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To examine the effects of the uPA/plasmin system on cell migration in relation to the activation of MMP-9, we used ex vivo and in vitro wound-repair models of human bronchial epithelial cells and videomicroscopy techniques that make possible cell tracking and quantification of cell migration speeds. We observed that uPA was only detected in migrating cells at the wound edges and located at crucial sites for cell/extracellular matrix interactions. The implication of uPA in human bronchial epithelial cell migration was studied by incubating cultures with a monoclonal antibody raised against uPA and these experiments led to a 70% reduction in cell velocity. To examine the effects of the plasmin system on cell migration, we incubated cultures with increasing concentrations of plasmin or activated MMP-9. We observed a significant dose-dependent increase in cell migration velocity with plasmin (P < 0.001) and MMP-9 (P < 0.001). Moreover, addition of exogenous plasmin led to a twofold increase of activated MMP-9 in migrating cells. We also demonstrated that the addition of anti-uPA IgG led to an inhibition of 43% of activated MMP-9. In conclusion, these results show that uPA is involved in human bronchial epithelial cells migration. This action is mediated by the generation of plasmin, which in turn activates MMP-9, thus making possible cell migration.  相似文献   

Cellular injury induces a complex series of events that involves Ca2+ signaling, cell communication, and migration. One of the first responses following mechanical injury is the propagation of a Ca2+ wave (Klepeis et al. [2001] J Cell Sci 114(Pt 23):4185-4195). The wave is generated by the extracellular release of ATP, which also induces phosphorylation of ERK (Yang et al. [2004] J Cell Biochem 91(5):938-950). ATP and other nucleotides, which bind to and activate specific purinergic receptors were used to mimic injury. Our goal was to determine which of the P2Y purinergic receptors are expressed and stimulated in corneal epithelial cells and which signaling pathways are activated leading to changes in cell migration, an event critical for wound closure. In this study, we demonstrated that the P2Y1, P2Y2, P2Y4, P2Y6, and P2Y11 receptors were present in corneal epithelial cells. A potency profile was determined by Ca2+ imaging for nucleotide agonists as follows: ATP > or = UTP > ADP > or = UDP. In contrast, negligible responses were seen for beta,gamma-meATP, a general P2X receptor agonist and adenosine, a P1 receptor agonist. Homologous desensitization of the Ca2+ response was observed for the four nucleotides. However, P2Y receptor internalization and degradation was not detected following stimulation with ATP, which is in contrast to EGFR internalization observed in response to EGF. ATP induced cell migration was comparable to that of EGF and was maximal at 1 microM. Cells exposed to ATP, UTP, ADP, and UDP demonstrated a rapid twofold increase in phosphorylation of paxillin at Y31 and Y118, however, there was no activation elicited by beta,gamma-meATP or adenosine. Additional studies demonstrated that wound closure was inhibited by reactive blue 2. These results indicate that P2Y receptors play a critical role in the injury repair process.  相似文献   

Osteoclast (OC) precursors migrate to putative sites of bone resorption to form functionally active, multinucleated cells. The preOC FLG 29.1 cells, known to be capable of irreversibly differentiating into multinucleated OC-like cells, displayed several features of primary OCs, including expression of specific integrins and the hyaluronan (HA) receptor CD44. OC-like FLG 29.1 cells adhered to and extensively migrated through membranes coated with fibronectin, vitronectin, and laminins, but, although strongly binding to HA, totally failed to move on this substrate. Moreover, soluble HA strongly inhibited OC-like FLG 29.1 cell migration on the permissive matrix substrates, and this behavior was dependent on its engagement with CD44, as it was fully restored by function-blocking anti-CD44 antibodies. HA did not modulate the cell-substrate binding affinity/avidity nor the expression levels of the corresponding integrins. MMP-9 was the major secreted metalloproteinase used by OC-like FLG 29.1 cells for migration, because this process was strongly inhibited by both TIMP-1 and GM6001, as well as by MMP-9-specific antisense oligonucleotides. After HA binding to CD44, a strong down-regulation of MMP-9 mRNA and protein was detected. These findings highlight a novel role of the HA-CD44 interaction in the context of OC-like cell motility, suggesting that it may act as a stop signal for bone-resorbing cells.  相似文献   

The cornea plays a major role in the refraction of light to the retina. Therefore, the integrity and transparency of the corneal epithelium are critical to vision. Following injury, a combination of rapid signal transduction events and long-term cell migration are essential for wound closure. We have demonstrated previously that injury resulted in the release of nucleotides that induce the propagation of a Ca(2+) wave to neighboring cells. This suggests that nucleotides and their receptors are critical components of wound healing. Epidermal growth factor (EGF) and integrins also have been shown to play a role in injury. In this study, we demonstrate that pretreatment of cells with ATP and UTP inhibited the immediate wound response, while BzATP, ADP, and UDP did not affect this response. Tri-nucleotide pretreatment also reduced the EGF induced Ca(2+) response. Additionally, lower EC(50) concentrations of ATP and UTP triggered migration of cells that was enhanced further with EGF and was inhibited by the tripeptide, RGD. Results indicate that the desensitization induced by ATP and UTP was specific. While ADP and UDP cause a homologous desensitization of their own signal, they did not cause an inhibition of the wound response nor does BzATP. Neither Ca(2+) wave propagation nor cell migration occurred in response to beta,gamma-MeATP. Together these results lead us to hypothesize that corneal epithelial wound repair is mediated by both P2Y(2) and P2Y(4) receptors.  相似文献   

In response to injury, epithelial cells migrate across the denuded tissue to rapidly close the wound and restore barrier, thereby preventing the entry of pathogens and leakage of fluids. Efficient, proper migration requires a range of processes, acting both inside and out of the cell. Among the extracellular responses is the expression of various matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs). Though long thought to ease cell migration simply by breaking down matrix barriers, findings from various models demonstrate that MMPs facilitate (and sometimes repress) cell movement by other means, such as affecting the state of cell–matrix interactions or proliferation. In this Prospect, we review some key data indicting how specific MMPs function via their activity as proteinases to control closure of epithelial wounds. J. Cell. Biochem. 108: 1233–1243, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Diosgenin, a traditional Yam extraction, has been used in hormone replacement for menopausal women. We aimed to investigate the influences of diosgenin administration upon the MMP-2 and -9 activity and expression and reproductive hormones of ovariectomized (OVX) rats, a model of menopausal status. Seven-week old female Wistar rats with bilateral OVX or sham operation (controls) were divided and administered different dosages of diosgenin (0, 10, 50, or 100 mg/kg/day) for 8 weeks. Serum was then sampled for progesterone (P4) and estradiol (E2) assay and uterine horns harvested. Myometrial MMP-2 and -9 activity and expression were surveyed and myometrial collagen expression was also assayed. The results show higher body weight in OVX rats across the 8 weeks post surgery and no significant differences were noted among OVX or Sham rats with diosgenin supplements. There were lower P4 and E2 concentrations in OVX rats compared to Sham rats, and higher P4 concentration of Sham rats post diosgenin supplement. MMP-2 and -9 mRNA expression and activity was lower in OVX rats, although higher MMP-2 and lower MMP-9 activity/mRNA expression was observed in OVX rats post diosgenin supplementation. Collagen mRNA expression was higher in OVX rats compared to Sham controls, and diosgenin administration decreased collagen mRNA expression in OVX rats. In conclusion, diosgenin is associated with gelatinase expression and collagen metabolism in OVX rats. Diosgenin administration can partially reverse the effects of OVX upon MMP functions and hormone status. Adequate diosgenin supplement might modulate myometrial gelatinase expression and collagen metabolism in menopausal subjects.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) play a vital role in vasculature response to hemodynamic stimuli via the degradation of extracellular matrix substrates. In this study, we investigated the putative role of cyclic strain-induced endothelial MMP-2 (and MMP-9) expression and release in modulating bovine aortic smooth muscle cell (BASMC) migration in vitro. Equibiaxial cyclic strain of bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAECs) leads to elevation in cellular MMP-2 (and MMP-9) expression, activity, and secretion into conditioned media, events which were time- and force-dependent. Subsequent incubation of BASMCs with conditioned media from chronically strained BAECs (5%, 24 h) significantly reduces BASMC migration (38+/-6%), an inhibitory effect which could be completely reversed by targeted siRNA 'knock-down' of MMP-2 (but not MMP-9) expression and activity in BAECs. Moreover, inhibition of strain-mediated MMP-2 expression in BAECs by protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) blockade with genistein (50 microM) was also found to completely reverse this inhibitory effect on BASMC migration. Finally, direct supplementation of recombinant MMP-2 into the BASMC migration assay was found to have no significant effect on migration. However, the effect on BASMC migration of MMP-2 siRNA transfection in BAECs could be reversed by supplementation of recombinant MMP-2 into BAEC media prior to (and for the duration of) strain. These findings reveal a potentially novel role for strain-induced endothelial MMP-2 in regulating vascular SMC migration.  相似文献   

Laminin-5 (Ln-5) is an extracellular matrix substrate for cell adhesion and migration, which is found in many epithelial basement membranes. Mechanisms eliciting migration on Ln-5 need to be elucidated because of their relevance to tissue remodeling and cancer metastasis. We showed that exogenous addition of activated matrix metalloprotease (MMP) 2 stimulates migration onto Ln-5 in breast epithelial cells via cleavage of the gamma2 subunit. To investigate the biological scope of this proteolytic mechanism, we tested a panel of cells, including colon and breast carcinomas, hepatomas, and immortalized hepatocytes, selected because they migrated or scattered constitutively in the presence of Ln-5. We found that constitutive migration was inhibited by BB94 or TIMPs, known inhibitors of MMPs. Limited profiling by gelatin zymography and Western blotting indicated that the ability to constitutively migrate on Ln-5 correlated with expression of plasma membrane bound MT1-MMP metalloprotease, rather than secretion of MMP2, since MMP2 was not produced by three cell lines (one breast and two colon carcinomas) that constitutively migrated on Ln-5. Moreover, migration on Ln-5 was reduced by MT1-MMP antisense oligonucleotides both in MMP2+ and MMP2- cell lines. MT1-MMP directly cleaved Ln-5, with a pattern similar to that of MMP2. The hemopexin-like domain of MMP2, which interferes with MMP2 activation, reduced Ln-5 migration in MT1-MMP+, MMP2+ cells, but not in MT1-MMP+, MMP2- cells. These results suggest a model whereby expression of MT1-MMP is the primary trigger for migration over Ln-5, whereas MMP2, which is activated by MT1-MMP, may play an ancillary role, perhaps by amplifying the MT1-MMP effects. Codistribution of MT1-MMP with Ln-5 in colon and breast cancer tissue specimens suggested a role for this mechanism in invasion. Thus, Ln-5 cleavage by MMPs may be a widespread mechanism that triggers migration in cells contacting epithelial basement membranes.  相似文献   

Although great strides have recently been made in elucidating the factors initiating tumor cell migration and the relevant cellular pathways involved, the constituent components of migratory dynamics for individual tumor cell motion have still not been resolved. Utilizing a three-dimensional (3D) collagen assay and computer-assisted, continuous single cell tracking, we investigated the basic parameters for both the spontaneous and norepinephrine-induced migration of highly metastatic MBA-MB-468 breast, PC-3 prostate, and SW 480 colon carcinoma cells. We show that tumor cells do not migrate with uniform migrational structure and speed as previously thought, but rather, the induction of locomotion elicits significant increases in speed, break frequency, and total cell displacement, but decreases in break length and no change in the recruitment of nonlocomotory cells. We furthermore illustrate the corresponding morphological changes of induced tumor cell migration with emphasis on motion in a collagen matrix. These results demonstrate the complexity of tumor cell migration, and the compulsion for incorporating not only knowledge of intracellular pathways, but also fundamental parameters of migratory behavior into any expansive theory of tumor cell migration and metastasis formation. We furthermore establish the analytical methodology of investigating both the stimulation and potential pharmaceutical inhibition of tumor cell migration.  相似文献   

Integrin-dependent and -independent MMP-9 and uPAR signaling plays a key role in glioma cell migration and invasion. In this article, we comment on all the possible pathways and molecules associated with MMP-9- and uPAR-mediated glioma cell migration with a special emphasis on integrins, a family of cell adhesion molecules. Our recent research investigations highlighted the substantial benefit of silencing both MMP-9 and uPAR together compared with their individual treatments in glioma. Simultaneous knockdown of both MMP-9 and uPAR regulated a majority of the molecules associated with glioma cell migration and significantly reduced the migration potential of glioma cells. Our results point out that the bicistronic construct, which can simultaneously silence both MMP-9 and uPAR offers a great therapeutic potential and is worth developing as a new drug for treating GBM patients.  相似文献   

The importance of expression of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) in keratinocyte migration is well established, but its role remains unclear. Here we investigated the function of MMP-14 in TGF-beta1-induced keratinocyte migration. TGF-beta1 stimulated cell migration and the expression of MMP-2, -9 in HaCaT human keratinocyte cells. When we lowered MMP-14 mRNA with siRNA, cell migration, and MMP-9 expression decreased. Furthermore, the MMP-14 siRNA also reduced activation of JNK in response to TGF-beta1, and a JNK-specific inhibitor decreased both cell migration and MMP-9 expression. Taken together, these results suggest that TGF-beta1-induced HaCaT cell migration is mediated by MMP-14, which regulates MMP-9 expression via JNK signaling.  相似文献   

The matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) stromelysin-3 (ST3) was originally discovered as a gene whose expression was associated with human breast cancer carcinomas and with apoptosis during organogenesis and tissue remodeling. It has been shown previously, in our studies as well as those by others, that ST3 mRNA is highly upregulated during apoptotic tissue remodeling during Xenopus laevis metamorphosis. Using a function-blocking antibody against the catalytic domain of Xenopus ST3, we demonstrate here that ST3 protein is specifically expressed in the cells adjacent to the remodeling extracellular matrix (ECM) that lies beneath the apoptotic larval intestinal epithelium in X. laevis in vivo, and during thyroid hormone-induced intestinal remodeling in organ cultures. More importantly, addition of this antibody, but not the preimmune antiserum or unrelated antibodies, to the medium of intestinal organ cultures leads to an inhibition of thyroid hormone-induced ECM remodeling, apoptosis of the larval epithelium, and the invasion of the adult intestinal primodia into the connective tissue, a process critical for adult epithelial morphogenesis. On the other hand, the antibody has little effect on adult epithelial cell proliferation. Furthermore, a known MMP inhibitor can also inhibit epithelial transformation in vitro. These results indicate that ST3 is required for cell fate determination and cell migration during morphogenesis, most likely through ECM remodeling.  相似文献   

Various tumours can be resected even for cure with complete removal. Surgical excision with a wide margin to ensure complete removal has therefore been suggested as the primary treatment for such lesions. The histological examination of the three-dimensional (3D) excision margins (3D histology) constitutes an important part of the quality control mechanisms in tumour surgery. Understanding histologically relevant properties of the constituents of the microenvironment in tumours and the circumferential portion of non-lesional tissue is therefore critical.Accompanied by the increasing availability of high performance computers in recent decades, there has been a strong movement aiming at the development of mathematical models whose implementations allow in silico simulations of biological reaction networks. Due to its relevance in numerous biological and pathological processes, there have been various attempts to model biased migration of single cells. The model introduced in this paper plays a prominent role insofar as it covers the under-represented 3D case. Moreover, it is uniformly formulated for both two and three dimensions. The velocity of each cell is characterised by a generalised Langevin equation, a stochastic differential equation, where chemotaxis as well as contact guidance are considered to simulate selected aspects of interactions between carcinoma cell groups and fibroblast-like cells.Algorithmic and numeric aspects of the developed equations are detailed in this paper and the results of the simulations are illustrated in different manners to emphasise specific features. A simple test scenario as well as a geometry based on segmentation data of a real histological slide has served for verification of the software. The resulting morphologies closely resemble that of desmoplastic stromal reaction readily identifiable in histological slides of infiltrating carcinoma, and the images can be interpreted in the context of 3D histology.  相似文献   

Undesired cell migration after targeted cell transplantation potentially limits beneficial effects for cardiac regeneration. MicroRNAs are known to be involved in several cellular processes, including cell migration. Here, we attempt to reduce human cardiomyocyte progenitor cell (hCMPC) migration via increasing microRNA‐155 (miR‐155) levels, and investigate the underlying mechanism. Human cardiomyocyte progenitor cells (hCMPCs) were transfected with pre‐miR‐155, anti‐miR‐155 or control‐miR (ctrl‐miR), followed by scratch‐ and transwell‐ assays. These functional assays displayed that miR‐155 over‐expression efficiently inhibited cell migration by 38 ± 3.6% and 59 ± 3.7% respectively. Conditioned medium from miR‐155 transfected cells was collected and zymography analysis showed a significant decrease in MMP‐2 and MMP‐9 activities. The predicted 3′‐UTR of MMP‐16, an activator of MMP‐2 and ‐9, was cloned into the pMIR‐REPORT vector and luciferase assays were performed. Introduction of miR‐155 significantly reduced luciferase activity which could be abolished by cotransfection with anti‐miR‐155 or target site mutagenesis. By using MMP‐16 siRNA to reduce MMP‐16 levels or by using an MMP‐16 blocking antibody, hCMPC migration could be blocked as well. By directly targeting MMP‐16, miR‐155 efficiently inhibits cell migration via a reduction in MMP‐2 and ‐9 activities. Our study shows that miR‐155 might be used to improve local retention of hCMPCs after intramyocardial delivery.  相似文献   

Cellular studies have long been performed on the bench top, within Petri dishes and flasks that expose cells to surroundings that differ greatly from their native environment. The complexity of a human tissue is such that to truly replicate a cell’s physiologic microenvironment in vitro is currently impossible. It is nevertheless important to determine how various factors of the microenvironment interact to drive cell behavior, particularly with regard to disease states, such as cancer. Here we focus on two key elements of the cellular microenvironment, matrix stiffness and architecture, in the context of tumor cell behavior. We discuss recent work focusing on the effects of these individual properties on cancer cell migration and describe one technique developed by our lab that could be applied to dissect the effects of specific structural and mechanical cues, and which may lead to useful insights into the potentially synergistic effects of these properties on tumor cell behavior.  相似文献   

Cellular studies have long been performed on the bench top, within Petri dishes and flasks that expose cells to surroundings that differ greatly from their native environment. The complexity of a human tissue is such that to truly replicate a cell’s physiologic microenvironment in vitro is currently impossible. It is nevertheless important to determine how various factors of the microenvironment interact to drive cell behavior, particularly with regard to disease states, such as cancer. Here we focus on two key elements of the cellular microenvironment, matrix stiffness and architecture, in the context of tumor cell behavior. We discuss recent work focusing on the effects of these individual properties on cancer cell migration and describe one technique developed by our lab that could be applied to dissect the effects of specific structural and mechanical cues, and which may lead to useful insights into the potentially synergistic effects of these properties on tumor cell behavior.  相似文献   

The migration of epidermal stem cells (EpSCs) is critical for wound re-epithelization and wound healing. Recently, growth/differentiation factor-5 (GDF-5) was discovered to have multiple biological effects on wound healing; however, its role in EpSCs remains unclear. In this work, recombinant mouse GDF-5 (rmGDF-5) was found via live imaging in vitro to facilitate the migration of mouse EpSCs in a wound-scratch model. Western blot and real-time PCR assays demonstrated that the expression levels of RhoA and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP9) were correlated with rmGDF-5 concentration. Furthermore, we found that rmGDF-5 stimulated mouse EpSC migration in vitro by regulating MMP9 expression at the mRNA and protein levels through the RhoA signalling pathway. Moreover, in a deep partial-thickness scald mouse model in vivo, GDF-5 was confirmed to promote EpSC migration and MMP9 expression via RhoA, as evidenced by the tracking of cells labelled with 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU). The current study showed that rmGDF-5 can promote mouse EpSC migration in vitro and in vivo and that GDF-5 can trigger the migration of EpSCs via RhoA-MMP9 signalling.  相似文献   

Tumor cell migration through the three- dimensional extracellular matrix (ECM) environment is an important part of the metastatic process. We have analyzed a role played by the integrin-tetraspanin protein complexes in invasive migration by culturing MDA-MB-231 cells within Matrigel. Using time-lapse video recording, we demonstrated that the Matrigel-embedded cells remain round and exhibit only limited ability for migration by extending short, highly dynamic pseudopodia. The alpha3beta1-tetraspanin protein complexes were clustered on the thin microvilli-like protrusions extending from both the main cell body and pseudopodia. Ligation of the alpha3beta1-tetraspanin protein complexes with monoclonal antibodies specifically stimulates production of matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2) and induces formation of long invasive protrusions within Matrigel. Accordingly, treatment with the monoclonal antibodies to various tetraspanin proteins and to the alpha3 integrin subunit increases invasive potential of the MDA-MB-231 cells in the Matrigel-penetration assay. A specific inhibitor of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K), LY294002, negated the effect of the monoclonal antibodies on the morphology of the Matrigel-embedded cells and on production of MMP-2. Interestingly, broad-spectrum inhibitors of protein tyrosine kinases (genistein) and protein tyrosine phosphatases (orthovanadate), and actin filament stabilizing compound (jasplakinolide), also block protrusive activity of the Matrigel-embedded cells but have no effect on the production of MMP-2. These results indicate that alpha3beta1-tetraspanin protein complexes may control invasive migration of tumor cells by using at least two PI3K-dependent signaling mechanisms: through rearrangement of the actin cytoskeleton and by modulating the MMP-2 production.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) play a critical role in physiological processes and pathological conditions such tumor invasion and metastasis. In recent years, a number of MMP inhibitors have been proposed, including the chemically modified tetracyclines (CMTs), which have been evaluated in preclinical cancer models showing promising results. This work provides insights into the structure and dynamics of the MMP-2 catalytic domain complexed with seven CMT (CMT-n), based on the analysis of molecular dynamics trajectories in solution. The comparative analysis of various relevant molecular aspects of the different complexes of MMP-2 and CMT-n derivatives was performed aiming to elucidate the effect of ligands on the enzyme structure. These include the radial distribution function of the water molecules around the catalytic zinc, the solvent accessible surface area for the inhibitors and the root-mean-square fluctuation for all amino acid residues. The results help to understand the differences in the binding modes of related compounds and, therefore, add to further design of novel tetracycline-based inhibitors for MMP enzymes.  相似文献   

Interleukin-6 (IL-6) is involved in angiogenesis. However, the underlying mechanisms are unknown. Using human cerebral endothelial cell (HCEC), we report for the first time that IL-6 triggers HCEC proliferation and migration in a dose-dependent manner, specifically associated with enhancement of VEGF expression, up-regulated and phosphorylated VEGF receptor-2 (KDR), and stimulated MMP-9 secretion. We investigated the signal pathway of IL-6/IL-6R responsible for KDR's regulation. Pharmacological inhibitor of PI3K failed to inhibit IL-6-mediated VEGF overexpression, while blocking ERK1/2 with PD98059 could abolish IL-6-induced KDR overexpression. Further, neutralizing endogenous VEGF attenuated KDR expression and phosphorylation, suggesting that IL-6-induced KDR activation is independent of VEGF stimulation. MMP-9 inhibitor GM6001 significantly decreases HCEC proliferation and migration (p<0.05), indicating the crucial function of MMP-9 in promoting angiogenic changes in HCECs. We conclude that IL-6 triggers VEGF-induced angiogenic activity through increasing VEGF release, up-regulates KDR expression and phosphorylation through activating ERK1/2 signaling, and stimulates MMP-9 overexpression.  相似文献   

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