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Telomeres are specific protein–DNA complexes that protect the ends of eukaryotic chromosomes from fusion and degradation and are maintained by a specialized mechanism exerted by telomerase and telomere-binding proteins (TBPs), which are evolutionarily conserved. AtTBP1 is an Arabidopsis thaliana protein that binds plant telomeric DNA in vitro. Here, we demonstrated that lack of AtTBP1 results in a deregulation of telomere length control, with mutant telomeres expanding steadily by the fourth generation. DNA-binding studies with mutant AtTBP1 proteins showed that the Myb-extension domain of AtTBP1 is required for binding to plant telomeric DNA. Our results suggest that AtTBP1 is involved in the telomere length mechanism in A. thaliana and that the Myb-extension domain of AtTBP1 may stabilize plant telomeric DNA binding.  相似文献   

Mcl1p is an essential fission yeast chromatin-binding protein that belongs to a family of highly conserved eukaryotic proteins important for sister chromatid cohesion. The essential function is believed to result from its role as a Pol1p (polymerase alpha) accessory protein, a conclusion based primarily on analogy to Ctf4p's interaction with Pol1p. In this study, we show that Mcl1p also binds to Pol1p with high affinity for the N terminus of Pol1p during S phase and DNA damage. Characterization of an inducible allele of mcl1+, (nmt41)mcl1-MH, shows that altered expression levels of Mcl1p lead to sensitivity to DNA-damaging agents and synthetic lethality with the replication checkpoint mutations rad3Delta, rqh1Delta, and hsk1-1312. Further, we find that the overexpression of the S-phase checkpoint kinase, Cds1, or the loss of Hsk1 kinase activity can disrupt Mcl1p's interaction with chromatin and Pol1p during replication arrest with hydroxyurea. We take these data to mean that Mcl1p is a dynamic component of the polymerase alpha complex during replication and is important for the replication stress response in fission yeast.  相似文献   

Gly-952 is a conserved residue in Saccharomyces cerevisiae DNA polymerase alpha (pol alpha) that is strictly required for catalytic activity and for genetic complementation of a pol alpha-deficient yeast strain. This study analyzes the role of Gly-952 by characterizing the biochemical properties of Gly-952 mutants. Analysis of the nucleotide incorporation specificity of pol alpha G952A showed that this mutant incorporates nucleotides with extraordinarily low fidelity. In a steady-state kinetic assay to measure nucleotide misincorporation, pol alpha G952A incorporated incorrect nucleotides more efficiently than correct nucleotides opposite template C, G, and T. The fidelity of the G952A mutant polymerase was highest at template A, where the ratio of incorporation of dCMP to dTMP was as high as 0.37. Correct nucleotide insertion was 500- to 3500-fold lower for G952A than for wild type pol alpha, with up to 22-fold increase in pyrimidine misincorporation. The Km for G952A pol alpha bound to mismatched termini T:T, T:C, C:A, and A:C was 71- to 460-fold lower than to a matched terminus. Furthermore, pol alpha G952A preferentially incorporated pyrimidine instead of dAMP opposite an abasic site, cis-syn cyclobutane di-thymine, or (6-4) di-thymine photoproduct. These data demonstrate that Gly-952 is a critical residue for catalytic efficiency and error prevention in S. cerevisiae pol alpha.  相似文献   

Sterling CH  Sweasy JB 《Genetics》2006,172(1):89-98
The DNA polymerase 4 protein (Pol4) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a member of the X family of DNA polymerases whose closest human relative appears to be DNA polymerase lambda. Results from previous genetic studies conflict over the role of Pol4 in vivo. Here we show that deletion of Pol4 in a diploid strain of the SK1 genetic background results in sensitivity to methyl methanesulfonate (MMS). However, deletion of Pol4 in other strain backgrounds and in haploid strains does not yield an observable phenotype. The MMS sensitivity of a Pol4-deficient strain can be rescued by deletion of YKu70. We also show that deletion of Pol4 results in a 6- to 14-fold increase in the MMS-induced mutation frequency and in a significant increase in AT-to-TA transversions. Our studies suggest that Pol4 is critical for accurate repair of DNA lesions induced by MMS.  相似文献   

Loop II of DNA polymerase beta (pol β) consists of 14 amino acid residues and is highly flexible and solvent exposed. Previous research from our laboratory has shown that this loop is important for polymerase activity and fidelity. In the study presented here, we demonstrate that a shortened five amino acid residue loop compromises the fidelity of pol β. This five-residue loop, termed ENEYP, induces one base frameshift errors and A–C transversions within a specific sequence context. We demonstrate that ENEYP misincorporates dGTP opposite template A at higher efficiencies than wild-type pol β. The kinetic basis for misincorporation is a defect in discrimination of the correct from incorrect dNTP substrate at the level of ground-state binding. Our results are consistent with the idea that loop II of pol β functions to maintain accurate DNA synthesis by a direct or indirect influence on the nucleotide binding pocket.  相似文献   

The accurate replication and transmission of genetic information is critical in the life of an organism. During its entire lifespan, the genetic information is constantly under attack from endogenous and exogenous sources of damage. To ensure that the content of its genetic information is faithfully preserved for synthesis and transmission, eukaryotic cells have developed a complex system of genomic quality control. Key players in this process are DNA polymerases, the enzymes responsible for synthesizing the DNA, because errors introduced into the genome by polymerase can result in mutations. We use DNA polymerase beta (pol β) as a model system to investigate mechanisms of preserving fidelity during nucleotide incorporation. In the study described here, we characterized the role that loop II of pol β plays in maintaining the activity and fidelity of pol β. We report here that the absence or shortening of loop II compromises the catalytic activity of pol β. Our data also show that loop variants of a specific length have a lower fidelity when compared to the wild-type polymerase. Taken together, our results indicate that loop II is important for the catalytic activity and fidelity of pol β.  相似文献   

M R Miller  C Seighman  R G Ulrich 《Biochemistry》1985,24(25):7440-7445
The effect of monoclonal anti-(DNA polymerase alpha) immunoglobulin G (IgG) and F(ab) fragments on DNA replication in lysolecithin-permeabilized human cells and on DNA polymerase alpha activity was determined. DNA polymerase alpha activity in vitro was inhibited equally by the same concentrations of monoclonal IgGs and F(ab) fragments. However, the IgGs and F(ab) fragments were not equally potent in inhibiting DNA replication in permeable cells. In general, the F(ab) fragments were approximately equal to 10-fold more potent than IgGs in inhibiting DNA replication, suggesting the F(ab) fragments cross the nuclear membrane more readily than IgGs. Immunocytochemical studies demonstrated that at least a fraction of anti-(DNA polymerase alpha) IgGs entered the nucleus of permeable cells. For most antibodies tested, the IgG or F(ab) concentration needed to inhibit replication was several orders of magnitude higher than that needed to neutralize polymerase alpha activity extracted from the same number of cells. Anti-(DNA polymerase alpha) F(ab) fragments were shown to inhibit the discontinuous synthesis of Okazaki DNA, as well as the maturation of Okazaki DNA to larger DNA, thereby implicating DNA polymerase alpha in both of these processes.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial replication machinery in human cells includes the DNA polymerase γ holoenzyme and the TWINKLE helicase. Together, these two factors form a processive replication machinery, a replisome, which can use duplex DNA as template to synthesize long stretches of single-stranded DNA. We here address the importance of the smaller, accessory B subunit of DNA polymerase γ and demonstrate that this subunit is absolutely required for replisome function. The duplex DNA binding activity of the B subunit is needed for coordination of POLγ holoenzyme and TWINKLE helicase activities at the mtDNA replication fork. In the absence of proof for direct physical interactions between the components of the mitochondrial replisome, these functional interactions may explain the strict interdependence of TWINKLE and DNA polymerase γ for mitochondrial DNA synthesis. Furthermore, mutations in TWINKLE as well as in the catalytic A and accessory B subunits of the POLγ holoenzyme, may cause autosomal dominant progressive external ophthalmoplegia, a disorder associated with deletions in mitochondrial DNA. The crucial importance of the B subunit for replisome function may help to explain why mutations in these three proteins cause an identical syndrome.  相似文献   

Genetic and biochemical studies have shown that DNA polymerase δ (Polδ) is the major replicative Pol in the eukaryotic cell. Its functional form is the holoenzyme composed of Polδ, proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and replication factor C (RF-C). In this paper, we describe an N-terminal truncated form of DNA polymerase δ (ΔN Polδ) from calf thymus. The ΔN Polδ was stimulated as the full-length Polδ by PCNA in a RF-C-independent Polδ assay. However, when tested for holoenzyme function in a RF-C-dependent Polδ assay in the presence of RF-C, ATP and replication protein A (RP-A), the ΔN Polδ behaved differently. First, the ΔN Polδ lacked holoenzyme functions to a great extent. Second, product size analysis and kinetic experiments showed that the holoenzyme containing ΔN Polδ was much less efficient and synthesized DNA at a much slower rate than the holoenzyme containing full-length Polδ. The present study provides the first evidence that the N-terminal part of the large subunit of Polδ is involved in holoenzyme function.  相似文献   

The evolutionary conservation of DNA polymerase alpha.   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
M A Miller  D Korn    T S Wang 《Nucleic acids research》1988,16(16):7961-7973
The evolutionary conservation of DNA polymerase alpha was assessed by immunological and molecular genetic approaches. Four anti-human KB cell DNA polymerase alpha monoclonal antibodies were tested for their ability to recognize a phylogenetically broad array of eukaryotic DNA polymerases. While the single non-neutralizing antibody used in this study recognizes higher mammalian (human, simian, canine, and bovine) polymerases only, three neutralizing antibodies exhibit greater, but variable, extents of cross-reactivity among vertebrate species. The most highly cross-reactive antibody recognizes a unique epitope on a 165-180 kDa catalytic polypeptide in cell lysates from several eukaryotic sources, as distant from man as the amphibians. Genomic Southern hybridization studies with the cDNA of the human DNA polymerase alpha catalytic polypeptide identify the existence of many consensus DNA sequences within the DNA polymerase genes of vertebrate, invertebrate, plant and unicellular organisms. These findings illustrate the differential evolutionary conservation of four unique epitopes on DNA polymerase alpha among vertebrates and the conservation of specific genetic sequences, presumably reflective of critical functional domains, in the DNA polymerase genes from a broad diversity of living forms.  相似文献   

Formation of primed single‐stranded DNA at stalled replication forks triggers activation of the replication checkpoint signalling cascade resulting in the ATR‐mediated phosphorylation of the Chk1 protein kinase, thus preventing genomic instability. By using siRNA‐mediated depletion in human cells and immunodepletion and reconstitution experiments in Xenopus egg extracts, we report that the Y‐family translesion (TLS) DNA polymerase kappa (Pol κ) contributes to the replication checkpoint response and is required for recovery after replication stress. We found that Pol κ is implicated in the synthesis of short DNA intermediates at stalled forks, facilitating the recruitment of the 9‐1‐1 checkpoint clamp. Furthermore, we show that Pol κ interacts with the Rad9 subunit of the 9‐1‐1 complex. Finally, we show that this novel checkpoint function of Pol κ is required for the maintenance of genomic stability and cell proliferation in unstressed human cells.  相似文献   

The recently discovered eukaryotic primases have been found in tight association with certain DNA polymerase alpha forms. Here I present evidence that the high mol. wt. catalytic polypeptide (125,000) of an apparently homogeneous DNA polymerase alpha from freshly harvested calf thymus contains both polymerase and primase activity. This conclusion derives from the following three facts: (1) the two enzyme activities cannot be separated upon velocity sedimentation in 1.7 M urea, (2) both activities elute at a pI of 5.25 upon chromatofocussing and (3) after SDS-electrophoresis, renaturation of the enzymes in situ and measurement of DNA polymerase and primase activities in the gels, both enzymes have identical mobilities and coincide with the high mol. wt. catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase alpha.  相似文献   

Rev1 protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae functions with DNA polymerase zeta in mutagenic trans-lesion synthesis. Because of the reported preferential incorporation of a C residue opposite an abasic site, Rev1 has been referred to as a deoxycytidyltransferase. Here, we use steady-state kinetics to examine nucleotide incorporation by Rev1 opposite undamaged and damaged template residues. We show that Rev1 specifically inserts a C residue opposite template G, and it is approximately 25-, 40-, and 400-fold less efficient at inserting a C residue opposite an abasic site, an O(6)-methylguanine, and an 8-oxoguanine lesion, respectively. Rev1 misincorporates G, A, and T residues opposite template G with a frequency of approximately 10(-3) to 10(-4). Consistent with this finding, Rev1 replicates DNA containing a string of Gs in a template-specific manner, but it has a low processivity incorporating 1.6 nucleotides per DNA binding event on the average. From these observations, we infer that Rev1 is a G template-specific DNA polymerase.  相似文献   

Sensory adaptation in bacterial chemotaxis is mediated by chemoreceptor methylation and demethylation. In Escherichia coli, methyltransferase CheR and methylesterase CheB bind both substrate sites and a carboxyl-terminal pentapeptide sequence carried by certain receptors. Pentapeptide binding enhances enzyme action, an enhancement required for effective adaptation and chemotaxis. Pentapeptides are linked to the conserved body of chemoreceptors through a notably variable sequence of 30-35 residues. We created nested deletions from the distal end of this linker in chemoreceptor Tar. Chemotaxis was eliminated by deletion of 20-40 residues and reduced by shorter deletions. This did not reflect generalized disruption, because all but the most extremely truncated receptors activated kinase, were substrates for adaptational modification and performed transmembrane signalling. In contrast, linker truncations reduced rates of adaptational modification in parallel with chemotaxis. We concluded the linker is important for chemotaxis because of its role in adaptational modification. Effects of linker truncations on CheR binding to receptor-borne pentapeptide implied linker (i) makes pentapeptide available to modification enzymes by separation from the helical receptor body, and (ii) is a flexible arm allowing dual binding of enzyme to pentapeptide and modification site. The data suggest linker and the helix from which it emerges are structurally dynamic.  相似文献   

We have previously identified a process in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae that results in the contraction of elongated telomeres to wild-type length within a few generations. We have termed this process telomeric rapid deletion (TRD). In this study, we use a combination of physical and genetic assays to investigate the mechanism of TRD. First, to distinguish among several recombinational and nucleolytic pathways, we developed a novel physical assay in which HaeIII restriction sites are positioned within the telomeric tract. Specific telomeres were subsequently tested for HaeIII site movement between telomeres and for HaeIII site retention during TRD. Second, genetic analyses have demonstrated that mutations in RAD50 and MRE11 inhibit TRD. TRD, however, is independent of the Rap1p C-terminal domain, a central regulator of telomere size control. Our results provide evidence that TRD is an intrachromatid deletion process in which sequences near the extreme terminus invade end-distal sequences and excise the intervening sequences. We propose that the Mre11p-Rad50p-Xrs2p complex prepares the invading telomeric overhang for strand invasion, possibly through end processing or through alterations in chromatin structure.  相似文献   

Inactivating mutations in the breast cancer susceptibility gene BRCA2 cause gross chromosomal rearrangements. Chromosome structural instability in the absence of BRCA2 is thought to result from defective homology-directed DNA repair. Here, we show that BRCA2 links the fidelity of telomere maintenance with genetic integrity. Absence of BRCA2 resulted in signs of dysfunctional telomeres, such as telomere shortening, erosions, and end fusions in proliferating mouse fibroblasts. BRCA2 localized to the telomeres in S phase in an ATR-dependent manner, and its absence resulted in the accumulation of common fragile sites, particularly at the G-rich lagging strand, and increased the telomere sister chromatid exchange in unchallenged cells. The incidence of common fragile sites and telomere sister chromatid exchange increased markedly after treatment with replication inhibitors. Congruently, telomere-induced foci were frequently observed in the absence of Brca2, denoting activation of the DNA damage response and abnormal chromosome end joining. These telomere end fusions constituted a significant portion of chromosome aberrations in Brca2-deficient cells. Our results suggest that BRCA2 is required for telomere homeostasis and may be particularly important for the replication of G-rich telomeric lagging strands.  相似文献   

Central to the replication of poliovirus and other positive-strand RNA viruses is the virally encoded RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. Previous biochemical studies have suggested that direct polymerase- polymerase interactions might be important for polymerase function, and the structure of poliovirus polymerase has revealed two regions of extensive polymerase-polymerase interaction. To explore potential functional roles for the structurally observed polymerase-polymerase interactions, we have performed RNA binding and extension studies of mutant polymerase proteins in solution, disulfide cross-linking studies, mutational analyses in cells, in vitro activity analyses and RNA substrate modeling studies. The results of these studies indicate that both regions of polymerase-polymerase interaction observed in the crystals are indeed functionally important and, furthermore, reveal specific functional roles for each. One of the two regions of interaction provides for efficient substrate RNA binding and the second is crucial for forming catalytic sites. These studies strongly support the hypothesis that the polymerase- polymerase interactions discovered in the crystal structure provide an exquisitely detailed structural context for poliovirus polymerase function and for poliovirus RNA replication in cells.  相似文献   

To investigate whether DNA replication in rat hepatoma cells is altered compared with that in normal rat liver, the main replicative enzyme, i.e. the DNA polymerase alpha complex, was partially purified from a slow-growing (TC5123) and a fast-growing (MH3924) Morris hepatoma cell strain as well as from normal rat liver. The purified DNA polymerase alpha complexes contained RNA primase. DNA polymerase alpha activities of these complexes were characterized with regard to both their molecular properties and their dNTP and DNA binding sites. The latter were probed with competitive inhibitors of dNTP binding, resulting in Ki values, and with DNA templates, yielding Km values. The sedimentation coefficients of native DNA polymerases alpha from Morris hepatoma cells were found to be lower than that of polymerase alpha from normal rat liver. Consequently, when following the procedure of Siegel and Monty for determination of molecular mass considerably smaller molecular masses were calculated for polymerases of hepatoma strains (TC5123, 127 kDa; MH3924, 138 kDa; rat liver, 168 kDa). Similar differences were found when the dNTP binding site was probed with inhibitors. Ki values obtained with butylphenyl-dGTP were higher for polymerases of the hepatoma strains than for that of normal rat liver. However, Ki values measured with aphidicolin and butylanilino-dATP were lower for DNA polymerase alpha from the fast-growing hepatoma cell strain than for that from normal rat liver, indicating a reduced affinity of the dNTP binding sites for dATP and dCTP. This reduced affinity could be responsible for lowered specificity of nucleotide selection in the base-pairing process which in turn may cause an enhanced error rate in DNA replication in malignant cells. Furthermore, when the DNA binding site was characterized by Michaelis-Menten constants using gapped DNA as a template, Km values were similar for all three DNA polymerases. In contrast, the Km value measured with single-stranded DNA as a template was found to be lower for DNA polymerase alpha from the fast-growing hepatoma MH3924 than for that from normal rat liver. Thus, the DNA-polymerizing complex from MH3924 combines both higher binding strength to single-stranded DNA templates and decreased nucleotide selection, properties which may enhance replication velocity and may lower fidelity.  相似文献   

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