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Various antidepressants are commonly used for the treatment of depression and several other neuropsychiatric disorders. In addition to their primary effects on serotonergic or noradrenergic neurotransmitter systems, antidepressants have been shown to interact with several receptors and ion channels. However, the molecular mechanisms that underlie the effects of antidepressants have not yet been sufficiently clarified. G protein-activated inwardly rectifying K(+) (GIRK, Kir3) channels play an important role in regulating neuronal excitability and heart rate, and GIRK channel modulation has been suggested to have therapeutic potential for several neuropsychiatric disorders and cardiac arrhythmias. In the present study, we investigated the effects of various classes of antidepressants on GIRK channels using the Xenopus oocyte expression assay. In oocytes injected with mRNA for GIRK1/GIRK2 or GIRK1/GIRK4 subunits, extracellular application of sertraline, duloxetine, and amoxapine effectively reduced GIRK currents, whereas nefazodone, venlafaxine, mianserin, and mirtazapine weakly inhibited GIRK currents even at toxic levels. The inhibitory effects were concentration-dependent, with various degrees of potency and effectiveness. Furthermore, the effects of sertraline were voltage-independent and time-independent during each voltage pulse, whereas the effects of duloxetine were voltage-dependent with weaker inhibition with negative membrane potentials and time-dependent with a gradual decrease in each voltage pulse. However, Kir2.1 channels were insensitive to all of the drugs. Moreover, the GIRK currents induced by ethanol were inhibited by sertraline but not by intracellularly applied sertraline. The present results suggest that GIRK channel inhibition may reveal a novel characteristic of the commonly used antidepressants, particularly sertraline, and contributes to some of the therapeutic effects and adverse effects.  相似文献   

G protein-activated K(+) channels (GIRKs or Kir3.x) are targets for the volatile anesthetic, halothane. When coexpressed with the m(2) acetylcholine (ACh) receptor in Xenopus oocytes, agonist-activated GIRK1(F137S)- and GIRK2-mediated currents are inhibited by halothane, whereas in the absence of ACh, high concentrations of halothane induce GIRK1(F137S)-mediated currents. To elucidate the molecular mechanism of halothane action on GIRK currents of different subunit compositions, we constructed deletion mutants of GIRK1(F137S) (GIRK1(Delta363*)) and GIRK2 (GIRK2(Delta356)) lacking the C-terminal ends, as well as chimeric GIRK channels. Mutated GIRK channels showed normal currents when activated by ACh but exhibited different pharmacological properties toward halothane. GIRK2(Delta356) showed no sensitivity against the inhibitory action of halothane but was activated by halothane in the absence of an agonist. GIRK1(Delta363*) was activated by halothane more efficiently. Currents mediated by chimeric channels were inhibited by anesthetic concentrations that were at least 30-fold lower than those necessary to decrease GIRK2 wild type currents. Glutathione S-transferase pulldown experiments did not show displacement of bound Gbetagamma by halothane, indicating that halothane does not interfere with Gbetagamma binding. Single channel experiments revealed an influence of halothane on the gating of the channels: The agonist-induced currents of GIRK1 and GIRK2, carried mainly by brief openings, were inhibited, whereas higher concentrations of the anesthetic promoted long openings of GIRK1 channels. Because the C terminus is crucial for these effects, an interaction of halothane with the channel seems to be involved in the mechanism of current modulation.  相似文献   

Threshold concentrations of lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) or acetylcholine (ACh) induce pertussis toxin (PTX)-sensitive rapid desensitization of responses to LPA in Xenopus oocytes. To demonstrate that threshold [LPA] rapidly activates Gi/o proteins, we used the G protein-activated K+ channel (GIRK) as a reporter. Low [LPA] induced IK+ in <3 s of the agonist addition with little or no activation of chloride current. Depletion of Galphao/Galphao1 each decreased the LPA-induced IK+ by approximately 40-50%, while PTX completely abolished it. This is the first direct evidence showing the activation of GIRK by LPA, and the involvement of G proteins of the Go family in rapid desensitization of LPA responses.  相似文献   

To investigate possible effects of adrenergic stimulation on G protein-activated inwardly rectifying K(+) channels (GIRK), acetylcholine (ACh)-evoked K(+) current, I(KACh), was recorded from adult rat atrial cardiomyocytes using the whole cell patch clamp method and a fast perfusion system. The rise time of I(KACh ) was 0. 4 +/- 0.1 s. When isoproterenol (Iso) was applied simultaneously with ACh, an additional slow component (11.4 +/- 3.0 s) appeared, and the amplitude of the elicited I(KACh) was increased by 22.9 +/- 5.4%. Both the slow component of activation and the current increase caused by Iso were abolished by preincubation in 50 microM H89 (N-[2-((p -bromocinnamyl)amino)ethyl]-5-isoquinolinesulfonamide, a potent inhibitor of PKA). This heterologous facilitation of GIRK current by beta-adrenergic stimulation was further studied in Xenopus laevis oocytes coexpressing beta(2)-adrenergic receptors, m(2 )-receptors, and GIRK1/GIRK4 subunits. Both Iso and ACh elicited GIRK currents in these oocytes. Furthermore, Iso facilitated ACh currents in a way, similar to atrial cells. Cytosolic injection of 30-60 pmol cAMP, but not of Rp-cAMPS (a cAMP analogue that is inhibitory to PKA) mimicked the beta(2)-adrenergic effect. The possibility that the potentiation of GIRK currents was a result of the phosphorylation of the beta-adrenergic receptor (beta(2)AR) by PKA was excluded by using a mutant beta(2)AR in which the residues for PKA-mediated modulation were mutated. Overexpression of the alpha subunit of G proteins (Galpha(s)) led to an increase in basal as well as agonist-induced GIRK1/GIRK4 currents (inhibited by H89). At higher levels of expressed Galpha(s), GIRK currents were inhibited, presumably due to sequestration of the beta/gamma subunit dimer of G protein. GIRK1/GIRK5, GIRK1/GIRK2, and homomeric GIRK2 channels were also regulated by cAMP injections. Mutant GIRK1/GIRK4 channels in which the 40 COOH-terminal amino acids (which contain a strong PKA phosphorylation consensus site) were deleted were also modulated by cAMP injections. Hence, the structural determinant responsible is not located within this region. We conclude that, both in atrial myocytes and in Xenopus oocytes, beta-adrenergic stimulation potentiates the ACh-evoked GIRK channels via a pathway that involves PKA-catalyzed phosphorylation downstream from beta(2)AR.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeic G proteins are thought to couple receptors to ionic channels via cytoplasmic mediators such as cGMP in the case of retinal rods, cAMP in the case of olfactory cells, and the cAMP cascade in the case of cardiac myocytes. G protein-mediated second messenger effects on K+ channels are dealt with elsewhere in this series. Recently, membrane-delimited pathways have been uncovered and an hypothesis proposed in which the subunits of G proteins directly couple receptors to ionic channels, particularly K+ channels. While direct coupling has not been proven, the membrane-delimited nature has been established for specific G proteins and their specific K+ channel effectors.  相似文献   

Yi BA  Lin YF  Jan YN  Jan LY 《Neuron》2001,29(3):657-667
GIRK2 is a major contributor to G protein-activated inward rectifier potassium channels in the mammalian brain. How GIRK channels open upon contact with Gbetagamma remains unknown. Using a yeast genetic screen to select constitutively active mutants from a randomly mutagenized GIRK2 library, we identified five gating mutations at four residues in the transmembrane domain. Further mutagenesis indicates that GIRK channel opening involves a rotation of the transmembrane segments, bringing one of these residues (V188) to a pore-lining position in the open conformation. Combined with double-mutant studies, these findings suggest that GIRK channels gate by moving from the open conformation inferred from our yeast study of Kir2.1 to a closed conformation perhaps resembling the known KcsA structure.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled inwardly rectifying K(+) channels (GIRK) play a major role in inhibitory signaling in excitable and endocrine tissues. The gating mechanism of these channels is mediated by a direct interaction of the Gbetagamma subunits of G protein, which are released upon inhibitory neurotransmitter receptor activation. This gating mechanism is further manifested by intracellular factors such as anionic phospholipids and Na(+) and Mg(2+) ions. In addition to the essential role of these components for channel function, phosphorylation events can also modulate channel activity. In this study we explored the involvement of redox modulation on GIRK channel function. Extracellular application of the reducing agent dithiothreitol (DTT), but not reduced glutathione, activated GIRK channels without affecting their permeation or rectification properties. The DTT-dependent activation was found to mimic receptor activation and to act directly on the channel in a membrane delimited fashion. A critical cysteine residue located in the N-terminal cytoplasmic domain was found to be essential for DTT-dependent activation in hetero- and homotetrameric contexts. Interestingly, when mutating this cysteine residue, DTT-dependent activation was abolished, but receptor-mediated channel activation was not affected. These results suggest that intracellular redox potential can play a major role in tuning GIRK channel activity in a receptor-independent manner. This sort of redox modulation can be part of an important cellular protective mechanism against ischemic or hypoxic insults.  相似文献   

G protein-activated K+ channels (Kir3 or GIRK) are activated by direct binding of Gbetagamma. The binding sites of Gbetagamma in the ubiquitous GIRK1 (Kir3.1) subunit have not been unequivocally charted, and in the neuronal GIRK2 (Kir3.2) subunit the binding of Gbetagamma has not been studied. We verified and extended the map of Gbetagamma-binding sites in GIRK1 by using two approaches: direct binding of Gbetagamma to fragments of GIRK subunits (pull down), and competition of these fragments with the Galphai1 subunit for binding to Gbetagamma. We also mapped the Gbetagamma-binding sites in GIRK2. In both subunits, the N terminus binds Gbetagamma. In the C terminus, the Gbetagamma-binding sites in the two subunits are not identical; GIRK1, but not GIRK2, has a previously unrecognized Gbetagamma-interacting segments in the first half of the C terminus. The main C-terminal Gbetagamma-binding segment found in both subunits is located approximately between amino acids 320 and 409 (by GIRK1 count). Mutation of C-terminal leucines 262 or 333 in GIRK1, recognized previously as crucial for Gbetagamma regulation of the channel, and of the corresponding leucines 273 and 344 in GIRK2 dramatically altered the properties of K+ currents via GIRK1/GIRK2 channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes but did not appreciably reduce the binding of Gbetagamma to the corresponding fusion proteins, indicating that these residues are mainly important for the regulation of Gbetagamma-induced changes in channel gating rather than Gbetagamma binding.  相似文献   

G protein-activated K(+) channels (GIRKs; Kir3) are activated by direct binding of Gbetagamma subunits released from heterotrimeric G proteins. In native tissues, only pertussis toxin-sensitive G proteins of the G(i/o) family, preferably Galpha(i3) and Galpha(i2), are donors of Gbetagamma for GIRK. How this specificity is achieved is not known. Here, using a pull-down method, we confirmed the presence of Galpha(i3-GDP) binding site in the N terminus of GIRK1 and identified novel binding sites in the N terminus of GIRK2 and in the C termini of GIRK1 and GIRK2. The non-hydrolyzable GTP analog, guanosine 5'-3-O-(thio)triphosphate, reduced the binding of Galpha(i3) by a factor of 2-4. Galpha(i1-GDP) bound to GIRK1 and GIRK2 much weaker than Galpha(i3-GDP). Titrated expression of components of signaling pathway in Xenopus oocytes and their activation by m2 muscarinic receptors revealed that G(i3) activates GIRK more efficiently than G(i1), as indicated by larger and faster agonist-evoked currents. Activation of GIRK by purified Gbetagamma in excised membrane patches was strongly augmented by coexpression of Galpha(i3) and less by Galpha(i1). Differences in physical interactions of GIRK with GDP-bound Galpha subunits, or Galphabetagamma heterotrimers, may dictate different extents of Galphabetagamma anchoring, influence the efficiency of GIRK activation by Gbetagamma, and play a role in determining signaling specificity.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Wang H  Wang J  Han H  Nattel S  Wang Z 《FEBS letters》2003,540(1-3):125-132
In this study, we show that ultraviolet B radiation (UVB)-induced apoptosis of human keratinocytes involves mainly cytosolic signals with mitochondria playing a central role. Overexpression of Bcl-2 inhibited UVB-induced apoptosis by blocking the early generation of reactive oxygen species, mitochondrial cardiolipin degradation and cytochrome c release, without affecting Fas ligand (FasL)-induced cell death. It also prevented the subsequent activation of procaspase-3 and -8 as well as Bid cleavage in UVB-treated cells. Comparative analysis of UVB and FasL death pathways revealed a differential role and mechanism of caspase activation, with the UVB-induced activation of procaspase-8 only being a bystander cytosolic event rather than a major initiator mechanism, as is the case for the FasL-induced cell death. Our results suggest that Bcl-2 overexpression, by preventing reactive oxygen species production, helps indirectly to maintain the integrity of lysosomal membranes, and therefore inhibits the release of cathepsins, which contribute to the cytosolic activation of procaspase-8 in UVB-irradiated keratinocytes.  相似文献   

Neuronal G protein-coupled inwardly-rectifying potassium channels (GIRKs, Kir3.x) can be activated or inhibited by distinct classes of receptors (Galphai/o and Galphaq/11-coupled, respectively), providing dynamic regulation of neuronal excitability. In this mini-review, we highlight findings from our laboratory in which we used a mammalian heterologous expression system to address mechanisms of GIRK channel regulation by Galpha and Gbetagamma subunits. We found that, like beta1- and beta2-containing Gbetagamma dimers, GIRK channels are also activated by G protein betagamma dimers containing beta3 and beta4 subunits. By contrast, GIRK currents are inhibited by beta5-containing Gbetagamma dimers and/or by Galpha proteins of the Galphaq/11 family. The properties of Gbeta5-mediated inhibition suggest that beta5-containing Gbetagamma dimers act as competitive antagonists of other activating Gbetagamma pairs on GIRK channels. Inhibition of GIRK channels by Galpha subunits is specific to members of the Galphaq/11 family and appears to result, at least in part, from activation of phospholipase C (PLC) and the resultant decrease in membrane levels of phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2), an endogenous co-factor necessary for GIRK channel activity; this Galphaq/11 activated mechanism is largely responsible for receptor-mediated GIRK channel inhibition.  相似文献   

G protein-gated inwardly rectifying K+ channels (GIRKs) are activated by a direct interaction with Gbetagamma subunits and also by raised internal [Na+]. Both processes require the presence of phosphatidylinositol bisphosphate (PIP2). Here we show that the proximal C-terminal region of GIRK2 mediates the Na+-dependent activation of both the GIRK2 homomeric channels and the GIRK1/GIRK2 heteromeric channels. Within this region, GIRK2 has an aspartate at position 226, whereas GIRK1 has an asparagine at the equivalent position (217). A single point mutation, D226N, in GIRK2, abolished the Na+-dependent activation of both the homomeric and heteromeric channels. Neutralizing a nearby negative charge, E234S had no effect. The reverse mutation in GIRK1, N217D, was sufficient to restore Na+-dependent activation to the GIRK1N217D/GIRK2D226N heteromeric channels. The D226N mutation did not alter either the single channel properties or the ability of these channels to be activated via the m2-muscarinic receptor. PIP2 dramatically increased the open probability of GIRK1/GIRK2 channels in the absence of Na+ or Gbetagamma but did not preclude further activation by Na+, suggesting that Na+ is not acting simply to promote PIP2 binding to GIRKs. We conclude that aspartate 226 in GIRK2 plays a crucial role in Na+-dependent gating of GIRK1/GIRK2 channels.  相似文献   

Although G protein-coupled receptor-mediated signaling is one of the best studied biological events, little is known about the kinetics of these processes in intact cells. Experiments with neurons from alpha(2A)-adrenergic receptor knockout mice suggested that the alpha(2A)-receptor subtype inhibits neurotransmitter release with higher speed and at higher action potential frequencies than the alpha(2C)-adrenergic receptor. Here we investigated whether these functional differences between presynaptic alpha(2)-adrenergic receptor subtypes are the result of distinct signal transduction kinetics of these two receptors and their coupling to G proteins. alpha(2A)- and alpha(2C)-receptors were stably expressed in HEK293 cells at moderate ( approximately 2 pmol/mg) or high (17-24 pmol/mg) levels. Activation of G protein-activated inwardly rectifying K(+) (GIRK) channels was similar in extent and kinetics for alpha(2A)- and alpha(2C)-receptors at both expression levels. However, the two receptors differed significantly in their deactivation kinetics after removal of the agonist norepinephrine. alpha(2C)-Receptor-activated GIRK currents returned much more slowly to base line than did alpha(2A)-stimulated currents. This observation correlated with a higher affinity of norepinephrine at the murine alpha(2C)- than at the alpha(2A)-receptor subtype and may explain why alpha(2C)-adrenergic receptors are especially suited to control sympathetic neurotransmission at low action potential frequencies in contrast to the alpha(2A)-receptor subtype.  相似文献   

Beta gamma dimers of G proteins inhibit atrial muscarinic K+ channels   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
It has been proposed that beta gamma dimers of signal-transducing G proteins mediate muscarinic activation of atrial K+ channels. We examined this hypothesis by testing the effects of beta gamma dimers from four sources (human erythrocytes, human placenta, bovine brain, and bovine retina) on single channel muscarinic K+ (K+[acetylcholine (ACh)]) currents in inside-out membrane patches of adult guinea pig atria. None of the four beta gamma dimer preparations stimulated K+[ACh] currents; on the contrary, each inhibited the currents whether the currents were activated with GTP alone (agonist-independent activity) or with GTP plus a muscarinic agonist (agonist-dependent activity). Detergents at concentrations used to suspend erythrocyte, brain, and placental beta gamma dimers had no effect by themselves, and detergents were not used with the retinal beta gamma dimers. We conclude that beta gamma dimers do not mediate stimulatory effects of the endogenous G protein that regulates the K+ channels. In fact beta gamma dimers appear to inhibit activation by the endogenous G alpha subunits. Further insight into the role of beta gamma dimers came from the observation that agonist-independent GTP-activated K+[ACh] currents were inhibited by beta gamma dimers at about one-tenth the concentration required to inhibit agonist-dependent activation. One possibility is that dimeric beta gamma may have a higher affinity for free alpha subunits than for alpha subunits associated with agonist-occupied receptors. Thus, in addition to the known requirement of beta gamma dimers for the interaction of alpha subunits with receptors, beta gamma dimers may also improve the signal-to-noise ratio for agonists by reducing agonist-independent background activities.  相似文献   

Aluminum fluoride (AlF4-) activates the heterotrimeric G protein Gs (stimulatory G protein of adenylylcyclase) (Sternweis, P. C., and Gilman, A. G. (1982) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 79, 4888-4891) and GT (transducin), and for GT, Bigay et al. (Bigay, J., Deterre, P., Pfister, C., and Chabre, M. (1985) FEBS Lett. 191, 181-185) have made the intriguing proposal that AlF4- acts by mimicking the gamma-phosphate of GTP. The endogenous G protein (probably G alpha i-2 or G alpha i-3 (Yatani, A., Mattera, R., Codina, J., Graf, R., Okabe, K., Padrell, E., Iyengar, R., Brown, A. M., and Birnbaumer, L. (1988) Nature 336, 680-682) that stimulates the muscarinic atrial K+ (K+[ACh]) channel is also thought to be activated by AlF4- (Kurachi, Y., Nakajima, T., and Ito, H. (1987) Circulation 76, 105P). To investigate the AlF4- mechanism, we applied potassium fluoride (KF) to the cytoplasmic face of inside-out membrane patches excised from guinea pig atria. We found that KF activated single K+[ACh] channel currents in both a concentration- and a Mg(2+)-dependent manner. Activation persisted following removal of KF, but unlike activation by guanosine 5'-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTP gamma S), was fully reversed by removal of Mg2+. Evidence for Al3+ involvement was that the Al3+ chelator deferoxamine (500 microM) inhibited KF activation and that at low concentrations of KF (less than 1 mM), micromolar AlCl3 concentrations potentiated KF stimulation. The rate of activation produced by KF was far slower than the rate produced by GTP or GTP gamma S, and unlike these guanine nucleotides, the rate was unchanged in the presence of agonist. To test the gamma-phosphate-mimicking hypothesis, we evaluated the requirement for GDP; and to accomplish this, it was necessary to establish a condition that ensured exchange of guanine nucleotides. This condition was satisfied by using the muscarinic agonist carbachol because both the rate and the extent of activation of the K+[ACh] channels produced by GTP were much faster in carbachol, and both were greatly slowed when GDP was added along with GTP. By contrast, the effects of KF were unchanged by carbachol in the presence or absence of GDP. Further evidence that GDP is not essential for activation by AlF4- was provided by the observation that during carbachol activation and following extensive washing with GMP, guanosine 5'-O-(2-thiodiphosphate) at blocking concentrations had no effect on activation produced by KF.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Recombinant alpha i-3 subunit of G protein activates Gk-gated K+ channels   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
G proteins, particularly those sensitive to pertussis toxin, are difficult to separate biochemically, creating uncertainty in functional assignments. For this reason the cDNAs encoding G alpha i-3 and two of the G alpha s splice variants were expressed as fusion proteins in Escherichia coli using a T7 promoter-based expression system. These proteins were denoted r alpha i-3 and r alpha s (short and long) and accumulated in bacteria to as much as 5-10% of total cellular protein, of which 5-10% was soluble in lysates. Soluble r alpha subunits were tested for stimulation of K+ channel activity in inside-out atrial membrane patches and for reconstitution of cyc- adenylyl cyclase activity. r alpha i-3, activated either by guanosine 5'-(3-thio)triphosphate (GTP gamma S) or AlF-4, stimulated in a concentration-dependent manner single channel K+ currents in isolated atrial membrane patches of three species: guinea pigs, neonatal rats, and embryonic chick. In contrast, GTP gamma S-activated r alpha s did not. In agreement with a similar study by Graziano et al. (Graziano, M. P., Casey, P. J. and Gilman, A. G. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 11375-11381), both r alpha s forms reconstituted GTP gamma S-stimulated cyc- adenylyl cyclase activity, albeit at concentrations 50-100 times higher than those needed with native Gs. The concentrations of r alpha i-3 needed to stimulate the K+ channels were also higher than needed with native human erythrocyte Gk, in this case 30-50 times. Single K+ channel currents stimulated by r alpha i-3 were indistinguishable from those stimulated by the natural effector acetylcholine. Thus, bacterial expression of G alpha subunits provided the means to demonstrate unequivocally that Gi-3 has intrinsic Gk activity.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated K(+) channels are dynamic macromolecular machines that open and close in response to changes in membrane potential. These multisubunit membrane-embedded proteins are responsible for governing neuronal excitability, maintaining cardiac rhythmicity, and regulating epithelial electrolyte homeostasis. High resolution crystal structures have provided snapshots of K(+) channels caught in different states with incriminating molecular detail. Nonetheless, the connection between these static images and the specific trajectories of K(+) channel movements is still being resolved by biochemical experimentation. Electrophysiological recordings in the presence of chemical modifying reagents have been a staple in ion channel structure/function studies during both the pre- and post-crystal structure eras. Small molecule tethering agents (chemoselective electrophiles linked to ligands) have proven to be particularly useful tools for defining the architecture and motions of K(+) channels. This Minireview examines the synthesis and utilization of chemical tethering agents to probe and manipulate the assembly, structure, function, and molecular movements of voltage-gated K(+) channel protein complexes.  相似文献   

The Kir3.1/Kir3.4 channel is activated by Gbetagamma subunits released on binding of acetylcholine to the M2 muscarinic receptor. A mechanism of channel opening, similar to that for the KcsA and Shaker K+ channels, has been suggested that involves translocation of pore lining transmembrane helices and the opening of an intracellular gate at the "bundle crossing" region. However, in the present study, we show that an extracellular gate at the selectivity filter is critical for agonist activation of the Kir3.1/Kir3.4 channel. Increasing the flexibility of the selectivity filter, by disrupting a salt bridge that lies directly behind the filter, abolished both selectivity for K+ and agonist activation of the channel. Other mutations within the filter that altered selectivity also altered agonist activation. In contrast, mutations within the filter that did not affect selectivity had little if any effect on agonist activation. Interestingly, mutation of bulky side chain phenylalanine residues at the bundle crossing also altered both agonist activation and selectivity. These results demonstrate a significant correlation between agonist activation and selectivity, which is determined by the selectivity filter, and suggests, therefore, that the selectivity filter may act as the agonist-activated gate in the Kir3.1/Kir3.4 channel.  相似文献   

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