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用去果皮的种子对柽柳长根实生苗和试管苗进行接种, 建立管花肉苁蓉种子与柽柳的离体接种体系, 用体视显微镜观察接种情况并用整体透明方法观察侵染情况。结果表明, 寄主柽柳的试管苗与管花肉苁蓉种子的共培养能够建立管花肉苁蓉-柽柳接种复合体, 这将为研究寄主-寄生物相互关系提供有效的实验体系。  相似文献   

采用石蜡切片技术以及酶联免疫法对管花肉苁蓉的寄主柽柳根进行研究,结果表明:接种有管花肉苁蓉的柽柳根随着管花肉苁蓉的生长而增粗,其初生导管有黄色粘性物质阻塞,这些阻塞物中含有糖类和脂类物质,随着管花肉苁蓉的生长而消失。这可能与柽柳根内源激素脱落酸(ABA)和茉莉酸(JA)的调控有关。  相似文献   

管花肉苁蓉(Cistanche tubulosa)在内蒙古栽培成功   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
肉苁蓉为历代补肾壮阳处方中使用频度最高的中药材,也是著名的补益药物之一,有"沙漠人参"之称,亦称大芸,已成为我国西部地区著名的中药材.国产肉苁蓉药材为肉苁蓉属中肉苁蓉(Cistanche deserticola)、管花肉苁蓉(Cistanche tubulosa)和盐生肉苁蓉(Cistanche salsa)的原植物.目前我国肉苁蓉产品的年销售额已突破亿元(包括外销于日本、东南亚等国),肉苁蓉产业已形成一定规模,必将在我国西部大开发中起着重要作用.  相似文献   

管花肉苁蓉(Cistanche tubulosa)属列当科肉苁蓉属多年生寄生草本植物,别名红柳大芸,为名贵中草药,享有“沙漠人参”的美誉.由于野生肉苁蓉的数量迅速减少,2000年,经我国提议并在第十一届缔约国大会通过,肉苁蓉被列为《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约(CITES)》附录Ⅱ物种.新疆为管花肉苁蓉与寄主柽柳的主要天然分布区域,而和田地区是开展人工培植管花肉苁蓉成效卓然的区域,因此做好管花肉苁蓉与寄主柽柳资源现状的调查和贸易评估工作显得尤为重要.通过野外调查和资料收集,获得了柽柳、管花肉苁蓉的天然分布幅度、人工培植推广管花肉苁蓉区域以及企业生产、加工、贸易现状.调查结果显示:柽柳在新疆天然分布面积达4 312 022hm2,管花肉苁蓉80 457.735 hm2;人工种植柽柳面积达16 586.5 hm2,人工培植管花肉苁蓉12 840.533 hm2,产量6 028.38 t,以及调查了企业在人工培植管花肉苁蓉生产、加工、销售、产值等贸易状况.调查分析了管花肉苁蓉人工培植和资源开发的过程中存在的问题,提出了建立规范化、规模化、集约化的人工培育管花肉苁蓉药材基地的同时要建立完善管花肉苁蓉种子园;掌握我区管花肉苁蓉的野外资源贮量、人工培植资源面积、产量、资源利用等状况,也是对防止国际贸易遭禁,切实维护国家利益,对保护生态环境、地区性经济具有深远影响和非常重要的意义.  相似文献   

以梭梭无菌苗和肉苁蓉萌发种子为材料,对肉苁蓉离体寄生培养基质、离体寄生方式和离体寄生环境条件等进行了研究,以明确肉苁蓉的寄生特性,为肉苁蓉人工繁殖技术体系的建立与优化奠定基础。结果表明:玻璃纤维滤纸是肉苁蓉离体寄生适宜的培养基质;在黑暗、相对湿度80%、温度18℃~30℃的环境中,萌发的肉苁蓉种子与寄主梭梭寄生培养8d后开始建立寄生关系,寄生率达82%;而光照条件下,萌发的肉苁蓉种子与梭梭不能建立寄生关系。  相似文献   

以组织培养方式建立了寄主中国柽柳的离体快速繁殖体系.用溶有200 mg·L-1亚甲基蓝指示剂的MS培养基研究指示剂与寄主试管苗根分泌物反应的显示,亚甲基蓝在有寄主根生成的培养基中褪色,而在未生根的培养基中仍为蓝色,说明管花肉苁蓉的种子萌发刺激物质为还原性的氢醌类物质.  相似文献   

研究了管花肉苁蓉(Cistanche tubulosa (Schenk) R. Wight)种子脱离寄主条件下的离体萌发和吸器形成的形态学,为其高产栽培提供参考。将经过层积处理的种子浸泡于赤霉素(1 000 mg.L-1)36小时,然后培养于1/2 MS(加500 mg.L-1酵母提取物、250 mg.L-1氯化钠和100 mg.L-1甘露醇,pH5.83)培养基上。培养两周后种子开始萌动,首先胚根从软化的内种皮的种孔端伸出,接着形成芽管状物,之后芽管状物逐渐伸长;17天后初生吸器开始发育,厚的带状表皮分化出若干吸根毛;在初生吸器顶端带状表皮围成窝状,表皮上的褶皱和窝内分布有乳头状突起。芽管状物延伸至4 mm就停止发育。吸根毛和乳突是黏着寄主根、刺穿寄主皮层发育为内生吸器最终建立寄生关系的基础。  相似文献   

研究了管花肉苁蓉(Cistanche tubulosa(Schenk)R.Wight)种子脱离寄主条件下的离体萌发和吸器形成的形态学,为其高产栽培提供参考.将经过层积处理的种子浸泡于赤霉素(1000 mg·L-1)36小时,然后培养于1/2 MS(加500mg·L-1酵母提取物、250 mg·L-1氯化钠和100mg·L-1甘露醇,pH5.83)培养基上.培养两周后种子开始萌动,首先胚根从软化的内种皮的种孔端伸出,接着形成芽管状物,之后芽管状物逐渐伸长;17天后初生吸器开始发育,厚的带状表皮分化出若干吸根毛;在初生吸器顶端带状表皮围成窝状,表皮上的褶皱和窝内分布有乳头状突起.芽管状物延伸至4mm就停止发育.吸根毛和乳突是黏着寄主根、刺穿寄主皮层发育为内生吸器最终建立寄生关系的基础.  相似文献   

葡萄霜霉病离体接种方法的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
汤钿   《微生物学通报》1994,21(6):373-373,F003
用葡萄霜霉菌孢子囊悬浮液接种于葡萄叶盘,一般接种后3-4天,叶盘上可见孢子囊,接菌后5-6天,侵染率可达95-100%。  相似文献   

肉苁蓉类润肠通便药效比较   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
对市场上常见的三种肉苁蓉类生药进行了润肠通便的药效比较,结果表明:三种肉众蓉水煎剂均有明显的促进肠蠕动、抑制大肠水份吸收和缩短排便时间的作用,作用强度相似.  相似文献   

检测不同浓度乙酰胆碱对管花肉苁蓉种子发芽率和内源吲哚乙酸(IAA)和脱落酸(ABA)含量影响的结果表明:适宜浓度(1.0~3.0mmol·L~(-1))的乙酰胆碱可促进肉苁蓉种子萌发,并改变内源IAA和ABA含量。1.0mmol·L~(-1)乙酰胆碱是促进肉苁蓉种子萌发的临界点。  相似文献   

Experiments on asparagus (Asparagus of)icinalis L.) inoculated with VA mycorrhizal fungi were conducted under two fluvo-aquatic phosphorus deficient soils. This study was to examine the growth response of VA mycorrhizae and fertilizer effects on the growth of mycorrhizal and non-mycorrhizal asparagus seedlings in pots and under field conditions. Inoculation with VA mycorrhizal fungi significantly increased mycorrhizal infection and enhanced seedling growth. In treatments of fertilization by different batches of NPK or by different amount of application it was shown that phosphorus was most favourable to VAM activity. Both the prevalance of mycorrhizal infection and the dry weight of seedlings in treatment with NPK in 1:0:1 was similar to that in 1:1:1 and 1:2:1 after inoculation. Further more the prevalance of infection, plant growth and P content in the treatment of 1/2 an amount of NPK in 1:1:1 were even higer than those in full amount of NPK and in non-fertilization. It is indicated that phosphorus uptake and plant growth benefit greatly by mycorrhizal inoculation. Mycorrhizal plant requires only about half as much phosphorus to achieve maximum growth as the uninoculated plants.  相似文献   

四种观赏凤梨的离体繁殖   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
以粉菠萝[Aechmea fasciata (Lindl.)Baker]、八宝剑(Vriesea poelmanii Hort.)、虎斑姬凤梨[Cryptanthus zonatus(Vis.)Beer]、七彩羞凤梨[Neoregelia carolinae (Beer)L.B.Sm.]等的幼株茎段为外植体,以MS+NAA 0.5mg L^-1 BA 5mg L^-1为诱导培养基,MS+BA 1mg L^-1 NAA 0.1mg L^-1为增殖培养基,可获得较好增殖效果。用1/2MS+NAA 0.5mg L^-1生根效果较好,以椰糠:砂=1:1,或椰糠:泥炭土:蛭石=1:1:1为基质移苗的成活率均达95%以上。  相似文献   

选取萌发3~5d、长度3~5cm的中国菟丝子(Cuscuta Chinensis Lam)幼苗,将其分为上、中、下3部分并作为外植体进行离体培养与植株再生研究。结果表明,其上、中部片段更适宜愈伤组织诱导;诱导培养基以添加1mg L^-1 NAA和1mg L^-1 BA的MMS培养基效果最好,此培养基也可用于愈伤组织的继代培养,愈伤组织在上述培养基中已生长一年之久。分化培养基为添加1mg L^-1 BA的MMS培养基,平均每块愈伤组织可以产生2.8株植株。  相似文献   

Thermal denaturation of cytochrome P450 is shown to be a complex process which occurs in two steps. The first (about 50°C) takes place in several stages which can be attributed to denaturation of different regions in the cytochrome P450 with different stability. The second transition (about 90°C) is fully reversible and similar to those described for other hemoproteins.  相似文献   

Hydrogen is one of the most important industrial chemicals and will be arguably the best fuel in the future. Hydrogen production from less costly renewable sugars can provide affordable hydrogen, decrease reliance on fossil fuels, and achieve nearly zero net greenhouse gas emissions, but current chemical and biological means suffer from low hydrogen yields and/or severe reaction conditions. An in vitro synthetic enzymatic pathway comprised of 15 enzymes was designed to split water powered by sucrose to hydrogen. Hydrogen and carbon dioxide were spontaneously generated from sucrose or glucose and water mediated by enzyme cocktails containing up to15 enzymes under mild reaction conditions (i.e. 37 °C and atm). In a batch reaction, the hydrogen yield was 23.2 mol of dihydrogen per mole of sucrose, i.e., 96.7% of the theoretical yield (i.e., 12 dihydrogen per hexose). In a fed-batch reaction, increasing substrate concentration led to 3.3-fold enhancement in reaction rate to 9.74 mmol of H2/L/h. These proof-of-concept results suggest that catabolic water splitting powered by sugars catalyzed by enzyme cocktails could be an appealing green hydrogen production approach.  相似文献   

In vitro bulblet formation and subsequent transplanting of bulblets to soil were studied in order to develop a cost-effective method for the mass production of three Lachenalia varieties. Clumps of adventitious shoots regenerated from leaf explants were used. Bulblet formation was initiated after 2 weeks when shoots were subjected to low temperature (4–15 °C). The size (age) of the adventitious shoot affected the bulblet size, and shoots shorter than 4 mm did not form bulblets. Larger bulblets formed on medium containing 6% sucrose compared to 3% sucrose. Following bulblet initiation, illumination was not necessary for the completion of bulblet formation. Bulblets went into dormancy 3–4 months after they had been initiated or when the culture medium dried out, and they were released from dormancy when the natural night temperatures started to decrease in the late summer. The survival rate of the bulblets after transplanting was directly correlated to the size of the bulblets.The most important factors influencing in vitro bulblet formation of Lachenalia were sucrose concentration, temperature and length of explant shoots. Received: 12 June 1998 / Revision received: 8 September 1998 / Accepted: 23 September 1998  相似文献   

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