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The CEN4 sequences from chromosome 4 that impart mitotic stability to autonomously replicating (ARS) plasmids in yeast cells have been localized to a 1,755-base-pair (bp) fragment. This fragment could be cut in half to give two adjacent, nonoverlapping fragments, that each contained some mitotic stabilization sequences. One of the half-fragments worked as efficiently as the larger fragment from which it was derived, while the other half provided a much poorer degree of mitotic stabilization. Sequencing of 2,095 bp of DNA including this region revealed the presence of a centromere consensus sequence, elements I, II, and III (M. Fitzgerald-Hayes, L. Clarke, and J. Carbon, Cell 29:235-244, 1982), in the half-fragment providing high levels of mitotic stability. The poorly stabilizing half-fragment did not contain any obvious sequence homologies to other centromere sequences. Deletion analysis of the 1,755-bp fragment indicated that removal of the 14-bp element I plus 16 of the 82 bp of element II impaired mitotic stability. Removal of elements I and II eliminated the mitotic stability provided by the consensus sequence.  相似文献   

A quantitative genetic assay was developed to monitor alterations in tract lengths of trinucleotide repeat sequences in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Insertion of (CAG)50 or (CTG)50 repeats into a promoter that drives expression of the reporter gene ADE8 results in loss of expression and white colony color. Contractions within the trinucleotide sequences to repeat lengths of 8 to 38 restore functional expression of the reporter, leading to red colony color. Reporter constructs including (CAG)50 or (CTG)50 repeat sequences were integrated into the yeast genome, and the rate of red colony formation was measured. Both orientations yielded high rates of instability (4 x 10(-4) to 18 x 10(-4) per cell generation). Instability depended on repeat sequences, as a control harboring a randomized (C,A,G)50 sequence was at least 100-fold more stable. PCR analysis of the trinucleotide repeat region indicated an excellent correlation between change in color phenotype and reduction in length of the repeat tracts. No preferential product sizes were observed. Strains containing disruptions of the mismatch repair gene MSH2, MSH3, or PMS1 or the recombination gene RAD52 showed little or no difference in rates of instability or distributions of products, suggesting that neither mismatch repair nor recombination plays an important role in large contractions of trinucleotide repeats in yeast.  相似文献   

Strains monosomic for chromosome I of Saccharomyces cerevisiae contain 25 to 35% fewer rRNA genes than do normal diploid strains. When these strains are repeatedly subcultured, colonies are isolated that have magnified their number of rRNA genes to the diploid amount while remaining monosomic for chromosome I. We have determined the amount of DNA complementary to rRNA in viable haploid spores derived from a magnified monosomic strain. Some of these haploids contained 24 to 48% more rRNA genes than a normal euploid strain. These extra genes may be responsible for the increased number of rRNA genes in the strain monosomic for chromosome I. Genetic analysis of the haploids containing extra rRNA genes suggested that these genes are linked to chromosomal DNA and are heterozygous. They were not closely linked to any centromere and were not located on chromosome I. Furthermore, all the DNA complementary to rRNA in one of these haploid strains with magnified rRNA genes sedimented at a chromosomal molecular weight, consistent with chromosomal linkage. In addition, several new mutations mapping on chromosome I were used to show that ribosomal DNA magnification was not due to a chromosome I duplication.  相似文献   

A González  G Dávila  E Calva 《Gene》1985,36(1-2):123-129
Glutamine (gln) requiring mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae have been isolated. They synthesize small amounts of glutamine synthetase (GS), which is more thermolabile than the enzyme from the parental strain. The gln auxotrophy was complemented in transformation experiments using an S. cerevisiae gene library constructed in the plasmid vector YEp13. The transformants were mitotically unstable and synthesized almost tenfold higher amounts of GS than wild-type cells. This activity was as thermoresistant as that from the wild-type strain. A recombinant plasmid was isolated from one of the transformants and partially mapped. Upon reintroduction into the auxotrophic strain, the transformation frequency to gln prototrophy was the same as that for the marker LEU2 gene. The evidence presented suggests that we have cloned the structural gene for GS from S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

A collection of 196 spontaneous mutations in the SUP4-o gene of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was analyzed by DNA sequencing. The classes of mutation identified included all possible types of base-pair substitution, deletions of various lengths, complex alterations involving multiple changes, and insertions of transposable elements. Our findings demonstrate that at least several different mechanisms are responsible for spontaneous mutagenesis in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome X (745 442 bp) reveals a total of 379 open reading frames (ORFs), the coding region covering approximately 75% of the entire sequence. One hundred and eighteen ORFs (31%) correspond to genes previously identified in S. cerevisiae. All other ORFs represent novel putative yeast genes, whose function will have to be determined experimentally. However, 57 of the latter subset (another 15% of the total) encode proteins that show significant analogy to proteins of known function from yeast or other organisms. The remaining ORFs, exhibiting no significant similarity to any known sequence, amount to 54% of the total. General features of chromosome X are also reported, with emphasis on the nucleotide frequency distribution in the environment of the ATG and stop codons, the possible coding capacity of at least some of the small ORFs (<100 codons) and the significance of 46 non-canonical or unpaired nucleotides in the stems of some of the 24 tRNA genes recognized on this chromosome.  相似文献   

An autonomously replicating segment, ARS, is located 293 base pairs downstream from the histone H4 gene at the copy-I H3-H4 locus. The sequences needed for autonomous replication were defined by deletion analysis to include an ARS consensus sequence and an additional 3'-flanking region. External deletions into the 3'-flanking yeast sequences resulted in a loss of replication function. However, disruptions of the required 3'-flanking domain by either 10-base-pair linker-scanning substitutions or larger internal deletions did not impair autonomous replication. Thus, replication is dependent upon a flanking chromosome domain, but not an exact DNA sequence. The extent of the yeast sequences required in the 3'-flanking domain is variable depending on the nature of neighboring plasmid vector sequences. That is, there are certain vector sequences that prohibit replication when they are placed too close to the ARS consensus. These results suggest that the functional 3'-flanking domain of the H4 ARS is a specific DNA or chromatin structure or both.  相似文献   

The PRI1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes for the p48 polypeptide of DNA primase. We have determined the nucleotide sequence of a 1,965 bp DNA fragment containing the PRI1 locus. The entire coding sequence of the gene lies within an open reading frame, and there are 409 amino acids in the single polypeptide protein if translation is assumed to start at the first ATG in this frame. The 5' and 3' end-points of PRI1 mRNA have been determined by S1 mapping and primer extension analysis. The primary structure and the codon usage of PRI1 suggest that this essential gene is poorly expressed in yeast cells.  相似文献   

Candida albicans is an opportunistic pathogen which may give rise to superficial and systemic infections. In the present study, C. albicans adhesion was studied by expression of C. albicans DNA sequences encoding adhesion functions in a nonadherent strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Adherent transformant cells of S. cerevisiae harbouring a C. albicans genomic library cloned in a yeast-Escherichia coli shuttle vector were selected by using tissue culture-treated polystyrene as the attachment substratum. One transformant exhibited enhanced adhesion to treated and untreated polystyrene as well as autoaggregation, unlike control cells bearing the vector alone. Analysis of this clone revealed an insert of ca. 4.5 kb from C. albicans. Curing of the plasmid resulted in loss of adhesion and autoaggregation properties. A subclone bearing a reduced insert of 3.3 kb retained the ability to autoaggregate, to bind to treated and untreated polystyrene, and to adhere to buccal epithelial cells, unlike appropriate controls. Further subcloning of the insert to 2.7- and 1.9-kb fragments resulted in incremental decreases in adhesion and autoaggregation, whereas smaller fragments did not confer these properties. Hybridization of the 2.7-kb segment with C. albicans and S. cerevisiae DNA confirmed its origin as a single-copy sequence in the C. albicans genome as well as the absence of a homologous sequence in the genome of S. cerevisiae. The data suggest that the adhesion and aggregation phenomena of the transformant cells are related to expression of a C. albicans surface antigen encoded by the cloned DNA fragment.  相似文献   

rad5 (rev2) mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are sensitive to UV light and other DNA-damaging agents, and RAD5 is in the RAD6 epistasis group of DNA repair genes. To unambiguously define the function of RAD5, we have cloned the RAD5 gene, determined the effects of the rad5 deletion mutation on DNA repair, DNA damage-induced mutagenesis, and other cellular processes, and analyzed the sequence of RAD5-encoded protein. Our genetic studies indicate that RAD5 functions primarily with RAD18 in error-free postreplication repair. We also show that RAD5 affects the rate of instability of poly(GT) repeat sequences. Genomic poly(GT) sequences normally change length at a rate of about 10(-4); this rate is approximately 10-fold lower in the rad5 deletion mutant than in the corresponding isogenic wild-type strain. RAD5 encodes a protein of 1,169 amino acids of M(r) 134,000, and it contains several interesting sequence motifs. All seven conserved domains found associated with DNA helicases are present in RAD5. RAD5 also contains a cysteine-rich sequence motif that resembles the corresponding sequences found in 11 other proteins, including those encoded by the DNA repair gene RAD18 and the RAG1 gene required for immunoglobin gene arrangement. A leucine zipper motif preceded by a basic region is also present in RAD5. The cysteine-rich region may coordinate the binding of zinc; this region and the basic segment might constitute distinct DNA-binding domains in RAD5. Possible roles of RAD5 putative ATPase/DNA helicase activity in DNA repair and in the maintenance of wild-type rates of instability of simple repetitive sequences are discussed.  相似文献   

J F Theis  C Yang  C B Schaefer  C S Newlon 《Genetics》1999,152(3):943-952
ARS elements of Saccharomyces cerevisiae are the cis-acting sequences required for the initiation of chromosomal DNA replication. Comparisons of the DNA sequences of unrelated ARS elements from different regions of the genome have revealed no significant DNA sequence conservation. We have compared the sequences of seven pairs of homologous ARS elements from two Saccharomyces species, S. cerevisiae and S. carlsbergensis. In all but one case, the ARS308-ARS308(carl) pair, significant blocks of homology were detected. In the cases of ARS305, ARS307, and ARS309, previously identified functional elements were found to be conserved in their S. carlsbergensis homologs. Mutation of the conserved sequences in the S. carlsbergensis ARS elements revealed that the homologous sequences are required for function. These observations suggested that the sequences important for ARS function would be conserved in other ARS elements. Sequence comparisons aided in the identification of the essential matches to the ARS consensus sequence (ACS) of ARS304, ARS306, and ARS310(carl), though not of ARS310.  相似文献   

A DNA glycosylase that excises, 2,6-diamino-4-hydroxy-5N-methylformamidopyrimidine (Fapy) from double stranded DNA has been purified 28,570-fold from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Gel filtration chromatography shows that yeast Fapy DNA glycosylase has a molecular weight of about 40 kDa. The Fapy DNA glycosylase is active in the presence of EDTA, but is completely inhibited by 0.2 M KCl. Yeast Fapy DNA glycosylase does not excise N7-methylguanine, N3-methyladenine or uracil. A repair enzyme for 7,8-dihydro-8-oxoguanine (8-OxoG) co-purifies with the Fapy DNA glycosylase. This repair activity causes strand cleavage at the site of 8-OxoG in DNA duplexes. The highest rate of incision of the 8-OxoG-containing strand was observed for duplexes where 8-OxoG was opposite guanine. The mode of incision at 8-OxoG was not established yet. The results however suggest that the Fapy- and 8-OxoG-repair activities are associated with a single protein.  相似文献   

DNA postreplication repair (PRR) is defined as an activity to convert DNA damage-induced single-stranded gaps into large molecular weight DNA without actually removing the replication-blocking lesions. In bacteria such as Escherichia coli, this activity requires RecA and the RecA-mediated SOS response and is accomplished by recombination and mutagenic translesion DNA synthesis. Eukaryotic cells appear to share similar DNA damage tolerance pathways; however, some enzymes required for PRR in eukaryotes are rather different from those of prokaryotes. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, PRR is centrally controlled by RAD6 and RAD18, whose products form a stable complex with single-stranded DNA-binding, ATPase and ubiquitin-conjugating activities. PRR can be further divided into translesion DNA synthesis and error-free modes, the exact molecular events of which are largely unknown. This error-free PRR is analogous to DNA damage-avoidance as defined in mammalian cells, which relies on recombination processes. Two possible mechanisms by which recombination participate in PRR to resolve the stalled replication folk are discussed. Recombination and PRR are also genetically regulated by a DNA helicase and are coupled to the cell-cycle. The PRR processes appear to be highly conserved within eukaryotes, from yeast to human.  相似文献   

Respiratory metabolism depends on mitochondrial DNA, yet the mechanisms that ensure the inheritance of the mitochondrial genome are largely obscure. Recent studies with Saccharomyces cerevisiae suggest that distinct factors mediate the active segregation of mitochondrial DNA during mitotic growth. The identification of the proteins required for the maintenance of the mitochondrial genome provides clues to the mechanisms of, and molecular machinery involved in, mitochondrial DNA inheritance.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae MET25 gene.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文

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