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Summary The ventricular heart muscle of the rat was fixed in glutaraldehyde-formaldehyde mixture. The tissue blocks were incubated in a medium containing 20 mM 1-aspartic acid, 2 mM -ketoglutaric acid and 6 mM lead nitrate as major ingredients. The enzymatic reaction product due to glutamic oxalacetic transaminase (GOT) activity was found to be localized in the cristae and at the surface of the mitochondria, in the cisternae of the nuclear envelope and in the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Isolation of the mitochondrial fraction from the homogenate of the fixed heart muscle was performed, and GOT activity in this fraction was demonstrated both histochemically and biochemically.This Work was Supported by a Research Grant from the Medical Research Council of Canada (MA-3340).  相似文献   

Three groups of muscle fibers (dark, light, and intermediate) were revealed in the fibers of the frog sartorius muscle in examination of the succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity. There was revealed a reverse relationship between the diameter of the muscle fibers an the SDH activity in them. The external surface of sartorius muscle is chiefly represented by dark muscle fibers, whereas the internal one--by light ones. Microelectrode study demonstrated that the fibers of the external surface were characterized, in comparison with those of the internal one, by lesser action potentials, prolonged trace negative potential, low quant composition of the end plate potentials, high amplitude and low frequency of the end plate miniature potentials. Analysis of the data obtained demonstrated definite interrelationship between the histochemical profile of the muscle fibers of the frog sartorius muscle and their electrophysiological characteristics.  相似文献   

Summary Electrophysiological studies have shown that the olfactory organ (antennule) of the spiny lobster, Panulirus argus, has chemoreceptors that are selectively excited by adenine nucleotides in seawater. Biochemical studies have revealed that these same nucleotides can be rapidly dephosphorylated by ectoenzymes associated with the olfactory sensilla (aesthetascs). In this study the distribution of ecto-ATPase/phosphatase activity within aesthetascs was determined cytochemically and the nature of the adenine-nucleotide dephosphorylating activity was dissected biochemically. Cytochemically, the distribution of ATP-dephosphorylating activity was similar to that shown previously for AMP and -glycerol phosphate; i.e., cerium phosphate reaction product was specifically localized to the transitional zone where the sensory dendrites develop cilia and branch to form the outer dendritic segments. Unlike the dephosphorylation of AMP and -glycerol phosphate, Mg2+ or Ca2+ was required for ecto-ATPase/phosphatase activity. Biochemical measures of both AMP-and ATP-dephosphorylating activity within aesthetascs corroborated the cytochemical evidence that these activities are localized to the transitional zone. A major portion of the AMP dephosphorylation (about 67%) derives from nonspecific alkaline phosphatase activity that is insensitive to levamisole and L-bromotetramisole. In contrast, nonspecific phosphatase activity accounted for a much smaller part of the ATP dephosphorylation (about 15%). Ectoenzymatic activity in the transitional zone may be an important means of removing excitatory/inhibitory nucleotides from this region.Abbreviations ADP Adenosine 5-diphosphate - AMP adenosine 5-monophosphate - AMPCP , -methylene ADP - ASW artificial seawater - ATP adenosine 5-triphosphate - -GP -glycerol phosphate - EM electron microscopy  相似文献   

Vinculin localization in cardiac muscle   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Vinculin isolated from chicken cardiac muscle crossreacts with antibodies against smooth muscle vinculin. Antibodies to vinculin were used for localization of vinculin in cardiac muscle by indirect immunofluorescence method. In cardiac muscle vinculin was localized in intercalated discs and near plasma membrane at the cell periphery between external myofibrils and sarcolemma. It was suggested that vinculin plays an important role in myofibril-sarcolemma interaction in cardiac muscle.  相似文献   

The cellular distribution of AMP deaminase (AMPda) isozymes was documented for rat soleus and plantaris muscles, utilizing immunofluorescence microscopy and immunoprecipitation methods. AMPda is a ubiquitous enzyme existing as three distinct isozymes, A, B and C, which were initially purified from skeletal muscle, liver (and kidney), and heart, respectively. AMPda-A is primarily concentrated subsarcolemmally and intermyofibrillarly within muscle cells, while isozymes B and C are concentrated within non-myofiber elements of muscle tissue. AMPda-B is principally associated with connective tissues surrounding neural elements and the muscle spindle capsule, and AMPda-C is predominantly associated with circulatory elements, such as arterial and venous walls, capillary endothelium, and red blood cells. These specific localizations, combined with documented differences in kinetic properties, suggest multiple functional roles for the AMPda isozymes or temporal segregation of similar AMPda functions. Linkage of the AMPda substrate with adenosine production pathways at the AMP level and the localization of isozyme-C in vascular tissue suggest a regulatory role in the microcirculation.  相似文献   

The experiment carried out by us on the, stimulated by adrenaline, cardiac muscle allowed the activation of calcium localized mainly in the mitochondria, MA and FA of the intercalated discs and SR to be translocated in the direction of the sarcomere myofilaments and this especially to the thin actin filaments. The authors' experimental proves, that during the contraction--relaxation function of the cardiac muscle there exists a circulation rythm or a oscillatory functional flow of calcium ions between the mitochondria, intercalated discs and SR and the contractile fibrillae of the sarcomere.  相似文献   

We describe multiple human cardiac and skeletal muscle spectrin isoforms. Cardiac muscle expresses five erythroid alpha,beta spectrin-reactive isoforms with estimated MR's of 280, 274, 270, 255, and 246 kD, respectively. At least one nonerythroid alpha-spectrin of MR 284 kD is expressed in heart. While skeletal muscle shares the 280, 270, and 246 kD erythroid spectrins, it expresses an immunologically distinct 284 kD nonerythroid alpha-spectrin isoform. The 255 kD erythroid beta-spectrin isoform is specific for cardiac tissue. By immunocytochemistry, both erythroid beta- and nonerythroid alpha-spectrins are localized to costameres, the plasma membrane, and the neuromuscular junctional region.  相似文献   

Vesicle-associated membrane protein 5 (VAMP5) is a member of the SNARE protein family, which is generally thought to regulate the docking and fusion of vesicles with their target membranes. This study investigated the expression and localization of the VAMP5 protein. Immunoblotting analyses detected the VAMP5 protein in skeletal muscle, heart, spleen, lung, liver, and kidney tissue, but not in brain or small intestine tissue. Through the immunofluorescence microscopy of skeletal muscle, we found that the expression level of VAMP5 varies among fibers. Most of the fibers with high expression levels of VAMP5 were categorized as type IIa fibers on the basis of their myosin heavy chain subtypes. In addition, the expression patterns of VAMP5 and glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) were similar. In cardiac muscle, we determined that VAMP5 was localized to the vicinity of intercalated discs. These results suggest that VAMP5 plays local roles in membrane trafficking in skeletal and cardiac muscle.  相似文献   

Summary Dyads (transverse tubule—junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum complexes) were enriched from rat ventricle microsomes by continuous sucrose gradients. The major vesicle peak at 36% sucrose contained up to 90% of those membranes which possessed dihydropyridine (DHP) binding sites (markers for transverse tubules) and all membranes which possessed ryanodine receptors and the putative junctional foot protein (markers for junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum). In addition, the 36% sucrose peak contained half of the vesicles with muscarine receptors. Vesicles derived from the nonjunctional plasma membrane as defined by a low content of dihydropyridine binding sites per muscarine receptor and from the free sarcoplasmic reticulum as defined by the Mr 102K Ca2+ ATPase were associated with a diffuse protein band (22–30% sucrose) in the lighter region of the gradient. These organelles were recovered in low yield. Putative dyads were not broken by French press treatment at 8,000 psi and only partially disrupted at 14,000 psi. The monoclonal antibody GE4.90 against skeletal muscle triadin, a protein which links the DHP receptor to the junctional foot protein in skeletal muscle triad junctions, cross-reacted with a protein in rat dyads of the same Mr as triadin. Western blots of muscle microsomes from preparations which had been treated with 100mm iodoacetamide throughout the isolation procedure showed that cardiac triadin consisted predominantly of a band of Mr 95 kD. Higher molecular weight polymers were detectable but low in content, in contrast with the ladder of oligomeric forms in rat psoas muscle microsomes. Cardiac triadin was not dissolved from the microsomes by hypertonic salt or Triton X-100, indicating that it, as well as skeletal muscle triadin, was an integral protein of the junctional SR. The cardiac epitope was localized to the junctional SR by comparison of its distribution with that of organelle markers in both total microsome and in French press disrupted dyad preparations. Immunofluorescence localization of triadin using mAb GE4.90 revealed that intact rat ventricular muscle tissue was stained following a well-defined pattern of bands every sarcomere. This spacing of bands was consistent with the interpretation that triadin was present in the dyadic junctional regions.  相似文献   

Stimulation of cardiac phospholipid metabolism has diverse biological effects, ranging from subtle changes in cellular function to severe cellular damage. Accordingly, knowledge of the factors governing the activity of cardiac phospholi pases is of great biological importance. A possible role of annexins, intracellular proteins that bind to membranes in a calcium dependent manner, as modulators of phospholipase activity has been proposed. In this study we investigated the cell type specific distribution of Annexin V and VIII in the heart. Recombinant Annexin V was used to examine the effect of this type of Annexin on cardiac phospholipase activity. Western blot analysis shows that annexin V is abundantly present in the heart. Using isolated myocytes and cultured cardiac endothelial and fibroblast-like cells, it is demonstrated that the localization of Annexin V is confined to non-myocytes. No positive bands matching the Mw of recombinant Annexin VIII are found in any of the cell types examined.In vitro studies demonstrate that recombinant Annexin V potently inhibits the activity of cardiac membrane-bound phospholipases, acting on their natural sur rounding substrate, in a calcium dependent manner. Interestingly, annexin V also inhibits triacylglycerol hydrolysis. In conclusion, the expression of annexins is cell-type specific and suggests a cell-type specific function of these proteins in the heart. The absence of Annexin V in cardiac myocytes dismisses involvement of this annexin in cardiomyocyte phospholipid metabolism. The presence of Annexin V in cardiac endothelial and fibroblasts suggests a regulating role in the phospholipid homeostasis of non-myocyte cell types in the heart. (Mol Cell Biochem116: 95–101, 1992)  相似文献   

This study has used light and electron microscope immunohistochemical and biochemical methods to localize and characterize vitronectin in early bone formation of developing rat mandible with rabbit antimurine vitronectin IgG. Developing jaws of foetuses were collected at embryonic day 15 (day 15) to day 18 from pregnant Wistar rats. After aldehyde fixation, specimens with and without osmium post-fixation were dehydrated and embedded in paraffin, Spurr's resin or LR gold resin for morphological and immunohistochemical examinations. At the light microscope level, in day 15 samples, positive vitronectin immunostaining was observed in small elongated areas of intercellular matrix and osteoblasts. Concomitant with initiation of matrix mineralization at day 16, vitronectin staining was similarly observed in small elongated areas containing intercellular matrix and osteoblasts but not clearly detected in fully mineralized bone matrix. The same staining profile was observed at days 17 and 18. At the ultrastructural level, immunogold particles were clearly detected over unmineralized matrix and cisterns of the rough-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus of osteoblasts as well as over demineralized bone matrix at day 16--18. In order to assess the presence of vitronectin in the mineral phase, mineral-binding bone proteins were extracted from fresh day 18 specimens using a three-step technique: 4 m guanidine HCl (G1 extract), aqueous EDTA without guanidine HCl (E extract), followed by guanidine HCl. Subsequent Western blot analysis of sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS)--polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that the antibodies produced only a single band at an Mr of approximately 73 000 in both G1 and E extracts, indicating the presence of vitronectin in the mineralized bone matrix. These results indicate that, at the onset of bone formation, osteoblasts synthesize and release vitronectin, which is subsequently incorporated into the bone matrix and becomes a specific component of bone tissues. The observation of vitronectin in these critical stages of bone formation suggests that it may be involved in the regulation of bone formation. © 1998 Chapman & Hall  相似文献   

The generation of a monoclonal antibody specific to xanthine oxidase and its use in the distribution of the enzyme in human tissue is described. Xanthine oxidase was purified from human and bovine milk by a rapid method, allowing for minimal proteolytic degradation, and the purified enzyme preparations were used for the immunization of BALB/c mice as well as for the subsequent selection of hybridomas. The hybridoma clone X1–7, IgG (2a, -light chain) was selected for further analysis and demonstrated to precipitate xanthine oxidase from human liver and skeletal muscle extracts. As determined by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of eluates from affinity chromatography, the X1–7 antibody bound to a main protein of 155 kDa, from human milk and skeletal muscle, and to proteins of 155, 143 and 95 kDa from human liver. Immunohistochemical studies, using two of the monoclonal antibodies with differing epitope specificity, revealed xanthine oxidase to be localized mainly in the vascular smooth muscle cells but also in a proportion of endothelial cells of capillaries and smaller vessels in both human cardiac and skeletal muscle. Immunoreactivity was additionally observed in human macrophages and mast cells. The results of the present study confirm previous reports of the presence of xanthine oxidase in capillary endothelial cells, but also demonstrates additional localization of the enzyme in vascular smooth muscle cells, macrophages and mast cells. The current findings verify that the distribution of xanthine oxidase in human tissue includes cardiac and skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

The authors analyzed the regenerative ability of cardiac muscle in the rat. Normal cardiac muscle was minced into mm3 fragments and homotransplanted into a triceps surae complex cavity of a nonsibling rat. Subsequent histological examination of the cardiac regenerate revealed the presence of myofibers. These myofibers typically exhibited centrally located nuclei, a characteristic of normal cardiac muscle. However, the absence of intercalated discs and autonomous contractility prevented indentification of these fibers as cardiac.  相似文献   

Using a radioimmunoassay for thymosin alpha 1, endogenous thymosin-like peptides were characterized in the rat brain and pituitary gland. Thymosin alpha 1-like peptides were present in high concentrations in hypothalamus and pituitary extracts. These peptides were characterized using gel filtration techniques and the main peak of immunoreactive thymosin had a molecular weight similar to that of thymosin alpha 1 (3108 daltons). Using HPLC techniques, one main peak of immunoreactivity was present in brain extracts, whereas two peaks were present in pituitary extracts, one of which coeluted with thymosin alpha 1. The discrete regional distribution of thymosin alpha 1-like peptides was investigated and the highest densities of immunoreactive thymosin were present in the median eminence and arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus, as well as the neurointermediate lobe of the pituitary. Due to the anatomical proximity of immunoreactive thymosin to loci containing known releasing factors and hormones, thymosin alpha 1-like peptides may function as neuroendocrine regulatory agents.  相似文献   

The localization of guanylate cyclase activity was cytochemically studied in heart tissue from guinea pig and pigeon. The method, based on a lead precipitation technique with GPPNHP as the substrate, was tested by quantitative biochemical analysis. The data obtained showed that in heart homogenates GPPNHP is an acceptable substrate for guanylate cyclase. The guanylate cyclase activity of glutaraldehyde prefixed heart tissue was also measured in the presence of 2 mM lead nitrate, in 30% of the untreated control hearts. The residual guanylate cyclase responded to the addition of sodium nitroprusside with a 7-fold increase in its activity. Furthermore, the guanylate cyclase requirement for Mn2+ ions was so changed by this activator that Mg2+ was as active as Mn2+. In heart muscle cells of guinea pigs and pigeons the plasma membrane of the sarcolemma and the junctional sarcoplasmic reticulum are the precipitation sites of the reaction product. In guinea pig hearts the T-tubule membranes were likewise covered with precipitates. Sodium nitroprusside stimulation of guanylate cyclase activity was indicated by increased precipitation and by shortening of the incubation time.  相似文献   

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