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Temporal patterns of species abundance, although less well-studied than spatial patterns, provide valuable insight to the processes governing community assembly. We compared temporal abundance distributions of two communities, phytoplankton and fish, in a north temperate lake. We used both 17 years of observed relative abundance data as well as resampled data from Monte Carlo simulations to account for the possible effects of non-detection of rare species. Similar to what has been found in other communities, phytoplankton and fish species that appeared more frequently were generally more abundant than rare species. However, neither community exhibited two distinct groups of “core” (common occurrence and high abundance) and “occasional” (rare occurrence and low abundance) species. Both observed and resampled data show that the phytoplankton community was dominated by occasional species appearing in only one year that exhibited large variation in their abundances, while the fish community was dominated by core species occurring in all 17 years at high abundances. We hypothesize that the life-history traits that enable phytoplankton to persist in highly dynamic environments may result in communities dominated by occasional species capable of reaching high abundances when conditions allow. Conversely, longer turnover times and broad environmental tolerances of fish may result in communities dominated by core species structured primarily by competitive interactions.  相似文献   

BAITED UNDERWATER VIDEO TECHNIQUES ARE INCREASINGLY BEING UTILISED FOR ASSESSING AND MONITORING DEMERSAL FISHES BECAUSE THEY ARE: 1) non extractive, 2) can be used to sample across multiple habitats and depths, 3) are cost effective, 4) sample a broader range of species than many other techniques, 5) and with greater statistical power. However, an examination of the literature demonstrates that a range of different bait types are being used. The use of different types of bait can create an additional source of variability in sampling programs. Coral reef fish assemblages at the Houtman Abrolhos Islands, Western Australia, were sampled using baited remote underwater stereo-video systems. One-hour stereo-video recordings were collected for four different bait treatments (pilchards, cat food, falafel mix and no bait (control)) from sites inside and outside a targeted fishery closure (TFC). In total, 5209 individuals from 132 fish species belonging to 41 families were recorded. There were significant differences in the fish assemblage structure and composition between baited and non-baited treatments (P<0.001), while no difference was observed with species richness. Samples baited with cat food and pilchards contained similar ingredients and were found to record similar components of the fish assemblage. There were no significant differences in the fish assemblages in areas open or closed to fishing, regardless of the bait used. Investigation of five targeted species indicated that the response to different types of bait was species-specific. For example, the relative abundance of Pagrus auratus was found to increase in areas protected from fishing, but only in samples baited with pilchards and cat food. The results indicate that the use of bait in conjunction with stereo-BRUVs is advantageous. On balance, the use of pilchards as a standardised bait for stereo-BRUVs deployments is justified for use along the mid-west coast of Western Australia.  相似文献   

Climate change is resulting in rapid poleward shifts in the geographical distribution of tropical and subtropical fish species. We can expect that such range shifts are likely to be limited by species-specific resource requirements, with temperate rocky reefs potentially lacking a range of settlement substrates or specific dietary components important in structuring the settlement and success of tropical and subtropical fish species. We examined the importance of resource use in structuring the distribution patterns of range shifting tropical and subtropical fishes, comparing this with resident temperate fish species within western Japan (Tosa Bay); the abundance, diversity, size class, functional structure and latitudinal range of reef fishes utilizing both coral reef and adjacent rocky reef habitat were quantified over a 2 year period (2008–2010). This region has undergone rapid poleward expansion of reef-building corals in response to increasing coastal water temperatures, and forms one of the global hotspots for rapid coastal changes. Despite the temperate latitude surveyed (33°N, 133°E) the fish assemblage was both numerically, and in terms of richness, dominated by tropical fishes. Such tropical faunal dominance was apparent within both coral, and rocky reef habitats. The size structure of the assemblage suggested that a relatively large number of tropical species are overwintering within both coral and rocky habitats, with a subset of these species being potentially reproductively active. The relatively high abundance and richness of tropical species with obligate associations with live coral resources (i.e., obligate corallivores) shows that this region holds the most well developed temperate-located tropical fish fauna globally. We argue that future tropicalisation of the fish fauna in western Japan, associated with increasing coral habitat development and reported increasing shifts in coastal water temperatures, may have considerable positive economic impacts to the local tourism industry and bring qualitative changes to both local and regional fisheries resources.  相似文献   

大亚湾鱼类群落嵌套分布格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为保护大亚湾渔业资源,2015年4月(春季)、8月(夏季)、10月(秋季)和12月(冬季)对大亚湾进行了4航次底拖网渔业资源调查,结合距最近大陆距离、距最近大岛距离、水深、水温、盐度、叶绿素a、总氮、总磷、鱼类的最大体长和捕捞努力量(CPUE)这些参数,研究了大亚湾鱼类的群聚特征。结果表明,大亚湾鱼类呈嵌套分布格局,鱼类最大体长对嵌套格局的形成具有显著影响;大亚湾鱼类群落嵌套格局的形成支持选择性迁入假说;大亚湾鱼类全年与四季的嵌套最友好位点均在湾口杨梅坑和大辣甲北部海域,此两海域为大亚湾鱼类的主要群聚区,大辣甲北部海域是鱼类的产卵场繁殖区,杨梅坑海域是鱼类的主要育肥区,均应优先进行保护和管理,是开展大亚湾鱼类增殖放流的最适宜海域。  相似文献   

Samples of phytobenthos were collected during three different seasons in 2005 along a linear transect of a lowland peat bog at various spatial scales (10 cm, 1 m, 10 m) to investigate the seasonal dynamics, diversity, and factors influencing the spatial patterns of microalgal communities. Non‐metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS), similarity percentage (SIMPER) analyses, ANOSIM, Mantel tests and diversity indices were used to analyze the data. Seasonal dynamics were exhibited by an increase in diversity, and a decrease in dominance from May to October, with significant differences in species composition. Mantel tests showed the significant influence of distance, microhabitat type, and conductivity on maintaining the similarity of species composition on scales of 1 m and 10 m. The small‐scale processes (colonization and niche differentiation), microhabitat type, geographic distance and conductivity were found to be the main factors influencing the distribution of algal assemblages. We conclude that these factors are related to winter disturbance, and the consequent colonization and subsequent niche differentiation. (© 2009 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Consequences of reef phase shifts on fish communities remain poorly understood. Studies on the causes, effects and consequences of phase shifts on reef fish communities have only been considered for coral-to-macroalgae shifts. Therefore, there is a large information gap regarding the consequences of novel phase shifts and how these kinds of phase shifts impact on fish assemblages. This study aimed to compare the fish assemblages on reefs under normal conditions (relatively high cover of corals) to those which have shifted to a dominance of the zoantharian Palythoa cf. variabilis on coral reefs in Todos os Santos Bay (TSB), Brazilian eastern coast. We examined eight reefs, where we estimated cover of corals and P. cf. variabilis and coral reef fish richness, abundance and body size. Fish richness differed significantly between normal reefs (48 species) and phase-shift reefs (38 species), a 20% reduction in species. However there was no difference in fish abundance between normal and phase shift reefs. One fish species, Chaetodon striatus, was significantly less abundant on normal reefs. The differences in fish assemblages between different reef phases was due to differences in trophic groups of fish; on normal reefs carnivorous fishes were more abundant, while on phase shift reefs mobile invertivores dominated.  相似文献   

Fish assemblages of unconsolidated sedimentary habitats on continental shelves are poorly described when compared to those of hard substrata. This lack of data restricts the objective management of these extensive benthic habitats. In the context of protecting representative areas of all community types, one important question is the nature of the transition from reefal to sedimentary fish assemblages. We addressed this question using Baited Remote Underwater Videos (BRUVs) to assess fish assemblages of sedimentary habitats at six distances from rocky reefs (0, 25, 50, 100, 200, and 400 m) at four sites in subtropical eastern Australia. Distance from reef was important in determining fish assemblage structure, and there was no overlap between reef sites and sedimentary sites 400 m from reef. While there was a gradient in assemblage structure at intermediate distances, this was not consistent across sites. All sites, however, supported a mixed ‘halo’ assemblage comprising both reef and sediment species at sampling stations close to reef. BRUVs used in conjunction with high-resolution bathymetric and backscatter spatial data can resolve differences in assemblage structure at small spatial scales (10s to 100s of metres), and has further application in unconsolidated habitats. Unless a ‘reef halo’ assemblage is being examined, a minimum of 200 m but preferably 400 m distance from any hard substrate is recommended when designing broader-scale assessments of fish assemblages of sedimentary habitats.  相似文献   

Dynamics of bryophyte assemblages of saline grassland were studied in Hungary. A survey was carried out in two permanent plots by annual sampling of 0.25-m2 quadrats over a 9-year period. The study investigated: i) the extent of spatial and temporal dependence of the assemblages and individual species; ii) the turnover of individual species and its relationship to life-strategy types and iii) the effect of annual weather conditions on species performance. One of the plots showed succession; the frequency of some perennial species increased, while that of some short-lived species decreased; this process was independent of local weather conditions. The other plot showed a non-directional fluctuation, which was partly related to precipitation in winter and early spring. The spatial and temporal dependence of this assemblage was low; many short-lived species had a high turnover in the studied community. In stable periods, neutral dynamic processes characterize the bryophyte assemblages of the studied saline grassland and the occurrences of species were more or less independent in space and time. Short-lived species showed high fluctuations and were probably influenced by weather conditions or other factors. However, the frequency of perennial species, which were influenced by local conditions, could directionally change displacing the short-lived ones during succession. The relationships between turnover and life-strategy types were weak, both the group of colonist and shuttle species were dynamically heterogeneous. Longer observations are needed for a clearer exploration of the relationships between vegetation changes and weather conditions.  相似文献   

Coral reefs around US- and US-affiliated Pacific islands and atolls span wide oceanographic gradients and levels of human impact. Here we examine the relative influence of these factors on coral reef fish biomass, using data from a consistent large-scale ecosystem monitoring program conducted by scientific divers over the course of >2,000 hours of underwater observation at 1,934 sites, across ~40 islands and atolls. Consistent with previous smaller-scale studies, our results show sharp declines in reef fish biomass at relatively low human population density, followed by more gradual declines as human population density increased further. Adjusting for other factors, the highest levels of oceanic productivity among our study locations were associated with more than double the biomass of reef fishes (including ~4 times the biomass of planktivores and piscivores) compared to islands with lowest oceanic productivity. Our results emphasize that coral reef areas do not all have equal ability to sustain large reef fish stocks, and that what is natural varies significantly amongst locations. Comparisons of biomass estimates derived from visual surveys with predicted biomass in the absence of humans indicated that total reef fish biomass was depleted by 61% to 69% at populated islands in the Mariana Archipelago; by 20% to 78% in the Main Hawaiian islands; and by 21% to 56% in American Samoa.  相似文献   

Spatial variation in the fish community of the regulated Raia stream (Portugal) was examined during the summer of 1995. Variation in the native fish community (abundance of species-size combinations) was explicitly related to both the abundance of exotic species and habitat variables. The fish community changed in space from assemblages characterised by the high relative abundance of Leuciscus pyrenaicus, Leuciscus alburnoides and the smaller size classes of Barbus bocagei (all Iberian endemics with total length, TL, < 100mm to assemblages characterised by the high relative abundance of Chondrostoma polylepis (Iberian endemic) and B. bocagei with TL > 200mm and of exotics Micropterus salmoides and Lepomis gibbosus (> 100mm TL). The former assemblages used shallow sites far from downstream dams with some current whereas the latter assemblages used deeper sites closer to downstream dams without current velocity and with abundant floating macrophytes. Both exotic species and habitat variables were significant correlates of endemic assemblage composition in the Raia stream and the abundance of M. salmoides > 150mm in TL was the best biotic predictor of endemic assemblage composition. The total variation in the community of endemic fish was partitioned into four components: (i) associated uniquely with exotic species - 12.6%, (ii) associated uniquely with habitat variables - 27.6%, (iii) associated both with exotic species and habitat variables - 14.5%, and (iv) that unexplained - 45.3%. A significant association of exotic species with the endemic fish community remained after accounting for the selected environmental variables and a strong (habitat) x (exotic species) interaction was indicated.  相似文献   

Gastropod assemblages from nearshore rocky habitats were studied over large spatial scales to (1) describe broad-scale patterns in assemblage composition, including patterns by feeding modes, (2) identify latitudinal pattern of biodiversity, i.e., richness and abundance of gastropods and/or regional hotspots, and (3) identify potential environmental and anthropogenic drivers of these assemblages. Gastropods were sampled from 45 sites distributed within 12 Large Marine Ecosystem regions (LME) following the NaGISA (Natural Geography in Shore Areas) standard protocol (www.nagisa.coml.org). A total of 393 gastropod taxa from 87 families were collected. Eight of these families (9.2%) appeared in four or more different LMEs. Among these, the Littorinidae was the most widely distributed (8 LMEs) followed by the Trochidae and the Columbellidae (6 LMEs). In all regions, assemblages were dominated by few species, the most diverse and abundant of which were herbivores. No latitudinal gradients were evident in relation to species richness or densities among sampling sites. Highest diversity was found in the Mediterranean and in the Gulf of Alaska, while highest densities were found at different latitudes and represented by few species within one genus (e.g. Afrolittorina in the Agulhas Current, Littorina in the Scotian Shelf, and Lacuna in the Gulf of Alaska). No significant correlation was found between species composition and environmental variables (r≤0.355, p>0.05). Contributing variables to this low correlation included invasive species, inorganic pollution, SST anomalies, and chlorophyll-a anomalies. Despite data limitations in this study which restrict conclusions in a global context, this work represents the first effort to sample gastropod biodiversity on rocky shores using a standardized protocol across a wide scale. Our results will generate more work to build global databases allowing for large-scale diversity comparisons of rocky intertidal assemblages.  相似文献   

Large scale diversity patterns are well established for terrestrial macrobiota (e.g. plants and vertebrates), but not for microscopic organisms (e.g. nematodes). Due to small size, high abundance, and extensive dispersal, microbiota are assumed to exhibit cosmopolitan distributions with no biogeographical patterns. This assumption has been extrapolated from local spatial scale studies of a few taxonomic groups utilizing morphological approaches. Recent molecularly-based studies, however, suggest something quite opposite. Nematodes are the most abundant metazoans on earth, but their diversity patterns are largely unknown. We conducted a survey of nematode diversity within three vertical strata (soil, litter, and canopy) of rainforests at two contrasting latitudes in the North American meridian (temperate: the Olympic National Forest, WA, U.S.A and tropical: La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica) using standardized sampling designs and sample processing protocols. To describe nematode diversity, we applied an ecometagenetic approach using 454 pyrosequencing. We observed that: 1) nematode communities were unique without even a single common species between the two rainforests, 2) nematode communities were unique among habitats in both rainforests, 3) total species richness was 300% more in the tropical than in the temperate rainforest, 4) 80% of the species in the temperate rainforest resided in the soil, whereas only 20% in the tropics, 5) more than 90% of identified species were novel. Overall, our data provided no support for cosmopolitanism at both local (habitats) and large (rainforests) spatial scales. In addition, our data indicated that biogeographical patterns typical of macrobiota also exist for microbiota.  相似文献   

Residential development of lakeshores is expected to change a variety of key lake features that include increased nutrient loading, increased invasion rate of nonnative species, increased exploitation rates of fishes by anglers, and alteration of littoral habitats. All of these factors may alter the capacity of lakes to support productive native fish populations. Fourteen north temperate lakes were surveyed to examine how growth rates of two common fish species (bluegill sunfish, Lepomis macrochirus; largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides) varied along a residential development gradient. Size-specific growth rates for both species were negatively correlated with the degree of lakeshore residential development, although this trend was not statistically significant for largemouth bass. On average, annual growth rates for bluegill sunfish were 2.6 times lower in heavily developed lakes than in undeveloped lakes. This effect of lakeshore development on fish growth was not size specific for bluegills between 60 and 140 mm in total length. An index of population production rate that accounted for both the size-specific growth rate and the size distribution of fishes showed that bluegill populations were approximately 2.3 times less productive in highly developed lakes than in undeveloped lakes. Our results suggest that extensive residential development of lakeshores may reduce the fish production capacity of aquatic ecosystems. Received 29 April 1999; Accepted 26 October 1999.  相似文献   

Despite considerable attention in recent years, the composition and dynamics of lake bacterial communities over annual time scales are poorly understood. This study used automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (ARISA) to explore the patterns of change in lake bacterial communities in three temperate lakes over 2 consecutive years. The study lakes included a humic lake, an oligotrophic lake, and a eutrophic lake, and the epilimnetic bacterial communities were sampled every 2 weeks. The patterns of change in bacterial communities indicated that seasonal forces were important in structuring the behavior of the bacterial communities in each lake. All three lakes had relatively stable community composition in spring and fall, but summer changes were dramatic. Summertime variability was often characterized by recurrent drops in bacterial diversity. Specific ARISA fragments derived from these lakes were not constant among lakes or from year to year, and those fragments that did recur in lakes in different years did not exhibit the same seasonal pattern of recurrence. Nonetheless, seasonal patterns observed in 2000 were fairly successful predictors of the rate of change in bacterial communities and in the degree of autocorrelation of bacterial communities in 2001. Thus, seasonal forces may be important structuring elements of these systems as a whole even if they are uncoupled from the dynamics of the individual system components.  相似文献   

Few studies have documented the activity patterns of both predators and their common prey over 24 h diel cycles. This study documents the temporal periodicity of two common resident predators of juvenile reef fishes, Cephalopholis cyanostigma (rockcod) and Pseudochromis fuscus (dottyback) and compares these to the activity and foraging pattern of a common prey species, juvenile Pomacentrus moluccensis (lemon damselfish). Detailed observations of activity in the field and using 24 h infrared video in the laboratory revealed that the two predators had very different activity patterns. C. cyanostigma was active over the whole 24 h period, with a peak in feeding strikes at dusk and increased activity at both dawn and dusk, while P. fuscus was not active at night and had its highest strike rates at midday. The activity and foraging pattern of P. moluccensis directly opposes that of C. cyanostigma with individuals reducing strike rate and intraspecific aggression at both dawn and dusk, and reducing distance from shelter and boldness at dusk only. Juveniles examined were just outside the size-selection window of P. fuscus. We suggest that the relatively predictable diel behaviour of coral reef predators results from physiological factors such as visual sensory abilities, circadian rhythmicity, variation in hunting profitability, and predation risk at different times of the day. Our study suggests that the diel periodicity of P. moluccensis behaviour may represent a response to increased predation risk at times when both the ability to efficiently capture food and visually detect predators is reduced.  相似文献   

New data were obtained corroborating that somitogenesis is a rhythmic process, in which the time of somite formation is strictly constant. This constant ( s ) can be considered as a natural unit of developmental biological clock characterizing rhythmic processes. The constant s can be determined with an exceptional accuracy that has no analogs among the known biological processes. This fact alone suggests that the accuracy of developmental clock is very high. In addition to the constancy of s , all forming somites have equal linear size along the notochord axis. In the process with strictly constant temporal and spatial factors, time plays the leading role in triggering the formation of new somite. This became clear in studies of twin embryos. Both embryos had the same number of somites but they were shorter than in the normal embryos. Also, we measured the length of head and both segmented and unsegmented caudal parts of the trunk. Combined with the published data on somitogenesis, our results suggest that the previously proposed scheme for the role of developmental clock in embryogenesis predicts: (1) a possible loss of some embryonic stages without serious consequences for subsequent development and (2) periodic switching on/off any embryonic processes (at the molecular, cellular, or supercellular level) with intervals multiple to s .  相似文献   

Knowledge of temporal patterns of larval fish occurrence is limited in south China, despite its ecological importance. This research examines the annual and seasonal patterns of fish larval presence in the large subtropical Pearl River. Data is based on samples collected every two days, from 2006 to 2013. In total, 45 taxa representing 13 families and eight orders were sampled. The dominant larval family was Cyprinidae, accounting for 27 taxa. Squaliobarbus curriculus was the most abundant species, followed by Megalobrama terminalis, Xenocypris davidi, Cirrhinus molitorella, Hemiculter leuscisculus and Squalidus argentatus. Fish larvae abundances varied significantly throughout the seasons (multivariate analyses: Cluster, SIMPROF and ANOSIM). The greatest numbers occurred between May and September, peaking from June through August, which corresponds to the reproductive season. In this study, redundancy analysis was used to describe the relationship between fish larval abundance and associated environmental factors. Mean water temperature, river discharge, atmospheric pressure, maximum temperature and precipitation play important roles in larval occurrence patterns. According to seasonal variations, fish larvae occurrence is mainly affected by water temperature. It was also noted that the occurrence of Salanx reevesii and Cyprinus carpio larvae is associated with higher dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations, higher atmospheric pressure and lower water temperatures which occur in the spring. On the other hand, M. terminalis, X. davidi, and C. molitorella are associated with high precipitation, high river discharge, low atmospheric pressure and low DO concentrations which featured during the summer months. S. curriculus also peaks in the summer and is associated with peak water temperatures and minimum NH3–N concentrations. Rhinogobius giurinus occur when higher atmospheric pressure, lower precipitation and lower river discharges occur in the autumn. Dominant fish species stagger their spawning period to avoid intraspecific competition for food resources during early life stages; a coexistence strategy to some extent. This research outlines the environmental requirements for successful spawning for different fish species. Understanding processes such as those outlined in this research paper is the basis of conservation of fish community diversity which is a critical resource to a successful sustainable fishery in the Pearl River.  相似文献   

Much debate about assemblage organization in stream fish may stem from analysing the effects of both local and large-scale processes on assemblage attributes over whole geographic regions. This study addresses this issue, by examining the contribution of local habitat attributes and landscape context to fish assemblage variation across small Mediterranean drainages in southern Portugal. Fish abundance and species composition was estimated in 28 sites, across 10 drainages, in both a dry year (1999) and a wet year (2001), and related to two sets of variables reflecting habitat and landscape characteristics. Fish showed responses to both sets of variables with variance partitioning indicating that landscape context had important effects on species richness whereas habitat attributes were the primary determinants of local fish abundance. In general, high species richness was associated with larger drainage area and higher rainfall variability, whereas variation in species abundances mostly reflected the influence of width, depth, conductivity, current velocity, substrate size and emergent vegetation. The relative contributions of both landscape context and habitat attributes to species richness and abundance were generally lower in 1999 than in 2001, with much less diversified species–habitat relationships being found in the former dry year. These results point to the dynamic nature of assemblage organization, emphasizing the importance of innovative, multi-scale approaches in advancing our knowledge of fish assemblage structure in Mediterranean streams.  相似文献   

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