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Two new genera and eight new species of the gall midges subfamily Lestremiinae, viz. Berestella insuperabilis gen. et sp. nov., Monardia impellucida sp. nov., Xylopriona aristata sp. nov. (Micromyini), Aprionus improvisus sp. nov., A.? vlaskini sp. nov. (Aprionini), Vicemyia immediata gen. et sp. nov. (Peromyiini), Cordylomyia cauta sp. nov. (Campylomyzini) and Bryomyia necessaria sp. nov. (Bryomyiini) from the Late Eocene Rovno amber are described. New combinations, i.e., Cordylomyia declinata (Fedotova, 2004), comb. nov. and Cordylomyia magnifica (Nel et Prokop, 2006), comb. nov. (both are transferred from Neurolyga) are proposed. No species in common with the fauna from the Baltic amber are recorded.  相似文献   

Rich radiolarian associations are investigated. They include nine new species from the Upper Cretaceous (Coniacian-Santonian) metal-bearing beds of the Perapedhia Formation of southern Cyprus: Dorypyle concinna sp. nov., Gongylothorax mangaleniensis sp. nov., Heliocryptocapsa macroporus sp. nov., H. perapediensis sp. nov., Mita guttiformis sp. nov., Pseudoeucyrtis belogorskensis sp. nov., P. cypricus sp. nov., Rhopalosyringium mangaleniense sp. nov., and Sandovalella trihedra sp. nov.  相似文献   

Ten new species of caddisflies of the families Polycentropodidae (nine) and Molannidae (one) are described from the Eocene Baltic amber: Holocentropus peregrinator sp. nov., H. proximorepertus sp. nov., H. dugoi sp. nov., H. fundamentalis sp. nov., H. telergon sp. nov., Plectrocnemia varigoria sp. nov., P. synthesia sp. nov., P. novokshonovi sp. nov., Nyctiophylax valideturbidus sp. nov., and Molanna okraina sp. nov.  相似文献   

New bryozoans from the Middle-Upper Devonian (Eifelian-Frasnian) and the Lower Carboniferous (Tournaisian) of the Holy Cross Mountains in central Poland are described: Bigeyella sparsa gen. et sp. nov., B. separata gen. et sp. nov., Eridopora singula sp. nov., Leptotrypa pulchra sp. nov., Kysylschinipora klarae sp. nov., Coelotubulipora rara sp. nov., Alternifenestella genuina sp. nov., Exfenestella polonica sp. nov., and Rectifenestella localis sp. nov. Some paleogeographic and stratigraphic aspects of the Paleozoic deposits of this region are discussed and main bryozoan localities are described.  相似文献   

Seven new caddisfly species of the families Polycentropodidae, Psychomyiidae, and Lepidostomatidae are described from the Late Eocene Rovno amber: Holocentropus kobodok sp. nov., H. zhiltsovae sp. nov., Plectrocnemia nastigermania sp. nov., P. ucrainica sp. nov., Nyctiophylax terreusbos sp. nov., Lype essentia sp. nov., and Lepidostoma quasitypica sp. nov.  相似文献   

New grylloblattid insects are described from the Upper Permian and Lower Triassic of European Russia and Kazakhstan: Kuplya minutissima gen. et sp. nov. (Tshekardominidae) from the Severodvinian locality Novo-Aleksandrovka (Orenburg Region); Parachauliodites orthopteroides gen. et sp. nov. (Chaulioditidae), Permofossilis commasticatus gen. et sp. nov. (Permotermopsidae), Megakhosarodes tensilis sp. nov. (Megakhosaridae), and Baharellinus dilaceratus sp. nov. (Blattogryllidae) from the Severodvinian locality Isady (Vologda Region); Dvinopedes salariovensis gen. et sp. nov. (Chaulioditidae) from the Vyatkian locality Aristovo (Vologda Region); Klyazmia karasevi gen. et sp. nov. (Chaulioditidae) from the Vyatkian locality Sokovka (Vladimir Region); Megakhosarodes borealis sp. nov. (Megakhosaridae) from the Vyatkian locality Balymotikha (Vladimir Region); Sigmophlebia rugulosa sp. nov. (Tshekardominidae) from the Upper Permian locality Karaungir (East Kazakhstan Province); and Chauliodites kitshmengensis sp. nov. and C. nedubrovensis sp. nov. (Chaulioditidae) from the Induan locality Nedubrovo (Vologda Region).  相似文献   

New Megakhosaridae (Insecta: Grylloblattida) are described from the Permian of Russia: Ivakhosara pectinimedia gen. et sp. nov., Megakhosarina intricata sp. nov. and M. minuscula sp. nov. from the Lower Kazanian of Soyana (Arkhangelsk Region), M. magna sp. nov. from the Urzhumian of Chepanikha (Udmurtia), Kargalokhosara terraefossa gen. et sp. nov. from the Urzhumian of Kargala (Orenburg Region), and Alekhosara reticulata gen. et sp. nov. from the Severodvinian of Novo-Aleksandrovka (Orenburg Region).  相似文献   

A new genus Pseudoancyloceras gen. nov. with the type species P. calinovense sp. nov. and five new species of Ancyloceratidae (Australiceras (Proaustraliceras) elegans sp. nov., Audouliceras vyrystaykense sp. nov., A. brusyankense sp. nov., A. mordovense sp. nov., Tropaeum (Tropaeum) elaurkense sp. nov.) are described from the Aptian of the Ulyanovsk region, Middle Volga.  相似文献   

New radiolarians from the Upper Cretaceous beds (Middle Turonian-Upper Santonian) of four sections of the Crimean Mountains (Biuk-Karasu River, western peak of Ak Mountain, Ak-Kaya Mountain, and Chuku Mountain) are investigated. Seven new species are described, including Actinomma (?) belbekense sp. nov., Pseudoaulophacus kopaevichae sp. nov., Ps. trizonalis sp. nov., Phaseliforma turovi sp. nov., Triactoma karasuensis sp. nov., Patulibracchium belogorskensis sp. nov., and Paronaella (?) nikishini sp. nov.  相似文献   

A palynofloral assemblage is described from the Upper Triassic Dockum Group of Texas. Forty palynomorph species are recorded and these are correlated with European Upper Triassic assemblages. The Dockum Group assemblage is considered to be of late Karnian age.Two new genera, Tulesporites gen. nov., type species T. briscoensis sp. nov., and Daughertyspora gen. nov., type species D. chinleanus (Daugherty) comb. nov. have been erected; new species are Converrucosisporites matsenii sp. nov., Pyramidosporites traversei sp. nov., Callialasporites triassicus sp. nov., Plicatipollenites minutotriletus sp. nov., Triadispora dockumensis sp. nov., Bhardwajispora jansonii sp. nov., Protodiploxypinus americus sp. nov., P. ujhelyi sp. nov., Klausipollenites gouldii sp. nov., Pityosporites old-hamensis sp. nov., Abietineaepollenites bujakii sp. nov., Falcisporites oviformis sp. nov. and F. tecovasensis sp. nov.  相似文献   

New Archaeocyatha genera and species, Turgorocyathus elegans gen. et sp. nov., Angustocyathus porus gen. et sp. nov., Flossocyathus squamosus gen. et sp. nov., Rotundocyathus oimuranicus sp. nov., and Carinacyathus inopinatus sp. nov., from the type sections of the Atdabanian Stage of the Lower Cambrian of the Siberian Platform are described.  相似文献   

New taxa of the insect order Eoblattida from the Upper Carboniferous of Russia are described, including Narkemina kata sp. nov., Narkeminopsis inversa sp. nov., Carbonokata storozhenkoi gen. et sp. nov., Tshunoptera ampla gen. et sp. nov., and Evenkiophlebia collucata gen. et sp. nov. from the Chunya locality (Krasnoyarsk Region), Narkemulla sibirica gen. et sp. nov. from the Chunya and Izykhskie Kopi localities, Khakassia (all Cnemidolestidae), and Izykhia tridentis gen. et sp. nov. from Izykhskie Kopi (?Spanioderidae). Narkeminuta permiana gen. et sp. nov. (Cnemidolestidae) is described from the Kedrovka locality (Kemerovo Region; Lower Permian), and Issadische maximum gen. et sp. nov. (Eoblattida incertae familiae) is descriobed from the Isady locality (Vologda Region; Upper Permian). Permeoblatta borealis Rasnitsyn et Aristov, 2010 (Idelinellidae) from Isady is redescribed.  相似文献   

New nematoceran taxa are described based on isolated wings from the Late Jurassic Shar Teg locality (Mongolia): ?Nannotanyderus incertus sp. nov. (Tanyderidae), Crenoptychoptera liturata sp. nov. (Ptychopteridae), Chaoburmus amphilogos sp. nov., Mesocorethra cincta sp. nov. (Chaoboridae), Rasnicynomma additum gen. et sp. nov., and Palaeoperissomma ornatum sp. nov. (Perissommatidae).  相似文献   

The main taxonomic and stratigraphical results of a study of ostracods from the middle-late Miocene of the Tremiti Islands and the Hyblean Plateau are presented. The faunas are mostly typical of deep thermospheric or psychrospheric bathyal environments. Excluding a few, mostly juvenile shallow water contaminants, a total of 127 species were recorded. Twenty-four taxa are discussed herein; of these, 13 species (Cytherella dissimilis nov. sp., Cytherella parvula nov. sp., Cytherella subtilis nov. sp., Argilloecia triangularis nov. sp., Retibythere (Retibythere)? claudii nov. sp., Retibythere (Retibythere)? gibba nov. sp., Cytheropteron (Cytheropteron) joachinoi nov. sp., Cytheropteron (Aversovalva) consuetum nov. sp., Cytheropteron (Aversovalva) trimerumense nov. sp., Cytheropteron (Aversovalva) turgidum nov. sp., Loxoconcha julianii nov. sp., Buntonia whatleyi nov. sp., Pterygocythere nuda nov. sp.) and a subspecies (Costa tricostata dorsoarcuata nov. subsp.) are described as new, while six are left in open nomenclature. The stratigraphical distribution of ostracods is expressed in terms of planktonic foraminiferal zones. Information obtained from this study enriches biostratigraphical data on Mediterranean Miocene deep-sea ostracods, especially with respect to the Langhian.  相似文献   

Six new species of the genus Lasiosyne Tan et al., 2007, the type genus of the family Lasiosynidae Kirejtshuk et al., 2010, are described from Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous deposits of Mongolia and East Siberia: L. shartegiensis sp. nov., L. insculpta sp. nov., L. longitarsa sp. nov., L. cataphracta sp. nov., L. punctata sp. nov., and L. decora sp. nov. A modified diagnosis of the genus is proposed.  相似文献   

The paper describes structural features of megaspores from the Middle Gondwana (Middle Triassic) beds of Nidhpuri. These include two species of Srivastavaesporites Bharadwaj et Tiwari viz. S. triassicus sp. nov. and S. major sp. nov.; Grambastisporites nidhpurensis gen. et sp. nov.; Trikonia emarginata gen. et sp. nov.; one species of Mamillaespora Pant et Srivastava, M. sidhiensis sp. nov.; Nidhitriletes spinosa gen. et sp. nov.  相似文献   

Three new genera and five new species of osmylid lacewings are described from the locality Karatau (Kazakhstan, Upper Jurassic): Jurosmylus parvulus sp. nov. (Protosmylinae), Ensiosmylus acutus gen. et sp. nov. (Spilosmylinae), Kolbasinella elongata gen. et sp. nov. (Gumillinae), Arbusella bella gen. et sp. nov. and Jurakempynus arcanus sp. nov. (Kempyninae). Another new osmylid species (Jurakempynus sublimis sp. nov.) is described from the Upper Jurassic of Mongolia (Shar-Teg locality). The quantitative compositions of the osmylid faunas of Karatau and Shar-Teg are discussed.  相似文献   

New grylloblattids of the family Lemmatophoridae (Insecta: Grylloblattida), Artinska sojanensis sp. nov., Sylvaprisca colorata sp. nov., and Uraloprisca lisca gen. et sp. nov., from the Soyana locality (Lower Kazanian, Arkhangelsk Region) and Paraprisca solikamskensis sp. nov. from the Tyul’kino locality (Ufimian, Perm Region) are described. Two species are transferred from the genus Paraprisca to Uraloprisca gen. nov.: Uraloprisca uralica (G. Zalessky, 1952), comb. nov. and Uraloprisca causaria (Novokshonov, 2000), comb. nov. (both from the Kungurian of the Perm Region). The evolution of the family is discussed.  相似文献   

Five new gall midge taxa of the subfamilies Porricondylinae and Lasiopterinae are described from the Late Eocene Rovno amber: Adsumyia integra gen. et sp. nov. (Dicerurini), Gratomyia inexigentis gen. et sp. nov. (Holoneurini), Winnertzia recusata sp. nov. (Winnertziini), Kovaleviola injusta gen. et sp. nov., and Spungisiola insuperabilis gen. et sp. nov. (Brachineurini).  相似文献   

Discosorid and oncocerid cephalopods of the Kunda and Aseri Regional Stage (Darriwilian, Middle Ordovician) from Öland Island, Sweden and North Estonia are described for the first time. We demonstrate that a high generic and specific diversity of Oncocerida was already established in the earliest Darriwilian. The new oncocerid species Neumatoceras borense nov. sp., N. breviborense nov. sp., Paramiamoceras breviventrum nov. sp., Richardsonoceras gastroscopium nov. sp., R. gerhardi nov. sp., R. goldmanni nov. sp., R. haelluddenense nov. sp., Richardsonoceroides kingi nov. sp., R. oelandense nov. sp., and R. rhytium nov. sp. are erected; Richardsonoceroides schiefferdeckeri (Dewitz) is revised. The new graciloceratid Kundoceras evansi nov. gen., nov. sp. is erected. A review of records of early oncocerids from China shows that Richardsonoceras Foerste is probably the most primitive oncocerid and supports the hypothesis that oncocerids evolved in the early Floian or latest Tremadocian from a Bassleroceras Ulrich and Foerste-like ancestor. The new discosorid genus Paldoceras nov. gen. and species Paldoceras paldiskense nov. sp. and Pneptunsakerense nov. sp. are erected. These discosorids record the morphological link between the late Darriwilian Ruedemannoceras Flower and the early Floian Apocrinoceras Teichert and Glenister, which is considered to be the earliest discosorid.  相似文献   

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