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To determine whether GH has an independent action on cerebral development, we examined the central nervous system of thelittle mouse (lit), a promissing model of isolated growth hormone deficiency. Our findings are (A); the weights of two parts of thelit brain were significantly less than those of the normal controls, 81.5% less for the cerebrum, and 81.6% for the cerebellum, (B): the total DNA content was reduced to approximately 80% in the cerebrum and 84% in the cerebellum compared to those of the normal controls, (C); the total RNA content was also reduced in the cerebrum and cerebellum, proportional to the reduction in DNA, (D); CNPase activity was reduced selectively in the cerebrum of thelit mouse (74.4% of the normal control), and (E); thelit mice exhibited a strikingly reduced level of activity with an indistinct diurnal periodicity. These results indicate that GH has independent actions on cerebral development, especially on glial cell proliferation as a precondition of myelin formation.Dedicated to Professor Yasuzo Tsukada.  相似文献   

We attempted to delineate the events leading to hypomyelination in the brain of thelittle mouse, a promising murine model of isolated growth hormone deficiency. At 20 days of age, the mutant mouse brain weighed less than its normal counterpart, and this difference in brain weight persisted. Increase in CNPase activity was found to be suppressed in the cerebrum throughout the developmental stage, but not in the other parts of the brain. Differences in cerebral DNA content between thelittle and normal mice first became apparent on the 10th day of age. Thereafter, the rate of increase in thelittle brain consistently lagged behind the normal. [3H]Thymidine incorporation into the DNA fraction in vivo on the 7th day of age, when glial cell proliferation in the normal cerebrum is most active, was approximately half that of the controls in all parts of thelittle brain. These findings indicate that the hypomyelination of the mutant cerebrum might result from reduced oligodendroglial proliferation due to growth hormone deficiency.  相似文献   

We attempted to define the critical time period during early postnatal life when GH and T4 are essential for myelination. We administered bGH and T4 toSnell dwarf mice during the first and second 20 days after birth. Positive results were obtained only when hormones were given during the first 20 days of postnatal life. We observed a distinct increase in brain weight, DNA content, CNPase activity and a remarkably increased level of spontaneous locomotion activity with a diurnal periodicity. Morphological observations of brain sections stained for myelin basic protein (MBP) correlated the biochemical findings. The later administration of hormones was ineffective. Our interpretation is that the administration of exogenous hormones led to increased myelinogenesis through their stimulatory effects on glial proliferation, as evidenced by the increase in cerebral DNA content.  相似文献   

2,3-Cyclic nucleotide 3-phosphohydrolase activity in the cerebrum of the congenital goiter mouse (cog/cog) is reduced in comparison with the normal heterozygote (cog/+). The weight of thecog/cog cerebrum and cerebellum were significantly less than those of the normal controls, 89.0% less for the cerebrum, and 81.1% less for the cerebellum. However, no differences were observed with regard to DNA and RNA content and the RNA/DNA ratio. The results of this study indicate that hypomyelination in the congenital goiter mouse is restricted to the cerebrum, and is not related to arrested glial proliferation.  相似文献   

We have isolated and cloned the full length cDNA for mouse GH-releasing hormone (mGRH) from mouse hypothalamus using a recently described strategy involving the polymerase chain reaction technique (PCR). Degenerate oligonucleotide primers were selected based on short (six amino acids) conserved regions in the human and rat GRH peptides that would recognize DNA sequences encoding similar amino acids regardless of codon usage. Primer-extended cDNA was amplified by PCR on cDNA templates prepared by reverse transcribing total mouse hypothalamic RNA. After cloning and sequencing the initial product, the 3' and 5' ends of mGRH were generated using a separate PCR strategy (RACE protocol). The mGRH cDNA encodes a 103-amino acid reading frame, structurally similar to the human and rat GRH genes, containing a signal sequence, a 42-residue GRH peptide, and a 31-residue C-terminal region. Although the structures of mouse and rat GRH are highly conserved in the signal peptide and C-terminal region, there is considerable diversity in the GRH region, which exhibits nearly comparable homology with the rat (68%) and human (62%) structures. Differences between mouse and rat GRH were also found in the amino acid cleavage sites at the 5' and 3' ends of the mature peptide and at the polyadenylation signal.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The presence of growth hormone (GH) and GH receptors (GHRs) in the lung suggests it is an autocrine/paracrine target site for pulmonary GH action and/or an endocrine site of pituitary GH action. Roles for GH in lung growth or pulmonary function are, however, uncertain. The possibility that pituitary and/or pulmonary GH have physiological roles in lung development has therefore been investigated in GHR knockout (KO or -/-) mice, using a proteomics approach to determine if an absence of GH-signaling affects the proteome of the developing lung. More than 600 proteins were detected by 2-DE in the lungs of control [GHR (+/+)] and GHR (-/-) mice at the end of the alveolarization period (at day 14 postnatally). Of these, 39 differed significantly in protein content at the p>0.05 level [6 were of higher abundance in the GHR (-/-) group, 33 were of lower abundance] and 17 differed at the p>0.02 level [5 of higher abundance in the GHR (-/-) group, 12 of lower abundance] and 7 were definitively identified by MS. Vimentin, a protein involved in cellular proliferation, was reduced in content by approximately 75% in the lungs of the GHR (-/-) mice. Three proteins involved in oxidative protection [SH3 domain-binding glutamic acid-rich-like protein, peroxiredoxin 6 (Prdx6), and isocitrate dehydrogenase 1] were also of lower content in the GHR (-/-) lungs (by approximately 88%, 81% and 70%, respectively). Prdx6 is also involved in lipid and surfactant metabolism, as is apolipoprotein A-IV, the lung content of which was reduced by approximately 73% in these mice. Proteasome 26S ATPase subunit 4, a protein involved in the non-lysosomal degradation of intracellular proteins, and electron flavoprotein alpha subunit , involved in intracellular metabolism, were also reduced in content in the lungs of the GHR (-/-) mice (by approximately 70% and 49%, respectively). These results therefore suggest that these proteins are normally dependent upon GH signaling, and that GH is normally involved in early lung growth, oxidative protection, lipid and energy metabolism and in proteasomal activity. These roles may reflect endocrine actions of pituitary GH and/or local autocrine/paracrine actions of GH produced within the lung.  相似文献   

Previous work from our laboratory provided evidence for increased plasma corticosterone levels in mice transgenic for human and bovine growth hormone (GH). Corticosterone was elevated in both sexes, under both basal and ether-induced stress conditions. The objectives of the present study were to investigate thein vitro adrenal sensitivity to ACTH, GH and/or IGF-I in normal and bGH transgenic mice, to examine plasma corticosterone levels at different times of the day, and to determine plasma levels of ACTH in these animals. For the measurement of plasma corticosterone and ACTH levels, transgenic and normal siblings were housed 2 per cage and decapitated simultaneously within 20 seconds of the first disturbance of the cage. The corticosterone production byin vitro adrenal incubations did not differ between adrenals from normal and transgenic mice at the basal level or in the presence of different doses of ACTH. Growth hormone or IGF-I did not have any effect on corticosterone productionin vitro when given alone, and did not modify the effects of ACTH on the accumulation of corticosterone in the media. Plasma corticosterone concentrations were higher in transgenic than in normal animals in both morning and evening. Plasma concentrations of ACTH in animals killed in the morning were sharply increased in transgenic males as compared with their normal siblings. The results indicate that increased circulating levels of corticosterone in transgenic mice are not due to a potentiation of ACTH actions by GH or IGF-I, but rather to a chronic increase in plasma ACTH levels. The increase in ACTH is presumably a reflection of GH actions in the hypothalamic-pituitary system.  相似文献   

During the last decade, involvement of growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) and IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs) in ovarian folliculogenesis has been extensively studied. This review provides an update on the GH, IGF system and their role in ovarian follicular development. In vitro studies and knockout experiments demonstrated an important role of GH in preantral follicle growth and differentiation through their binding with GH receptors, which are located both in the oocyte and follicular somatic tissues. Furthermore, GH stimulates the development of small antral follicles to gonadotrophin-dependent stages, as well as maturation of oocytes. With regard to the IGF system, IGF-I has no effects on primordial follicle development, but both IGF-I and IGF-II stimulate growth of secondary follicles. Depending on the species studies and method used, these proteins have been detected in oocytes and/or somatic cells. In antral follicles, these IGFs stimulate granulosa cell proliferation and steroidogenesis in most mammals. The bioavailability of IGFs is regulated by a family of intrafollicular expressed IGF binding proteins (IGFBPs). Facilitation of IGF can be increased through the activity of specific IGFBP proteases, which degrade the IGF/IGFBP complex, resulting in the production of IGFBP fragments and release of attached IGF.  相似文献   

The attainment of a specific mature body size is one of the most fundamental differences among species of mammals. Moreover, body size seems to be the central factor underlying differences in traits such as growth rate, energy metabolism and body composition. An important proportion of this variability is of genetic origin. The goal of the genetic analysis of animal growth is to understand its "genetic architecture", that is the number and position of loci affecting the trait, the magnitude of their effects, allele frequencies and types of gene action. In this review, the different strategies developed to identify and characterize genes involved in the regulation of growth in the mouse are described, with emphasis on the methods developed to map loci contributing to the regulation of quantitative traits (QTLs).  相似文献   

Growth factors in vertebrates display daily rhythms, which, while widely described in mammals, are still poorly understood in teleost fish. Here, we investigated the existence of daily rhythms in the somatotropic axis of the flatfish Solea senegalensis. In a first experiment, daily rhythms of the expression of pituitary adenylate cyclase–activating polypeptide (pacap), growth hormone (gh), insulin-like growth factor 1 (igf1) and its receptor (igf1r) were analyzed under a 12:12 h light:dark cycle. All genes displayed daily rhythms with the acrophases of pacap, gh and igf1 located in the second half of the dark phase (ZT 20:28–0:04 h), whereas the acrophase of igf1r was located around mid-light (ZT 5:33 h). In a second experiment, the influence of the time of day (mid-light, ML, versus mid-darkness, MD) of GH administration on the expression of these factors and on plasma glucose levels was tested. The response observed depended on the time of injection: the strongest effects were observed at MD, when GH administration significantly reduced pituitary gh and enhanced liver igf1 expression. These results provide the first evidence of daily rhythms and differential day/night effects in growth factors in S. senegalensis, suggesting new insights for investigating the physiology of growth and possible applications to improve fish aquaculture.  相似文献   

In this study on Java macaques themain characteristics of the mother-infant relationship during infants' first 10 days have been elaborated. Early mother and infant behaviour is described and early interactions between mothers and their young have been analyzed. Observations and trend analyses of early behaviours like ventro-ventral contact behaviour, being on nipple, and explorative behaviour, make it clear that Java macaque infants play an important role in the early development of mother-infant interactions. In contrast to the rhesus and the stumptailed infant, the young Java macaque appears to develop a great variety of behaviours in its first 10 days. Whereas the infant's behaviour gains in complexity and social initiative, the mother becomes increasingly more passive and self-oriented. Early mother-infant interaction can be characterized by mutual adjustment.  相似文献   

Specific binding of gilthead sea bream growth hormone (sbGH) to liver membrane preparations was a time and temperature dependent process, and was saturable by increasing amounts of membrane proteins. Scatchard analysis evidenced a single class of high-affinity and lowcapacity binding sites. Ovine prolactin, recombinant tilapia prolactin, carp gonadotropin and chinook salmon gonadotropin did not compete for the125I-sbGH binding sites, while recombinant trout GH, bovine GH and human GH displaced iodinated sbGH in a dose dependent-manner. IGF-I-like immunoreactivity was detected after acidification of plasma and removal of IGF-I binding activity. A parallel displacement to the rhIGF-1 standard was observed with extracted plasma samples. Free and total hepatic GH-binding decreased during long-term starvation (3–9 weeks), returning to control values during the refeeding period. Plasma IGF-I-like immunoreactivity showed a similar trend. To our knowledge, this is the first report that indicates a coordinated regulation of GH-binding and plasma somatomedin-like activity in a typical marine fish.  相似文献   

The present study describes the morphology and ultrastructural features of postnatal follicular development in the volcano mouse ( Neotomodon alstoni alstoni ), an endemic Mexican rodent. By the first week of age, germ cells were organized in clusters within the ovigerous cords, and only 51.8% of them were associated with somatic cells. At the ultrastructural level, pairing chromosomes and cellular junctions between germ and pregranulosa cells, such as desmosomes, were observed. At this time, the zona pellucida could not be detected in the formed follicles. From 15 to 28 days postpartum, growing follicles were located at the medulla and inner cortex of the ovary, but most were atretic. The first preovulatory follicles were seen at 40 days. Likewise, corpora lutea were observed at this stage of development, which shows that the volcano mouse is a spontaneous ovulator. The follicular development of the volcano mouse shows strong similarities with that of the golden hamster, particularly during the first week. The morphological changes observed during postnatal follicular development of the volcano mouse follow the same general histological pattern as reported for other mammals, although the timing of these events is species-specific.  相似文献   

Two active mutations (A 781 G and A 1575 G) in growth hormone (GH) gene, and their associations with litter size (LS), were investigated in both a high prolificacy (Matou, n = 182) and a low prolificacy breed (Boer, n = 352) by using the PCR-RFLP method. Superovulation experiments were designed in 57 dams, in order to evaluate the effect of different genotypes of the GH gene on superovulation response. Two genotypes (AA and AB, CC and CD) in each mutation were detected in these two goat breeds. Neither BB nor DD homozygous genotypes were observed. The genotypic frequencies of AB and CC were significantly higher than those of AA and CD. In the third parity, Matou dams with AB or CC genotypes had significantly larger litter sizes than those with AA and CD (p < 0.05). On combining the two loci, both Matou and Boer dams with ABCD genotype had the largest litter sizes when compared to the other genotypes (p < 0.05). When undergoing like superovulation treatments, a significantly higher number of corpora lutea and ova, with a lower incidence of ovarian cysts, were harvested in the AB and CC genotypes than in AA and CD. These results show that the two loci of GH gene are highly associated with abundant prolificacy and superovulation response in goat breeds.  相似文献   

PHIP was isolated as an insulin receptor substrate 1 (IRS-1) interacting protein. To date, the physiological roles of PHIP remain unknown. Here we show that mice lacking PHIP1, the full-length isoform of PHIP, are born at normal size but suffer a 40% growth deficit by weaning. PHIP1 mutant mice develop hypoglycemia and have an average lifespan of 4-5 weeks. PHIP1-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts (MEFs) grow markedly slower than wild-type MEFs, but exhibit normal AKT phosphorylation and an increased cell proliferation in response to IGF-1 treatment. Together these results suggest that PHIP1 regulates postnatal growth in an IGF-1/AKT pathway-independent manner.  相似文献   

We report the identification of intraspecific sequence variation in the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) growth hormone 1 gene. Rapid and inexpensive assays for polymorphism detection were developed for 10 sites. Five of the assays detected single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) using polymerase chain reaction–restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR–RFLP) analyses, and five were indel polymorphisms, detected using fragment length analyses. The average within population frequency of the most common allele varied from 0.52 to 0.90, and the average within population heterozygosity varied from 0.02 to 0.37 in seven European salmon populations.  相似文献   

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