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Peyer's patch (PP) dendritic cells (DCs) have been shown to exhibit a distinct capacity to induce cytokine secretion from CD4(+) T cells compared with DCs in other lymphoid organs such as the spleen (SP). In this study, we investigated whether PP DCs are functionally different from DCs in the SP in their ability to induce Ab production from B cells. Compared with SP DCs, freshly isolated PP DCs induced higher levels of IgA secretion from naive B cells in DC-T cell-B cell coculture system in vitro. The IgA production induced by PP DCs was attenuated by neutralization of IL-6. In addition, the induction of IgA secretion by SP DCs, but not PP DCs, was further enhanced by the addition of exogenous IL-6. Finally, we demonstrated that only PP CD11b(+) DC subset secreted higher levels of IL-6 compared with other DC subsets in the PP and all SP DC populations, and that PP CD11b(+) DC induced naive B cells to produce higher levels of IgA compared with SP CD11b(+) DC. These results suggest a unique role of PP CD11b(+) DCs in enhancing IgA production from B cells via secretion of IL-6.  相似文献   

The human KU812 leukemic cell line is a model for studying cell commitment towards different hematopoietic lineages. Indeed, this cell line is characterized by both a capacity for self-renewal and the ability to differentiate spontaneously along erythroid and basophilic cell lineages. In this study we show that interleukin-6 (IL-6) and its specific receptor (IL-6-R) are spontaneously expressed in the human KU812 cell line. Addition of antibody against IL-6 weakly inhibited its cell proliferation (20 to 30%) suggesting that the endogenous production of IL-6 was partially responsible for the growth of the cell line. In contrast, the spontaneous terminal differentiation of this cell line towards the erythroid and basophilic lineages was inhibited by an antibody against IL-6 and this effect was reversed by addition of recombinant human IL-6 (rIL-6). These results suggest that IL-6 is involved more in differentiation than in the proliferation of KU812 cells. After several passages, KU812 cells lose their capacity to differentiate spontaneously. In these cells, the IL-6-R was no more detectable. We therefore suggest that this loss of spontaneous differentiation is associated with an interruption of the IL-6 autocrine loop.  相似文献   

We previously defined a concanavalin A (Con A)-induced cloned T cell population in Peyer's patches (PP) that causes sIgM-bearing B cells to switch to sIgA-bearing B cells. In the present study we show that such IgA-specific switch T cells proliferate when exposed to syngeneic stimulator cells, i.e., the switch T cells are autoreactive. Detailed study of this phenomenon disclosed that both B cells and macrophages were capable of causing switch T cell proliferation, and in both cases, stimulation was enhanced by preactivation of the stimulator cells with lipopolysaccharide (LPS). In addition, fresh T cells can act as stimulators, but only if preactivated with Con A. Finally, it was clearly shown in blocking studies with the use of various antibodies directed at class II MHC specificities that class II MHC antigens were the stimulatory determinants. These studies suggest that IgA-specific switch T cells arise in PP as a result of autologous cell-cell interactions with activated (antigen-stimulated) B cells, macrophages, or T cells.  相似文献   

IL-5 has been shown to specifically enhance IgA secretion in LPS-stimulated splenic B cell cultures. Maximum enhancement of IgA in such cultures, however, requires IL-4 in addition to IL-5. Because the Peyer's patches (PP), compared with spleen and lymph nodes, are enriched for precursors of IgA-secreting cells, we tested whether IL-4 and IL-5 would have a more profound effect on IgA secretion by polyclonally stimulated PP cells than spleen cells. The combination of IL-4 and IL-5 causes a comparable enhancement of IgA secretion in both LPS-stimulated PP and splenic B cell cultures. The majority of IgA secreted in LPS-stimulated PP cell cultures is derived from the sIgA- population. Furthermore, the binding high level of peanut agglutinin, germinal center subpopulation of PP cells is essentially nonresponsive to LPS, even in the presence of lymphokines; the majority of secreted IgA in these cultures is derived from the binding low level of peanut agglutinin population. In contrast to LPS-stimulated cultures, PP B cells secrete considerably more IgA than splenic B cells when polyclonally stimulated by a clone of autoreactive T cells in the presence of IL-4 and IL-5. The majority of IgA made by T cell-stimulated PP cell cultures is derived from the sIgA+ population. In these cultures, sIgA- PP cells and spleen cells secrete comparable levels of IgA and other non-IgM isotypes suggesting that sIgA- PP B cells are similar to splenic B cells in their potential to switch to IgA. In T cell-stimulated cultures the majority of IgA as well as of all other isotypes is also derived from the nongerminal center, binding low level of peanut agglutinin population.  相似文献   

Multiple previous studies have demonstrated significant alterations of immunologic parameters associated with mouse hepatitis virus (MHV) infection, but effects of the virus on mucosal lymphoid cells have not been examined. Coincident with a natural outbreak of MHV at our institution, we noted alterations in immunoglobulin secretion by mature Peyer's patch B cells under an inductive stimulus provided by dendritic cells and mitogen-activated T cells (DC-T). MHV was isolated from mice affected during the outbreak, and experimental infection of mice with the isolate consistently resulted in failures of immunoglobulin secretion by cocultures of Peyer's patch DC-T and B cells. In subsequent experiments, MHV appeared to negatively affect DC-T more than B cells. Therefore, the effects of inapparent MHV infection on experimental mucosal immune responses can result from natural infection and can be experimentally reproduced.  相似文献   

Immune function generally declines with advancing age. However, recent evidence suggests that this decline may differentially affect the lymphoid compartments comprising the immune system. The effect of age on the T cell-mediated competency of cells from two different lymphoid compartments, Peyer's patch (PP) and spleen, was studied. PP cells of aged C57BL/6 mice retained a greater capacity to proliferate in response to concanavalin A, phytohemagglutinin, and alloantigen and to generate alloimmune cytotoxic cells than did splenocytes of aged mice when compared with their young counterparts. These results could not be explained by significant shifts in the response kinetics or in the proportions of T cells in individual tissues. These results support the concept that lymphoid compartments are not equally sensitive to the deleterious effects of the aging process.  相似文献   

The frequency of B cells in Peyer's patches from normal BDF(1) and sheep red blood cell (SRBC)-fed BDF(1) mice that could respond to antigenic determinants on SRBC and trinitrophenyl (TNP) was determined using an in vitro system of limiting dilution analysis. In normal mice, one B cell in 1.9 x 10(4) Peyer's patch cells could be induced to an anti-SRBC response and one B cell in 3.6 x 10(4) Peyer's patch cells could be induced to an anti-TNP response. The frequency of B cells capable of responding to SRBC in normal mice was similar in Peyer's patches and spleen. However, after feeding mice SRBC for 3 weeks, there was a 6-fold reduction in the frequency of B cells in Peyer's patches capable of responding to SRBC but no change in the frequency of B cells capable of responding to TNP. The average clone size of Peyer's patch B cells responding to SRBC was similar in normal and SRBC-fed mice. Although antigen-feeding does not stimulate Peyer's patch B cells in situ to humoral antibody synthesis, antigen-feeding can markedly alter the reactivity of the antigen-sensitive cell population in Peyer's patches. We previously demonstrated that T cells in Peyer's patches could be specifically carrier primed for helper function by SRBC feeding. We have now demonstrated that antigen-feeding reduced significantly the frequency of B cells in Peyer's patches capable of responding to the fed antigen. Peyer's patches appear to serve an important function as a sampling site for intestinal antigens.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes that proliferate autonomously are thought to be arrested at certain steps in differentiation. Here we demonstrate that autocrine proliferating B cells can be induced to terminal differentiation in the presence of ionomycin plus phorbol dibutyrate. The mature CD23high/CD38low B cell phenotype converts to the CD23low/CD38high plasma cell phenotype associated with increased immunoglobulin secretion and PC1 expression and a loss in surface immunoglobulin. Simultaneously, the cells arrest in proliferation and enter apoptosis at day 10. The cytokines IL-1alpha, IL-6, TNFalpha and TNFbeta that are required to sustain continuous growth are secreted in substantially increased amounts mediating entry into apoptosis of the proliferating cells. Decrease in IL-10 secretion sustains this process. Our results draw the concept that once plasmacytoid differentiation is initiated, the growth sustaining network of autocrine cytokines is disturbed in a particular fashion depriving appropriate signals to suppress the differentiation associated apoptotic program.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that purified IL-5 from T cell lines and clones enhances IgA synthesis in LPS-triggered splenic B cell cultures, and that this effect is augmented by IL-4. In this study we have examined the ability of rIL-5 and rIL-4 to support spontaneous Ig synthesis in normal Peyer's patch (PP) B cell cultures. The rIL-4 supported proliferation of the HT-2 and in vivo adapted BCL-1 cell lines, increased Ia expression on normal spleen B cells, co-stimulated splenic B cell proliferation in the presence of anti-mu and enhanced IgG1 synthesis in LPS triggered splenic B cell cultures. The rIL-5 supported BCL-1 proliferation, co-stimulated splenic B cell proliferation in the presence of dextran sulfate, and increased IgA synthesis in LPS-stimulated splenic B cell cultures. Markedly enhanced IgA responses occurred in PP B cell, but not splenic B cell cultures supplemented with rIL-5 in the absence of an added B cell trigger. However, rIL-4 alone did not enhance IgA synthesis or increase the IgA synthesis of PP B cell cultures stimulated with rIL-5. The rIL-5 receptive PP B cells were present in the blast cell subpopulation, inasmuch as a low density fraction isolated on Percoll gradients accounted for the enhanced IgA synthesis. Further, cell cycle analysis of whole PP B cells using propidium iodide in conjunction with staining for surface B220, demonstrated that approximately 12 to 16% of the B cells were in the S and G2/M stages of cell cycle, the remainder being in Go + G1. The surface IgM+ B cells were predominantly in Go + G1, whereas the sIgA+ B cell subpopulation was enriched for cells in the S and G2/M compartments. The PP B cell subset responsible for enhanced IgA synthesis in the presence of rIL-5 was sIgA-positive because FACS-depletion of the sIgA+ B cells resulted in the total loss of rIL-5 enhanced IgA synthesis. Further, when PP B cells were enriched for sIgA+ B cells by cell sorting, these cells responded to rIL-5 with increased IgA synthesis in a dose-dependent manner. When the actual numbers of IgA secreting cells were assessed in PP B cell cultures with supplemental rIL-5, no significant increase in total IgA-producing cells was noted when compared with B cells cultured without rIL-5.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We investigated the role of B cell Ag presentation in homeostasis of the memory B cell compartment in a mouse model where a conditional allele for the beta-chain of MHC class II (MHC-II) is deleted in the vast majority of all B cells by cd19 promoter-mediated expression of Cre recombinase (IA-B mice). Upon T cell-dependent immunization, a small number of MHC-II(+) B cells in IA-B mice dramatically expanded and restored normal albeit delayed levels of germinal center (GC) B cells with an affinity-enhancing somatic mutation to Ag. IA-B mice also established normal levels of MHC-II(+) memory B cells, which, however, subsequently lost MHC-II expression by ongoing deletion of the conditional iab allele without significant loss in their number. Furthermore, in vivo Ag restimulation of MHC-II(-) memory B cells of IA-B mice failed to cause differentiation into plasma cells (PCs), even in the presence of Ag-specific CD4(+) T cells. In addition, both numbers and Ag-specific affinity of long-lived PCs during the late post-GC phase, as well as post-GC serum affinity maturation, were significantly reduced in IA-B mice. These results support a notion that MHC-II-dependent T cell help during post-GC phase is not absolutely required for the maintenance of memory B cell frequency but is important for their differentiation into PCs and for the establishment of the long-lived PC compartment.  相似文献   

The secondary immune response is one of the most important features of immune systems. During the secondary immune response, the immune system can eliminate the antigen, which has been encountered by the individual during the primary invasion, more rapidly and efficiently. Both T and B memory cells contribute to the secondary response. In this paper, we only concentrate on the functions of memory B cells. We explore a model describing the memory contributed by the specific long-lived clone which is maintained by continued stimulation with a small amount of antigens sequestered on the surfaces of the follicular dendritic cells (FDC). The behavior of the secondary response provided by the model can be compared with experimental observations. The model shows that memory B cells indeed play an important role in the secondary response. It is found that a single memory cell in a long-lived clone may not be long-lived. In the present note, the influences of relevant parameters on the secondary response are also explored.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to quantify the response of Peyer's patch B cells, surface IgA-bearing (sIgA) B cells, and surface IgM-bearing (sIgM) B cells to Giardia muris infection. Following infection of a cohort of immunocompetent BALB/c mice with G. muris cysts, Peyer's patch cell suspensions were prepared at serial time points during the infection, incubated with fluorescein-conjugated monoclonal antibodies directed against murine leukocytes, B cells, sIgA B cells, sIgM B cells, or T cells, and analyzed by flow cytometry. Of total Peyer's patch leukocytes, the percentages of B cells, sIgA B cells, and sIgM B cells in uninfected BALB/c mice were 64.7 +/- 2.0% (mean +/- SEM), 30.3 +/- 1.5%, and 52.5 +/- 2.4%, respectively. The total number of Peyer's patch leukocytes increased significantly (1.8 X) during G. muris infection, and returned to control levels as the infection was cleared. The percentages of Peyer's patch T and total B cells did not change significantly during Giardia infection. However, sequential changes were observed in the percentages and numbers of sIgM and sIgA B cells during the infection. Peyer's patch sIgM B cells rapidly increased in percentage and number, reaching maximum levels 1 week after cyst inoculation. After remaining constant the first week, the number of Peyer's patch sIgA B cells increased during the second week of G. muris infection, reaching a maximum level 11-14 days after cyst inoculation. The data support the hypothesis that immunoglobulin isotype switching in Peyer's patches is induced by antigen exposure.  相似文献   

Antigen-activated peripheral blood B cells were induced by parenteral immunization of healthy individuals with a polyvalent pneumococcal vaccine, or diphtheria toxoid. Seven to nine days after immunization, high frequencies of antigen-specific antibody-secreting cells, representing in vivo activated lymphoblastoid B cells, were detectable in peripheral blood or spleen. The B cell-enriched fractions were stimulated for 7 days with different concentrations of rhIL-6. Both the frequency of antibody-secreting cells and the secreted amount of antibody to the immunizing antigen were increased by rhIL-6 in a dose-dependent fashion. Stimulation with rhIL-6 did not alter the isotype distribution of antibody-secreting cells. A polyclonal anti-IL-6 serum completely abrogated the stimulatory effect of rhIL-6 on the in vitro antibody secretion. Fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis revealed that 25-29% of cells in the large B cell fraction which presumably contained the in vivo activated cells bore the IL-6 receptor. Thus, rhIL-6 enhances the terminal differentiation of in vivo activated B cells into antibody-secreting plasma cells.  相似文献   

B cell-activating factor belonging to the TNF family (BAFF) plays a critical role in B cell maturation, yet its precise role in B cell differentiation into Ig-secreting cells (ISCs) remains unclear. In this study, we find that upon isolation human naive and memory B (MB) cells have prebound BAFF on their surface, whereas germinal center (GC) B cells lack detectable levels of prebound BAFF. We attribute their lack of prebound BAFF to cell activation, because we demonstrate that stimulation of naive and MB cells results in the loss of prebound BAFF. Furthermore, the absence of prebound BAFF on GC B cells is not related to a lack of BAFF-binding receptors or an inability to bind exogenous BAFF. Instead, our data suggest that accessibility to soluble BAFF is limited within GCs, perhaps to prevent skewing of the conventional B cell differentiation program. In support of this concept, whereas BAFF significantly enhances ISC differentiation in response to T cell-dependent activation, we report for the first time the ability of BAFF to considerably attenuate ISC differentiation of MB cells in response to CpG stimulation, a form of T cell-independent activation. Our data suggest that BAFF may be providing regulatory signals during specific T cell-independent events, which protect the balance between MB cells and ISCs outside GCs. Taken together, these data define a complex role for BAFF in humoral immune responses and show for the first time that BAFF can also play an inhibitory role in B cell differentiation.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of red pepper (Capsicum annuum Lin.) extracts (capsicum extract) and its main pungent capsaicin on T helper 1 (Th1) and 2 (Th2) cytokine production in cultured murine Peyer's patch (PP) cells in vitro and ex vivo. Direct administration of capsicum extract (1 and 10 mug/ml) and capsaicin (3 and 30 muM) resulted in suppression of interleukin (IL)-2, interferon (IFN)-gamma, IL-4 and IL-5 production. In an ex vivo experiment using PP cells removed from the mice after oral administration of capsicum extract (10 mg/kg/day for 4 consecutive days), IL-2, IFN-gamma and IL-5 increased in response to concanavalin A (Con A). Oral administration of 3 mg/kg/day capsaicin, one active constituent of the extract, also enhanced IL-2, INF-gamma and IL-4 production in response to Con A stimulation but did not influence the production of IL-5. Orally administered capsazepine (3 mg/kg/day), a selective transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) antagonist, slightly enhanced IL-2 production also irrespective of Con A stimulation. The capsaicin-induced enhancement of both IL-2 and IFN-gamma production was not reduced by oral administration of capsazepine (3 mg/kg/day), suggesting a TRPV1 receptor-independent mechanism. Flow cytometric analysis revealed that the population of CD3(+) cells in the PP cells was significantly reduced while CD19(+) cells increased after oral administration of capsicum extract (1 and 10 mg/kg/day) and capsaicin (0.3 and 3 mg/kg/day). Capsazepine (3 mg/kg/day) weakly but significantly reversed these effects. Orally administered capsicum extract and capsaicin did not change the T cell subset (CD4(+) and CD8(+)), Th1 (IFN-gamma(+)) and T2 (IL-4(+)) ratio. These findings indicate that capsicum extract and capsaicin modulate T cell-immune responses, and their immunomodulatory effects on murine PP cells are partly due to both TRPV1-dependent and -independent pathway.  相似文献   

Caspase (Casp) family proteases regulate not only lymphocyte apoptosis but also lymphocyte activation and development. In this study, we show that Casp6 regulates B cell activation and differentiation into plasma cells by modifying cell cycle entry. B cells from Casp6 knockout (Casp6 KO) mice examined ex vivo have more cells in G(1) than wild-type B cells, and mitogen-induced G(1) entry of Casp6 KO B cells is much faster than that of wild-type B cells. Even so, S phase entry and proliferation are not increased in Casp6 KO B cells. Rather than proliferating, activated Casp6 KO B cells preferentially differentiate into syndecan-1(+) plasma cells and produce Abs. In Casp6 KO mice compared with WT mice, serum levels of IgG1, IgG2a, and IgG2b are increased and Ag-specific Ab responses are also enhanced along with increased percentages of syndecan-1(+) plasma cells. Casp6 may regulate both B cell activation and differentiation by modifying requirements for G(0) B cells to enter G(1).  相似文献   

Primary C3 deficiency, a rare autosomal inherited disease (OMIM 120700), was identified in a 2-year-old male suffering from recurrent pyogenic infections from early infancy with undetectable total complement hemolytic activity (CH50) and C3 values. The nonconsanguineous parents and the two patients' two siblings had 50% normal serum C3 concentration. The molecular abnormality associated a paternal allele coding C3 with the missense mutation p.Ser(550)Pro and an apparently null maternal allele, with production of a defective protein that could no longer be secreted. Vaccination of the child did not induce a long-term Ab response. Accordingly, switched memory IgD(-)CD27(+) B cells were barely detected, amounting to only 2.3% of peripheral blood CD19(+) cells. Cells were significantly defective in stimulating alloreactive responses. The in vitro development of immature dendritic cells and their maturation capacity were greatly impaired, with decreased CD1a expression and IL-12p70 secretion ability. These cells were unable to induce autologous B cell proliferation and Ig secretion in the presence of CD40L and C3. Finally, the regulatory T cell development ability of CD4(+) T cells after CD3 and CD46 activation in the presence of IL-2 was significantly impaired. Thus, the association of important functional defects of dendritic cells, acquisition of B cell memory, and regulatory T cells with human C3 deficiency strongly supports a major role for C3 in bridging innate and adaptive immunity in humans.  相似文献   

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