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The following species are described, figured and/or recorded from pomacentrid fishes from the vicinity of the southern Great Barrier Reef coral cay Heron Island, with some mention of comparative material from other host families and locations: Derogenes pearsoni n. sp. from Amblyglyphidodon curacao, Amphiprion akindynos, Plectroglyphidodon lacrymatus (type-host), Pomacentrus chrysurus, P. moluccensis, P. tripunctatus and Pomacentrus sp.; Derogenes pharyngicola n. sp. from Abudefduf whitleyi (type-host) and Plectroglyphidodon dickii; Lecithaster stellatus from Abudefduf sexfasciatus, A. whitleyi, Acanthochromis polyacanthus, Amblyglyphidodon curacao, Chrysiptera flavipinnis, Parma polylepis, Pomacentrus chrysurus, P. moluccensis, P. cf. nagasakiensis, P. cf. pavo, P. vaiuli, P. wardi, Seriola lalandi, Cheilinus diagrammus, Lethrinus miniatus and Choerodon cyanodus from Heron Island plus Acanthopagrus australis and Rhabdosargus sarba from Moreton Bay; Aponurus laguncula from Pomacentrus moluccensis plus Callionymus limiceps, Platycephalus endrachtensis and P. fuscus from Moreton Bay; Hysterolecitha nahaensis from Abudefduf bengalensis, A. sexfasciatus, A. whitleyi, Acanthochromis polyacanthus, Amblyglyphidodon curacao, A. leucogaster, Amphiprion akindynos, A. perideraion, Chromis atripectoralis, C. nitida, C. viridis, Chrysiptera flavipinnis, C. cf. rollandi, Dascyllus aruanus, D. reticulatus, Parma polylepis, Pomacentrus chrysurus, P. moluccensis, P. cf. nagasakiensis, P. nigromarginatus, P. cf. pavo, P. tripunctatus, P. wardi and Pomacentrus sp.; Hysterolecitha heronensis n. sp. from Pomacentrus philippinus (type-host), P. amboinensis, P. moluccensis, P. nigromarginatus and Pomacentrus sp.; Hysterolecitha sp. innom. from Parma polylepis; Thulinia microrchis n. comb. (new syns Hysterolecitha microrchis, H. xesuri, H. tinkeri, Thulinia tinkeri, H. sigani) from Abudefduf bengalensis, A. sexfasciatus, A. whitleyi, Acanthochromis polyacanthus, Amphiprion perideraion, Dascyllus aruanus, D. reticulatus, Dischistodus melanotus, Parma polylepis, Plectroglyphidodon dickii, Pomacentrus amboinensis, P. moluccensis, P. philippinus, P. taeniometopon, Pomacentrus sp. and Stegastes apicalis, plus Chaetodon citrinellus, C. kleinii, Chaetodontoplus meredithi, Lethrinus miniatus, Plectropomus leopardus, Siganus doliatus, S. lineatus and S. vulpinus; Leclthocladium sp. juv from Abudefduf whitleyi, Lecithochirium sp. (? ghanense-group) from Dascyllus aruanus; Lecithochirium sp. juv. from Abudefduf whitleyi; unidentified non-ecsomate hemiuroids from Chrysiptera cf. rollandi, Parma polylepis, Pomacentrus chrysurus, P. wardi and Stegastes apicalis.  相似文献   

Prodistomum angelae (Kruse, 1981) n. comb. [originally Lepocreadium] is redescribed from the type-host, Scorpis georgiana, from off southwestern Western Australia. P. keyam n. sp. is described from Monodactylus argenteus from off southeastern Queensland. It differs from other members of the genus in its short ejaculatory duct. The genus Prodistomum Linton is discussed and redefined, and an updated key and record list of the nine recognised species are given.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to gather swimming performance information for two endemic cyprinids of the Iberian Peninsula to contribute to the optimization of fish ways. Critical swimming speed (Ucrit) was determined for the Tagus nase Pseudochondrostoma polylepis (Steindachner, 1864) and for the bordallo Squalius carolitertii (Doadrio, 1988) in a swimming tunnel. From a total of 80 P. polylepis tested, the mean (± SD) Ucrit observed was 0.78 ± 0.15 ms?1 (c. 3.74 ± 0.93 BL s?1); the 68 S. carolitertii tested presented an Ucrit of 0.54 ± 0.1 ms?1 (c. 4.43 ± 0.74 BL s?1). Significant interspecific differences were found between the Ucrit of the tested cyprinids. Intraspecific comparisons between the Ucrit and the variables of size, sex, condition factor and gonado‐somatic index were also made. No sex‐or gonad maturation‐related differences between the Ucrit were identified, but the robust P. polylepis were found to be stronger swimmers. Water velocities in fish ways for P. polylepis and S. carolitertii should aim, on average, for lower than 0.7 and 0.5 ms?1, respectively.  相似文献   

Four new Dactylogyrus species are described and two redescribed from cyprinids of the River Tigris, Iraq. These are as follows: Dactylogyrus barbioides n. sp. from Barbus grypus; D. orbus n. sp. from Barbus lacerta; D. barbuli n. sp. from Barbus barbulus; D. macrostomi n. sp. from Cyprinion macrostomi; D. pavlovskyi Bychowsky, 1949 from Barbus grypus and Barbus sharpeyi; and D. inutilis Bychowsky, 1949 from Barbus xanthopterus. A phylogenetic and zoogeographical analysis is presented.  相似文献   

In the examination of 90 Chondrostoma polylepis caught in the Esla River, a coccidium of the genus Goussia was found in the swimbladder, peritoneum, kidney, and ureter. It is described as Goussia polylepidis n. sp. and its taxonomic affinities are discussed. Data on its prevalence and seasonality are also given.  相似文献   


Three new species of Parhydraenida Balfour-Browne, 1975 are described from southeastern Brazil: P. plesioformis, sp. n.; P. proboscis sp. n.; P. unicornis sp. n. The genus Parhydraenida is recorded from Minas Gerais for the first time, and P. hygropetrica Perkins, 1980 is recorded from Rio de Janeiro for the first time. We describe one secondary sexual character, which enables, for the first time, unambiguous distinction of males and females. Habitus photographs as well as line drawings of the male and female genitalia of all three new species, and of P. hygropetrica are provided.

urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:CCA56FB6-897A-4128-B8DD-3892464A8D1B  相似文献   

The diagnosis of Phanerothecium Kritsky & Thatcher, 1977 is amended, and Phanerothecioides n. g., Onychogyrodactylus n. g. and Aglaiogyrodactylus n. g., all comprised of oviparous gyrodactylids (Monogenoidea: Polyonchoinea), are proposed to accommodate 11 of the 15 species (14 new to science) herein described and/or reported from loricariid and pimelodid catfishes (Teleostei: Siluriformes) in Brazil: Phanerothecium harrisi Kritsky & Boeger, 1991, P. spinatoides n. sp. and P. deiropedeum n. sp. all from Hypostomus spp.; P. spinulatum n. sp. from Hypostomus cf. regani; Phanerothecioides agostinhoi n. g., n. sp. (type-species) from Hypostomus spp. and Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum; Onychogyrodactylus sudis n. g., n. sp. (type-species) and O. hydaticus n. sp. both from Ancistrus multispinus; Aglaiogyrodactylus forficulatus n. g., n. sp. (type-species) from Kronichthys lacerta; A. pedunculatus n. sp. from Hisonotus sp.; A. guttus n. sp. from Pseudotothyris obtusa; A. salebrosus n. sp., A. conei n. sp. and A. ctenistus n. sp. all from Pareiorhaphis parmula; and A. calamus n. sp. and A. forficuloides n. sp. both from Schizolecis guntheri. Phanerothecioides n. g. is characterised by oviparous forms lacking superficial and deep haptoral bars and pregermarial vitelline follicles, and by having a conspicuous testis in adult specimens, a syncytial prostatic gland, a reduced copulatory sac and vitelline ducts in the form of an inverted ‘U’. Onychogyrodactylus n. g. is differentiated from all other oviparous gyrodactylid genera by its members having a spine-like accessory sclerite enclosed in a separate pouch associated with the terminal male genitalia. Species of Aglaiogyrodactylus n. g. possess H-shaped vitelline ducts and a complex accessory piece and sclerotised or non-sclerotised male copulatory organ enclosed within the copulatory sac.  相似文献   

The genus Lepotrema Ozaki, 1932 is revived and redefined. Its main diagnostic characters are the dorsal excretory pore, the muscular development of the distal metraterm and the trilobate ovary. It is considered to contain five species, to which a key is given. Lepotrema clavatum Ozaki, 1932 is briefly redescribed from Amanses scopas and Sufflamen chrysopterus, and L. canthescheni n. sp. is described from Cantheschenia grandisquamis, based on material from the southern Great Barrier Reef. L. canthescheni is distinguished by its vitelline and uterine distribution. The other three recognised species are: L. adlardi (Bray, Cribb & Barker, 1993) n. comb., L. incisum (Hanson, 1955) n. comb. and L. xanthichthydis (Yamaguti, 1970) n. comb., all three having originally been placed in Lepocreadium.  相似文献   

Four new species of Calydiscoides Young, 1969 are described from three species of nemipterids caught off Kemaman, Terengganu, on the eastern coast of Peninsular Malaysia: C. monogrammae n. sp. from Scolopsis monogramma; C. conus n. sp. from S. magaritifer; C. scolopsidis n. sp. from S. margaritifer and S. monogramma; and C. kemamanensis n. sp. from Pentapodus setosus. The present investigation reveals that the squamodiscs (lamellodiscs) are composed of 10-12 short, complete, interlocking and concentric tubular lamellae. The innermost lamella is attached to a pair of adductor muscles.  相似文献   

Protozoan and hydrozoan epibionts on the hermit crab Pagurus bernhardus and its shell, collected near Cumbrae Island (Scotland) were studied. The epibionts found were the following: (1) protozoans: the suctorian ciliates Ephelota plana, Acineta compressa, Conchacineta constricta, Corynophrya anisostyla; the peritrich ciliates Cothurnia mobiusi and Zoothamnium plumula; the chonotrich ciliate Chilodochona quennerstedti; and (2) hydrozoans: the species Leuckartiara sp. and Clytia sp. The morphological characteristics of the epibionts were analysed, as well as their taxonomic position. The distribution of epibionts on the crab surface and its shell was studied, and the density and biomass of epibionts were calculated on each anatomic unit. There was a differential distribution according to the type of epibiont: hydrozoans dominated in biovolume and were present mainly on the shell, meanwhile protozoans represented the highest fraction of density and they were found exclusively on the crab (principally on eyes, antennulae, antennae, maxillipeds, pereopods and uropods). The anterior area of the cephalothorax was the most colonized. On this area, the maxillipeds and second pereopods showed the highest densities. The location of each epibiont species was described. There was a correlation between the length of the crab and the total number of hydrozoans. There was a significant correlation between the right and the left units of the crab, taking into consideration the mean densities of epibionts on each anatomical unit. The shell was colonized by the same species of hydrozoa that appeared on the crab, although in a much higher density (mean 3024.38 per shell; 6.9 per crab). There was a significant difference between both species of hydrozoan epibionts with respect to the mean densities on the different areas of the shell. The zone of the shell more occupied by Clytia sp. was the apical zone of the shell, while the highest densities of Leuckartiara sp. were registered near the aperture of the shell. The hydrozoan and protozoan epibiont species found on P. bernhardus in this study represent the first mention of their presence on this hermit crab.  相似文献   

Twelve new species of Chauhanellus Bychowsky & Nagibina, 1969 have been found on six species of ariid from Peninsular Malaysia: Chauhanellus trifidus n. sp., C. digitalis n. sp., C. malayanus n. sp., C. forcipis n. sp. and C. intermedius n. sp. from Arius sagor; C. aspinous n. sp. from Arius venosus; C. caelatus n. sp. from Arius caelatus; C. auriculatum n. sp., C. poculus n. sp. and C. pulutanus n. sp. from Arius maculatus; C. duriensis n. sp. from Arius thalassinus; and C. osteogeneiosi n. sp. from Osteogeneiosus militaris. Some of these Chauhanellus species possess characteristics that are not commonly observed in the genus. C. aspinous n. sp., C. intermedius n. sp. and C. digitalis n. sp. exhibit features found in both Chauhanellus and Hamatopeduncularia: these include absence of spines on the mainpart of the dorsal anchors in C. aspinous n. sp. and C. intermedius n. sp. and presence of haptoral digitation in C. digitalis n. sp. Other features are the five transverse rows of peduncular spines in C. duriensis n. sp., ear-like projections on the anchors in C. auriculatum n. sp., and thin sclerotised plates that partly envelope the ventral anchors in C. forcipis n. sp. Mid-dorsal appendices occur on the dorsal bars of seven of the present species.  相似文献   

Three new species of digenean are described from demersal fishes taken in deep waters of the northwestern and northeastern Atlantic Ocean: Podocotyle schistotesticulata n. sp. from Antimora rostrata; P. harrisae n. sp. from Coryphaenoides (Lionurus) carapinus; and Gaevskajatrema halosauropsi n. sp. from Halosauropsis macrochir. The status of the nominal species of the genus Podocotyle Dujardin, 1845 is presented in annotated summary, along with a tabulation of the distinctive characteristics of recognised species of the genus. Gaevskajatrema Gibson & Bray, 1982 is discussed and its diagnosis amended.  相似文献   

Two species of echinostomatid trematodes from Paraguayan birds are redescribed: these are Drepanocephalus spathans Dietz, 1909 from Phalacrocorax olivaceus and Paryphostomum segregatum Dietz, 1909 from Coragyps atratus. The genera Drepanocephalus Dietz, 1909 and Paryphostomum Dietz, 1909 are redefined and the species previously assigned to them reviewed. Paryphostomum mexicanum (Lamothe-Argumedo &; Pérez-Ponce de León, 1989) n. comb. and P. parvicephalum (Rietschel &; Werding, 1978) n. comb. are transferred from Drepanocephalus to Paryphostomum. A key to the species of Paryphostomum is presented, and the nominal species of Echinostoma Rudolphi, 1809, Nephrostomum Dietz, 1909 and Artyfechinostomum Lane, 1915 previously ascribed to this genus are commented upon. New combinations for species previously attributed to Paryphostomum are: Echinostoma pentalobum (Verma, 1936) n. comb.; E. baiyangdienense (Ku, Pan, Chiu, Li &; Chu, 1973) n. comb.; Nephrostomum dollfusi (Agarwal, 1959) n. comb.; and Artyfechinostomum neotoma (Jain, 1953) n. comb. Species attributed to Paryphostomum which are here considered species inquirendae are: Paryphostomum (Lepustomum) mehrii Jain, 1953 sp. inq.; P. fragosum (Dietz, 1909) sp. inq.; P. horai Baugh, 1950 sp. inq.; P. huaccaci Ibáñez, 1974 sp. inq.; P. agrawali Gupta &; Singh, 1986 sp. inq.; P. siddiqui Gupta &; Singh, 1986 sp. inq.; P. durgensis Sapre, 1969 sp. inq.; and P. globorchum Oshmarin, 1970 sp. inq.  相似文献   

During autumn 2007, an unusual increase in an algal species belonging to the order Prymnesiales was observed throughout the Baltic Sea Proper during routine national monitoring. Electron microscopical examination of the blooming species showed two types of flat scales – small and large – that resembled those of the alternate stage of Prymnesium polylepis. No spine-bearing scales were found. The 18S rDNA sequence data (n?=?20, c. 1500?bp) verified the species identification as P. polylepis. There was up to 0.5% (7?bp) variability in the P. polylepis partial 18?S rDNA sequences from the Baltic Sea. These environmental sequences differed by 0–0.35% (0–4?bp) from cultured P. polylepis (isolate UIO036), and by 1.0–3.7% from other available Prymnesium sequences. The number of cells assumed to be P. polylepis began to increase in October 2007 coincidently with significantly calm and dry weather, and at their maximum the cells accounted for over 80% of the total phytoplankton biovolume in December–January. During February–April 2008, 95% of the Prymnesiales cells were in the size class of P. polylepis (>6?µm). The species attained bloom concentrations (>1?×?106?cells?l–1) from March to May 2008. The species was observed throughout the Baltic Sea, except the Bothnian Bay, Gulf of Riga and the Kattegat. No toxic effects of the bloom were observed.  相似文献   

A large bloom of Prymnesium polylepis occurred in the Baltic Sea during the winter 2007 – spring 2008. Based on numerous reports of strong allelopathic effects on phytoplankton exerted by P. polylepis and its toxicity to grazers, we hypothesized that during this period negative correlations will be observed between P. polylepis and (1) main phytoplankton groups contributing to the spring bloom (i.e., diatoms and dinoflagellates), and (2) zooplankton growth and abundance. To test these hypotheses, we analyzed inter-annual variability in phytoplankton and zooplankton dynamics as well as growth indices (RNA∶DNA ratio) in dominant zooplankton in relation to the Prymnesium abundance and biomass. Contrary to the hypothesized relationships, no measurable negative responses to P. polylepis were observed for either the total phytoplankton stocks or the zooplankton community. The only negative response, possibly associated with P. polylepis occurrence, was significantly lower abundance of dinoflagellates both during and after the bloom in 2008. Moreover, contrary to the expected negative effects, there were significantly higher total phytoplankton abundance as well as significantly higher winter abundance and winter-spring RNA∶DNA ratio in dominant zooplankton species in 2008, indicating that P. polylepis bloom coincided with favourable feeding conditions for zooplankton. Thus, primary consumers, and consequently also zooplanktivores (e.g., larval fish and mysids), may benefit from haptophyte blooms, particularly in winter, when phytoplankton is scarce.  相似文献   

Eulimdana spp. were found in 13 of 32 species of charadriiform birds from North America and Iceland; 88 of 636 adult birds and seven of 72 juvenile birds harboured infections. Described are: E. andersoni n. sp. from Chlidonias niger; E. metcalforum n. sp. from Sterna hirundo; E. sonini n. sp. from Charadrius hiaticula; E. wongae n. sp. from Limosa fedoa; and E. bainae n. sp. from Numenius phaeopus. Eulimdana asperum Bartlett, Anderson, & Bush, 1989 is reported for the second time in its type-host, Phalaropus tricolor. The emerging pattern of one parasite species to one host species suggests that most Eulimdana species are strongly host specific. However, E. florencae Bartlett & Anderson, 1990 is reported for the first time in a second species of Calidris (C. alba) and may be the unidentified species found in C. bairdii, C. alpina and C. pusilla. Other unidentified species were found in Larus pipixcan, Arenaria interpres and Recurvirostra americana. A key to species-groups (three are proposed) and species of Eulimdana in charadriiforms is given. Two pieces of evidence support an earlier suggestion that infections are acquired by neo-natal charadriiforms: (1) the presence of E. wongae in a bird captured as a chick and examined after two months in captivity; and (2) a greater frequency of mixed sex infections with microfilariae in infected juvenile birds (four of seven) than in infected adult birds (five of 88). The latter also supports an earlier suggestion that post-reproductive worms are ephemeral.  相似文献   


Eighteen monocotylid species were collected from elasmobranchs during surveys of the parasites of fishes of Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia. Two new species, Calicotyle cutmorei n. sp. (Calicotylinae) from Carcharhinus sorrah (Valenciennes) (Carcharhiniformes) and Dendromonocotyle raiae n. sp. (Monocotylinae) from Hemitrygon fluviorum (Ogilby) and Neotrygon trigonoides (Castelnau) (both Myliobatiformes) are described and illustrated. Six new faunal records for Moreton Bay are reported: Thaumatocotyle australensis Beverley-Burton & Williams, 1989 (Merizocotylinae) from Maculabatis toshi (Whitley) (Myliobatiformes); Monocotyle corali Chisholm, 1998 (Monocotylinae) from Pastinachus ater (Macleay) (Myliobatiformes); Neoheterocotyle rhynchobatis (Tripathi, 1959) Chisholm, 1994 (Heterocotylinae) from Glaucostegus typus (Anonymous [Bennett]) and Aptychotrema rostrata (Shaw) (both Rhinopristiformes); and Decacotyle elpora Marie & Justine, 2005 (Decacotylinae), Dendromonocotyle torosa Chisholm & Whittington, 2004 (Monocotylinae), and Clemacotyle australis Young, 1967 (Monocotylinae) from Aetobatus ocellatus (Kuhl) (Myliobatiformes). Maculabatis toshi is a new host record for T. australensis, and A. rostrata is a new host record for N. rhynchobatis. Ten species previously recorded from Moreton Bay were collected: Monocotyle caseyae Chisholm & Whittington, 2005 (Monocotylinae) and Heterocotyle whittingtoni Chisholm & Kritsky, 2020 (Heterocotylinae) from M. toshi; Monocotyle sp. A of Chisholm (1998a) (Monocotylinae) from H. fluviorum; Dendromonocotyle kuhlii Young, 1967 and Monocotyle kuhlii Young, 1967 (both Monocotylinae) from N. trigonoides; Thaumatocotyle cf. pseudodasybatis Hargis, 1955 (Merizocotylinae), Empruthotrema kearni Whittington, 1990 (Merizocotylinae) and Decacotyle octona Young, 1967 (Decacotylinae) from A. ocellatus; and Mycteronastes icopae (Beverley-Burton & Williams, 1989) Kearn & Beverley-Burton, 1990 (Merizocotylinae) and Troglocephalus rhinobatidis Young, 1967 (Dasybatotreminae) from G. typus.


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