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Summary One of the few areas of the adult CNS, that are known to be competent for neuronal proliferation, is the subventricular zone (SVZ) lining the brain lateral ventricles. Cells proliferating in the SVZ migrate along a defined pathway, the rostral migratory stream (RMS), where their proliferation continues until reaching the olfactory bulb.1. In relation to the fact that brain is, in general, regarded as a radioresistant organ composed from non dividing cells, the aim of the present study was to investigate effect of ionizing radiation on proliferating cell numbers in the RMS of adult rats.2. Male Wistar rats were investigated 25 and 80 days after whole body gamma irradiation with the dose of 3 Gy. Dividing cells were labeled by bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU). BrdU-positive cells were counted by Disector program. The mean number of BrdU+ cells in the whole RMS and in its individual parts (vertical arm, elbow, and horizontal arm) was evaluated.3. Temporary increase in proliferating cell number (by 30%) was seen in the whole RMS at the 25th day after irradiation.4. The most expressive increase occurred in the vertical arm (by 60%) and elbow (about 37%). The values reduced till the 80th day after exposure.Our results show that ionizing irradiation significantly influences the extent of cell proliferation and migration in the adult rat RMS.  相似文献   

SUMMARY The objective of this study was to analyze neurogenesis in the rat rostral migratory stream (RMS) during the first postnatal month.1. During the early postnatal development some morphological changes, concerning the RMS thickness, shape, and the olfactory ventricle persistence at P0 were observed.2. Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) immunohistochemistry and subsequent quantification of proliferating cells showed significant age-dependent changes. The highest number of proliferating cells was found at P3 and significant decrease of BrdU-positive cells at P7 rats. At P28, the number of proliferating cells reached the level of P0 rats.  相似文献   

1. The aim of our study was to investigate the possibility that maternal separation, an experimental model for studies of early environmental influences, has an effect on postnatal neurogenesis in neurogenic pathway—the rostral migratory stream (RMS). 2. Rat pups were subjected to maternal separation daily for 3 h, starting from the first postnatal day (P1) till P14 or P21. In the first two groups, brains were analyzed at the age of P14 and P21, respectively. In the third group, after 3 weeks of maternal separation, 1 week of normal rearing was allowed, and the brains were analyzed at P28. The controls matched the age of maternally separated animals. Dividing cells were labeled by bromodeoxyuridine; dying cells were visualized by Fluoro-Jade C and nitric oxide (NO) producing cells by NADPH-diaphorase histochemistry. 3. Quantitative analysis of proliferating cells in the RMS showed that maternal separation decreased the number of dividing cells in all experimental groups. This decrease was most prominent in the caudal part of the RMS. The amount of dying cells was increased at the end of 3 weeks of maternal separation as well as 1 week later. The number of differentiated nitrergic cells in the RMS was increased at the end of 2 or 3 weeks of maternal separation, respectively. Besides quantitative changes, maternally separated animals showed an accelerated maturation of nitrergic cells. 4. Our results indicate that an exposure of rats to adverse environmental factors in early postnatal periods may induce acute site-specific changes in the RMS neurogenesis.  相似文献   

The presence of neural stem cells in the adult brain is currently widely accepted and efforts are made to harness the regenerative potential of these cells. The dentate gyrus of the hippocampal formation, and the subventricular zone (SVZ) of the anterior lateral ventricles, are considered the main loci of adult neurogenesis. The rostral migratory stream (RMS) is the structure funneling SVZ progenitor cells through the forebrain to their final destination in the olfactory bulb. Moreover, extensive proliferation occurs in the RMS. Some evidence suggest the presence of stem cells in the RMS, but these cells are few and possibly of limited differentiation potential. We have recently demonstrated the specific expression of the cytoskeleton linker protein radixin in neuroblasts in the RMS and in oligodendrocyte progenitors throughout the brain. These cell populations are greatly altered after intracerebroventricular infusion of epidermal growth factor (EGF). In the current study we investigate the effect of EGF infusion on the rat RMS. We describe a specific increase of radixin+/Olig2+ cells in the RMS. Negative for NG2 and CNPase, these radixin+/Olig2+ cells are distinct from typical oligodendrocyte progenitors. The expanded Olig2+ population responds rapidly to EGF and proliferates after only 24 hours along the entire RMS, suggesting local activation by EGF throughout the RMS rather than migration from the SVZ. In addition, the radixin+/Olig2+ progenitors assemble in chains in vivo and migrate in chains in explant cultures, suggesting that they possess migratory properties within the RMS. In summary, these results provide insight into the adaptive capacity of the RMS and point to an additional stem cell source for future brain repair strategies.  相似文献   

Interneurons in the olfactory bulb (OB) are generated from neuronal precursor cells migrating from anterior subventricular zone (SVZa) not only in the developing embryo but also throughout the postnatal life of mammals. In the present study, we established an in vivo electroporation assay to label SVZa cells of rat both at embryonic and postnatal ages, and traced SVZa progenitors and followed their migration pathway and differentiation. We found that labeled cells displayed high motility. Interestingly, the postnatal cells migrated faster than the embryonic cells after applying this assay at different ages of brain development. Furthermore, based on brain slice culture and time-lapse imaging, we analyzed the detail migratory properties of these labeled precursor neurons. Finally, tissue transplantation experiments revealed that cells already migrated in subependymal zone of OB were transplanted back into rostral migratory stream (RMS), and these cells could still migrate out tangentially along RMS to OB. Taken together, these findings provide an in vivo labeling assay to follow and trace migrating cells in the RMS, their maturation and integration into OB neuron network, and unrecognized phenomena that postnatal SVZa progenitor cells with higher motility than embryonic cells, and their migration was affected by extrinsic environments.  相似文献   

Postnatally, the Purkinje cell degeneration mutant mice lose the main projecting neurons of the main olfactory bulb (OB): mitral cells (MC). In adult animals, progenitor cells from the rostral migratory stream (RMS) differentiate into bulbar interneurons that modulate MC activity. In the present work, we studied changes in proliferation, tangential migration, radial migration patterns, and the survival of these newly generated neurons in this neurodegeneration animal model. The animals were injected with bromodeoxyuridine 2 weeks or 2 months before killing in order to label neuroblast incorporation into the OB and to analyze the survival of these cells after differentiation, respectively. Both the organization and cellular composition of the RMS and the differentiation of the newly generated neurons in the OB were studied using specific markers of glial cells, neuroblasts, and mature neurons. No changes were observed in the cell proliferation rate nor in their tangential migration through the RMS, indicating that migrating neuroblasts are only weakly responsive to the alteration in their target region, the OB. However, the absence of MC does elicit differences in the final destination of the newly generated interneurons. Moreover, the loss of MC also produces changes in the survival of the newly generated interneurons, in accordance with the dramatic decrease in the number of synaptic targets available.  相似文献   

A main neurogenic niche in the adult human brain is the subventricular zone (SVZ). Recent data suggest that the progenitors that are born in the human SVZ migrate via the rostral migratory stream (RMS) towards the olfactory bulb (OB), similar to what has been observed in other mammals. A subpopulation of astrocytes in the SVZ specifically expresses an assembly‐compromised isoform of the intermediate filament protein glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP‐δ). To further define the phenotype of these GFAP‐δ expressing cells and to determine whether these cells are present throughout the human subventricular neurogenic system, we analysed SVZ, RMS and OB sections of 14 aged brain donors (ages 74‐93). GFAP‐δ was expressed in the SVZ along the ventricle, in the RMS and in the OB. The GFAP‐δ cells in the SVZ co‐expressed the neural stem cell (NSC) marker nestin and the cell proliferation markers proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and Mcm2. Furthermore, BrdU retention was found in GFAP‐δ positive cells in the SVZ. In the RMS, GFAP‐δ was expressed in the glial net surrounding the neuroblasts. In the OB, GFAP‐δ positive cells co‐expressed PCNA. We also showed that GFAP‐δ cells are present in neurosphere cultures that were derived from SVZ precursors, isolated postmortem from four brain donors (ages 63‐91). Taken together, our findings show that GFAP‐δ is expressed in an astrocytic subpopulation in the SVZ, the RMS and the OB. Importantly, we provide the first evidence that GFAP‐δ is specifically expressed in longterm quiescent cells in the human SVZ, which are reminiscent of NSCs.  相似文献   

Autism is thought to be a neurodevelopmental disorder with symptoms developing during neonatal neurogenesis in the subventricular zone (SVZ). Autism associated genes alter SVZ proliferation and cytoarchitecture, yet the response of the human SVZ in autism is unknown. Epilepsy drives neurogenesis in rodents, but it is unclear how epilepsy interacts with autism in SVZ responses. The striatal and septal SVZ derive from separate lineages in rodents and generate different interneuron types. Yet it is unclear if autism unevenly regulates the striatal and septal SVZ. The human SVZ was immunohistochemically examined post‐mortem from individuals with autism (n = 11) and controls (n = 11). Autism showed a lower cell density in the septal, but not striatal, SVZ hypocellular gap only in the absence of epilepsy. There was a decline in septal hypocellular gap cells with age in autism, but no correlation with age in controls. In contrast, PCNA+ cell numbers increased only in autism with epilepsy both in the hypocellular gap and in the ependymal layer on the septal but not striatal side. Ependymal cells also became GFAP immunoreactive in autism irrespective of epilepsy co‐morbidity; however, this only occurred on the striatal side. In examining these questions we also discovered a subset of ependymal, astrocyte ribbon and RMS cells which express PCNA and Ki67, PLP, and α‐tubulin. These results are the first example of a neuropsychiatric disease differentially affecting the septal and striatal SVZ. Altered cell density in the hypocellular gap and proliferation marker expression suggest individuals with autism may follow a different growth‐trajectory. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol 74: 25–41, 2014  相似文献   

The rostral migratory stream (RMS) is a migration route for neuroblasts originating in the richest neurogenic niche of the adult mammalian brain—the subventricular zone. Most studies are focused on cellular dynamics of migrating neuroblasts and interactions between neuroblasts and astrocytes which both represent the major cellular component of the RMS. Our previous experiments have brought evidence about the existence of a small population of mature neurons in the adult rat RMS with capacity to produce nitric oxide (NO). In order to further support functional significance of nitrergic cells, the aim of the present study was to determine whether NO producing neurons could form synapses. Sagittal sections from the adult rat brain were processed for simultaneous immunohistochemical detection of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), the enzyme present in NO producing cells and synaptophysin, a glycoprotein found in synaptic vesicles. Synaptophysin positivity in the RMS was significantly lower in comparison with other brain areas, but its colocalization with nNOS-positive neurons was obvious. Our results suggest that nitrergic neurons in the RMS could be involved in a neuronal circuitry with potential impact on regulation of neurogenesis in the RMS.  相似文献   

1. To vicariously investigate the nitric oxide synthase (NOS) production after spinal cord injury, NADPH-d histochemistry was performed on the selected peripheral nerves of adult rabbits 7 days after ischemia. The effect of transient spinal cord ischemia (15 min) on possible degenerative changes in the motor and mixed peripheral nerves of Chinchilla rabbits was evaluated.2. The NADPH-diaphorase histochemistry was used to determine NADPH-diaphorase activity after ischemia/reperfusion injury in radial nerve and mediane nerve isolated from the fore-limb and femoral nerve, saphenous nerve and sciatic nerve separated from the hind-limb of rabbits. The qualitative analysis of the optical density of NADPH-diaphorase in selected peripheral nerves demonstrated different frequency of staining intensity (attained by UTHSCSA Image Tool 2 analysis for each determined nerve).3. On the seventh postsurgery day, the ischemic spinal cord injury resulted in an extensive increase of NADPH-d positivity in isolated nerves. The transient ischemia caused neurological disorders related to the neurological injury—a partial paraplegia. The sciatic, femoral, and saphenous nerves of paraplegic animals presented the noticeable increase of NADPH-d activity. The mean of NADPH-diaphorase intensity staining per unit area ranged from 134.87 (±32.81) pixels to 141.65 (±35.06) pixels (using a 256-unit gray scale where 0 denotes black, 256 denotes white) depending on the determined nerve as the consequence of spinal cord ischemia. The obtained data were compared to the mean values of staining intensity in the same nerves in the limbs of control animals (163.69 (±25.66) pixels/unit area in the femoral nerve, 173.00 (±32.93) pixels/unit area in saphenous nerve, 186.01 (±29.65) pixels/unit area in sciatic nerve). Based on the statistical analysis of the data (two-way unpaired Mann–Whitney test), a significant increase (p≤0.05) of NADPH-d activity in femoral and saphenous nerve, and also in sciatic nerve (p≤0.001) has been found. On the other hand, there was no significant difference between the histochemically stained nerves of fore-limbs after ischemia/reperfusion injury and the same histochemically stained nerves of fore-limbs in control animals.4. The neurodegenerative changes of the hind-limbs, characterized by damage of their motor function exhibiting a partial paraplegia after 15 min spinal cord ischemia and subsequent 7 days of reperfusions resulted in the different sensitivity of peripheral nerves to transient ischemia. Finally, we suppose that activation of NOS indirectly demonstrable through the NADPH-d study may contribute to the explanation of neurodegenerative processes and the production of nitric oxide could be involved in the pathophysiology of spinal cord injury by transient ischemia.  相似文献   

G proteins play important roles in transmembrane signal transduction, and various isoforms of each subunit, alpha, beta and gamma, are highly expressed in the brain. The Ggamma5 subunit is a minor isoform in the adult brain, but we have previously shown it to be highly expressed in the proliferative region of the ventricular zone in the rat embryonic brain. We show here that Ggamma5 is also selectively localized in a proliferative region in the adult rat brain, including the subventricular zone of the lateral ventricle and rostral migratory stream. The Galphai2 subunit colocalized with Ggamma5 in these regions, the two subunits being present in neuronal precursors and ependymal cells but not in proliferating astrocytes. In addition, intense staining of Ggamma5 was seen in axons of the olfactory neurons, which are known to regenerate. These results suggest specific roles for Ggamma5 in precursor cells during neurogenesis so that this isoform might be a useful biological marker.  相似文献   

Recent advances in stem cell research, including the selective expansion of neural stem cells (NSCs) in vitro, the induction of particular neural cells from embryonic stem cells in vitro, the identification of NSCs or NSC-like cells in the adult brain and the detection of neurogenesis in the adult brain (adult neurogenesis), have laid the groundwork for the development of novel therapies aimed at inducing regeneration in the damaged central nervous system (CNS). There are two major strategies for inducing regeneration in the damaged CNS: (i) activation of the endogenous regenerative capacity and (ii) cell transplantation therapy. In this review, we summarize the recent findings from our group and others on NSCs, with respect to their role in insult-induced neurogenesis (activation of adult NSCs, proliferation of transit-amplifying cells, migration of neuroblasts and survival and maturation of the newborn neurons), and implications for therapeutic interventions, together with tactics for using cell transplantation therapy to treat the damaged CNS.  相似文献   

1. The first part of this study looks at spontaneously active neurons located in the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) with projections to the thoracic spinal cord. Sixteen neurons were intracellularly recorded in vivo. Four out of 16 neurons were antidromically activated from the thoracic spinal cord (axonal conduction velocities varied from 1.8 m/s to 9.5 m/s).2. The simultaneous averages of the neuronal membrane potential and arterial blood pressure triggered by the pulsatile arterial wave or the EKG-R wave demonstrated changes in membrane potential (hyperpolarization or depolarization) locked to the cardiac cycle in four neurons in this group. These neurons (three of them bulbospinal) were further tested for barosensitivity by characterizing the responses to electrical stimulation of the aortic depressor nerve. Four neurons responded with inhibitory hyperpolarizing responses characterized as inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSP) to aortic nerve stimulation (onset latency: 32.3 ± 5.0 ms; mean ± SEM).3. In two neurons in the RVLM, one of them characterized as barosensitive, electrical stimulation of the opposite RVLM (0.5 Hz, 1.0 ms pulse duration, 25–100 A) elicited excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) with latencies of 9.07 and 10.5 ms. At resting membrane potential, the onset latency of the evoked EPSPs did not change with increasing stimulus intensities. Some of the recorded neurons were intracellularly labelled with biocytin for visualization. They were found in the RVLM.4. These experiments in vivo would support the idea of a functional commissural pathway between the RVLM of both sides.5. Anatomical data have shown that some of those commissural bundle fibers originate in the C1 adrenergic neuronal group in the RVLM. In the second part of this study, we used an intracellular recording technique in vitro to investigate the effects of the indirect adrenergic agonist tyramine on neurons in the RVLM with electrophysiological properties similar to premotor sympathetic neurons in vivo.6. Tyramine (0.5–1 mM) produced a pronounced inhibitory effect with hyperpolarization and increase in membrane input resistance on two neurons characterized as regularly firing (R), and on one neuron characterized as irregularly firing (I). This effect was preceded by a transient depolarization with increases in firing rate.7. These results would indicate that neurons in the RVLM recorded in vitro and with properties similar to premotor sympathetic neurons can be modulated by catecholamines released from terminals probably making synaptic contacts.  相似文献   

The massive migration of neuroblasts and young neurons through the anterior extension of the postnatal subventricular zone (SVZ), known as the rostral migratory stream (RMS) is still poorly understood on its molecular basis. In this work, we investigated the involvement of gap junctional communication (GJC) in the robust centrifugal migration from SVZ/RMS explants obtained from early postnatal (P4) rats. Cells were dye‐coupled in homocellular and heterocellular pairings and expressed at least two connexins, Cx 43 and 45. Treatment with the uncoupler agent carbenoxolone (CBX, 10–100 μM) reversibly reduced outgrowth from SVZ explants, while its inactive analog, glycyrhizinic acid (GZA), had no effect. Consistent with a direct effect on cell migration, time‐lapse video microscopy show that different pharmacological uncouplers cause an abrupt and reversible arrest of cell movement in explants. Our results indicate that GJC is positively involved in the migration of neuroblasts within the SVZ/RMS. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol, 2009  相似文献   

Recent work in this laboratory has identified two classes of putative nociceptive modulating neurons in the rostral ventromedial medulla (RVM) of the rat: “off-cells,” which pause beginning just prior to the tail flick response (TF) evoked by noxious heat, and “on-cells,” which accelerate shortly before the occurrence of the TF. In the unstimulated, lightly anesthetized rat, the spontaneous firing pattern of individual on- and off-cells consists of alternating periods of silence and activity lasting from several seconds to a few minutes.

In the present study, simultaneous recordings were made from pairs of TF-related neurons, and the relationships among the firing patterns of cells within a class and between cells of different classes were determined. All cells of a given class showed fluctuations in spontaneous discharge that were in phase. On the other hand, there was a striking reciprocity of firing between the two cell classes, such that a decrease in activity of cells of one class was accompanied by an increase in activity of cells of the other class.

These observations point to the existence of integrating mechanisms that coordinate the activity of all members of each class of TF-related neurons. Thus, the pattern of activity of any single on- or off-cell provides a useful index of the excitability of all cells of that class. Moreover, because of the highly reciprocal nature of the firing of the two classes, it is possible to infer the current state of both cell populations from the pattern of activity of any single TF-related neuron.  相似文献   

Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology - The aim of this study was to evaluate age-related changes in microglial cells in various regions of the cervical spinal cord in young (4...  相似文献   

A novel fluorochrome, Fluoro-Jade B, was used to detect dying precursor cells in the subventricular zone (SVZ) and rostral migratory stream (RMS) of adult rats after bilateral olfactory bulbectomy and in control intact rats. The animals in experimental group were left to survive 3 days and from 3 till 16 months after surgical procedure. 1. In the control animals, Fluoro-Jade B positive cells were visible in the SVZ and within the whole extent of the RMS. The number of Fluoro-Jade B positive cells increased in the elbow in comparison to the rest parts of the RMS. 2. In the experimental animals surviving either 3 days or from 3 till 16 months after bilateral olfactory bulbectomy, Fluoro-Jade B positive cells displayed the similar pattern of distribution as in the control animals. However, some quantitative differences in the labeled cells number along the rostral migratory pathway appeared. 3. The average number of degenerating cells within the control SVZ and RMS was 26.24+/- 0.686. In bulbectomized animals, regardless of survival time, an insignificant increase of Fluoro-Jade B positive cells number occurred. We can conclude that dying of precursor cells is a physiological process running within the SVZ/RMS in both control and experimental animals. Moreover, this physiological process is not influenced by survival period after bilateral olfactory bulbectomy. Our results demonstrate Fluoro-Jade B as a useful marker of dying cells.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein E receptor 2 (ApoER2), very low-density lipoprotein receptor (VLDLR), and Dab1 are the main components of the Reelin signalling cascade. Reelin is the sole ligand defined so far in signalling through this pathway. Postnatal migration of neuronal precursors from the subventricular zone (SVZ) to the olfactory bulb (OB), however, depends on ApoER2 and Dab1, but functions independently of Reelin. Here, we show that thrombospondin-1 (THBS-1) is a novel physiological ligand for ApoER2 and VLDLR. THBS-1 is present in the SVZ and along the entire rostral migratory stream (RMS). It binds to ApoER2 and VLDLR and induces phosphorylation of Dab1. In contrast to Reelin, it does not induce Dab1 degradation or Akt phosphorylation, but stabilizes neuronal precursor chains derived from subventricular explants. Lack of THBS-1 results in anatomical abnormalities of the RMS and leads to a reduction of postnatal neuronal precursors entering the OB.  相似文献   

Developmental and Age-Related Changes in Rat Brain Glycosaminoglycans   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The quantities of each major class of glycosaminoglycan were determined in rat cerebrum from postnatal day 5 to 30 months of age. Chondroitin sulphate, dermatan sulphate, heparan sulphate, heparin, and hyaluronate were found, but no keratan sulphate was detected. Large and rapid changes in glycosaminoglycan content were observed during the period of brain maturation, and thereafter relatively steady levels were maintained until after the age of 12 months. The most remarkable change in the aged rat cerebrum was the ratio by weight of hyaluronate to chondroitin sulphate, which was approximately 1:1 from postnatal day 10 to 18 months but increased to 2.6:1 by the age of 30 months. In immature rats, the proportion of nonsulphated and 6-sulphated disaccharides derived from chondroitinase AC digests of brain glycosaminoglycans was much greater than in adults. In mature rats, chondroitin sulphate was composed almost entirely of 4-sulphated disaccharide subunits. The possibility that these changes could affect the permeability properties of the cerebral extracellular space and ionic equilibria in the brain is discussed.  相似文献   

Using NADPH-diaphorase histochemistry, distribution of reactive neurons in the forebrain structures and motor cortex of rats was studied. Some reactive (NO-generating) neurons are associated with microvessels and, thus, can be involved in the regulation of regional blood flow. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 39, Nos. 4/5, pp. 405–407, July–October, 2007.  相似文献   

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