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在全球石化资源日益匮乏、全球气候变暖等环境问题不断加剧的情况下,生物基产品以开发、利用可再生资源为基础,发展可持续、可再生且环保的"绿色经济",日益受到人们的关注。一方面,各国政府相继出台政策和计划,鼓励和刺激大型化工集团斥巨资投入以生物基产品为代表的生物经济;另一方面,基因组学、蛋白质组学、微生物组学以及合成生物学等科学技术的进步,促进了生物基产品的发展。从产业的角度,分析了目前全球主要生物基产品的市场现状、主要研发企业、生产状况等,并对其前景进行了分析。  相似文献   

2013年美国生物技术市场,共37家企业股票成功上市,掀起了自2000年以来少见的IPO(首次公开募股)热潮。这还只是从事医药品开发企业,如果将进行诊断仪器设备和研究工具开发的企业包括在内,上市的企业共有44家。从上市公司的具体业务来看,走在表观遗传学领域前沿的Epizyme公司、以再生医疗为目标的Fate Therapeutics公司、从事基因治疗开发的bluebirdbio公司、从事RNA治疗的Prosensa公司、以纳米技术为核心技术的Bind Therapeutics公司、从事合成生物学的Intrexon公司、销售癌症个性化治疗分子诊断工具的Foundation Medicine公司等超越过去低分子化合物和抗体医药领域的企业,成为被市场接受的对象,而且基地设在美国之外的3家生物技术企业也在纳斯达克成功上市(注:在美国以外上市的企业、医疗器械厂家、医疗保健服务提供商、宠物医疗、从辉瑞公司剥离的Zoetis公司等不在本文分析之列)。  相似文献   

<正>从企业的产业链布局来看,合成生物企业主要分为技术赋能型公司、平台型公司、产品应用型公司。其中,技术赋能型公司为合成生物学行业提供关键的技术支持;平台型公司提供较工具性模式更为完整的服务,因技术完备、数据量大,是实现规模化生产的未来之星;而产品应用型公司涵盖工业化学品、医疗、食品、材料以及化妆品/护肤品等千行百业。在合成生物热潮下,调研组根据网络热度、企业活跃度等维度选取了100家合成生物学企业,分析合成生物学在不同领域的应用,进一步感知当前行业布局。  相似文献   

随着全球经济的高速发展,外部环境压力的加大,在人格因素、社会心理及慢性疾病等诸多亚健康因素的影响下,抑郁症及精神与抑郁混合型疾病的发生率呈现上升趋势。如今,全球精神疾病用药规模已超过360亿美元,占药品销售总额的5%。抑郁症及相关精神疾病治疗市场的升温,直接刺激了制药企业和研究机构的开发热情。截至2015年7月20日,全球各医药企业和研究机构至少已经针对近219个靶标的718种抗抑郁症治疗用药进行研发,文章就其中抗抑郁症药物的主要靶标、开发企业及市场前景等进行了分析。  相似文献   

合成生物学领域专利竞争态势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
合成生物学是生物学、工程学、化学和信息技术等相互交叉融合的一个新兴领域,在医学、药物、农业、材料、环境和能源等领域具有广阔的应用前景,甚至可能创造出自然界中没有的新生物,被视为生物科技领域的颠覆性技术。分析了合成生物学领域主要国家和地区的相关发展战略、资助项目和政策措施,总结了合成生物学领域专利技术的发展历程,揭示了该领域的专利研发主题分布情况,综合对比分析了该领域的主要国家和主要机构的专利产出情况,以期为我国合成生物学领域的科研工作者和管理决策者提供参考数据。  相似文献   

合成生物学技术和产品因其广阔的应用前景和难以预知的生态风险, 受到各国的广泛关注。2014年10月在韩国平昌召开的《生物多样性公约》第十二次缔约方大会上, 合成生物学首次被作为正式议题进行讨论。本文梳理了《生物多样性公约》框架下合成生物学从提出到成为“新的与正在出现的议题”的过程, 分析了《生物多样性公约》在该议题上对缔约国的最新要求, 以及我国合成生物学技术发展和风险评估现状。当前我国合成生物学研究处于起步阶段,近年来的科研投入不断增大,但距离成熟的商业化仍有相当距离。我国对相关技术风险评估能力欠缺,且尚未明确负责其生物安全管理的主管部门。本文提出了以严控风险、适度鼓励研究开发和要求发达国家提供更多技术支持的谈判对策, 以及明确合成生物学安全风险管理的政府主管部门、通过技术开发以推动风险评估、构建国家合成生物学数据库和建立专业风险评估团队等履约建议。  相似文献   

过去十年,全球双特异性抗体研发取得了突破性进展,4款产品获批上市,多个产品进入临床及临床前研究。双抗具有区别于单抗的独特生物学机制,有望成为针对癌症、自身免疫和传染病的下一代生物疗法,但双抗药物的开发更具复杂性,有着更高的技术壁垒。通过对全球双抗总体研发进展、企业研发格局、产品研发进展等角度分析,以期为相关企业的双抗研发方向选择及地区产业决策提供参考。  相似文献   

王猛  赵惠民 《生命科学》2011,(9):875-881
合成生物学是一个快速发展的研究领域,其重要性体现在科学研究和应用开发两方面。它不但加深了我们对复杂的生物过程与机理的理解,而且使得基础生物研究向实际应用的快速转化成为可能。将介绍一些新型高效的合成生物学工具以及如何利用它们开发能从可再生原料生产药物和燃料的上程菌株。  相似文献   

<正>合成塑料的商业化历史经验表明,聚合物应用市场的开拓过程中,最重要的是充分利用材料的特性,开发高附加值的应用市场。从化学结构上看,乳酸分子作为羟基和羧基两种官能团的C_3化合物分子,聚合后形成了聚乳酸,它具有独特性能——生物相容性、生物可降解性、优良的理化性能、乳酸原料的立体异构特征,从而使其在农林环保、纤维产品开发、医疗应用等领域具有较广的市场发展空间。国内聚乳酸企业的发展,需要以细分的市场定位为导向,提升聚乳酸产业链的技术水平。  相似文献   

合成生物学(synthetic biology)是伴随着基因工程、系统生物学以及生物信息学的发展而出现的一个新的交叉学科。大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)作为一种宿主在合成生物学的发展中功不可没。从某种意义上讲,合成生物学的每一次进展都离不开大肠杆菌。从大肠杆菌的角度出发,对合成生物学的发展进行深入分析,并提出了合成生物学在中圉发展的重点。  相似文献   

《Biotechnology journal》2009,4(10):1371-1379
Special focus: Synthetic biology What is synthetic biology? SynBERC – The Synthetic Biology Engineering Research Center Ars Synthetica iGEM – The International Genetically Engineered Machine competition Some synthetic biology companies Paper watch: Synthetic biology Building blocks for novel functions Knowledge-making distinctions in synthetic biology Scaffold design and manufacturing: From concept to clinic Peptidomimetics – a versatile route to biologically active compounds Metabolic engineering of E. coli E. coli needs safety valves Systems-level metabolic engineering Mammalian synthetic biology Chemical aspects of synthetic biology Synthesis of DNA fragments in yeast Synthetic biology and patentable subject matter Patenting artificial life? Metabolic effects of synthetic rewiring Engineering for biofuels Regulatory elements for synthetic biology Book highlight Systems Biology and Synthetic Biology  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the representation of Synthetic Biology in the media and by biotechnology experts. An analysis was made of German-language media articles published between 2004 and 2008, and interviews with biotechnology-experts at the Synthetic Biology conference SB 3.0 in Zurich 2007. The results have been reflected in terms of the definition of Synthetic Biology, applications of Synthetic Biology and the perspectives of opportunities and risks. In the media, Synthetic Biology is represented as a new scientific field of biology with an engineering-like thinking, while the scientists interviewed mostly define Synthetic Biology as contrary to nature and the natural system. Media articles present Synthetic Biology broadly with positive potential and inform the publics less about the potential risks than about the benefits of Synthetic Biology. In contrast, the experts interviewed reflect more on the risks than the opportunities of Synthetic Biology. Both used metaphors to describe Synthetic Biology and its aspects.  相似文献   

Synthetic Biology is a surging area of contemporary life science based research that is rapidly evolving by virtue of its multidisciplinary composition and applications. Biology never before has seen such a gold rush and demonstrated potential for knowledge based economy. The area of synthetic biology is in a nascent and tender stage, however issues pertaining to open access to research versus the monopolistic intellectual property regime (specifically patents) have already started raising concerns in the emerging bio-based economy. The present study critically analyses the comparative benefits as well as lacunas of open access to research and patenting issues. It is noteworthy that both approaches for synthetic biology development have to co-exist in order to optimally benefit the society at large.  相似文献   

Kitney R  Freemont P 《FEBS letters》2012,586(15):2029-2036
Just over two years ago there was an article in Nature entitled "Five Hard Truths for Synthetic Biology". Since then, the field has moved on considerably. A number of economic commentators have shown that synthetic biology very significant industrial potential. This paper addresses key issues in relation to the state of play regarding synthetic biology. It first considers the current background to synthetic biology, whether it is a legitimate field and how it relates to foundational biological sciences. The fact that synthetic biology is a translational field is discussed and placed in the context of the industrial translation process. An important aspect of synthetic biology is platform technology, this topic is also discussed in some detail. Finally, examples of application areas are described.  相似文献   

Synthetic biology has the potential to contribute breakthrough innovations to the pursuit of new global health solutions. Wishing to harness the emerging tools of synthetic biology for the goals of global health, in 2011 the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation put out a call for grant applications to “Apply Synthetic Biology to Global Health Challenges” under its “Grand Challenges Explorations” program. A highly diverse pool of over 700 applications was received. Proposed applications of synthetic biology to global health needs included interventions such as therapeutics, vaccines, and diagnostics, as well as strategies for biomanufacturing, and the design of tools and platforms that could further global health research.  相似文献   

方刚 《生物信息学》2016,14(1):39-42
由于基因测序及DNA合成技术与工具的突破性进展,生物工程正在加速发展,导致合成生物学的出现。本文介绍了一种用于构建表达载体的合成生物学数据库。阐述了如何利用MySQL数据库管理系统(DBMS)对合成生物学数据库gene_bank进行查询,并借助BioEdit软件对其中的多克隆位点(MCS)进行序列分析,通过查询与分析找出这一合成生物学数据库的特点。  相似文献   

Synthetic Biology is in a critical phase of its development: it has finally reached the point where it can move from proof-of-principle studies to real-world applications. Secondary metabolite biosynthesis, especially the discovery and production of antibiotics, is a particularly relevant target area for such applications of synthetic biology. The first international conference to explore this subject was held in Spain in October 2011. In four sessions on General Synthetic Biology, Filamentous Fungal Systems, Actinomyces Systems, and Tools and Host Structures, scientists presented the most recent technological and scientific advances, and a final-day Forward Look Plenary Discussion identified future trends in the field.  相似文献   

Synthetic biology is a recent scientific approach towards engineering biological systems from both pre-existing and novel parts. The aim is to introduce computational aided design approach in biology leading to rapid delivery of useful applications. Though the term reprogramming has been frequently used in the synthetic biology community, currently the technological sophistication only allows for a probabilistic approach instead of a precise engineering approach. Recently, several human health applications have emerged that suggest increased usage of synthetic biology approach in developing novel drugs. This mini review discusses recent translational developments in the field and tries to identify some of the upcoming future developments.  相似文献   

Synthetic biology has mainly focused on introducing new or altered functionality in single cell systems: primarily bacteria, yeast, or mammalian cells. Here, we describe the extension of synthetic biology to nematodes, in particular the well-studied model organism Caenorhabditis elegans, as a convenient platform for developing applications in a multicellular setting. We review transgenesis techniques for nematodes, as well as the application of synthetic biology principles to construct nematode gene switches and genetic devices to control motility. Finally, we discuss potential applications of engineered nematodes.  相似文献   

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