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为制备一种可以实际应用于戊型肝炎病毒(Hepatitis E virus,HEV)核酸检测的质控品,即装载戊型肝炎病毒核酸片段的重组MS2噬菌体衣壳(rHEPC)。根据装甲RNA技术原理,设计将MS2噬菌体基因组的5’端部分非编码区、成熟酶蛋白、衣壳蛋白以及部分复制酶起始位点等编码基因与HEV ORF2保守区部分基因序列串联并合成目标基因MS2-HEV。随后将MS2-HEV基因克隆、插入原核表达载体pET-28b中构建pET-28b-MS2/HEV重组质粒,转化大肠杆菌感受态细胞BL21(DE3),经过1mM/L IPTG诱导培养4h后,SDS-PAGE鉴定表达情况;将验证的表达菌体超声破碎、离心、取上清、去除核酸杂质后再经超滤离心纯化、浓缩,电镜分析回收浓缩的rHEPC形态;梯度稀释rHEPC进行稳定性鉴定包括DNase I、RNase A抗性以及保存期三方面的稳定性试验检测。SDS-PAGE分析结果表明重组MS2-HEV基因获得有效表达,重组rHEPC纯度高无杂带;RT-PCR鉴定结果表明设计的HEV保守基因序列成功地被包装到重组rHEPC中。进一步的病毒颗粒稳定性试验结果表明制备的rHEPC能够有效抵抗高浓度的DNase I和RNase A的降解作用,并且在-20℃条件下可以持续保存7个月而无明显降解。上述结果表明制备的rHEPC达到了作为RNA病毒核酸检测阳性质控品的基本要求。  相似文献   

王琳  谭银玲 《生命的化学》2005,25(3):238-241
将治疗基因整合到患染色体上的特定位点并实现稳定的表达是基因治疗的关键,包括病毒载体和转座子系统在内的几种技术已经用于整合,但都存在治疗基因负载力较小及随机整合的应用障碍。来自链霉菌噬菌体中C31、R4及来自乳酸乳球菌噬菌体TP901-1的整合酶,能够识别有限数量的天然基因组序列(假att位点).从而催化治疗基因位点特异性地整合进入高等真核生物基因组。这种新型的噬菌体整合酶系统在基因负载力及染色体的特异性整合方面具有很大的优越性。迄今为止,这种系统已经成功用于几种基因治疗的研究模型中.将会成为基因治疗的有用工具。  相似文献   

链霉菌ψC31噬菌体整合酶(ψC31-int)属于位点特异性重组酶的解离酶/转化酶系,该家族催化机制由丝氨酸介导,能识别噬菌体附着位点(attP)和宿主基因组上的细菌附着位点(attB),介导同源序列之间的位点特异性重组.实验证实,ψC31-int是一种高效位点特异性整合工具酶,与其他整合策略相比,具有集高效和安全于一体的优点,通过介导位点特异性整合,将外源基因特异地整合到宿主基因组,使目的基因得以持续、高效的表达,并且具有DNA容量方面的优势.随着研究的深入,人们对ψC31-int介导整合作用机制和影响因素有了进一步的认识.通过一系列成功应用ψC31-int进行的基因治疗的动物学实验,为今后如何利用非病毒载体系统进行基因治疗及转基因动物模型的建立提供了一种新的选择.  相似文献   

噬菌体通过受体结合蛋白(Receptor binding protein,RBP)结合到细菌表面,其过程需要复杂的原子结构的参与和构象改变.针对噬菌体侵染,细菌发展了多种抗性机制,同时,噬菌体也进化出多种逃逸宿主抗性的机制.对噬菌体与细菌间"吸附-抗吸附-逃逸过程"的探索有助于我们理解噬菌体与细菌共进化的过程,对科学发...  相似文献   

[目的]预测沙眼衣原中类噬菌体衣壳蛋白CtF的空间结构,表达重组蛋白并制备多克隆抗体。[方法]采用SOPMA和I-TASSER等软件预测CtF的空间结构,利用MEGA6分析其系统发育关系;构建重组质粒pET-28a-CtF,转化至E.coli BL21(DE3)中进行克隆表达;纯化重组蛋白免疫ICR小鼠制备多克隆抗体。[结果]CtF蛋白包含八股β桶状核心结构和环形延伸结构,与已知的衣原体噬菌体VP1蛋白遗传距离较近;重组质粒表达相对分子量约为64 kDa的融合蛋白;免疫小鼠获得免疫血清效价达1∶12 800。[结论]CtF蛋白疑似为沙眼衣原体噬菌体的衣壳蛋白;重组质粒表达相对分子量约为64 kDa蛋白,该蛋白免疫原性良好,为进一步研究其功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

【背景】传统外源蛋白的原核表达通常需要以超声破碎或者酶解的方式破碎菌体,过程比较烦琐。【目的】构建基于MS2噬菌体lys基因的质粒型条件自溶菌,以简化外源蛋白的获取流程。【方法】从MS2噬菌体中克隆lys基因,构建重组表达质粒,并在大肠杆菌BL21(DE3)中异源表达,以此构建质粒型条件自溶菌,通过生长曲线和菌落形成单位反映自溶菌裂解效率,利用SDS-PAGE检测外源蛋白释放情况。【结果】构建了pBAD-lys BL21(DE3)、pBAD-Opti-lys BL21(DE3)及pCDF-BAD-Opti-lys BL21(DE3)这3种质粒型条件自溶菌。以上自溶菌在阿拉伯糖诱导后其宿主裂解效率均为99.99%以上,CFU结果显示含pCDF-BAD-Opti-lys质粒的宿主裂解效果更优,在此自溶菌BL21(DE3)中表达含His标签的重组绿色荧光蛋白(enhanced green fluorescent protein,eGFP),经阿拉伯糖诱导后菌体中约63.00%以上的eGFP释放至胞外,利用Ni-NTA可以直接从培养基中纯化得到约30 kDa的单一目的蛋白。【结论】基于MS2噬菌体lys基因成功构建了阿拉伯糖诱导的质粒型条件自溶菌,此自溶菌能够以自我裂解的方式释放大部分胞内外源蛋白,简化传统外源蛋白获取流程。  相似文献   

郑天豪  涂凯  蔡望伟  肖曼  王晶 《生命的化学》2021,41(6):1277-1281
非洲猪瘟(African swine fever,ASF)是一种由非洲猪瘟病毒(African swine fever virus,ASFV)感染家猪和各种野猪(如非洲野猪、欧洲野猪等)引起的严重急性、出血性、烈性传染病,病死率可达100%.2018年我国发生首例非洲猪瘟疫情,并迅速蔓延,给我国生猪产业造成数百亿元的经...  相似文献   

NDFl、IPFl和HNF4是与胰岛素基因表达有关的DNA结合蛋白,通过比较SWISSPROT蛋白质数据库中人类、小鼠、大鼠这三种核蛋白氨基酸一级序列、模体和结构域,发现其结构十分相似,根据蛋白质结构和功能的关系,推测这些DNA结合蛋白与胰岛素基因结合的核苷酸序列相似;从GenBanl(核酸数据库中获得人类、小鼠、大鼠胰岛素DNA序列,用ClustalW比较三者Promoter区的核苷酸序列,显示有一段核苷酸序列较为相似,同时搜索TRANSFAC基因转录数据库中NDFl、IPFl和NHF4蛋白核苷酸结合位点,发现核酸比对保守的部分序列与TRANSFAC数据库中这三个转录因子的DNA结合位点一致,另外一些核酸保守序列可能为其他未知DNA结合蛋白的结合位点。这种核酸序列比对设计为分子生物学实验寻找和验证胰岛素DNA结合蛋白与核苷酸的结合位点提供了简单而实用的方法。  相似文献   

目的:构建并表达衣壳蛋白表面展示有精氨酸-甘氨酸-天冬氨酸(RGD)序列的MS2噬菌体样颗粒,以期获得肿瘤细胞靶向性RNA递送载体。方法:用分子克隆技术将RGD4C编码序列插入MS2衣壳蛋白编码基因,然后构建到p ETDuet-1质粒多克隆位点MCS1上;将含有MS2噬菌体包装位点的pre-let-7编码基因构建到p ETDuet-1质粒多克隆位点MCS2上;重组质粒转化大肠杆菌,表达产物纯化后经琼脂糖凝胶电泳、电子显微镜鉴定。结果和结论:采用分子克隆技术和原核细胞单质粒双表达系统获得表面展示有RGD序列,内部包装有pre-let-7 RNA的MS2噬菌体样颗粒,为体内和体外研究其肿瘤细胞靶向递送和功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

用定量免疫沉淀法和定量免疫沉淀抑制法研究了从木菠萝(Arthrocarpus integrifolia)种子提取的凝集素(jacalin)结合部位糖的特异性。Jacalin最强烈地沉淀含有DGalβ1→3DGalNAc结构的无活性抗冻糖蛋白,不同程度非特异地沉淀各种血型物质。研究发现凝集素结合部位对DGalβ→3DGalNAc有最高特异性。最强抑制剂是DGalβ1→3DGalNAcal→φNO_2,其抑制活性分别比DGalNAc和DGal高380倍和1000倍。对于各种甲基化或对硝基酚化的糖苷以及寡糖,除methylaDGalNAc_f外,仅α-构型表现出抑制活性,所有β-构型的糖苷均无抑制活性,jacalin结合部位对糖的结合是构型依赖性的。  相似文献   

Computational approaches for predicting protein-protein interfaces are extremely useful for understanding and modelling the quaternary structure of protein assemblies. In particular, partner-specific binding site prediction methods allow delineating the specific residues that compose the interface of protein complexes. In recent years, new machine learning and other algorithmic approaches have been proposed to solve this problem. However, little effort has been made in finding better training datasets to improve the performance of these methods. With the aim of vindicating the importance of the training set compilation procedure, in this work we present BIPSPI+, a new version of our original server trained on carefully curated datasets that outperforms our original predictor. We show how prediction performance can be improved by selecting specific datasets that better describe particular types of protein interactions and interfaces (e.g. homo/hetero). In addition, our upgraded web server offers a new set of functionalities such as the sequence-structure prediction mode, hetero- or homo-complex specialization and the guided docking tool that allows to compute 3D quaternary structure poses using the predicted interfaces. BIPSPI+ is freely available at https://bipspi.cnb.csic.es.  相似文献   

从构建的重组质粒pLEX—C中高保真PCR获得编码登革2型病毒43株C基/E/(D2C)DNA片段,通过基因重组的方法将其克隆入真核表达载体pcDNA6/V5-His获得了重组真核表达载体pc/D2C。经电穿孔的方法转染BHK21细胞后,分别通过RT—PCR、免疫荧光和western印迹鉴定表达的蛋白。结果重组蛋白在BHK21细胞中获得表达,表达的蛋自主要存在于胞浆中,并具有较好的抗原性,能够被抗登革病毒衣壳蛋白单克隆抗体特异识别。此研究为深入了解登革病毒衣壳蛋白在病毒复制及组装过程中的生物学功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Recombinant forms of the bacteriophage MS2 and its RNA-free (empty) MS2 capsid were analyzed in solution to determine if RNA content and/or the A (or maturation) protein play a role in the global arrangement of the virus protein shell. Analysis of the (coat) protein shell of recombinant versions of MS2 that lack the A protein revealed dramatic differences compared to wild-type MS2 in solution. Specifically, A protein-deficient virus particles form a protein shell of between 31(+/-1) A and 37(+/-1) A. This is considerably thicker than the protein shell formed by either the wild-type MS2 or the RNA-free MS2 capsid, whose protein shells have a thickness of 21(+/-1) A and 25(+/-1) A, respectively. Since the A protein is known to separate from the intact MS2 protein shell after infection, the thin shell form of MS2 represents the pre-infection state, while the post-infection state is thick. Interestingly, these A protein-dependent differences in the virus protein shell are not seen using crystallography, as the crystallization process seems to artificially compact the wild-type MS2 virion. Furthermore, when the A protein is absent from the virus shell (post-infection), the process of crystallization exerts sufficient force to convert the protein shell from the post-infection (thick) state to the pre-infection (thin) conformation. In summary, the data are consistent with the idea that RNA content or amount does not affect the structure of the MS2 virus shell. Rather, the A protein influences the global arrangement of the virus coat dramatically, possibly by mediating the storage of energy or tension within the protein shell during virus assembly. This tension may later be used to eject the MS2 genomic RNA and A protein fragments into the host during infection.  相似文献   

The capsid (CA) protein plays crucial roles in HIV infection and replication, essential to viral maturation. The absence of high-resolution structural data on unassembled CA hinders the development of antivirals effective in inhibiting assembly. Unlike enzymes that have targetable, functional substrate-binding sites, the CA does not have a known site that affects catalytic or other innate activity, which can be more readily targeted in drug development efforts. We report the crystal structure of the HIV-1 CA, revealing the domain organization in the context of the wild-type full-length (FL) unassembled CA. The FL CA adopts an antiparallel dimer configuration, exhibiting a domain organization sterically incompatible with capsid assembly. A small compound, generated in situ during crystallization, is bound tightly at a hinge site (“H site”), indicating that binding at this interdomain region stabilizes the ADP conformation. Electron microscopy studies on nascent crystals reveal both dimeric and hexameric lattices coexisting within a single condition, in agreement with the interconvertibility of oligomeric forms and supporting the feasibility of promoting assembly-incompetent dimeric states. Solution characterization in the presence of the H-site ligand shows predominantly unassembled dimeric CA, even under conditions that promote assembly. Our structure elucidation of the HIV-1 FL CA and characterization of a potential allosteric binding site provides three-dimensional views of an assembly-defective conformation, a state targeted in, and thus directly relevant to, inhibitor development. Based on our findings, we propose an unprecedented means of preventing CA assembly, by “conformationally trapping” CA in assembly-incompetent conformational states induced by H-site binding.  相似文献   

The site specificity of the apicomplexans Gregarina cuneata and Gregarina sleini , in larval Tenebrio molitor was investigated. Gregarina cuneata was found to inhabit the anteriormost region of the larval midgut, while G. steini was restricted to the posterior portion of the intestine. The site specificity of the pair was conserved in single and concurrent infections. Interspecific interactions do not seem to be presently responsible for the resource partitioning by the 2 gregarine species. Key words. Gregarina, site specificity, Tenebrio molitor.  相似文献   

目的:探讨Dppa2 基因5'' 端启动子区Oct4 结合位点突变对Dppa2基因启动子活性的影响。方法:PCR 扩增包括Oct4 结合 位点的Dppa2 基因5'' 端转录起始点上游-2439~+293 bp 的启动子序列,片段长度为2732 bp。将该片段连接到pGL3-Basic 载体, 构建野生型pGL3-2439表达载体。采用定点突变法,将-1959~-1957 位碱基的GCA突变成TAG,构建Oct4 结合位点突变型 pGL3-mo2439 表达载体。用上述两种表达载体、PGL3-basic 载体和Oct4 表达载体分别瞬时转染HEK 293 细胞。细胞培养48 h 后,利用双荧光素酶报告系统测定各组细胞表达的荧光素酶的相对活性。结果:经琼脂糖凝胶电泳及测序鉴定,证实野生型 (pGL3-2439)和突变型(pGL3-mo2439)载体构建成功。荧光素酶活性测定结果显示,转染Dapp2 基因启动子野生型pGL3-2439 表 达载体的细胞组荧光素酶的相对活性为16.307,突变型pGL3-mo2439 表达载体的细胞组荧光素酶的相对活性为10.634。Oct4 结 合位点突变后,Dppa2 基因启动子区转录活性较野生型降低了35 %。结论:Dppa2基因5''端启动子区-1959~-1957 位的Oct4 结 合位点突变可能导致Dppa2 基因启动子活性下降  相似文献   

化脓链球菌是一种革兰氏阳性致病菌,能引起一系列疾病。运用固定化金属离子亲和层析技术(IMAC)富集化脓链球菌中锌结合蛋白,进行溶液酶解,利用先进的LC-MS/MS技术对富集的锌结合蛋白进行质谱分析。鉴定到48个在化脓链球菌中与锌结合相关蛋白,这些蛋白主要涉及到蛋白翻译、糖代谢、金属转运、氧化等重要生理过程。这些结果对于深入研究化脓链球菌的致病机制,寻找新的抗菌药物作用靶点和疫苗候选物具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Protein mapping distributes many copies of different molecular probes on the surface of a target protein in order to determine binding hot spots, regions that are highly preferable for ligand binding. While mapping of X-ray structures by the FTMap server is inherently static, this limitation can be overcome by the simultaneous analysis of multiple structures of the protein. FTMove is an automated web server that implements this approach. From the input of a target protein, by PDB code, the server identifies all structures of the protein available in the PDB, runs mapping on them, and combines the results to form binding hot spots and binding sites. The user may also upload their own protein structures, bypassing the PDB search for similar structures. Output of the server consists of the consensus binding sites and the individual mapping results for each structure - including the number of probes located in each binding site, for each structure. This level of detail allows the users to investigate how the strength of a binding site relates to the protein conformation, other binding sites, and the presence of ligands or mutations. In addition, the structures are clustered on the basis of their binding properties. The use of FTMove is demonstrated by application to 22 proteins with known allosteric binding sites; the orthosteric and allosteric binding sites were identified in all but one case, and the sites were typically ranked among the top five. The FTMove server is publicly available at https://ftmove.bu.edu.  相似文献   

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