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Partitioning of assimilates in fruiting tomato plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tomato is a potentially high-yield crop with a harvest index of about 65%. During fruiting, fruit growth accounts for 80 to 90% of the plant fresh weight gain and fruits are therefore the strongest sinks for assimilate.At initiation, an inflorescence is a weak sink in comparison with apical shoots. When assimilate supply is inadequate, the inflorescence has a reduced level of endogenous cytokinin and the degree of abortion is inversely related to the activity of sucrose hydrolase. Application of cytokinin plus gibberellins to the inflorescence increases its capacity to attract assimilate at the expense of apical shoots.At fruit set, cell division is activated and the ovary starts to accumulate reducing sugars and starch. Both the final cell number and the potential cell size are determined in the first two weeks and may be related to the levels of cytokinin and auxin.At the early stage of rapid growth a fruit accumulates imported assimilates, mainly in the forms of hexoses and starch. The rate of starch accumulation increases with the absolute fruit growth rate and affects the final soluble solids content of a fruit. The change in the fruit growth rate during fruit development does not coincide with the changes in the endogenous hormone levels of the fruit. A fruit competes for assimilate with others mainly in the same truss.  相似文献   

Shoot multiplication of Thymus mastichina L. was achieved on media containing 0.1 mg l–1 6-benzyladenine and/or 0.1 mg l–1 indole-3-butyric acid, or in hormone-free medium (control). The growth of plantlets, the production and composition of the essential oil, the density and secretory stage of glandular hairs have been evaluated in the presence and absence of growth regulators and triacontanol. We observed a positive effect of triacontanol on the growth of micropropagated plantlets using different conditions. Media with different levels of BA, IBA and TRIA resulted in no differences in the composition of the essential oil produced by plantlets. The major components of the oil were 1,8-cineole and linalool. An increase in the oil yield was observed especially when triacontanol was added to hormone-free medium. There was no correlation between changes in the oil yield and glandular hairs density, but the yield was dependent on the secretory stage of the glands.  相似文献   

Under field conditions, population density of the root lesion nematode, Pratylenchus zeae in soil and roots of maize cv. Single Hybrid 10 fluctuated throughout its growing season and reached the peak in September, harvest stage of maize. There were negative correlations (r) between the population densities of P. zeae in maize roots and grain yield of maize according to the data collected at all growing seasons.  相似文献   

Field and lysimeter experiments were conducted in 2002 to investigate the effects of an antigibberellin growth regulator (Moddus, active ingredient trinexapac‐ethyl, Syngenta Crop Protection UK Ltd, Whittlesford, Cambridge, UK) and an auxin‐stimulating (Route, active ingredient zinc ammonium acetate, De Sangosse Ltd, Swaffham Bulbeck, Cambridge, UK) growth promoter on root growth, soil water extraction and the drought response of spring barley. The effects on root growth and distribution were investigated in the field. The effects on the drought response were studied in 1.2‐m‐deep lysimeters packed with a loamy sand subsoil and sandy loam topsoil. Lysimeters were located under a fixed rain shelter, and drought was imposed by withholding irrigation. In both field and lysimeter experiments, growth regulator/promoters were applied to cv. Optic at early tillering according to the manufacturers’ recommendations. After withholding irrigation from lysimeters at Zadoks growth stage (GS) 21 (37 days after sowing), 50% of the profile available water had been depleted by flag leaf emergence (GS 37/39; 62 days after sowing). Drought significantly reduced stem biomass at ear emergence (GS 59; 78 days after sowing) but not leaf or ear dry weight; this was before there was any significant reduction in leaf water potential or stomatal conductance to water vapour. The reduction in stem biomass may reflect a change in partitioning between shoot and root in response to soil drying. When averaged over growth regulator/promoter treatments, drought reduced grain yield by approximately 1 t ha?1. This was associated with a reduction in both ears per m2 and grains per ear. The mean grain weight was not reduced by drought, in spite of significant reductions in stomatal conductance and canopy lifespan post‐anthesis. Route, and to a lesser extent Moddus, significantly increased abscisic acid accumulation in the stem base of droughted plants, and there was some indication of a possible delay in stomatal closure in Route‐treated plants as the soil moisture deficit developed. However, there was no significant effect on the amount of soil water extracted or grain yield under drought. Similarly, in field experiments, neither Route nor Moddus significantly altered total root length, biomass or distribution. There is little evidence from these experiments or in the literature to support the use of antigibberellin or auxin‐simulating growth regulator/promoters to modify root growth and drought avoidance of spring barley.  相似文献   

Ca2+- and Mg2+-dependent ATPase activity (EC in a plasma membrane-enriched fraction increased rapidly after in vivo application of physiologically active concentrations of triacontanol (TRIA) to the roots of barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Conquest) seedlings. Ca2+- and Mg2+-dependent ATPase activity was 64 and 85% higher, respectively, in the roots of seedlings germinated in the presence of growth-promoting concentrations of TRIA compared to controls. The increase in vivo was concentration dependent, with the greatest increase obtained at 2.3 n M TRIA. Maximal stimulation of ATPase activity of excised tissue treated with TRIA coincided with the temperature at which the barley was grown. At this temperature the plasma membrane is primarily in a mixed gel/liquid crystalline state. Pretreatment of barley roots with cyclohexamide did not alter ATPase stimulation by TRIA. Two to three times more [14C]-TRIA (mg membrane protein)−1 was found associated with plasma membrane-enriched vesicles treated with TRIA than with vesicles enriched for mitochondrial membranes or for vesicles enriched for tonoplast, Golgi and rough endoplasmic reticulum. Both Ca2+- and Mg2+-dependent ATPase activity increased by 40–60% within 30 min of the addition of 2.3 n M TRIA to cell-free extracts of barley roots. The addition of octacosanol, the C28 analogue of TRIA, to cell-free extracts did not affect metal-dependent ATPase activity. Consistent with many studies in the green-house, simultaneous additions of equimolar amounts of TRIA and octacosanol to cell-free extracts resulted in inhibition of ATPase stimulation by TRIA. TRIA may directly affect plasma membrane function in barley roots.  相似文献   

Triacontanol (TRIA) treatment of plasma membrane-enriched vesicles from barley ( Hordeum vulgare L., cv. Conquest) roots resulted in stimulation of membrane-associated, divalent cation-dependent ATPase activity (EC The stimulation at physiologically active concentrations of TRIA (10−11–10−9 M ) occurred only when the vesicles were treated with TRIA in the presence of calmodulin. Octacosanol, the C28-analogue of TRIA, had no effect on divalent cation-dependent ATPase activity. Consistent with in vivo studies, simultaneous treatment of vesicles with weight equivalents of TRIA and octacosanol reduced the stimulation of ATPase activity. The effect of calmodulin on the stimulation of ATPase activity was diminished by calmidazolium, a specific inhibitor of calmodulin. Circular dichroism studies did not show a change in the α-helix content of calmodulin in the presence of TRIA. TRIA also had no apparent effect on soluble calcium-calmodulin 3',5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase activity. Removal of excess TRIA from the medium after treatment still resulted in stimulation of divalent cation-dependent ATPase activity in the presence of calmodulin was comparable to treated vesicles from which excess TRIA had not been removed. These data further support the contention that TRIA affects membrane structure and function.  相似文献   

The influence of triacontanol in a form of Tomatex preparation on basic indices of chlorophyll fluorescence in tomato leaves (Delfina cv.), yield of fruits, and dry matter content in fruits was evaluated in a pot experiment situated in vegetation hall in 1999. Tomatex was applied into roots at seedling stage (6–7 leaves) or at the stage of seedling and flowering of the 2nd inflorescence bunch. Plants were given by 0.3, 3.0, and 30 μg triacontanol per pot at a single dosage. Results obtained have shown that triacontanol regardless of the dose applied, significantly increased the maximal efficiency of PSII photochemistry in the dark (Fv/Fm), the efficiency of excitation capture by open PSII reaction centers (Fv’/Fm’), the actual quantum yield of PSII electron transport in the light-adapted state (ΦPSII), the photochemical quenching coefficient (Qp). However, nonphotochemical quenching coefficient (Qn) and non-radiative dissipation (NPQ) were decreased. Plants treated with triacontanol at the doses of 0.3 and 3.0 μg had significantly higher yields of fruits than control. No differences were found between plants treated once and twice with the growth regulator. Triacontanol did not show univocal effects on dry matter content in fruits either.  相似文献   

The effect of root temperature on growth and yield of rockwool-grown tomato plants infected with Phytophthora cryptogea was investigated. Measurements of shoot and root growth were taken at high (25oC) and low (15oC) root temperatures during the generative phase of growth. The growth of roots of healthy and P. cryptogea-infected tomato plants in rockwool blocks was higher in plants grown with roots at 25oC than at 15oC after 60 days and a similar effect was found in slabs after 98 days. Under sub-optimal conditions for growth the disease became severe when root temperatures were low. Growth of roots was greatest when roots were maintained at a high temperature in combination with an ambient air temperature of c. 15oC and the response was greater in cv. Counter than cvs Calypso and Marathon. Water-soluble carbohydrates of roots were higher in those produced in blocks than slabs and were reduced by infection compared to healthy plants with roots at 15oC and 25oC. Reduced transpiration rates were found 17 days after inoculation in symptomless plants grown at a root temperature of 25oC. Infection, regardless of the temperature of the roots or cultivar, led to reduced stem growth. The plants grown at 25oC were taller than those with a root temperature of 15oC. After 9 wk of harvest, the cumulative fruit yields in infected cvs Counter and Calypso grown at 25oC were comparable to that in healthy plants grown at either temperature and cumulative fruit numbers followed a similar pattern. High root temperatures led to delayed fruit ripening between weeks 3–10 and a larger number of unripe fruit. The weight of unripe fruit from infected plants grown at 25oC at the terminal harvest was higher than from healthy plants with roots maintained at 15oC.  相似文献   

The effects of a long chain aliphatic alcohol 1-triacontanol (TRIA) on the photosynthesis and membrane properties of mesophyll protoplasts and chloroplasts isolated from pea leaves were studied. In vitro treatments of isolated protoplasts caused a large enhancement (166% ) of the CO2-fixation rate after 60 min of TRIA (10-6 M) application as compared to the control. An enhanced photosynthetic response was observed in in vitro treated leaf pieces. Application of octacosanol (OCTA) under the same experimental conditions did not result in any stimulating effects. In vivo treatments of pea seedlings also resulted in a significant increase of the net CO2 uptake to 109% and 119% in 10-8 M and 10-6 M TRIA-treated plants respectively. It was demonstrated that the incubation of both protoplasts and chloroplasts with TRIA resulted in a rise of the excimer/monomer (IE/IM ) ratio of pyrene (Py) fluorescence, thus indicating remarkable fluidization and/or disordering of the lipid matrix of their membranes. This effect depended on the incubation time and became evident at very low concentrations of TRIA (0.3 M). The increase of membrane fluidity was accompanied by TRIA-induced alterations in the dielectric environment in the membrane regions where Py molecules are situated. The results are discussed in terms of specific concentration dependent TRIA-induced alterations of the dynamic properties of protoplast and chloroplast membranes and their possible involvement in the initiation of the integral physiological response to exogenous application of TRIA.  相似文献   

玉米与番茄间作对土壤镉吸收的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究间作对作物吸收重金属镉(Cadmium,Cd)的影响,以Cd相对高积累番茄(中蔬4号)和相对低积累玉米(金珠蜜甜玉米)为试验材料,在Cd 3.70 mg/kg的污染水平下以单作、限制性间作、间作3种种植方式进行了盆栽试验,研究间作后作物各部位Cd积累差异及其形成原因。结果表明,番茄和玉米间作和限制性间作所产番茄根、茎、叶中Cd含量均有所提高(叶中Cd含量从13.52mg/kg分别升高至24.94mg/kg和27.30mg/kg);与未种植作物的对照组相比,非单作条件下番茄根围土壤的pH有所下降,酸性磷酸酶活性上升,而脲酶活性下降,且间作组变化幅度较大;间作还能改变作物根围微生物种群结构,提高对重金属吸收有促进作用的微生物种群的丰度,最终实现Cd高积累番茄对Cd的吸收能力提高。研究结果可为利用间作模式修复土壤重金属污染和保障食品安全提供参考。  相似文献   

Roots of tomato seedlings can be induced to coil by treatment with ethylene. The extent of coiling is dependent on the level of ethylene to which the seedlings are exposed and can be prevented by the incorporation of Ag ions into the growing medium. In contrast to all other tomato mutants examined, roots of the mutant diageotropica do not reorientate their growth in response to ethylene. The results of an agar penetration test indicate that roots of this mutant are agravitropic. The relationship between gravitropism and root coiling, and the origin of the ethylene modified growth pattern is discussed.  相似文献   

Soil solarization is a non-chemical disinfestation technique that frequently promotes plant growth in the absence of known major pathogens, a phenomenon termed increased growth response (IGR). The effect of solarization on plant nutrients and their role in the IGR was studied with tomato plants grown in solarized or non-solarized (control) sandy soil, under controlled conditions. Solarization considerably increased the soil concentrations of water extractable N, K, Ca, Mg and Na at most sites, whereas Cl and DTPA extractable Mn, Zn, Fe and Cu were decreased by the treatment. Plant growth and specific leaf area were enhanced in solarized as well as in N-supplemented control soil. In tomato plants grown in solarized soil, concentrations of most nutrients in the xylem sap, including N, were increased compared to the control, whereas Cl and SO4 levels decreased. The most significant increase in leaf nutrient concentration caused by soil solarization was recorded for N. Furthermore, leaf N concentration was highly and positively correlated with shoot growth. The concentration of Cu increased in leaves from the solarization vs. the control treatment, whereas that of SO4 and Cl decreased, the latter presumably below the critical toxicity level. The correlation between shoot growth and leaf concentration was positive for Cu and inverse for Cl and SO4. In conclusion, we found that soil solarization significantly affects nutrient composition in tomato plants, and provided strong evidence that N, and eventually also Cl, play a major role in IGR.  相似文献   

A foliar application of paclobutrazol (1 litre a.i. ha“1) was applied before flowering of lentils grown with different levels of phosphorus (0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 kg P205 ha”1). Increasing amounts of P up to 80 kg ha“1 increased plant height, crop dry matter and grain yields but also increased crop lodging. Paclobutrazol decreased plant height and lodging and increased grain yield. Maximum yields were obtained with a combination of 80 kg P ha”1 and paclobutrazol.  相似文献   

Accumulation of ABA in maize roots in response to root severing   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Increased biomass yield and quality are of great importance for the improvement of feedstock for the biorefinery. For the production of bioethanol, both stem biomass yield and the conversion efficiency of the polysaccharides in the cell wall to fermentable sugars are of relevance. Increasing the endogenous levels of gibberellic acid (GA) by ectopic expression of GA20‐OXIDASE1 (GA20‐OX1), the rate‐limiting step in GA biosynthesis, is known to affect cell division and cell expansion, resulting in larger plants and organs in several plant species. In this study, we examined biomass yield and quality traits of maize plants overexpressing GA20‐OX1 (GA20‐OX1). GA20‐OX1 plants accumulated more vegetative biomass than control plants in greenhouse experiments, but not consistently over two years of field trials. The stems of these plants were longer but also more slender. Investigation of GA20‐OX1 biomass quality using biochemical analyses showed the presence of more cellulose, lignin and cell wall residue. Cell wall analysis as well as expression analysis of lignin biosynthetic genes in developing stems revealed that cellulose and lignin were deposited earlier in development. Pretreatment of GA20‐OX1 biomass with NaOH resulted in a higher saccharification efficiency per unit of dry weight, in agreement with the higher cellulose content. On the other hand, the cellulose‐to‐glucose conversion was slower upon HCl or hot‐water pretreatment, presumably due to the higher lignin content. This study showed that biomass yield and quality traits can be interconnected, which is important for the development of future breeding strategies to improve lignocellulosic feedstock for bioethanol production.  相似文献   

通过田间试验, 以大豆单作为对照,设置登海605/贡选1号(RI1)、川单418/贡选1号(RI2)、雅玉13/贡选1号(RI3)3种玉米 大豆带状套作种植模式,研究了玉米株型对大豆干物质积累和产量的影响.结果表明: RI2和RI3处理大豆的积累速率低于RI1处理,且RI1处理大豆叶片、茎秆和荚果的干物质积累量分别比RI2和RI3处理高17.6%、16.5%、13.7%和34.6%、33.1%、28.4%.带状套作大豆叶片、茎秆的分配比例均以RI1处理最高、RI2处理其次、RI3处理最低,而荚果分配比例的变化趋势与其相反.与RI2和RI3处理相比,RI1处理显著提高了大豆营养器官(叶+茎)干物质向荚果的转运量、转移率及其对荚果的贡献率,RI1处理大豆的单株荚数、单株粒数、每荚粒数、单株粒质量和产量分别比RI2和RI3处理提高了6.8%、11.5%、4.4%、15.9%、15.6%和14.3%、22.2%、6.7%、33.4%、36.8%.带状套作大豆营养器官干物质的积累速率、转运量、转移率和贡献率与产量及产量的构成呈显著正相关,且均以RI1处理最高,实现了紧凑型玉米对带状套作大豆干物质积累、转运和分配的有效调控,促进了产量的提高.  相似文献   

平原农区幼龄杨树间作农作物的产量表现   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
通过1~2年与3~4年树龄杨树间作冬小麦和夏玉米,探讨了杨树对农作物产量及产量形成因子的影响。结果表明,1~2年树龄杨树间作冬小麦其产量有所增加,与夏玉米间作使其产量降低31.3%~33.7%。3~4年树龄杨树间作冬小麦的产量降低了36.9%~42.5%,间作夏玉米的产量降低了80.8%~87.4%,且距树越近产量越低。产量形成因子分析表明,杨树对冬小麦产量的影响主要为穗数。因此保证冬小麦分蘖期的肥水管理,在群体建立的基础上保证营养器官建成期所需的各种资源,为正常的穗粒数形成及粒重的充实奠定基础。对夏玉米的影响,随着杨树的生长,表现不一样,由穗粒数逐渐转变为穗数。复合系统建立初期应保证玉米拔节期到吐丝期所需资源,确保较多的穗粒数形成,而杨树生长2~3年后必须对杨树进行合理的管理,保证穗数的建立,减小夏玉米产量的降低。针对农林复合系统的复杂性,今后应综合考虑杨树和农作物光、热、水、肥等生物学特性,对其进行合理管理,尽可能做到杨树与作物的和谐共生。  相似文献   


The interaction of sodium (Na) and potassium (K) on growth, yield, nutrients and citric acid composition of fruit of tomato (Lycopersicon lycopersicum [L.] Karst) was investigated. Six rates of Na at 0, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 mgkg?1 soil and four rates of K at 0, 32, 64 and 128 mgkg?1 soil, applied as NaCl and KCl, respectively, were arranged in a randomized complete block design and replicated three times. Plant growth rate, number of flowers and fruit yields, nutrient composition and citric acid content of fruit juice were determined. The application of 2–4 mg Na kg?1 soil with 32–64 mg K kg?1 soil increased fruit yield by about 100%. Fruit yield correlated positively with the number of leaves (0.65***), number of flowers (0.57**) and shoot-N (0.40*). Sodium applied at Na:K ratio of 1:8 to 1:32 increased the growth and yield of the tomato plant.  相似文献   

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