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目的:为了减少根结线虫对番茄的危害,研究并获得转抗线虫基因HSl^prol。番茄植株。方法:在鉴定表达载体之后,采用CaCl2法制作农杆菌EHAl05感受态细胞,然后用冻融法将HSl^prol基因转入农杆菌中。通过农杆菌介导法将HSl^prol基因导入无菌番茄外植体中,获得抗根结线虫转化再生植株。用卡那霉素筛选到再生植株后,提取抗性芽的基因组,利用设计好的引物进行PCR鉴定。结果与结论:目的基因已整合到番茄基因组中,获得了转HSl^prol基因番茄植株。  相似文献   

西瓜基因转化及其转基因植株再生的研究(简报)   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  

目的为了减少根结线虫对番茄的危害,研究并获得转抗线虫基因HS1prol番茄植株.方法在鉴定表达载体之后,采用CaCl2法制作农杆菌EHA105感受态细胞,然后用冻融法将HS1prol基因转入农杆菌中.通过农杆菌介导法将HS1prol基因导入无菌番茄外植体中,获得抗根结线虫转化再生植株.用卡那霉素筛选到再生植株后,提取抗性芽的基因组,利用设计好的引物进行PCR鉴定.结果与结论目的基因已整合到番茄基因组中,获得了转HS1prol基因番茄植株.  相似文献   

秘鲁番茄和多毛番茄的组织培养及植株再生   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1植物名称秘鲁番茄(Lycopersiconperuviaman)、多毛番茄(L.hirsutum)。2材料类别真叶。3培养条件种子播种于珍珠岩和菜园土(1:1)的混合培养上中。子叶展开后每隔1周浇of%尿素。取第3片完全展开的真叶作外植体。基本培养基为MS,添加3%蔗糖、07%琼脂,PH58。(1)愈伤组织诱导培养基:MS+6-BA2mg·L’(单位下同)+IAAO4(秘鲁番茄);MS十个BA2+NAA几2(多毛番茄)。(2)芽分化培养基:秘鲁番茄和多毛番茄均为MS+6BAZ。(3)生根培养基:MS-NAA0.l。培养温度25士Ic,照光16h·d-‘,光照度2000IX。4生长…  相似文献   

香石竹植株再生及基因工程研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文对香石竹的再生体系、遗传转化体系及其分子育种现状作了较为系统的总结。香石竹的再生体系多以器官直接再生不定芽为主,而通过愈伤组织和体细胞胚途径再生报道较少。用农杆菌介导法和基因枪法均可建立香石竹遗传转化体系,但近年来的研究显示农杆菌介导法应用普遍且比较稳定。近年来以延长香石竹瓶插寿命为目标的分子育种研究已取得较大进展,对其色、香和形等其他重要性状的分子育种也已经起步,而有关香石竹抗性的分子育种有待进一步开拓。  相似文献   

本文对香石竹的再生体系、遗传转化体系及其分子育种现状作了较为系统的总结。香石竹的再生体系多以器官直接再生不定芽为主, 而通过愈伤组织和体细胞胚途径再生报道较少。用农杆菌介导法和基因枪法均可建立香石竹遗传转化体系, 但近年来的研究显示农杆菌介导法应用普遍且比较稳定。近年来以延长香石竹瓶插寿命为目标的分子育种研究已取得较大进展, 对其色、香和形等其他重要性状的分子育种也已经起步, 而有关香石竹抗性的分子育种有待进一步开拓。  相似文献   

金鱼草基因转化和转基因植株再生   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本实验采用根癌农杆菌LBA4404(p35SGUSINT与金鱼草下胚轴切段共培养,将GUS基因导入金鱼草细胞,通过不定芽发生途径获得抗G418再生植株.经DNA/DNA斑点杂交及GUS活性原位组织检测初步证实外源基因GUS已整合进金鱼草基因组并得到表达.  相似文献   

番茄子叶原生质体再生植株   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从番茄2—3周苗龄的子叶游离原生质体,在 MS 液体培养基中(附加2,4-D 1,6-BA 0.1mg/l)培养;在培养过程中经常不断添加新鲜培养液。6周后将细胞团移到半固体 MS 培养基上(附加成份同上,琼脂0.3%)。然后将肉眼可见的愈伤组织再移入 MS 固体培养基上,愈伤组织长到直径为5 mm 大小时,转到 MS 分化培养基上(附加6-BA 2 mg/1,[AA 0.2 mg/l)诱导分化,得到了再生植株。比较了固体培养、悬浮培养和双层培养三种方法,观察原生质体生长情况,以双层培养为好。  相似文献   

目的:为了减少根结线虫对番茄的危害,研究并获得转抗线虫基因HS1pro1番茄植株。方法:在鉴定表达载体之后,采用CaCl2法制作农杆菌EHA105感受态细胞,然后用冻融法将HS1pro1基因转入农杆菌中。通过农杆菌介导法将HS1pro1基因导入无菌番茄外植体中,获得抗根结线虫转化再生植株。用卡那霉素筛选到再生植株后,提取抗性芽的基因组,利用设计好的引物进行PCR鉴定。结果与结论:目的基因已整合到番茄基因组中,获得了转HS1pro1基因番茄植株。  相似文献   

苜蓿高含硫氨基酸蛋白转基因植株再生   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
通过农杆菌介导法将高含硫氨基酸蛋白基因转入苜蓿,成功地诱导转基因植株再生,转化植株生长和发育良好,苜蓿子叶外植体是较理想的转化受体。冷凉湿润的环境条件是苜蓿移栽成活率高所必需的。  相似文献   

Ficolin-2 is a lectin complement pathway activator present in normal human plasma and usually associated with infectious diseases, but little is known about the role of ficolin-2 in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Here, we describe our novel findings that serum ficolin-2 concentrations of 103 HIV-1 patients were much higher compared to those of 57 healthy donors. In vitro analysis showed that HIV-1 infection could enhance ficolin-2 expression. We further demonstrated that recombinant ficolin-2 protein could bind with HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120, and subsequently induce complement dependent cytotoxicity. Moreover, ficolin-2 could block the entry of HIV-1 into target cells (TZM-b1 and MT-2 cells) and infection in a ficolin-2 dosedependent manner. To our knowledge, this is the first report about the protective role of ficolin-2 against HIV-1 infection and our study suggests that ficolin-2 is an important human innate immune molecule against HIV.

中国HIV-1流行毒株的DNA疫苗的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
为研制针对我国HIV-1流行毒株的艾滋病毒疫苗,构建了具有代表性的gag和gp120核酸疫苗,进行了初步的小鼠免疫实验。结果初步显示:(1)免疫Balb/C小鼠可以产生HIV-1特异性的体液和细胞免疫;(2)gag和gp120基因联合免疫可以同时诱发针对gag和gp120的细胞和体液免疫反应,而且效果比各自单独免疫要好;(3)B亚型gp120基因免疫可以诱发识别C亚型gp120抗原的CTL反应。本  相似文献   

Hsu ST  Bonvin AM 《Proteins》2004,55(3):582-593
The entry of HIV-1 into a target cell requires gp120 and receptor CD4 as well as coreceptor CCR5/CXCR4 recognition events associated with conformational changes of the involved proteins. The binding of CD4 to gp120 is the initiation step of the whole process involving structural rearrangements that are crucial for subsequent pathways. Despite the wealth of knowledge about the gp120/CD4 interactions, details of the conformational changes occurring at this stage remain elusive. We have performed molecular dynamics simulations in explicit solvent based on the gp120/CD4/CD4i crystal structure in conjunction with modeled V3 and V4 loops to gain insight into the dynamics of the binding process. Three differentiated interaction modes between CD4 and gp120 were found, which involve electrostatics, hydrogen bond and van der Waals networks. A "binding funnel" model is proposed based on the dynamical nature of the binding interface together with a CD4-attraction gradient centered in gp120 at the CD4-Phe43-binding cavity. Distinct dynamical behaviors of free and CD4-bound gp120 were monitored, which likely represent the ground and pre-fusogenic states, respectively. The transition between these states revealed concerted motions in gp120 leading to: i) loop contractions around the CD4-Phe43-insertion cavity; ii) stabilization of the four-stranded "bridging sheet" structure; and iii) translocation and clustering of the V3 loop and the bridging sheet leading to the formation of the coreceptor binding site. Our results provide new insight into the dynamic of the underlying molecular recognition mechanism that complements the biochemical and structural studies.  相似文献   

The first, critical stage of HIV-1 infection is fusion of viral and host cellular membranes initiated by a viral envelope glycoprotein gp120. We evaluated the potential to form a chimeric protein entry inhibitor that combines the action of two gp120-targeting molecules, an allosteric peptide inhibitor 12p1 and a higher affinity carbohydrate-binding protein cyanovirin (CVN). In initial mixing experiments, we demonstrated that the inhibitors do not interfere with each other and instead show functional synergy in inhibiting viral cell infection. Based on this, we created a chimera, termed L5, with 12p1 fused to the C-terminal domain of CVN through a linker of five penta-peptide repeats. L5 revealed the same broad specificity as CVN for gp120 from a variety of clades and tropisms. By comparison to CVN, the L5 chimera exhibited substantially increased inhibition of gp120 binding to receptor CD4, coreceptor surrogate mAb 17b and gp120 antibody F105. These binding inhibition effects by the chimera reflected both the high affinity of the CVN domain and the allosteric action of the 12p1 domain. The results open up the possibility to form high potency chimeras, as well as noncovalent mixtures, as leads for HIV-1 envelope antagonism that can overcome potency limits and potential virus mutational resistance for either 12p1 or CVN alone.  相似文献   

The secondary structure of HIV-1 gp120 was predicted using multiple alignment and a combination of two independent methods based on neural network and nearest-neighbor algorithms. The methods agreed on the secondary structure for 80% of the residues in BH10 gp120. Six helices were predicted in HIV strain BH10 gp120, as well as in 27 other HIV-1 strains examined. Two helical segments were predicted in regions displaying profound sequence variation, one in a region suggested to be critical for CD4 binding. The predicted content of helix, β-strand, and coil was consistent with estimates from Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The predicted secondary structure of gp120 compared well with data from NMR analysis of synthetic peptides from the V3 loop and the C4 region. As a first step towards modeling the tertiary structure of gp120, the predicted secondary structure may guide the design of future HIV sub-unit vaccine candidates. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of mouse V/human C (1,) chimeric monoclonal antibody CGP47 439 specific for the principal neutralizing determinant of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) was studied in patients with stage IV HIV-1 disease in an open-labeled phase I/IIA trial. Twelve male patients were enrolled and nine completed the study. Patients were divided into three groups according to the extent of CGP 47 439 to bind to gp120 from their viral isolates: undetectable for group 1, modestly reactive for group 2, and strongly reactive for group 3. A first dose of 1, 10, or 25 mg was administered by intravenous infusion to group 1, group 2 and group 3 patients, respectively. The patients then received seven doses of 50, 100, or 200 mg, respectively, every three weeks. CGP 47 439 serum concentrations were determined by an ELISA using monoclonal antibody AB19-4 specific for the idiotope of CGP 47 439. Half an hour after infusion only 25.5–36.1% of the administered antibody was found in the serum, reflecting its rapid distribution in the extravascular space and possibly binding to gp120 antigen in some of the patients. The terminal elimination half-life (T1/2) was 16.2 days in group 1 patients, 9.7 days in group 2 and in group 3 patients 7.5 days and 9.1 days. An antibody response to CGP 47 439 was not a factor in determining elimination rates, because only very low and transient responses were found in three patients. These results suggest that the reactivity of CGP 47 439 with HIV-1 gp120 contributed to its elimination in HIV-1 infected patients.Abbreviations AIDS aquired immune deficiency syndrome - ARC AIDS-related complex - HIV-1 human immune deficiency virus type 1 - gp120 envelope glycoprotein with 120 KD molecular weight - V3 variable domain of gp120 - PND principle neutralizing determinant of gp120 - IgG immunoglobulin G - CD4+ lymphocytes: lymphocytes expressing the CD4 marker VH and VL variable heavy and variable light chain region of an antibody - C1 and CK constant heavy chain region of gamma l and constant K light chain region of an antibody - anti-id anti-idiotypic - AUC area under curve - T1/2 terminal elimination half-life - ELISA enzyme-linked imuno sorbent assay - PBS phosphate buffered saline - NP-40 detergent - CDC center of disease control - GMP good manufacturing practice  相似文献   

HIV-1 gp120对鼠海马长时程增强效应的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探讨人类免疫缺陷病毒Ⅰ型(HIV-1)的包膜糖蛋白gp120对鼠海马脑片CA1区的突触传递及可塑性的影响,应用离体脑片记录技术,记录大鼠海马CA1区的兴奋性突触后电位(excitatory postsynaptic potential,EPSP),研究了gp120对高频电刺激Schaffer侧支引起的鼠长时程增强效应(long-term potentiation,LTP)的影响.结果发现:gp120对大鼠海马CA1区LTP产生抑制作用,对其基础EPSP没有影响,而且这种抑制效应随着gp120浓度增大而增强,即具有剂量依赖性.PKA/PKC蛋白激酶抑制剂H7可以反转这种抑制效应.提示:gp120可能是通过抑制海马CA1区的LTP而参与艾滋病相关性痴呆(HIV-1 associated dementia,HAD)的形成.  相似文献   

《FEBS letters》2014,588(9):1515-1522
Amyloid fibrils play important roles in HIV-1 infection. We found peptides derived from the HIV-1 gp120 co-receptor binding region, which are defined as enhancing peptides (EPs), could form amyloid fibrils and remarkably enhance HIV-1 infection. EPs bound to the virus and promoted the interaction between HIV-1 and target cells. The antiviral efficacy of antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) was substantially impaired in the presence of EPs. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) could both inhibit the formation of fibrils composed of EPs and counteract the EP-mediated enhancement of HIV-1 infection. Our findings identify viral derived amyloid fibrils that hold potential for biochemical applications.Structured summary of protein interactionsEP1 and EP1 bind by fluorescence technology (View interaction)EP2 and EP2 bind by fluorescence technology (View interaction)EP3 and EP3 bind by fluorescence technology (View interaction)SEVI and SEVI bind by fluorescence technology (View interaction)EP1 and EP1 bind by transmission electron microscopy (View interaction)EP2 and EP2 bind by transmission electron microscopy (View interaction)EP3 and EP3 bind by transmission electron microscopy (View interaction)SEVI and SEVI bind by transmission electron microscopy (View interaction)  相似文献   

以小型番茄 Micro-Tom 为材料,利用农杆菌介导法导入花青素调节基因VlmybA2。对抗性筛选出的再生植株进行 GUS 组织染色和 PCR 检测,证明外源基因已经整合到 Micro-Tom 中,转基因番茄根、茎、叶脉、果皮均呈紫色,花色为黄紫嵌合。而野生型的根为白色,茎、叶脉呈绿色,果皮为红色,花为黄色。对转基因番茄的花青素含量、叶片叶绿素含量和光合速率等生理指标进行测定,花青素含量有显著增加,叶绿素含量降低,VlmybA2基因过量表达会降低植株的光合效率,但对植株正常生长影响并不显著。VlmybA2 基因既可增加抗衰老物质花青素含量,又可作为转基因植株的报告基因。  相似文献   

Molecular motions of human HIV-1 gp120 envelope glycoproteins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The HIV-1 gp120 exterior envelope glycoprotein undergoes a series of conformational rearrangements while sequentially interacting with the receptor CD4 and the coreceptor CCR5 or CXCR4 on the surface of host cells to initiate virus entry. Both the crystal structures of the HIV-1 gp120 core bound by CD4 and antigen 17b, and the SIV gp120 core pre-bound by CD4 are known. Despite the wealth of knowledge on these static snapshots of molecular conformations, the details of molecular motions crucial to intervention remain elusive. We presented a comprehensive comparative analysis of dynamic behavior of gp120 in its CD4-complexed, CD4-free and CD4-unliganded states based on the homology models with modeled V3 and V4 loops. CONCOORD computer simulation was utilized to generate ensembles of feasible protein structures, which were subsequently analyzed by essential dynamics technique to identify preferred concerted motions. The revealed collective fluctuations are dominated by complex motional modes such as rotation/twisting, flexing/closing, and shortness/elongation between or within the inner, outer, and bridging-sheet domains. An attempt has been made to relate these modes to receptor/coreceptor association and neutralization avoidance. Covariance web analysis revealed four subdomains that undergo concerted motion in gp120. The structural components in gp120 that move in concert with CD4 were also identified, which may be the suitable target for inhibitor design to interrupt CD4-gp120 interaction. The differences in B-factors between the three gp120 states revealed certain structural regions that could be related either to CD4 association or to subsequent dissociation of gp120 from gp41. These dynamics data provide new insights into the structure-function relationship of gp120 and may aid in structure-based anti-HIV vaccine design.  相似文献   

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