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Summary Dissociated chick embryo spinal ganglia neurons, cultivated without direct contact with glial cells maintain some enzymatic activities, for example: carboxylic esterases, succinic-dehydrogenase (SDH), glutamic-dehydrogenase (GDH), monoamine oxidase (MAO), lactico-dehydrogenase (LDH) and alcoholic-dehydrogenase (ADH) for several days periods.Nerve growth factor (NGF) prolongs the maintenance of the mitochondrial enzymes, carboxylic esterases, LDH and ADH in cultures of isolated neurons. Extract of embryonic spinal cord gives almost similar results as NGF.With the technical assistance of Miss E. Darcel.This work is part of the Doctorat ès-Sciences thesis.  相似文献   

Spinal cord injury was produced in rats by dropping a 10 g weight from 30 cm upon dura-invested exposed spinal cord. Examination of the fine structure of the traumatic lesion (15 min to 30 min) revealed granular degeneration of axons and occasional loosening of myelin lamellae. Older lesions (4 to 72 hours) showed degeneration of axons and vesiculation of myelin. At 15 minutes there is more loss of neurofilament proteins than of myelin proteins. Substantial decreases in the neurofilament and myelin proteins were observed at 30 minutes and the losses were even greater 2–72 hours after injury. This indicates that degeneration of axons may precede degradation of the myelin sheath and also that increased proteinase(s) activity, possibly activated by calcium, mediates the traumatic axonolysis and myelinolysis in experimental spinal cord trauma.  相似文献   

The method of leading off whole-cell currents is used to study the neuron responses elicited by applications of glycine at different stages of culturing of the chick embryo dissociated spinal cord. For two types of cells described earlier [4] differently directed shifts of the concentration dependence curves of the transmitter effect are shown to be characteristic. "Mature" cells, surviving several days in culture and represented by motoneurons, typically show a lowered sensitivity to glycine. The sensitivity of little-differentiated neurons increases more than tenfold by the end of the second week of culturing. The desensitization kinetics of the glycine-activated current also slows down with age. Blocking of the spontaneous electrical activity during development prevented these changes, and the presence of agonist in the culture medium did not affect them. Analogous patterns of formation of transmitter sensitivity are assumed to be exhibited by differentiating neurons of the intact nervous system.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 23, No. 5, pp. 580–587, September–October, 1991.  相似文献   

Summary Whole mouse embryos were grown in vitro from Theiler stage 12 (1 to 7 somites) to Theiler stages 15 and 16 (25 to 35 somites). This procedure gives experimental access to precisely staged embryos during the early period of neurogenesis. To follow the further development of neurons in vitro, fragments of spinal primordia were set up from these cultured embryos. In such cultures, the proliferation of precursor cells, the formation of postmitotic cells and, finally, the cytodifferentiation of neurons were observed. A preliminary account of this work was given at the Tissue Culture Association Meeting in 1977, and the Canadian Federation of Biological Societies Meeting in 1977 (1,2). This work was supported by Grant MT 4235 from the Medical Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

Summary Neural tubes of mouse embryos at Theiler Stages 14, 15, and 16 were grown in cultures for 21 d with 0.5 μCi/ml tritiated thymidine or cold growth medium. It was found that 50 to 60% of the neurons formed in the outgrowth zone were labeled, indicating that they formed from precursor cells that proliferated in the cultures. The unlabeled neurons must have formed from cells that were already postmitotic when the cultures were started. By comparing the total number of neurons per neuromere formed in vivo and in vitro, it seems that the postmitotic precursor cells survive better in cultures and only a small percentage of proliferative precursor cells in cultures enter the postmitotic stage and form neurons. This work was supported by Grant MT4235 from the Medical Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

The distribution of several structural proteins in the extending neurites and growth cones of cultured embryonic mouse spinal cord neurons was studied by indirect immunofluorescence, using affinity chromatography-purified antibodies. Fibroblastic cells in the same cultures served as internal standards for the evaluation of staining intensities. Anti-tubulin, anti-actin, and anti-clathrin stained neurons and their processes intensely, while staining with anti-α-actinin was only moderate compared with fibroblasts. Microtubules were resolved by anti-tubulin in the ‘palm’ of the growth cone but not in the neurite. Anti-actin stained even the finest lamellae and filopodia of the growth cone, and the neurite. Anti-α-actinin revealed an irregularly speckled pattern of cross-reactive material in the neurite and in the palm of the growth cone and was absent from the filopodia. Anti-clathrin stained the neurite intensely and homogeneously, and to a lesser extent the palm of the growth cone. The staining with antibodies against tubulin and clathrin differed grossly between neurons and fibroblastic cells. Within the neuron there were only gradual differences in staining intensities. The growth cone was not qualitatively different from the rest of the neurite, except for the filopodia which lacked tubulin and α-actinin, similar to the microvilli of epithelial cells.  相似文献   

A series of proteins putatively involved in the generation of axonal diversity was identified. Neurons from ventral spinal cord and dorsal root ganglia were grown in a compartmented cell-culture system which offers separate access to cell somas and axons. The proteins synthesized in the neuronal cell somas and subsequently transported into the axons were selectively analyzed by 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The patterns of axonal proteins were substantially less complex than those derived from the proteins of neuronal cell bodies. The structural and functional similarity of axons from different neurons was reflected in a high degree of similarity of the gel pattern of the axonal proteins from sensory ganglia and spinal cord neurons. Each axonal type, however, had several proteins that were markedly less abundant or absent in the other. These neuron-population enriched proteins may be involved in the implementation of neuronal diversity. One of the proteins enriched in dorsal root ganglia axons had previously been found to be expressed with decreased abundance when dorsal root ganglia axons were co-cultured with ventral spinal cord cells under conditions in which synapse formation occurs (P. Sonderegger, M. C. Fishman, M. Bokoum, H. C. Bauer, and P.G. Nelson, 1983, Science [Wash. DC], 221:1294-1297). This protein may be a candidate for a role in growth cone functions, specific for neuronal subsets, such as pathfinding and selective axon fasciculation or the initiation of specific synapses. The methodology presented is thus capable of demonstrating patterns of protein synthesis that distinguish different neuronal subsets. The accessibility of these proteins for structural and functional studies may contribute to the elucidation of neuron-specific functions at the molecular level.  相似文献   

The spontaneous development of synaptic activity (SSA) was studied in cell cultures of chick embryo spinal cord. The complicated time structure of the SSA, an important early-stage characteristic of which was giant inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSC), was demonstrated. The ionic nature and pharmacological sensitivity of these IPSC suggest that glycine is their transmitter. Emergence of excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSC) and complex antagonistic relationships between excitatory and inhibitory SSA was detected later. Possible mechanisms for maintenance of synaptic activity during the inhibitory function are discussed. Correlations between the regularities of synaptic transmission development that we have disclosed and neuronal circuit electrical activity are examined.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 280–290, May–June, 1991.  相似文献   

Highly enriched cultures of chick embryo spinal cord neurons synthesize and secrete a protein which is immunoprecipitable by anti-ovotransferrin. Ovotransferrin, an iron-binding glycoprotein of Mr 80 000, is also shown to stimulate in vitro myogenesis of cultured chick embryo myotubes as measured by saturable dose-dependent increase in acetylcholine receptors. This effect is probably dependent on ovotransferrin's ability to donate iron to the cells. In many respects ovotransferrin is similar to 'sciatin', a myotrophic protein isolated from chicken sciatic nerves.  相似文献   

Summary The dissociated sympathetic neurons maintained in culture without direct contact with glia cells keep up some enzymatic activities, like those of carboxylic esterases, of succinic-dehydrogenase (SDH), glutamic-dehydrogenase (GDH), monoamine oxydase (MAO), lactic-dehydrogenase (LDH) and alcoholic dehydrogenase (ADH) for more or less long periods.Nerve growth factor (NGF) promotes the maintenance of mitochondrial enzymes, of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and non-specific cholinesterases (n. s. ChE), of LDH in sympathetic neurons. In absence of NGF, the more archaic enzymes, like ADH, or the less specific, like -naphtol esterases still are kept up, whereas the enzymatic mitochondrial and cholinesterasic activities are no more detected.With the technical assistance of Miss E. Darcel.This communication is part of the Doctorat de Biologie Humaine thesis.  相似文献   

Quantitative estimates of the density of distribution of interneurons forming descending intersegmental connections in the cat spinal cord were obtained. Neurons were labeled by retrograde axonal transport of horseradish peroxidase injected unilaterally at different segmental levels. The mean number of labeled units per section 50 µ thick, in a given zone, was used as the measure of density. The density of distribution of the propriospinal neurons forming the longest tracts between the cervical and lumbosacral regions of the cord was found to be about half the density of distribution of neurons with short (not more than two segments) axons, and to be several times less than the corresponding value for neurons with axons of intermediate length. No marked local peaks of density of distribution of long-axon neurons were found at the level of the brachial enlargement. The number of neurons with crossed axons in most segments was close to half of the total number of propriospinal units. Zones of transverse section of the spinal cord with maximal concentrations of neurons forming direct and crossed propriospinal tracts of different lengths were determined at different levels. Correlation between the quantitative composition of propriospinal neuron populations with characteristics of influences transmitted by these populations is examined.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 16, No. 1, pp. 96–105, January–February, 1984.  相似文献   

Although the cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons of the avian paraventricular organ exhibit considerable amounts of catecholamines, they show no tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity. In the quail embryo, the development of these neurons has been studied using the paraformaldeyde-glutaraldeyde method for the fluorescence-histochemical localization of catecholamines. The timing of the appearance of catecholamine fluorescence in cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons and that in catecholamine-containing neurons of the brainstem have been compared. The first neurons displaying catecholamine fluorescence are found within the locus coeruleus and the nucleus subcoeruleus ventralis on the 5.5th day of incubation. Catecholaminergic neuronal groups of the medulla and mesencephalon can be identified by embryonic day 7, and fluorescent cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons of the hypothalamic paraventricular organ can be first recognized at the 8th day of incubation. If the catecholamine content of cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons that lack tyrosine hydroxylase depends upon an uptake mechanism, it may be significant that, in fluorescence-histochemical preparations, these neurons can be identified 1–3 days later than those in which catecholamines are synthesized and from which catecholamines are released at an earlier developmental stage. Moreover, cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons that have previously been shown to be tyrosine-hydroxylase immunoreactive, and that lie at the spinal-medullary junction display a different developmental pattern. By fluorescence histochemistry, they can be detected only by embryonic day 10.5. The chemical, developmental and topographical differences suggest that the catecholamine-containing cerebrospinal fluid-contacting elements of the paraventricular organ and those of the spinal cord represent two different subsets of cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons whose respective functional roles remain to be investigated.  相似文献   

Protein tyrosine nitration is one of the post-translational modifications that alter the biological function of proteins. Two important mechanisms are involved: peroxynitrite formation and myeloperoxidase or eosinophil peroxidase (EPO) activity. In the present work we studied the nitration of proteins in the in vivo system of chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane (CAM). 3-Nitrotyrosine was detected only in the insoluble fraction of the CAM homogenate. By immunoprecipitation, Western blot analysis, and double immunofluorescence, we identified two major polypeptides that were nitrated: actin and alpha-tubulin. Quantification of actin and alpha-tubulin nitration revealed that they are differentially nitrated during normal development of the chicken embryo CAM. After irradiation, although they were both increased, they required different time periods to return to the physiological levels of nitration. It seems that both peroxynitrite formation and EPO activity are involved in the in vivo tyrosine nitration of cytoskeletal proteins. These data suggest that tyrosine nitration of cytoskeletal proteins has a physiological role in vivo, which depends on the protein involved and is differentially regulated.  相似文献   

Decay of inhibitory postsynaptic currents (IPSC) was analyzed in dissociated culture of chick embryo spinal cord. Differences in the kinetic characteristics of low-amplitude and giant IPSC were revealed. Decay of currents in the first group was single-exponential, while decay in the second group was double-exponential. The time constant of single-exponential current decay increased during membrane depolarization and decreased during rise in temperature of the solution. Decay of the double-exponential currents depended little on potential, while temperature changes acted only on its slow component. Strychnine in submaximum concentrations produced not only a decrease in amplitude of giant IPSC, but also a deceleration of decay due to the slow component. The regularity of these phenomena suggests that decay of giant IPSC, as distinguished from that of low-amplitude currents, is determined by removal of transmitter from the synaptic cleft.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 427–435, July–August, 1991.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine (ACh) synthesis was examined in cultures of chick spinal cord cells to follow the development of the cholinergic neurons. The cells, prepared from 4-day-old embryonic chick spinal cords, were grown either alone in dissociated cell cultures (SC cultures) or with chick myotubes (SC-M cultures). ACh synthesis was measured by incubating the cultures in [3Hcholine and using high-voltage paper electrophoresis to quantitate the amount of [3H]ACh present in cell extracts prepared from the labeled cultures. The amount of [3H]ACh synthesized in SC-M cultures was strictly proportional to the number of spinal cord cells used to prepare the cultures, and was linear with the time of incubation in [3H]choline for periods up to 1 hr. Maximal rates of synthesis were observed with [3H]choline concentrations in excess of 100 μM. Such rates for 1-week-old SC-M cultures were approximately 10–20 pmoles of [3H]ACh/hr/105 spinal cord cells. Studies on the stability of the intracellular [3H]ACh revealed the presence of a major pool with a half-time of 20–30 min. A second, small pool decayed more rapidly. No detectable [3H]ACh was spontaneously released from the cells, suggesting that most of the decay represented intracellular degradation. Development of cholinergic neurons as monitored by [3H]ACh synthesis continued over a 2-week period in SC-M cultures and paralleled general cell growth. When examined at 1 week, SC-M cultures had about a 50% greater capacity for [3H]ACh synthesis and 60% more choline acetyltransferase activity than did SC cultures. No difference was observed in the stability of the [3H]ACh formed for the two types of cultures at 1 week, and no further difference was observed in the rates of [3H]ACh synthesis at 2 weeks. Growth of SC cultures in medium containing different amounts of chick embryo extract (2–10%) or in medium with fetal calf serum (10%) instead of extract produced only small differences in the measured rates of [3H]ACh synthesis. Thus chick spinal cord cells can undergo some of the early stages of cholinergic development in cell culture without sustained contact with skeletal myotubes, one of the normal postsynaptic target cells for the cholinergic neuron population. No absolute requirement for muscle factors was revealed under these conditions, although such factors may have been provided by other cell types in the spinal cord population or may have been present in other additions to the culture medium.  相似文献   

Summary The subcellular localization of substance P (SP) in the dorsal horn of the rat spinal cord was studied using the unlabelled antibody procedure of Sternberger with different fixatives (4% paraformaldehyde alone or with varying amounts of glutaraldehyde), buffer systems for the immunohistochemical incubations, and the presence or absence of the detergent, Trition X-100. Hand-sliced tissues were compared with Vibratome sections, and showed adequate results which are described below. Labelled terminals of two types could be seen in all samples incubated with anti-SP sera. The two types of positive terminals can be described as those which contained mostly immunoreactive clear vesicles, and those which contained both immunoreactive clear and dense core vesicles. Brief fixation during pressure perfusion with increased concentrations of glutaraldehyde (up to 2%) improved the tissue preservation and, as a result, the intensity and definition of the SP immunoreaction products. The use of Tris or phosphate buffer for the immunohistochemical incubations maintained the intensity of staining in well-fixed tissues. However, Tris incubations contributed to a diffusion of immunoreaction products and increased the number of broken membranes in the labelled processes as well as those of myelin. These phenomena were not observed in phosphate buffer, which preserved the tissue better than Tris. Like Tris, pretreatment with the detergent Triton X-100 (TX) contributed further to the diffusion of the immunoreaction products, and increased the number of broken membranes. For example,without TX, the outer membrane and envelope of the mitochondria became intensely and clearly labelled when phosphate buffer was used for incubations;with TX pretreatment, the staining was far more diffuse, and the intensity of staining became reduced such that only the mitochondrial outer surface appeared somewhat immunopositive. Using phosphate buffer alone, we observed well-defined immunoreaction products around the microtubules of many-containing processes. This finding was less clear in other preparations, especially those pretreatedwith TX. We therefore submit that the conditions of tissue fixation and incubation may influence greatly the data amassed by the technique of immunocytochemistry. Results must be evaluated in view of the methods chosed for each immunocytochemical study. Optimal technical conditions encourage new morphological findings, as shown below concerning the circuitry of SP neurons in the dorsal horn.This work was initiated while Dr. K. Kakudo was a postdoctoral Fellow in Anatomic Pathology, Medical College of Georgia, from Osaka University Medical School, JapanPresently at the Department of Anatomy, Tulane Medical School, New Orleans, Louisiana, USAThe work, presented at the Annual Meeting of the 31st Annual Meeting of the Histochemical Society held in New Orleans, April 11–15, 1980, was partially supported by BRSG 10-16-04-3611-23, CCHD10-12-04-3600-00 (LLV) and the Department of Pathology (address reprint requests to LLV)  相似文献   

Synaptogenesis in the chick embryo spinal cord   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

Global understanding of the proteome is a major research topic. The comprehensive visualization of the distribution of proteins in vivo or the construction of in situ protein atlases may be a valuable strategy for proteomic researchers. Information about the distribution of various proteins under physiological and pathological conditions should be extremely valuable for the basic and clinical sciences.The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) cascade plays an essential role in intracellular signaling in organisms. This cascade also regulates biological processes involving development, differentiation, and proliferation. Phosphorylation and dephosphorylation are integral reactions in regulating the activity of MAPKs. Changes in the phosphorylation state of MAPKs are rapid and reversible; therefore, the localizations of physiologically phosphorylated MAPKs in vivo are difficult to accurately detect. Furthermore, phosphorylated MAPKs are likely to change phosphorylated states through commonly used experimental manipulations.In the present study, as a step toward the construction of in situ phosphoprotein atlases, we attempted to detect physiologically phosphorylated MAPKs in vivo in developing spinal cords of mice. We previously reported an improved immunohistochemical method for detecting unstable phosphorylated MAPKs. The distribution patterns of phosphorylated MAPKs in the spinal cords of embryonic mice from embryonic day 13 (E13) to E17 were observed with an improved immunohistochemical method. Phosphorylated extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (p-ERK1/2) and phosphorylated c-Jun N-terminal kinase 1/2 (p-JNK1/2) were strongly observed in the marginal layer and the dorsal horn from E13 to E17. Our results suggest that p-ERK1/2 and p-JNK1/2 play critical roles in the developing spinal cord. Constructing phosphoprotein atlases will be possible in the future if this work is systematically developed on a larger scale than we presented here.  相似文献   

The effect of GDNF on long-term cultured spinal cord neurons was studied. GDNF could promote spinal cord neurons survival after 7 d or 14 d culture by MTT assay. The effect of GDNF on growth cones, neuron soma magnitude, neurite length and spines formulation of spinal cord neurons in cell culture was observed by phase microscopy, Nissl stain and NSE immunocytochemistry stain. The results indicated that GDNF had significant trophic effects on long-term cultured spinal cord neurons.  相似文献   

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