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Signal recognition particle in chloroplasts (cpSRP) exhibits the unusual ability to bind and target full-length proteins to the thylakoid membrane. Unlike cytosolic SRPs in prokaryotes and eukaryotes, cpSRP lacks an RNA moiety and functions as a heterodimer composed of a conserved 54-kDa guanosine triphosphatase (cpSRP54) and a unique 43-kDa subunit (cpSRP43). Assembly of the cpSRP heterodimer is a prerequisite for post-translational targeting activities and takes place through interactions between chromatin modifier domain 2 (CD2) of cpSRP43 and a unique 10-amino-acid region in cpSRP54 (cpSRP54pep). We have used multidimensional NMR spectroscopy and other biophysical methods to examine the assembly and structure of the cpSRP43-cpSRP54 interface. Our data show that CD2 of cpSRP43 binds to cpSRP54pep in a 1:1 stoichiometry with an apparent Kd of ∼ 1.06 μM. Steady-state fluorescence and far-UV circular dichroism data suggest that the CD2-cpSRP54pep interaction causes significant conformational changes in both CD2 and the peptide. Comparison of the three-dimensional solution structures of CD2 alone and in complex with cpSRP54pep shows that significant structural changes are induced in CD2 in order to establish a binding interface contributed mostly by residues in the N-terminal segment of CD2 (Phe5-Val10) and an arginine doublet (Arg536 and Arg537) in the cpSRP54 peptide. Taken together, our results provide new insights into the mechanism of cpSRP assembly and the structural forces that stabilize the functionally critical cpSRP43-cpSRP54 interaction.  相似文献   

The integration of light-harvesting chlorophyll proteins (LHCPs) into the thylakoid membrane proceeds in two steps. First, LHCP interacts with a chloroplast signal recognition particle (cpSRP) to form a soluble targeting intermediate called the transit complex. Second, LHCP integrates into the thylakoid membrane in the presence of GTP, at least one other soluble factor, and undefined membrane components. We previously determined that cpSRP is composed of 43- and 54-kDa polypeptides. We have examined the subunit stoichiometry of cpSRP and find that it is trimeric and composed of two subunits of cpSRP43/subunit of cpSRP54. A chloroplast homologue of FtsY, an Escherichia coli protein that is critical for the function of E. coli SRP, was found largely in the stroma unassociated with cpSRP. When chloroplast FtsY was combined with cpSRP and GTP, the three factors promoted efficient LHCP integration into thylakoid membranes in the absence of stroma, demonstrating that they are all required for reconstituting the soluble phase of LHCP transport.  相似文献   

The signal recognition particle (SRP) is a ubiquitous system for the targeting of membrane and secreted proteins. The chloroplast SRP (cpSRP) is unique among SRPs in that it possesses no RNA and is functional in post-translational as well as co-translational targeting. We have expressed and purified the two components of the Arabidopsis thaliana chloroplast signal recognition particle (cpSRP) involved in post-translational transport: cpSRP54 and the chloroplast-specific protein, cpSRP43. Recombinant cpSRP supports the efficient in vitro insertion of pea preLhcb1 into isolated thylakoid membranes. Recombinant cpSRP is a stable heterodimer with a molecular mass of approximately 100 kDa as determined by analytical ultracentrifugation, gel filtration analysis, and dynamic light scattering. The interactions of the components of the recombinant heterodimer and pea preLhcb1 were probed using an immobilized peptide library (pepscan) approach. These data confirm two previously reported interactions with the L18 region and the third transmembrane helix of Lhcb1 and suggest that the interface of the cpSRP43 and cpSRP54 proteins is involved in substrate binding. Additionally, cpSRP components are shown to recognize peptides from the cleavable, N-terminal chloroplast transit peptide of preLhcb1. The interaction of cpSRP43 with cpSRP54 was probed in a similar experiment with a peptide library representing cpSPR54. The C terminus of cpSRP54 is essential for the formation of the stable cpSRP complex and cpSPR43 interacts with distinct regions of the M domain of cpSRP54.  相似文献   

The signal recognition particle (SRP) is a ribonucleoprotein complex responsible for targeting proteins to the ER membrane in eukaryotes, the plasma membrane in bacteria and the thylakoid membrane in chloroplasts. In higher plants two different SRP-dependent mechanisms have been identified: one post-translational for proteins imported to the chloroplast and one co-translational for proteins encoded by the plastid genome. The post-translational chloroplast SRP (cpSRP) consists of the protein subunits cpSRP54 and cpSRP43. An RNA component has not been identified and does not seem to be required for the post-translational cpSRP. The co-translational mechanism is known to involve cpSRP54, but an RNA component has not yet been identified. Several chloroplast genomes have been sequenced recently, making a phylogenetically broad computational search for cpSRP RNA possible. We have analysed chloroplast genomes from 27 organisms. In higher plant chloroplasts, no SRP RNA genes were identified. However, eight plastids from red algae and Chlorophyta were found to contain an SRP RNA gene. These results suggest that SRP RNA forms a complex in these plastids with cpSRP54, reminiscent of the eubacterial SRP.  相似文献   

A cpSRP [chloroplast SRP (signal recognition particle)] comprising cpSRP54 and cpSRP43 subunits mediates the insertion of light-harvesting proteins into the thylakoid membrane. We dissected its interaction with a full-length membrane protein substrate in aqueous solution by insertion of site-specific photo-activatable cross-linkers into in vitro-synthesized Lhcb1 (major light-harvesting chlorophyll-binding protein of photosystem II). We show that Lhcb1 residues 166-176 cross-link specifically to the cpSRP43 subunit. Some cross-link positions within Lhcb1 are in the 'L18' peptide required for targeting of cpSRP substrates, whereas other cross-linking positions define a new targeting signal in the third transmembrane span. Lhcb1 was not found to cross-link to cpSRP54 at any position, and cross-linking to cpSRP43 is unaffected by the absence of cpSRP54. cpSRP43 thus effectively binds substrates autonomously, and its ability to independently bind an extended 20+-residue substrate region highlights a major difference with other SRP types?where the SRP54 subunit binds to hydrophobic target sequences. The results also show that cpSRP43 can bind to a hydrophobic, three-membrane span, substrate in aqueous solution, presumably reflecting a role for cpSRP in the chloroplast stroma. This mode of action, and the specificity of the cpSRP43-substrate interaction, may be associated with cpSRP's unique post-translational mode of action.  相似文献   

In this study, we have investigated the role of the CAO gene (coding for the chloroplast recognition particle cpSRP43) in the protection against and acclimation to environmental conditions that promote photooxidative stress. Deficiency of cpSRP43 in the Arabidopsis mutant chaos has been shown previously to lead to partial loss of a number of proteins of the photosystem II (PSII) antennae. In addition, as reported here, mutant plants have lower growth rates and reduced lignin contents under laboratory conditions. However, chaos seedlings showed significantly higher tolerance to photooxidative stress under both tightly controlled laboratory conditions and highly variable conditions in the field. This greater tolerance of chaos plants was manifested in less photooxidative damage together with faster growth recovery in young seedlings. It was also associated with a lower production of H2O2, lower ascorbate levels and less induction of ascorbate peroxidases. Under field conditions, chaos exhibited better overall photosynthetic performance and had higher survival rates. Expression of the CAO gene may be regulated by a light-dependent chloroplastic redox signalling pathway, and was inhibited during acclimation to high light and chilling temperatures, simultaneously with induction of ascorbate peroxidases. It is concluded that the presence/absence of the CAO gene has an impact on photo-produced H2O2, lignification in the hypocotyls and on the plant's susceptibility to photooxidative stress. Therefore, regulation of the CAO gene may be part of the plant's system for acclimation to high light and chilling temperatures.  相似文献   

The signal recognition particle (SRP) from Escherichia coli, composed of Ffh protein and 4.5S RNA, mediates membrane targeting of translating ribosomes displaying a signal or signal-anchor sequence. SRP binds at the peptide exit of the large ribosomal subunit. Structural details of the interaction are not known. Here, the position of Ffh or SRP on the ribosome was probed by using site-specific UV-induced crosslinking by p-azidophenacyl bromide (AzP) attached to a number of cysteine residues engineered into surface positions of Ffh. Efficient crosslinking to vacant ribosomes took place from two positions (AzP17 and AzP25) in the N domain of Ffh, both with Ffh and SRP. Both AzP17 and AzP25 were predominantly crosslinked to ribosomal protein L23 that is located at the peptide exit of the 50S subunit. The SRP receptor, FtsY, did not change the crosslink pattern, whereas the presence of a nascent signal peptide on the ribosome resulted in a second crosslink between Ffh(AzP17) and protein L23, indicating that binding to the nascent signal peptide induced a slightly different arrangement of SRP on the ribosome. These results indicate a model of the topographical arrangement of SRP at the peptide exit of the 50S ribosomal subunit.  相似文献   

The concept of the Truncated Light-harvesting chlorophyll Antenna (TLA) size, as a tool by which to maximize sunlight utilization and photosynthetic productivity in microalgal mass cultures or high-density plant canopies, is discussed. TLA technology is known to improve sunlight-to-product energy conversion efficiencies and is hereby exemplified by photosynthetic productivity estimates of wild type and a TLA strain under simulated mass culture conditions. Recent advances in the generation of TLA-type mutants by targeting genes of the chloroplast signal-recognition particle (CpSRP) pathway, affecting the thylakoid membrane assembly of light-harvesting proteins, are also summarized. Two distinct CpSRP assembly pathways are recognized, one entailing post-translational, the other a co-translational mechanism. Differences between the post-translational and co-translational integration mechanisms are outlined, as these pertain to the CpSRP-mediated assembly of thylakoid membrane protein complexes in higher plants and green microalgae. The applicability of the CpSRP pathway genes in efforts to generate TLA-type strains with enhanced solar energy conversion efficiency in photosynthesis is evaluated.  相似文献   

The signal recognition particle (SRP) pathway mediates co-translational targeting of nascent proteins to membranes. Chloroplast SRP is unique in that it does not contain the otherwise universally conserved SRP RNA, which accelerates the association between the SRP guanosine-5′-triphosphate (GTP) binding protein and its receptor FtsY in classical SRP pathways. Recently, we showed that the SRP and SRP receptor (SR) GTPases from chloroplast (cpSRP54 and cpFtsY, respectively) can interact with one another 400-fold more efficiently than their bacterial homologues, thus providing an explanation as to why this novel chloroplast SRP pathway bypasses the requirement for the SRP RNA. Here we report the crystal structure of cpFtsY from Arabidopsis thaliana at 2.0 Å resolution. In this chloroplast SR, the N-terminal “N” domain is more tightly packed, and a more extensive interaction surface is formed between the GTPase “G” domain and the N domain than was previously observed in many of its bacterial homologues. As a result, the overall conformation of apo-cpFtsY is closer to that found in the bacterial SRP•FtsY complex than in free bacterial FtsY, especially with regard to the relative orientation of the N and G domains. In contrast, active-site residues in the G domain are mispositioned, explaining the low basal GTP binding and hydrolysis activity of free cpFtsY. This structure emphasizes proper N-G domain arrangement as a key factor in modulating the efficiency of SRP-receptor interaction and helps account, in part, for the faster kinetics at which the chloroplast SR interacts with its binding partner in the absence of an SRP RNA.  相似文献   

Chloroplasts of higher plants contain a unique signal recognition particle (cpSRP) that consists of two proteins, cpSRP54 and cpSRP43. CpSRP43 is composed of a four ankyrin repeat domain and three functionally distinct chromodomains (CDs). In this report we confirm previously published data that the second chromodomain (CD2) provides the primary binding site for cpSRP54. However, quantitative binding analysis demonstrates that cpSRP54 binds to CD2 significantly less efficiently than it binds to full-length cpSRP43. Further analysis of the binding interface of cpSRP by mutagenesis studies and a pepscan approach demonstrates that the C-terminal alpha-helix of CD2 facilitates binding to cpSRP54.  相似文献   

We report the assignment of a 109 amino acid C-terminal chromo domain of the chloroplast signal recognition particle cpSRP43 subunit. cpSRP43 plays a crucial role in the targeting of light harvesting chlorophyll proteins to the thylakoids.  相似文献   

In all three kingdoms of life, co-translational targeting of secretory and membrane proteins to the prokaryotic plasma membrane or eukaryotic endoplasmic reticulum is mediated by a ribonucleoprotein complex, the signal recognition particle (SRP), and its membrane-associated receptor (SR). SRP binds to signal sequences of nascent proteins as they emerge from the exit tunnel of the ribosome. The resulting targeting complex, composed of the SRP and the ribosome-nascent chain complex (RNC), then docks with the SR in a GTP-dependent manner. Passing through a complex series of conformational states, SRP and SR deliver the RNC to the translocon, which in turn mediates protein translocation across or integration into the membrane. The core structural and mechanistic principles of SRP-dependent protein targeting are universally conserved. Recent structural investigations combining X-ray crystallography and cryo-electron microscopy have provided new insights into three essentials steps of the SRP-dependent protein targeting cycle: the assembly and interaction of the SRP ribonucleoprotein core, the GTP-dependent SRP-SR association, and the interaction between SRP and the ribosome.  相似文献   

Chloroplasts contain a novel type of signal recognition particle (cpSRP) that consists of two proteins, cpSRP54 and cpSRP43. cpSRP is involved in the post-translational targeting of the nuclear encoded light-harvesting chlorophyll-binding proteins (LHCPs) to the thylakoid membrane by forming a soluble cpSRP.LHCP transit complex in the stroma. Despite high sequence homology between chloroplast and cytosolic SRP54 proteins, the 54-kDa subunit of cpSRP is unique in its ability to bind cpSRP43. In this report, we identified a 10-amino acid long segment of cpSRP54 that forms the cpSRP43-binding site. This segment is located at position 530-539 close to the C terminus of cpSRP54. In addition, we demonstrate that arginine at position 537 is essential for binding cpSRP43 and that mutation of arginine 536 drastically reduced cpSRP43 binding. Mutations within the cpSRP43-binding site of cpSRP54 that reduced or completely abolished cpSRP complex formation also did inhibit transit complex formation and integration of LHCP into the thylakoid membrane, reflecting the importance of these residues for LHCP targeting. Alignment studies revealed that the cpSRP43-binding site is conserved in chloroplast SRP54 proteins and is not present in any SRP54 subunit of cytosolic SRPs.  相似文献   

It is becoming increasingly clear that similarities exist in the manner in which extracytoplasmic proteins are targeted to complexes responsible for translocating these proteins across membranes in each of the three domains of life. In Eukarya and Bacteria, the signal recognition particle (SRP) directs nascent polypeptides to membrane-embedded translocation sites. In Archaea, the SRP protein targeting pathway apparently represents an intermediate between the bacterial and eukaryal systems. Understanding the archaeal SRP pathway could therefore reveal universal aspects of targeting not detected in current comparisons of the eukaryal and bacterial systems while possibly identifying aspects of the process either not previously reported or unique to Archaea.  相似文献   

The universally conserved signal recognition particle (SRP) and SRP receptor (SR) mediate the cotranslational targeting of proteins to cellular membranes. In contrast, a unique chloroplast SRP in green plants is primarily dedicated to the post-translational targeting of light harvesting chlorophyll a/b binding (LHC) proteins. In both pathways, dimerization and activation between the SRP and SR GTPases mediate the delivery of cargo; whether and how the GTPase cycle in each system adapts to its distinct substrate proteins were unclear. Here, we show that interactions at the active site essential for GTPase activation in the chloroplast SRP and SR play key roles in the assembly of the GTPase complex. In contrast to their cytosolic homologues, GTPase activation in the chloroplast SRP-SR complex contributes marginally to the targeting of LHC proteins. These results demonstrate that complex assembly and GTPase activation are highly coupled in the chloroplast SRP and SR and suggest that the chloroplast GTPases may forego the GTPase activation step as a key regulatory point. These features may reflect adaptations of the chloroplast SRP to the delivery of their unique substrate protein.  相似文献   

A photosystem I (PSI)-fucoxanthin chlorophyll protein (FCP) complex with a chlorophyll a/P700 ratio of approximately 200:1 was isolated from the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Spectroscopic analysis proved that the more tightly bound FCP functions as a light-harvesting complex, actively transferring light energy from its accessory pigments chlorophyll c and fucoxanthin to the PSI core. Using an antibody against all FCP polypeptides of Cyclotella cryptica it could be shown that the polypeptides of the major FCP fraction differ from the FCPs found in the PSI fraction. Since these FCPs are tightly bound to PSI, active in energy transfer, and not found in the main FCP fraction, we suppose them to be PSI specific. Blue Native-PAGE, gel filtration and first electron microscopy studies of the PSI-FCP sample revealed a monomeric complex comparable in size and shape to the PSI-LHCI complex of green algae.  相似文献   

The mammalian signal recognition particle (SRP) catalytically promotes cotranslational translocation of signal sequence containing proteins across the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. While the S-domain of SRP binds the N-terminal signal sequence on the nascent polypeptide, the Alu domain of SRP temporarily interferes with the ribosomal elongation cycle until the translocation pore in the membrane is correctly engaged. Here we present biochemical and biophysical evidence for a hierarchical assembly pathway of the SRP Alu domain. The proteins SRP9 and SRP14 first heterodimerize and then initially bind to the Alu RNA 5' domain. This creates the binding site for the Alu RNA 3' domain. Alu RNA then undergoes a large conformational change with the flexibly linked 3' domain folding back by 180 degrees onto the 5' domain complex to form the final compact Alu ribonucleoprotein particle (Alu RNP). We discuss the possible mechanistic consequences of the likely reversibility of this final step with reference to translational regulation by the SRP Alu domain and with reference to the structurally similar Alu RNP retroposition intermediates derived from Alu elements in genomic DNA.  相似文献   

The signal sequence of nascent preprolactin interacts with the 54-kD protein of the signal recognition particle (SRP54). To identify the domain or site on SRP54 that interacts with the signal sequence we used a photocross-linking approach followed by limited proteolysis and immunoprecipitation using anti-peptide antibodies specific for defined regions of SRP54. We found that the previously identified methionine-rich RNA-binding domain of SRP54 (SRP54M domain) also interacts with the signal sequence. The smallest fragment that was found to be crosslinked to the signal sequence comprised the COOH-terminal 6-kD segment of the SRP54M domain. No cross-link to the putative GTP-binding domain of SRP54 (SRP54G domain) was found. Proteolytic cleavage between the SRP54M domain and SRP54G domain did not impair the subsequent interaction between the signal sequence and the SRP54M domain. Our results show that both the RNA binding and signal sequence binding functions of SRP54 are performed by the SRP54M domain.  相似文献   

Thomas Veith 《BBA》2007,1767(12):1428-1435
A photosystem I (PSI)-fucoxanthin chlorophyll protein (FCP) complex with a chlorophyll a/P700 ratio of approximately 200:1 was isolated from the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum. Spectroscopic analysis proved that the more tightly bound FCP functions as a light-harvesting complex, actively transferring light energy from its accessory pigments chlorophyll c and fucoxanthin to the PSI core. Using an antibody against all FCP polypeptides of Cyclotella cryptica it could be shown that the polypeptides of the major FCP fraction differ from the FCPs found in the PSI fraction. Since these FCPs are tightly bound to PSI, active in energy transfer, and not found in the main FCP fraction, we suppose them to be PSI specific. Blue Native-PAGE, gel filtration and first electron microscopy studies of the PSI-FCP sample revealed a monomeric complex comparable in size and shape to the PSI-LHCI complex of green algae.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1990,111(5):1793-1802
Signal recognition particle (SRP) plays the key role in targeting secretory proteins to the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum (Walter, P., and V. R. Lingappa. 1986. Annu. Rev. Cell Biol. 2:499- 516). It consists of SRP7S RNA and six proteins. The 54-kD protein of SRP (SRP54) recognizes the signal sequence of nascent polypeptides. The 19-kD protein of SRP (SRP19) binds to SRP7S RNA directly and is required for the binding of SRP54 to the particle. We used deletion mutants of SRP19 and SRP54 and an in vitro assembly assay in the presence of SRP7S RNA to define the regions in both proteins which are required to form a ribonucleoprotein particle. Deletion of the 21 COOH- terminal amino acids of SRP19 does not interfere with its binding to SRP7S RNA. Further deletions abolish SRP19 binding to SRP7S RNA. The COOH-terminal 207 amino acids of SRP54 (M domain) were found to be necessary and sufficient for binding to the SRP19/7S RNA complex in vitro. Limited protease digestion of purified SRP confirmed our results for SRP54 from the in vitro binding assay. The SRP54M domain could also bind to Escherichia coli 4.5S RNA that is homologous to part of SRP7S RNA. We suggest that the methionine-rich COOH terminus of SRP54 is a RNA binding domain and that SRP19 serves to establish a binding site for SRP54 on the SRP7S RNA.  相似文献   

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