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从南海深海放线菌Pseudonocardia antitumoralis SCSIO 01299中克隆一个脂肪酶基因 lipaseB5。lipaseB5 基因片段大小为972bp,编码的蛋白质具有323个氨基酸残基并与Pseudonocardia sp. HH130629-09中假定脂肪酶有98%的同源性。以pET28a(+)为载体,将重组质粒转化到E. coli BL21(DE3)中,实现lipaseB5高效表达,并利用Ni-NTA 亲和层析纯化lipaseB5。LipaseB5最适反应底物为对硝基苯酚癸酸酯(p-NPD),最适温度为30℃,最适反应pH为7.5。LipaseB5催化p-NPD水解反应的活性达到140.14U/mg,Vmax和Km分别为109.8μmol/min、0.976mmol/L,催化橄榄油的活力为32.019 7U/mg。LipaseB5在pH7.5~8.5保持良好的pH稳定性;在10~20℃低温下保持较高的酶活力,在10~40℃内具有温度稳定性。LipaseB5对大部分金属离子有很好的耐受性,低浓度的Li+、Mg2+对该酶活性有促进作用。LipaseB5对高浓度的NaCl有很好的耐受性,在100mmol/L的NaCl存在下,酶活性大约保持在103%。LipaseB5对多种短链醇类有机溶剂和表面活性剂有很好的耐受性,TritonX-100、Tween-80和Tween-20对lipaseB5酶有激活作用。  相似文献   

【背景】手性乙酸苏合香酯是重要的手性香料产品,在食品及精细化工等领域都有重要的应用。酶催化不对称合成手性乙酸苏合香酯产品具有极好的工业应用前景。【目的】研究酯酶EstC11的基本酶学性质及其在制备手性乙酸苏合香酯中的应用。【方法】对来自西太平洋深海热液口芽孢杆菌Bacillus sp.CX01中的新颖微生物酯酶基因EstC11进行克隆、表达及酶学性质鉴定。通过对p H、温度、有机溶剂等反应条件的优化提高酯酶手性拆分乙酸苏合香酯的光学纯度。【结果】酯酶EstC11的最适反应p H为8.5,最适温度为25°C,一些金属离子和有机溶剂对酯酶EstC11的水解活性具有不同程度的抑制作用。通过对反应条件的优化,在最适反应条件下(p H 9.0 50 mmol/L Tris-HCl,20°C,50 mmol/L底物浓度)反应3 h后,(R)-乙酸苏合香酯的光学纯度达98%,得率为39%。【结论】通过对酯酶拆分条件的优化,手性拆分乙酸苏合香酯生成(R)-乙酸苏合香酯的光学纯度明显提高,为酯酶EstC11在工业化上的应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

为从土壤环境中分离筛选产嗜热酯酶的菌株,利用三丁酸甘油酯筛选培养基,从沼气堆肥发酵周边的土壤中筛选到1株产酯酶的菌株YJ 1-1,根据其形态特征、生理生化特征及16S r DNA序列分析,初步确定为嗜麦寡养单胞菌(Stenotrophomonas maltophilia)。菌株YJ 1-1生产的酯酶在以对硝基苯酚丁酸酯为底物时,酶活性最高(2. 87 U/mg),其最适反应温度为75℃,最适反应pH为7. 0,且该酶表现出极强的温度稳定性和有机溶剂耐受性,75℃处理12 h,其酶活性没有明显的变化,70%(体积分数)的甲醇、二甲基甲酰胺、丙三醇、正丙醇、二甲基亚砜、乙醇、异丙醇和丙酮等有机溶剂对酯酶活性均有激活作用,分别使酯酶活性提高了2. 30、4. 65、2. 05、1. 30、5. 02、1. 74、1. 09和2. 12倍。上述特征使得该酯酶可应用于工业生产过程中。  相似文献   

从餐馆附近下水道收集到的土壤中分离获得6株酯酶产生菌,其中S2菌株活性最高,从其形态特征、生理生化试验以及16S rRNA序列分析等方面,初步鉴定S2菌株为假单胞属(Pseudomonas sp.)。对该菌株的部分酶学性质进行了研究,发现该菌株所产的酯酶最适反应温度为40℃,最适反应pH为8.0;且该酯酶在温度为60℃以下和pH 7.0~10.0具有良好的稳定性。  相似文献   

【目的】从深海沉积物微生物元基因组文库中克隆新的酯酶基因,并进行酶学性质研究。【方法】利用含有三丁酸甘油酯的酯酶选择性筛选培养基,从深海沉积物微生物元基因组文库中筛选得到酯酶阳性Fosmid克隆。对筛选得到的fosmid FL10进行部分酶切构建亚克隆文库,筛选得到酯酶阳性亚克隆pFLS10。PCR扩增目的片段后与pET28a连接构建酯酶基因原核表达质粒,转化大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)BL21。纯化表达产物并对其进行活性测定及酶学性质研究。【结果】序列分析显示该pFLS10亚克隆质粒含有一段924bp的ORF(Open Reading Frame),与一海洋元基因组文库中筛选出的酯酶ADA70030序列一致性为71%。该酶为一新的低温酯酶,对C4底物(对硝基苯丁酸酯)水解能力最强。该酶最适作用温度为20℃,最适作用pH为7.5,20℃时较为稳定,pH8-10的范围内有良好的pH稳定性,K+、Mg2+对该酶具有一定的激活作用,Mn2+等对其具有不同程度的抑制作用。【结论】应用元基因组技术筛选到了新的酯酶基因fls10并进行了克隆表达,该酶在低温及碱性条件下较为稳定且活力较高,对于工业化生产具有一定的应用潜力。关键词:深海沉积物;元基因组文库;低温酯酶;酶学特征  相似文献   

【目的】克隆源于海鲍内脏中一株不动杆菌Acinetobacter sp.的酯酶基因estA,并对其进行重组表达和性质研究。【方法】利用分子生物学技术克隆出酯酶基因estA并构建pPICZα-C-estA重组表达载体,并通过电转化方法将重组质粒转入毕赤酵母X33中;通过甲醇诱导培养重组菌获得重组酯酶,并对重组酯酶进行生化表征。【结果】克隆得到的estA基因序列全长912 bp,编码304个氨基酸;重组X33发酵上清液中酯酶酶活力达到1 200 U/L,重组酯酶的分子量约为33.7 kD;酶学性质研究表明重组酯酶催化底物对硝基苯乙酸乙酯水解反应的最适pH和温度为8.0和40?C,在pH 8.0-10.0温度及小于60?C时具有较好的稳定性。【结论】成功克隆了海洋来源的不动杆菌酯酶基因并在Pichia pastoris中实现了高效表达。  相似文献   

[目的] 从芽胞杆菌(Bacillus sp.)YX-1基因组中克隆出一种有机溶剂耐受型的葡萄糖脱氢酶基因,实现了该基因在大肠杆菌中的高效表达,研究了重组蛋白的酶学性质.[方法] 依据芽胞杆菌属中葡萄糖脱氢酶氨基酸序列的保守性,设计合理引物,钓取来源于Bacillus sp.YX-1的葡萄糖脱氢酶基因,构建诱导型表达载体pET28a-gdh,于大肠杆菌中进行表达.镍柱亲和层析法纯化重组蛋白,考察了重组蛋白的酶学性质.[结果] 葡萄糖脱氢酶基因全长为786 bp,编码261个氨基酸.酶学研究结果表明:该酶最适反应温度为45℃,最适pH值为8.0;具有良好的有机溶剂耐受性,于50%的辛烷、环己烷、癸烷中室温放置1h后,酶活仍能保持90%以上;具有较宽的底物谱,对多种糖均具有一定的催化活性,其中催化D-葡萄糖的活力最高,产生还原型辅酶因子;对辅酶NADH和NADPH具有相似的依赖性,对NAD+和NADP+的催化比活分别为8.37 U/mg和8.62 U/mg.[结论]利用生物信息学成功地挖掘出Bacillus sp.YX-1一种耐有机溶剂的葡萄糖脱氢酶,为氧化还原酶在有机相反应中的的辅酶再生循环提供了新型的生物催化剂.  相似文献   

利用平板筛选法从盐场卤水池中筛选到一株高效降解Tween 20的中度嗜盐菌DF-B6菌株。通过形态学、生理生化及16S rDNA序列分析确定该菌株为Idiomarina属的成员。底物特异性实验确定DF-B6菌株分泌的脂裂解酶为酯酶, 而非脂肪酶。在含8% NaCl的0.05 mol/L Tris-HCl (pH 8.0)缓冲液中, 50°C条件下作用, 酶活性最高。当反应液中金属离子浓度为10 mmol/L时, Mg2+、Ca2+和Mn2+对酶活有激活作用, 而Zn2+、Fe3+和Cu2+则对酶反应有抑制作用。  相似文献   

新型固定相填料的研发一直是液相色谱实现高效快速分离的基础。表面多孔颗粒填料柱凭借着在非高压系统(< 40 MPa)下依 然可高速高效分离的特性,近年来在手性拆分及生物大分子色谱分析领域崭露头角。从表面多孔颗粒填料的结构特性,探讨了其用于色 谱分析的优势和局限性,并综述其在手性拆分和多肽及蛋白质类生物大分子色谱分析领域的应用研究进展。  相似文献   

从筛选出的产低温脂肪酶的菌株发酵液中,经硫铵沉淀、疏水色谱和阴离子交换色谱纯化得到电泳纯酶。酶的最适作用温度为25℃,0℃以下仍可保持25%左右的相对酶活;在pH5.8~8.8的范围内有较高活力,其最适作用pH为7.8;对热很敏感,在60℃保温30min活性即全部丧失,具有典型的低温脂肪酶特征;酶催化不需要金属离子的参与,结构中可能含有二硫键。在25℃,pH8.0测得酶水解反应的Km值为2.65×10-5mol/L,Vmax值为5.21mmol/(L.min)。  相似文献   

利用来源南海深海的微生物酯酶EST12-7不对称水解反应拆分制备(R)-2-氯丙酸乙酯。并探寻了温度、pH、底物浓度、有机溶剂和反应时间等因素对酯酶EST12-7催化制备(R)-2-氯丙酸乙酯的影响。结果表明,深海微生物酯酶EST12-7催化制备(R)-2-氯丙酸乙酯的最佳反应条件为:13.8 μg/ml酯酶EST12-7,50 mmol/L(±)-2-氯丙酸乙酯,2%正癸醇,pH8.5,30℃,0.05mol/L Tris-HCl,反应60 min。在最佳反应条件下,(±)-2-氯丙酸乙酯的转化率可达49%,所制备的(R)-2-氯丙酸乙酯的光学纯度为98%。通过对酯酶EST12-7拆分制备(R)-2-氯丙酸甲酯和(R)-2-氯丙酸乙酯进行比较,2-氯丙酸酯中的链长对酯酶EST12-7拆分反应有极大的影响。  相似文献   

With the aim of developing a new cholesterol esterase for eliminating lipids on used contact lenses, microorganisms were screened for the enzyme activity. A Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from soil was found to produce a desirable enzyme. The enzyme had an isoelectric point of 3.2, and molecular mass of 58 kDa. The optimal temperature was around 53°C at pH 7.0, and the optimal pH was from 5.5 to 9.5. The enzyme was stable between pH 5 and 10 for 19 h at 25°C, and retained its activity up to 53°C on 30 min of incubation at pH 7.0. The rates of hydrolysis of cholesteryl esters of different fatty acids were in the following order: linoleate>oleate>stearate>palmitate>caprylate>myristate> laurate, caprate>caproate>butyrate, acetate. Addition of (tauro)cholate to a final concentration of 100 mM markedly promoted the hydrolysis of triglycerides of short-, medium-, and long-chain fatty acids. When used with taurocholate, the enzyme acted as an effective cleaner for contact lenses stained with lipids consisting of cholesteryl oleate, tripalmitin, and stearyl stearate.  相似文献   

Animal microRNAs (miRNA) are implicated in the control of nearly all cellular functions. Due to high sequence redundancy within the miRNA gene pool, loss of most of these 21- to 24-bp long RNAs individually does not cause a phenotype. Thus, only very few miRNAs have been associated with clear functional roles. We constructed a transgenic UAS-miRNA library in Drosophila melanogaster that contains 180 fly miRNAs. This library circumvents the redundancy issues by facilitating the controlled misexpression of individual miRNAs and is a useful tool to complement loss-of-function approaches. Demonstrating the effectiveness of our library, 78 miRNAs induced clear phenotypes. Most of these miRNAs were previously unstudied. Furthermore, we present a simple system to create GFP sensors to monitor miRNA expression and test direct functional interactions in vivo. Finally, we focus on the miR-92 family and identify a direct target gene that is responsible for the specific wing phenotype induced by the misexpression of miR-92 family members.  相似文献   

Asparagine is formed by two structurally distinct asparagine synthetases in prokaryotes. One is the ammonia-utilizing asparagine synthetase A (AsnA), and the other is asparagine synthetase B (AsnB) that uses glutamine or ammonia as a nitrogen source. In a previous investigation using sequence-based analysis, we had shown that Leishmania spp. possess asparagine-tRNA synthetase paralog asparagine synthetase A (LdASNA) that is ammonia-dependent. Here, we report the cloning, expression, and kinetic analysis of ASNA from Leishmania donovani. Interestingly, LdASNA was both ammonia- and glutamine-dependent. To study the physiological role of ASNA in Leishmania, gene deletion mutations were attempted via targeted gene replacement. Gene deletion of LdASNA showed a growth delay in mutants. However, chromosomal null mutants of LdASNA could not be obtained as the double transfectant mutants showed aneuploidy. These data suggest that LdASNA is essential for survival of the Leishmania parasite. LdASNA enzyme was recalcitrant toward crystallization so we instead crystallized and solved the atomic structure of its close homolog from Trypanosoma brucei (TbASNA) at 2.2 Å. A very significant conservation in active site residues is observed between TbASNA and Escherichia coli AsnA. It is evident that the absence of an LdASNA homolog from humans and its essentiality for the parasites make LdASNA a novel drug target.  相似文献   

In the present work, NAD+-dependent formate dehydrogenase (FDH), encoded by fdh gene from Candida boidinii was successfully displayed on Escherichia coli cell surface using ice nucleation protein (INP) from Pseudomonas borealis DL7 as an anchoring protein. Localization of matlose binding protein (MBP)-INP-FDH fusion protein on the E. coli cell surface was characterized by SDS-PAGE and enzymatic activity assay. FDH activity was monitored through the oxidation of formate catalyzed by cell-surface-displayed FDH with its cofactor NAD+, and the production of NADH can be detected spectrometrically at 340 nm. After induction for 24 h in Luria-Bertani medium containing isopropyl-β-d-thiogalactopyranoside, over 80% of MBP-INP-FDH fusion protein present on the surface of E. coli cells. The cell-surface-displayed FDH showed optimal temperature of 50 °C and optimal pH of 9.0. Additionally, the cell-surface-displayed FDH retained its original enzymatic activity after incubation at 4 °C for one month with the half-life of 17 days at 40 °C and 38 h at 50 °C. The FDH activity could be inhibited to different extents by some transition metal ions and anions. Moreover, the E. coli cells expressing FDH showed different tolerance to solvents. The recombinant whole cell exhibited high formate specificity. Finally, the E. coli cell expressing FDH was used to assay formate with a wide linear range of 5–700 μM and a low limit of detection of 2 μM. It is anticipated that the genetically engineered cells may have a broad application in biosensors, biofuels and cofactor regeneration system.  相似文献   

Abstract : We have isolated and characterized overlapping cDNAs encoding a novel, voltage-gated Ca2+ channel α1 subunit, α1H, from a human medullary thyroid carcinoma cell line. The α1H subunit is structurally similar to previously described α1 subunits. Northern blot analysis indicates that α1H mRNA is expressed throughout the brain, primarily in the amygdala, caudate nucleus, and putamen, as well as in several nonneuronal tissues, with relatively high levels in the liver, kidney, and heart. Ba2+ currents recorded from human embryonic kidney 293 cells transiently expressing α1H activated at relatively hyperpolarized potentials (-50 mV), rapidly inactivated (τ = 17 ms), and slowly deactivated. Similar results were observed in Xenopus oocytes expressing α1H. Singlechannel measurements in human embryonic kidney 293 cells revealed a single-channel conductance of ~9 pS. These channels are blocked by Ni2+ (IC50 = 6.6 μ M ) and the T-type channel antagonists mibefradil (~50% block at 1 μ M ) and amiloride (IC50 = 167 μ M ). Thus, α1H-containing channels exhibit biophysical and pharmacological properties characteristic of low voltage-activated, or T-type, Ca2+ channels.  相似文献   

为使嵌合分子 ut- PA获得抗 PAI- 1抑制作用的性质 ,将删除了编码 u- PA中 R1 78- R1 79-H1 80 - R1 81的 1 2个核苷酸的 u- PA c DNA[u- PA( 1 ) ]的 Bam H - Eco R 部分酶切片段 ,克隆到含嵌合蛋白 ut- PA基因的转移载体 p VL 1 392 - ut- PA的相应位点中 ,构建了一个含有新的嵌合蛋白基因 ut- PA( 1 )的转移表达载体 p VL1 392 - ut- PA( 1 ) .在昆虫病毒表达系统 sf- 9细胞中表达该嵌合蛋白基因 ,表达上清具有纤溶性 ,用血纤维蛋白平板法和 S2 4 44 显色底物法分别测得活力为 2 4 8IU/ml和 380 IU/ml  相似文献   

为使嵌合分子 ut- PA获得抗 PAI- 1抑制作用的性质 ,将删除了编码 u- PA中 R1 78- R1 79-H1 80 - R1 81的 1 2个核苷酸的 u- PA c DNA[u- PA( 1 ) ]的 Bam H - Eco R 部分酶切片段 ,克隆到含嵌合蛋白 ut- PA基因的转移载体 p VL 1 392 - ut- PA的相应位点中 ,构建了一个含有新的嵌合蛋白基因 ut- PA( 1 )的转移表达载体 p VL1 392 - ut- PA( 1 ) .在昆虫病毒表达系统 sf- 9细胞中表达该嵌合蛋白基因 ,表达上清具有纤溶性 ,用血纤维蛋白平板法和 S2 4 44 显色底物法分别测得活力为 2 4 8IU/ml和 380 IU/ml  相似文献   

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