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The aim of this study was to design, implement and analyze a space-efficient setup for the whole-body exposure of unrestrained Wistar rats to radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields at 900 MHz. The setup was used for 2 years in a cocarcinogenesis study and part of it for 5 weeks in a central nervous system (CNS) study. Up to 216 rats could be placed in separate cages in nine different exposure chambers on three racks requiring only 9 m2 of floor area (24 rats per m2). Chambers were radial transmission lines (RTL), where the rats could freely move in their cages where food and drinking water was provided ad libitum except during RF exposure periods. Dosimetrical analysis was based on FDTD computations with heterogeneous rat models and was validated with calorimetrical measurements carried out with homogeneous phantoms. The estimated whole-body average specific absorption rates (SAR) of rats were 0 (sham), 0.4, and 1.3 W/kg in the cocarcinogenesis study and 0 (sham), 0.27, and 2.7 W/kg in the CNS study with an estimated uncertainty of 3 dB (K = 2). The instantaneous and lifetime variations of whole-body average SAR due to the movement of rats were estimated to be 2.3 and 1.3 dB (K = 1), respectively.  相似文献   

A new microwave exposure system for biological experiments with well-defined exposure conditions and improved control of the exposure parameters consisting of variable frequency power source, coaxial to waveguide transition, matching network and single-mode resonant cavity with movable shorting plunger was fabricated and characterized. The introduction of a biological sample into a resonant cavity has a large impact on its field configuration and port impedance. As such, the properties, geometry and position of the biological sample become a part of the electrical properties of the microwave circuit. With that change, the electrical properties of the resonant cavity, such as impedance, quality factor and resonant frequency, also change. In this study, an appropriate coupling system with effective power transfer and an algorithm to tuning and coupling of resonant cavity in resonance before and after the introduction of biological sample have been proposed. This procedure will lead to a known dose distribution within the biological sample and allow a better comparison with other studies. Coupling of the electromagnetic energy into a resonant cavity was experimentally investigated. Graphical representation of cavity impedance in case of undercoupled, critically coupled and overcoupled cavity has been presented. Critical coupling of an empty resonant cavity has been accomplished at voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) 1.01, at resonance frequencies 900 and 947.5 MHz. Critical coupling with the introduction of a biological sample has been accomplished at VSWR ≤ 1.07 for frequency bandwidth 1 MHz and VSWR ≤ 1.5 for frequency bandwidth up to 5 MHz with central frequency 947.5 MHz.  相似文献   

The design, construction, and results of evaluation of an animal-exposure system for the study of biological effects of extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields are described. The system uses a square coil arrangement based on a modification of the Helmholtz coil. Due to the cubic configuration of this exposure system, horizontal and vertical magnetic fields as high as 0.3 mT can be generated. Circularly polarized magnetic fields can also be generated by changing the current and phase difference between two sets of coils. Tests were made for uniformity of the magnetic field, stray fields, sham-exposure ratio of stray field, changes of temperature and humidity, light intensity and distribution inside the animal-housing space, and noise due to air-conditioning equipment. Variation of the magnetic field was less than 2% inside the animal housing. The stray-field level inside the sham-exposure system is less than 2% of experimental exposure levels. The system can be used for simultaneous exposure of 48 rats (2 to a cage) or 96 mice (4 to a cage). © 1993 Wiley-Liss. Inc.  相似文献   

The so-called carousel setup has been widely utilized for testing the hypotheses of adverse health effects on the central nervous system (CNS) due to mobile phone exposures in the frequency bands 800-900 MHz. The objectives of this article were to analyze the suitability of the setup for the upper mobile frequency range, i.e., 1.4-2 GHz, and to conduct a detailed experimental and numerical dosimetry for the setup at the IRIDIUM frequency band of 1.62 GHz. The setup consists of a plastic base on which ten rats, restrained in radially positioned tubes, are exposed to the electromagnetic field emanating from a sleeved dipole antenna at the center. Latest generation miniaturized dosimetric E field and temperature probes were used to measure the specific absorption rate (SAR) inside the brain of three rat cadavers of the Lewis strain and two rat cadavers of the Fisher 344 strain. A numerical analysis was conducted on the basis of three numerical rat phantoms with voxel sizes between 1.5 and 0.125 mm3 that are based on high resolution MRI scans of a 300 g male Wistar rat and a 370 g male Sprague-Dawley rat. The average of the assessed SAR values in the brain was 2.8 mW/g per W antenna input power for adult rats with masses between 220 and 350 g and 5.3 mW/g per W antenna input power for a juvenile rat with a mass of 95 g. The strong increase of the SAR in the brain with decreasing animal size was verified by simulations of the absorption in numerical phantoms scaled to sizes between 100 and 500 g with three different scaling methods. The study also demonstrated that current rat phantom models do not provide sufficient spatial resolution to perform absolute SAR assessment for the brain tissue. The variation of the SAR(brain)(av) due to changes in position was assessed to be in the range from +15% to -30%. A study on the dependence of the performance of the carousel setup on the frequency revealed that efficiency, defined as SAR(brain)(av) per W antenna input power, and the ratio between SAR(brain)(av) and SAR(body)(av) are optimal in the mobile communications frequency range, i.e., 0.8-3 GHz.  相似文献   

This study is aimed at evaluating the effect of microwave radiation on human brain bioelectric activity at different levels of exposure. For this purpose, 450 MHz microwave exposure modulated at 40 Hz frequency was applied to a group of 15 healthy volunteers at two different specific absorption rate (SAR) levels: a higher level of 0.303 W/kg (field strength 24.5 V/m) and a lower level of 0.003 W/kg (field strength 2.45 V/m). Ten exposure cycles (1 min off and 1 min on) at fixed SAR values were applied. A resting eyes‐closed electroencephalogram (EEG) was continuously recorded. Results showed a statistically significant increase in the EEG power in the EEG beta2 (157%), beta1 (61%) and alpha (68%) frequency bands at the higher SAR level, and in the beta2 (39%) frequency band at the lower SAR level. Statistically significant changes were detected for six individual subjects in the EEG alpha band and four subjects in the beta1 and beta2 bands at the higher SAR level; three subjects were affected in the alpha, beta1 and beta2 bands at the lower SAR level. The study showed that decreasing the SAR 100 times reduced the related changes in the EEG three to six times and the number of affected subjects, but did not exclude the effect. Bioelectromagnetics 34:264–274, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In occupational environments, an increasing number of electromagnetic sources emitting complex magnetic field waveforms in the range of intermediate frequencies is present, requiring an accurate exposure risk assessment with both in vitro and in vivo experiments. In this article, an in vitro exposure system able to generate complex magnetic flux density B‐fields, reproducing signals from actual intermediate frequency sources such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners, for instance, is developed and validated. The system consists of a magnetic field generation system and an exposure apparatus realized with a couple of square coils. A wide homogeneity (99.9%) volume of 210 × 210 × 110 mm3 was obtained within the coils, with the possibility of simultaneous exposure of a large number of standard Petri dishes. The system is able to process any numerical input sequence through a filtering technique aimed at compensating the coils' impedance effect. The B‐field, measured in proximity to a 1.5 T MRI bore during a typical examination, was excellently reproduced (cross‐correlation index of 0.99). Thus, it confirms the ability of the proposed setup to accurately simulate complex waveforms in the intermediate frequency band. Suitable field levels were also attained. Moreover, a dosimetry index based on the weighted‐peak method was evaluated considering the induced E‐field on a Petri dish exposed to the reproduced complex B‐field. The weighted‐peak index was equal to 0.028 for the induced E‐field, indicating an exposure level compliant with the basic restrictions of the International Commission on Non‐Ionizing Radiation Protection. Bioelectromagnetics 34:211–219, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The aim of this project was to develop an animal exposure system for the biological effect studies of radio frequency fields from handheld wireless telephones, with energy deposition in animal brains comparable to those in humans. The finite‐difference time‐domain (FDTD) method was initially used to compute specific absorption rate (SAR) in an ellipsoidal rat model exposed with various size loop antennas at different distances from the model. A 3 × 1 cm rectangular loop produced acceptable SAR patterns. A numerical rat model based on CT images was developed by curve‐fitting Hounsfield Units of CT image pixels to tissue dielectric properties and densities. To design a loop for operating at high power levels, energy coupling and impedance matching were optimized using capacitively coupled feed lines embedded in a Teflon rod. Sprague Dawley rats were exposed with the 3 × 1 cm loop antennas, tuned to 837 or 1957 MHz for thermographically determined SAR distributions. Point SARs in brains of restrained rats were also determined thermometrically using fiberoptic probes. Calculated and measured SAR patterns and results from the various exposure configurations are in general agreement. The FDTD computed average brain SAR and ratio of head to whole body absorption were 23.8 W/kg/W and 62% at 837 MHz, and 22.6 W/kg/W and 89% at 1957 MHz. The average brain to whole body SAR ratio was 20 to 1 for both frequencies. At 837 MHz, the maximum measured SAR in the restrained rat brains was 51 W/kg/W in the cerebellum and 40 W/kg/W at the top of the cerebrum. An exposure system operating at 837 MHz is ready for in vivo biological effect studies of radio frequency fields from portable cellular telephones. Two‐tenths of a watt input power to the loop antenna will produce 10 W/kg maximum SAR, and an estimated 4.8 W/kg average brain SAR in a 300 g medium size rat. Bioelectromagnetics 20:75–92, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A programmable system has been developed for the study of both transient and persistent effects of extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic field exposure of cell cultures. This high‐precision exposure system enables experimental blinding and fully characterized exposure while simultaneously allowing live cell imaging. It is based on a live imaging cell around which two asymmetrical coils are wound in good thermal contact to a temperature‐controlled water jacket, and is mounted on a microscope stage insert. The applied B‐field uniformity of the active volume is better than 1.2% with an overall exposure uncertainty of less than 4.3% with very low transient field levels. The computer‐controlled apparatus allows signal waveforms that are sinusoidal or composed of several harmonics, blind protocols, and monitoring of exposure and environmental conditions. B‐fields up to 4 mT root mean square amplitude are possible with minimal temperature variation and no recognizable temperature differences between exposure and sham states. Sources of artifacts have been identified and quantified. There are no visible vibrations observable even at the highest magnifications and exposure levels. Bioelectromagnetics 34:231–239, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Hamsters were exposed to repeated or single doses of microwave energy and monitored for changes in core body temperature, circulating leukocyte profiles, serum corticosteroid levels, and natural killer (NK) cell activity in various tissues. NK cytotoxicity was measured in a 51Cr-release assay employing baby hamster kidney (BHK) targets or BHK infected with herpes simplex virus. Repeated exposure of hamsters at 15 mW/cm2 for 60 min/day had no significant effect on natural levels of spleen-cell NK activity against BHK targets. Similarly, repeated exposure at 15 mW/cm2 over a 5-day period had no demonstrable effect on the induction of spleen NK activity by vaccinia virus immunization, that is, comparable levels of NK were induced in untreated and microwave-treated animals. In contrast, treatment of hamsters with a single 60-min microwave exposure at 25 mW/cm2 caused a significant suppression in induced spleen NK activity. A similar but less marked decrease in spleen NK activity was observed in sham-exposed animals. Moreover, the sham effects on NK activity were not predictable and appeared to represent large individual animal variations in the response to stress factors. Depressed spleen NK activity was evident as early as 4 h postmicrowave treatment and returned to normal levels by 8 h. Hamsters exposed at 25 mW/cm2 showed an elevated temperature of 3.0-3.5 degrees C that returned to normal within 60 min after termination of microwave exposure. These animals also showed a marked lymphopenia and neutrophilia by 1 h posttreatment that returned to normal by 8-10 h. Serum glucocorticosteroids were elevated between 1 aNd 8 h after microwave treatment. Sham-exposed animals did not demonstrate significant changes in core body temperature, peripheral blood leukocyte (PBL) profile, or glucocorticosteroid levels as compared to minimum-handling controls.  相似文献   

Small animals optical imaging systems are widely used in pre-clinical research to image in vivo the bio-distribution of light emitting probes using fluorescence or bioluminescence modalities. In this work we presented a set of simulated results of a novel small animal optical imaging module based on a fibers optics matrix, coupled with a position sensitive detector, devoted to acquire bioluminescence and Cerenkov images. Simulations were performed using GEANT 4 code with the GAMOS architecture using the tissue optics plugin. Results showed that it is possible to image a 30 × 30 mm region of interest using a fiber optics array containing 100 optical fibers without compromising the quality of the reconstruction. The number of fibers necessary to cover an adequate portion of a small animal is thus quite modest. This design allows integrating the module with magnetic resonance (MR) in order to acquire optical and MR images at the same time. A detailed model of the mouse anatomy, obtained by segmentation of 3D MRI images, will improve the quality of optical 3D reconstruction.  相似文献   

Recent data suggest that there might be a subtle thermal explanation for the apparent induction by radiofrequency (RF) radiation of transgene expression from a small heat-shock protein (hsp16-1) promoter in the nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans. The RF fields used in the C. elegans study were much weaker (SAR 5-40 mW kg(-1)) than those routinely tested in many other published studies (SAR approximately 2 W kg(-1)). To resolve this disparity, we have exposed the same transgenic hsp16-1::lacZ strain of C. elegans (PC72) to higher intensity RF fields (1.8 GHz; SAR approximately 1.8 W kg(-1)). For both continuous wave (CW) and Talk-pulsed RF exposures (2.5 h at 25 degrees C), there was no indication that RF exposure could induce reporter expression above sham control levels. Thus, at much higher induced RF field strength (close to the maximum permitted exposure from a mobile telephone handset), this particular nematode heat-shock gene is not up-regulated. However, under conditions where background reporter expression was moderately elevated in the sham controls (perhaps as a result of some unknown co-stressor), we found some evidence that reporter expression may be reduced by approximately 15% following exposure to either Talk-pulsed or CW RF fields.  相似文献   

To carry out in vivo studies of the possible health effects of radiation from cellular telephone handsets, it is necessary to expose large numbers of small mammals at realistic power densities, modulations, and frequencies. Because even microwatt leakage could compromise the local cellular system, extreme care in shielding is required. Experimental logistics dictate, however, that the irradiated animals be easily accessed and that it be possible to irradiate them in small groups, while other groups are being loaded into or unloaded from the irradiators. This problem has been resolved by exposing the animals in aluminum-sheathed rectangular parallelepipeds, lined with microwave absorber and having doors that can be opened readily. Inside each of these microwave anechoic “chamberettes” is a vertical, four-element collinear array of dipole antennas; and around each antenna, 10 animal restrainers can be arranged like spokes on a wheel. The system has worked efficiently in studies of up to 480 rats. There is negligible coupling between antennas, and back reflection at an antenna's feed line is down 7–9 dB. Received CDMA power at the local base station is below the receiver's noise floor. Interior illumination reinforces the rats' diurnal rhythms, and the rats sleep during irradiation. Experimental logistics are excellent. In this paper, the irradiator design is presented. Bioelectromagnetics 19:459–468, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Equipment designed for simultaneous exposure of rodents to 60-Hz electric and magnetic fields is described. Three identical systems were constructed, each capable of continuous exposure of 256 rats or 640 mice to a nominal electric field at less than 50 kV/m, and to horizontal and vertical magnetic fields at less than 1 mT. Design features, construction details, and results of various tests of the systems are described. Tests were made: of phase relations between electric and magnetic fields; of uniformity of electric and magnetic fields; of changes across time in electric-field intensity as a result of animals' soiling of cages and various washing routines; of resistance of bedding material during humid and dry conditions; and of acoustic noise due to background, to field-generation equipment, and to air conditioning equipment. The results demonstrated that fields were effectively generated but that significant and troublesome changes in electric-field intensity occurred because of cage-soiling. However, when cages were frequently cleaned, field intensities were consistent from one exposure to another.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop an exposure system which enables in vitro experiments to be conducted under variously modulated radiofrequency exposures. Based on the evaluation of different possible systems, it was decided to realize a system based on rectangular waveguides. The system was optimized for the following parameters: (1) homogeneity of the cell exposure, (2) simultaneous exposure of several Petri dishes, (3) efficiency, (4) strict environmental control, (5) quick and easy access to the Petri dishes, (6) cost, and (7) simple operation by non-engineering personnel. The implemented control software enables investigation of a wide spectrum of amplitude modulation schemes between 0.1 Hz and 1 kHz, including the modulation schemes of current and future digital mobile communication systems as well as other exposure protocols. The system described has been initially utilized for a study on the differentiation and cell functions of embryonic stem cells. Detailed numerical and experimental dosimetry and environmental tests have demonstrated that it meets all target objectives. The entire system including the sham exposure system fits into a single incubator. It enables the carrying out of various experiments designed to test biological responses to RF exposures at 1.2-1.7 GHz by using various modulation schemes and long term exposure protocols as well as simultaneous data logging.  相似文献   

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