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Mutations found in PTEN-induced putative kinase 1 (PINK1), a putative mitochondrial serine/threonine kinase of unknown function, have been linked to autosomal recessive Parkinson's disease. It is suggested that mutations can cause a loss of PINK1 kinase activity and eventually lead to mitochondrial dysfunction. In this report, we examined the subcellular localization of PINK1 and the dynamic kinetics of PINK1 processing and degradation. We also identified cytosolic chaperone heat-shock protein 90 (Hsp90) as an interacting protein of PINK1 by PINK1 co-immunoprecipitation. Immunofluorescence of PINK1 protein and mitochondrial isolation show that the precursor form of PINK1 translocates to the mitochondria and is processed into two cleaved forms of PINK1, which in turn localize more to the cytosolic than mitochondrial fraction. The cleavage does not occur and the uncleaved precursor stays associated with the mitochondria when the mitochondrial membrane potential is disrupted. Metabolic labeling analyses show that the PINK1 processing is rapid and the levels of cleaved forms are tightly regulated. Furthermore, cleaved forms of PINK1 are stabilized by Hsp90 interaction as the loss of Hsp90 activity decreases PINK1 level after mitochondrial processing. Lastly, we also find that cleaved forms of PINK1 are degraded by the proteasome, which is uncommon for mitochondrial proteins. Our findings support a dual subcellular localization, implying that PINK1 can reside in the mitochondria and the cytosol. This raises intriguing functional roles that bridge these two cellular compartments.  相似文献   

PI3K signalling pathways link cell surface receptors to the control of several intracellular functions including cell growth, survival and movement. Filamins are important regulators of cortical actin structure and function. LL5beta is a filamin binding protein that is an effector of the PI3K signalling pathway. We define an N-terminal region of LL5beta that is responsible for binding to the C-terminus of filamins. Under conditions of very low PI3K activity, we show that this region, together with an additional domain of the protein, is responsible for localising the complex to punctate structures that are also decorated by L-FILIP (a protein previously characterised to bind filamin and accelerate its destruction). Under conditions of significant PI3K activity, PtdIns(3,4,5)P(3) binding to the C-terminal PH domain in LL5beta prevents localisation to these structures. These observations start to define the basis for PI3K regulation of filamin through LL5beta.  相似文献   



CLIC1 is a chloride channel whose cellular role remains uncertain. The distribution of CLIC1 in normal tissues is largely unknown and conflicting data have been reported regarding the cellular membrane fraction in which CLIC1 resides.  相似文献   

Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common neurodegenerative disease and represents a looming public health crisis as the global population ages. While the etiology of the more common, idiopathic form of the disease remains unknown, the last ten years have seen a breakthrough in our understanding of the genetic forms related to two proteins that regulate a quality control system for the removal of damaged or non-functional mitochondria. Here, we review the structure of these proteins, PINK1, a protein kinase, and parkin, a ubiquitin ligase with an emphasis on the molecular mechanisms responsible for their recognition of dysfunctional mitochondria and control of the subsequent ubiquitination cascade. Recent atomic structures have revealed the basis of PINK1 substrate specificity and the conformational changes responsible for activation of PINK1 and parkin catalytic activity. Progress in understanding the molecular basis of mitochondrial quality control promises to open new avenues for therapeutic interventions in PD.  相似文献   

Ribonucleotide reductases (RNRs) catalyze the reduction of ribonucleotides to the corresponding deoxyribonucleotides, the building blocks of DNA. RNRs are specific for either ribonucleoside diphosphates or triphosphates as substrates. As far as is known, oxygen-dependent class I RNRs (NrdAB) all reduce ribonucleoside diphosphates, and oxygen-sensitive class III RNRs (NrdD) are all ribonucleoside triphosphate reducers, whereas the adenosylcobalamin-dependent class II (NrdJ) contains both ribonucleoside diphosphate and triphosphate reducers. However, it is unknown how this specificity is conveyed by the active site of the enzymes and how this feature developed in RNR evolution. By structural comparison of the active sites in different RNRs, we identified the apical loop of the phosphate-binding site as a potential structural determinant of substrate specificity. Grafting two residues from this loop from a diphosphate- to a triphosphate-specific RNR caused a change in preference from ribonucleoside triphosphate to diphosphate substrates in a class II model enzyme, confirming them as the structural determinants of phosphate specificity. The investigation of the phylogenetic distribution of this motif in class II RNRs yielded a likely monophyletic clade with the diphosphate-defining motif. This indicates a single evolutionary-split event early in NrdJ evolution in which diphosphate specificity developed from the earlier triphosphate specificity. For those interesting cases where organisms contain more than one nrdJ gene, we observed a preference for encoding enzymes with diverse phosphate specificities, suggesting that this varying phosphate specificity confers a selective advantage.  相似文献   

Structural determinants of BRCA1 translational regulation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

PINK1 and parkin constitute a mitochondrial quality control system mutated in Parkinson’s disease. PINK1, a kinase, phosphorylates ubiquitin to recruit parkin, an E3 ubiquitin ligase, to mitochondria. PINK1 controls both parkin localization and activity through phosphorylation of both ubiquitin and the ubiquitin‐like (Ubl) domain of parkin. Here, we observed that phospho‐ubiquitin can bind to two distinct sites on parkin, a high‐affinity site on RING1 that controls parkin localization and a low‐affinity site on RING0 that releases parkin autoinhibition. Surprisingly, ubiquitin vinyl sulfone assays, ITC, and NMR titrations showed that the RING0 site has higher affinity for phospho‐ubiquitin than phosphorylated Ubl in trans. We observed parkin activation by micromolar concentrations of tetra‐phospho‐ubiquitin chains that mimic mitochondria bearing multiple phosphorylated ubiquitins. A chimeric form of parkin with the Ubl domain replaced by ubiquitin was readily activated by PINK1 phosphorylation. In all cases, mutation of the binding site on RING0 abolished parkin activation. The feedforward mechanism of parkin activation confers robustness and rapidity to the PINK1‐parkin pathway and likely represents an intermediate step in its evolutionary development.  相似文献   

Pannexins have been proposed to play a role in gap junctional intercellular communication and as single-membrane channels, although many of their molecular characteristics differ from connexins. Localization of untagged Panx1 and Panx3 exogenously expressed in five cultured cell lines revealed a cell surface distribution profile with limited evidence of cell surface clustering and variable levels of intracellular pools. However, N-glycosylation-defective mutants of pannexins exhibited a more prominent intracellular distribution with decreased cell surface labeling, suggesting an important role for pannexin glycosylation in trafficking. Similar to wild-type pannexins, the glycosylation-defective mutants failed to noticeably transfer microinjected fluorescent dyes to neighboring cells, suggesting that few, or no functional intercellular channels were formed. Finally, varied distribution patterns of endogenous Panx1 and Panx3 were observed in cells of osteoblast origin and Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. Collectively, diverse expression and distribution profiles of Panx1 and Panx3 suggest that they may have multiple cellular functions.  相似文献   

A 2.4-kilobase cDNA clone for human steroid-sulfatase (STS) was isolated and sequenced, which encoded an enzymatically active protein. The deduced amino acid sequence comprises 583 amino acids with an N-terminal signal peptide of 21 or 23 residues and four potential N-glycosylation sites. Two of the N-glycosylation sites are utilized and were localized to the asparagine residues 47 and 259. STS has the solubility properties of an integral membrane protein. The resistance of STS toward proteinase K after translocation into microsomes suggests that most, if not all, sequences of STS are exposed at the luminal side of microsomes. The deduced amino acid sequence predicts two membrane-spanning domains (amino acids 185-211 and 213-237) separated by a helix-breaking proline residue. We propose for STS a three-domain model. Two glycosylated luminally oriented domains of 161 and 346 residues are separated by a hydrophobic domain spanning the membrane twice in opposite directions. STS expressed in BHK-21 cells is located predominantly in the endoplasmic reticulum; smaller fractions are found in the Golgi, at the cell surface, multivesicular endosomes, as well as in lysosomes. The stability of STS in lysosomes may be related to the high homology of the two luminal domains of STS with the lysosomal sulfatases, arylsulfatase A, and arylsulfatase B. In spite of its similarity with these two lysosomal sulfatases, STS does not contain mannose 6-phosphate residues and is transported to lysosomes by a mannose 6-phosphate receptor-independent mechanism.  相似文献   

The function of the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) UL4 protein is still elusive. Our objective is to investigate the subcellular transport mechanism of the UL4 protein. In this study, fluorescence microscopy was employed to investigate the subcellular localization of UL4 and characterize the transport mechanism in living cells. By constructing a series of deletion mutants fused with enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (EYFP), the nuclear export signals (NES) of UL4 were for the first time mapped to amino acid residues 178 to 186. In addition, the N-terminal 19 amino acids are identified to be required for the granule-like cytoplasmic pattern of UL4. Furthermore, the UL4 protein was demonstrated to be exported to the cytoplasm through the NES in a chromosomal region maintenance 1 (CRM1)-dependent manner involving RanGTP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

The human antibody response to the capsular polysaccharide of Haemophilus influenzae type b is predominated by antibodies expressing a light-chain-associated idiotype designated HibId-1. HibId-1 is expressed by kappa light chains encoded by either the A2 or A18 variable region genes. In this report we use site-directed mutagenesis and molecular modeling to show that HibId-1 expression is determined by residues in the first and second complimentarity determining regions that are widely separated in the primary sequence, but closely juxtaposed by the tertiary folding of the mature light chain molecule. Of the known human light chains, only alleles of A2 and A18 encode these residues at these positions in their germline configuration. VIG10, a mouse monoclonal antibody of unknown specificity that expresses HibId-1, and 23F.2, an A2-utilizing Streptococcus pneumoniae 23F polysaccharide-specific human Fab fragment that lacks HibId-1, provide examples of the HibId-1 determinant both arising and being lost by somatic mutation. In addition, we show that the residues responsible for HibId-1 expression can be disassociated from those required for antigen binding.  相似文献   

Signaling from G protein-coupled receptors to phospholipase C-beta (PLC-beta) is regulated by coordinate interactions among multiple intracellular signaling molecules. Phosphatidic acid (PA), a signaling phospholipid, binds to and stimulates PLC-beta(1) through a mechanism that requires the PLC-beta(1) C-terminal domain. PA also modulates Galpha(q) stimulation of PLC-beta(1). These data suggest that PA may have a key role in the regulation of PLC-beta(1) signaling in cells. The present studies addressed the structural requirements and the mechanism for PA regulation of PLC-beta(1). We used a combination of enzymatic assays, PA-binding assays, and circular dichroism spectroscopy to evaluate the interaction of PA with wild-type and mutant PLC-beta(1) proteins and with fragments of the Galpha(q) binding domain. The results identify a region that includes the alphaA helix and flexible loop of the Galpha(q)-binding domain as necessary for PA regulation. A mutant PLC-beta(1) with multiple alanine/glycine replacements for residues (944)LIKEHTTKYNEIQN(957) was markedly impaired in PA regulation. The high affinity and low affinity component of PA stimulation was reduced 70% and PA binding was reduced 45% in this mutant. Relative PLC stimulation by PA increased with PLC-beta(1) concentration in a manner suggesting cooperative binding to PA. Similar concentration dependence was observed in the PLC-beta(1) mutant. These data are consistent with a model for PA regulation of PLC-beta(1) that involves cooperative interactions, probably PLC homodimerization, that require the flexible loop region, as is consistent with the dimeric structure of the Galpha(q)-binding domain. PA regulation of PLC-beta(1) requires unique residues that are not required for Galpha(q) stimulation or GTPase-activating protein activity.  相似文献   

Membrane topology refers to the two-dimensional structural information of a membrane protein that indicates the number of transmembrane (TM) segments and the orientation of soluble domains relative to the plane of the membrane. Since membrane proteins are co-translationally translocated across and inserted into the membrane, the TM segments orient themselves properly in an early stage of membrane protein biogenesis. Each membrane protein must contain some topogenic signals, but the translocation components and the membrane environment also influence the membrane topology of proteins. We discuss the factors that affect membrane protein orientation and have listed available experimental tools that can be used in determining membrane protein topology.  相似文献   

Springer W  Kahle PJ 《Autophagy》2011,7(3):266-278
Parkinson disease (PD) is a devastating disorder of the nervous system for which no cure exists. Although the exact mechanisms involved in the pathogenesis of PD are unclear, very recently, a novel cellular process has been identified that promises great future potential. Two PD-associated genes have been found to converge on the emerging mitophagy pathway that links the two major cellular dysfunctions implicated in the pathogenesis of PD. Thereby, PINK1 and Parkin physically associate and functionally cooperate to identify and label damaged mitochondria for selective degradation via autophagy. PD-associated mutations in both genes disrupt mitophagy although through different mechanisms, revealing a sequential multistep process. Further key players that tie into this process have been identified and provide the framework for future research aiming at a complete dissection of this neuroprotective pathway. This may not only yield novel targets for therapeutic intervention in PD, but possibly for other neurodegenerative disorders as well.  相似文献   

Loss-of-function mutations in PINK1, which encodes a mitochondrially targeted serine/threonine kinase, result in an early-onset heritable form of Parkinson''s disease. Previous work has shown that PINK1 is constitutively degraded in healthy cells, but selectively accumulates on the surface of depolarized mitochondria, thereby initiating their autophagic degradation. Although PINK1 is known to be a cleavage target of several mitochondrial proteases, whether these proteases account for the constitutive degradation of PINK1 in healthy mitochondria remains unclear. To explore the mechanism by which PINK1 is degraded, we performed a screen for mitochondrial proteases that influence PINK1 abundance in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. We found that genetic perturbations targeting the matrix-localized protease Lon caused dramatic accumulation of processed PINK1 species in several mitochondrial compartments, including the matrix. Knockdown of Lon did not decrease mitochondrial membrane potential or trigger activation of the mitochondrial unfolded protein stress response (UPRmt), indicating that PINK1 accumulation in Lon-deficient animals is not a secondary consequence of mitochondrial depolarization or the UPRmt. Moreover, the influence of Lon on PINK1 abundance was highly specific, as Lon inactivation had little or no effect on the abundance of other mitochondrial proteins. Further studies indicated that the processed forms of PINK1 that accumulate upon Lon inactivation are capable of activating the PINK1-Parkin pathway in vivo. Our findings thus suggest that Lon plays an essential role in regulating the PINK1-Parkin pathway by promoting the degradation of PINK1 in the matrix of healthy mitochondria.  相似文献   

Tian G  Cory M  Smith AA  Knight WB 《Biochemistry》2001,40(24):7084-7091
The kinetic mechanisms for the inhibition of pp60(c-src) tyrosine kinase (Src TK) by 4-anilinoquinazolines, an important class of chemicals as protein kinase inhibitors, were investigated. 4-Anilinoquinazolines with a bulky group at the 4'-position of the anilino group were shown to be competitive with both ATP and peptide, whereas molecules lacking such a bulky group only displayed an inhibition pattern typical of those competitive with ATP and noncompetitive with peptide. Modifications of the substituents on the carbocyclic ring did not perturb the inhibition pattern although the affinities of these modified inhibitors for Src TK were affected. Structural modeling of Src TK with inhibitor and peptide substrate bound indicated a direct atomic conflict between the bulky 4-position group and the hydroxy of the peptide tyrosyl to which the gamma-phosphate of ATP is transferred during the kinase reaction. This atomic conflict would likely prevent simultaneous binding of both inhibitor and peptide, consistent with the observed kinetic competitiveness of the inhibitor with peptide. The dual site inhibitors appeared to have both enhanced potency and selectivity for Src TK. One such inhibitor, 4-(4'-phenoxyanilino)-6,7-dimethoxyquinazoline, had a 15 nM potency against Src TK and was selective over receptor tyrosine kinases VEGFR2 by 88-fold and C-fms by 190-fold.  相似文献   

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