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Floodplain rivers worldwide are threatened by loss of connectivity to their floodplains and hence reduced benefits from floodplain energy subsidies. Dryland rivers with ‘boom and bust’ ecological responses to flooding and extended dry periods may be particularly vulnerable. This paper describes variations in dietary composition of three fish species of contrasting trophic position in dryland floodplain lagoons with variable flood inundation and drying histories. The study species were Ambassis agassizii - a microphagic carnivore, Leiopotherapon unicolor - a carnivore/omnivore, and Nematalosa erebi - an algivore/detritivor. Despite the range of food items recorded in fish guts, each species fed mostly on relatively few food categories and few food items within each category. Most of the spatial (i.e. among lagoons) and temporal dietary variation was associated with different proportional contributions of these food items. Given the absence or low magnitude of flooding during the study period, temporal changes in diets of the three species are probably the result of successional changes in composition of invertebrate prey as the dry season progressed. The focus of each fish species on relatively few food categories and a few reliable food items within each category may be the most profitable foraging strategy when food resources are limiting in progressively drying floodplain lagoons.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the hypothesis that after flooding events, non-random patterns of species co-occurrence (segregation) are progressively intensified in fish assemblages inhabiting seasonally isolated lagoons. We sampled lagoons in the upper Paraná River floodplain between 1992 and 1993, and classified them into five hydrological phases, according to their surface connectivity. During the period of isolation (9 months), lagoons depth decreased progressively, but desiccation was reversed after 4 months (possibly due to groundwater infiltration and rainfall). A significant co-occurrence pattern (segregation) occurred in the last phase, supporting our initial hypothesis. However, richness, abundance and composition were significantly correlated with habitat depth, indicating that assemblage structure and organization is closely associated with dynamics of habitat retraction/expansion during isolation. Although environmental conditions of lagoons (absence of prolonged desiccation) prevented an adequate test of our hypothesis, our data suggests that, in addition to the importance of surface floods, the hydrological cycle as a whole has a crucial role shaping the organization of fish assemblages in floodplain lagoons seasonally isolated.  相似文献   

The fish assemblages of an arid zone floodplain river, Cooper Creek, Queensland, Australia, were sampled during two dry periods in isolated waterholes and on the inundated floodplain during the early and late phase of a major flood event. Diets were described for nine native species and compared within and between dry and flood periods. In the dry season, when fishes were restricted to waterholes, diets were characteristically simple with narrow diet breadths. Movement onto the floodplain during flooding clearly increased feeding opportunities, with greater diet breadths evident in all species. Despite obvious potential for terrestrial inputs, diets tended to be dominated by aquatic resources in both the waterholes and on the floodplain. Stomach fullness, however, varied little between dry season waterhole and floodplain samples. Fishes appeared to feed on potentially lower value resources such as detritus and calanoid copepods during the dry season, when waterholes were isolated and food resources were limited. They were then able to capitalize on the 'boom' of aquatic production and more diverse food resources associated with episodic flood events.  相似文献   

Fishes were collected over 7 months (February to June and November to December 1999) from seven sandbanks located on the main channel of the Cinaruco River, Venezuela. Significant shifts in assemblage structure and species richness were documented between diurnal and nocturnal samples. Seine samples standardized for effort yielded 41 604 individual fishes representing seven orders, 25 families, 80 genera and 134 species. Nocturnal samples yielded 68% of the total individuals, and 54% of species were collected exclusively at night. Nocturnal samples were significantly more species rich than their paired diurnal samples, even after rarefaction. Correspondence analysis revealed consistent differences in assemblage structure between diurnal and nocturnal samples probably due to species-specific habitat use and activity patterns. In spite of the magnitude of seasonal variation in hydrology and habitat availability in the Cinaruco River, species richness and abundance on sandbanks varied relatively little. The study of biological diversity and understanding of patterns of habitat use in a neotropical river were enhanced by nocturnal sampling.  相似文献   

The ontogenetic patterns of habitat use by a community of fishes in the main channel of the Broken River, an Australian lowland river, was investigated. Stratified sampling was conducted fortnightly across six habitat types throughout the spring‐summer period within the main channel. As predicted by the 'low flow recruitment hypothesis', backwaters and still littoral habitats were important nursery habitats for most species. These habitats were found to be used by some species throughout all stages of their life cycle, while other species showed clear ontogenetic shifts in habitat preference. Only one species, Murray cod Maccullochella peelii peelii , was never found in backwaters. This study confirms the significance of main channel habitats in the rearing of larvae of some riverine fish species, and emphasizes the importance of considering the habitat requirements of all stages of a fish's life cycle in the management and restoration of rivers and streams.  相似文献   

SUMMARY 1. Many Australian inland rivers are characterised by vast floodplains with a network of anastomosing channels that interconnect only during unpredictable flooding. For much of the time, however, rivers are reduced to a string of disconnected and highly turbid waterholes. Given these features, we predicted that aquatic primary production would be light-limited and the riverine food web would be dependent on terrestrial carbon from floodplain exchanges and direct riparian inputs.
2. To test these predictions, we measured rates of benthic primary production and respiration and sampled primary sources of organic carbon and consumers for stable isotope analysis in several river waterholes at four locations in the Cooper Creek system in central Australia.
3. A conspicuous band of filamentous algae was observed along the shallow littoral zone of the larger waterholes. Despite the high turbidity, benthic gross primary production in this narrow zone was very high (1.7–3.6 g C m−2 day−1); about two orders of magnitude greater than that measured in the main channel.
4. Stable carbon isotope analysis confirmed that the band of algae was the major source of energy for aquatic consumers, ultimately supporting large populations of crustaceans and fish. Variation in the stable carbon and nitrogen isotope signatures of consumers suggested that zooplankton was the other likely major source.
5. Existing ecosystem models of large rivers often emphasise the importance of longitudinal or lateral inputs of terrestrial organic matter as a source of organic carbon for aquatic consumers. Our data suggest that, despite the presence of large amounts of terrestrial carbon, there was no evidence of it being a significant contributor to the aquatic food web in this floodplain river system.  相似文献   

The zooplankton of freshwater systems has been recognized as an important energy resource for fish of small body size that, in turn, provide energy to piscivorous fish consumers higher up the food web. This study evaluates the importance of zooplankton to the diets of three species of fish living in floodplain waterholes of an Australian dryland river. The species selected for study represent different trophic categories in waterhole food webs: Ambassis agassizii is a microcarnivore, Leiopotherapon unicolor is an omnivore, and Nematalosa erebi is a detritivore. Dietary differences among size classes of each species were also evaluated to understand possible ontogenetic shifts in zooplankton consumption. Ambassis agassizii fed primarily on zooplankton (99.9%, made up mostly of 81.6% Calanoida and 17.4% Moinidae), regardless of the size of individual fish. Leiopotherapon unicolor fed on zooplankton (47%, mostly Daphniidae and Moinidae) and aquatic insects (46.7%). Smaller individuals of Leiopotherapon unicolor (30–49 mm TL—total length) were responsible for 36.1% of the plankton consumed by the species. Nematalosa erebi fed on detritus (84.6%) with zooplankton (Calanoida, Moinidae, and Cyclopoida) contributing only 13.7% of the mean diet. Smaller individuals (40–69 mm TL) were responsible for 98% of the plankton consumed by Nematalosa erebi, and individuals of 40–49 mm (TL) fed exclusively on zooplankton (53.8% Moinidae and 46.2% Calanoida). Although the three fish species had different diets, reflecting differences in species-specific and ontogenetic morphological and behavioral characteristics, zooplankton formed the basis of the diet of all species when young. These results confirm the importance of zooplankton as a major food resource for three fish species and smaller size classes of these species in floodplain waterholes of the Macintyre River, Australia. Guest editors: U. M. Azeiteiro, I. Jenkinson & M. J. Pereira Plankton Studies  相似文献   

The relative contribution of autotrophic carbon sources (aquatic macrophytes, flooded forest, phytoplankton) for heterotrophic bacterioplankton was evaluated in a floodplain lake of the Central Amazon. Stable carbon isotopes (13C) were used as tracers. Values of 13C of different autotrophic sources were compared to those of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and those of bacterially produced CO2.The percentage of carbon derived from C4 macrophytes for bacterially produced CO2 was the highest, on average 89%. The average 13C value of CO2 from bacterial respiration was –18.5 ± 3.3. Considering a fractionation of CO2 of 3 by bacterial respiration, 13C value was –15.5, near C4 macrophyte 13C value (–13.1).The average value of total DOC 13C was –26.8 ± 2.4. The percentage of C4 macrophytes carbon for total DOC was on average 17%. Considering that bacteria consume mainly carbon from macrophytes, the dominance of C3 plants for total DOC probably reflects a faster consumption of the former source, rather than a major contribution of the latter source.Heterotrophic bacterioplankton in the floodplain may be an important link in the aquatic food web, transferring the carbon from C4 macrophytes to the consumers.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated how cichlid assemblages are affected by seasonal and interannual variations in water volume in the floodplain lagoons of the Cuiabá River in the Pantanal wetland. Eleven lagoons were sampled in the early dry season and the early rainy season over a three-year period. Analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) showed that the species compositions and relative abundances were distinct between the seasons, which indicates that neither persistence nor stability was maintained on a seasonal basis. However, the interannual comparisons show the opposite tendency, indicating strong stability and persistence on an annual basis. These results indicate that the cichlid assemblages in these lagoons have two equilibrium points, one in the early dry season and the other in the early rainy season, and that the assemblages alternate between these points through the hydrologic cycle. In addition to the effect of the water level variation, the abundance distribution is also affected by conductivity and pH, which also influence the total abundance of the species in the assemblage.  相似文献   

Although seasonal floodplains represent one of the most dynamic and productive of aquatic ecosystems, the sources of this productivity are poorly understood. We examined composition and sources of chironomid drift in the Yolo Bypass, the primary floodplain of the Sacramento River. We found that invertebrate drift during winter floodplain inundation is dominated by a single species, the newly identified chironomid Hydrobaenus saetheri (Diptera: Chironomidae). In order to determine sources of chironomids in the Yolo Bypass, invertebrates were sampled from several potential sources prior to and during initial floodplain inundation. Rehydration of dried floodplain sediments from several locations showed that H. saetheri dominated insect emergence from this colonization pathway. By contrast, H. saetheri was not a substantial component of inundated floodplain ponds or of tributary inputs to the floodplain. We conclude that the initial pulse of invertebrate abundance in Yolo Bypass floodwaters is dominated by chironomid emergence from sediments in multiple regions of the floodplain. Handling editor: S. Declerck  相似文献   

High species richness and evenness in structurally complex habitats has been hypothesized to be associated with niche partitioning. To test this idea, relationships between habitat structural complexity in river littoral-zone habitats and morphological diversity of tropical fishes were examined in the Cinaruco River, Venezuela. Six habitat attributes were quantified in 45 sites spanning a range of structural complexity. Fishes were collected during day and night to estimate species density and relative abundances at each site. Twenty-two morphological variables were measured for each species. Principal components analysis (PCA) of physical habitat data yielded two axes that modeled >80% of variation across sites. The first two axes from PCA of fish morphological variables modeled >70% of variation. Species density during both day and night was negatively associated with flow velocity and positively associated with habitat complexity. Similarity of day and night samples from the same site was significantly greater for sites with high habitat complexity and low flow. In general, mean local assemblage morphological PC scores were not significantly associated with habitat PC scores. Average, maximum, and standard deviation of morphological Euclidean distances of local assemblages revealed positive associations with structural complexity and negative associations with flow. These relationships held even when the positive relationship of species density was statistically removed from assemblage morphological patterns. Findings suggest that both species niche compression and assemblage niche space increase when habitat complexity is greater and flow velocity is lower in this tropical lowland river.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

1. Hypoxic conditions occur frequently during hot, dry summers in the small lentic waterbodies (billabongs) that occur on the floodplains of the Murray‐Darling River system of Australia. Behavioural responses to progressive hypoxia were examined for the native and introduced floodplain fish of the Ovens River, an unregulated tributary of the Murray River in south‐east Australia. 2. Given the high frequency of hypoxic episodes in billabongs on the Ovens River floodplain, it was hypothesised that all species would exhibit behaviours that would confer a degree of hypoxia‐tolerance. Specifically, it was hypothesised that as hypoxia progressed, gill ventilation rates (GVRs) would increase and aquatic surface respiration (ASR) would become increasingly frequent. Fish were subjected to rapid, progressive hypoxia from normoxia to anoxia in open tanks. 3. All tested species exhibited behaviours consistent with their use of potentially hypoxic habitats. As hypoxia progressed, GVRs increased and all species, with the exception of oriental weatherloach, began to switch increasingly to ASR with 90% of individuals using ASR at various oxygen concentrations below 1.0 mg O2 L−1. Australian smelt, redfin perch and flat‐headed galaxias were the first three species to rise to ASR, with 10% of individuals using ASR by 2.55, 2.29 and 2.21 mg O2 L−1 respectively. Goldfish and common carp were the last two species to rise to ASR, with 10% of individuals using ASR by 0.84 and 0.75 mg O2 L−1 respectively. In contrast to other species, oriental weatherloach largely ceased gill ventilation and used air‐gulping as their primary means of respiration during severe hypoxia and anoxia. 4. Australian smelt, redfin perch and flat‐headed galaxias were unable to maintain ASR under severe hypoxia, and began exhibiting erratic movements, termed terminal avoidance behaviour, and loss of equilibrium. All other species continued to use ASR through severe hypoxia and into anoxia. Following a rise to ASR, GVRs either remained steady or decreased slightly indicating partial or significant relief from hypoxic stress for these hypoxia‐tolerant species. 5. Behavioural responses to progressive hypoxia amongst the fish species of the Ovens River floodplain indicate a generally high level of tolerance to periodic hypoxia. However, species‐specific variation in hypoxia‐tolerance may have implications for community structure of billabong fish communities following hypoxic events.  相似文献   

Synopsis The breadth, correspondence and overlap of the diets of the small and large size classes of the three native species (Galaxias occidentalis, Bostockia porosa and Edelia vittata) and two introduced species (Gambusia holbrooki and Perca fluviatilis) of fishes found in the shallows of the main channel and in the tributary creeks of a south-western Australian river have been compared in each season. Classification and ordination were used to examine the overall interrelationships of the diets across species, size groups, seasons and the location where the fish were caught (channel or creek). The smaller fish had a narrower dietary breadth than larger fish in the spring and summer, presumably reflecting the size limit imposed on prey size by their possession of a relatively small mouth in these seasons. Intraspecific dietary overlap between large and small size classes was usually high in G. occidentalis, but generally low in G. holbrooki and P. fluviatilis, and also in B. porosa and E. vittata when the difference between the lengths of the two size groups was greatest. Dietary overlap was least in autumn when the main prey taxa were most abundant. During winter, the diets of the three native species in the tributaries converged, probably reflecting a relatively low faunal diversity in these highly seasonal water bodies. The only relatively consistent interspecific overlap in diet was between B. porosa and E. vittata. Classification and ordination of the dietary samples separated G. occidentalis (which fed extensively on terrestrial organisms from the water surface) from the smaller P. fluviatilis (that concentrated on copepods in the plankton) and from B. porosa and E. vittata (which ingested primarily benthic organisms). Furthermore, B. porosa tended to ingest larger prey taxa than E. vittata. The diet of Gambusia holbrooki is sometimes dominated by terrestrial insects and at other times by benthic organisms, demonstrating that this species is an opportunistic carnivore. It is concluded that food partitioning by the three native and two introduced fish species in the Collie River is likely to be one of the principal factors facilitating the coexistence of substantial populations of these species in this system.  相似文献   

Periphytic rotifer communities of an Australian seasonal floodplain pool   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A seasonal, rainfill pool (Ryans 3) on the floodplain of the River Murray, near Albury, Australia was sampled in 1991 and 1993 for periphytic rotifer species and other microfauna. The main macrophytes present were species of Myriophyllum, Pseudoraphis and Triglochin, and, in 1993, there was an extensive covering of Azolla. Sampling methods included quantitative samples taken using a simple syringe. Rotifers numbered from about 10 to 150 per 100 ml and formed about 2 to 20% of the microfaunal community. Numbers of rotifers, and numbers of rotifer species, varied with different macrophytes (2 tests, P<0.001 in each case), with the greatest numbers under Azolla. The two years showed marked differences in the macrophytes present and over half the rotifer species were also different (2test, P<0.001).  相似文献   

The feeding periodicity of three species of fishes in floodplain lagoons of the Macintyre River varied during 24 h cycles, however, peak feeding activity (around midday and late afternoon) was similar among the species studied, despite differences in their trophic position. In contrast, sampling season and site seemed to have a stronger effect on the composition of the diet than time of day. These findings have implications for studies of trophic dynamics and food web structure in floodplain lagoons.  相似文献   

Change in water level during the annual hydrologic cycle of tropical floodplain rivers results in continuous disassembly and reassembly of faunal communities in littoral habitat patches. As such, the rate of water level change should influence colonization rates of vagile organisms among habitat patches. We experimentally tested this hypothesis in a Venezuela floodplain river using artificial rocky patches as sampling units, water level change as the independent variable, and total number of individual fish that colonized a patch as the response variable. Water level significantly affected the total number of individuals that colonized patch habitats, i.e., rapidly receding waters were associated with higher colonization rates. Results suggest that water-level recession directly affects community assembly by influencing the rate at which individuals abandon and colonize local habitat patches.  相似文献   

Synopsis Ecological fish production in one parapotamal arm of the Middle Danube inland delta in Slovakia, based on 10 samplings during 5 consecutive years, ranged from 349 to 3272 (bar|x = 1066) kg ha–1 in total production (PT) and from 39 to 662 (bar|x = 204) kg ha–1 in available production (PA). Young-of-the-year fish made up an estimated 49–62% (bar|x = 54) of the PT. According to the food production/food consumption budget calculated by three different methods, less than half of the PT is of autochthonous origin, while most is from other sources. Floodplain fish production includes two components: fish originating within the floodplain and fish that are temporary immigrants. The latter component varies considerably in response to the hydrological regime. To assess the PT in riverine ecosystems, different seasons and years are needed to give realistic values.This paper is dedicated to my friend and sometime co-worker, Eugene K. Balon, at the occasion of his 65th birthday and transition to University Professor Emeritus. He was one of the first ichthyologists to undertake quantitative studies in large rivers in the late 1950's, when most fish biologists thought that fishes inhabit only the sea, lakes, reservoirs and small streams.  相似文献   

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