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Regulation of Arabidopsis root development by nitrate availability   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
When the root systems of many plant species are exposed to a localized source of nitrate (NO3- they respond by proliferating their lateral roots to colonize the nutrient-rich zone. This study reviews recent work with Arabidopsis thaliana in which molecular genetic approaches are being used to try to understand the physiological and genetic basis for this response. These studies have led to the conclusion that there are two distinct pathways by which NO3- modulates root branching in Arabidopsis. On the one hand, meristematic activity in lateral root tips is stimulated by direct contact with an enriched source of NO3- (the localized stimulatory effect). On the other, a critical stage in the development of the lateral root (just after its emergence from the primary root) is highly susceptible to inhibition by a systemic signal that is related to the amount of NO3- absorbed by the plant (the systemic inhibitory effect). Evidence has been obtained that the localized stimulatory effect is a direct effect of the NO3- ion itself rather than a nutritional effect. A NO3(-)-inducible MADS-box gene (ANR1) has been identified which encodes a component of the signal transduction pathway linking the external NO3- supply to the increased rate of lateral root elongation. Experiments using auxin-resistant mutants have provided evidence for an overlap between the auxin and NO3- response pathways in the control of lateral root elongation. The systemic inhibitory effect, which does not affect lateral root initiation but delays the activation of the lateral root meristem, appears to be positively correlated with the N status of the plant and is postulated to involve a phloem-mediated signal from the shoot.  相似文献   

Despite the widespread prevalence of root loss in plants, its effects on crop productivity are not fully understood. While root loss reduces the capacity of plants to take up water and nutrients from the soil, it may provide benefits by decreasing the resources required to maintain the root system. Here, we simulated a range of root phenotypes in different soils and root loss scenarios for barley (Hordeum vulgare), common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), and maize (Zea mays) using and extending the open-source, functional–structural root/soil simulation model OpenSimRoot. The model enabled us to quantify the impact of root loss on shoot dry weight in these scenarios and identify in which scenarios root loss is beneficial, detrimental, or has no effect. The simulations showed that root loss is detrimental for phosphorus uptake in all tested scenarios, whereas nitrogen uptake was relatively insensitive to root loss unless main root axes were lost. Loss of axial roots reduced shoot dry weight for all phenotypes in all species and soils, whereas lateral root loss had a smaller impact. In barley and maize plants with high lateral branching density that were not phosphorus-stressed, loss of lateral roots increased shoot dry weight. The fact that shoot dry weight increased due to root loss in these scenarios indicates that plants overproduce roots for some environments, such as those found in high-input agriculture. We conclude that a better understanding of the effects of root loss on plant development is an essential part of optimizing root system phenotypes for maximizing yield.

Root loss has a major impact on crop development and nutrient uptake; modeling reveals that the magnitude of the effect depends on species, root phenotype, and soil conditions.  相似文献   

红树林湿地植物生长促进菌及其应用展望*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
着重介绍从红树林根系中提取的植物促生菌的种类,即固氮细菌、溶磷细菌、光合厌氧细菌及其在红树林植被恢复中的应用前景。  相似文献   

为进一步开发植物促生菌,该研究以巨菌草根部为主要材料进行巨菌草促生菌的筛选,采用解磷、固氮和产IAA等筛选标准对初筛菌株分别进行多项促生能力的测定。通过形态观察、生理生化特性和16S rDNA序列同源性分析对促生效果最好的菌株YB-07进行分类和鉴定,分别测定其促生能力后从中筛选出促生效应强的11个菌株进行盆栽试验,并通过对这些菌株单独回接和多菌混接的小麦盆栽试验测定其对小麦的促生效应。结果表明:从巨菌草根部分离得到了101株促生菌株,分类鉴定结果显示菌株YB-07归属于根瘤菌属(Rhizobium),其溶磷量为20.1 mg·L-1、产IAA量为23.7mg·L-1,同时具有产氨能力。盆栽试验测定结果显示,多菌混合接种对小麦的促生效应在株高、干重、鲜重和叶绿素含量上,分别较对照组增加了24.49%、31.84%、28.06%和34.14%。单菌接种对小麦的促生表现在株高、干重、鲜重和叶绿素含量上,分别较对照组增加了13.54%、20.45%、16.84%和35.19%。所筛选到的菌株具有良好的促生长作用,能为进一步构建巨菌草促生菌菌群提供良...  相似文献   

[背景]植物促生菌剂产品在农业生产上的应用越来越广泛,但人们对促生菌在基质栽培条件下对作物根系微生物群落影响的了解有限.[目的]明确在基质栽培条件下促生菌假单胞菌(Pseudomonas sp.) JP2-3和枯草芽孢杆菌(Bacillus subtilis) Z54对番茄生长和根系细菌群落的影响.[方法]通过蘸根和灌...  相似文献   

Plant-microbe interactions in the rhizosphere are the determinants of plant health, productivity and soil fertility. Plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) are bacteria that can enhance plant growth and protect plants from disease and abiotic stresses through a wide variety of mechanisms; those that establish close associations with plants, such as the endophytes, could be more successful in plant growth promotion. Several important bacterial characteristics, such as biological nitrogen fixation, phosphate solubilization, ACC deaminase activity, and production of siderophores and phytohormones, can be assessed as plant growth promotion (PGP) traits. Bacterial inoculants can contribute to increase agronomic efficiency by reducing production costs and environmental pollution, once the use of chemical fertilizers can be reduced or eliminated if the inoculants are efficient. For bacterial inoculants to obtain success in improving plant growth and productivity, several processes involved can influence the efficiency of inoculation, as for example the exudation by plant roots, the bacterial colonization in the roots, and soil health. This review presents an overview of the importance of soil-plant-microbe interactions to the development of efficient inoculants, once PGPB are extensively studied microorganisms, representing a very diverse group of easily accessible beneficial bacteria.  相似文献   

Plant growth-promoting bacteria that decrease heavy metal toxicity in plants   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
Kluyvera ascorbata SUD165 and a siderophore-overproducing mutant of this bacterium, K. ascorbata SUD165/26, were used to inoculate tomato, canola, and Indian mustard seeds which were then grown in soil for 25-42 days in the presence of either nickel, lead, or zinc. The parameters that were monitored included plant wet and dry weight, protein and chlorophyll content in the plant leaves, and concentration of heavy metal in the plant roots and shoots. As indicated by a decrease in the measured values of these parameters, in all instances, plant growth was inhibited by the presence of the added metal. Both bacterial strains were effective, although not always to a statistically significant extent, at relieving a portion of the growth inhibition caused by the metals. In most cases, the siderophore overproducing mutant K. ascorbata 165/26 exerted a more pronounced effect on plant growth than did the wild-type bacterium K. ascorbata SUD165. The data suggest that the ability of these bacteria to protect plants against the inhibitory effects of high concentrations of nickel, lead, and zinc is related to the bacteria providing the plants with sufficient iron.  相似文献   

A new model is presented to predict the plant uptake of nitrate supplied by diffusion and mass flow to its roots. Plant growth, root-shoot ratio and the plant's nitrate uptake capacity are all set dependent on the plant's N nutrition state. By thoroughly integrating processes occurring in both plant and soil, the model enables to control the relative importance of both under a wide range of different nutritional scenarios.Soil parameters D0 diffusion coefficient in water (m2 day-1) - De diffusion coefficient in soil (m2 day-1) - C nitrate concentration in soil (mol m-3) - f tortuosity (-) - volumetric moisture content (-) - R radial distance from root axis (m) Plant parameters b1, b2 parameters of biomass partitioning Equation (10) - IR interroot distance (m) - KmU Michaelis-Menten constant of the uptake system (mol m-3) - KmNRA Michaelis-Menten constant of nitrogen reduction system (mol g-1) - k1, k2, k3 parameters of growth model Equation (9) - Lv Root length density (m m-3) - NO3 set - Set point of the cytoplasmatic nitrate pool (mol g-1 dw) - NO3 c - cytoplasmatic nitrate concentration (mol g-1 dw) - NO3 v - vacuolar nitrate concentration (mol g-1 dw) - NRAmax maximum nitrate reductase activity (mol g-1 dw day-1) - Nre reduced nitrogen content (mol) - Nremax maximum reduced N concentration in the plant (mol g-1 dw) - P partitioning coefficient of nitrate between cyplasm and vacuole - R(1) root radius (m) - RGR relative growth rate (day-1) - U uptake rate (mol day-1 m-2) - Umax maximum uptake rate (Eq. 6) (day-1 m-2) - Vo water flux at root surface (m day-1) - Wr root dry weight (g) - Wsh shoot dry weight (g) - X model parameter: number of root compartments - Y model parameter: number of nodes  相似文献   

Root morpho-topology and net nitrate uptake of two citrus seedlings, Volkamer Lemon and Carrizo Citrange, grown at two nitrogen supplies (NO3-N 5 M and 1000 M, respectively) were studied. Root morphological and topological parameters were gauged by an image-specific analysis system (WinRHIZO). Net nitrate uptake was estimated using the nitrate depletion method. The main findings showed that Carrizo seedlings had a dichotomous branching root system characterized by high root tip numbers and long 2nd order lateral roots. Conversely, Volkamer root systems had a herringbone structure with a long tap root and 1st order lateral root. Nitrate treatment did not seem to affect the pattern of the two genotypes, except for the 2nd order lateral roots (Carrizo more than Volkamer) and root/shoot ratio and root mass ratio (Volkamer more than Carrizo) that were significantly different at low nitrate supply. Nitrate treatments induced a diverse net nitrate uptake regulation between citrus rootstocks. Indeed, at low nitrate supply, Carrizo showed a more efficient nitrate acquisition process in terms of: 1) higher net nitrate uptake maximum of the inducible high affinity transport system or full induction (A), (2) higher cumulative nitrate uptake (At) and (3) lower t1 parameter defined as the half time of the net nitrate uptake rate of the inducible transport system during the induction phase, compared to Volkamer. Conversely, at the high nitrate level, only the genotypical difference of the t1 parameter was maintained. The results suggested that, at the low nitrate level, the morphological root traits such as higher 2nd order lateral roots and greater root tip numbers of the Carrizo compared with Volkamer seedlings, enhance the capacity to absorb nitrate from nutrient solution.  相似文献   

Changes in root hydraulic resistance in response to alterations in nitrate supply were explored in detail as a potential mechanism that allows plants to respond rapidly to changes in their environment. Sunflower (Helianthus annuus cv. Holiday) plants grown hydroponically with limited nitrate availability (200 micromol l(-1)) served as our model system. Experimental plants were 6-9-weeks-old with total dry mass of 2-4 g. Root pressurization of intact plants and detached root systems was used to elucidate the temporal dynamics of root hydraulic properties in sunflower plants following changes in external nitrate availability. The response was rapid, with a 20% decrease in hydraulic resistance occurring within the first hour after the addition of 5 mM nitrate and the magnitude of the effect was dependent on nitrate concentration. The change in root hydraulic resistance was largely reversible, although the temporal dynamics of the response to nitrate addition versus nitrate withdrawal was not symmetric (a gradual decrease in resistance versus its fast increase), raising the possibility that the underlying mechanisms may also differ. Evidence is presented that the observed changes in root hydraulic properties require the assimilation of nitrate by root cells. The hydraulic resistance of roots, previously stimulated by the addition of nitrate, increased more than in control plants in low nitrate under anoxia and that suggests a key role of aquaporin activity in this response. It is proposed that a rapid decrease in root hydraulic resistance in the presence of increased nitrate availability is an important trait that could enhance a plant's ability to compete for nitrate in the soil.  相似文献   

Maloof JN 《Current biology : CB》2004,14(10):R395-R396
What determines organ size? A screen for plant strains showing natural variation in root length has identified a novel gene that modulates root growth rate by controlling cell division and elongation at the root tip.  相似文献   

In addition to the well-known roles of indoleacetic acid and cytokinin in crown gall formation, the plant hormone ethylene also plays an important role in this process. Many plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) encode the enzyme 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase, which can degrade ACC, the immediate precursor of ethylene in plants, to alpha-ketobutyrate and ammonia and thereby lower plant ethylene levels. To study the effect of ACC deaminase on crown gall development, an ACC deaminase gene from the PGPB Pseudomonas putida UW4 was introduced into Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58, so that the effect of ACC deaminase activity on tumour formation in tomato and castor bean plants could be assessed. Plants were also coinoculated with A. tumefaciens C58 and P. putida UW4 or P. putida UW4-acdS- (an ACC deaminase minus mutant strain). In both types of experiments, it was observed that the presence of ACC deaminase generally inhibited tumour development on both tomato and castor bean plants.  相似文献   

The object of the work is to evaluate whether rhizobacteria populating dry salty environments can increase resistance in tomato to salt stress. Seven strains of plant growth-promoting bacteria that have 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase activity were isolated from soil samples taken from the Arava region of southern Israel. Following growth of these seedlings in the presence of 43 mM NaCl for 7 weeks, the bacterium that promoted growth to the greatest extent was selected for further study. DNA analysis of the 16S RNA indicated that the selected bacterium was Achromobacter piechaudii. This bacterium significantly increased the fresh and dry weights of tomato seedlings grown in the presence of up to 172 mM NaCl salt. The bacterium reduced the production of ethylene by tomato seedlings, which was otherwise stimulated when seedlings were challenged with increasing salt concentrations, but did not reduce the content of sodium. However, it slightly increased the uptake of phosphorous and potassium, which may contribute in part to activation of processes involved in the alleviation of the effect of salt. In the presence of salt the bacterium increased the water use efficiency (WUE). This may suggest that the bacterium act to alleviate the salt suppression of photosynthesis. However, the detailed mechanism was not elucidated. The work described in this report is a first step in the development of productive agricultural systems in saline environments.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

An updated version of a mechanistic structural–functional model was developed to predict nitrogen (N) uptake throughout the growth cycle by a crop of winter oilseed rape, Brassica napus, grown under field conditions.


The functional component of the model derives from a revisited conceptual framework that combines the thermodynamic Flow–Force interpretation of nitrate uptake isotherms and environmental and in planta effects on nitrate influx. Estimation of the root biomass (structural component) is based upon a combination of root mapping along the soil depth profile in the field and a relationship between the specific root length and external nitrate concentration. The root biomass contributing actively to N uptake was determined by introduction of an integrated root system age that allows assignment of a root absorption capacity at a specific age of the root.

Key Results

Simulations were well matched to measured data of N taken up under field conditions for three levels of N fertilization. The model outputs indicated that the two topsoil layers (0–30 and 30–60 cm) contained 75–88 % of the total root length and biomass, and accounted for 90–95 % of N taken up at harvest.


This conceptual framework provides a model of nitrate uptake that is able to respond to external nitrate fluctuations at both functional and structural levels.  相似文献   

Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are important catalysts that regulate the functional properties of agricultural systems. However, there is little information on the effect of PGPR inoculation on the growth and nutrient accumulation of forest container seedlings. This study determined the effects of a growth medium inoculated with PGPR on the nutrient uptake, nutrient accumulation, and growth of Fraxinus americana container seedlings. PGPR inoculation with fertilizer increased the dry matter accumulation of the F. americana aerial parts with delayed seedling emergence time. Under fertilized conditions, the accumulation time of phosphorous (P) and potassium (K) in the F. americana aerial parts was 13 days longer due to PGPR inoculation. PGPR increased the maximum daily P and K accumulations in fertilized seedlings by 9.31 and 10.44 %, respectively, but had little impact on unfertilized ones. Regardless of fertilizer application, the root exudates, namely sugars, amino acids, and organic acids significantly increased because of PGPR inoculation. PGPR inoculation with fertilizer increased the root, shoot, and leaf yields by 19.65, 22.94, and 19.44 %, respectively, as well as the P and K contents by 8.33 and 10.60 %, respectively. Consequently, the N, P, and K uptakes increased by 19.85, 31.97, and 33.95 %, respectively. Hence, PGPR inoculation with fertilizer can be used as a bioenhancer for plant growth and nutrient uptake in forest container seedling nurseries.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic NO3 concentration ([NO3]c) was estimated for roots of barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv Klondike) using a technique based on measurement of in vivo nitrate reductase activity. At zero external NO3 concentration ([NO3]o), [NO3]c was estimated to be 0.66 mm for plants previously grown in 100 μm NO3. It increased linearly with [NO3]o between 2 and 20 mm, up to 3.9 mm at 20 mm [NO3]o. The values obtained are much lower than previous estimates from compartmental analysis of barley roots. These observations support the suggestion (MY Siddiqi, ADM Glass, TJ Ruth [1991] J Exp Bot 42: 1455-1463) that the nitrate reductase-based technique and compartmental analysis determine [NO3]c for two separate pools; an active, nitrate reductase-containing pool (possibly located in the epidermal cells) and a larger, slowly metabolized storage pool (possibly in the cortical cells), respectively. Given the values obtained for [NO3]c and cell membrane potentials of −200 to −300 mV (ADM Glass, JE Schaff, LV Kochian [1992] Plant Physiol 99: 456-463), it is very unlikely that passive influx of NO3 is possible via the high-concentration, low-affinity transport system for NO3. This conclusion is consistent with the suggestion by Glass et al. that this system is thermodynamically active and capable of transporting NO3 against its electrochemical potential gradient.  相似文献   

Despite the large number of studies of nitrate metabolism in plants, it remains undetermined to what extent this key plant system is controlled by overall plant N nutrition on the one hand, and by the nitrate ion itself on the other hand. To investigate these questions, V max for nitrate uptake (high-affinity range), and nitrate reductase (NR) mRNA and activity, were measured in roots of N-limited barley (Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Golf) grown under conditions of constant relative addition of nitrate, with the seminal roots split between two culture compartments. The total amount of nitrate added per unit time (0.09·d-1) was distributed between the two root parts (subroots) in ratios of 1000, 982, 955, 9010, 8020, and 5050. These nitrate-addition ratios resulted in nitrate fluxes ranging from 0 to 23 mol nitrate·g-1 DW root·h-1, while the external nitrate concentrations varied between 0 and 1.2 M. The apparent V max for net nitrate uptake showed saturation-type responses to nitrate flux maintained during preceding growth. The flux resulting in half-maximal induction of nitrate uptake was approximately 4 mol nitrate·g-1 DW root·h-1, corresponding to an external nitrate concentration of 0.7 M. The activity of NR and levels of NR mRNA did not saturate within the range of nitrate fluxes studied. None of the parameters studied saturated with respect to the steady-state external nitrate concentration. At the zero nitrate addition — the 0%-root — initial uptake activity as determined in short-term 15N-labelling experiments was insignificant, and NR activity and NR mRNA were not detectable. However, nitrate uptake was rapidly induced, showing that the 0%-root had retained the capacity to respond to nitrate. These results suggest that local nitrate availability has a significant impact on the nitrate uptake and reducing systems of a split-root part when the total plant nitrate nutrition is held constant and limiting.Abbreviation NR nitrate reductase This work was supported by the Lars Hierta Memory Foundation, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, and by the Swedish Natural Science Research Council via project grants (to C.-M.L. and B.I.) and visiting scientist grant (to W.H.C.). We thank Mrs. Ellen Campbell for technical advice, and Mrs. Judith V. Purves, Long Ashton Research Station, Long Ashton, UK, for analyses of 15N-labelling in tissue samples.  相似文献   

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