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The chemostat theory on two species competition has shown that the dilution rate where transition of dominance occurs – transition-dilution rate – is independent of limiting-nutrient concentration. However, we obtained the experimental data indicating that the transition-dilution rate changed with variations in limiting-ammonium concentrations, using the chemostat mixed-culture of the cyanobacterium Microcystis novacekii and the green alga Scenedesmus quadricauda. The transition-dilution rate was dependent on the concentration of limiting ammonium in the influx culture medium. We tried to simulate the experimental results. Though the dilution rate has been considered independent of nutrient concentration, we introduce the effective dilution rate that depends on nutrient concentration (ammonium concentration in this study). A hyperbolic Monod-type function is used to represent the effective dilution rate for each species. The maximum dilution rate of the function is set to be the mechanical dilution rate (nominal dilution rate) of the chemostat culture. The calculation shows that the nominal transition-dilution rate where transition of dominance occur decreases with increased concentration. This simulation is well consistent with our experimental data. These results may suggest that the species-specificity of limiting nutrients, here nitrogen. Or they may imply that the depreciation of nitrogen becomes critical when both dilution rate and concentration are very low, especially for the green algae. In the latter case, spatial effects are induced internally in the ecosystem.  相似文献   


In most animal taxa, longevity increases with body size across species, as predicted by the oxidative stress theory of aging. In contrast, in within-species comparisons of mammals and especially domestic dogs (e.g. Patronek et al., '97; Michell, '99; Egenvall et al., 2000; Speakman et al., 2003), longevity decreases with body size.We explore two datasets for dogs and find support for a negative relationship between size and longevity if we consider variation across breeds. Within breeds, however, the relationship is not negative and is slightly, but significantly, positive in the larger of the two datasets. The negative across-breed relationship is probably the consequence of short life spans in large breeds. Artificial selection for extremely high growth rates in large breeds appears to have led to developmental diseases that seriously diminish longevity.  相似文献   

Abstract. We investigated the spatial pattern of A. raddiana in the Negev desert of Israel in order to gain insights into the factors and processes driving the dynamics of this species. Using a scale‐dependent measure, the ring statistic, we analysed both patterns observed in the field and time series of spatial tree distributions produced by a simulation model. In the field, random spacing was the predominant pattern observed. However seedlings were clumped on small scales. We ran the model under two contrasting scenarios representing hypotheses that explain the clumping of seedlings and the random distribution of trees. One hypothesis is that there is spatial heterogeneity in seed distribution, germination and seedling mortality, but that these heterogeneities are not correlated with each other in space. The second hypothesis assumes a correlation between these heterogeneities leading to areas suitable for establishment. However, the suitability of the sites is temporally variable. Furthermore, the second hypothesis assumes density‐dependent tree mortality due to competition. Both hypotheses lead to spatial distributions that are in qualitative agreement with the patterns observed in the field. Therefore, the classical view that a clumped seedling distribution and a random pattern of older trees is due to clumped regeneration and density‐dependent mortality may not hold for Acacia trees in the Negev.  相似文献   

Tiburzi F  Visca P  Imperi F 《IUBMB life》2007,59(11):730-733
Is There An Answer? is intended to serve as a forum in which readers to IUBMB Life may pose questions of the type that intrigue biochemists but for which there may be no obvious answer or one may be available but not widely known or easily accessible. Readers are invited to e-mail ascenzi@uniroma3.it if they have questions to contribute or if they can provide answers to questions that are provided here from time to time. In the latter case, instructions will be sent to interested readers. Answers should be, whenever possible, evidence-based and provide relevant references. Paolo Ascenzi  相似文献   

The mechanisms that structure plant diversity and generate long-range correlated spatial patterns have important implications for the conservation of fragmented landscapes. The ability to disperse and persist influences a plant species’ capacity for spatial organization, which can play a critical role in structuring plant diversity in metacommunities. This study examined the spatial patterns of species diversity within a network of patches in Cabo de Gata Natural Park, southeastern Spain. The objectives were to understand how the spatial heterogeneity of species composition (beta diversity) varies in a structured landscape, and how the long-range spatial autocorrelation of plant species is affected by the spatial configuration of patches.The mechanisms underlying the spatial distribution of plants acted at two scales. Between patches, spatial variation in species distributions was greater than that expected based on spatial randomization, which indicated that movement among patches was restricted. Within patches, diffusion processes reduced spatial variability in species distributions, and the effect was more prominent in large patches. Small patch size negatively influenced the long-range spatial autocorrelation of characteristic species, whereas inter-patch distance had a stronger effect on species frequency than it had on the disruption of spatial organized patterns.The long-range spatial autocorrelation was evaluated based on the dispersal abilities of the species. Among the 106 species evaluated, 39% of the woody species, 17% of the forbs, and 12% of the grasses exhibited disrupted long-range spatial autocorrelation where patches were small. The species that are more vulnerable to the effects of fragmentation tended to be those that have restricted dispersal, such as those that have short-range dispersal (atelechoric), e.g., Phlomis purpurea, Cistus albidus, Teucrium pseudochamaepytis, Brachypodium retusum, and the ballistic species, Genista spartioides. Helianthemum almeriense is another vulnerable species that has actively restricted dispersal (antitelechory), which is common in arid regions. Wind dispersers such as Launaea lanifera were less vulnerable to the effects of fragmentation. Long-distance dispersers whose persistence depends on facilitative interactions with other individuals, e.g., allogamous species such as Thymus hyemalis, Ballota hirsuta, and Anthyllis cytisoides, exhibit disrupted long-range spatial autocorrelation when patch size is reduced.  相似文献   

Biodiversity is declining from unprecedented land conversions that replace diverse, low-intensity agriculture with vast expanses under homogeneous, intensive production. Despite documented losses of species richness, consequences for β-diversity, changes in community composition between sites, are largely unknown, especially in the tropics. Using a 10-year data set on Costa Rican birds, we find that low-intensity agriculture sustained β-diversity across large scales on a par with forest. In high-intensity agriculture, low local (α) diversity inflated β-diversity as a statistical artefact. Therefore, at small spatial scales, intensive agriculture appeared to retain β-diversity. Unlike in forest or low-intensity systems, however, high-intensity agriculture also homogenised vegetation structure over large distances, thereby decoupling the fundamental ecological pattern of bird communities changing with geographical distance. This ~40% decline in species turnover indicates a significant decline in β-diversity at large spatial scales. These findings point the way towards multi-functional agricultural systems that maintain agricultural productivity while simultaneously conserving biodiversity.  相似文献   

Results of a revision of Iranian species of Crataegus section Sanguineae are presented here. Previously, two species of this section, C. sanguinea Pall. and C. babakhanloui Khat., were reported from Iran. However, detailed analyses of morphological and micro‐morphological characteristics, as well as phytogeographical data, could not confirm this information; herbarium specimens recognised as C. sanguinea appeared to be C. pentagyna Waldst. & Kit. (C. sect. Pentagynae), while C. babakhanloui should be included in the C. section Crataegus. The section Sanguineae is represented in Iran only by C. wattiana Hemsl. & Lace, the presence of which is reported here for the first time.  相似文献   

Abstract If changes in the structural characteristics of rainforest at edges are caused by wind, then physical damage from a tropical cyclone might be greatest at edges or in small fragments that have a high proportion of edge. We tested whether this was true of a fragmented rainforest landscape impacted by a category 4 severe tropical cyclone in March 2006. Six structural variables (canopy cover, canopy height, cover of ground vegetation, leaf litter, stem density and counts of woody debris) were surveyed at 18 rainforest sites (six small linear remnants, and both edges and interiors of six large remnants) on the Atherton Tableland in north‐eastern Queensland, Australia. Data collected 7 and 12 months after the passage of Cyclone Larry were compared with an identical survey conducted 4 years prior to the cyclone. The cyclone had large effects across many components of forest structure. However, sites within 30 m of forest edges in small and large remnants were not impacted more than the interiors of large remnants. It is likely that the high wind intensity from severe tropical cyclones overrides the modest wind protection provided by surrounding forest. The cyclone's effects were highly patchy at local scales (0.5–1.0 km), leading to an increase in among‐site variation in forest structure and the disappearance of significant spatial autocorrelation among large remnant edge‐interior site pairs which had existed prior to the cyclone. The main effect of Cyclone Larry at these study sites was to increase the spatial heterogeneity of forest structure at local scales.  相似文献   

We artificially selected on egg size in a butterfly to study the consequences for fecundity, reproductive effort and offspring fitness. Correlated responses in either pupal mass, larval or pupal development time were virtually absent. Offspring size was positively related to fitness, but only partly traded off against fecundity. Rather, total reproductive effort (measured as fresh mass), egg water content and the decline of egg size with female age increased in the large-egg selected lines compared to either small-egg or control lines. Accounting for these effects showed that reproductive investment (in dry mass) was in fact similar across lines. Such mechanisms may enable increased investment in (early) offspring without a reduction in their number, revealing a much more complex picture than a simple trade-off between offspring size and number. Substantial variation among replicates suggests that there are different underlying mechanisms for change, rather than any single, unitary pathway.  相似文献   

The two foremost hypotheses on the evolutionary constraints on an organism's thermal sensitivity – the hotter‐is‐better expectation, and the specialist–generalist trade‐off – have received mixed support from empirical studies testing for their existence. Could these conflicting results reflect confusion regarding the organizational level (i.e. species > population > individual) at which these constraints should manifest? We propose that these evolutionary constraints should manifest at different organizational levels because of differences in their underlying causes and requirements. The hotter‐is‐better expectation should only manifest across separate evolutionary units (e.g. species, populations), and not within populations. The specialist–generalist trade‐off, by contrast, should manifest within as well as between separate evolutionary units. We measured the thermal sensitivity of sprint performance for 440 rainforest sun skinks (Lampropholis coggeri) representing 10 populations, and used the resulting performance curves to test for evidence for the hypothesized constraints at two organizational levels: (i) across populations and (ii) within populations. As predicted, the hotter‐is‐better expectation was evident only at the across‐population level, whereas the specialist–generalist trade‐off was evident within, as well as across, populations. Our results suggest that, depending on the processes that drive them, evolutionary constraints can manifest at different organizational levels. Consideration of these underlying processes, and the organizational level at which a constraint should manifest, may help resolve conflicting empirical results.  相似文献   

The Okavango Delta has an annual flood cycle that spreads slowly from the northwestern`panhandle' into a widening delta to the southeast. Rotifers were sampled from areas where the flood was active, and from other areas not yet reached by the flood. In still waters, the samples were dominated by euplanktonic rotifers, particularly of the genera Brachionus, Keratella and Hexarthra, with about 20 species per 1000 individuals at a station. Where the water was moving the samples were dominated by periphytic rotifers, with over 100 species per 1000 individuals at a single station. The periphytic species were dominated by the genus Lecane,with over 45 species, followed by Lepadellawith 24 species, and Trichocercawith 23 species. Comparison of the Okavango with six other tropical localities reveals fairly consistent ratios of the numbers of species in the periphytic genera Lecane, Lepadellaand Trichocerca,indicating that there may be assembly rules for communities of tropical periphytic rotifers.  相似文献   

Gray  John S. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,188(1):397-402
With some notable exceptions, such as the echinoderm and oyster larvae tests, the species traditionally used in bioassays are not sufficiently sensitive to detect subtle ecological effects of pollutants. It is suggested that by using ecological criteria, species can be identified from any pollution gradient that are sensitive to subtle effects of pollution. Examples are given using gradients of oil, sewage and titanium dioxide pollution, showing how ecologically sensitive species for use in laboratory bioassays can be selected objectively.Many marine molluscs show microgrowth bands, which can be used as in situ field bioassays. An example is given using the bivalve Cerastoderma edule.  相似文献   

All else being equal, inversely density-dependent (IDD) mortality destabilizes population dynamics. However, stability has not been investigated for cases in which multiple types of density dependence act simultaneously. To determine whether IDD mortality can destabilize populations that are otherwise regulated by directly density-dependent (DDD) mortality, I used scale transition approximations to model populations with IDD mortality at smaller “aggregation” scales and DDD mortality at larger “landscape” scales, a pattern observed in some reef fish and insect populations. I evaluated dynamic stability for a range of demographic parameter values, including the degree of compensation in DDD mortality and the degree of spatial aggregation, which together determine the relative importance of DDD and IDD processes. When aggregation-scale survival was a monotonically increasing function of density (a “dilution” effect), dynamics were stable except for extremely high levels of aggregation combined with either undercompensatory landscape-scale density dependence or certain values of adult fecundity. When aggregation-scale survival was a unimodal function of density (representing both “dilution” and predator “detection” effects), instability occurred with lower levels of aggregation and also depended on the values of fecundity, survivorship, detection effect, and DDD compensation parameters. These results suggest that only in extreme circumstances will IDD mortality destabilize dynamics when DDD mortality is also present, so IDD processes may not affect the stability of many populations in which they are observed. Model results were evaluated in the context of reef fish, but a similar framework may be appropriate for a diverse range of species that experience opposing patterns of density dependence across spatial scales.  相似文献   

Do local abundances of British birds change with proximity to range edge?   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Aim Species generally vary in the density they attain at different sites, prompting the question of whether this variation is systematic across their range. We investigate this question using data on the abundance and distribution of thirty-two species of passerine birds across Britain derived from censuses organized by the British Trust for Ornithology. Methods Analysis is complicated by the issue of quantifying the distance of any particular census location from the edge of the range of a species when the study area encompasses only part of its entire distribution. No measure of this quantity is a priori the correct one, and so we use a variety of different measures which make differing assumptions about how abundances might be structured across species ranges. Results None of the measures used reveal any consistent relationships between the density attained by species at census sites and the spatial positions of those sites. Only thirteen species show significant relationships with any of the measures, and no more than seven species with any single measure. Main conclusion In summary, there is no convincing evidence that passerine bird densities are usually lower towards range edges in Britain. We discuss possible reasons for these findings.  相似文献   

1. The factors that promote coexistence of global invaders and native species are poorly understood. The role of abiotic factors in determining the dominance of invasive species is also an area of increasing interest. Gambusia holbrooki (Eastern Mosquitofish) is an important global invader, displacing endemic fish and frogs on four continents. However, Gambusia co‐occurs with a similar‐sized fish (Hypseleotris spp.) in dynamic floodplain wetland pools of south‐eastern Australia. 2. We examined the relative abundance of Gambusia and Hypseleotris in regularly flooded and irregularly flooded pools to determine whether seasonal hydrological disturbance may be advantageous to the native species. We aimed to determine whether Gambusia and Hypseleotris populations respond differently to regular seasonal flooding and whether this could reduce the ability of Gambusia to dominate numerically the native species. We tested this by sampling fish bi‐monthly in 15 floodplain pools over 2.5 years. 3. We found that the relative abundance of the two species differed between regularly and irregularly flooded pools, while both pool types persisted (over a period of a year). Hypseleotris were numerically dominant in regularly flooded pools from spring through to autumn, following a major spring flood. In contrast, Gambusia were more abundant than Hypseleotris in irregularly flooded pools from summer until pools dried completely. 4. Due to the higher reproductive response of Hypseleotris to a spring flood, and the timing of its breeding season, we suggest that Hypseleotris may have a reproductive advantage over Gambusia during productive post‐flood spring/summer conditions. While the abundances of both species were usually within a similar range, variation in hydrologic habitats and the inter‐play between life‐history traits and hydrologic disturbance may nonetheless give the native fish an edge.  相似文献   

Aim To evaluate the ability of species distribution models (SDMs) to predict the spatial structure of tree species within their geographical ranges (how trees are distributed within their ranges). Location Continental Spain. Methods We used an extensive dataset consisting of c. 90,000 plots (1 plot km?2) where presence/absence data for 23 common Mediterranean and Atlantic tree species had been surveyed. We first generated SDMs relating the presence or absence of each species to a set of 16 environmental predictors, following a stepwise modelling process based on maximum likelihood methods. Superimposing spatial correlograms generated from the predictions of the SDMs over those generated from the raw data allowed a model–observation comparison of the nature, scale and intensity (level of aggregation) of spatial structure with the species ranges. Results SDMs predicted accurately the nature and scale of the spatial structure of trees. However, for most species, the observed intensity of spatial structure (level of aggregation of species in space) was substantially greater than that predicted by the SDMs. On average, the intensity of spatial aggregation was twice that predicted by SDMs. In addition, we also found a negative correlation between intensity of aggregation and species range size. Main conclusions Standard SDM predictions of spatial structure patterns differ among species. SDMs are apparently able to reproduce both the scale and intensity of species spatial structure within their ranges. However, one or more missing processes not included in SDMs results in species being substantially more aggregated in space than can be captured by the SDMs. This result adds to recent calls for a new generation of more biologically realistic SDMs. In particular, future SDMs should incorporate ecological processes that are likely to increase the intensity of spatial aggregation, such as source–sink dynamics, fine‐scale environmental heterogeneity and disequilibrium.  相似文献   

Fungi are vital within forest ecosystems through their mycorrhizal relationships with trees, and as the main agents of wood decomposition and thus carbon and nutrient cycling. Globally, forests are becoming increasingly fragmented, creating forest patches that are isolated, reduced in area, and exposed at edges. Edges are often ecologically distinct from the forest interior due to their exposure to the matrix habitat. This exposure can result in altered microclimatic conditions and flows of biotic and abiotic materials such as spores or inorganic nitrogen, respectively.Although fungi are known to be affected by microclimate and nitrogen deposition, knowledge of forest edge effects on fungi is extremely limited; however, a consideration of the factors known to regulate fungal activity in combination with known biotic and abiotic edge effects implies that forest edges are likely to strongly influence fungi. These include responses of fungi to the altered microclimate and nitrogen levels at forest edges, at both the individual and community level; interactions with plants and animals that have been influenced by edges; above–belowground feedback between mycorrhizal fungi and host trees. The small body of existing research focuses on fruit body presence and distribution; fungal biomass and community composition in soil have been touched upon. Positive, negative and neutral edge responses have been found, the majority of studies finding a significant effect on some of the parameters measured. Generally, abundance of fruit bodies and biomass in the soil is lower at the forest edge.Understanding how fungi respond to edges is essential to a more complete knowledge of carbon and nitrogen cycling in forest edges, influence of mycorrhizal species on vegetation, and conservation of rare fungi. As edges become increasingly dominant landscape features it is vital to investigate processes within them, to understand ecosystem function at a landscape scale.  相似文献   

A nested pattern occurs whenever the species observed in depauperate habitat patches are a subset of those found in more species‐rich patches. Ecologists have documented many instances of nestedness caused by population‐level processes such as colonization and extinction at biogeographic scales. However, few researchers have examined whether nestedness may exist at fine scales due to the ways in which individual organisms discriminate among potential habitat patches. In 1999, we experimentally fragmented an old‐field habitat into patches of varying size to test whether nestedness could exist on a fine spatial scale. Five treatments of differing patch size were replicated five times in a Latin square design by selectively mowing 15×15 m2 plots within an old‐field (patch areas: 225, 180, 135, 90, and 45 m2). Specifically, we tested whether butterflies foraging within a network of patches differing in area conformed to a nested subset structure. We also classified species according to (1) their flight height while foraging (high or low), and (2) their adult habitat breadth (ubiquitous, general, or restricted) to determine whether nestedness could be explained by difference in species’ tendency to discriminate among patches differing in area.
We found significant evidence that a community of foraging Lepidoptera conformed to a nested subset structure based on the difference between the observed nestedness within the butterfly community and the nestedness obtained from randomly generated species presence/absence matrices. Poisson regression analyses demonstrated that high‐flying, habitat‐restricted species avoided the smallest patches (90 and 45 m2) in favor of larger remnants, whereas low‐flying, habitat generalists used all patch sizes. Thus, our study is one of the first to demonstrate that nestedness among species subsets can be observed at fine spatial scales (within a single 1.5 hectare field) and may be maintained by species behavioral differences: discriminating species (i.e. high‐flying, habitat restricted) avoided the smallest patches, and less discriminating species (i.e. low‐flying, ubiquitous) were distributed throughout the field without regard to patch size. Our results also suggest that nestedness should be viewed as yet another scalar pattern in ecology, generated by variation in patch use by individuals at fine‐scales as well as the more traditionally invoked processes of extinction and colonization of species at broad‐scales.  相似文献   

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