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Effect of benzyladenine (BA) on inter and intraspikelet grainsize spectrum in aestivum wheat (cv. Kalyan Sona) has been comparedwith 14C-uptake of externally added sucrose by the grains andits incorporation in non-starch endosperm lipid fraction. Itis suggested that BA application enhanced the synthesis of membranestructural components required for storage in endosperm. (Received May 8, 1986; Accepted April 2, 1987)  相似文献   

The role of ethylene in in vitro axillary proliferation of lavandin(Lavandula officinalis Chaix Lavandula latifolia Villars)was investigated. Basal ethylene production was modulated bythe addition of exogenous growth regulators (BA and polyamines),ethylene precursor (ACC) and inhibitors (AVG and SA). The resultsindicate that BA action is mediated by ethylene and, furthermore,that ethylene can substitute for BA in shoot proliferation.Among tested polyamines (Put, Spd, Spn) only Put was effectivein stimulating both the differentiation process and relatedethylene production. Moreover, Put appears to have a regulatoryfunction similar to BA. The data obtained in the present workoutline the complexity of axillary budding which is under multihormonalcontrol, ethylene playing an essential role. Key words: Axillary proliferation, benzyladenine, ethylene, lavandin, putrescine  相似文献   

Excised cotyledons of Pinus radiata D. Don cultured under shoot-forming(plus benzyladenine) and non shoot-forming (minus benzyladenine)conditions for 10 and 21 days were fed U-[14C]-glucose for 3h in the light followed by a 3 h chase period. The labellingof individual metabolites as well as 14C incorporation intoprotein was assessed. It was found that the general metabolicpatterns were qualitatively the same in shoot-forming and nonshoot-forming conditions, however, metabolism leading to respirationas well as to the synthesis of some amino acids and proteinsynthesis was enhanced in the shoot-forming cultures. (Received February 16, 1987; Accepted July 8, 1987)  相似文献   

The biennial 15th symposium on Purine and Pyrimidine metabolism was held in Madrid, June 2013 (PP13). During the meeting, several novel developments on the diagnosis, pathophysiology, and treatment of several inborn errors of purine and pyrimidine metabolism were presented. These ranged from new drugs for gout to enzyme replacement therapies for mitochondrial diseases. A relatively novel aspect in this meeting was the interest in purine and pyrimidine metabolism in nonmammalian systems, such as parasites, mycoplasms, and bacteria. Development of novel analogs for parasite infections, cardiovascular diseases, inflammatory diseases, and cancer were also discussed.  相似文献   

Relations between the chemical structure of new analogs of dimethylmorpholinium chloride (DMC) and their growth retardant activity were investigated. Some of these substances exerted a specific impact on the growth of individual organs in monocot (Triticum aestivum L., Hordeum vulgare ssp. distichon (L.) Koern.) and dicot (Phaseolus vulgaris L., Brassica napus L.) plants. Within the group of bis-quaternary ammonium salts, the derivatives of N-methylmorpholinium (1-DMC) and N-benzylmorpholinium (3-DMC) manifested high retardant activity on growth of barley and wheat plants. The molecules of these compounds comprise the chain of two methylene groups bridging the nitrogen atoms. An N-acetylmorpholinium derivative 17-DMC, with nitrogen atoms in morpholinium rings linked by two methylene groups with a CHOH group between them, produced a physiological effect on rape and kidney bean plants.  相似文献   

Nodal explants of Eucalyptus citriodora responded better for high frequency bud break and fast growth in liquid agitated cultures with 4.4 μM benzyladenine (BA) and 5.37 μM α-naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) rather than on semisolid medium. On transfer to MS medium with 1.11 μM BA and 5.37 μM NAA the sprouted axillary buds showed further elongation growth alongwith a slight callus and formation of globular structures on the internodal regions. The anatomy of these globular structures revealed that they are shoot buds. These buds elongated into shoots on MS medium with low levels of BA.  相似文献   

Elongation growth of the first trifoliate leaf axillary budwas induced by physical restriction of the apical growth orby treating the apical shoot with ethylene or ethephon. Thereis evidence to suggest that the promotion of axillary bud developmentby ethylene action on the apical shoot was associated with theavailability of freely diffusible ethylene in the tissues ofthe treated shoot. Loss of apical dominance was not, apparently,directly dependent on either the internal ethylene concentration(i.e. concentration in the vacuum – extracted gases) oron the rate of ethylene emanation. The effects of aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG) and silver nitrate on ethylene production wereexamined. Although treatment of the shoot with tri – iodobenzoicacid (TIBA) induced various morphological responses in the plant,including axillary bud outgrowth, which appeared similar tothe responses to ethylene, the initial effect of TIBA is notthought to be ethylene – mediated.  相似文献   

Recently it was discovered that auxin promotes gibberellin (GA) biosynthesis in decapitated stems of pea (Pisum sativum L.) and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.), and here we review the evidence for this interaction. We also discuss the possible relationship between auxin and the mechanisms by which bioactive GAs (such as GA1) regulate their own levels, and the implications of the auxin-GA interaction for the control of plant growth. It is now possible to envisage auxin as a messenger linking the apical bud with the biosynthesis of active GAs in the expanding internodes. Finally, new evidence is presented that the promotion of growth by GA1 does not depend on GA1-induced increases in auxin content.  相似文献   

The effects of different plant growth regulators on in vitro adventitious shoot formation in Virginia pine (Pinus virginiana Mill.) zygotic embryo explants were quantitatively evaluated. Using Tang and Ouyang (1999) (TE) basal medium supplemented with 11.4 μM indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and 2.2 μM N6-benzyladenine (BA), callus was observed after 3–6 weeks of culture. Calluses were transferred to TE basal medium supplemented with 0.49 μM indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and 8.8 μM BA for 6–9 weeks, where they produced numerous small shoot primordia. They were then transferred to TE basal medium supplemented with 0.49 μM IBA and 4.4 μM BA to promote growth and elongation of adventitious shoots. After elongated shoots were transferred to TE medium containing 0.05 μM α-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) for 6 weeks, adventitious roots were formed. Regenerated plantlets were established in soil in greenhouse.  相似文献   

Shoot inversion-induced release of apical dominance in Pharbitis nil is inhibited by rotating the plant at 0.42 revolutions per minute in a vertical plane perpendicular to the axis of rotation of a horizontal clinostat. Clinostating prevented lateral bud outgrowth, apparently by negating the restriction of the shoot elongation via reduction of ethylene production in the inverted shoot. Radial stem expansion was also decreased. Data from experiments with intact tissue and isolated segments indicated that shoot-inversion stimulates ethylene production by increasing the activity of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid synthase. The results support the hypothesis that shoot inversion-induced release of apical dominance in Pharbitis nil is due to gravity stress and is mediated by ethylene-induced retardation of the elongation of the inverted shoot.  相似文献   

Black plum (Syzygium cuminii) explants were grown in vitro on Murashige and Skoog medium. Among the various saccharides tested, the best caulogenic response was afforded by sucrose both in terms of explant response and shoot developing potential. Within monosaccharides, mannose was totally inhibitory as on the medium supplemented with this the shoot buds failed to develop, while, fructose and xylose completely inhibited the opening as well as the elongation of shoot buds. Glucose and galactose did not completely inhibit the caulogenic response. Among disaccharides, other than sucrose, maltose totally inhibited the elongation of the developed shoot buds while lactose supported it to a limited extent. Sugar alcohols, though not as good as sucrose, proved better sources of carbon and energy than the other tested sugars. Sucrose at concentration 4 % proved to be the best in developing 4.2 shoots per explant. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Observations on the effect of 7 glucose analogs on growth of C. paramecium showed that 2-deoxy-D-glucose and 2-deoxy-D-galactose inhibited growth. Inhibition in 2-DG was not influenced by pH, calcium concentration, or by carbon sources as lactate, acetate, n -butyl alcohol, or succinate. Similarly, glucose or glucose-6-phosphate did not reverse inhibition. Organisms were viable in 2-DG only when a carbon source in the basal medium was absent. Wherever a useful carbon source was present, 2-DG was lethal in concentrations over 40 mg/100 ml. Phosphorylation of 2-DG did not occur. Lactic acid dehydrogenase was not inhibited. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase appears to have an affinity for 2-DG; phosphohexose isomerase activity was decreased by 2-DG.  相似文献   

An in vitro bud culture method was devised in order to better understand the control mechanism of Citrus bud development. This technique offers a new approach to the study of hormonal control of growth, dormancy and flowering cycles in perennial plants. Buds were excised from orchard trees throughout the year, cultured on defined media for prolonged periods, and their vegetative growth responses to various growth hormones were determined. The buds proceeded with their vegetative development in vitro and achieved sprouting on a basal medium. The various growth regulators affected both the time required for sprouting (TRS) and the type of growth. In summer buds, IAA delayed sprouting, while GA enhanced it and caused shoot elongation. Cytokinins specifically induced the formation of numerous adventitious buds, whereas ABA completely inhibited sprouting; this inhibition, however, was reversible. A marked decrease in total protein and in the rate of its synthesis was evident during the first 20 days of sprouting induction and early bud growth. The annual growth rhythm was determined in spring buds sampled and cultured throughout the year, and an innate dormancy of citrus buds was revealed. Both the dormancy and the sprouting periods of buds in vitro corresponded to the natural periods occurring under field conditions. The effect of exogenous IAA, GA and cytokinins on the TRS varied at different periods along the season, suggesting the concept of “critical levels” in the endogenous balance of hormones.  相似文献   

In vitro clonal propagation of Capparis decidua was achieved using nodal explants from mature trees, and cotyledonary node, cotyledon and hypocotyl explants taken from the seedlings. Explants cultured on MS medium supplemented with BAP showed differentiation of multiple shoots and shoot buds in 4–5 weeks in the primary cultures. The medium with BAP (5 mg/l) was the best for shoot bud proliferation from the nodal as well as seedling explant. Shoot multiplication was best on cotyledonary node. In the nodal explants shoot multiplication was best on medium supplemented with 5 mg/l BAP and after second subculturing further multiplication of shoot buds was highest on the medium containing 3 mg/l BAP. Shoots were separated from mother cultures in each subculturing for rooting. Rooting was best achieved using 1 mg/l IBA in the medium. Rooted plantlets were transferred td earthen pots with garden soil and peat moss mixture.  相似文献   

In experiments with rooted cuttings of aspen (Populus tremula L). with a small leaf area, it was found that the roots grew well as long as there was no shoot growth. The onset of shoot growth was followed by a period of decreased root growth. When the leaf area had increased sufficiently, root growth recovered. Decreasing the shoot growth by removal of growth points in the shoot or by short day treatment increased the fraction of photosynthesis products used for root growth, leading to increased root/shoot ratios. Competition between growing shoots and roots for carbohydrates formed in photosynthesis is considered to cause the effects noted and to be of importance for maintaining the balance between the root and shoot systems.  相似文献   

生长调节剂对马蹄金外植体离体培养的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以草坪地被植物马蹄金的无菌苗子叶、叶片和下胚轴作为外植体进行离体培养,探讨了不同植物生长调节剂对其愈伤组织诱导及分化的影响.结果表明,从不同外植体在含有不同生长调节剂的诱导培养基中进行离体培养时,都可诱导出愈伤且出愈率为43.3%~100%,其中诱导培养基(MS 100 mg/L水解酪蛋白 0.5 mg/Lα-NAA 0.2 mg/L ZT)适合于三种外植体的愈伤诱导,出愈率为100%,愈伤生长旺盛.在所有愈伤分化试验中均形成了绿色芽点,其频率为25.0%~95.0%,仅从下胚轴诱导的愈伤分化获得了再生植株,且在分化培养基(MS 100mg/L水解酪蛋白 0.1 mg/Lα-NAA 3.0 mg/L 6-BA)上的最高愈伤分化频率为20.0%.  相似文献   

R.  HARMER 《Annals of botany》1991,67(4):463-468
The time at which a bud began to expand was related to its positionnot only on an individual shoot but also within the crown. Thedistribution of buds and branches on the shoot was uneven; theshoot tip, where they were densely clustered, was termed the‘whorl; and the remainder of the shoot, where they werewidely spaced, the ‘interwhorl’ stem. In spring,the terminal bud started expanding before the ‘whorl’buds which preceded the ‘interwhorl’ stem buds;completion of the flush of growth, determined by the end ofleaf expansion, occurred in the reverse order, ‘interwhorl’> ‘whorl’ > terminal. Similarly bud expansionstarted at the top of the crown and progressed downwards, andthe first shoots to complete their flush were at the bottomof the crown. Approximately 60% of the buds on each shoot beganexpanding in spring but only about half of these formed branches.Bud abscission began in May and by Sep. 45% of buds originallypresent had abscised. Most of-the buds that did not abscisewere the small buds at the base of the shoot that were not originallyassociated with a leaf. Approximately 42% of ‘whorl’buds and 28% of MnterwhorP stem buds formed branches. ‘Whorl’branches were approx. 60% longer that ‘interwhorl’stem branches; buds on the lower surface of the shoot producedlonger branches than those on the upper surface. The implicationsof the results for the development of crown form and selectionof superior oak are discussed. Quercus petraea, oak, buds, branches, crown form  相似文献   

HARMER  R. 《Annals of botany》1991,67(5):463-468
The time at which a bud began to expand was related to its positionnot only on an individual shoot but also within the crown. Thedistribution of buds and branches on the shoot was uneven; theshoot tip, where they were densely clustered, was termed the'whorl; and the remainder of the shoot, where they were widelyspaced, the ‘interwhorl’ stem. In spring, the terminalbud started expanding before the ’whorl’ buds whichpreceded the ‘interwhorl’ stem buds; completionof the flush of growth, determined by the end of leaf expansion,occurred in the reverse order, ‘interwhorl’  相似文献   

喷施烯效唑对苹果顶芽激素水平和花芽分化的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
用烯效唑(uniconazol,S3307)1 g/L喷洒“红富士“苹果树降低了顶芽IAA、GA1,3,4,7含量,提高了ZR、ABA含量,从而提高了ZR/IAA、ZR/GA1,3,4,7、ABA/IAA和ABA/GA1,3,4,7比值.烯效唑处理增加了花芽形成百分率,加速了花芽分化的进程,缩短了花芽形成的延续时期,但对花芽生理孕育临界时期长短没有影响.烯效唑处理对花芽的节位数没有影响,但使叶芽节位数增加了1节.  相似文献   

In exponentially growing cultures of the extreme halophile Halobacterium halobium and the moderate halophile Haloferax volcanii, growth characteristics including intracellular protein levels, RNA content, and nucleotide pool sizes were analyzed. This is the first report on pool sizes of nucleoside triphosphates, NAD, and PRPP (5-phosphoribosyl-α-1-pyrophosphate) in archaea. The presence of a number of salvage and interconversion enzymes was determined by enzymatic assays. The levels varied significantly between the two organisms. The most significant difference was the absence of GMP reductase activity in H. halobium. The metabolism of exogenous purines was investigated in growing cultures. Both purine bases and nucleosides were readily taken up and were incorporated into nucleic acids. Growth of both organisms was affected by a number of inhibitors of nucleotide synthesis. H. volcanii was more sensitive than H. halobium, and purine base analogs were more toxic than nucleoside analogs. Growth of H. volcanii was inhibited by trimethoprim and sulfathiazole, while these compounds had no effect on the growth of H. halobium. Spontaneous mutants resistant to purine analogs were isolated. The most frequent cause of resistance was a defect in purine phosphoribosyltransferase activity coupled with reduced purine uptake. A single phosphoribosyltransferase seemed to convert guanine as well as hypoxanthine to nucleoside monophosphates, and another phosphoribosyltransferase had specificity towards adenine. The differences in the metabolism of purine bases and nucleosides and the sensitivity to purine analogs between the two halobacteria were reflected in differences in purine enzyme levels. Based on our results, we conclude that purine salvage and interconversion pathways differ just as much between the two archaeal species as among archaea, bacteria, and eukarya.  相似文献   

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