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For ruminants, marked differences to monogastric species have been described concerning the localisation and vitamin D sensitivity of gastrointestinal calcium absorption, particularly with respect to the forestomach compartment. Therefore, we investigated gastrointestinal calcium transport of sheep as influenced by a dietary calcium restriction and/or a supraphysiological dosage of exogenous calcitriol. Using the Ussing chamber technique, we determined calcium and mannitol flux rates to differentiate between para- and transcellular calcium transport in rumen, duodenum, jejunum and colon. Expression of epithelial calcium channels, calbindin-D(9K), and basolateral extrusion mechanisms was determined by quantitative RT-PCR and Western blot analysis. Active calcium transport could be demonstrated in jejunum and rumen. A significant stimulation of jejunal calcium absorption was only observed in animals treated with calcitriol. The alimentary calcium restriction alone did not result in significant effects indicating a less effective intestinal adaptation to alimentary calcium restriction than observed in monogastric animals. The observed ruminal calcium transport was not affected at all, neither by the diet nor the calcitriol treatment. Furthermore, no significant expression of epithelial calcium channels or calbindin-D(9K) could be detected in the rumen; therefore it is concluded that calcium transport in the forestomachs is probably mediated by a different, so far unknown mechanism.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of dissolved nitric oxide (NO) gas oncytoplasmic calcium levels ([Ca2+]i) in C6glioma cells under anoxic conditions. The maximum elevation (27 ± 3 nM) of [Ca2+]i was reached at 10 µM NO. Asecond application of NO was ineffective if the first was >0.5 µM.The NO donor diethylamine/NO mimicked the effects of NO. Acute exposureof the cells to low calcium levels was without effect on the NO-evokedresponse. Thapsigargin (TG) increased [Ca2+]iand was less effective if cells were pretreated with NO. Hemoglobin inhibited the effects of NO at a molar ratio of 10:1. 8-Bromo-cGMP waswithout effect on the NO-evoked response. If cells were pretreated withTG or exposed chronically to nominal amounts of calcium, NO decreased[Ca2+]i. The results suggest that C6 gliomacells have two receptors for NO. One receptor (NOA)elevates [Ca2+]i and resides on theendoplasmic reticulum (ER). The other receptor (NOB)decreases [Ca2+]i and resides on theplasmalemma or the ER. The latter receptor dominates when the level ofcalcium within intracellular stores is diminished.


Within the framework of our studies on hypertension in various rat strains, we have examined the effect of cyclosporin A (CsA) on intracellular calcium signaling under conditions of oxidative stress. For these preliminary experiments, we have chosen isolated hepatocytes of normotensive rats as a model system for the study of the role of intracellular calcium. We used tert-butyl hydroperoxide (t-BHP, 1 mmol x l(-1)) as an prooxidant agent. When compared to the controls, we found increased levels of cytosolic free calcium concentration (Ca2+i) during 120 min incubation. The preincubation of hepatocytes with CsA in the concentration of 0.5 micromol x l(-1)] did not change the physiological level of cytosolic calcium. However, a dual action of CsA on elevated Ca2+i was observed during oxidative injury of hepatocytes: while in the first period of incubation CsA increased Ca2+i, CsA reduced the effect of t-BHP on Ca2+i during the next period of incubation. This indicates the ability of CsA to modify oxidative stress, but further studies are necessary to explain these findings.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial mismatch analysis is insensitive to the mutational process   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
Mismatch distributions are histograms showing the pattern of nucleotide (or restriction) site differences between pairs of individuals in a sample. They can be used to test hypotheses about the history of population size and subdivision (if selective neutrality is assumed) or about selection (if a constant population size is assumed). Previous work has assumed that mutations never strike the same site twice, an assumption that is called the model of infinite sites. Fortunately, the results are surprisingly robust even when this assumption is violated. We show here that (1) confidence regions inferred using the infinite- sites model differ little from those inferred using a model of finite sites with uniform site-specific mutation rates, and (2) even when site- specific mutation rates follow a gamma distribution, confidence regions are little changed until the gamma shape parameter falls well below its plausible range, to roughly 0.01. In addition, we evaluate and reject the proposition that mismatch waves are produced by pooling data from several subdivisions of a structured population.   相似文献   

Giardia lamblia cell populations show 90% detachment from glass under normal forces of 2.43+/-0.33 nN applied by centrifugation. Detachment forces were not significantly different for cells attached to positively charged, hydrophobic, or inert surfaces than for cells attached to plain glass. The insensitivity of attachment force to surface treatment is consistent with a suction-based mechanism of attachment.  相似文献   

Directional cellular locomotion is thought to involve localized intracellular calcium changes and the lateral transport of cell surface molecules. We have examined the roles of both calcium and cell surface glycoprotein redistribution in the directional migration of two murine fibroblastic cell lines, NIH 3T3 and SV101. These cell types exhibit persistent, cathode directed motility when exposed to direct current electric fields. Using time lapse phase contrast microscopy and image analysis, we have determined that electric field-directed locomotion in each cell type is a calcium independent process. Both exhibit cathode directed motility in the absence of extracellular calcium, and electric fields cause no detectable elevations or gradients of cytosolic free calcium. We find evidence suggesting that galvanotaxis in these cells involves the lateral redistribution of plasma membrane glycoproteins. Electric fields cause the lateral migration of plasma membrane concanavalin A receptors toward the cathode in both NIH 3T3 and SV101 fibroblasts. Exposure of directionally migrating cells to Con A inhibits the normal change of cell direction following a reversal of electric field polarity. Additionally, when cells are plated on Con A- coated substrata so that Con A receptors mediate cell-substratum adhesion, cathode-directed locomotion and a cathodal accumulation of Con A receptors are observed. Immunofluorescent labeling of the fibronectin receptor in NIH 3T3 fibroblasts suggests the recruitment of integrins from large clusters to form a more diffuse distribution toward the cathode in field-treated cells. Our results indicate that the mechanism of electric field directed locomotion in NIH 3T3 and SV101 fibroblasts involves the lateral redistribution of plasma membrane glycoproteins involved in cell-substratum adhesion.  相似文献   

The effects of NH4Cl on cytoplasmic free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) and pH (pHi) in single bovine anterior pituitary cells were determined using fluorescence imaging microscopy. Addition of NH4Cl (10-40 mM) in the presence of 1 mM extracellular calcium ([Ca2+]e) increased [Ca2+]i to a peak which then fell to a sustained plateau, returning to resting levels upon removal of NH4Cl. In medium containing 0.1 microM [Ca2+]e, or in 1 mM [Ca2+]e medium containing 0.1 microM nitrendipine, the plateau was absent leaving only a transient [Ca2+]i spike. NH4Cl also increased pHi and this, like the [Ca2+]i plateau, remained elevated during the continued presence of NH4Cl. In medium containing only 0.1 microM [Ca2+]e, to preclude refilling of internal stores by entry of external calcium, repeated exposures to NH4Cl induced repeated [Ca2+]i transients. In contrast, only the initial exposure to thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH; 20-500 nM) caused a [Ca2+]i rise but, after an additional exposure to NH4CI, TRH responses re-emerged in some cells. Pre-treatment with the calcium ionophore ionomycin abolished the rise caused by TRH, but neither TRH nor ionomycin pretreatment affected the response to NH4Cl. Neither acetate removal nor methylamine increased [Ca2+]i in medium containing 0.1 microM [Ca2+]e, although in both cases pHi increased. We conclude that in bovine anterior pituitary cells NH4Cl raises [Ca2+]i by two independent pathways, increasing net calcium entry and mobilizing Ca2+ from a TRH-insensitive calcium store.  相似文献   

A new reagent for the determination of heparin in plasma has been developed. In the assay heparin which was bound to platelet factor 4 is also measured. That is why samples, which have to be assayed for heparin with this reagent, do not need any special pretreatment like fast and cooled processing in order to prevent release of platelet factor 4 from platelets. Heparin can be assayed in samples anticoagulated with citrate which are used routinely for the determination of other coagulation parameters like PT or aPTT. Freezing prior to the assay is possible and does not influence the result. The assay is based on the inactivation of factor Xa by antithrombin III which is catalysed by heparin or smaller fragments of it. It can therefore be used for the determination of heparins of low molecular weight, too. The sample is first mixed with AT III in order to compensate for a potentially decreased level in the probe. Then the F Xa reagent is added, which releases bound heparin from plasma proteins like platelet factor 4 by an added polysulfated dextran simultaneously to the onset of the inhibitory reaction towards F Xa. Free and secondarily released heparin are then available for determination. After a defined period of time a substrate for F Xa is added and the remaining activity is measured in a photometer. An incubation time of 1 min or 3 min is used for the normal range of 0.1 to 1 U/ml or the low dose range from 0.01 to 0.3 U/ml heparin, respectively.  相似文献   

The only retrovirus protein required for the budding of virus-like particles is the Gag protein; however, recent studies of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) and human immunodeficiency virus have suggested that modification of Gag with ubiquitin (Ub) is also required. As a consequence, the release of these viruses is reduced in the presence of proteasome inhibitors, which indirectly reduce the levels of free Ub within the cell. Here we show that the budding of equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) from infected equine cells is largely unaffected by these drugs, although use of one inhibitor (MG-132) resulted in a dramatic block to proteolytic processing of Gag. This lack of sensitivity was also observed in transiently transfected avian cells under conditions that greatly reduce RSV budding. Moreover, insensitivity was observed when the EIAV Gag protein was expressed in the absence of all the other virus products, indicating that they are not required for this phenotype. An activity that enables EIAV to tolerate exposure to proteasome inhibitors was mapped to the C-terminal p9 sequence, as demonstrated by the ability of an RSV Gag-p9 chimera to bud in the presence of the drugs. Intriguingly, the p9 sequence contains a short sequence motif that is similar to a surface-exposed helix of Ub, suggesting that EIAV Gag may have captured a function that allows it to bypass the need for ubiquitination. Thus, the mechanism of EIAV budding may not be substantially different from that of other retroviruses, even though it behaves differently in the presence of proteasome inhibitors.  相似文献   

Uridine diphosphate (UDP) reductase was isolated in the supernatant fraction obtained after the acidification of the cytosol of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells, and was found insensitive to 10 mM hydroxyurea. However, cytidine diphosphate (CDP) reductase, being separated concurrently in the precipitate fraction, was readily inhibited. In the cytosol fraction of either Ehrlich ascites tumor, Yoshida ascites sarcoma or regenerating rat liver after partial hepatectomy, UDP reduction activity, in contrast to CDP reduction activity, is not sensitive to hydroxyurea.  相似文献   

"NYB" is a chlorophyll-less barley mutant, which grows relatively slow and unhealthily. The effects of water stress on photosystem II (PSII) of NYB and its wild type (WT) were investigated. Unexpected results indicated that the mutant was more resistant to water stress, because: PSII core proteins D1, D2 and LHCII declined more in WT than in NYB under water stress, and the corresponding psbA, psbD and cab mRNAs also decreased more dramatically in WT; CO2 assimilation, stomatal conductance, maximum efficiency of PSII photochemistry (Fv/Fm), efficiency of excitation energy capture by open PSII reaction centres (Fv'/Fm'), quantum yield of PSII electron transport (Phi(PSII)) and DCIP photoreduction in NYB were less sensitive to water stress than in WT, although the non-photochemical quenching coefficient (q(N)) and the photochemical quenching coefficient (q(P)) were almost the same in NYB and WT. Effective chlorophyll utilization and improved PSII protein formation in the mutant may be the reason for the enhanced stress resistance. Other possible mechanisms are also discussed.  相似文献   

The enzyme 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS) catalyzes the penultimate step of the shikimate pathway, and is the target of the broad-spectrum herbicide glyphosate. Kinetic analysis of the cloned EPSPS from Staphylococcus aureus revealed that this enzyme exerts a high tolerance to glyphosate, while maintaining a high affinity for its substrate phosphoenolpyruvate. Enzymatic activity is markedly influenced by monovalent cations such as potassium or ammonium, which is due to an increase in catalytic turnover. However, insensitivity to glyphosate appears to be independent from the presence of cations. Therefore, we propose that the Staphylococcus aureus EPSPS should be classified as a class II EPSPS. This research illustrates a critical mechanism of glyphosate resistance naturally occurring in certain pathogenic bacteria.  相似文献   

Possible interaction of the serotonergic system with intracellular calcium mechanisms was investigated using techniques of ratio imaging measurement of intracellular Ca2+ and confocal microscopy in cleaving embryos of sea urchin Lytechinus pictus. Some serotonin antagonists specifically increase free intracellular Ca2+ and evoke transient regression of the first cleavage furrow, suggesting possible linkage of serotonergic and calcium mechanisms in the regulation of cellular events during cleavage divisions. These effects were more pronounced in the experiments with hydrophilic 5-HT-antagonists, quarternary ammonium salts that do not penetrate the cell membrane. Thus, it appears that 5-HT-receptors which mediate these effects are localised on the cell membrane, whereas previously studied receptors mediating the cytostatic action of lipophilic 5-HT-antagonists are localised intracellularly.  相似文献   

The neuropeptide bombesin acts on a variety of target cells to stimulate the processes of secretion and cell proliferation. In this study we determined whether bombesin receptors interact with known guanine nucleotide-binding proteins in four different cell types: GH4C1 pituitary cells, HIT pancreatic islet cells, Swiss 3T3 fibroblasts, and rat brain tissue. Maximal concentrations of nonhydrolyzable GTP analogs decreased agonist binding to bombesin receptors in membranes from all four sources. In GH4C1 and HIT cell membranes GTP analogs inhibited bombesin receptor binding with IC50 values of about 0.1 microM, whereas GDP analogs were approximately 10-fold less potent. In contrast, GMP and the nonhydrolyzable ATP analog adenylyl-imidodiphosphate had no effect at 100 microM. Equilibrium binding experiments in GH4C1 and HIT cell membranes indicated a single class of binding sites with a dissociation constant (Kd) for [125I-Tyr4]bombesin of 24.4 +/- 7.0 pM and a binding capacity of 176 +/- 15 fmol/mg protein. Guanine nucleotides decreased the apparent affinity of the receptors without significantly changing receptor number. Consistent with this observation, guanine nucleotides also increased the rate of ligand dissociation. Pretreatment of GH4C1 or HIT cells with either pertussis toxin (100 ng/ml) or cholera toxin (500 ng/ml) for 18 h did not affect agonist binding to membrane bombesin receptors, its regulation by guanine nucleotides, or bombesin stimulation of hormone release. Although pertussis toxin pretreatment has been reported to block bombesin stimulation of DNA synthesis in Swiss 3T3 cells, it did not alter the binding properties of bombesin receptors in Swiss 3T3 membranes or inhibit the rapid increase in intracellular [Ca2+] produced by bombesin in these cells. In summary, our results indicate that the bombesin receptor interacts with a guanine nucleotide-binding protein which exhibits a different toxin sensitivity from those which regulate adenylate cyclase as well as those which couple some receptors to phospholipases.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the changes in the cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration (Cai2+) and amylase release were measured in fura-2-loaded pancreatic acinar cells and perifused pancreatic acini, respectively. Cholecystokinin octapeptide (CCK-8) and its amphibian analogue caerulein induced similar dose-related increases of Cai2+ and amylase secretion with threshold concentrations of 2–6·10−12 M, and maximal effects at 2·10−10 M. The action of CCK/caerulein on Cai2+ was complex and similar to that of carbachol and bombesin with a prompt several-fold increase within seconds followed by a gradual decline over more than 5 min to a new sustained suprabasal level. The kinetics of amylase release in response to CCK and carbachol correlated with the changes in Cai2+. Additions of the antagonists N2,O2-dibutyrylguanosine 3′:5′-cyclic monophosphate and atropine after 30 min of CCK-8 and carbachol stimulation, respectively, were associated with prompt lowerings of Cai2+ and inhibitions of amylase secretion. The patterns observed with substance P (SP) and eledoisin were different with high concentrations (10−8–10−7 M) giving monophasic increases of Cai2+ and amylase release. An initial stimulation of cells with a high dose of CCK eliminated the Cai2+ response to further stimulation with CCK, carbachol, bombesin and SP, whereas cells subjected to initial stimulation with SP responded to subsequent exposure to CCK with prolonged elevation of Cai2+. The data indicate that stimulation with CCK, carbachol and bombesin may be associated with intracellular mobilization of calcium from more than one pool, and that an increase of Cai2+ is involved even in threshold stimulation of amylase release.  相似文献   

Indicator molecules for caspase-3 activation have been reported that use fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between an enhanced cyan fluorescent protein (the donor) and enhanced yellow fluorescent protein (EYFP; the acceptor). Because EYFP is highly sensitive to proton (H+) and chloride ion (Cl-) levels, which can change during apoptosis, this indicator's ability to trace the precise dynamics of caspase activation is limited, especially in vivo. Here, we generated an H+- and Cl--insensitive indicator for caspase activation, SCAT, in which EYFP was replaced with Venus, and monitored the spatio-temporal activation of caspases in living cells. Caspase-3 activation was initiated first in the cytosol and then in the nucleus, and rapidly reached maximum activation in 10 min or less. Furthermore, the nuclear activation of caspase-3 preceded the nuclear apoptotic morphological changes. In contrast, the completion of caspase-9 activation took much longer and its activation was attenuated in the nucleus. However, the time between the initiation of caspase-9 activation and the morphological changes was quite similar to that seen for caspase-3, indicating the activation of both caspases occurred essentially simultaneously during the initiation of apoptosis.  相似文献   

Adaptation involves the successive substitution of beneficial mutations by selection, a process known as an adaptive walk. Gradualist models of adaptation, which assume that all mutations are small relative to the distance to a fitness optimum, predict that adaptive walks should be longer when the founding genotype is less well adapted. More recent work modeling adaptation as a sequence of moves in phenotype or genotype space predicts, by contrast, much shorter adaptive walks irrespective of the fitness of the founding genotype. Here, we provide what is, to the best of our knowledge, the first direct test of these alternative models, measuring the length of adaptive walks in evolving lineages of fungus that differ initially in fitness. Contrary to the gradualist view, we show that the length of adaptive walks in the fungus Aspergillus nidulans is insensitive to starting fitness and involves just two mutations on average. This arises because poorly adapted populations tend to fix mutations of larger average effect than those of better-adapted populations. Our results suggest that the length of adaptive walks may be independent of the fitness of the founding genotype and, moreover, that poorly adapted populations can quickly adapt to novel environments.  相似文献   

The structure of a membrane-embedded alpha-helical reference protein, the M13 major coat protein, is characterized under different conditions of hydrophobic mismatch using fluorescence resonance energy transfer in combination with high-throughput mutagenesis. We show that the structure is similar in both thin (14:1) and thick (20:1) phospholipid bilayers, indicating that the protein does not undergo large structural rearrangements in response to conditions of hydrophobic mismatch. We introduce a "helical fingerprint" analysis, showing that amino acid residues 1-9 are unstructured in both phospholipid bilayers. Our findings indicate the presence of pi-helical domains in the transmembrane segment of the protein; however, no evidence is found for a structural adaptation to the degree of hydrophobic mismatch. In light of current literature, and based on our data, we conclude that aggregation (at high protein concentration) and adjustment of the tilt angle and the lipid structure are the dominant responses to conditions of hydrophobic mismatch.  相似文献   

We examined nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the avian brain using a combination of autoradiographic and intracellular electrophysiological techniques. We found that the lateral spiriform nucleus (SPL) in the mesencephalon has a very high density of 3H-nicotine binding sites but no detectable 125I-K-bungarotoxin (125I-K-BuTx) or 125I-alpha-bungarotoxin (125I-alpha-BuTx) bindings sites. Intracellular recordings in brain slices revealed that SPL neurons depolarize in response to nicotine and carbachol (in the presence of atropine). These depolarizations were blocked by the classic nicotinic antagonists d-tubocurarine and dihydro-beta-erythroidine. As predicted for nicotinic receptors with a high affinity for nicotine, neither K-BuTx nor alpha-BuTx blocked these nicotinic responses. Thus, although the existence of high-affinity 3H-nicotine binding sites has been known for some time, we now report the in situ detection of a functional nicotinic receptor that has a high affinity for nicotine and is K-BuTx-insensitive.  相似文献   

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