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灵昆岛东滩潮间带大型底栖动物功能群及营养等级构成   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2003年11月至2004年8月,在温州湾的灵昆岛东滩针对大型底栖动物群落进行了取样调查,利用调查数据进行功能群和营养等级构成研究。共得到大型底栖动物33种,隶属7门8纲21科,主要为软体动物、节肢动物甲壳类和环节动物多毛类。其中,高潮带25种,中潮带30种,低潮带14种。Margalef物种丰富度指数和Shannon—Weiner多样性指数均表现为:高潮带〉中潮带〉低潮带;Pielou均匀度指数和Simpson优势度指数表现为:高潮带〈中潮带〈低潮带。定性取样得到的浮游生物食者4种,植食者12种,肉食者8种,杂食者7种,碎屑食者2种,定量取样得到的分别为:3,8,5,3种和2种。定量取样获得数据中各个功能群种类数和密度季节间差异均不显著,不考虑季节变化因素肉食者和植食者密度在潮带间存在差异,杂食者和植食者种类数在潮带间存在差异,其他功能群密度和种类数数据在潮带间的差异不显著。研究显示了功能群的生境梯度变化,高潮带主导的功能群为肉食者,植食者和浮游生物食者;中潮带主导的功能群为肉食者和浮游生物食者;低潮带主导的功能群为肉食者,这些变化反映了不同潮带营养等级构成和食物来源的差异,由于生境中能提供的植物沿着高潮带,中潮带和低潮带方向递减,至低潮带未发现植食者;且由于中潮带的生境最为复杂,其功能群的构成也最为复杂;3个潮带的碎屑食者数量比较稳定。大型底栖动物群落与其食物来源一起共有4个营养等级,其中大型底栖动物占据了第2、3、4级,第1级主要碎屑、浮游生物和植物,第2级包括了碎屑食者、浮游生物食者和植食者,第3级主要是杂食者,第4级是肉食者,各个营养级、食物来源之间构成一张复杂的食物网。  相似文献   

长江口九段沙潮间带底栖动物的功能群   总被引:42,自引:4,他引:42  
采用<全国海岸带和海涂资源综合调查简明规程>(1986)中"岸带生物调查方法",于2001年5月~2002年10月对长江口九段沙(上沙、中沙和下沙)潮间带4个潮区底栖动物做了调查.根据食性类型将底栖动物划分为浮游生物食者(Pl)、植食者(Ph)、肉食者(C)、杂食者(O)和碎屑食者(D)5个功能群;用经典的多样性特征指数对其测度和分析.共获底栖动物38种,其中甲壳动物20种,软体动物12种,多毛类4种,其他2种.各功能群数量占总数的百分比依次是Ph>Pl>O>D>C,而种类占全部种类的百分比依次又是Ph>O>Pl>C>D.功能群的物种多样性指数和种类丰度:中沙>上沙>下沙,中潮区>高潮区A(芦苇)和低潮区>高潮区B(互花米草).但功能群种类组成,上、中、下沙无显著差异,各潮区有显著差异.证实了底栖动物功能群结构是潮间带生境梯度及环境因子变化的综合反映(Engle & Summers,1999).  相似文献   

莱州湾大型底栖动物功能群现状   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2011年对莱州湾20个站位进行了4个航次的大型底栖动物调查,运用功能群为基础的研究方法,研究了莱州湾大型底栖动物的功能群组成及多样性.结果表明:2011年共发现177种大型底栖动物,以环节动物、软体动物和节肢动物为主,各功能群所含种类占全部种类的百分比依次为C>D>Pl>O>Ph,栖息密度百分比依次是Pl>D>C>O>Ph,生物量百分比依次是Pl>C>D>O>Ph;通过聚类分析可将20个站位分为3组;各功能群的种类数、栖息密度和生物量在季节变化上均无显著差异,各功能群的丰富度指数(d)依次是C>D>P1>O(Ph功能群除外),季节间差异显著(P<0.05),均匀度指数(J')依次是C>D>O>Pl,季节间差异不显著,多样性指数(H')依次是C>D>Pl>O,季节间差异不显著;种类多样性和功能群多样性呈显著线性正相关;ABC曲线显示,大型底栖动物群落受到了不同程度的扰动;大型底栖动物群落与其食物来源共有4个营养级,大型底栖动物功能群占第Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ营养级,各营养级之间构成了一张复杂的食物网.  相似文献   

2009年7月-2010年5月分4个季度对温州天河潮间带大型底栖动物进行取样调查,利用生物量、能量和Brey的经验公式计算了潮间带大型底栖动物次级生产力.结果表明:整个研究区域大型底栖动物生物量平均值为(7.2264±0.8766) g·m-2,能量平均值为(44360±4373)J·m-2,年平均去灰生物量为(6.51±0.79)g(AFDW)·m-2,年平均生产力为(7.71±0.96)g(AFDW)·m-2·a-1和年平均P/B值为(1.18±0.07);其中以中潮带的次级生产力最高,高潮带次之,低潮带最低;随着潮间带季节变迁,生物量和能量在高潮带和低潮带上变化规律一致,而中潮带季节变化不一致.分析表明:季节和潮区是影响潮间带大型底栖动物次级生产力时空变异的2个最重要因素;由于这2个因素的单独和交互作用,使得温州天河潮间带大型底栖动物次级生产力变化既有一定的规律,又呈现出变化程度不一致的复杂格局.  相似文献   

胶州湾潮间带大型底栖动物的群落生态   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
潮间带是沿岸带位于最大高潮水面到最小低潮水面之间的区域,处于陆海过渡带,生物资源非常丰富,也是受各种理化环境因子以及人类活动影响最大的区域。我国近年来对各地不同类型的潮间带进行了一些生态调查研究,包括对胶州湾也进行了数次生态调查,如劭晓阳等(2001)研究了浙江省岛  相似文献   

大型底栖动物根据食性可分为浮游生物食者(planktophagous, Pl)、植食者(phytophagous, Ph)、肉食者(carnivorous, C)、杂食者(omnivorous, O)和碎屑食者(detritivorous, D)五个功能群。本文根据2007-2008年度和2013-2014年度在茳芏(Cyperus malaccensis)、海桑(Sonneratia caseolaris)2种生境调查获得的各4个季度的大型底栖动物数据, 分析了广州南沙十四涌潮间带大型底栖动物功能群的生境差异、季节变化和年际变化。2007-2008年度采集到26种大型底栖动物, 低于2013-2014年度的36种。无论是2007-2008年度还是2013-2014年度, 茳芏、海桑生境的大型底栖动物均以植食者的栖息密度和生物量最高, 碎屑食者的栖息密度和生物量最低。生境比较得出, 茳芏生境大型底栖动物浮游生物食者(Pl)的丰富度指数(d)、均匀度指数(J)和多样性指数(H')均高于海桑生境。年度比较得出, 在茳芏和海桑生境, 2013-2014年度浮游生物食者的丰富度指数、均匀度指数和多样性指数均高于2007-2008年度, 这是因为2013-2014年度采集到红树蚬(Gelonia coaxans)和彩虹明樱蛤(Morerlla iridescens)等, 而2007-2008年度没有采集到。  相似文献   

为了解椒江口化工园区及其邻近区域潮间带大型底栖动物分布特征,评价工厂排污对河口潮间带大型底栖动物生态的影响范围及程度,在椒江口共设置6条潮间带采样断面,于2007年10月和2008年1月进行了大型底栖动物野外调查.研究结果如下:(1) 秋冬两季共采集到大型底栖动物75种,其中秋季64种,冬季29种;(2) 物种数呈现河口外断面高于河口内断面的变化趋势;(3) 在各断面软相基质站位,化工园区及其邻近区域的大型底栖动物物种组成差异较大,栖息密度和生物量差异不显著;(4) 与国内其他河口近几年的调查数据相比,椒江口潮间带发现的大型底栖动物种数较高,且存在开敞型河口潮间带大型底栖动物种数大于内湾河口潮间带的现象.  相似文献   

黄河口潮间带大型底栖动物群落特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2013年2月、5月和8月对黄河入海口附近潮间带的大型底栖动物进行了调查,调查工作涵盖3个季节2条断面的样品,分析了黄河口潮间带大型底栖动物的群落结构特征,包括群落种类组成、丰度和生物量、优势种、多样性,采用CLUSTER聚类分析了大型底栖动物的群落结构,并用AMBI和m-AMBI对底栖群落和环境质量进行了评估。本次调查共鉴定出大型底栖动物52种,其中,多毛纲动物24种,软体动物14种,甲壳动物12种,鱼类1种,纽虫1种。多毛纲动物为该海域底栖群落的主要成分,占据了群落总种数的46.15%。从季节来看,物种数春季最高(38种),夏季则处于最低水平(16种)。群落丰度和生物量均具有明显的季节变化,丰度在春季达到最高,为3 549.33 ind/m2,远高于冬季的256.67 ind/m2和夏季的100.67 ind/m2,其中扁玉螺(Neverita didyma)是丰度的主要贡献者,贡献了全年群落总丰度的75.44%。生物量春季最高,夏季次之,冬季最低。在全年尺度上,甲壳动物的日本大眼蟹(Macrophthalmusjaponicus)是生物量的主要贡献者,占据总生物量的49.86%。群落的季节变化也得到了群落CLUSTER分析与SIMPER分析结果的验证。这与黄河入海口附近底质不稳定,易受侵蚀、环境条件如盐度等具有明显季节差异,以及一定程度的人为扰动密切相关。AMBI和m-AMBI的分析结果显示,该区域环境质量状况较好,仅受到了轻微扰动影响。  相似文献   

底质环境对浙江衢山岛潮间带大型底栖动物分布的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
于2005年12月对岱山衢山岛的岩礁、泥滩和泥沙滩三种不同底质环境的潮间带生物进行了调查,以了解底质环境对其分布的影响。结果表明,不同底质类型潮间带分布的底栖动物种类数量不同,岩礁分布23种、泥滩分布17种、泥沙滩分布15种。不同底质的底栖动物生物量和栖息密度分布呈显著差异,且均为岩礁断面>泥滩断面>泥沙滩断面。不同底质潮间带底栖动物的多样性指数也不相同,其中Shannon-Weiner指数、Pielou均匀度和Margalef种类丰度的变化为泥滩断面>泥沙滩断面>岩礁断面,而Simpson优势度则表现为泥滩断面<泥沙滩断面<岩礁断面。对三种不同底质类型的潮间带动物分布进行了分析,阐述了底质环境决定着潮间带大型底栖动物种类及数量的分布特征,从而揭示了潮间带底质环境是影响底栖动物分布的重要因素。  相似文献   

胶州湾西北部潮滩湿地大型底栖动物功能群   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Xin JH  Ren YP  Xu BD  Zhang CL  Xue Y  Ji YP 《应用生态学报》2011,22(7):1885-1892
2009年2、5、8和11月进行了7个断面35个站位的大型底栖动物调查,选取高潮区(A)、中潮区(B、C、D)和低潮区(E)研究了胶州湾西北部潮滩湿地大型底栖动物功能群组成及其时空变化.调查共发现大型底栖动物71种,主要种类为软体动物(31种)、环节动物(20种)和节肢动物(14种).潮区A、B、C、D、E物种数分别为26、33、35、38、31.依据食性将主要底栖动物划分为肉食者、浮游生物食者、碎屑食者和杂食者4个功能群.各功能群物种数占总物种数的百分比由高到低依次是肉食者、浮游生物食者、碎屑食者和杂食者.各功能群中肉食者的多样性指数最高,杂食者最低.各功能群的丰度、均匀度指数、多样性指数一般都是中潮区较高,高潮区和低潮区较低.大型底栖动物功能群的分布随潮区环境的改变而变化,是对生境状况的综合反映.  相似文献   

2006年2月至2006年11月在浙江的灵昆岛东滩湿地选择1997年围垦区以及围垦区外的自然滩涂作为样地,开展围垦区内、外大型底栖动物季节变化和功能群组成的研究,并探讨造成差异的原因.本次调查共发现大型底栖动物36种,隶属7门8纲22科,在围垦区外的中潮带发现的物种数最多,为26种.在这些物种中,绝大多数属于软体动物(12种)、节肢动物甲壳类(13种)以及环节动物门的沙蚕类(5种),分别为总物种数的33.3%、36.1%、13 .9%.定量调查共发现大型底栖动物24种,根据其食性类型划分为5个功能群.同时利用取样得到的数据,分别对围垦区内、外的密度、物种数以及各站点不同季节的物种多样性指数 Margalef S、Shannon-Weiner H′、Pielou J、Simpson D进行站点-季节间无重复双因素方差分析,并对大型底栖动物进行了功能群划分及多元统计分析.结果表明:围垦区内、外滩涂湿地大型底栖动物群落结构和功能群组成存在一定的差别;生境与大型底栖动物功能群的组成结构有一定的关系;围垦区内大型底栖动物的群落结构和功能群组成的季节变化大于围垦区外的自然滩涂[动物学报 54(3):416-427,2008].  相似文献   

Taxonomic diversity indices have a number of desirable properties as indicators in the assessment of environmental quality, and have become an important measure in biodiversity studies. Macrobenthic taxonomic variations were studied in Bohai Bay, northern China, an area under threat from rapid human development. Four seasonal cruise datasets were collected between 2006 and 2007. Environmental conditions exhibited large fluctuations due to human development; nitrogen and phosphorus were the main environmental stressors. A total of 97 macrofauna taxa were identified belonging to 88 genera, 72 families, 36 orders, 14 classes, and nine phyla. Analysis of similarity indicated that there were significant assemblage differences across sampling stations as well as seasons. Four taxonomic indices, taxonomic diversity (Δ), taxonomic distinctness (Δ*), average taxonomic distinctness (Δ+), and variation in taxonomic distinctness (Λ+) were calculated using abundance data. Among the stations and seasons, there were greater variations in both Δ and Λ+ than in Δ* and Δ+. The funnel plot of Δ+ could identify disturbed stations to some extent, but was not always a strong indicator of disturbance. The Δ+ performance was better in autumn than in spring, but could not identify a disturbed station in autumn due to a low number of species. The efficiency of taxonomic distinctness may depend on taxa or the pollution indicators. Taxonomic distinctness indices can be effective at assessing environmental degradation when correctly applied; however, they are unsuitable for directly assessing environmental quality in a new area prior to efficiency testing.  相似文献   

动态平衡理论是生态化学计量学的理论基础, 各种有机体是否存在一个固定的化学计量比是生态学研究的热点问题。该文研究了杭州湾滨海湿地3种优势物种海三棱藨草(Scirpus mariqueter)、糙叶薹草(Carex scabrifolia)和芦苇(Phragmites australis)叶片N、P生态化学计量特征的季节变化。结果发现, 3种植物叶片N含量范围分别是7.41-17.12、7.47-13.15和6.03-18.09 mg·g-1, 平均值(±标准差)分别为(11.69 ± 2.66)、(10.17 ± 1.53)和(11.56 ± 3.19) mg·g-1; 叶片P范围分别是0.34-2.60、0.41-1.10和0.35-2.04 mg·g-1, 平均值为(0.93 ± 0.62)、(0.74 ± 0.23)和(0.82 ± 0.53) mg·g-1; N:P范围分别是7.19-30.63、11.58-16.81和8.62-21.86, 平均值为16.83 ± 8.31、14.53 ± 3.91和16.49 ± 5.51, 可见不同植物其生态化学计量值范围存在一定差异, 但经方差分析发现3种草本植物间生长季节内N、P元素含量差异并不显著(p > 0.05)。各物种叶片N、P含量均表现出在生长初期显著大于其他生长季节(p < 0.05), 生长旺季(6、7月)随着叶片生物量的持续增加, N、P含量逐渐降低并达到最小值, 随后8-9月叶片不再生长而N、P含量逐渐回升, 在10月叶片衰老时N、P含量再次下降; 叶片N:P则在生长初期较小, 在生长旺季先升高后降低, 随后叶片成熟不再生长时又逐渐增加并趋于稳定。  相似文献   

Ge B M  Bao Y X  Cheng H Y  Li H H  Hu Z Y 《农业工程》2008,28(10):4796-4804
A total of 33 taxa, including 21 families, 8 classes and 7 phyla, were found at the eastern tidal flat of Lingkun Island, Wenzhou Bay. Most of them were mollusks, crustaceans and polychaetes. The species numbers found at 3 tidal flats (high, middle and low) were 25, 30 and 14, respectively. It was shown that the high tidal flat had the highest value of diversity indices, followed by middle and low tidal flats. The species belonged to 5 different trophic functional groups: Phytophagous, Camivorous, Omnivorous, Planktophagous and Detritivorous in qualitative samplings. Then 3, 8, 5, 3 and 2 species belonged to Planktophagous, Phytophagous, Camivorous, Omnivorous and Detritivorous groups, respectively, in quantitative samplings. The density and species number of each functional group did not display seasonal variation by the two-way ANOVA method. Regardless of seasonal variation, density of the Phytophagous group and Camivorous group had distinct difference among different zones of tidal flats, and the species number of the Phytophagous group and Omnivorous group had obvious difference among different zones of tidal flats. Results show that there was variation of functional groups among habitats. Change in components of the macrobenthic community reflected different food sources in different zones of tidal flats.  相似文献   

In this study, we collected two sediment cores (C1 and C2) from the Andong tidal flat, Hangzhou Bay, and studied the temporal variations of heavy metals in the cores. Vertical distributions of heavy metals were almost unchanged in both the cores before 2000. After 2000, however, the heavy metal concentrations increased dramatically, suggesting that the sediments have been affected by enhanced human pollution in the recent decade. In the core C1, the sediments were severely polluted by Pb, moderately to considerably polluted by Cr and Zn, and low to moderately polluted by other heavy metals. The core C2 was relatively unpolluted before 2000 and low to moderately polluted after 2000. Multi-statistical analyses indicated that the core C1 was additionally contaminated by local human activities such as wastewater discharge and the Hangzhou Bay Bridge. The heavy metals in the core C2, however, were largely contributed by the Yangtze River and controlled by sedimentation process. The calculated sedimentary flux (4–8 g m?2 a?1) of heavy metals generally increased with time. It was closely related to the wastewater discharge in adjacent areas. This study reconstructed the local heavy metal pollution history and provides important information for environmental protection and policy making.  相似文献   

The species composition,biomass,abundance,and species diversity of zooplankton were determined for samples collected from August 2002 to May 2003 from 14 stations in Yueqing Bay,China.Phytoplankton growth rate and microzooplankton grazing rate were obtained by using the dilution method developed by Landry and Hassett.The spatial and temporal variations of zooplankton and its relationship with environmental factors were also analyzed.The results showed that the zooplankton in the Yueqing Bay could be divided into four ecotypes,namely coastal low saline species,estuary brackish water species,offshore warm water species,and eurytopic species.A total of 75 species of zooplankton belonging to 56 genera and 17 groups of pelagic larva were identified in the Yueqing Bay.The coastal low saline species was the dominant ecotype in the study area,and the dominant species were Labidocera euchaeta,Acartia pacifica,Acrocalanus gibber,Pseudeuphausia sinica,and Sagitta bedoti among others.There was considerable seasonal variation in zooplankton biomass and abundance in the surveyed areas.The peak biomass appeared in August,descending in November and in May,and the lowest biomass appeared in February.Similarly,the highest abundance of zooplankton was observed in August,with the abundance descending in the following months:May,November,and February.There were similar horizontal distribution patterns for the biomass and the abundance of zooplankton.They both increased from the upper to the lower bay in February and May,but decreased from the upper to the lower bay in August.Biomass and abundance were evenly distributed in the Yueqing Bay in November.Moreover,there was marked seasonal variation in the species diversity of zooplankton,which conformed to the abundance of zooplankton.Results of the dilution experiments indicated that there was grazing pressure of microzooplankton on phytoplankton in the Yueqing Bay throughout the year though the rate of microzooplankton grazing on phytoplankton varied seasonally.Phytoplanktons were growing at 0.26-2.07/d and grazed by microzooplankton at a rate of 0.15--0.48/d in different seasons.  相似文献   

The species composition, biomass, abundance, and species diversity of zooplankton were determined for samples collected from August 2002 to May 2003 from 14 stations in Yueqing Bay, China. Phytoplankton growth rate and microzooplankton grazing rate were obtained by using the dilution method developed by Landry and Hassett. The spatial and temporal variations of zooplankton and its relationship with environmental factors were also analyzed. The results showed that the zooplankton in the Yueqing Bay could be divided into four ecotypes, namely coastal low saline species, estuary brackish water species, offshore warm water species, and eurytopic species. A total of 75 species of zooplankton belonging to 56 genera and 17 groups of pelagic larva were identified in the Yueqing Bay. The coastal low saline species was the dominant ecotype in the study area, and the dominant species were Labidocera euchaeta, Acartia pacifica, Acrocalanus gibber, Pseudeuphausia sinica, and Sagitta bedoti among others. There was considerable seasonal variation in zooplankton biomass and abundance in the surveyed areas. The peak biomass appeared in August, descending in November and in May, and the lowest biomass appeared in February. Similarly, the highest abundance of zooplankton was observed in August, with the abundance descending in the following months: May, November, and February. There were similar horizontal distribution patterns for the biomass and the abundance of zooplankton. They both increased from the upper to the lower bay in February and May, but decreased from the upper to the lower bay in August. Biomass and abundance were evenly distributed in the Yueqing Bay in November. Moreover, there was marked seasonal variation in the species diversity of zooplankton, which conformed to the abundance of zooplankton. Results of the dilution experiments indicated that there was grazing pressure of microzooplankton on phytoplankton in the Yueqing Bay throughout the year though the rate of microzooplankton grazing on phytoplankton varied seasonally. Phytoplanktons were growing at 0.26–2.07/d and grazed by microzooplankton at a rate of 0.15–0.48/d in different seasons. __________ Translated from Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2005, 25(8): 1853–1862 [译自: 生态学报, 2005, 25(8): 1853–1862]  相似文献   

三门湾浮游动物的季节变动及微型浮游动物摄食影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2002年8月、11月、2003年2月和5月,在三门湾进行了4个航次生物、化学和水文等专业综合调查。根据采集的浮游动物样品的分析鉴定及海上现场实验结果,对浮游动物的群落组成、生物量、丰度、多样性指数的分布和季节变动及其浮游动物对浮游植物的摄食影响进行研究。结果表明,三门湾浮游动物有67属,89种,16类浮游幼体,主要可划分为4个生态类群:以近岸低盐类群为主,其优势种为中华哲水蚤Calanus sinicus、真刺唇角水蚤Labidocera etwhaeta、捷氏歪水蚤Tortanus derjugini、太平洋纺锤水蚤Acartiapacifica、中华假磷虾Pseudeuphausia sinica和百陶箭虫Sagitta bedoti等。半咸水河口类群、暖水性外海类群和广布种相对较少。浮游动物生物量和丰度的平面分布趋势除了夏季有所差异外,其它季节基本一致。2月份和5月份,浮游动物生物量和丰度,从湾顶向湾口呈逐渐增加趋势;8月份,湾口区生物量最高,而丰度高值区出现在湾顶部;11月份,生物量和丰度的平面分布相对均匀。浮游动物种类多样性指数有明显的季节变化,其动态变化与浮游动物种数和丰度的变化一致。微型浮游动物对浮游植物存在摄食压力,且有季节变化,摄食率的变化在0.18.0.68d^-1,微型浮游动物的摄食率低于相同季节的浮游植物生长率。微型浮游动物对浮游植物摄食压力的变化范围为16.1%-49.1%d^-1,对初级生产力摄食压力的变化在58.3%-83.6%d^-1。11月份,微型浮游动物对浮游植物和初级生产力的摄食压力均出现最高值。  相似文献   

Peatlands cover 3% of the earth’s land surface but contain 30% of the world’s soil carbon pool. Microbial communities constitute a crucial detrital food web for nutrient and carbon cycling in peatlands. Heterotrophic protozoans are considered top predators in the microbial food web; however, they are not yet well understood. In this study, we investigated seasonal dynamics in the community and the trophic structure of testate amoebae in four peatlands. Testate amoebae density and biomass in August were significantly higher than those in May and October. The highest density, 6.7 × 104 individual g−1 dry moss, was recorded in August 2014. The highest biomass, 7.7 × 102 μg C g−1 dry moss, was recorded in August 2013. Redundancy analyses showed that water-table depth was the most important factor, explaining over one third of the variance in fauna communities in all sampled seasons. High trophic position taxa dominated testate amoebae communities. The Shannon diversity index and community size structure index declined from August to October in 2013 and from May to October in 2014. These seasonal patterns of testate amoebae indicated the seasonal variations of the peatlands’ microbial food web and are possibly related to the seasonal carbon dynamics in Northeast Chinese peatlands.  相似文献   

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