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We determined the effects of augmented expiratory intrathoracic pressure (P(ITP)) production on cardiac output (Q(TOT)) and blood flow distribution in healthy dogs and dogs with chronic heart failure (CHF). From a control expiratory P(ITP) excursion of 7 +/- 2 cmH2O, the application of 5, 10, or 15 cmH2O expiratory threshold loads increased the expiratory P(ITP) excursion by 47 +/- 23, 67 +/- 32, and 118 +/- 18% (P < 0.05 for all). Stroke volume (SV) rapidly decreased (onset <10 s) with increases in the expiratory P(ITP) excursion (-2.1 +/- 0.5%, -2.4 +/- 0.9%, and -3.6 +/- 0.7%, P < 0.05), with slightly smaller reductions in Q(TOT) (0.8 +/- 0.6, 1.0 +/- 1.1, and 1.8 +/- 0.8%, P < 0.05) owing to small increases in heart rate. Both Q(TOT) and SV were restored to control levels when the inspiratory P(ITP) excursion was augmented by the addition of an inspiratory resistive load during 15 cmH2O expiratory threshold loading. The highest level of expiratory loading significantly reduced hindlimb blood flow by -5 +/- 2% owing to significant reductions in vascular conductance (-7 +/- 2%). After the induction of CHF by 6 wk of rapid cardiac pacing at 210 beats/min, the expiratory P(ITP) excursions during nonloaded breathing were not significantly changed (8 +/- 2 cmH2O), and the application of 5, 10, and 15 cmH2O expiratory threshold loads increased the expiratory P(ITP) excursion by 15 +/- 7, 23 +/- 7, and 31 +/- 7%, respectively (P < 0.05 for all). Both 10 and 15 cmH2O expiratory threshold loads significantly reduced SV (-3.5 +/- 0.7 and -4.2 +/- 0.7%, respectively) and Q(TOT) (-1.7 +/- 0.4 and -2.5 +/- 0.4%, P < 0.05) after the induction of CHF, with the reductions in SV predominantly occurring during inspiration. However, the augmentation of the inspiratory P(ITP) excursion now elicited further decreases in SV and Q(TOT). Only the highest level of expiratory loading significantly reduced hindlimb blood flow (-4 +/- 2%) as a result of significant reductions in vascular conductance (-5 +/- 2%). We conclude that increases in expiratory P(ITP) production-similar to those observed during severe expiratory flow limitation-reduce cardiac output and hindlimb blood flow during submaximal exercise in health and CHF.  相似文献   

Isnard, Richard, Philippe Lechat, Hanna Kalotka, HafidaChikr, Serge Fitoussi, Joseph Salloum, Jean-Louis Golmard, Daniel Thomas, and Michel Komajda. Muscular blood flow response to submaximal leg exercise in normal subjects and in patients with heartfailure. J. Appl. Physiol. 81(6):2571-2579, 1996.Blood flow to working skeletal muscle is usuallyreduced during exercise in patients with congestive heart failure. Anintrinsic impairment of skeletal muscle vasodilatory capacity has beensuspected as a mechanism of this muscle underperfusion during maximalexercise, but its role during submaximal exercise remains unclear.Therefore, we studied by transcutaneous Doppler ultrasonography thearterial blood flow in the common femoral artery at rest and during asubmaximal bicycle exercise in 12 normal subjects and in 30 patientswith heart failure. Leg blood flow was lower in patientsthan in control subjects at rest [0.29 ± 0.14 (SD) vs. 0.45 ± 0.14 l/min, P < 0.01], at absolute powers and at the same relative power (2.17 ± 1.06 vs. 4.39 ± 1.4 l/min, P < 0.001). Because mean arterial pressure was maintained, leg vascularresistance was higher in patients than in control subjects at rest (407 ± 187 vs. 247 ± 71 mmHg · l1 · min,P < 0.01) and at thesame relative power (73 ± 49 vs. 31 ± 13 mmHg · l1 · min,P < 0.01) but not at absolutepowers. Although the magnitude of increase in leg blood flow correctedfor power was similar in both groups (31 ± 10 vs. 34 ± 10 ml · min1 · W1),the magnitude of decrease of leg vascular resistance corrected forpower was higher in patients than in control subjects (5.9 ± 3.3 vs. 1.9 ± 0.94 mmHg · l1 · min · W1,P < 0.001). These results suggestthat the ability of skeletal muscle vascular resistance to decrease isnot impaired and that intrinsic vascular abnormalities do not limitvasodilator response to submaximal exercise in patients with heartfailure.


Peak oxygen uptake (VO(2 peak)) in patients with heart failure (HF) is inversely related to muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) at rest. We hypothesized that the MSNA response to handgrip exercise is augmented in HF patients and is greatest in those with low VO(2 peak). We studied 14 HF patients and 10 age-matched normal subjects during isometric [30% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC)] and isotonic (10%, 30%, and 50% MVC) handgrip exercise that was followed by 2 min of posthandgrip ischemia (PHGI). MSNA was significantly increased during exercise in HF but not normal subjects. Both MSNA and HF levels remained significantly elevated during PHGI after 30% isometric and 50% isotonic handgrip in HF but not normal subjects. HF patients with lower VO(2 peak) (<56% predicted; n = 8) had significantly higher MSNA during rest and exercise than patients with VO(2 peak) > 56% predicted (n = 6) and normal subjects. The muscle metaboreflex contributes to the greater reflex increase in MSNA during ischemic or intense nonischemic exercise in HF. This occurs at a lower threshold than normal and is a function of VO(2 peak).  相似文献   

Endurance training-induced changes in hemodynamic traits are heritable. However, few genes associated with heart rate training responses have been identified. The purpose of our study was to perform a genome-wide association study to uncover DNA sequence variants associated with submaximal exercise heart rate training responses in the HERITAGE Family Study. Heart rate was measured during steady-state exercise at 50 W (HR50) on 2 separate days before and after a 20-wk endurance training program in 483 white subjects from 99 families. Illumina HumanCNV370-Quad v3.0 BeadChips were genotyped using the Illumina BeadStation 500GX platform. After quality control procedures, 320,000 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were available for the genome-wide association study analyses, which were performed using the MERLIN software package (single-SNP analyses and conditional heritability tests) and standard regression models (multivariate analyses). The strongest associations for HR50 training response adjusted for age, sex, body mass index, and baseline HR50 were detected with SNPs at the YWHAQ locus on chromosome 2p25 (P = 8.1 × 10(-7)), the RBPMS locus on chromosome 8p12 (P = 3.8 × 10(-6)), and the CREB1 locus on chromosome 2q34 (P = 1.6 × 10(-5)). In addition, 37 other SNPs showed P values <9.9 × 10(-5). After removal of redundant SNPs, the 10 most significant SNPs explained 35.9% of the ΔHR50 variance in a multivariate regression model. Conditional heritability tests showed that nine of these SNPs (all intragenic) accounted for 100% of the ΔHR50 heritability. Our results indicate that SNPs in nine genes related to cardiomyocyte and neuronal functions, as well as cardiac memory formation, fully account for the heritability of the submaximal heart rate training response.  相似文献   

Neurohumoral, cardiovascular, and respiratory parameters were evaluated during sustained submaximal exercise (3.2 km/h, 15 degrees elevation) in normal adult mongrel dogs. At the level of activity achieved (fivefold elevation of total body O2 consumption and threefold elevation of cardiac output), significant (P less than 0.05) increases in plasma norepinephrine and epinephrine concentration (from 150 +/- 23 to 341 +/- 35 and from 127 +/- 27 to 222 +/- 31 pg/ml, respectively) were present, as well as smaller but significant increases in plasma renin activity and plasma aldosterone concentration (from 2.2 +/- 0.3 to 3.1 +/- 0.6 ng X ml-1 X h-1 and from 98 +/- 8 to 130 +/- 6 pg/ml, respectively). Plasma arginine vasopressin increased variably and insignificantly. The cardiovascular response (heart rate, systemic arterial and pulmonary arterial pressures, left ventricular filling pressure, and calculated total peripheral and pulmonary arteriolar resistance) closely paralleled that of human subjects. Increased hemoglobin concentration was induced by exercise in the dogs. The ventilatory response of the animals was characterized by respiratory alkalosis. These data suggest similarities between canine and human subjects in norepinephrine, plasma renin activity, and plasma aldosterone responses to submaximal exercise. Apparent species differences during submaximal exertion include greater alterations of plasma epinephrine concentration and a respiratory alkalosis in dogs.  相似文献   

Exercise training elicits morphological adaptations in the left ventricle (LV) and large-conduit arteries that are specific to the type of training performed (i.e., endurance vs. resistance exercise). We investigated whether the mode of chronic exercise training, and the associated cardiovascular adaptations, influence the blood pressure responses to orthostatic stimulation in 30 young healthy men (10 sedentary, 10 endurance trained, and 10 resistance trained). The endurance-trained group had a significantly larger LV end-diastolic volume normalized by body surface area (vs. sedentary and resistance-trained groups), whereas the resistance-trained group had a significantly higher LV wall thickness and aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV) compared with the endurance-trained group. In response to 60° head-up tilt (HUT), mean arterial pressure (MAP) rose in the resistance-trained group (+6.5 ± 1.6 mmHg, P < 0.05) but did not change significantly in sedentary and the endurance-trained groups. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) decreased in endurance-trained group (-8.3 ± 2.4 mmHg, P < 0.05) but did not significantly change in sedentary and resistance-trained groups. A forward stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that LV wall thickness and aortic PWV were significantly and independently associated with the MAP response to HUT, explaining ~41% of its variability (R(2) =0.414, P < 0.001). Likewise, aortic PWV and the corresponding HUT-mediated change in stroke volume were significantly and independently associated with the SBP response to HUT, explaining ~52% of its variability (R(2) = 0.519, P < 0.0001). Furthermore, the change in stroke volume significantly correlated with LV wall thickness (r = 0.39, P < 0.01). These results indicate that chronic resistance and endurance exercise training differentially affect the BP response to HUT, and that this appears to be associated with training-induced morphological adaptations of the LV and large-conduit arteries.  相似文献   

Exercise intolerance in persons with paraplegia (PARAS) is thought to be secondary to insufficient venous return and a subnormal cardiac output at a given oxygen uptake. However, these issues have not been resolved fully. This study utilized lower-body positive pressure (LBPP) as an intervention during arm crank exercise in PARAS in order to examine this issue. Endurance-trained (TP, n= 7) and untrained PARAS (UP, n= 10) with complete lesions between T6 and T12, and a control group consisting of sedentary able-bodied subjects (SAB, n= 10) were tested. UP and TP subjects demonstrated a diminished cardiac output (via CO2 rebreathing) during exercise compared to SAB subjects. Peak oxygen uptake (O2peak) remained unchanged for all groups following LBPP. LBPP resulted in a significant decrease in heart rate (HR) in UP and TP (P≤0.05), but not SAB subjects. LBPP produced an insignificant increase in cardiac output () and stroke volume (SV). The significant decrease in HR in both PARA groups may indicate a modest hemodynamic benefit of LBPP at higher work rates where circulatory sufficiency may be most compromised. We conclude that PARAS possess a diminished cardiac output during exercise compared to the able-bodied, and LBPP fails to ameliorate significantly their exercise response irrespective of the conditioning level. These results support previous observations of a lower cardiac output during exercise in PARAS, but indicate that lower-limb blood pooling may not be a primary limitation to arm exercise in paraplegia. Accepted: 11 December 1997  相似文献   

Eighteen male volunteers (aged 20-23 years), not involved in any sporting activities, were submitted to 13 weeks of training consisting of 30 min exercise [at 50%-75% maximal oxygen intake (VO2max)] on a cycle ergometer, performed 3 times a week. Every 4 weeks cardiac function was evaluated by measuring the systolic time intervals at rest and during submaximal cycle exercise. Stroke volume (SV), heart rate (HR) and blood pressure (BP) responses to submaximal exercise, VO2max and anaerobic threshold (AT) were also determined. Significant increases in VO2max, increases in AT and SV at the submaximal exercise intensities, as well as decreases in HR and BP were found after 4 weeks of training. Resting systolic time intervals were not affected by training, but during the submaximal cycle exercise the values of the pre-ejection period (PEP) and isovolumic contraction time (ICT) corresponding to HR of 100 beats.min-1 were significantly lowered after 13 weeks of training, whereas PEP, ICT and total electromechanical systole corresponding to HR of 130 beats.min-1 were significantly shortened by the 4th week. The ratios of PEP:LVET (left ventricular ejection time) and ICT:LVET during submaximal exercise were significantly lowered by training starting from the 8th week. These changes might be interpreted as evidence of the training-induced enhancement of the "contractility reserve", i.e. the ability to increase heart muscle contractility with increasing exercise intensity.  相似文献   

The metabolic response to steady exercise was studied in six chronic alcoholics and six normal control subjects. Higher concentrations of lactated and pyruvate were observed in the alcoholics during exercise and they also developed post-exercise ketosis. These changes were probably not due to reduced fitness of the alcoholics as the heart rates of both groups were similar. Alcoholics had lower levels of growth hormone during exercise compared with the controls suggesting that chronic alcohol consumption has a depressor effect on pathways regulating the release of growth hormone.  相似文献   

Plasma catecholamine concentrations and dopamine-beta-hydroxylase activities were studied in 29 participants of a six-day cross-country ski-hike (260 km) to elucidate the adaptive responses of the sympatho-adrenal system to prolonged heavy exercise. Immediately after skiing on the first skiing day plasma noradrenaline concentrations appeared to be over twice as high as in the morning. On the morning of the fourth day noradrenaline levels had increased significantly when compared to those of the first morning. Concentrations after skiing on the fourth day were, however, about the same as in the first evening. After a submaximal ergometer test performed immediately after the skiing concentrations were still raised and the relative enhancement by this short-term exercise was about the same magnitude (40--60 %) on every test day. On the sixth day noradrenaline concentrations were about the same level as on the fourth day. Eleven days after the hike the basal noradrenaline levels were still about 25 % higher than before it. The changes of plasma adrenaline concentrations were in the same direction although not as striking as those of noradrenaline. Dopamine alterations were negligible. A significant but reversible decrease in plasma dopamine-beta-hydroxylase activities and cholesterol concentrations was found during the hike. The present results show that the sympatho-adrenal system is activated during the first few days of a ski-hike type prolonged exercise. A plateau developed in about four days. There were no signs of a decreased sympatho-adrenal response to a short-term heavy load.  相似文献   

Both a large heart rate (HR) increase at exercise onset and a slow heart rate (HR) recovery following the termination of exercise have been linked to an increased risk for ventricular fibrillation (VF) in patients with coronary artery disease. Endurance exercise training can alter cardiac autonomic regulation. Therefore, it is possible that this intervention could restore a more normal HR regulation in high-risk individuals. To test this hypothesis, HR and HR variability (HRV, 0.24- to 1.04-Hz frequency component; an index of cardiac vagal activity) responses to submaximal exercise were measured 30, 60, and 120 s after exercise onset and 30, 60, and 120 s following the termination of exercise in dogs with healed myocardial infarctions known to be susceptible (n = 19) to VF (induced by a 2-min coronary occlusion during the last minute of a submaximal exercise test). These studies were then repeated after either a 10-wk exercise program (treadmill running, n = 10) or an equivalent sedentary period (n = 9). After 10 wk, the response to exercise was not altered in the sedentary animals. In contrast, endurance exercise increased indexes of cardiac vagal activity such that HR at exercise onset was reduced (30 s after exercise onset: HR pretraining 179 +/- 8.4 vs. posttraining 151.4 +/- 6.6 beats/min; HRV pretraining 4.0 +/- 0.4 vs. posttraining 5.8 +/- 0.4 ln ms(2)), whereas HR recovery 30 s after the termination of exercise increased (HR pretraining 186 +/- 7.8 vs. posttraining 159.4 +/- 7.7 beats/min; HRV pretraining 2.4 +/- 0.3 vs. posttraining 4.0 +/- 0.6 ln ms(2)). Thus endurance exercise training restored a more normal HR regulation in dogs susceptible to VF.  相似文献   

Adenosine (Ado) increases muscle sympathetic nerve activity (MSNA) reflexively. Plasma Ado and MSNA are elevated in heart failure (HF). We tested the hypothesis that Ado receptor blockade by caffeine would attenuate reflex MSNA responses to handgrip (HG) and posthandgrip ischemia (PHGI) and that this action would be more prominent in HF subjects than in normal subjects. We studied 12 HF subjects and 10 age-matched normal subjects after either saline or caffeine (4 mg/kg) infusion during isometric [30% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC)] and isotonic (10%, 30%, and 50%) HG exercise, followed by 2 min of PHGI. In normal subjects, caffeine did not block increases in MSNA during PHGI after 50% HG. In HF subjects, caffeine abolished MSNA responses to PHGI after both isometric and 50% isotonic exercise (P < 0.05) but MSNA responses during HG were unaffected. These findings are consistent with muscle metaboreflex stimulation by endogenous Ado during ischemic or intense nonischemic HG in HF and suggest an important sympathoexcitatory role for endogenous Ado during exercise in this condition.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of local dehydration on heart rate and blood pressure during static exercise, six healthy male subjects performed exercise of the calf muscles with different extracellular volumes of the working muscles. Exercise consisted of 5 min of static calf muscle contractions at about 10% of maximal voluntary contraction. The body position during exercise was identical in all tests, i.e. supine with the knee joint 90 degrees flexed. During a 25-min pre-exercise period three different protocols were employed to manipulate the calf volume. In test A the subjects rested in the exercise position; in test B the body position was the same as in A but calf volumes were increased by venous congestion [cuffs inflated to 10.67 kPa (80 mmHg)]; in test C the calf volumes were decreased by lifting the calves about 40 cm above heart level with the subjects supine. To clamp the changed calf volumes in tests B and C, cuffs were inflated to 300 mmHg 5 min before the onset of exercise. This occlusion was maintained for 1 min after the termination of exercise. Compared to tests A and B, the reduced volume of test C led to significant increases in heart rate and blood pressure during exercise. Oxygen uptake did not exceed resting levels in tests B and C until the cuffs were deflated, indicating that only calf muscles contributed to the neurogenic peripheral drive. It is concluded that extracellular muscle volume plays a significant role in adjusting heart rate and blood pressure during static exercise.  相似文献   

Seventeen women (mean age 31 yr) participated in a training program divided into an initial 9-wk period and a subsequent 52-wk period, during which time 6 continued to exercise and the remainder detrained. Improvements in VO2max were significant (+34%) during the initial 9 wk and small (+5%) for the final 52 wk. Four women who stopped training showed a decrease in VO2max (-10%) during the last phase. During the initial 9 wk, central adaptation was important, with SV showing an increase of 28% at 80% VO2max. Peripheral adaptation (a-v O2 difference) was unchanged. Subjects who trained an additional 52 wk showed a slight drop in SV at submaximal work loads from the initial increase following the first 9 wk. When compared with the initial test the change at 9 wk in peripheral adaptation was a small and nonsignificant rise, followed by a significant increase at 61 wk. Women who are very unfit initially (predicted VO2max of 28 ml/kg-min), apparently adapt to the initial training with a central change followed by a much stronger peripheral adaptation during a longer training program.  相似文献   

The volume of interstitial fluid in the limbs varies considerably, due to hydrostatic effects. As signals from working muscle, responsible for much of the cardiovascular drive, are assumed to be transmitted in this compartment, blood pressure and heart rate could be affected by local or systemic variations in interstitial hydration. Using a special calf ergometer, eight male subjects performed rhythmic aerobic plantar flexions in a supine position with dependent calves for periods of 7 min. During exercise heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen uptake (VO2) and blood lactate concentrations were measured in two different tests, one before and after interstitial calf dehydration through limb elevation for 25 min, compared to the other, a control with unaltered fluid volume in a maintained working position. Impedance plethysmography showed calf volume to be stabilized in the control position. Leg elevation by passive hip flexion to 90 degrees resulted in a fast (vascular) volume decrease lasting less than 2 min, followed by a slow linear fluid loss from the interstitial compartment. Then, when returned to the control position, adjustment of vascular volume was completed within 2 min and exercise could be performed with dehydration remaining in the interstitium only. Cardiovascular response was identical at the start of both tests. However, exercising with dehydrated calves elicited a significantly larger increase in heart rate compared to the control, whereas VO2 was identical. The blood pressure response was shown to be only slightly enhanced. Structural interstitial features varying with hydration, most likely chemical or mechanical ones, may have been responsible for this amplification of signals.  相似文献   

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