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On the basis of the data of rheovasography (RVG) and laser Doppler flowmetry, comparative analysis of age-related changes in the peripheral blood circulation in hand tissues has been performed in 36 apparently healthy subjects aged 4–30 years and in 19 patients aged 18–50 years under the conditions of prolonged traction during surgical lengthening of finger bone stumps. The age-related changes in RVG are characterized by a higher volumetric blood content of tissues in children and adolescents, a decrease in the peripheral vascular tone, and wavelike recovery of capillary blood flow during reactive hyperemia, which is evidence for an unstable capillary tone. The dynamics of RVG indices during graded stretching in vivo (distraction) shows the dominance of an enhanced peripheral tone of arterioles and venules, and the response of the hand skin capillary bed to a 3-min ischemic test is analogous to the dynamics of indices of capillary blood flow in the hand skin of children.  相似文献   

By means of ultrasonic method used in acute experiments on cats with closed chest under normal respiration the authors studied the blood flow in left low-lobar pulmonary artery and vein and in bronchial artery, as well as the blood pressure in pulmonary and femoral arteries in inhalation of next gaseous mixtures: 7.5% O2 in nitrogen; 30% O2; 3% CO2; 21% O2+ +79% He; 30% O2 + 67% He + 3% CO2. It was shown, that inhalation of the normoxic gaseous mixture, in which nitrogen is replaced by helium, did not call significant changes in pulmonary and systemic circulation. However, the presence of the helium in complicated gaseous mixture can change the reactivity of pulmonary and bronchial vessels to influence the components participating in these complicated gaseous mixtures.  相似文献   

The combination of the collateral blood flow in the heart and lungs with effects of Alpine hypoxia and pronounced additional loads was found to allow the detecting of plastical capacities of these organs in a sufficiently full volume. The experiments were performed in 273 dogs by microscopic, macro-microscopic, macroscopic and partly functional methods. The collateral coronary blood flow (after ligation of the anterior interventricular artery) under Alpine conditions (3200 m over the sea level) combined with compensatory hyperfunction of the heart (due to stenosing of the aorta arc), gets worse as compared with the conditions of the valley. In these experiments in mountains the extra- and intraorganic anastomoses are more pronounced, the capacity of the coronary artery branches being less pronounced than in the valley. The muscle fibres grow thicker, the heart weight enlarges, the diffusion distances of capillaries increase and the ratio of the arterial bed capacity and the heart weight decreases. Under Alphine conditions (as compared with the valley) the collateral blood flow of lungs deteriorates (after ligation of two lobar branches of the pulmonary artery or of the lobar vein) against the background of additional loads (stenosing of the aorta arc or pulmonectomy). Deterioration of the collateral bloodflow is related with the combination of conditions of the alphine hypoxia with additional loads resulting in a weakening or even block of compensatory reactions of pulmonary or bronchial arteries and veins.  相似文献   

Ten normal males rested sitting upright at an air temperature of 28 degrees C for 5.5 h (control, C) and underwent 4 h of graded water immersion (WI) to the umbilicus (UI), to the chest (CI), and to the neck (NI), respectively (water temperature = 34.5 degrees C), on different experimental days. Plasma arginine vasopressin (PAVP) was suppressed during WI compared with C and maximally so during NI. However, there was no change in PAVP comparing CI with UI even though central venous pressure (CVP) increased. CVP increased during CI and NI compared with C but was unchanged during UI, whereas cardiac output (rebreathing method), stroke volume, and plasma volume increased to approximately the same level during all three steps of WI compared with C. Heart rate and total peripheral vascular resistance decreased during UI, CI, and NI. Systolic arterial pressure (SAP) and pulse pressure (PP) were increased gradually from prestudy related to the degree of WI. Also diuresis, natriuresis, kaliuresis, osmotic excretion, and clearance were increased gradually compared with C, whereas free water clearance (CH2O) gradually decreased. There were weak negative but statistically significant correlations between PAVP and CVP and between changes in PAVP from prestudy and corresponding changes in SAP and PP. Furthermore, a statistically significant and negative correlation between CH2O and natriuresis could be established. We conclude that graded immersion gradually increases central blood volume and decreases PAVP. However, not only cardiopulmonary mechanoreceptors but also arterial baroreceptors may play a role in AVP suppression during WI in humans. In hydropenic subjects the suppression of PAVP during WI is apparently not effective in counteracting the decrease in CH2O induced by increased solute excretion.  相似文献   

A comparison of population dynamics of rotifers under natural conditions with those under intentionally-changed ones was carried out at one Lake and five outdoor pools. In Lake Numasawa, dominant rotifers under natural conditions for the past two years were Polyarthra trigla vulgaris, Kellicottia longispina, Ploesoma truncatum, Asplanchna priodonta and Filinia longiseta. Keratella hiemalis, K. cochlearis, K. valga tropica, Brachionus caudatus and Ascomorpha saltans appeared sporadically. Three months after the start of circulation of part of the lake water by a water power plant no remarkable changes were observed as far as the seasonal and vertical distribution of dominant rotifers are concerned. In five pools with different kinds and ratios of covering by such macrophytes as Eichornia and Lemna or reed screen, three types of rotifer communities were found. Type I: Liliferotrocha sp., Brachionus calyciflorus, (B. budapestinensis), B. angularis, K. valga tropica, etc., in which both densities and frequencies were generally reduced in proportion to the ratio of covering either with macrophytes or reed screens. Type II: Filinia longiseta, Polyarthra trigla vulgaris, Asplanchnella sieboldi, etc. in which densities and frequencies were increased by covering either with macrophytes or reed screens. Type III: Trichocerca pusilla, B. quadridentatus, B. leydigi rotundus, Scaridium longicaudum, Euchlanis dilatata, Dicranophorus sp., etc, in which no precise correlation was found between occurrences of the Rotifers and ratio of covering.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to describe hemodynamic response and regional blood flows through various organs and tissues (microsphere technique) in dogs (n = 8), at rest and during mild (4 km/h, 13% slope; heart rate = 154 bpm), moderate (4 km/h, 26% slope; heart rate = 201 bpm), and severe (4 km/h, 39% slope; heart rate = 266 bpm) exercise on treadmill. Cardiac output (rest: 3.2 +/- 0.3; 39% slope: 10.2 +/- 1.3 l/min; mean +/- SE), systolic aortic pressure (rest: 122 +/- 4; 39% slope: 158 +/- 9 mm Hg), and left atrial pressure (rest: 5 +/- 0.7; 39% slope: 11.0 +/- 0.6 mm Hg) increased linearly with workload. On the contrary stroke volume increased from rest (35 +/- 2 ml) to mild (38 +/- 2 ml) and moderate (42 +/- 3 ml) exercise but decreased in response to the severe workload (38 +/- 5 ml). Regional blood flows across the brain, femoral bone, adrenal glands and temporalis muscle were not modified during exercise. On the contrary, a marked increase in regional blood flow was observed through the flexor and extensor muscles of the limb (X 5 to X 15), the muscles of the back (X 4) and the diaphragm (X 2.5). The small inconsistent increase in nutritional tongue blood flow probably underestimated the increased perfusion through arteriovenous shunts in the mucosa for heat-loss purposes. Myocardial blood flow increased in a linear fashion with work load in both ventricles.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Regulation of blood glucose homeostasis during prolonged exercise   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The maintenance of normal blood glucose levels at rest and during exercise is critical. The maintenance of blood glucose homeostasis depends on the coordination and integration of several physiological systems, including the sympathetic nervous system and the endocrine system. During prolonged exercise increased demand for glucose by contracting muscle causes to increase glucose uptake to working skeletal muscle. Increase in glucose uptake by working skeletal muscle during prolonged exercise is due to an increase in the translocation of insulin and contraction sensitive glucose transporter-4 (GLUT4) proteins to the plasma membrane. However, normal blood glucose level can be maintained by the augmentation of glucose production and release through the stimulation of liver glycogen breakdown, and the stimulation of the synthesis of glucose from other substances, and by the mobilization of other fuels that may serve as alternatives. Both feedback and feedforward mechanisms allow glycemia to be controlled during exercise. This review focuses on factors that control blood glucose homeostasis during prolonged exercise.  相似文献   

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