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The content of lysophosphatidylethanolamine (LPE) in Y. pseudotuberculosis cells was found to increase during their growth at 8 °C under stationary conditions (without stirring the medium) and at 37°C when the medium contained glucose. The maximum level of LPE (up to 45% of the total phospholipids) was observed in cells grown at 8°C under stationary conditions. Such cells showed decreas growth rate, a reduced yield of biomass, an altered cell morphology, and an increased cell area. The cells contained unsaturated fatty acids, phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), and total phospholipids in small amounts, whereas neutral lipids and diphosphatidylglycerol were abundant. In addition, the cells contained an amount of methylated PE and phospholipids of unknown structure. Irrespective of whether the temperature for growth was low or high, the LPE-rich cells showed a high value (32–36°C) of the maximum temperature of thermal transition of lipids (T max). This finding is indicative of a densification of the membrane lipid matrix of the LPE-rich cells. The suggestion is made that LPE is accumulated in bacterial cells in response to stress caused by oxygen deficiency and pH decrease in the course of glucose fermentatin. The possible relationship between LPE accumulation and the virulence of Y. pseudotuberculosis cells grown at low temperatures is discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, we observed the intracellular behavior of recombinant invasin, a 103-kDa outer membrane protein of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. To mimic the in vivo behavior of bacterial invasin, a polyvalent form of invasin was generated by incubation of biotinylated GST-fused invasin C-terminal portion protein (GST-INVS) with avidin. Several experiments confirmed that the recombinant invasin could consistently reproduce the invasin-mediated entry to mammalian epithelial cells. We analyzed the molecular kinetics of polyvalent INVS by western blotting, (125) I-uptake, and immunofluorescent microscopy. The internalized polyvalent INVS was rapidly translocated to the RIPA-insoluble (polymerized-actin enriched) fraction and formed cytoplasmic vesicles, while monovalent invasin did not show such kinetics. From these observations, we concluded that our bacterial-free system is able to analyze the action of invasin for Yersinia pseudotuberculosis entry.  相似文献   

When cultivated in the presence of glucose, irrespective of temperature and the degree of aeration, Y. pseudotuberculosis cells have the ovoid form, constant size and low hydrophobic properties of their surface. Meanwhile the characteristics of the bacteria grown in the medium, carbohydrate-free or with galactose added, essentially depend on the conditions of medium aeration. Under the conditions of intensive stirring at both temperatures these bacteria acquire the coccoid form, not typical for Yersinia, they have a smaller area (approximately 2 times) and more hydrophobic surface in comparison with the cells grown in the presence of glucose. Under stationary conditions the differences between the cells, cultivated in the presence of galactose and glucose, in form and area disappear, but the differences in the hydrophobic properties of the surface are retained. As revealed in this study, the cells grown in the presence of galactose and under the conditions of intensive medium stirring, in contrast to those grown with glucose, have 1.5-fold greater invasive activity, irrespective of aeration conditions, eightfold greater resistance to ampicillin and twofold greater resistance to streptomycin and erythromycin.  相似文献   

The comparative electron-microscopic study of early stages of the interaction of Y. pseudotuberculosis virulent strain (No. 282) with "professional" (macrophages) and "nonprofessional" (HeLa cells) phagocytes has been carried out. The character of the intimate mechanism of this interaction has been found to be essentially different. The common feature for both systems is the adsorption of bacteria and their penetration into cells due to phagocytosis. But the subsequent fate of Y. pseudotuberculosis is different. In HeLa cells they are isolated from the cytoplasm by multilayer membrane structures, thus remaining morphologically intact. In macrophages the destruction of the microbe in phagolysosomes occurs.  相似文献   

The techniques of sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and immunoblotting were evaluated for the serodiagnosis of human infections with Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was prepared from strains comprising four serogroups of Y. enterocolitica and five serogroups of Y. pseudotuberculosis, tested against 200 sera submitted to the Laboratory of Enteric Pathogens for routine serodiagnosis, and shown to contain antibodies to Yersinia LPS by agglutination. Forty four sera were found to contain antibodies that bound to one of the LPS preparations used in the immunoassay. Thirty five of the sera contained antibodies to the LPS of Y. enterocolitica O3, whilst three contained antibodies to the LPS of Y. enterocolitica O5, 27 and Y. enterocolitica O9 LPS respectively. Two sera had antibodies to the LPS of Y. pseudotuberculosis II and a single serum contained antibodies to Y. pseudotuberculosis IV. The SDS-PAGE-immunoblotting procedure described proved to be a reliable procedure for the serodiagnosis of infections with Y. enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis.  相似文献   

The bacteriostatic and bactericidal action of sodium chloride on 60 Y. pseudotuberculosis strains, 75 Y. enterocolitica strains and 158 urine-fermenting strains has been studied. A new specific feature of Y. pseudotuberculosis has been revealed: high sensitivity to sodium chloride. The suitability of the sodium chloride test has been shown for the identification of Yersinia and the differentiation of Y. pseudotuberculosis and Y. enterocolitica.  相似文献   


Yersinia species are Gram-negative coccobacilli consisting of three pathogenic species, Y. pestis, Y. pseudotuberculosis, Y. enterocolitica, and five nonpathogenic species, Y. kristensenii, Y. frederiksenii, Y. intermedia, Y. rohdei, and Y. aldovae. The former three species are primary pathogens of wild and domestic animals and birds. In the human, Y. pestis causes plague, or black death, while Y. pseudotuberculosis and Y. enterocolitica produce milder forms of disease varying from diarrhea and abdominal pain to more systemic symptoms such as fever, scarlatiniform skin rash, conjunctivitis, erythema nodosum, and lymphadenopathy (1–3). Complications of reactive arthritis, acute uveitis, coronary aneurysms, and acute renal failure are not infrequently reported after the latter two Yersinia infections (4–8). The mechanisms by which these organisms mediate these complicated symptoms are poorly understood. However, the preferential avidity for lymphoid tissues seen in these species and the characteristic histopathological finding of lymphoid hyperplasia mainly seen in mesenteric lymph nodes (9–10) suggest that the stimulation of a large proportion of T lymphocytes may be involved in the pathogenesis of this infection.  相似文献   

Studies were done to determine the usefulness of dilute alkali (KOH) treatment of meat samples for direct isolation of Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, without enrichment. Virulent Y. enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis in pork contaminated with 10(2), 10(3), and 10(4) cells per g survived the direct KOH treatment and were never recovered by using KOH postenrichment treatment. From 6 (4.8%) of 125 samples of retail ground pork, four biotype 4 serotype O3 and one biotype 3B serotype O3 strains of Y. enterocolitica and one Y. pseudotuberculosis serotype 4b strain were recovered by using direct KOH treatment without enrichment. As these isolations were attained without using enrichment cultural procedures, they represent an important time-saving alternative to simplify and speed isolation of Yersinia spp. from meat.  相似文献   

Studies were done to determine the usefulness of dilute alkali (KOH) treatment of meat samples for direct isolation of Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis, without enrichment. Virulent Y. enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis in pork contaminated with 10(2), 10(3), and 10(4) cells per g survived the direct KOH treatment and were never recovered by using KOH postenrichment treatment. From 6 (4.8%) of 125 samples of retail ground pork, four biotype 4 serotype O3 and one biotype 3B serotype O3 strains of Y. enterocolitica and one Y. pseudotuberculosis serotype 4b strain were recovered by using direct KOH treatment without enrichment. As these isolations were attained without using enrichment cultural procedures, they represent an important time-saving alternative to simplify and speed isolation of Yersinia spp. from meat.  相似文献   

2013 年2 月18 - 20 日,四川省雅安市碧峰峡野生动物园内6 只松鼠猴突然接连死亡,同时约有100 只松鼠猴也出现了不同症状,给动物园造成了严重的损失。为寻找传染病因和治疗防控措施,首先采用尸体剖解和病理切片对其进行了组织学检查,然后采用细菌分离培养和鉴定确定了病原菌,通过动物回归试验和耐药性试验发现其致病性和流行性特征,并采取紧急治疗和防疫措施及时控制了疫情。结果表明,死猴尸体内多处器官发生淤血坏死,组织病变严重并可见大量细菌。经鉴定,分离到的病原细菌为假结核耶尔森菌,该菌与鼠疫耶尔森菌同源性极高,且具有强烈的致病性、传染性和一定的耐药性,对丁胺卡拉霉素较为敏感。这是我国首次发现并报道的松鼠猴感染假结核耶尔森菌病例,本文对其诊断与治疗、流行病学研究和病理模型建立提供了一定的基础参考资料。  相似文献   

It was shown that in water media lipopolysaccharide-protein complex (LPSPC-) forms compact units with molecular weight 1.29 X 10(6) inclined to self-association. Disaggregation of LPSPC to subunits with molecular weight 7 X 10(4) under the action of the detergent and EDTA reveals the substantial role of hydrophobic interaction of ions of divalent metals in the formation of high molecular weight aggregates.  相似文献   

The protein moiety of endotoxin from Yersinia pseudotuberculosis was found to consist of two polypeptides with apparent molecular masses 40 and 14.5 kDa (4:1 w/w). The major protein (40 kDa) was isolated from the endotoxin pretreated with sodium deoxy cholate by gel chromatography on the Sephadex G-200 column. Comparative study of this protein and oligomeric form of porin from the outer membrane of Y. pseudotuberculosis using SDS--PAGE, velocity sedimentation, lipid bilayer experiments, chemical and serological analyses revealed their identity. The deoxycholate treatment of the endotoxin does not affect complexes of the major protein and LPS.  相似文献   

The results obtained in the electrophoretic study of the plasmid spectra of 190 Y. pseudotuberculosis strains, isolated from different sources, in 0.6% agarose gel are presented. 11 types of plasmids differing in their molecular weight have been detected. Plasmids with a molecular weight of 45 MD determine Ca2+ dependence, bacterial virulence for white mice and autoagglutination. The presence of differences in Y. pseudotuberculosis strains of serovars I, III and IV has been established, which is manifested by their differing plasmid spectra. The relationship between the presence of plasmids with a molecular weight of 75 and 45 DM in the strains and the character of pseudotuberculosis morbidity in the population has been demonstrated. The epidemic course of infection correlates with the presence of both these plasmids and the sporadic course of infection, with the presence of the plasmid with a molecular weight of 45 MD only.  相似文献   

Two forms of lipopolysaccharide-protein complex with buoyant densities of 1,43 and 1,40 g/cm3 were found in the Yersinia pseudotuberculosis cell wall. These forms have the similar monosaccharide, fatty acid and polypeptide compositions, but differ in the length of O-specific chains. The differences in density are stipulated by the different contents of the main components of the complex. Both forms contain the related antigenic determinants but have some differences in the antigenic structure. The ability of the two forms to produce a hybrid form with the intermediate density of 1,41 g/cm3 has been shown.  相似文献   

The phenotypic properties conferred to Yersinia pseudotuberculosis cells by the genetical determinants of a 25Md fragment of the plasmid pVM82 coding for the modified cellular immune response in the infected organism. The fragment was shown to determine the conjugative properties of the plasmid, the resistance of bacterial cells to a number of hydrophobic agents and cellular ability to absorb the Congo red dye. The latter confirms the presence of additional structural components in the cell wall of the strain harbouring the plasmid pVM82. The increased resistance of the plasmid-containing strain to bactericidal effect of the blood plasma was demonstrated as compared with the resistance of the strains harbouring the p57 plasmid lacking the 25Md fragment or no plasmid at all.  相似文献   

The work presents the data indicating that the temperature of Y. pseudotuberculosis cultivation is very important in regulating the activity of pathogenicity factors, necessary for the initiation of the pathogenic process in the cells of the macroorganism. Low temperature (8-10 degrees C), necessary for the growth of Y. pseudotuberculosis, facilitates the activation of invasive and toxic pathogenicity factors. At a growth temperature of 37 degrees C the inhibition of such necessary attributes of virulence as adhesion and invasion into epithelial cells occurs in Y. pseudotuberculosis, which decreases the capacity of these bacteria for inducing the infectious process. The virulence of Y. pseudotuberculosis population, lost as the result of its cultivation in synthetic culture media at a temperature of 37 degrees C, has been found to be restored at low temperature.  相似文献   

The comparative studied on lipopolysaccharides from Yersinia pseudotuberculosis IVA serovar, strains 32 and 31D, have been conducted. The identity of the lipopolysaccharides isolated from these strains has been shown. The structural pattern of the repeating unit of the O-specific side chain of the lipopolysaccharide has been suggested: (Formula: see text)  相似文献   

The biological and physico-chemical properties of cultures of two isogenous recombinant variants of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis were studied. The cell genomes of the cultures are distinguished from one another only by the presence or by the absence of the fra-operon, which is a determined attribute of the plague microbe capsule-forming process. The expression of the attribute is amplified by rising the microbial biomass cultivation temperature and stimulates the decrease in the viability of the bacteria and adaptation potential in vitro. In the warm-blooded owner organism the microbes of the capsule-forming recombinant variant are characterized by the greater residual pathogenicity and immunogenic ability to the experimental plague of the laboratory animals as compared to the reference-variant cells. These specific features could be explained by more expressed colonizing ability of the capsule-forming microbes provided by owner cells' stability to the phagocyte process.  相似文献   

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