate activation. Mutations E197Q and E197G strongly reduced substrate activation, while mutation E197D caused a moderate effect, suggesting that the carboxylate of residue E197 is involved in substrate activation. Mutations A328F and A328Y showed no substrate activation, whereas A328G retained substrate activation. Substrate activation can result from an allosteric effect due to binding of the second substrate molecule on the PAS. Mutation W430A was of special interest because this residue hydrogen bonds to W82 and Y332. W430A had strongly reduced affinity for tetramethylammonium. The bimolecular rate constant for reaction with diisopropyl fluorophosphate was reduced 10000-fold, indicating severe alteration in the binding area in W430A. The kcat values for butyrylthiocholine, o-nitrophenyl butyrate, and succinyldithiocholine were lower. This suggested that the mutation had caused misfolding of the active site gorge without altering the Omega loop conformation/dynamics. W430 as well as W231 and W82 appear to form the wall of the active site gorge. Mutation of any of these tryptophans disrupts the architecture of the active site.  相似文献   

The interaction of calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) with the NR2B subunit of N-methyl-D-aspartate-type glutamate receptor is thought to be one of the important events leading to synaptic plasticity. CaMKII binds NR2B by its catalytic site and by the autophosphorylation site binding pocket (APBP), a non-catalytic site. Mutagenesis of Glu-236, a residue in the APBP of CaMKII that is likely to be interacting with NR2B, influences phosphorylation of NR2B. The phosphorylation of syntide-2, a classical catalytic site substrate of CaMKII, is influenced to a much lesser extent by this mutation. Taken together these results indicate that interaction of NR2B at the non-catalytic site of CaMKII influences catalysis. Our data suggest that kinetic models of peptide substrate phosphorylation by CaMKII should incorporate the non-catalytic mode of binding of peptides that is dependent on the sequence of the peptide.  相似文献   

Abstract Proteases recognize their endogenous substrates based largely on a sequence of proteinogenic amino acids that surrounds the cleavage site. Currently, several methods are available to determine protease substrate specificity based on approaches employing proteinogenic amino acids. The knowledge about the specificity of proteases can be significantly extended by application of structurally diverse families of non-proteinogenic amino acids. From a chemical point of view, this information may be used to design specific substrates, inhibitors, or activity-based probes, while biological functions of proteases, such as posttranslational modifications can also be investigated. In this review, we discuss current and prospective technologies for application of non-proteinogenic amino acids in protease substrate specificity profiling.  相似文献   

Iyidogan P  Lutz S 《Biochemistry》2008,47(16):4711-4720
Human deoxycytidine kinase (dCK) is responsible for the phosphorylation of a number of clinically important nucleoside analogue prodrugs in addition to its natural substrates, 2'-deoxycytidine, 2'-deoxyguanosine, and 2'-deoxyadenosine. To improve the low catalytic activity and tailor the substrate specificity of dCK, we have constructed libraries of mutant enzymes and tested them for thymidine kinase (tk) activity. Random mutagenesis was employed to probe for amino acid positions with an impact on substrate specificity throughout the entire enzyme structure, identifying positions Arg104 and Asp133 in the active site as key residues for substrate specificity. Kinetic analysis indicates that Arg104Gln/Asp133Gly creates a "generalist" kinase with broader specificity and elevated turnover for natural and prodrug substrates. In contrast, the substitutions of Arg104Met/Asp133Thr, obtained via site-saturation mutagenesis, yielded a mutant with reversed substrate specificity, elevating the specific constant for thymidine phosphorylation by over 1000-fold while eliminating activity for dC, dA, and dG under physiological conditions. The results illuminate the key contributions of these two amino acid positions to enzyme function by demonstrating their ability to moderate substrate specificity.  相似文献   

Quirk S  Seley KL 《Biochemistry》2005,44(39):13172-13178
GTP-l-fucose pyrophosphorylase(GFPP) catalyzes the reversible formation of the nucleotide-sugar GDP-beta-l-fucose from guanosine triphosphate and beta-l-fucose-1-phosphate. The enzyme functions primarily in the mammalian liver and kidney to salvage free fucose during the breakdown of glycoproteins and glycolipids. GFPP shares little primary sequence identity with other nucleotide-sugar metabolizing enzymes, and the three-dimensional structure of the protein is unknown. The enzyme does contain several sequences that could be nucleotide binding sites, but none of them are an exact match to consensus sequences. Using a combination of site-directed mutagenesis and UV photoaffinity cross-linking, we have identified five amino acid residues that are critical for catalysis. Some of these amino acids are found within the poorly conserved nucleotide binding consensus structures, while others represent new motifs. Two active site lysines can be cross-linked to photoaffinity probes. The site of cross-linking depends on the probe used. The identification of these critical residues highlights how distinct GFPP is from other nucleotide-sugar pyrophosphorylases.  相似文献   

The KsgA methyltransferase is universally conserved and plays a key role in regulating ribosome biogenesis. KsgA has a complex reaction mechanism, transferring a total of four methyl groups onto two separate adenosine residues, A1518 and A1519, in the small subunit rRNA. This means that the active site pocket must accept both adenosine and N(6)-methyladenosine as substrates to catalyze formation of the final product N(6),N(6)-dimethyladenosine. KsgA is related to DNA adenosine methyltransferases, which transfer only a single methyl group to their target adenosine residue. We demonstrate that part of the discrimination between mono- and dimethyltransferase activity lies in a single residue in the active site, L114; this residue is part of a conserved motif, known as motif IV, which is common to a large group of S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferases. Mutation of the leucine to a proline mimics the sequence found in DNA methyltransferases. The L114P mutant of KsgA shows diminished overall activity, and its ability to methylate the N(6)-methyladenosine intermediate to produce N(6),N(6)-dimethyladenosine is impaired; this is in contrast to a second active site mutation, N113A, which diminishes activity to a level comparable to L114P without affecting the methylation of N(6)-methyladenosine. We discuss the implications of this work for understanding the mechanism of KsgA's multiple catalytic steps.  相似文献   

Uracil-DNA glycosylases (UDGs) catalyse the removal of uracil by flipping it out of the double helix into their binding pockets, where the glycosidic bond is hydrolysed by a water molecule activated by a polar amino acid. Interestingly, the four known UDG families differ in their active site make-up. The activating residues in UNG and SMUG enzymes are aspartates, thermostable UDGs resemble UNG-type enzymes, but carry glutamate rather than aspartate residues in their active sites, and the less active MUG/TDG enzymes contain an active site asparagine. We now describe the first member of a fifth UDG family, Pa-UDGb from the hyperthermophilic crenarchaeon Pyrobaculum aerophilum, the active site of which lacks the polar residue that was hitherto thought to be essential for catalysis. Moreover, Pa-UDGb is the first member of the UDG family that efficiently catalyses the removal of an aberrant purine, hypoxanthine, from DNA. We postulate that this enzyme has evolved to counteract the mutagenic threat of cytosine and adenine deamination, which becomes particularly acute in organisms living at elevated temperatures.  相似文献   

A flexible loop of amino acids (loop II) closes over the active site of hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) as the enzyme approaches the transition state [Biochemistry 37 (1998) 17120]. Formerly, the deletion of much of loop II from the HPRT of Trypanosoma cruzi resulted in a 2-3 order of magnitude reduction in k(cat) values with relatively modest changes in the Michaelis constants for substrates [Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1537 (2001) 63-70]. However, the contributions of individual loop II residues to catalysis remained poorly understood or have been disputed. Herein, saturation mutagenesis was used to generate relatively random sets of mutations in the 12 residues of active site loop II in the HPRT from T. cruzi and steady-state kinetics was used to investigate reactions catalyzed by the mutants. The results of analyses of 18 different mutations in an evolutionarily invariant Ser-Tyr dipeptide are consistent with interactions, between main chain nitrogen atoms of these residues and the O1A atom of phosphoribosylpyrophosphate (PRPP) or pyrophosphate (PPi), being essential for efficient enzyme chemistry. The results of analyses of 55 mutations in the nine other amino acids in loop II are inconsistent with these residues participating directly in enzyme chemistry, but are consistent with several of their side chains influencing loop flexibility and folding, as well as the efficiency for nucleotide formation relative to pyrophosphorolysis.  相似文献   

Transcarbamylases catalyze the transfer of the carbamyl group from carbamyl phosphate (CP) to an amino group of a second substrate such as aspartate, ornithine, or putrescine. Previously, structural determination of a transcarbamylase from Xanthomonas campestris led to the discovery of a novel N-acetylornithine transcarbamylase (AOTCase) that catalyzes the carbamylation of N-acetylornithine. Recently, a novel N-succinylornithine transcarbamylase (SOTCase) from Bacteroides fragilis was identified. Structural comparisons of AOTCase from X. campestris and SOTCase from B. fragilis revealed that residue Glu92 (X. campestris numbering) plays a critical role in distinguishing AOTCase from SOTCase. Enzymatic assays of E92P, E92S, E92V, and E92A mutants of AOTCase demonstrate that each of these mutations converts the AOTCase to an SOTCase. Similarly, the P90E mutation in B. fragilis SOTCase (equivalent to E92 in X. campestris AOTCase) converts the SOTCase to AOTCase. Hence, a single amino acid substitution is sufficient to swap the substrate specificities of AOTCase and SOTCase. X-ray crystal structures of these mutants in complexes with CP and N-acetyl-L-norvaline (an analog of N-acetyl-L-ornithine) or N-succinyl-L-norvaline (an analog of N-succinyl-L-ornithine) substantiate this conversion. In addition to Glu92 (X. campestris numbering), other residues such as Asn185 and Lys30 in AOTCase, which are involved in binding substrates through bridging water molecules, help to define the substrate specificity of AOTCase. These results provide the correct annotation (AOTCase or SOTCase) for a set of the transcarbamylase-like proteins that have been erroneously annotated as ornithine transcarbamylase (OTCase, EC  相似文献   

The specific insertion of a divalent metal ion into tetrapyrrole macrocycles is catalyzed by a group of enzymes called chelatases. Distortion of the tetrapyrrole has been proposed to be an important component of the mechanism of metallation. We present the structures of two different inhibitor complexes: (1) N-methylmesoporphyrin (N-MeMP) with the His183Ala variant of Bacillus subtilis ferrochelatase; (2) the wild-type form of the same enzyme with deuteroporphyrin IX 2,4-disulfonic acid dihydrochloride (dSDP). Analysis of the structures showed that only one N-MeMP isomer out of the eight possible was bound to the protein and it was different from the isomer that was earlier found to bind to the wild-type enzyme. A comparison of the distortion of this porphyrin with other porphyrin complexes of ferrochelatase and a catalytic antibody with ferrochelatase activity using normal-coordinate structural decomposition reveals that certain types of distortion are predominant in all these complexes. On the other hand, dSDP, which binds closer to the protein surface compared to N-MeMP, does not undergo any distortion upon binding to the protein, underscoring that the position of the porphyrin within the active site pocket is crucial for generating the distortion required for metal insertion. In addition, in contrast to the wild-type enzyme, Cu2+-soaking of the His183Ala variant complex did not show any traces of porphyrin metallation. Collectively, these results provide new insights into the role of the active site residues of ferrochelatase in controlling stereospecificity, distortion and metallation.  相似文献   

Prolyl oligopeptidase (POP) has emerged as a drug target for neurological diseases. A flexible loop structure comprising loop A (res. 189–209) and loop B (res. 577–608) at the domain interface is implicated in substrate entry to the active site. Here we determined kinetic and structural properties of POP with mutations in loop A, loop B, and in two additional flexible loops (the catalytic His loop, propeller Asp/Glu loop). POP lacking loop A proved to be an inefficient enzyme, as did POP with a mutation in loop B (T590C). Both variants displayed an altered substrate preference profile, with reduced ligand binding capacity. Conversely, the T202C mutation increased the flexibility of loop A, enhancing the catalytic efficiency beyond that of the native enzyme. The T590C mutation in loop B increased the preference for shorter peptides, indicating a role in substrate gating. Loop A and the His loop are disordered in the H680A mutant crystal structure, as seen in previous bacterial POP structures, implying coordinated structural dynamics of these loops. Unlike native POP, variants with a malfunctioning loop A were not inhibited by a 17-mer peptide that may bind non-productively to an exosite involving loop A. Biophysical studies suggest a predominantly closed resting state for POP with higher flexibility at the physiological temperature. The flexible loop A, loop B and His loop system at the active site is the main regulator of substrate gating and specificity and represents a new inhibitor target.  相似文献   

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