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Stimulation of PBMC, in children recovering from acute measles, with autologous EBV-transformed and measles virus (MV)-infected lymphoblastoid cell lines (B-LCL) expanded primarily MV-specific CD8+ T cells. A large number of CD8+ T cell clones were obtained either by passaging of bulk cultures at limiting dilutions or by direct cloning of PBMC without previous stimulation in bulk culture. The MV-specific CD8+ T cell clones responding in a proliferative and a CTL assay were found to be class I MHC restricted. In contrast, CD4+ MV-specific T cell clones, which were generated by the same protocol, recognized MV in association with class II MHC molecules. Analysis of processing requirements for Ag presentation to CD8+ and CD4+ T cell clones, measured by the effect of chloroquine in a proliferative T cell response, revealed that both types of T cells recognized MV Ag processed via the endogenous/cytoplasmic pathway. Thus, these studies indicate that, as in most other viral infections and in contrast to previous suggestions, the class I MHC-restricted CTL response by CD8+ T cells may be an important factor in the control and elimination of MV infection. Therefore, the role proposed for CD4+ class II-restricted T cells in recovery from measles needs to be reevaluated.  相似文献   

To explore the relative importance of direct presentation vs cross-priming in the induction of CTL responses to viruses and viral vectors, we generated a recombinant vaccinia vector, vUS11, expressing the human CMV (HCMV) protein US11. US11 dislocates most allelic forms of human and murine MHC class I heavy chains from the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum into the cytosol, where they are degraded by proteasomes. Expression of US11 dramatically decreased the presentation of viral Ag and CTL recognition of infected cells in vitro without significantly reducing total cell surface MHC class I levels. However, because US11 is an endoplasmic reticulum resident membrane protein, it cannot block presentation by non-infected cells that take up Ag through the cross-priming pathway. We show that the expression of US11 strongly inhibits the induction of primary CD8(+) CTLs when the infection occurs via the i.p. or i.v. route, demonstrating that direct priming is critical for the induction of CTL responses to viral infections introduced via these routes. This effect is less dramatic following i.m. infection and is minimal after s.c. or intradermal infection. Thus, classic MHC class I Ag presentation and cross-priming contribute differentially to the induction of CD8(+) CTLs following exposure to vaccinia virus via different routes.  相似文献   

Therapeutic vaccination trials, in which patients with cancer were vaccinated with minimal CTL peptide in oil-in-water formulations, have met with limited success. Many of these studies were based on the promising data of mice studies, showing that vaccination with a short synthetic peptide in IFA results in protective CD8(+) T cell immunity. By use of the highly immunogenic OVA CTL peptide in IFA as a model peptide-based vaccine, we investigated why minimal CTL peptide vaccines in IFA performed so inadequately to allow full optimization of peptide vaccination. Injection of the minimal MHC class I-binding OVA(257-264) peptide in IFA transiently activated CD8(+) effector T cells, which eventually failed to undergo secondary expansion or to kill target cells, as a result of a sustained and systemic presentation of the CTL peptides gradually leaking out of the IFA depot without systemic danger signals. Complementation of this vaccine with the MHC class II-binding Th peptide (OVA(323-339)) restored both secondary expansion and in vivo effector functions of CD8(+) T cells. Simply extending the CTL peptide to a length of 30 aa also preserved these CD8(+) T cell functions, independent of T cell help, because the longer CTL peptide was predominantly presented in the locally inflamed draining lymph node. Importantly, these functional differences were reproduced in two additional model Ag systems. Our data clearly show why priming of CTL with minimal peptide epitopes in IFA is suboptimal, and demonstrate that the use of longer versions of these CTL peptide epitopes ensures the induction of sustained effector CD8(+) T cell reactivity in vivo.  相似文献   

It has been generally believed that human CD8+ memory cells are principally found within the CD45ROhigh population. There are high frequencies of CD8+ memory CTL specific for the human CMV tegument phosphoprotein pp65 in PBMC of long-term virus carriers; the large population of memory CTL specific for a given pp65 peptide contains individual CTL clones that have greatly expanded. In this study, we found high frequencies of pp65 peptide-specific memory CTL precursors in the CD45ROhighCD45RA- population, but also appreciable frequencies in the CD45RAhigh subpopulation. Because the majority of CD8+ T cells in PBMC are CD45RAhigh, more of the total pp65-specific memory CTL pool is within the CD45RAhigh than in the CD45ROhigh compartment. Using clonotypic oligonucleotide probes to quantify the size of individual pp65-specific CTL clones in vivo, we found the CD45RAhigh population contributed 6- to 10-fold more than the CD45ROhigh population to the total virus-specific clone size in CD8+ cells. During primary CMV infection, an individual virus-specific CTL clone was initially CD45ROhigh, but after resolution of infection this clone was detected in both the CD45ROhigh and the CD45RAhigh populations. We conclude that CD45RA+ human CD8+ T cells do not solely comprise naive cells, but contain a very significant proportion of memory cells, which can revert from the CD45ROhigh to CD45RAhigh phenotype in vivo.  相似文献   

For viruses that establish persistent infection, continuous immunosurveillance by effector-competent antiviral CD8(+) T cells is likely essential for limiting viral replication. Although it is well documented that virus-specific memory CD8(+) T cells synthesize cytokines after short term in vitro stimulation, there is limited evidence that these T cells exhibit cytotoxicity, the dominant antiviral effector function. Here, we show that antiviral CD8(+) T cells in mice acutely infected by polyoma virus, a persistent mouse pathogen, specifically eliminate viral peptide-pulsed donor spleen cells within minutes after adoptive transfer and do so via a perforin-dependent mechanism. Antiviral memory CD8(+) T cells were similarly capable of rapidly mobilizing potent Ag-specific cytotoxic activity in vivo. These findings strongly support the concept that a cytotoxic effector-memory CD8(+) T cell population operates in vivo to control this persistent viral infection.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DC) can be generated in vitro from monocytes (M-DC) or from CD34+ hemopoietic progenitor cells (CD34-DC) but their precursors are not equivalent cells, prompting a comparison of the functional capacities of these APC. Both types of DCs established from the same individuals using the same cytokines displayed a comparable phenotype of mature DC (CD1a+, CD83+, CD86+, CD4+, HLA-DR++, CD14-, CD15- ) and were equally potent stimulators of allogeneic T cell proliferation, being both more powerful than immature M-DCs. An autologous panel of APCs produced in HLA-A2+ individuals, including CD34-DC, M-DC, monocytes, and EBV-lymphoid cell line was comparatively evaluated for presentation of the Erb-B2 peptide E75 to a CTL line. After short exposures (5 h) to E75-loaded APCs, similar levels of intracellular IFN-gamma were induced in Ag-specific CD8+ T cells regardless of APC type. In sustained cultures (4-14 days), more Ag-specific T cells were obtained when peptide was presented on CD34-DC (p < 0.05) rather than on M-DC, EBV-lymphoid cell lines, or monocytes, and these effects were dose-dependent. Activated T cells expressed 4-1BB, and the presence of 4-1BB-Ig fusion protein partially blocked Ag-specific CD8+ cell activation after CD34-DC or M-DC presentation. Our results show that 34-DC have a preferential capacity to activate CD8+ T cells and that this property is not strictly correlated to their ability to induce allogeneic T cell proliferation but due to mechanisms that remain to be defined.  相似文献   

Immunization with antigen-pulsed dendritic cells (DCs) can be used to elicit optimal immune responses. We developed the SRDC cell line, with a morphology, phenotype and activity similar to mouse splenic CD4(-)CD8alpha(+)CD205(+)CD11b(-) dendritic cells, which induce a polarized Th1 immune response. We evaluated the ability of SRDCs pulsed with HIV-1 viral lysate, oligomeric soluble gp140 or capsid p24 to induce specific antibody and T-cell responses in CBA/J mice. Immunization with all loaded SRDCs elicited antibody responses against the antigens tested. However, only HIV-1 viral lysate and gp140-pulsed SRDCs elicited specific CD4(+) and CD8(+) T-cell responses. These findings demonstrate the value of well characterized DC lines for optimizing the antigen-loading mixture, according to the DC population targeted. Our data suggest that splenic DCs pulsed with complex antigens, such as HIV-1 viral lysate or oligomeric soluble gp140, could be used as vaccines, eliciting strong primary Th1-polarized and humoral immune responses against HIV proteins in vivo.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) viral protein R (Vpr) plays a crucial role in viral replication and pathogenesis by inducing cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, translocation of preintegration complex, potentiation of glucocorticoid action, impairment of dendritic cell (DC) maturation, and T-cell activation. Recent studies involving the direct effects of Vpr on DCs and T cells indicated that HIV-1 containing Vpr selectively impairs phenotypic maturation, cytokine network, and antigen presentation in DCs and dysregulates costimulatory molecules and cytokine production in T cells. Here, we have further investigated the indirect effect of HIV-1 Vpr(+) virus-infected DCs on the bystander CD8(+) T-cell population. Our results indicate that HIV-1 Vpr(+) virus-infected DCs dysregulate CD8(+) T-cell proliferation and induce apoptosis. Vpr-containing virus-infected DC-mediated CD8(+) T-cell killing occurred in part through enhanced tumor necrosis factor alpha production by infected DCs and subsequent induction of death receptor signaling and activation of the caspase 8-dependent pathway in CD8(+) T cells. Collectively, these results provide evidence that Vpr could be one of the important contributors to the host immune escape by HIV-1 through its ability to dysregulate both directly and indirectly the DC biology and T-cell functions.  相似文献   

The need for an intact immune system for cancer radiation therapy to be effective suggests that radiation not only acts directly on the tumor but also indirectly, through the activation of host immune components. Recent studies demonstrated that endogenous type I interferons (type I IFNs) play a role in radiation-mediated anti-tumor immunity by enhancing the ability of dendritic cells to cross-prime CD8+ T cells. However, it is still unclear to what extent endogenous type I IFNs contribute to the recruitment and function of CD8+ T cells. Little is also known about the effects of type I IFNs on myeloid cells. In the current study, we demonstrate that type I and type II IFNs (IFN-γ) are both required for the increased production of CXCL10 (IP-10) chemokine by myeloid cells within the tumor after radiation treatment. Radiation-induced intratumoral IP-10 levels in turn correlate with tumor-infiltrating CD8+ T cell numbers. Moreover, type I IFNs promote potent tumor-reactive CD8+ T cells by directly affecting the phenotype, effector molecule production, and enhancing cytolytic activity. Using a unique inducible expression system to increase local levels of IFN-α exogenously, we show here that the capacity of radiation therapy to result in tumor control can be enhanced. Our preclinical approach to study the effects of local increase in IFN-α levels can be used to further optimize the combination therapy strategy in terms of dosing and scheduling, which may lead to better clinical outcome.  相似文献   

D Spehner  A Kirn    R Drillien 《Journal of virology》1991,65(11):6296-6300
A vaccinia virus recombinant containing the measles virus nucleoprotein gene was shown to induce the synthesis of a 60 kDa phosphorylated nucleoprotein similar to authentic measles virus nucleoprotein. Mammalian or avian cells infected with the recombinant virus displayed tubular structures reminiscent of viral nucleocapsids both in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus. Such structures could be labelled in situ by using an immunogold detection method specific for measles virus proteins. Electron microscopic examination of tubular structures purified from cells infected with the vaccinia virus recombinant indicated that they displayed most of the features of measles virus nucleocapsids, although their length was on the average shorter. These results demonstrate the spontaneous assembly of measles virus nucleocapsids in the absence of viral leader RNA and provide a means for a detailed molecular analysis of the requirements for nucleocapsid assembly. Furthermore, these findings raise the possibility of achieving complete assembly of measles virus particles, devoid of infectious RNA, by using a vaccinia virus vector.  相似文献   

The skin is an attractive target for antigen-specific vaccination. Particle bombardment of the epidermis with plasmid DNA using the gene gun results in antigen expression in keratinocytes of the epidermis leading to antigen presentation in the draining lymph nodes by migratory dendritic cells (DC). In order to better understand the role of the skin in stimulating antigen-specific CD8+cytotoxic T cells (CTL), we compared gene gun immunization with intracutaneous injections of antigen-transduced DC. A single intracutaneous injection of antigen-transduced DC was able to induce in vivo expansion of CD8+CTL specific for the model antigen chicken ovalbumin while four simultaneous shots with the gene gun were not effective. Antigen-transduced DC were much more efficient than particle bombardment of the epidermis in stimulating adoptively transferred TCR-transgenic CD8+CTL in the draining lymph nodes. Employing the novel technique of in vivo bioluminescence imaging, we demonstrated efficient gene transfer to the skin following gene gun bombardment and confirmed that a similar amount of antigen reached the lymph node when compared with injection of antigen-transduced DC. Our results suggest that direct transfection of the skin does not optimally reach and activate appropriate antigen-presenting DC. We believe that this reflects the immunological function of the epidermis which must balance immunity and tolerance to foreign antigens. Further investigations will have to address the role of Langerhans cells for the activation of cellular immunity in the skin.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which CD8+ T cells from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected individuals suppress HIV replication in acutely infected CD4+ T cells was investigated. Cytotoxicity was not involved, as the antiviral activity of the CD8+ cells did not correlate with the ability to lyse HIV-infected or uninfected CD4+ T cells. In addition, the frequency of HIV-infected CD4+ cells increased during coculture with CD8+ T cells even in the absence of detectable levels of virus replication. Moreover, separation of the CD4+ and CD8+ cells by a 0.4-micron-pore-size filter delayed HIV replication, indicating a role, at least in part, for a soluble factor. However, cell contact was required for optimal antiviral activity. These results extend further the observation on the mechanism of antiviral HIV activity by CD8+ cells from infected individuals. They support the conclusion that CD8+ cells can play a major role in preventing development of disease in HIV-infected individuals.  相似文献   

Little is known regarding the participation of CD4+ CD25+ regulatory T cells (Treg) in TCD8+ responses. In this study, we show that Treg depletion via treatment with anti-CD25 mAb (PC61) significantly enhances TCD8+ responses to influenza A virus, vaccinia virus, and SV40-transformed cells induced by either direct priming or cross-priming. PC61 did not enhance TCD8+ responses in CD4-deficient mice, providing the initial demonstration that PC61 acts on a subset of TCD4+, and not on other cells that express either CD25 or a fortuitously cross-reactive Ag. We further show that Treg selectively suppress responses to the most immunodominant TCD8+ determinants in the three systems examined. Therefore, Treg influence TCD8 immunodominance hierarchies by moderating disparities in responses to different determinants.  相似文献   

The ex vivo priming and expansion of human CTL by APC, such as autologous monocyte-derived dendritic cells (DC), has the potential for use in immunotherapy for infectious diseases and cancer. To overcome the difficulty of obtaining sufficient number of autologous DC from patients, we have developed cell-based artificial APC (aAPC), designated Med-APC. These aAPC rapidly activate and expand the corresponding Ag-specific CD8+ T cells when pulsed with CTL epitope peptide(s) as efficiently as mature DC (mDC). We have also shown that Med-APC possess an innate cellular machinery that is sufficient to support the processing of complete Ag into immunodominant peptides, which considerably extends the usefulness of this technology. In addition, we have developed a novel expression vector system that expresses ubiquitinated Ag, resulting in an enhanced APC function of this system. Genetically encoded Ag can be easily introduced into Med-APC by transfection with this vector. Med-APC transfected with ubiquitinated Ag can efficiently expand the corresponding Ag-specific CTL without exogenous peptides. Therefore, Med-APC may have important therapeutic implications for adoptive immunotherapy and can be used for the detection of Ag-specific CTL for immunomonitoring.  相似文献   

CTL play a major role in immunity to HSV type 1, but little is known about the priming process. In this study, we have examined the class I-restricted presentation of an immunodominant determinant from HSV-1 glycoprotein B after footpad infection. We have found that the only cell types capable of presenting this determinant in draining popliteal lymph nodes within the first 3 days after infection are the CD11c(+)CD8alpha(+)CD45RA(-) dendritic cells. Given that such class I-restricted presentation is essential for CTL priming, this implies that these conventional CD8alpha(+) dendritic cells are the key subset involved in CTL immunity to this virus.  相似文献   

Understanding immune mechanisms influencing cancer regression, recurrence, and metastasis may be critical to developing effective immunotherapy. Using a tumor expressing HIV gp160 as a model viral tumor Ag, we found a growth-regression-recurrence pattern, and used this to investigate mechanisms of immunosurveillance. Regression was dependent on CD8 T cells, and recurrent tumors were resistant to CTL, had substantially reduced expression of epitope mRNA, but retained the gp160 gene, MHC, and processing apparatus. Increasing CTL numbers by advance priming with vaccinia virus expressing gp160 prevented only the initial tumor growth but not the later appearance of escape variants. Unexpectedly, CD4 cell depletion protected mice from tumor recurrence, whereas IL-4 knockout mice, deficient in Th2 cells, did not show this protection, and IFN-gamma knockout mice were more susceptible. Purified CD8 T cells from CD4-depleted mice following tumor regression had more IFN-gamma mRNA and lysed tumor cells without stimulation ex vivo, in contrast to CD4-intact mice. Thus, the quality as well as quantity of CD8+ CTL determines the completeness of immunosurveillance and is controlled by CD4 T cells but not solely Th2 cytokines. This model of immunosurveillance may indicate ways to enhance the efficacy of surveillance and improve immunotherapy.  相似文献   

T cell-mediated protection against a recombinant vaccinia virus was evaluated in mice with respect to the relative contributions of CTL vs that of T cell-dependent IL and of CD4+ cells. H-2b mice primed with the wildtype of vesicular stomatitis virus serotype Indiana (VSV-IND wt) mount an in vitro measurable cytotoxic response against the nucleoprotein (NP) of VSV-IND and are protected against a challenge infection with a vaccinia-VSV recombinant virus expressing the NP of VSV-IND (vacc-IND-NP). Their protective mechanism was highly susceptible to in vivo depletion of CD8+ T cells, but resistant to CD4+ depletion or treatment with anti-IFN-gamma and anti-TNF-alpha. Surprisingly, also VSV-CTL nonresponder H-2k mice were protected against a challenging infection with vacc-IND-NP when primed with VSV-IND wt. In contrast to the CTL responder H-2b mice, this protection was highly susceptible to CD4+ T cell depletion and to anti-IFN-gamma or anti-TNF-alpha treatment, but resistant to CD8+ T cell depletion. Antibodies were not responsible because they failed to transfer protection; in contrast CD4+ T cells conferred significant protection. VSV-CTL responder H-2b and nonresponder H-2k mice were protected almost equally well against a challenge dose of 10(3) pfu vacc-IND-NP inoculated intracerebrally. However, after intracerebral challenge with 5 x 10(6) pfu vacc-IND-NP, the CTL nonresponder mice died, whereas the CTL responder mice eliminated the virus by day 5. These results collectively show that CD4+ T cell-dependent IL may mediate antiviral protection, but their efficiency is relatively weak compared with CD8-mediated protection correlating with cytotoxic activity in vitro.  相似文献   

S Shibata  S Kyuwa  S K Lee  Y Toyoda    N Goto 《Journal of virology》1994,68(11):7540-7545
Morphological changes of mouse hepatitis virus-infected J774.1 cells cocultured with cloned mouse hepatitis virus-specific CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes were examined by electron microscopy. Condensation and margination of chromatin, cellular shrinkage with severe vacuolar degeneration, and blebbing were observed. In addition, fragmentation of cellular DNA was observed, and a decrease in virus titer was accompanied by those changes. These findings show that the cloned cytotoxic T lymphocytes induce in the target cell an internal degradation program termed apoptosis, which results in virus clearance.  相似文献   

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