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The hydrolysis of a set of 28 X-phenyl hippurates by chymotrypsin was investigated. From the derived Km and kcat values a quantitative structure-activity relationship was developed. This equation shows that para substituents correlated by sigma- display only an electronic effect on the formation of the ES complex whereas meta hydrophobic substituents show a hydrophobic interaction correlated by pi in addition to their electronic effect. Meta polar substituents avoid contact with the enzyme and show only electronic effects on Km. Using the x-ray crystallographic coordinates for chymotrypsin and computer graphics, a model was constructed which is used to interpret the quantitative structure-activity relationship. As with a number of previously reported examples, we have found that when polar substituents have the option of binding to hydrophobic space or remaining in the aqueous phase they follow the latter possibility.  相似文献   

Subtilisin is an unusual example of a monomeric protein with a substantial kinetic barrier to folding and unfolding. Here we document for the first time the in vitro folding of the mature form of subtilisin. Subtilisin was modified by site-directed mutagenesis to be proteolytically inactive, allowing the impediments to folding to be systematically examined. First, the thermodynamics and kinetics of calcium binding to the high-affinity calcium A-site have been measured by microcalorimetry and fluorescence spectroscopy. Binding is an enthalpically driven process with an association constant (Ka) equal to 7 x 10(6) M-1. Furthermore, the kinetic barrier to calcium removal from the A-site (23 kcal/mol) is substantially larger than the standard free energy of binding (9.3 kcal/mol). The kinetics of calcium dissociation from subtilisin (e.g., in excess EDTA) are accordingly very slow (t1/2 = 1.3 h at 25 degrees C). Second, to measure the kinetics of subtilisin folding independent of calcium binding, the high-affinity calcium binding site was deleted from the protein. At low ionic strength (I = 0.01) refolding of this mutant requires several days. The folding rate is accelerated almost 100-fold by a 10-fold increase in ionic strength, indicating that part of the free energy of activation may be electrostatic. At relatively high ionic strength (I = 0.5) refolding of the mutant subtilisin is complete in less than 1 h at 25 degrees C. We suggest that part of the electrostatic contribution to the activation free energy for folding subtilisin is related to the highly charged region of the protein comprising the weak ion binding site (site B).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The viscosity dependence of enzymatic catalysis was examined in subtilisin BPN' catalyzed hydrolysis of N-succinyl-Ala-Ala-Pro-Phe-p-nitroanilide and N-succinyl-Ala-Ala-Pro-Phe-thiobenzyl ester. The viscosity of the reaction medium was varied by added glycerol, ethylene glycol, sucrose, glucose, fructose, poly(ethylene glycol) and Ficoll-400. Responses of the Michaelis-Menten parameters associated with hydrolysis were calculated from data obtained by spectrophotometric techniques. The reactions with these two substrates have catalytic rates well below the diffusion-controlled limit and thus enable us to study the viscosity effects on catalytic steps of non-transport nature. It was found that the Km values for both amide and ester reactions remained relatively independent of cosolvents. On the other hand, while the kcat values for amide were insensitive to cosolvents, those for ester were substantially attenuated except in the case of poly(ethylene glycol). The observed rate attenuations cannot be explained by changes in proton activity, water activity, dielectric constant of the reaction medium or shifts of any kinetically important pKa. Instead, the results can be adequately described by microviscosity effects on the unimolecular deacylation step with a coupling constant of 0.65 +/- 0.11. In addition, the different viscosity dependence in the acylation vs deacylation step can be rationalized in terms of fluctuation-dependent chemical dynamics of proton transfers in the context of the Bogris-Hynes model.  相似文献   

The conditions for subtilishine BPN' binding with bromocyanogen activated dextranes have been selected. The dependence of the enzyme activity and stability from pH and temperature levels has been studied. The stability of a modified enzyme during storage in solution is increased as compared with that of the native enzyme due to a decrease in the autolysis rate. On the basis of diffusion coefficients and sedimentation constants of conjugates, absolute values of their molecular weights have been computed.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the complex of a bacterial alkaline serine proteinase, subtilisin BPN', with its proteinaceous inhibitor SSI (Streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor) was solved at 2.6 A resolution. Compared with other similar complexes involving serine proteinases of the trypsin family, the present structure is unique in several respects. (1) In addition to the usual antiparallel beta-sheet involving the P1, P2 and P3 residues of the inhibitor, the P4, P5 and P6 residues form an antiparallel beta-sheet with a previously unnoticed chain segment (residues 102 through 104, which was named the S4-6 site) of subtilisin BPN'. (2) The S4-6 site does not exist in serine proteinases of the trypsin family, whether of mammalian or microbial origin. (3) Global induced-fit movement seems to occur on SSI: a channel-like structure in SSI where hydrophobic side-chains are sandwiched between two lobes becomes about 2 A wider upon complexing with subtilisin. (4) The complex is most probably a Michaelis complex, as in most of the other complexes. (5) The main role of the "secondary contact region" of SSI seems to be to support the reactive site loop ("primary contact region"). Steric homology of the two contact regions between the inhibitors of the SSI family and the pancreatic secretory trypsin inhibitor-ovomucoid inhibitor family is so high that it seems to indicate divergent evolutionary processes and to support the general notion as to the relationship of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genes put forward by Doolittle (1978).  相似文献   

Peptide substrates of the general structure acetyl-Alan (n = 2-5), acetyl-Pro-Ala-Pro-Phe-Alan-NH2 (n = 0-3), and acetyl-Pro-Ala-Pro-Phe-AA-NH2 (AA = various amino acids) were synthesized and used to investigate the enzyme-substrate interactions of the microbial serine proteases thermitase, subtilisin BPN', and proteinase K on the C-terminal side of the scissile bond. The elongation of the substrate peptide chain up to the second amino acid on the C-terminal side (P'2) enhances the hydrolysis rate of thermitase and subtilisin BPN', whereas for proteinase K an additional interaction with the third amino acid (P'3) is possible. The enzyme subsite S'1 specificity of the proteases investigated is very similar. With respect to kcat/Km values small amino acid residues such as Ala and Gly are favored in this position. Bulky residues such as Phe and Leu were hydrolyzed to a lower extent. Proline in P'1 abolishes the hydrolysis of the substrates. Enzyme-substrate interactions on the C-terminal side of the scissile bond appear to affect kcat more than Km for all three enzymes.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of subtilisin BPN' complexed with a proteinaceous inhibitor SSI (Streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor) was refined at 1.8 A resolution to an R-factor of 0.177 with a root-mean-square deviation from ideal bond lengths of 0.014 A. The work finally established that the SSI-subtilisin complex is a Michaelis complex with a distance between the O gamma of active Ser221 and the carbonyl carbon of the scissile peptide bond being an intermediate value between a covalent bond and a van der Waals' contact, 2.7 A. This feature, as well as the geometry of the catalytic triad and the oxyanion hole, is coincident with that found in other highly refined crystal structures of the complex of subtilisin Novo, subtilisin Carlsberg, bovine trypsin or Streptomyces griseus protease B with their proteinaceous inhibitors. The enzyme-inhibitor beta-sheet interaction is composed of two separate parts: that between the P1-P3 residues of SSI and the 125-127 chain segment (the "S1-3 site") of subtilisin and that between the P4-P6 residues of SSI and th 102-104 chain segment (the "S4-6 site") of subtilisin. The latter beta-interaction is unique to subtilisin. In contrast, the beta-sheet interaction previously found in the complex of subtilisin Novo and chymotrypsin inhibitor 2 or in the complex of subtilisin Carlsberg and Eglin C is distinct from the present complex in that the two types of beta-interactions are not separate. As for the flexibility of the molecules comprising the present complex, the following observations were made by comparing the B-factors for free and complexed SSI and comparing those for free and complexed subtilisin BPN'. The rigidification of the component molecules upon complex formation occurs in a very localized region: in SSI, the "primary" and "secondary" contact regions and the flanking region; in subtilisin BPN', the S1-3 and S4-6 sites and the flanking region.  相似文献   

An ultraviolet absorption difference spectrum that is typical of a change in ionization state (pKa 9.7 leads to greater than 11.5) of a tyrosyl residue has been observed on the binding between Streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor (SSI) and subtilisin BPN' [EC] at alkaline pH, ionic strength 0.1 M, at 25 degrees C (Inouye, K., Tonomura, B., and Hiromi, K., submitted). When the complex of SSI and subtilisin BPN' is formed at an ionic strength of 0.6 M and pH 9.70, the characteristic features of the protonation of a tyrosyl residue in the difference spectrum are diminished. These results suggest that the pKa-shift of a tyrosyl residue observed at alkaline pH and lower ionic strength results from an electrostatic interaction. Nitration of tyrosyl residues of SSI and of subtilisin BPN' was performed with tetranitromethane (TNM). By measurements of the difference spectra observed on the binding of the tyrosyl-residue-nitrated SSI and the native subtilisin BPN', and on the binding of the native SSI and the tyrosyl-residue-nitrated subtilisin BPN' and alkaline pH, the tyrosyl residue in question was shown to be one out of the five tyrosyl residues of pKa 9.7 of the enzyme. This tyrosyl residue was probably either Tyr 217 or Tyr 104 on the basis of the reactivities of tyrosyl residues of the enzyme with TNM and their locations on the enzyme molecule. Carboxyl groups of SSI were modified by covalently binding glycine methyl ester with the aid of water-soluble carbodiimide, in order to neutralize the negative charges on SSI. In the difference spectrum which was observed on the binding of subtilisin BPN' and the 5.3-carboxyl-group-modified SSI at alkaline pH, the characteristic features of the protonation of a tyrosyl residue were essentially lost, and the difference spectrum is rather similar to that observed on the binding of the native SSI and the enzyme at neutral pH. This phenomenon indicates that the pKa of a tyrosyl residue of the enzyme is shifted upwards by interaction with carboxyl group(s) of SSI on the formation of the enzyme-inhibitor complex.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of subtilisin BPN' in a crystalline environment containing four protein molecules and solvent. Conformational and dynamic properties of the molecules are compared with each other and with respect to the X-ray structure to test the validity of the force field. The agreement between simulated and experimental structure using the GROMOS force field is better than that obtained in the literature using other force fields for protein crystals. The overall shape of the molecule is well preserved, as is the conformation of alpha-helices and beta-strands. Structural differences are mainly found in loop regions. Solvent networks found in the X-ray structure were reproduced by the simulation, which was unbiased with respect to the crystalline hydration structure. These networks seem to play an important role in the stability of the protein; evidence of this is found in the structure of the active site. The weak ion binding site in the X-ray structure of subtilisin BPN' is occupied by a monovalent ion. When a calcium ion is placed in the initial structure, three peptide ligands are replaced by 5 water ligands, whereas a potassium ion retains (in part) its original ligands. Existing force fields yield a reliable method to probe local structure and short-time dynamics of proteins, providing an accuracy of about 0.1 nm.  相似文献   

Protein engineering of disulfide bonds in subtilisin BPN'   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
C Mitchinson  J A Wells 《Biochemistry》1989,28(11):4807-4815
Five single-disulfide mutants were studied in subtilisin BPN', a cysteine-free, secreted serine protease from Bacillus amyloliquefaciens. The disulfides were engineered between residues 26-232, 29-119, 36-210, 41-80, and 148-243. These bonds connected a variety of secondary structural elements, located in buried or exposed positions at least 10 A from the catalytic Ser-221, and linked residues that were separated by 39 up to 206 amino acids. All disulfide bonds formed in the enzyme when the expressed protein was secreted from Bacillus subtilis, and the disulfides had only minor effects on the enzyme kinetics. Although these disulfide bonds varied by over 50-fold in their equilibrium constants for reduction with dithiothreitol, there was no correlation between the strength of the disulfide bond and the stability it imparted to the enzyme to irreversible inactivation. In some cases, the disulfide-bonded protein was stabilized greatly relative to its reduced counterpart. However, no disulfide mutant was substantially more stable than wild-type subtilisin BPN'. Some of these results can be rationalized by destabilizing effects of the cysteine mutations that disrupt interactions present in the folded enzyme structure. It is also possible that the rate of irreversible inactivation depends upon the kinetics and not the thermodynamics of unfolding and so the entropically stabilizing effect expected from a disulfide bond may not apply.  相似文献   

The limited proteolysis of rabbit skeletal muscle phosphorylase a was undertaken with subtilisin BPN' immobilized to Sepharose 4B. The effect of substrates, activators and inhibitors of phosphorylase a was investigated by monitoring the changes in phosphorylase activity in the SDS gel electrophoretic pattern and in the 32P-content of 32P-labeled phosphorylase a. Phosphorylase a loses its activity upon subtilisin treatment. All ligands tested protect phosphorylase a activity against subtilisin action, probably by inducing structural changes in the tower loop of the enzyme. Glucose-6-P significantly accelerates [32P]peptide release from phosphorylase a through altering the structure of the N-terminal tail segment. The two subunits of dimeric phosphorylase a are held together by strong interactions--deduced from the correlation of the rate of proteolysis and the disappearance of catalytic activity.  相似文献   

It has been shown that the P1 site (the center of the reactive site) of protease inhibitors corresponds to the specificity of the cognate protease, and consequently specificity of Streptomyces subtilisin inhibitor (SSI) can be altered by substitution of a single amino acid at the P1 site. In this paper, to investigate whether similar correlation between inhibitory activity of mutated SSI and substrate preference of protease is observed for subtilisin BPN', which has broad substrate specificity, a complete set of mutants of SSI at the reaction site P1 (position 73) was constructed by cassette and site-directed mutagenesis and their inhibitory activities toward subtilisin BPN' were measured. Mutated SSIs which have a polar (Ser, Thr, Gln, Asn), basic (Lys, Arg), or aromatic amino acid (Tyr, Phe, Trp, His), or Ala or Leu, at the P1 site showed almost the same strong inhibitory activity toward subtilisin as the wild type (Met) SSI. However, the inhibitory activity of SSI variants with an acidic (Glu, Asp), or a beta-branched aliphatic amino acid (Val, Ile), or Gly or Pro, at P1 was decreased. The values of the inhibitor constant (Ki) of mutated SSIs toward subtilisin BPN' were consistent with the substrate preference of subtilisin BPN'. A linear correlation was observed between log(1/Ki) of mutated SSIs and log(1/Km) of synthetic substrates. These results demonstrate that the inhibitory activities of P1 site mutants of SSI are linearly related to the substrate preference of subtilisin BPN', and indicate that the binding mode of the inhibitors with the protease may be similar to that of substrates, as in the case of trypsin and chymotrypsin.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Effects of engineered salt bridges on the stability of subtilisin BPN'   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Variants designed using PROTEUS have been produced in an attempt to engineer stabilizing salt bridges into subtilisin BPN'. All the mutants constructed by site-directed mutagenesis were secreted by Bacillus subtilis, except L75K. Q19E, expressed as a single variant and also in a double variant, Q19E/Q271E, appears to form a stabilizing salt bridge based on X-ray crystal structure determination and differential scanning calorimeter measurements. Although the double mutant was found to be less thermodynamically stable than the wild-type, it did exhibit an autolytic stability about two-fold greater under hydrophobic conditions. Four variants, A98K, S89E, V26R and L235R, were found to be nearly identical to wild-type in thermal stability, indicative of stable structures without evidence of salt bridge formation. Variants Q271E, V51K and T164R led to structures that resulted in varying degrees of thermodynamic and autolytic instability. A computer-modeling analysis of the PROTEUS predictions reveals that the low percentage of salt bridge formation is probably due to an overly simplistic electrostatic model, which does not account for the geometry of the pairwise interactions.  相似文献   

We have studied the structures of adducts formed between subtilisin BPN' and both benzeneboronic acid and 2-phenylethaneboronic acid by x-ray diffraction techniques. Electron density and difference maps at 2.5 A resolution were computed with phases calculated from a partially refined structure of the native enzyme (R = 0.23 at 2.0 A). Both adducts contain a covalent bond between Ogamma of the catalytic Ser-221 and the inhibitor boron atom. The boron atom is coordinated tetrahedrally, with one of the two additional boronic acid oxygen atoms lying in the "oxyanion hole" and the other at the leaving group site identified in previous studies (ROBERTUS, J.D., Kraut, J. ALDEN, R.A., and BIRKTOFT, J.J. (1972) Biochemistry 11, 4293-4303). Moreover, the previously postulated structure of the tetrahedral intermediate for substrate hydrolysis is isosteric with these boronic acid adducts, which can therefore be considered good models for the transition state complex (KOEHLER, K.K., and LIENHARD, G.E. (1972) Biochemistry 10, 2477-2483). These observations further support the suggestion that an important contribution to stabilization of this transition state complex, relative to both the Michaelis complex and the acyl intermediate, occurs as a consequence of hydrogen bond donation to the substrate carbonyl oxygen atom from the side chain amido group of Asn-155 and from the backbone amido group of Ser-221.  相似文献   

The crystal structures of two thermally stabilized subtilisin BPN' variants, S63 and S88, are reported here at 1.8 and 1.9 A resolution, respectively. The micromolar affinity calcium binding site (site A) has been deleted (Delta75-83) in these variants, enabling the activity and thermostability measurements in chelating conditions. Each of the variants includes mutations known previously to increase the thermostability of calcium-independent subtilisin in addition to new stabilizing mutations. S63 has eight amino acid replacements: D41A, M50F, A73L, Q206W, Y217K, N218S, S221C, and Q271E. S63 has 75-fold greater stability than wild type subtilisin in chelating conditions (10 mm EDTA). The other variant, S88, has ten site-specific changes: Q2K, S3C, P5S, K43N, M50F, A73L, Q206C, Y217K, N218S, and Q271E. The two new cysteines form a disulfide bond, and S88 has 1000 times greater stability than wild type subtilisin in chelating conditions. Comparisons of the two new crystal structures (S63 in space group P2(1) with A cell constants 41.2, 78.1, 36.7, and beta = 114.6 degrees and S88 in space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with cell constants 54.2, 60.4, and 82.7) with previous structures of subtilisin BPN' reveal that the principal changes are in the N-terminal region. The structural bases of the stabilization effects of the new mutations Q2K, S3C, P5S, D41A, Q206C, and Q206W are generally apparent. The effects are attributed to the new disulfide cross-link and to improved hydrophobic packing, new hydrogen bonds, and other rearrangements in the N-terminal region.  相似文献   

The denaturation of subtilisin BPN' (EC in guanidine hydrochloride was studied in order to find possible reasons for the exceptional stability of this enzyme against the action of denaturing agents including guanidine hydrochloride. Chemically modified subtilisins, i.e., phenylmethanesulfonylsubtilisin and thio-subtilisin, were completely denatured in 2 M guanidine hydrochloride at pH 7 without autolysis but they were stable in 0.5 M guanidine hydrochloride for at least 60 h. On the other hand, once completely denatured, the subtilisins remained inactive and in highly unfolded conformations for 60 h or longer after transfer into 0.5 M guanidine solution at pH 7 or 9. No enzymatic activity was regained when the guanidine concentration was lowered to almost zero. We concluded from these and other results described in this paper that this enzyme was thermodynamically unstable in 2 M guanidine hydrochloride at 20 degrees C and at pH 7. We wish to point out the possibility that the denaturation of this enzyme could indeed be irreversible.  相似文献   

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