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The amyloid beta-protein (Abeta) deposited in brains of Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients is proteolytically derived from a large Abeta precursor protein (APP). APP gene expression patterns in the AD brain region indicate that abnormalities of gene regulation may be important in AD pathology. To understand the contribution of different cell types to APP gene expression, we studied it at four levels: promoter activity (by reporter gene assay of transfected cells), DNA-nuclear protein interaction (by electrophoretic mobility shift assay), RNA message and protein (by northern and western blotting, respectively). APP mRNA and protein expression levels were greater in neuroblastoma and PC12 cells than in glial or cervix epithelial cells. Relative activity among 12 different promoter regions and within single regions varied according to cell type/cell line. An upstream regulatory region containing a GATA-1 site is necessary for activity in PC12 and glial cells but not in neuroblastoma cells. DNA-protein interactions were examined in three distal and one proximal promoter elements in nuclear extracts belonging to neuronal and non-neuronal cells. The proximal promoter region is important for cell line-specific APP gene expression. Characterization of the APP regulatory region's interaction with cell type-specific nuclear factor(s) is important to understand tissue-specific expression of APP seen in AD subjects.  相似文献   

In rice, the characterization of OsEBP-89 is inducible by various stress- or hormone-stimuli, including ethylene, abscisic acid (ABA), jasmonate acid (JA), drought and cold. Here, we report the investigation of essential DNA region within OsEBP-89 promoter for methyl jasmonic acid (MeJA) induction. PLACE analysis indicates that this promoter sequence contains multiple potential elements in response to various stimuli. First, we fused this promoter with GUS gene and analyzed its expression under MeJA treatment through Agrobacterium infiltration mediating transient expression in tobacco leaves. Our results revealed that this chimeric gene could be inducible by MeJA in tobacco leaves. To further de- termine the crucial sequences responsible for MeJA induction, we generated a series of deletion pro- moters which were fused with GUS reporter gene respectively. The results of transient expression of GUS gene driven by these mutant promoters show that the essential region for MeJA induction is po- sitioned in the region between -1200 and -800 in OsEBP-89 promoter containing a G-box (?1127), which is distinct from the essential region containing ERE (?562) for ACC induction. In all, our finding is helpful in understanding the molecular mechanism of OsEBP-89 expression under different stimuli.  相似文献   

Chicken anemia virus (CAV) is an anemia agent of breeder and young chicks. This virus is the cause of economic losses across the chicken industry worldwide as a consequence of severe anemia and immunodeficiency among the birds. Two genes of CAV encoding the VP1 and VP2 proteins were cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3). A Western blot assay using His-tag antiserum was used to assess the expression level of the CAV viral proteins in E. coli. The results demonstrated that only full-length VP2 can be successfully expressed in E. coli, but not full-length VP1. A serial of N-terminus deletions of the VP1 protein, VP1Nd30, VP1Nd60 and VP1 Nd129, were created using PCR in order to improve VP1 expression. The results demonstrated that all three of these recombinant VP1 mutant proteins can be expressed in E. coli. VP1Nd129 protein demonstrates the highest expression level compared to the other two proteins. The specificity of Nd129-VP1 and VP2 protein were confirmed by mass spectrometry. By comparing the expression level of VP1Nd129 and VP2 protein after the addition of IPTG, the results indicated that the VP1Nd129 protein gave a higher level of protein expression than VP2. The highest yields of VP1Nd129 and VP2 were 26.2 and 15.5 mg/L, respectively, after IPTG induction with 0.1 mM IPTG for 6 h, respectively. The identification of the optimized conditions for production of the CAV viral proteins VP1 and VP2 will allow them to be used in the future as an antigen for the development of vaccines and diagnostic tests.  相似文献   

SAG12, an Arabidopsis gene encoding a cysteine protease, is expressed only in senescent tissues. Studies of the expression patterns of a variety of genes showing senescence-specific or senescence-preferential expression indicate that plant senescence involves multiple regulatory pathways. In this study it is shown that the expression of SAG12 is specifically activated by developmentally controlled senescence pathways but not by stress- or hormone-controlled pathways. Using SAG12 as a molecular marker for the study of developmental senescence, we show that cytokinin, auxin, and sugars can repress developmental senescence at the molecular level. Studies using promoter deletions and recombination of promoter fragments indicate that a highly conserved region of the SAG12 promoter is responsible for senescence-specific regulation, while at least two other regions of the SAG12 promoter are important for full promoter activity. Extracts from young and senescent Arabidopsis leaves contain factors that exhibit differential binding to the senescence-responsive promoter element.  相似文献   

We have identified in a skin swab sample from a healthy donor a new virus that we have named human gyrovirus (HGyV) because of its similarity to the chicken anemia virus (CAV), the only previously known member of the Gyrovirus genus. In particular, this virus encodes a homolog of the CAV apoptin, a protein that selectively induces apoptosis in cancer cells. By PCR screening, HGyV was found in 5 of 115 other nonlesional skin specimens but in 0 of 92 bronchoalveolar lavages or nasopharyngeal aspirates and in 0 of 92 fecal samples.  相似文献   

In order to scan the 5 flanking region of the chalcone synthase (chs A) gene for regulatory sequences involved in directing flower-specific and UV-inducible expression, a chimaeric gene was constructed containing the chs A promoter of Petunia hybrida (V30), the chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (cat) structural sequence as a reporter gene and the chs A terminator region of Petunia hybrida (V30). This chimaeric gene and 5 end deletions thereof were introduced into Petunia plants with the help of Ti plasmid-derived plant vectors and CAT activity was measured. A 220 bp chs A promoter fragment contains cis-acting elements conferring flower-specific and UV-inducible expression. A promoter fragment from –67 to +1, although at a low level, was still able to direct flower-specific expression but could not drive UV-inducible expression in transgenic Petunia seedlings. Molecular analysis of binding of flower nuclear proteins to chs A promoter fragments by gel retardation assays showed strong specific binding to the sequences from –142 to +81. Promoter sequence comparison of chs genes from other plant species, combined with the deletion analysis and gel retardation assays, strongly suggests the involvement of the TACPyAT repeats (–59 and –52) in the regulation of organ-specificity of the chs A gene in Petunia hybrida. We also describe an in vitro organ-specific transient expression system, in which flower or purple callus protoplasts are used, that enables us to pre-screen organ-specific expression of a chimaeric reporter gene.  相似文献   

Functional organization of the cassava vein mosaic virus (CsVMV) promoter   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Cassava vein mosaic virus (CsVMV) is a pararetrovirus that infects cassava plants in Brazil. A promoter fragment isolated from CsVMV, comprising nucleotides -443 to +72, was previously shown to direct strong constitutive gene expression in transgenic plants. Here we report the functional architecture of the CsVMV promoter fragment. A series of promoter deletion mutants were fused to the coding sequence of uidA reporter gene and the chimeric genes were introduced into transgenic tobacco plants. Promoter activity was monitored by histochemical and quantitative assays of -glucuronidase activity (GUS). We found that the promoter fragment is made up of different regions that confer distinct tissue-specific expression of the gene. The region encompassing nucleotides -222 to -173 contains cis elements that control promoter expression in green tissues and root tips. Our results indicate that a consensus as1 element and a GATA motif located within this region are essential for promoter expression in those tissues. Expression from the CsVMV promoter in vascular elements is directed by the region encompassing nucleotides -178 to -63. Elements located between nucleotides -149 and -63 are also required to activate promoter expression in green tissues suggesting a combinatorial mode of regulation. Within the latter region, a 43 bp fragment extending from nucleotide -141 to -99 was shown to interact with a protein factor extracted from nuclei of tobacco seedlings. This fragment showed no sequence homology with other pararetrovirus promoters and hence may contain CsVMV-specific regulatory cis elements.  相似文献   

<正>Dear Editor,Avian Influenza virus(AIV)H9N2 subtype viruses circulate widely in domestic fowl,and usually cause mild clinical signs in poultry(Li et al.,2005).Occasionally,avian H9N2 can infect humans and cause mild clinical symptoms(Peiris et al.,1999;Lin et al.,2000).Genetic analysis indicates that the H9N2 genotype viruses exist in major poultry species(such as duck and chicken)and in minor poultry species(such as quail,partridge,chukar,pheasant,and guinea fowl)(Guan et al.,2000;Li et al.,2005).Meanwhile,frequent reassortment events among  相似文献   

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