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Mitochondrial DNA from 141 individuals was typed for diagnostic restriction sites and the 9-bp region V deletion to examine the distribution of the founding mtDNA lineage haplotypes in three Amerindian populations (Mataco, Toba, and Pilagá) who currently inhabit the Argentinian part of the Gran Chaco. All four lineages were identified in the three tribes and four population samples studied. Disregarding ethnic or geographic origin, haplogroups B and D exhibit high incidence among the Gran Chaco inhabitants, whereas haplogroups A and C are present in a lower frequency. Three individuals possess none of the characteristic markers and, therefore, could not be assigned to one of those lineages. A neighbor-joining representation of F(ST) distances reflects the current geographic location of the populations, and this also corresponds to their historic distribution. After separating South America into four major regions (Tropical Forest, Andes, Gran Chaco, and Patagonia-Tierra del Fuego), the Gran Chaco populations present the highest average intragroup variability (Hs = 0.64) as well as the lowest intergroup diversity (G(')(ST) = 0.06). These findings suggest high levels of gene flow among the Chaco tribes, as well as with neighbor populations from outside the region.  相似文献   

The Gran Chaco region of central South America has been settled by humans for only the last 4,000-5,000 years. To investigate population structure and variation in this region's indigenous population, we scored males from tribes of the Argentinean part of the Gran Chaco (Pilagá, Wichí, and Toba, representing two major language groups, the Mataco and Guaycurú) for a number of Y-chromosome polymorphisms. The markers included eight microsatellites (DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, and DYS439) and the unique native American single nucleotide polymorphism, DYS199. Sixty males (77%) from the total sample carried the DYS199T chromosome, and these were the focus of the present analysis. Unlike most other native Americans, Gran Chaco males show a moderate level of diversity at the DYS19 locus but still less than that seen in non-native Americans. The FST value for Y-chromosome markers in Gran Chaco was 0.107, a value that is more than double that found for mtDNA haplogroups in the same tribes but is not particularly high compared with other Y-chromosome studies. Phylogenetic trees based on all eight microsatellites showed relatively poor correlation of the tribes with either geography or language, and this is possibly explained by their ecology. They are seasonal hunters living in small bands, and under such circumstances drift will be a powerful evolutionary force. An UPGMA tree based on five microsatellites (DYS19, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, and DYS393), however, showed a more positive relationship, suggesting that DYS437, DYS438, and DYS439 may behave differently from the other microsatellites. No association was found between maternal and paternal lineage distributions. The time to the most recent common ancestor of the DYS199T chromosome is calculated to lie between 13,000 and 26,000 years. This range is consistent with estimates from other Y-chromosome studies as well as with estimates from mtDNA and the archeology of the colonization of South America. We conclude that the male lineages present in the contemporary Gran Chaco population reflect the level of diversity found in South America and that the region's male founders did not carry a restricted gene pool.  相似文献   

To characterise the botanical and geographical origin of honey from the Chaco region (Argentina), 189 samples of honey were examined for pollen content using standard methodology. A general feature was the high representation of pollen from native arboreal plants, mainly of Fabaceae and the scarcity of pollen from herbaceous plants. One hundred and twenty-three samples proved to be unifloral. The most common were from: Prosopis alba, Helianthus annuus, Sarcomphalus mistol, Eugenia uniflora and Schinopsis balansae followed by those of Copernicia alba, Trithrinax schizophylla, Tessaria integrifolia, Baccharis-Eupatorium, Cynophalla retusa, Schinopsis lorentzii, Gleditsia amorphoides, Heimia salicifolia, Pisonia zapallo, Sagittaria montevidensis and Bulnesia sarmientoi. The pollen spectrum allowed the Dry and Humid Chaco ecoregions to be distinguished. The presence of pollen from cultivated crops and naturalised plants reflects a transitional complex between both ecoregions.  相似文献   

In this work we establish theoretical daily pollen variation grains for the 24 taxa most frequently occurring in the atmosphere of Córdoba (Spain) during three consecutive years, namely Alnus glutinosa, Broussonetia papyrifera, Casuarina equisetifolia, Chenopodiaceae, Amaranthaceae, Cupressaceae, Cyperaceae, Ericaceae, Fraxinus, Gramineae, Mercurialis, Morus, Myrtaceae, Olea europaea, Palmae, Pinaceae, Pistacia, Plantago, Platanus hybrida, Populus, Quercus, Rumex, Typha domingensis, Ulmus minor and Urticaceae. Sampling was carried out using a Burkard spore-trap and the data collected were used to establish theoretical patterns of daily variation represented by an ideal day with accounts for the daily behaviour of each taxon.

The application of centred-data analysis (CDA) allowed two groups of taxa to be established, namely (a) those with a homogeneous variation pattern and small differences between the times of maximum and minimum occurrence, and (b) those with a heterogeneous variation pattern arising from large differences between maxima and minima or from a rather erratic variation.

As a rule, maximum pollen concentrations were found to coincide with the times of maximum sunlight and temperature.  相似文献   

We investigated the genetic differentiation of five X-chromosome STR markers among five native South American Amerindian populations inhabiting three different areas of the Gran Chaco: Mocoví, Chorote, Wichí, Lengua, and Ayoreo. The observed genetic structure showed correspondence with geographic distribution more clearly than previous information obtained from autosomal STRs for the same samples. On the other hand, X-chromosome STR data did not agree with linguistic affinities. These markers proved to be informative for the study of the native populations of the Gran Chaco region.  相似文献   

The liana Morrenia odorata is a widespread plant of the South American Gran Chaco, where both indigenous and non-indigenous groups use it as a food for much of the year. The fruit is the plant part most commonly eaten but, with the exception of the roots, all the other organs are consumed, though the different ethnic groups vary in their preferences. The resource is prepared in various ways: either raw, in salads, boiled, or roasted. Non-indigenous settlers use only the fruit and seeds, with which they prepare several dishes, in-cluding “docajam,” a regional dessert made with the fruit. The indigenous population considers it to be a very wholesome food and, despite the loss of many elements of their traditional diet, this plant continues to be highly valued. Although it is a wild plant, it is protected and even cultivated by several ethnic groups.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic habitat alteration has the capacity to alter the distribution of species. Capybara (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) are a widely distributed rodent throughout most of South America, but are restricted to areas of standing water. As the Gran Chaco ecosystem of Paraguay is converted from dry tropical forest to pastureland, we hypothesize that this alteration creates potential for invasion by capybara into newly fragmented areas. We surveyed throughout the Chaco to estimate the distribution of capybara, and we collected noninvasive genetic samples. We used ecological niche modeling based on six environmental or climatic variables, and we modeled both the current distribution of capybara and the distribution of capybara 80 years ago. We then verified the hypothesized demographic signal generated with our model using phylogeographic analyses of 386 bp of the mtDNA control region. Comparison of present and past models suggested that populations expanded into the Gran Chaco after forest was converted to pastureland. Analyses of the mitochondrial D‐loop supported the rapid range expansion scenario. We also found evidence of secondary contact of two distinct phylogroups which had previously been disjunct. Anthropogenic land transformation appeared to be a major factor influencing the distribution, as predicted by the niche model and confirmed by genetic data. Habitat modification altered connectivity of populations across the landscape. In addition, long separated clades of capybara are now admixed throughout the Paraguayan Chaco. The invasion of a large bodied herbivore into the High Chaco region may exacerbate the degradation of forest and prevent forest regeneration. As the reservoir host of several zoonotic diseases, the expansion and contact of two previously disjunct capybara populations has implications for disease emergence.  相似文献   

This study is the first contribution to knowledge of the relationships between Geotrigona argentina and the plants of the Argentine Dry Chaco forest. A total of 1260 g of honey (corresponding to 146 pots) and 763 g of pollen (63 pots) stored in four underground nests was studied. The honey pots from each nest were homogenised and the four honey samples were analysed by melissopalynological methods, whereas the pollen pots were studied individually. Both classical counts and counts affected by the volume of the pollen types were carried out. Pollen data were statistically analysed. Additional data on both protein and lipid content is also provided. A total of 39 pollen taxa were identified. Pollen collection was focused on a few pollen taxa: Prosopis, Castela coccinea, Maytenus and Capparis; these taxa, together with Ziziphus mistol and Pisonia zapallo, were also important nectar sources. The preliminary results show that pollen collection varied seasonally, being most diverse in the summer when G. argentina incorporates herbaceous plants into its diet. The pollen collection spectrum of G. argentina is similar to that of other Trigonina bees in that the main plant species collected are a few large shrubs or trees, whose flowering consists of small and clustered flowers. Pots with large amounts of monofloral loads with pollen from only a few species suggests an organised foraging behaviour that includes the recruitment of foragers, such as that observed in other eusocial bees.  相似文献   

In the high mountains of the Colombian Eastern Cordillera (~2000–3000 m above sea level), at the Altiplano Cundiboyacense region and surroundings, beekeepers have specialised in pollen production with substantial harvests all year round. Despite this productive advantage, the knowledge about plants used by honeybees as pollen resources is still limited. Hence, the aim of this work was to identify the botanical origin of bee pollen from this region and to examine differences between five distinguished sub-regions: Sabana de Bogotá, Fúquene, Márquez, Tundama and Norte-Gutiérrez. By means of palynological analyses of 86 pollen samples produced between 2008 and 2010, we found a total amount of 126 pollen types, most of them belonging to the families Asteraceae and Fabaceae. Major pollen types correspond to the exotic taxa Hypochaeris radicata, Brassicaceae, Eucalyptus globulus, Trifolium repens, Trifolium pratense and the native taxa Quercus humboldtii and Weinmannia sp. Differences between sample groups from the five sub-regions were mainly associated to variations in pollen abundance and frequency of native plant species. This result highlights the potential for commercialising bee-pollen from the Colombian Eastern Cordillera with geographical origin differentiation, as well as the importance for beekeeping in promoting the conservation of the natural ecosystems from the region.  相似文献   

This study reevaluates the hypothesis in Demarchi et al. (2001 Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 115:199-203) that Gran Chaco peoples demonstrate a unique pattern of genetic diversity due to a distinct regional population history. Specifically, they found populations in the central part of the Gran Chaco, or Central Chaco, to have higher within- and lower between-population mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup frequency variation compared to populations in other South American regions. To test this hypothesis of regional uniqueness, we applied analytical and simulation methods to mtDNA first hypervariable (HVI) region sequence data from a broad set of comparative South and Central American population samples. Contrary to the results of Demarchi et al. (2001 Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 115:199-203), we found that the Gran Chaco's regional within-population diversity is about average among regions, and populations are highly differentiated from each other. When we limited the scale of analysis to the Central Chaco, a more localized subregion of the Gran Chaco, our results fell more in line with the original findings of Demarchi et al. (2001 Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 115:199-203). Still, we conclude that neither the Gran Chaco regional pattern, nor the Central Chaco subregional pattern, is unique within South America. Nonetheless, the Central Chaco pattern accords well with the area's history, including pre-European contact lifeways and the documented historical use of the area as an interregional crossroads. However, we cannot exclude post-European contact disruption of traditional mating networks as an equally plausible explanation for the observed diversity pattern. Finally, these results additionally inform broader models of South American genetic diversity. While other researchers proposed an east-west continental division in patterns of genetic variation (e.g., Fuselli et al. 2003 Mol. Biol. Evol. 20:1682-1691), we found that in the geographically intermediate Central Chaco, a strict east-west divide in genetic variation breaks down. We suggest that future genetic characterizations of the continent, and subsequent interpretations of evolutionary history, involve a broad regional sampling of South American populations.  相似文献   

This work characterises monofloral honeys of the Yucatán Peninsula based on their pollen content. The sampling was carried out from January to July 2000. We examined 78 different honey samples from various parts of the Yucatán Peninsula including the states of Yucatán, Campeche and Quintana Roo. Pollen separated from honey was acetolysed, identified and counted. Through pollen analysis, 250 pollen taxa were identified, 180 of which had not been reported previously in Mexican honeys. Thirteen different types of monofloral honeys were found (with a percentage of ≥ 45%) within the honey produced in the Yucatán, Peninsula. These were: Viguiera dentata, Bursera simaruba, Piscidia piscipula, Eugenia sp. 2, Pimenta dioica, Melothria pendula, Gymnanthes lucida, Phoradendron quadrangulare, Gymnopodium floribundum, Rubiaceae 1, Thouinia paucidentata, Thouinia sp. 1, and Pouteria mammosa. This is the first study of monofloral honeys in Mexico and Central America. The characterisation of the honey may give an added market value as it permits us to separate the honeys of monofloral or multifloral origin. The results of this study indicate that it is possible to produce several monofloral honeys in a region with great plant diversity as the Yucatán Peninsula. We recommend installing apiaries in disturbed vegetation zones of the Yucatán Peninsula where an advanced succession of a tree layer exists. This supplies the nectar and pollen during the critical period in March and April which is the driest season.  相似文献   

Vectorial transmission of Chagas disease has been strongly reduced in most parts of the Southern Cone countries of South America, except in the Gran Chaco region of Argentina, Bolivia, and Paraguay. Given periodical interruptions of the vector control programmes in the endemic region of the Gran Chaco of Argentina, the vectorial transmission of the disease has been increasing during the last years. From the beginning of 2004, the provincial Ministry of Health of La Rioja, Argentina, started a vector control programme to cover the rural houses of the Los Llanos area in the southwestern area of the Gran Chaco region. This article reports the result of a standardized entomological survey and insecticide application against Chagas disease vectors in the intra and peridomestic structures of the rural houses of Los Llanos. A total of 4062 houses were inspected, of which 46.8% were found to be infested by Triatoma infestans. Infestation by vector species other than T. infestans was less than 0.5%(T. eratyrusiformis and T. platensis). Intradomestic infestation was found in 27.2%, whereas peridomestic infestation was found in 39.3% of the houses. The lowest figure of intradomestic infestation was 6.6% (Department F Varela), and the highest value of intradomestic infestation was 45.1% (Department Independencia). In spite of the demonstrated success of vector control elsewhere, this study shows that the vector populations are susceptible to pyrethroid insecticides in the southern area of the Gran Chaco of Argentina, that there still are regions where rural houses show heavy infestation by T. infestans associated with big peridomestic structures and that the vectorial transmission of the Chagas disease will continue, unless a sustained and well organized vector control effort is installed in the region.  相似文献   

Chromatographic and spectrophotometric methods were used to identify the floral anthocyanins of Broughtonia domingensis, B. negrilensis, B. sanguinea, Brassotonia ‘John Miller,’ Diabroughtonia, Brassavola nodosa, Cattleyopsis lindenii, and Cattleytonia ‘Rosy Jewell’ for the purpose of establishing chemotaxonomic relationships and inheritance patterns. Flowers of Brassavola nodosa were found to contain raphanusin C, an anthocyanin not present in Cattleyopsis lindenii or in any of the Broughtonia species and hybrids. Pelanin is present in flowers of Broughtonia domingensis and B. negrilensis, but not in those of B. sanguinea. Raphanusin B, raphanusin D, and pelargonidin-3-glucoside, 5-sophoroside which are present in B. sanguinea were also found in its intergeneric hybrids with Diacrium and Brassavola. These findings suggest that Cattleyopsis lindenii should not be transferred to Broughtonia and that B. domingensis, B. negrilensis, and B. sanguinea are separate species.  相似文献   



Chagas'' disease is an important public health concern in Latin America. Despite intensive vector control efforts using pyrethroid insecticides, the elimination of Triatoma infestans has failed in the Gran Chaco, an ecoregion that extends over Argentina, Paraguay, Bolivia and Brazil.The voltage-gated sodium channel is the target site of pyrethroid insecticides. Point mutations in domain II region of the channel have been implicated in pyrethroid resistance of several insect species.

Methods and Findings

In the present paper, we identify L925I, a new pyrethroid resistance-conferring mutation in T. infestans. This mutation has been found only in hemipterans. In T. infestans, L925I mutation occurs in a resistant population from the Gran Chaco region and is associated with inefficiency in the control campaigns. We also describe a method to detect L925I mutation in individuals from the field.

Conclusions and Significance

The findings have important implications in the implementation of strategies for resistance management and in the rational design of campaigns for the control of Chagas'' disease transmission.  相似文献   

  • Opuntia (Cactaceae) is known for high rates of hybridization and ploidisation, resulting in the formation of new species. The occurrence of two sympatric and closely related species of Opuntia, O. elata and O. retrorsa, in Brazilian Chaco enabled us to test the hypothesis that pre‐zygotic reproductive isolation mechanisms operate in both species.
  • We monitored the flowering period, as well as floral biology, and compared the morphological variation of floral structures through measurements, performed intra‐ and interspecific cross‐pollination tests, and recorded the guild of floral visitors and pollinators.
  • Flowering was seasonal and highly synchronous. Floral biology exhibits similar strategies, and although floral morphology differs significantly in many of the compared structures, such morphological variation does not result in the selection of exclusive pollinators. Floral visitors and pollinators are oligolectic bees shared by both species. Opuntia elata and O. retrorsa are self‐compatible. While interspecific cross‐pollination (bidirectional) resulted in germination, the pollen tube did not penetrate the stigma.
  • Opuntia elata and O. retrorsa are closely related; however, they are isolated and do not hybridise in Brazilian Chaco. We found that both have weak pre‐pollination barriers, but that they are strongly isolated by pollen–pistil incompatibility, i.e. post‐pollination barrier.

Triatomines are the vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi, the etiologic agent of Chagas disease, the main endemic disease affecting five to seven million people in Latin America. Besides Triatoma infestans, the most important T. cruzi vector in the Gran Chaco region, other triatomine species associated with sylvatic birds and mammals are responsible for the maintenance of the wild cycle of T. cruzi. The present study aimed at evaluating the house invasion by sylvatic triatomine species in rural communities of the Los Llanos region (La Rioja, Argentina) and its association with environmental variables. House invasion by flying adult triatomines was recorded by trained collectors that surveyed over 377 houses distributed over 73 localities in a 56,600 km2 study region, between October, 2014 and February, 2015. The result of the study showed the frequent house invasion by adult triatomines: 26.3% houses were infested in 53% of the localities. Seven sylvatic triatomine species were collected, with T. guasayana and T. garciabesi among the most abundant. House invasion by triatomine species showed no spatial aggregation and was not associated with temperature, precipitation, or vegetation cover at the spatial scale considered in the present study. House invasion by the epidemiologically important T. infestans is a concern of rural communities. Besides constituting a latent, although low, risk, the presence of these species negatively interferes with the vigilance activities of the provincial Chagas disease program.  相似文献   



Establishing the sources of reinfestation after residual insecticide spraying is crucial for vector elimination programs. Triatoma infestans, traditionally considered to be limited to domestic or peridomestic (abbreviated as D/PD) habitats throughout most of its range, is the target of an elimination program that has achieved limited success in the Gran Chaco region in South America.

Methodology/Principal Findings

During a two-year period we conducted semi-annual searches for triatomine bugs in every D/PD site and surrounding sylvatic habitats after full-coverage spraying of pyrethroid insecticides of all houses in a well-defined rural area in northwestern Argentina. We found six low-density sylvatic foci with 24 T. infestans in fallen or standing trees located 110–2,300 m from the nearest house or infested D/PD site detected after insecticide spraying, when house infestations were rare. Analysis of two mitochondrial gene fragments of 20 sylvatic specimens confirmed their species identity as T. infestans and showed that their composite haplotypes were the same as or closely related to D/PD haplotypes. Population studies with 10 polymorphic microsatellite loci and wing geometric morphometry consistently indicated the occurrence of unrestricted gene flow between local D/PD and sylvatic populations. Mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite sibship analyses in the most abundant sylvatic colony revealed descendents from five different females. Spatial analysis showed a significant association between two sylvatic foci and the nearest D/PD bug population found before insecticide spraying.


Our study shows that, despite of its high degree of domesticity, T. infestans has sylvatic colonies with normal chromatic characters (not melanic morphs) highly connected to D/PD conspecifics in the Argentinean Chaco. Sylvatic habitats may provide a transient or permanent refuge after control interventions, and function as sources for D/PD reinfestation. The occurrence of sylvatic foci of T. infestans in the Gran Chaco may pose additional threats to ongoing vector elimination efforts.  相似文献   

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