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Conduction in bundles of demyelinated nerve fibers: computer simulation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This study presents a model of action potential propagation in bundles of myelinated nerve fibers. The model combines the single-cable formulation of Goldman and Albus (1967) with a basic representation of the ephaptic interaction among the fibers. We analyze first the behavior of the conduction velocity (CV) under the change of the various conductance parameters and temperature. The main parameter influencing the CV is the fast sodium conductance, and the dependence of CV on the temperature is linear up to 30 degrees C. The increase of myelin thickness above its normal value (5 microm) gives a slight increase in CV. The CV of the single fiber decreases monotonically with the disruption of myelin, but the breakdown is abrupt. There is always conduction until the thickness is larger than 2% of its original value, at which with at this point a sharp transition of CV to zero occurs. Also, the increase of temperature can block conduction. At 5% of the original thickness there is still spike propagation, but an increase of 2 degrees C causes conduction block. These results are consistent with clinical observations. Computer simulations are performed to show how the CV is affected by local damage to the myelin sheath, temperature alterations, and increased ephaptic coupling (i.e., coupling of electrical origin due to the electric neutrality of all the nerve) in the case of fiber bundles. The ephaptic interaction is included in the model. Synchronous impulse transmission and the formation of "condensed" pulse states are found. Electric impulses with a delay of 0.5 ms are presented to the system, and the numerical results show that, for increasing coupling, the impulses tend to adjust their speed and become synchronized. Other interesting phenomena are that spurious spikes are likely to be generated when ephaptic interaction is raised and that damaged axons suffering conduction block can be brought into conduction by the normal functioning fibers surrounding them. This is seen also in the case of a large number of fibers (N=500). When all the fibers are stimulated simultaneously, the conduction velocity is found to be strongly dependent on the level of ephaptic coupling and a sensible reduction is observed with respect to the propagation along an isolated axon even for low coupling level. As in the case of three fibers, spikes tend to lock and form collective impulses that propagate slowly in the nerve. On the other hand, if only 10% of fibers are stimulated by an external input, the conduction velocity is only 2% less than that along a single axon. We found a threshold value for the ephaptic coupling such that for lower values it is impossible to recruit the damaged fibers into conduction, for values of the coupling equal to this threshold only one fiber can be restored by the nondamaged fibers, and for values larger than the threshold an increasing number of fibers can return to normal functioning. We get values of the ephaptic coupling such that 25% of axons can be damaged without change of the collective conduction.  相似文献   

A Nose  V B Mahajan  C S Goodman 《Cell》1992,70(4):553-567
Each abdominal hemisegment in the Drosophila embryo contains a stereotyped array of 30 muscles, each specifically innervated by one or a few motoneurons. We screened 11,000 enhancer trap lines, isolated several expressing beta-galactosidase in small subsets of muscle fibers prior to innervation, and identified two of these as inserts in connectin and Toll, members of the leucine-rich repeat gene family. Connectin contains a signal sequence, ten leucine-rich repeats, and a putative phosphatidylinositol membrane linkage; in S2 cells, connectin can mediate homophilic cell adhesion. Connectin is expressed on the surface of eight muscles, the motoneurons that innervate them, and several glial cells along the pathways leading to them. During synapse formation, the protein localizes to synaptic sites; afterward, it largely disappears. Thus, connectin is a novel cell adhesion molecule whose expression suggests a role in target recognition.  相似文献   

Evoked synaptic potential were recorded extracellularly in experiments on a nervemuscle preparation of the frog sartorius muscle. A decrease in evoked transmitter release was found from the proximal to the distal parts of the nerve ending, due to a decrease in the probability of transmitter quantum release. The terminal portions of the synapse are less sensitive than the proximal parts to changes in Ca++ concentration, they show less marked facilitation of transmitter release during paired and repetitive stimulation, and exhibit deeper and more rapidly developing depression. It is concluded that differences in transmitter release in the terminal parts of the synapse are due to the low reserves of transmitter and the lower premeability of the presynaptic membrane to Ca++.  相似文献   

Here, we used an obstacle treadmill experiment to investigate the neuromuscular control of locomotion in uneven terrain. We measured in vivo function of two distal muscles of the guinea fowl, lateral gastrocnemius (LG) and digital flexor-IV (DF), during level running, and two uneven terrains, with 5 and 7 cm obstacles. Uneven terrain required one step onto an obstacle every four to five strides. We compared both perturbed and unperturbed strides in uneven terrain to level terrain. When the bird stepped onto an obstacle, the leg became crouched, both muscles acted at longer lengths and produced greater work, and body height increased. Muscle activation increased on obstacle strides in the LG, but not the DF, suggesting a greater reflex contribution to LG. In unperturbed strides in uneven terrain, swing pre-activation of DF increased by 5 per cent compared with level terrain, suggesting feed-forward tuning of leg impedance. Across conditions, the neuromechanical factors in work output differed between the two muscles, probably due to differences in muscle-tendon architecture. LG work depended primarily on fascicle length, whereas DF work depended on both length and velocity during loading. These distal muscles appear to play a critical role in stability by rapidly sensing and responding to altered leg-ground interaction.  相似文献   

Carbacholine depressed postsynaptic currents in the frog m. sartorius leaving intact presynaptic currents in proximal and distal portions of the motor nerve ending. The carbacholine depressing action was followed by an increase in the time gap between the beginning of presynaptic depolarisation and subsequent quantal release. This effect was considerably more obvious in the distal portions of the nerve endings. Effect of extracellular potassium was evident in a diminishing of presynaptic currents due to membrane depolarisation. The data obtained suggest that carbacholine presynaptically depresses synaptic transmission via metabotropic cholinergic receptors controlling the time course of the transmitter release.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo compare stimulus–response characteristics of both motor evoked potentials (MEP) and silent periods (SP) induced by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) in proximal and distal upper-extremity muscles.MethodsStimulus–response curves of MEPs and SPs were obtained from the biceps brachii (BB) and abductor digiti minimi (ADM) muscles in 15 healthy participants. A nonlinear mixed model was used to fit the stimulus–response curves to a sigmoid Boltzmann function.ResultsSmall residuals of the function were found for MEPs and SPs in both muscles. Higher maximal MEP amplitudes were found for the BB compared to the ADM (p < 0.01). The active motor threshold to obtain a SP was less for the ADM compared to the BB (p < 0.01). The slope parameter of the function of the SP duration was steeper and more variable in the ADM than in the BB (p < 0.01). For the MEP amplitude no difference in active motor threshold and slope of the function was found between both muscles.ConclusionsExcitatory (MEP) and inhibitory (SP) effects of TMS differ between proximal arm and distal hand muscles in healthy participants. The adequate fit of our model suggests that this model can be used to study between and within subject changes in future studies.  相似文献   

Summary The characteristics of fibers of a cutaneous nerve supplying the wing skin of the pigeon have been investigated with electrophysiological and electron microscopic techniques.Recordings of the compound action potential showed four distinct peaks with conduction velocities of about 30 m/s, 12 m/s, 4 m/s and 0.5 m/s.From electron micrographs both fiber diameters and thickness of myelin sheath were assessed and used as criteria for segregating various fiber populations. Altogether four groups could be discerned: large thickly myelinated fibers, small thickly myelinated fibers, small thinly myelinated fibers, and unmyelinated or C-fibers. The subdivision of the thickly myelinated fibers into two populations is evidenced mainly by corresponding peaks in the compound action potential. The thinly myelinated fibers with a mean diameter of 2 m contributed about 90% of all myelinated fibers in this nerve.When comparing fiber dimensions and conduction velocities of this avian nerve with those of mammalian cutaneous nerves, the lower CV's of avian nerve fibers can be explained by smaller diameters and thinner myelin sheaths.The results of this investigation are a prerequisite for latency considerations in central somatosensory pathways in birds.Abbreviations CAP compound action potential - CV conduction velocity - D fiber diameter - d axon diameter - g ratio d/D - m thickness of myelin sheath  相似文献   

We measured the protein, arylsulfatase A and sphingomyelinase activities in the total normal rat sciatic nerve and in the proximal and distal stumps. The protein level of the whole sciatic nerve (about 8 % of fresh weight) is similar to the levels of the stumps. Arylsulfatase A activity, in the total sciatic nerve as well as in the stumps is more important by gram of fresh weight than the sphingomyelinase activity. Both enzymes activities, by gram of fresh weight, are more important in the proximal stumps than in the distal ones.  相似文献   

The conduction velocity of peripheral nerves is an indication of their growth. Ulnar nerve conduction velocity, forearm length, postpartum age and weight were measured in 25 monkeys (Macaca nemestrina) to determine the best way to estimate gestational age. Correlation analysis showed that while conduction velocity is strongly correlated with gestational age (r = 0.68), both forearm length (r = 0.91) and weight (r = 0.94) are more strongly correlated. Of the three simple measurements made, weight provides the best estimate of gestational age.  相似文献   

The escape reflex of the lobster consists of a series of tail flips resulting from alternating activity of the abdominal flexor and extensor muscles. Electromyographic (EMG) activity was recorded from the medial (DEAM) and the lateral (DEAL1) deep abdominal extensor muscles during free swimming. During the escape response, the muscles were active either synchronously or separately, at frequencies of 100–120 Hz. This activity pattern could be generated either by central programming, or by a peripheral mechanism such as frequency-dependent differential conduction block into one of the two branches of the common excitor axon (C.Ex) innervating these muscles. In order to explore the latter possibility in a living animal, we left the DEAM and DEAL1 muscles innervated only by the C.Ex from the tested segment. This was accomplished by manually cutting all other axons in the nerve under visual control. During escape responses in six successfully dissected animals, we found 27 sudden failures of the DEAM responses and only three in DEAL1. The failures were usually preceded by an increase in the delay of the response. These findings strongly suggest that conduction block occurs in the M branch innervating the DEAM under physiological conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Polyps of mature colonies of Hydractinia echinata obey the rule of distal transformation by regenerating heads but not stolons. However, this rule is not valid for young polyps as these regenerate stolons from proximal cut ends. Also, small cell aggregates and even small fragments excised from full-grown polyps are capable of stolon formation. Aggregates produced from dissociated cells undergo either distal or proximal transformation depending on their size, speed of head regeneration in the donor used for dissociation and the positional derivation of the cells. The latent capability of stolon formation is released under conditions that cause loss of morphogens and depletion of their sources. However, internal regulative processes can also lead to gradual proximal transformation: regenerating segments of polyps sometimes form heads at both ends and the distal pattern is duplicated. Subsequently, all sets of proximal structures, including stolons, are intercalated. In contrast to distal transformation, proximal transformation is a process the velocity of which declines with the age and size of the cell community.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To compare postoperative collaborative care between orthopaedic surgeons and physicians in geriatric medicine with routine orthopaedic care in elderly women with proximal femoral fracture. DESIGN--Exclusion of patients dying before fit enough to enter trial, those with pathological fractures, those likely to be discharged within seven days of entering the trial, and those remaining unfit for transfer to a peripheral hospital. Remainder allocated to two groups: treatment group and control group. SETTING--District hospital acute admission ward and rehabilitation ward. PATIENTS--144 sequentially admitted elderly women with proximal fracture of the femur; 36 excluded on above criteria and remainder entered into trial. INTERVENTION--Both treatment and control groups (n = 54 in each) received physiotherapy and other services. The treatment group also received thrice weekly supervision by a geriatrician. END POINTS--Physical independence, residence after discharge, and length of hospital stay. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS--At discharge significantly more patients in treatment group were independent in terms of activities of daily living than controls (41 v 25) and their median stay was 24 days (range 8-197) compared with 41 (9-365) (95% confidence intervals for difference 2 to 25). Significantly fewer treatment patients were discharged to institutional care (10% v 32%; 95% confidence interval for difference 6% to 37%) and more to their own homes (63% v 38%; 95% confidence interval for difference 6% to 44%). These beneficial effects were consistent across a range of ages and mental state. CONCLUSIONS--Both hospital and patient benefited when postoperative rehabilitation was provided in a setting specialising in such care for elderly patients with trauma.  相似文献   

Proximal and distal tubule suspensions were prepared from kidneys of Sprague-Dawley rats by an isolation procedure on a PercollR gradient. The marker enzymes alkaline phosphatase (brush border) and hexokinase (cytoplasmic) as well as p-aminohippurate transport capacity, gluconeogenic activity and electron microscopy were used to characterize the two kidney tubule suspensions. The results of this study indicate that cytochrome P-450 is localized to the proximal tubular cells and that the O-deethylation of 7- ethoxycoumarin was higher in the proximal than distal fraction. Both proximal and distal tubules showed glucuronidation and deacetylation capacities and a relatively equal distribution of non-protein sulfhydryls. These studies demonstrate metabolic heterogeneity of the nephron, the proximal tubule being the main site of renal xenobiotic metabolism. Understanding of metabolic heterogeneity of proximal and distal kidney tubules should provide important information regarding cell specific mechanisms of nephrotoxicity.  相似文献   

PurposeTo measure phrenic nerve conduction velocity in the neck in humans.ScopeWe studied 15 healthy subjects (9 men, 32.4 ± 6.7). We performed bipolar electrical phrenic stimulation in the neck, from a distal and a proximal stimulation site, and recorded diaphragm electromyographic responses on the surface of the chest. The ratio of the between-site distance to the latency difference provided phrenic velocities. Ulnar motor velocity was assessed similarly. In addition, five homogeneous patients with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 1A (CMT1A) were studied for validation purposes. We obtained diaphragmatic responses from the two stimulation sites in all cases. The distal latencies (anterior axillary line recording) were 6.51 ± 0.63 ms (right) and 6.13 ± 0.64 ms (left). The minimal between site distance was 39 mm. Phrenic motor velocity was 55.2 ± 6.3 m s?1 (right) and 56.3 ± 7.2 m s?1 (left). In CMT1A, phrenic velocities were 17.1 ± 8.1 m s?1 (from 7 to 32 m s?1) and were similar to ulnar and median velocities.ConclusionsPhrenic nerve velocities can be estimated in humans and compare with upper limb motor conduction velocities. This should refine the investigation of phrenic function in peripheral neuropathies.  相似文献   

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