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The pea gene LH encodes ent-kaurene oxidase   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The pea (Pisum sativum) homolog, PsKO1, of the Arabidopsis GA3 gene was isolated. It codes for a cytochrome P450 from the CYP701A subfamily and has ent-kaurene oxidase (KO) activity, catalyzing the three step oxidation of ent-kaurene to ent-kaurenoic acid in the gibberellin (GA) biosynthetic pathway when expressed in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). PsKO1 is encoded by the LH gene because in three independent mutant alleles, lh-1, lh-2, and lh-3, PsKO1 has altered sequence, and the lh-1 allele, when expressed in yeast, failed to metabolize ent-kaurene. The lh mutants of pea are GA deficient and have reduced internode elongation and root growth. One mutant (lh-2) also causes a large increase in seed abortion. PsKO1 (LH) is expressed in all tissues examined, including stems, roots, and seeds, and appears to be a single-copy gene. Differences in sensitivity to the GA synthesis inhibitor, paclobutrazol, between the mutants appear to result from the distinct nature of the genetic lesions. These differences may also explain the tissue-specific differences between the mutants.  相似文献   

Gibberellins (GAs) are hormones required for several aspects of plant development, including internode elongation and seed development in pea (Pisum sativum L.). The first committed step in the GA biosynthesis pathway is the conversion of geranylgeranyl diphosphate (GGDP) to ent-kaurene via copalyl diphosphate (CDP). These two reactions are catalyzed by the cyclases ent-kaurene synthase A (KSA) and ent-kaurene synthase B (KSB), respectively. Previous genetic and biochemical analysis of the GA-responsive ls-1 mutant of pea suggested that GA levels are reduced in a developmental- and organ-specific manner due to reduced GA biosynthesis. Analysis of cell-free enzyme preparations from WT and ls-1 embryos at contact point reveals that ls-1 reduces the activity of KSA but not KSB. To characterize the ls-1 mutation in more detail, a cDNA coding for a pea KSA was cloned and shown to be encoded by the LS locus. The ls-1 mutation results from an intronic G to A substitution that causes impaired RNA splicing. To determine the activity of the KSAs encoded by the LS and ls-1 alleles, a new in vitro assay for combined KSA and KSB activity has been developed using the KSB gene of pumpkin. Using recombinant WT KSA and KSB fusion proteins, GGDP is converted to ent-kaurene in vitro. Based on the sequence of RT-PCR products, three different truncated KSA proteins are predicted to exist in ls-1 plants. The most abundant mutant KSA protein does not possess detectable activity in vitro. Nevertheless, the ls-1 allele is not null and is able to encode at least a partially functional KSA since a more severe ls allele has been identified. The ls-1 mutation has played a key role in identifying a role for GAs in pea seed development in the first few days after fertilization, but not in older seeds. KSA expression in seeds is developmentally regulated and parallels overall GA biosynthesis, suggesting that KSA expression may play an important role in the regulation of GA biosynthesis and seed development.  相似文献   

Gibberellins (GAs) are endogenous hormones that play a predominant role in regulating plant stature by increasing cell division and elongation in stem internodes. The product of the GA 2-oxidase gene from Phaseolus coccineus (PcGA2ox1) inactivates C19-GAs, including the bioactive GAs GA1 and GA4, by 2β-hydroxylation, reducing the availability of these GAs in plants. The PcGA2ox1 gene was introduced into Solanum melanocerasum and S. nigrum (Solanaceae) by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation with the aim of decreasing the amounts of bioactive GA in these plants and thereby reducing their stature. The transgenic plants exhibited a range of dwarf phenotypes associated with a severe reduction in the concentrations of the biologically active GA1 and GA4. Flowering and fruit development were unaffected. The transgenic plants contained greater concentrations of chlorophyll b (by 88%) and total chlorophyll (11%), although chlorophyll a and carotenoid contents were reduced by 8 and 50%, respectively. This approach may provide an alternative to the application of chemical growth retardants for reducing the stature of plants, particularly ornamentals, in view of concerns over the potential environmental and health hazards of such compounds. C. Dijkstra, E. Adams, A. Bhattacharya and A. F. Page contributed equally to this paper.  相似文献   

The genes for gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis are clustered in the fungus Gibberella fujikuroi. In addition to genes encoding a GA-specific geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase and a bifunctional ent-copalyl diphosphate/ent-kaurene synthase, the cluster contains four cytochrome P450 monooxygenase genes (P450-1, -2, -3, -4). Recently it was shown that P450-4 and P450-1 encode multifunctional enzymes catalyzing the three oxidation steps from ent-kaurene to ent-kaurenoic acid and the four oxidation steps from ent-kaurenoic acid to GA14, respectively. Here we describe the functional analysis of the P450-2 gene by gene disruption and by expressing the gene in a mutant that lacks the entire GA biosynthesis gene cluster. Mutants in which P450-2 is inactivated by the insertion of a large piece of DNA accumulated GA14 and lacked biosynthetically more advanced metabolites, indicating that the gene encodes a 20-oxidase. This was confirmed by incubating lines containing P450-2 in the absence of the other GA biosynthesis genes with isotopically labeled substrates. The P450-2 gene product oxidized the 3beta-hydroxylated intermediate, GA14, and its non-hydroxylated analogue GA12 to GA4 and GA9, respectively. Expression of P450-2 is repressed by high amounts of nitrogen in the culture medium but is not affected by the presence of biosynthetically advanced GAs, i.e. there is no evidence for feedback regulation. The fact that the GA 20-oxidase is a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase in G. fujikuroi and not a 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase as in plants, together with the significant differences in regulation of gene expression, are further evidence for independent evolution of the GA biosynthetic pathways in plants and fungi.  相似文献   

The gibberellin (GA)-deficient dwarf na mutant in pea (Pisum sativum) has severely reduced internode elongation, reduced root growth, and decreased leaflet size. However, the seeds develop normally. Two genes, PsKAO1 and PsKAO2, encoding cytochrome P450 monooxygenases of the subfamily CYP88A were isolated. Both PsKAO1 and PsKAO2 had ent-kaurenoic acid oxidase (KAO) activity, catalyzing the three steps of the GA biosynthetic pathway from ent-kaurenoic acid to GA(12) when expressed in yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). In addition to the intermediates ent-7alpha-hydroxykaurenoic acid and GA(12)-aldehyde, some additional products of the pea KAO activity were detected, including ent-6alpha,7alpha-dihydroxykaurenoic acid and 7beta-hydroxykaurenolide. The NA gene encodes PsKAO1, because in two independent mutant alleles, na-1 and na-2, PsKAO1 had altered sequences and the five-base deletion in PsKAO1 associated with the na-1 allele cosegregated with the dwarf na phenotype. PsKAO1 was expressed in the stem, apical bud, leaf, pod, and root, organs in which GA levels have previously been shown to be reduced in na plants. PsKAO2 was expressed only in seeds and this may explain the normal seed development and normal GA biosynthesis in seeds of na plants.  相似文献   

A major catabolic pathway for gibberellin (GA) is initiated by 2beta-hydroxylation, a reaction catalyzed by GA 2-oxidase. We have isolated and characterized a cDNA, designated Oryza sativa GA 2-oxidase 1 (OsGA2ox1) from rice (Oryza sativa L. cv Nipponbare) that encodes a GA 2-oxidase. The encoded protein, produced by heterologous expression in Escherichia coli, converted GA(1), GA(4), GA(9), GA(20), and GA(44) to the corresponding 2beta-hydroxylated products GA(8), GA(34), GA(51), GA(29), and GA(98), respectively. Ectopic expression of the OsGA2ox1 cDNA in transgenic rice inhibited stem elongation and the development of reproductive organs. These transgenic plants were deficient in endogenous GA(1). These results indicate that OsGA2ox1 encodes a GA 2-oxidase, which is functional not only in vitro but also in vivo. OsGA2ox1 was expressed in shoot apex and roots but not in leaves and stems. In situ hybridization analysis revealed that OsGA2ox1 mRNA was localized in a ring at the basal region of leaf primordia and young leaves. This ring-shaped expression around the shoot apex was drastically decreased after the phase transition from vegetative to reproductive growth. It was absent in the floral meristem, but it was still present in the lateral meristem that remained in the vegetative phase. These observations suggest that OsGA2ox1 controls the level of bioactive GAs in the shoot apical meristem; therefore, reduction in its expression may contribute to the early development of the inflorescence meristem.  相似文献   

We have cloned two genes for gibberellin (GA) 2-oxidase from rice (Oryza sativa L.). Expression of OsGA2ox2 was not observed. The other gene, OsGA2ox3, was expressed in every tissue examined and was enhanced by the application of biologically active GA. Recombinant OsGA2ox3 protein catalyzed the metabolism of GA1 to GA8 and GA20 to GA29-catabolite. These results indicate that OsGA2ox3 is involved in the homeostatic regulation of the endogenous level of biologically active GA in rice. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Several dwarf plum genotypes (Prunus salicina L.), due to deficiency of unknown gibberellin (GA) signalling, were identified. A cDNA encoding GA 2-oxidase (PslGA2ox), the major gibberellin catabolic enzyme in plants, was cloned and used to screen the GA-deficient hybrids. This resulted in the identification of a dwarf plum hybrid, designated as DGO24, that exhibits a markedly elevated PslGA2ox signal. Grafting 'Early Golden' (EG), a commercial plum cultivar, on DGO24 (EG/D) enhanced PslGA2ox accumulation in the scion part and generated trees of compact stature. Assessment of active GAs in such trees revealed that DGO24 and EG/D accumulated relatively much lower quantities of main bioactive GAs (GA(1) and GA(4)) than control trees (EG/M). Moreover, the physiological function of PslGA2ox was studied by determining the molecular and developmental consequences due to ectopic expression in Arabidopsis. Among several lines, two groups of homozygous transgenics that exhibited contrasting phenotypes were identified. Group-1 displayed a dwarf growth pattern typical of mutants with a GA deficiency including smaller leaves, shorter stems, and delay in the development of reproductive events. In contrast, Group-2 exhibited a 'GA overdose' phenotype as all the plants showed elongated growth, a typical response to GA application, even under limited GA conditions, potentially due to co-suppression of closely related Arabidopsis homologous. The studies reveal the possibility of utilizing PslGA2ox as a marker for developing size-controlling rootstocks in Prunus.  相似文献   

Gibberellins (GAs) are endogenous hormones that play an important role in regulating plant stature by increasing cell division and elongation in stem internodes. The GA2-oxidase gene from Arabidopsis thaliana (AtGA2ox8) was introduced into Brassica napus L. by Agrobacterium-mediated floral-dip transformation with the aim of decreasing the amount of bioactive GA and hence reducing plant stature. As anticipated, the transgenic plants exhibited dwarf phenotype. Compared with the wild type, the transgenic plants had increased primary branches (by 14.1?C15.3%) and siliques (by 10.8?C15.2%), which resulted in a significant increase in the seed yield (by 9.6?C12.4%). Moreover, the contents of anthocyanin in leaves of 60-day-old transgenic plants was about 9.4-fold higher in winter and about 6.8-fold higher in summer than the wild type. These excellent agronomic traits of the transgenic plants could not only improve the lodging resistance and seed yields, but also protect them against stress. Therefore, the over-expression of AtGA2ox8 might be used to produce dwarf varieties and increase seed yield in Brassica napus L.  相似文献   

D R Lester  J J Ross  P J Davies    J B Reid 《The Plant cell》1997,9(8):1435-1443
We describe the isolation of the Le gene of pea, which controls internode elongation and originally was described by Mendel. Heterologous screening of a pea cDNA library yielded a partial clone that was 61% identical to coding regions of the putative Arabidopsis gibberellin 3 beta-hydroxylase gene, GA4. DNA gel blot analysis with this cDNA revealed a HindIII restriction fragment length polymorphism between pea isolines differing at Mendel's Le locus. Genomic clones of the GA4-related gene were isolated from the Le and le isolines. Polymerase chain reaction combined with restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis were used to show that the gene mapped to the Le locus. A cDNA containing a complete open reading frame of the pea GA4-related gene was amplified by polymerase chain reaction from each isoline. Recombinant expression in Escherichia coli demonstrated that the product of the Le cDNA was a gibberellin 3 beta-hydroxylase that is able to convert GA20 to the bioactive GA1. Substantially reduced levels of gibberellin 3 beta-hydroxylase activity were measured, after expression of the le cDNA, by using identical methods. This reduced activity was associated with an alanine-to-threonine substitution in the predicted amino acid sequence of the enzyme near its proposed active site.  相似文献   

Gibberellin A(1) (GA(1)) levels drop significantly in wild-type pea (Pisum sativum) plants within 4 h of exposure to red, blue, or far-red light. This response is controlled by phytochrome A (phyA) (and not phyB) and a blue light receptor. GA(8) levels are increased in response to 4 h of red light, whereas the levels of GA(19), GA(20), and GA(29) do not vary substantially. Red light appears to control GA(1) levels by down-regulating the expression of Mendel's LE (PsGA3ox1) gene that controls the conversion of GA(20) to GA(1), and by up-regulating PsGA2ox2, which codes for a GA 2-oxidase that converts GA(1) to GA(8). This occurs within 0.5 to 1 h of exposure to red light. Similar responses occur in blue light. The major GA 20-oxidase gene expressed in shoots, PsGA20ox1, does not show substantial light regulation, but does show up-regulation after 4 h of red light, probably as a result of feedback regulation. Expression of PsGA3ox1 shows a similar feedback response, whereas PsGA2ox2 shows a feed-forward response. These results add to our understanding of how light reduces shoot elongation during de-etiolation.  相似文献   

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