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Lysed guard-cell protoplasts of Vicia faba L. exhibited hydrolytic activity characteristic of tonoplast inorganic pyrophosphatase (V-PPase; EC Activity was inhibited by the specific V-PPase inhibitor aminomethylenediphosphonate, stimulated by K+ (K m = 51 mM) and inhibited by Ca2+ (80 nM free Ca2+ was required for 50% inhibition at 0.27 mM free Mg2+). Patch-clamp measurements of electrogenic activity confirmed enzyme localisation at the tonoplast. This is the first report of V-PPase activity in guard cells; its possible involvement in stomatal opening is discussed. Received: 12 February 1998 / Accepted: 24 April 1998  相似文献   

Göran Key  Elmar W. Weiler 《Planta》1988,176(4):472-481
Monoclonal antibodies were raised against the plasma membrane of Vicia faba L. guard cells by immunizing either with total membranes from purified guard-cell protoplasts or with sealed, predominantly right-side-out plasma-membrane vesicles prepared from abaxial epidermes of V. faba by aqueous two-phase partitioning. Hybridoma screening was performed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using polystyrene-adsorbed plasma-membrane vesicles as solid phase and by indirect immunofluorescence analysis using unfixed, immobilized protoplasts in a microvolume Terasaki assay. A range of monoclonal antibodies was characterized and is reported here. One monoclonal antibody, G26-6-B2, is guard-cell-specific and does not react with mesophyll-cell protoplasts of the same species. It binds to a periodate-resistant but trypsin-labile epitope, probably a differentiation-specific plasma-membrane protein.Abbreviations ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - GCP guard cell protoplast(s) - Ig immunoglobulin - MAB monoclonal antibody - MCP mesophyll-cell protoplast(s) - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

Despite the availability of many mutants for signal transduction, Arabidopsis thaliana guard cells have so far not been used in electrophysiological research. Problems with the isolation of epidermal strips and the small size of A. thaliana guard cells were often prohibiting. In the present study these difficulties were overcome and guard cells were impaled with double-barreled microelectrodes. Membrane-potential recordings were often stable for over half an hour and voltage-clamp measurements could be conducted. The guard cells were found to exhibit two states. The majority of the guard cells had depolarized membrane potentials, which were largely dependent on external K+ concentrations. Other cells displayed spontaneous transitions to a more hyperpolarized state, at which the free-running membrane potential (Em) was not sensitive to the external K+ concentration. Two outward-rectifying conductances were identified in cells in the depolarized state. A slow outward-rectifying channel (s-ORC) had properties resembling the K+-selective ORC of Vicia faba guard cells (Blatt, 1988, J Membr Biol 102: 235–246). The activation and inactivation times and the activation potential, all depended on the reversal potential (Erev) of the s-ORC conductance. The s-ORC was blocked by Ba2+ (K1/2 = 0.3–1.3mM) and verapamil (K1/2 = 15–20 μM). A second rapid outward-rectifying conductance (r-ORC) activated instantaneously upon stepping the voltage to positive values and was stimulated by Ba2+. Inward-rectifying channels (IRC) were only observed in cells in the hyperpolarized state. The activation time and activation potential of this channel were not sensitive to the external K+ concentration. The slow activation of the IRC (t1/2 ≈ 0.5 s) and its negative activation potential (Vthreshold = −155 mV) resemble the values found for the KAT1 channel expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Bertl et al., 1995, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 92: 2701–2705). The results indicate that A. thaliana guard cells provide an excellent system for the study of signal transduction processes. Received: 28 March 1996 / Accepted: 11 November 1996  相似文献   

We describe and compare inward and outward whole-cell K+ currents across the plasma membrane surrounding guard-cell protoplasts from the dicotyledon, Vicia faba, and the graminaceous monocotyledon, Zea mays. Macrosopic whole-cell current is considered in terms of microscopic single-channel activity, which involves discrete steps between conducting (open) and nonconducting (closed) states of the channel protein. Kinetic equations are used to model the number of open and closed states for channels conducting K+ influx (K(in)) and K+ efflux (K(out)) in the two species, and to calculate the rate at which open-closed transitions occur. The opening and closure of K(in) channels in both Vicia and Zea follow single-exponential timecourses, indicating that K(in)-channel proteins in each species simply fluctuate between one open and one closed state. In both species, opening of K(in) channels is voltage-independent, but closure of K(in) channels is faster at more positive membrane potentials. In response to identical voltage stimuli, K(in) channels in Zea open and close approximately three times as fast as in Vicia. In contrast to K(in), K(out) channels in Zea open and close more slowly than in Vicia. The closure of K(out) channels follows a single-exponential timecourse in each species, indicating one open state. The kinetics of K(out)-channel opening are more complicated and indicate the presence of at least two (Vicia) or three (Zea) closed states. The authors thank Professor N.A. Walker and Dr. D.R. Laver for the use of laboratory equipment, for helpful discussion and for provision of the program, GETHH. Thanks also to Dr. R.J. Ritchie for assistance with statistical analyses and to Ms. Janet Sherwood for maintenance of Vicia and Zea plants. This work was supported by grants from the National Science Foundation (DCB-89-04041) and the McKnight Foundation (S.M.A) and by a Charles Gilbert Heydon Travelling Fellowship (K.F-G).  相似文献   

Levels of abscisis acid (ABA) were determined in isolated guard cell (GCP) and mesophyll cell (MCP) protoplasts of Vicia faba L. in relation to water stress. Incubation of GCP and MCP in 0.4 M or 0.8 M mannitol resulted in an average increase in the level of free abscisic acid (ABA) in the cells of 34% (GCP) and 38% (MCP) within 15–60 min. It is concluded that guard cell protoplasts form ABA in response to osmotic stress.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - BHT butylated hydroxytoluene - GCP guard cell protoplasts - MCP mesophyll cell protoplasts - MES [2-(N-morpholino)-ethanesulfonic acid] - TLC thin layer chromatography Part 20 in the series, Use of Immunoassay in Plant Science  相似文献   

氧化信号参与了许多生理过程的调控。用膜片钳和激光共聚焦显微镜,采用可以产生O2^ 的甲基紫精处理蚕豆(Vicia faba L)保卫细胞,测定了O2^ 对气孔运动调节过程中胞质Ca^2 离子浓度和细胞质膜K^ 通道活性的变化,结果表明甲基紫精可以促进气孔的关闭,乙二醇四乙酸酯(Ethylene glycol bis(2-aminoethyl)tetra-acetic acid,EGTA)、抗坏血酸(Ascorbic acid,AsA)和过氧化物酶(Catalase,CAT)可以消除小于10^-5mol/L甲基紫精对气孔运动的影响;10^-2和10^-5mol/L的甲基紫精可使保卫细胞胞质Ca^2 浓度有不同程度提高,并伴随有钙震荡。蚕豆气孔保卫细胞质膜内向K^ 通道可被咆外甲基紫精抑制,而这种抑制和[Ca^2 ]cyt有关。推测甲基紫精产生的O2^-对蚕豆气孔运动的调节,主要是通过O2^ 诱导的胞内游离Ca^2 浓度的升高,从而抑制了通过保卫细胞质膜K^ 内向电流。  相似文献   

The plasma-membrane H+-pump in guard cells generates the driving force for the rapid ion fluxes required for stomatal opening. Since our electrophysio-logical studies revealed a two fold higher pump-current density in guard cells than in mesophyll cells of Vicia faba L. we elucidated the biochemical properties of this proton-translocating ATPase in plasma-membrane vesicles isolated from both cell types. The capability of the H+ —ATPase to create an H+ gradient is maintained in plasma-membrane vesicles derived from purified guard cells via blender maceration, high-pressure homogenization and polymer separation. The H+-pumping activity of these vesicles coincides with the presence of two polypeptides of approx. 100 and 92 kDa which are recognized by a monoclonal antibody raised against the plasma-membrane H+-ATPase from Zea mays L. coleoptiles. Comparison of H+-pumping activities of isolated membranes revealed an approximately two fold higher activity in guard cells than in mesophyll cells with respect to the total membrane protein content. Furthermore, we demonstrated by western blotting that the difference in pump activities resulted from a higher abundance of the electroenzyme per unit membrane protein in guard-cell plasma membranes. We suggest that the high H+-pump capacity is necessary to enable guard cells to respond to sudden changes in the environment by a change in stomatal aperture.  相似文献   

A quantitative analysis of the time- and voltage-dependent kinetics of the guard cell anion channel (GCAC1) current in guard cell protoplasts from Vicia faba was analyzed using the whole-cell patch clamp technique. The voltage-dependent steady-state activation of GCAC1 current followed a Boltzmann distribution. For the corresponding steady-state value of the activation variable a power of two was derived which yielded suitable fits of the time course of voltage-dependent current activation. The GCAC1 mediated chloride current could successfully be described in terms of the Hodgkin-Huxley equations commonly evoked for the Na channel in nerve. After step depolarizations from a potential in the range of the resting potential to potentials above the equilibrium potential for chloride an activation and also an inactivation could be described. The gating of both processes exhibited an inverse relationship on the polarity of the applied step potentials in the order of milliseconds. Deactivating tail currents decline exponentially. The presented analysis contributes to the understanding of the rising phase of the observed action potentials in guard cells of V. faba. Evidence is presented that the voltage-dependent kinetic properties of the GCAC1 current are different from those properties described for the excitable anion currents in the plasmalemma of Chara corallina (Beilby & Coster, 1979a).The authors gratefully acknowledge the encouragement of Dr. David Colquhoun to apply the Hodgkin-Huxley model to the GCAC1 channel. The work was in part supported by a grant of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to R.H. and a grant of the Herman and Lilly Schilling Stiftung to H.-A.K.  相似文献   

Gabi Lohse  Rainer Hedrich 《Planta》1992,188(2):206-214
Stomatal movement is controlled by external and internal signals such as light, phytohormones or cytoplasmic Ca2+. Using Vicia faba L., we have studied the dose-dependent effect of auxins on the modulation of stomatal opening, mediated through the activity of the plasma-membrane H+-ATPase. The patch-clamp technique was used to elucidate the electrical properties of the H+-ATPase as effected by growth regulators and seasonal changes. The solute composition of cytoplasmic and extracellular media was selected to record pump currents directly with high resolution. Proton currents through the ATPase were characterized by a voltage-dependent increase in amplitude, positive to the resting potential, reaching a plateau at more depolarized values. Upon changes in extracellular pH, the resting potential of the cell shifted with a non-Nernst potential response (±21 mV), indicating the contribution of a depolarizing ionic conductance other than protons to the permeability of the plasma membrane. The use of selective inhibitors enabled us to identify the currents superimposing the H+-pump as carried by Ca2+. Auxinstimulation of this electroenzyme resulted in a rise in the outwardly directed H+ current and membrane hyperpolarization, indicating that modulation of the ATPase by the hormone may precede salt accumulation as well as volume and turgor increase. Annual cycles in pump activity (1.5–3.8 μA · cm-2) were expressed by a minimum in pump current during January and February. Resting potentials of up to -260 mV and plasmamembrane surface area, on the other hand, did not exhibit seasonal changes. The pump activity per unit surface area was approximately 2- to 3-fold higher in guard cells than in mesophyll cells and thus correlates with their physiological demands.  相似文献   

Summary Application of patch clamp techniques to higher-plant cells has been subject to the limitation that the requisite contact of the patch electrode with the cell membrane necessitates prior enzymatic removal of the plant cell wall. Because the wall is an integral component of plant cells, and because cell-wall-degrading enzymes can disrupt membrane properties, such enzymatic treatments may alter ion channel behavior. We compared ion channel activity in enzymatically isolated protoplasts ofVicia faba guard cells with that found in membranes exposed by a laser microsurgical technique in which only a tiny portion of the cell wall is removed while the rest of the cell remains intact within its tissue environment. “Laserassisted” patch clamping reveals a new category of high-conductance (130 to 361 pS) ion channels not previously reported in patch clamp studies on plant plasma membranes. These data indicate that ion channels are present in plant membranes that are not detected by conventional patch clamp techniques involving the production of individual plant protoplasts isolated from their tissue environment by enzymatic digestion of the cell wall. Given the large conductances of the channels revealed by laser-assisted patch clamping, we hypothesize that these channels play a significant role in the regulation of ion content and electrical signalling in guard cells.  相似文献   

Summary The whole-cell patch-clamp method has been used to measure Ca2+ influx through otherwise K+-selective channels in the plasma membrane surrounding protoplasts from guard cells of Vicia faba. These channels are activated by membrane hyperpolarization. The resulting K+ influx contributes to the increase in guard cell turgor which causes stomatal opening during the regulation of leaf-air gas exchange. We find that after opening the K+ channels by hyperpolarization, depolarization of the membrane results in tail current at voltages where there is no electrochemical force to drive K+ inward through the channels. Tail current remains when the reversal potential for permeant ions other than Ca2+ is more negative than or equal to the K+ equilibrium potential (–47 mV), indicating that the current is due to Ca2+ influx through the K+ channels prior to their closure. Decreasing internal [Ca2+] (Ca i ) from 200 to 2 nm or increasing the external [Ca2+] (Ca o ) from 1 to 10 mm increases the amplitude of tail current and shifts the observed reversal potential to more positive values. Such increases in the electrochemical force driving Ca2+ influx also decrease the amplitude of time-activated current, indicating that Ca2+ permeation is slower than K+ permeation, and so causes a partial block. Increasing Ca o also (i) causes a positive shift in the voltage dependence of current, presumably by decreasing the membrane surface potential, and (ii) results in a U-shaped current-voltage relationship with peak inward current ca. –160 mV, indicating that the Ca2– block is voltage dependent and suggesting that the cation binding site is within the electric field of the membrane. K+ channels in Zea mays guard cells also appear to have a Ca i -, and Ca o -dependent ability to mediate Ca2+ influx. We suggest that the inwardly rectiying K+ channels are part of a regulatory mechanism for Ca i . Changes in Ca o and (associated) changes in Ca i regulate a variety of intracellular processes and ion fluxes, including the K+ and anion fluxes associated with stomatal aperture change.This work was supported by grants to S.M.A. from NSF (DCB-8904041) and from the McKnight Foundation. K.F.-G. is a Charles Gilbert Heydon Travelling Fellow. The authors thank Dr. R. MacKinnon (Harvard Medical School) and two anonymous reviewers for helpful comments.  相似文献   

Romano LA  Jacob T  Gilroy S  Assmann SM 《Planta》2000,211(2):209-217
 The inward K+ channels (IKin) of guard cells are inhibited upon application of abscisic acid (ABA). It has been postulated that IKin inhibition requires an elevation in cytosolic free Ca2+ levels ([Ca2+]c) because: (i) experimental increases in [Ca2+] c can mimic the ABA effect, and; (ii) ABA can trigger an elevation of [Ca2+]c in guard cells. However, not all guard cells respond to ABA with a [Ca2+]c increase, and the magnitude of the increases that do occur is variable. Therefore, an obligate role for Ca2+ in the regulation of downstream effectors of ABA response, such as the IKin channels, remains in question. In this study, we developed a methodology for simultaneous patch clamping and confocal ratiometric Ca2+ imaging of Vicia faba L. guard-cell protoplasts. This allowed us to directly assess the relationship between ABA-induced changes in [Ca2+]c and IKin inhibition. In the presence of extracellular Ca2+, the extent of [Ca2+]c elevation correlated with the extent of IKin inhibition. However, upon chelation of either extracellular Ca2+, [Ca2+]c, or both, extracellular Ca2+ and [Ca2+]c, [Ca2+]c elevation did not occur in response to ABA yet IKin currents were still strongly inhibited. These data illustrate that Ca2+-independent regulation is involved in ABA-inhibition of stomatal opening processes. Received: 17 September 1999 / Accepted: 26 October 1999  相似文献   

Conclusion Exciting innovations in the methodologies available for the study of ionic channels (notably in animal cells) have allowed hitherto impossible advances in the comprehension of both structure and function. In using channels like the Na channel and the AChR as examples of these strategies, we have tried to give a concise but up to date account of the current possibilities (in particular, the patch-clamp) for research in membrane physiology. That few of these techniques have been applied to plant cell membranes simply indicates the scope for advancement in the understanding of some problems fundamental to plant physiology. The mechanisms of transport involved in processes known to be important for the life of plant cells (e.g., regulation of cytoplasmic and vacuolar potential differences and pH, maintenance of vacuolar turgor pressure, accumulation of metabolites and their counterions, response to environmental stimuli) are relatively speaking, poorly characterized. In that ion fluxes through plasmalemma and tonoplast membranes are at least in part likely to be via ionic channels for all of these processes, an important step forward would be the application of patch-clamp techniques for the direct demonstration of a channel mechanism and the subsequent elucidation of their role.  相似文献   

M J Dunne 《FEBS letters》1989,250(2):262-266
The patch-clamp open-cell recording configuration has been used to investigate the effects of non-hydrolyzable analogues of ATP on the diazoxide-activation of KATP channels in the insulin-secreting cell line RINm5F. K+ channels inhibited by 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 mM ATP were consistently activated by 200 μM diazoxide. During sustained activation of channels, exchange of ATP for either AMP-PNP, AMP-PCP or ATPγS abolished the effects of diazoxide. If diazoxide was added to the membrane in the continued presence of AMP-PNP, AMP-PCP or ATPγS either no effects were observed or alternatively a small transient activation of channels occurred. This study suggests that protein phosphorylation is necessary for diazoxide to activate ATP-sensitive potassium channels in insulin-secreting cells.  相似文献   

Liu M  Gong B  Qi Z 《Cell biology international》2008,32(12):1514-1520
The Kv2.1 potassium channel is a principal component of the delayed rectifier I(K) current in the pyramidal neurons of cortex and hippocampus. We used whole-cell patch-clamp recording techniques to systemically compare the electrophysiological properties between the native neuronal I(K) current of cultured rat hippocampal neurons and the cloned Kv2.1 channel currents in the CHO cells. The slope factors for the activation curves of both currents obtained at different prepulse holding potentials and holding times were similar, suggesting similar voltage-dependent gating. However, the half-maximal activation voltage for I(K) was approximately 20 mV more negative than the Kv2.1 channel in CHO cells at a given prepulse condition, indicating that the neuronal I(K) current had a lower threshold for activation than that of the Kv2.1 channel. In addition, the neuronal I(K) showed a stronger holding membrane potential and holding time-dependence than Kv2.1. The Kv2.1 channel gave a U-shaped inactivation, while the I(K) current did not. The I(K) current also had much stronger voltage-dependent inactivation than Kv2.1. These results imply that the neuronal factors could make Kv2.1 channels easier to activate. The information obtained from these comparative studies help elucidate the mechanism of molecular regulation of the native neuronal I(K) current in neurons.  相似文献   

There is evidence for a role of increased cytoplasmic Ca2+ in the stomatal closure induced by abscisic acid (ABA), but two points of controversy remain the subject of vigorous debate—the universality of Ca2+ as a component of the signaling chain, and the source of the increased Ca2+, whether influx across the plasmalemma, or release from internal stores. We have addressed these questions by patch-clamp studies on guard cell protoplasts of Vicia faba, assessing the effects of ABA in the presence and absence of external Ca2+, and of internal Ca2+ buffers to control levels of cytoplasmic Ca2+. We show that ABA-induced reduction of the K+ inward rectifier can occur in the absence of external Ca2+, but is abolished when Ca2+ buffers are present inside the cell. Thus, some minimum level of cytoplasmic Ca2+ is a necessary component of the signaling chain by which ABA decreases the K+ inward rectifier in stomatal guard cells, thus preventing stomatal opening. Release of Ca2+ from internal stores is capable of mediating the response, in the absence of any Ca2+ influx from the extracellular medium. The work also shows that enhancement of the K+ outward rectifier by ABA is Ca2+ independent, and that other signaling mechanisms must be involved. A role for internal pH, as suggested by H.R. Irving, C.A. Gehring and R.W. Parish (Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 89:1790–1794, 1990) and M.R. Blatt (J. Gen. Physiol. 99:615–644, 1992), is an attractive working hypothesis.  相似文献   

Patch clamp studies show that there may be as many as seven different channel types in the plasma membrane of protoplasts derived from young leaves of the halophytic angiosperm Zostera muelleri. In whole-cell preparations, both outward and inward rectifying currents that activate in a timeand voltage-dependent manner are observed as the membrane is either depolarized or hyperpolarized. Current voltage plots of the tail currents indicate that both currents are carried by K+. The channels responsible for the outward currents have a unit conductance of approximately 70 pS and are five times more permeable to K+ than to Na+. In outside-out patches we have identified a stretch-activated channel with a conductance of 100 pS and a channel that inwardly rectifies with a conductance of 6 pS. The reversal potentials of these channels indicate a significant permeability to K+. In addition, the plasma membrane contains a much larger K+ channel with a conductance of 300 pS. Single channel recordings also indicate the existence of two Cl channels, with conductances of 20 and 80 pS with distinct substates. The membrane potential difference of perfused protoplasts showed rapid action potentials of up to 50 mV from the resting level. The frequency of these action potentials increased as the external osmolarity was decreased. The action potentials disappeared with the addition of Gd3+, an effect that is reversible upon washout.We would like to thank K. Morris and D. McKenzie for technical assistance and the Australian Research Council for financial support.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to investigate the potassium currents and further explore the role of potassium channels in drug response of gastric cancer cells. By patch-clamp technique, potassium currents of human gastric cancer cell SGC7901 were recorded in the mode of voltage clamp. Both 4-aminopyridine (4-AP) and tetraethylammonium (TEA) could almost completely block this current. The chemotherapeutic drugs, adriamycin or 5-fluorouracil could significantly increase the K(+) current density on SGC7901 cells in a dose-dependent manner. 4-AP or TEA was found to restrain adriamycin-induced apoptosis and enhance multidrug-resistant phenotype of SGC7901 cells. Up-regulation of Kv1.5, which has been found widely expressed in gastric cancer cells including SGC7901, increased the K(+) current density and sensitivity of SGC7901 cells to multiple chemotherapeutic drugs, whereas down-regulation of Kv1.5 enhanced the drug-resistant phenotype of SGC7901 cells. In conclusion, potassium channels may exert regulatory effects on multidrug resistance by regulating drug-induced apoptosis in gastric cancer cells.  相似文献   

Two experimental systems were developed to study the uptake of sucrose by the dermal transfer cells of developing cotyledons of Vicia faba L. First, the in-vivo state was approximated by short-term (10 min) incubation of whole cotyledons in [14C]sucrose solutions. Under these conditions, a minimum of 67% of the 14C label entered the dermal transfer cell complex. Of this, at least 40% crossed the plasma membranes of the epidermal transfer cells. Second, a protocol was developed to enzymatically isolate and purify dermal transfer cell protoplasts. The yields of the transfer cell protoplasts were relatively low and their preparation incurred a significant loss of plasma membrane. However, the protoplasts remained viable up to 24 h following purification and proved to be a suitable system to verify transport properties observed with whole cotyledons. Using these two experimental systems, it was established that [14C]sucrose uptake by the dermal transfer cells exhibited features consistent with mediated energy-dependent transport. This included saturation kinetics, competition for uptake between structurally similar molecules, and inhibition of uptake by p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid and several other metabolic inhibitors. For comparative purposes, sugar uptake by the storage parenchyma of the Vicia cotyledons was also examined. In contrast to the dermal transfer cell complex, sucrose uptake by the storage parenchyma displayed characteristics consistent with simple diffusion.Abbreviations CCCP carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone - DNP 2,4-dinitrophenol - NEM N-ethylmaleimide - PCMBS p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonic acid The investigation was supported by funds from the Research Management Committee, the University of Newcastle and the Australian Research Council. One of us, R. McDonald, gratefully acknowledges the support of an Australian Postgraduate Research Award. We are indebted to Stella Savory for preparing the ultrathin sections for electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPCase; EC activity was found to be modulated by light and darkness when measured in the presence of K+, which had been added to induce swelling of guard-cell protoplasts (GCPs) from Vicia faba L., whereas no modulation was detected in the absence of K+ (PEPcase activity remained constant at 1.5±0.15 pmol PEP metabolized · GCP–1 ·h–1; subsequently, pmol GCP–1 ·h–1 will be used). The activity of PEPCase increased by 100% (from 1.5 to 3 pmol·protoplast–1·h–1) in darkness and by 200% (from 1.7 to 5 pmol·protoplast–1· h–1) in light and oscillations in activity of these magnitudes were repeated at intervals of 2 min (dark) and 2.5 min (light) for a period of 10 min during K+-induced increase in the volume of GCPs. The oscillations were reflected in changes in malate-pool sizes determined in plastids, mitochondria and the supernatant fraction (consisting of the cytosol and the vacuole). Malate probably functioned as a mitochondrial substrate, thus supplying ATP for K+ uptake and the swelling of the protoplasts. On the basis of the present paper and previous results (H. Schnabl and B. Michalke 1988, Life Sci. Adv. Plant Physiol. 7, 203–207) involving adenine nucleotidepool sizes in fractionated GCPs, a model is proposed to explain the cause-effect relationship between K+, PEPCase, the cytosolic and mitochondrial malate levels and ATP levels during the K+-induced increase of GCP volume.Abbreviations GCP dtguard-cell protoplast - PEP phosphoenol-pyruvate - PEPCase PEP carboxylase The authors thank Professor Hermann Schnabl, University of Stuttgart (FRG), for his assistance in applying the graph theory analysis. This work was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft to H.S.  相似文献   

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