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Second-derivative Fourier transform infrared spectra of seaweed galactans   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The Fourier transform infrared spectra of agar, agarose, -, -, and -carrageenan, and ofChondrus canaliculatus, Iridaea ciliata, I. membranacea, I. laminarioides andGracilaria chilensis polysaccharides were recorded in the 4000–400 cm-1 region. The bands in the second derivative mode are sharper and more bands are resolved than in the normal spectra.Agar, agarose andG. chilensis phycocolloids exhibit diagnostic bands at 790 and 713 cm-1. -, - and -carrageenans, and native carrageenan-type polysaccharides fromC. canaliculatus andIridaea species exhibit bands at around 1160, 1140, 1100, 1070, 1040, 1008, 610, and 580 cm-1. Therefore, FT-IR spectroscopy in the second-derivative mode may be applied to differentiate between agar- and carrageenan-types seaweed galactans.  相似文献   

Wang T  Xu Y  Du D  Gai F 《Biopolymers》2004,75(2):163-172
We describe here a new method for determining the conformational stability of antiparallel beta-sheets. Due to coupling between the transition dipoles, beta-sheet conformations typically exhibit a characteristic high-frequency amide I component centered at approximately 1680 cm(-1). Using one beta-sheet protein and two small beta-hairpins, we demonstrate that this high-frequency component, which is fairly narrow (approximately 8-10 cm(-1)), can be quantitatively resolved and used in thermal stability determination. Compared with the commonly used CD and fluorescence techniques, this ir method offers advantages. Since the area of this high-frequency component is only proportional to the folded population, it eliminates the need for a priori information of the folded and unfolded baselines encountered in other methods. Thus, it is applicable to a variety of beta-sheet systems.  相似文献   

C W Chang  N Sekiya  K Yoshihara 《FEBS letters》1991,287(1-2):157-159
FTIR difference spectroscopic studies of M intermediate and LA bacteriorhodopsin in the O-H stretching region show bands at 3671 and 3641 cm-1, respectively. The O-H stretching bands in this region may reflect protonation-deprotonation changes or environmental change in the tyrosine residues in bR.  相似文献   

Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) is used to study the interaction of adriamycin molecule with DNA and/or cells. For the drug-DNA complexes, the data show that adriamycin interacts not only with the bases pair but also with the sugar-phosphate of DNA within intercalating process. In the case of treated tumor cells, spectra suggest that adriamycin could be interacting also with the proteins of the membrane. The obtained results show that FT-IR is a powerful technique in the study of biological system, say cells.  相似文献   

Second derivative Fourier transform infrared spectra of the proteins ribonuclease A, hemoglobin, and beta-lactoglobulin A (native and denatured) have been obtained in deuterium oxide solution from 1350 to 1800 cm-1. The relationship of the original spectra to their second derivatives is briefly discussed. In the second derivative spectra, clearly resolved peaks are observed which can be associated with the alpha-helix, beta-strands, and turns. No protein spectra with such resolution have heretofore been reported. Tentative assignments are proposed, and the observed peaks are related to the secondary structure of the proteins studied. The data appear to present the first direct spectroscopic evidence of turns in a native protein.  相似文献   

Secondary structures of proteins have been predicted using neural networks from their Fourier transform infrared spectra. To improve the generalization ability of the neural networks, the training data set has been artificially increased by linear interpolation. The leave-one-out approach has been used to demonstrate the applicability of the method. Bayesian regularization has been used to train the neural networks and the predictions have been further improved by the maximum-likelihood estimation method. The networks have been tested and standard error of prediction (SEP) of 4.19% for alpha helix, 3.49% for beta sheet, and 3.15% for turns have been achieved. The results indicate that there is a significant decrease in the SEP for each type of structure parameter compared to previous works.  相似文献   

Biochemical and crystallographic studies have shown that phospholipids are essential for the integrity and activity of membrane proteins. In the study presented here, we use electrochemically induced Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy to demonstrate variations occurring upon the presence and absence of lipids in NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) from Escherchia coli by following the C=O vibration of the lipid molecule. Complex I is activated in the presence of lipids. Interestingly, in electrochemically induced FTIR difference spectra of complex I from E. coli, a new signal at 1744/1730 cm(-1) appears after addition of E. coli polar lipids, concomitant with the oxidized or reduced form, respectively. Absorbance spectra of liposomes from mixed lipids at different pH values demonstrate shifts for the carbonyl vibration depending on the environment. On this basis we suggest that lipids, though not redox active themselves, contribute in reaction-induced FTIR difference spectra, if a change occurs in the direct environment of the lipid during the observed reaction or coupled processes.  相似文献   

We report the first Fourier transform infrared difference spectra of purple membrane. Evidence is presented that alterations in the vibrations of both the retinylidene chromophore and the protein groups of bacteriorhodopsin associated with photocycling can be detected. This method provides a new tool for probing the conformational changes occurring in bacteriorhodopsin during the proton pump cycle.  相似文献   

Hemolysis is a very common phenomenon and is referred as the release of intracellular components from red blood cells to the extracellular fluid. Hemolyzed samples are often rejected in clinics due to the interference of hemoglobin and intracellular components in laboratory measurements. Plasma and serum based vibrational spectroscopy studies are extensively applied to generate spectral biomarkers for various diseases. However, no studies have reported the effect of hemolysis in blood based vibrational spectroscopy studies. This study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of hemolysis on infrared and Raman spectra of blood plasma. In this study, prostate cancer plasma samples (n = 30) were divided into three groups (nonhemolyzed, mildly hemolyzed, and moderately hemolyzed) based on the degree of hemolysis and FTIR and Raman spectra were recorded using high throughput (HT)‐FTIR and HT‐Raman spectroscopy. Discrimination was observed between the infrared and Raman spectra of nonhemolyzed and hemolyzed plasma samples using principal component analysis. A classical least square fitting analysis showed differences in the weighting of pure components in nonhemolyzed and hemolyzed plasma samples. Therefore, it is worth to consider the changes in spectral features due to hemolysis when comparing the results within and between experiments.  相似文献   

Mention of a trademark, proprietary product, or vendor does not constitute a guarantee or warranty of the product by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products or vendors that might be suitable.Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was used to investigate spectral changes in the epidermis of zucchini squash resulting from low temperature storage-chilling (5°C) or non-chilling (15°C). Increased levels of fluid (water) were found in the tissue after 2 days of 5°C storage. This increase was reversed to harvest levels when chilled squash were warmed to room temperature for 1 day. After 3 days at 5°C and 1 day at room temperature, a further increase in fluid levels was found in the epidermis. Squash chilled for 3 days were apparently beyond recovery as indicated by spectral changes, although visual symptoms of chilling injury were not apparent until another 3 days of exposure to 5°C. Spectra of epidermis tissues from squash stored at 15°C indicated a pattern of increased non-reversible fluid accumulation when storage was prolonged. These results suggest that FTIR spectroscopy may be a rapid way to detect changes in chilled tissues before the eventual appearance of visible symptoms.  相似文献   

Previous C13-NMR studies showed that two of the four internal aspartic acid residues (Asp-96 and Asp-115) of bacteriorhodopsin (bR) are protonated up to pH = 10, but no accurate pKa of these residues has been determined. In this work, infrared spectroscopy with the attenuated total reflection technique was used to characterize pH-dependent structural changes of ground-state, dark-adapted wild-type bacteriorhodopsin and its mutant (D96N) with aspartic acid-96 replaced by asparagine. Data indicated deprotonation of Asp-96 at high pH (pKa = 11.4 +/- 0.1), but no Asp-115 titration was observed. The analysis of the whole spectral region characteristic to complex conformational changes in the protein showed a more complicated titration with an additional pKa value (pKa1 = 9.3 +/- 0.3 and pKa2 = 11.5 +/- 0.2). Comparison of results obtained for bR and the D96N mutant of bR shows that the pKa approximately 11.5 characterizes not a direct titration of Asp-96 but a protein conformational change that makes Asp-96 accessible to the external medium.  相似文献   

Two experiments were carried out to determine the effectiveness of steers and heifers, treated with oestrogen or testosterone, in the detection of oestrus in cattle.In the first experiment 17 steers castrated at birth and 16 castrated at 6 months of age were randomly allocated to three groups and received an 800 mg subcutaneous implant of testosterone, subcutaneous injections of 10 mg oestradiol benzoate per week for 16 weeks or no hormone (controls). In addition, six heifers were injected subcutaneously with 10 mg oestradiol benzoate per week for 16 weeks while six untreated heifers served as controls. Animals were observed in a standardised libido test 2, 4, 8, 16, 20 and 24 weeks after treatment commenced. The time to first mount and the number of mounts per animal responding in the presence of oestrous heifers were recorded. Both steers and heifers treated with oestradiol benzoate were superior at detection of oestrus in cattle than animals treated with testosterone or those receiving no hormone. Oestrogen-treated animals generally detected heifers in oestrus in less than 3 min after introduction and mounted these animals between 20 and 30 times in one hour. This response was consistent throughout the duration of the experiment. There was no effect of age at castration of steers on development of male behaviour.The second experiment determined the rate and degree of development of male behaviour in steers in response to weekly subcutaneous injections of 0, 2, 4, 8 or 16 mg oestradiol benzoate per 250 kg body weight, 250 mg testosterone or 150 mg dihydrotestosterone for a period of 15 weeks. Steers treated with oestradiol benzoate again proved to be more successful than untreated or testosterone-treated steers at consistently detecting and mounting oestrous heifers. The best response was obtained from steers treated with 8 mg/250 kg body weight per week. The practical application of this work is discussed.  相似文献   

We have developed a rapid method to screen large numbers of mutant plants for a broad range of cell wall phenotypes using Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) microspectroscopy of leaves. We established and validated a model that can discriminate between the leaves of wild-type and a previously defined set of cell-wall mutants of Arabidopsis . Exploratory principal component analysis indicated that mutants deficient in different cell-wall sugars can be distinguished from each other. Discrimination of cell-wall mutants from wild-type was independent of variability in starch content or additional unrelated mutations that might be present in a heavily mutagenised population. We then developed an analysis of FTIR spectra of leaves obtained from over 1000 mutagenised flax plants, and selected 59 plants whose spectral variation from wild-type was significantly out of the range of a wild-type population, determined by Mahalanobis distance. Cell wall sugars from the leaves of selected putative mutants were assayed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and 42 showed significant differences in neutral sugar composition. The FTIR spectra indicated that six of the remaining 17 plants have altered ester or protein content. We conclude that linear discriminant analysis of FTIR spectra is a robust method to identify a broad range of structural and architectural alterations in cell walls, appearing as a consequence of developmental regulation, environmental adaptation or genetic modification.  相似文献   

Hillier W  Babcock GT 《Biochemistry》2001,40(6):1503-1509
Vibrational spectroscopy provides a means to investigate molecular interactions within the active site of an enzyme. We have applied difference FTIR spectroscopy coupled with a flash turnover protocol of photosystem II (PSII) to study the oxygen evolving complex (OEC). Our data show two overlapping oscillatory patterns as the sample is flashed through the four-step S-state cycle that produces O(2) from two H(2)O molecules. The first oscillation pattern of the spectra shows a four-flash period four oscillation and reveals a number of new vibrational modes for each S-state transition, indicative of unique structural changes involved in the formation of each S-state. Importantly, the first and second flash difference spectra are reproduced in the 1800-1200 cm(-)(1) spectral region by the fifth and sixth flash difference spectra, respectively. The second oscillation pattern observed is a four-flash, period-two oscillation associated with changes primarily to the amide I and II modes and reports on changes in sign of these modes that alternate 0:0:1:1 during S-state advance. This four-flash, period-two oscillation undergoes sign inversion that alternates during the S(1)-to-S(2) and S(3)-to-S(0) transitions. Underlying this four-flash period two is a small-scale change in protein secondary structure in the PSII complex that is directly related to S-state advance. These oscillation patterns and their relationships with other PSII phenomena are discussed, and future work can initiate more detailed vibrational FTIR studies for the S-state transitions providing spectral assignments and further structural and mechanistic insight into the photosynthetic water oxidation reaction.  相似文献   

FTIR spectra of alamethicin have been obtained in KBr disk, methanol and in aqueous lipid dispersion (above and below the lipid phase transition). The solution structure of this polypeptide in methanol has been shown by recent studies (Esposito et al. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 1043-1050) using NMR spectroscopy to be predominantly alpha-helical in content. It may therefore be regarded as a model structure for the interpretation of the spectra of certain biomembrane proteins. A comparison of the spectra with that obtained with bacteriorhodopsin shows spectral similarities, e.g. the presence of a high-frequency amide I maximum at 1661-1663 cm-1 and shoulders near 1640 cm-1 and 1620 cm-1.  相似文献   

Here we report the development of a new neural network based approach for rapid quantification of protein secondary structure from Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra of proteins. A technique for efficiently reducing the amount of spectral data by almost 90% is suggested to facilitate faster neural network analysis. Additionally, an automatic procedure is introduced for selecting only those regions within the amide I band of protein FTIR spectra, which can be best related to secondary structure contents by subsequent neural network analysis. Based on a given reference set of FTIR spectra from proteins with known secondary structure, a subset of merely 29 out of 101 amide I absorbance values could be identified, which lead to an improved prediction accuracy. The average prediction accuracy achieved for helix, sheet, turn, bend, and other is 4.96% which is better than that achieved by alternative methods that have been previously reported indicating the significant potential of this approach. Our suggested automatic amide I frequency selection procedure may be easily extended to identify promising regions from spectral data recorded by other spectroscopic techniques, like for example circular dichroism spectroscopy.  相似文献   

For determining exercise-induced changes in plasma molecular species, we investigated the feasibility of using two-dimensional correlation spectra (2D-COS) on 21 series of plasma samples obtained from progressive exercise tests. Intensities of 2D synchronous and asynchronous correlation peaks were compared to concentration evolutions of glucose, lactate, triglycerides (TG), glycerol, fatty acyl moieties, amino acids, proteins, and albumin [determined from plasma Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectra] and to performance and training levels of athletes. Synchronous 2D-COS allowed us to determine the linear relationship between protein and fatty acid concentration evolutions as exercise intensity increased (nu1-nu2; 2959 vs 1656 and 1543 cm(-1)). Asynchronous 2D-COS allowed differentiation of fibrinolysis level in subjects during intense exercise, as well as parameters of fatty acid metabolism specifically related either to performance or to training levels. Furthermore, unexpected correlated evolutions of molecular species were highlighted by this method, showing that 2D spectrometry may also be used for experimental investigations on human physiology. This study has demonstrated that 2D-COS may be used for the treatment of complex biological samples, such as plasma.  相似文献   

Channelrhodopsin-2 (ChR2) is a microbial type rhodopsin and a light-gated cation channel that controls phototaxis in Chlamydomonas. We expressed ChR2 in COS-cells, purified it, and subsequently investigated this unusual photoreceptor by flash photolysis and UV-visible and Fourier transform infrared difference spectroscopy. Several transient photoproducts of the wild type ChR2 were identified, and their kinetics and molecular properties were compared with those of the ChR2 mutant E90Q. Based on the spectroscopic data we developed a model of the photocycle comprising six distinguishable intermediates. This photocycle shows similarities to the photocycle of the ChR2-related Channelrhodopsin of Volvox but also displays significant differences. We show that molecular changes include retinal isomerization, changes in hydrogen bonding of carboxylic acids, and large alterations of the protein backbone structure. These alterations are stronger than those observed in the photocycle of other microbial rhodopsins like bacteriorhodopsin and are related to those occurring in animal rhodopsins. UV-visible and Fourier transform infrared difference spectroscopy revealed two late intermediates with different time constants of tau = 6 and 40 s that exist during the recovery of the dark state. The carboxylic side chain of Glu(90) is involved in the slow transition. The molecular changes during the ChR2 photocycle are discussed with respect to other members of the rhodopsin family.  相似文献   

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