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Long-term effects of catchment liming on invertebrates in upland streams   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1. Catchment liming to mitigate acidification causes major chemical change in freshwaters but longer‐term effects are poorly understood. Using a replicated basin‐scale experiment with a multiple BACI design (= before‐after‐control‐impact), we assessed chemical and biological effects for 10 years after the catchments of three acidified Welsh streams at Llyn Brianne were limed in 1987/88. 2. Stream chemistry was measured weekly to monthly, and macroinvertebrates monitored annually, between 1985 and 1998. Biological change through time was assessed from the abundance and taxon richness of invertebrates. We paid particular attention to 18 species known to be acid‐sensitive. The effects of liming were assessed by comparing chemical and biological trends among the three replicate limed streams, three acid reference streams and two naturally circumneutral streams. 3. Following single lime applications, acid‐base chemistry in treated streams changed significantly. High mean pH (> 6), increased calcium (> 2.5 mg L?1) and low aluminium (< 0.1 mg L?1) persisted throughout the 10 years following liming. 4. The effects of liming on invertebrates were modest. Acid sensitive taxa increased significantly in abundance in limed streams, but only during 2 years following treatment. Significant effects on richness were more sustained, but on average added only 2–3 acid‐sensitive species to the treated streams, roughly one‐third of their average richness in adjacent circumneutral streams. Only the mayfly Baetis rhodani and the stonefly Brachyptera risi occurred significantly more often in limed streams after treatment than before it. 5. Despite these modest long‐term effects on invertebrates, nearly 80% of the total pool of acid‐sensitive species has occurred at least once in the limed streams in the 10 years since treatment. This pattern of occurrence suggests that the colonization of limed streams by acid‐sensitive taxa reflects limited persistence rather than restricted dispersal. We present evidence to show that episodes of low pH continued to affect acid‐sensitive taxa even after liming. We highlight the importance of extending the time‐periods over which the effects of large‐scale ecological experiments are assessed.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Microcrustaceans were sampled during September 1990 from three microhabitats (margins, stony riffles and gravel) at thirteen stream sites in mid-Wales.
2. Patterns in the distribution, abundance and community structure of microcrustacean taxa were related to stream chemistry, physiography, substratum composition and marginal habitat structure. Patterns of distribution between microhabitats were also assessed.
3. Chemical variables were the strongest correlates with microcrustacean parameters. Total numbers of microcrustaceans and harpacticoid copepods were reduced at sites with high aluminium concentrations, and ostracods were scarce or absent at the most acidic sites. In contrast, cyclopoid copepods were more abundant and species rich at low pH.
4. Microcrustacean communities were most species rich at sites with a high percentage cover of macrophytes on the substratum. Cladoceran species richness and abundance, and the abundance of several microcrustacean species, were also positively correlated with percentage macrophyte cover.
5. Three site groupings produced by TWINSPAN classification were primarily related to percentage macrophyte cover and marginal habitat structure, with chemistry and land use also of importance.
6. Total microcrustacean abundance was highest in margins, but of all the species, only the harpacticoid Bryocamptus cuspidatus showed a strong microhabitat preference.  相似文献   

During the fall of 1989 7.7Mg/ha of calcium carbonate was applied on two tributary catchments (40 ha and 60 ha) to Woods Lake, a small (25 ha) acidic headwater lake in the western Adirondack region of New York. Stream-water chemistry in both catchment tributaries responded immediately. Acid-neutralizing capacity (ANC) increased by more than 200 eq/L in one of the streams and more than 1000 eq/L in the other, from pre-liming values which ranged from –25 to +40 eq/L. The increase in ANC was primarily due to increases in dissolved Ca2+ concentrations. Most of the initial response of the streams was due to the dissolution of calcite that fell directly into the stream channels and adjacent wetlands. A small beaver impoundment and associated wetlands were probably responsible for the greater response observed in one of the streams.After the liming of subcatchmentIV (60 ha), Ca2+ concentrations increased with increasing stream discharge in the stream during fall rain events, suggesting a contribution from calcite dissolved within the soil and transported to the stream by surface runoff or shallow interflow. Concentrations of other ions not associated with the calcite (e.g. Na+) decreased during fall rain events, presumably due to mixing of solute-rich base flow with more dilute shallow interflow. The strong relation between changes in Ca2+ and changes in NO 3 concentrations during spring snowmelt, (r2 = 0.93, slope = 0.96, on an equivalent basis) suggests that both solutes had a common source in the organic horizon of the soil. Increases in NO 3 concentrations during snowmelt were balanced by increases in Ca2+ that was released either directly from the calcite or from exchange sites, mitigating episodic acidification of the stream. However, high ambient NO 3 concentrations and relatively low ambient Ca2+ concentrations in the stream during the spring caused the stream to become acidic despite the CaCO3 treatment.In stream WO2 (40ha), Ca2+ concentrations were much higher than in stream WO4 because of the dissolution of calcite which fell directly into the upstream beaver pond and its associated wetlands. Calcium concentrations decreased as both NO 3 concentrations and stream discharge increased, due to the dilution of Ca-enriched beaver pond water by shallow interflow. Despite this dilution, Ca2+ concentrations were high enough to more than balance strong acid anion (SO 4 , NO 3 , Cl) concentrations, resulting in a positive ANC in this stream throughout the year. These data indicate that liming of wetlands and beaver ponds is more effective than whole catchment liming in neutralizing acidic surface waters.  相似文献   

Calcite treatment of chronically acidic lakes has improved fish habitat, but the effects on downstream water quality have not previously been examined. In this study, the spatial and temporal effects of watershed CaCO3 treatment on the chemistry of a lake outlet stream in the Adirondack Mountains of New York were examined. Before CaCO3 treatment, the stream was chronically acidic. During spring snowmelt before treatment, pH and acid-neutralizing capacity (ANC) in the outlet stream declined, and NO 3 and inorganic monomeric aluminum (AlIM) concentrations increased sharply. During that summer, SO 4 and NO 3 concentrations decreased downstream, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations and ANC increased, in association with the seasonal increase in decomposition of organic matter and the attendant SO 4 -reduction process. A charge-balance ANC calculation closely matched measured downstream changes in ANC in the summer and indicated that SO 4 reduction was the major process contributing to summer increases in ANC. Increases in Ca2+ concentration and ANC began immediately after CaCO3 application, and within 3 months, exceeded their pretreatment values by more than 130 eq/L. Within 2 months after treatment, downstream decreases in Ca2+ concentration, ANC, and pH, were noted. Stream mass balances between the lake and the sampling site 1.5 km downstream revealed that the transport of all chemical constituents was dominated by conservative mixing with tributaries and ground water; however, non-conservative processes resulted in significant Ca2+ losses during the 13-month period after CaCO3 treatment. Comparison of substrate samples from the buffered outlet stream with those from its untreated tributaries showed that the percentage of cation-exchange sites occupied by Ca2+ as well as non-exchangeable Ca, were higher in the outlet-stream substrate than in tributary-stream substrate. Mass-balance data for Ca2+ H+, AlIM, and DOC revealed net downstream losses of these constituents and indicated that a reasonable set of hypothesized reactions involving AlIM, HCO 3 , Ca2+, SO 4 NO 3 , and DOC could have caused the measured changes in stream acid/base chemistry. In the summer, the sharp decrease in ANC continued despite significant downstream decreases in SO4 2– concentrations. After CaCO3 treatment, reduction of SO 4 was only a minor contributor to ANC changes relative to those caused by Ca2+ dilution from acidic tributaries and acidic ground water, and Ca2+ interactions with stream substrate.  相似文献   

The decomposition of allochthonous leaf litter is retarded by stream acidification, but few studies have evaluated whether this effect can be offset by liming – the palliative addition of calcium carbonate either to streams or their catchments. We assessed the response of litter decomposition to pH and experimental liming in Welsh upland streams. Small-mesh (<335 μm) litter-bags containing common beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) were submerged in main river sites along the River Wye, and in replicate acid, circumneutral and experimentally limed tributaries (all n = 3) for 20 days. Beech decomposition was inhibited in acid tributaries and main river sites compared to circumneutral tributaries. Despite having only moderately increased pH relative to acid streams, limed sites had increased decomposition rates that were indistinguishable from naturally circumneutral streams. Decomposition rates increased highly significantly with pH across all 12 sites studied, and values were near identical to those in more prolonged experiments elsewhere. There were no significant variations in shredder numbers with decomposition rate, and no evidence that sites with faster decomposition had smaller shredder proportions. Although based on short-term observations and leaves from just one tree species, these results are consistent with the well-known retardation at low pH of some aspect microbial decomposition (e.g. by hyphomycete fungi). They are among the first to suggest that stream liming to combat acidification might reverse such impacts of low pH. Further data are required on the microbiological causes and ecological consequences of altered detrital processing in acid-sensitive and limed streams.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Daily temperature data from six streams in upland Wales were used to explore the thermal effects of afforestation on stream ecology. The data were linked to published biological models to simulate fish and invertebrate development.
2. Mean daily temperatures in forest streams were lower than those of moorland streams in spring and summer, and higher in winter. These spatial comparisons were supported by the results of experimental bank-side clearance at a forest site, where there was evidence that stream temperatures fell in winter and rose in spring following treatment.
3. Simulations indicated that brown trout (Salmo trutta) could weigh over 30% more by the end of their second growing season in a moorland compared with a forest stream. Several species of insects showed slower simulated egg development at forest sites. For two ephemeropteran species simulated nymphal growth was also retarded, suggesting significant alterations to the life cycle. Two plecopteran species were affected only slightly by the different temperature regimes.
4. Overall, the simulations suggested that afforestation, by reducing summer temperatures, could lead to marked reductions in rates of development of some invertebrates and fish.  相似文献   

The two cultures: chemistry and biology   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A Kornberg 《Biochemistry》1987,26(22):6888-6891

SUMMARY 1. Floods are an important mechanism of disturbance operating in streams that can markedly influence the abundance and diversity of benthic fauna. In upland streams many studies cite the scouring effects of fine transported sediments as a potential source of disturbance to the biota during spates, but few studies have sought to test this hypothesis critically.
2. Here we used a series of eight artificial streams to test whether high suspended-sediment concentrations influenced the short-term response of benthic invertebrate fauna to increases in flow. In an experiment designed to simulate a small spate, flow and sediment loads were each manipulated to examine their independent and interactive effects. Benthic invertebrates were sampled before and after the manipulation, and drift samples were taken at regular intervals during the experiment. The experiment was repeated twice, once at the end of winter (June, 1998), and once in summer (February, 1999).
3. Flow increases caused large increases in the number and diversity of drifting animals, and significant declines in the numbers and diversity of organisms found in benthic samples, but these declines were apparently not affected by the addition of fine sediment. The addition of sediment alone had little effect on the fauna. These results were consistent across both experiments.
4. The results suggest that flow increases alone can disturb benthic fauna, and that neither substrate movement nor suspended sediment increases are necessary for floods and spates to disturb the benthic assemblage. However, as argued elsewhere, the effects of flow increases are likely to be contingent upon the presence or absence of local flow refugia, which can allow animals to escape the shear forces that would otherwise remove them from the surface or interstitial areas of the streambed.  相似文献   

The immunocompetence handicap hypothesis suggests that the immune system competes for resources with sexually selected ornaments; variation in ornaments might reflect genetic variation for immunocompetence. We tested this genetic prediction by mating scorpionfly females to males differing in the expression of a condition-dependent ornament trait, saliva secretion, and then comparing offspring immunocompetence. We found several indications of an immunocompetence handicap in our study: females had superior immunocompetence compared with males, the different immune traits were positively correlated, and there were indications of genetic variation in immune traits. However, we found no significant difference in the immunocompetence of offspring derived from males differing in ornament expression, only a tendency for sons of ornamented males to possess slightly better immunocompetence. The estimated effect of fathers on offspring immunocompetence was rather small, but it might be a sufficient benefit of female choice, provided that the costs of choice are small. We conclude that the genetic benefit of female choice is small concerning offspring immunocompetence, but the immunocompetence handicap principle might nevertheless work in scorpionflies.  相似文献   

The biology and chemistry of hyperlipidemia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Coronary arterial diseases are responsible for more deaths than all other associated causes combined. Elevated serum cholesterol levels leading to atherosclerosis can cause coronary heart disease (CHD). Reduction in serum cholesterol levels reduces the risk for CHD, substantially. Medicinal chemists all around the world have been designing, synthesizing, and evaluating a variety of new bioactive molecules for lowering lipid levels. This review summarizes the disorders associated with elevation of lipids in blood and the current strategies to control them. The emphasis has been laid in particular on the new potential biological targets and the possible treatments as well as the current ongoing research status in the field of lipid lowering agents.  相似文献   

1. Precipitation inputs and outflow stream outputs are presented for 1993 in an upland lake and catchment system on the Antrim Plateau, Northern Ireland. 2. Phosphorus, potassium, chloride and possibly sulphate behaved conservatively inputs were approximately balanced by outputs. Combined nitrogen outputs were very much less than inputs, whereas there was a net export of calcium, magnesium, sodium and silica from the catchment. 3. Precipitation phosphorus inputs (22 kg P km?2yr?1) are compared with literature data and are shown to be near the median value. 4. The phosphorus budget is discussed in relation to the fact that there are few oligotrophic lakes in Northern Ireland. It is suggested this is due to the rainfall inputs, low phosphorus retention by the catchment and rapid flushing rates in the lakes.  相似文献   

Molecular docking computationally screens thousands to millions of organic molecules against protein structures, looking for those with complementary fits. Many approximations are made, often resulting in low “hit rates.” A strategy to overcome these approximations is to rescore top-ranked docked molecules using a better but slower method. One such is afforded by molecular mechanics-generalized Born surface area (MM-GBSA) techniques. These more physically realistic methods have improved models for solvation and electrostatic interactions and conformational change compared to most docking programs. To investigate MM-GBSA rescoring, we re-ranked docking hit lists in three small buried sites: a hydrophobic cavity that binds apolar ligands, a slightly polar cavity that binds aryl and hydrogen-bonding ligands, and an anionic cavity that binds cationic ligands. These sites are simple; consequently, incorrect predictions can be attributed to particular errors in the method, and many likely ligands may actually be tested. In retrospective calculations, MM-GBSA techniques with binding-site minimization better distinguished the known ligands for each cavity from the known decoys compared to the docking calculation alone. This encouraged us to test rescoring prospectively on molecules that ranked poorly by docking but that ranked well when rescored by MM-GBSA. A total of 33 molecules highly ranked by MM-GBSA for the three cavities were tested experimentally. Of these, 23 were observed to bind—these are docking false negatives rescued by rescoring. The 10 remaining molecules are true negatives by docking and false positives by MM-GBSA. X-ray crystal structures were determined for 21 of these 23 molecules. In many cases, the geometry prediction by MM-GBSA improved the initial docking pose and more closely resembled the crystallographic result; yet in several cases, the rescored geometry failed to capture large conformational changes in the protein. Intriguingly, rescoring not only rescued docking false positives, but also introduced several new false positives into the top-ranking molecules. We consider the origins of the successes and failures in MM-GBSA rescoring in these model cavity sites and the prospects for rescoring in biologically relevant targets.  相似文献   



It has been shown that people can only maintain one problem state, or intermediate mental representation, at a time. When more than one problem state is required, for example in multitasking, performance decreases considerably. This effect has been explained in terms of a problem state bottleneck.


In the current study we use the complimentary methodologies of computational cognitive modeling and neuroimaging to investigate the neural correlates of this problem state bottleneck. In particular, an existing computational cognitive model was used to generate a priori fMRI predictions for a multitasking experiment in which the problem state bottleneck plays a major role. Hemodynamic responses were predicted for five brain regions, corresponding to five cognitive resources in the model. Most importantly, we predicted the intraparietal sulcus to show a strong effect of the problem state manipulations.


Some of the predictions were confirmed by a subsequent fMRI experiment, while others were not matched by the data. The experiment supported the hypothesis that the problem state bottleneck is a plausible cause of the interference in the experiment and that it could be located in the intraparietal sulcus.  相似文献   

The chemistry and biology of cholera toxin   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  

The chemistry and biology of nitroxide compounds   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Cyclic nitroxides are a diverse group range of stable free radicals that have unique antioxidant properties. Because of their ability to interact with free radicals, they have been used for many years as biophysical tools. During the past 15-20 years, however, many interesting biochemical interactions have been discovered and harnessed for therapeutic applications. Biologically relevant effects of nitroxides have been described, including their ability to degrade superoxide and peroxide, inhibit Fenton reactions, and undergo radical-radical recombination. Cellular studies defined the activity of nitroxides in vitro. By modifying oxidative stress and altering the redox status of tissues, nitroxides have been found to interact with and alter many metabolic processes. These interactions can be exploited for therapeutic and research use, including protection against ionizing radiation, as probes in functional magnetic resonance imaging, cancer prevention and treatment, control of hypertension and weight, and protection from damage resulting from ischemia/reperfusion injury. Although much remains to be done, many applications have been well studied and some are currently being tested in clinical trials. The therapeutic and research uses of nitroxide compounds are reviewed here with a focus on the progress from initial development to modern trials.  相似文献   

In recent years their has been an increased use of antifungal agents and has resulted in the development of resistance to drugs. Currently, use of standard antifungal therapies can be limited because of toxicity, low efficacy rates. Different types of mechanisms contribute to the development of resistance to antifungals. This has given raise to search for a new heterocycle with distinct action or multitargeted combination therapy. This review addresses the areas such as the underlying mechanisms, eight different targets such as ergosterol synthesis, chitin synthesis, ergosterol disruptors, glucan synthesis, squalene epoxidase, nucleic acid synthesis, protein synthesis, microtubules synthesis. The clinically employed drugs along with the current research work going on worldwide on different heterocycles are discussed. In recent advances various heterocycles including imidazole, benzimidazole etc., twenty three scaffolds and their lead identification are discussed.  相似文献   

The distribution of various age classes of salmon and trout was assessed in upland streams by electrofishing. Water depths and site gradients were measured and correlated to fish densities. The fry of both species were significantly more abundant in shallow water; up to 75·3% of salmon fry and 72·2% of trout fry were captured in sites of mean depth < 20 cm. Older trout were found mainly in the deeper areas, with a maximum of 7·4% captured in sites < 20 cm mean depth. Yearling fish were found in all the depth-ranges sampled, but with a tendency for higher numbers in mid-range depths. There were similar correlations in the abundance of each age class with the actual areas of shallow, mid-range and deep water habitat available within sites. Correlations of fish density with gradient indicated that trout were limited in their distribution to areas of lower flow, whereas salmon were not. Since depth and gradient were significantly negatively correlated, there was an apparent preference of trout for slightly deeper habitats than the equivalent year classes of salmon. The observed habitat segregation is discussed in terms of competition and selection.  相似文献   

The ecology of Phagocata vitta (Dugès) in a small mountain stream in North Wales was studied at monthly intervals over two years. The triclad occurred along the length of the stream but was abundant at only three of the 11 sampling sites. The ultimate factor influencing the abundance and distribution patterns was gradient and the proximate factor was the nature of the substratum; greatest numbers were found where the gradient was shallow and higher proportions of finer substrata and flora were present. The roles of other measured abiotic and biotic factors were not major. During the course of a year, low continual recruitment through sexual reproduction, and to a lesser extent through fissioning, took place, distinct cohorts could not be identified, the mean lengths of triclads stayed remarkably constant, and numbers fluctuated apparently erratically with no discernible seasonal pattern. Increases and decreases could not be attributed to changes in birth rates and death rates, respectively, and may have been due to irregular shifts in horizontal and vertical distribution. Factors controlling and regulating population size remain obscure.  相似文献   

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